#i haven’t seen a human that wasn’t my mother besides him in the past hmmm two months and i’ve seen her twice
grievingchild · 2 years
I really am just out here living, and I mean, that’s it
no future no present prospects
nothing in progress
no relationships
just consuming the media, the sleep, petting the cats, breathing the air, making the rent by $20 dollars each month with enough leftover for cat food and if i pause the show for too long i see the crushing weight of capitalism sitting on top of me
living freely isn’t free and i have to make the rent oh but to dream just a little longer
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I don’t know what I’m doing anymore... this was where Kosmo was meant to meet our twins. I think ima chop the tail end off and make it a new chapter with a rewrite after Lance was examined
Lance was getting antsy and Keith couldn’t blame him. Krolia’s arrival seemed to bring some kind of ill will with her. His mother did absolutely nothing wrong, yet her scent was strong enough for Keith to pick up above the scent of everything else in the room. She wasn’t mad, in fact she was a gushing mess over her first two grandsons, her lateness due to stopping off to buy some over priced flowers after getting clearance on Earth. It was more the fact that it was the scent of a Galra, and with Lance’s medication wearing off, his past traumas were poking their unwanted heads up. Every move his mother made set them both on edge. Having been “Galra” far longer than him, and having had a life time to adjust to unwanted scents, she had a certain self control Keith was still learning. He wasn’t jealous over her, not as he’d been with Shiro, no it wasn’t that either. Sitting quietly beside his husband, Lance was also on edge due to waking to their boys crying, without having been informed of Krolia’s arrival. Unable to feed their sons due to the drugs in his system, their boys first feeding came from a bottle. Lance was too weak to hold either of their boys, nor did the nurse allow him to “help”. All his husband could do was sit there next to him as Keith fed Laith. Miriam holding Hunter as he did, Hunter had started crying before his big brother, yet hadn’t been keen on the bottle. Keith felt like a loser of a father when his boy wouldn’t drink, the nurse suggesting they try Laith first so he could get used to his new parental duties. And get used to, he could. His son had a healthy appetite, taking the teat between his soft lips and not holding back. Unlike his brother Laith’s skin was much lighter, almost as milky as Keith’s. His hair was also darker, but his eyes were the same purple as Keith and Hunter’s, “Galaxy Eyes” as Lance called them. More than once his husband had flirted with him, telling him it was so easy to get lost in his eyes. More than once Keith had felt uncomfortable, picked on for his less than human eyes in more homes than one. Meeting his mother, and learning the truth of his heritage should have eased the pain from the years of teasing, yet it was Lance’s sincere words that had finally eased the pain. Lance not even knowing the trauma he was fixing with each soft word, each touch and each kiss. No his sons would carry out their lives with the same purple eyes as him, part of him fearing they’d face segregation as he for being something other than human. The love he felt for his sons was something precious and amazing. He’d loved them before they were born, and to be holding his boy as he took his first drink was again something on a whole other level. He wondered if all parents found the act as incredible as he did, or if he was just a great big softy like Lance liked to remind him he was. Burping Laith, Keith found he didn’t mind the small amount of spit-up on his shoulder, calmly ignoring it until his son had settled and taken into Krolia’s hold. Jorge appeared somewhat awkward holding Korra, but like the boys, her cuteness would melt even the most stubborn of hearts. She was still so tiny, yet so large in comparison to the twins. She was also much more vocal in her wants, Lance leaking through his hospital gown when she’d cried to be fed. With his arms free, he was passed Hunter. Having birthed his son, Keith was fascinated by his every move, not to say that he wasn’t as fascinated by Laith. Both boys would forever have him wrapped around their little fingers, yet it was... different he supposed. He’d watched Hunter being born, seen him and held him in his first moments, delivering him though not sure he could, and there he was now, so perfect, despite being hangry and hating on his bottle. Keith knew how desperately Lance wanted to be the one to feed their boys, he felt Hunter might have been more receptive if it was his daddy doing the feeding rather than the unappealing bottle with its small plastic teat. Maybe it was the first signs that his boy was going to be a fussy eater? Whatever it was, it took Hunter a good ten minutes to begrudgingly accept the bottle, Keith melting with relief when he finally did. His cheeks puffing out as he drank deeply like his big brother had done, eyes tightly scrunched closed as one small formed a fist. Lance was right. He was a softy. His husband had worn away all his sharp edges, his love acting like sand paper to leave him smooth and soft. Not that he’d admit it. Keith had the feeling that caring for Lanc physically was what had brought on the biggest changes in him. Once you’d had your husband throw up on you as often Lance had, especially during withdrawal, it wasn’t as gross as it’d been the first time. Besides, everyone knew Lance could be a great big baby when he wanted to. He may have fooled his team for month, but Keith knew how affection starved Lance had become in the aftermath of everything. He knew because he each night they’d spent apart he’d felt that same hunger to be back in Lance’s arms. Lance probably now hungered to hold his boys, as Keith hungered to hold him. The situation wasn’t fair. Lance had never failed well in hospital, Keith feeling remorse over the nights he’d been forced to spend alone in white sterile rooms without the company or comfort of his husband. When Lance hadn’t wanted him to visit on Erathus, he should have. When Lance was stuck watching over them from their disastrous training mission, he should have been awake and there to by his side. He should have been awake after the explosion, and there when Lance went through surgery. He already knew they wouldn’t let him stay by Lance’s side once he started to improve. He’d be forced to take a room at the Garrison, leaving Lance alone all over again. He’d never loved hospitals, but he’d never hated them the way Lance’s loneliness made him hate them. “You’re good at that” Humming, Keith raised his gaze from Hunter, Krolia was pacing with a bounce in her step as she patted Laith’s butt. Had she done the same with him? “Hmmm?” “With the twins. You‘re good with them” “He is... Much better than I am” Under her breath Miriam sighed softly, Jorge hadn’t seemed to hear, but Krolia had. A firm frown forming on her face at Lance’s sad mumble “Why would you say that? Have you done something wrong?” Krolia could have phrased things better. A normal person would have asked “What was wrong?”, not allowed Lance to feel like there may be some kind of agreement with his less than logical mumblings “Mum...” “He’s just given birth earlier today. He’s not only birthed twins, he’s also been through surgery. He hadn’t done anything wrong that I can see” Ah. Keith felt bad for doubting his mother, yet he also knew that if he didn’t talk to her things may escalate, especially with her scent setting Lance on edge “Can we talk outside for tick? Mami, can you take Hunter for me. We’ll only be a few moments” Lance whined softly as Keith moved Hunter away from him, Miriam quick to take his feed son, then settle him back down where Lance could watch him feed. Only now did it strike Keith that maybe Lance wanted some alone time with his parents “Jorge, will you take Laith. I’ll take Korra, so you can have some family time” “I don’t mind holding her, she reminds me of Veronica as baby. Even then she had quite the temper” Sometimes people say things you don’t expect, Keith didn’t expect such a paternal side from Jorge when it came to holding onto Korra “If you’re sure?” “Talk to your mother” Krolia followed him out to hall, Keith hit by an unexpected feeling of ill ease with Laith being outside of Lance’s room. Holding his hands out, he swallowed loudly, not wanting to pick a fight or make his mother think she’d done something wrong. Taking Laith, he settled him up against his shoulder “You wanted to talk?” His mother sounded defensive, Keith mentally sighing to himself “You haven’t done anything wrong” Raising her eyebrow, Krolia crossed her arms “Then why have you been so...?” Of course she’d noticed. He needed to change tactics with this conversation “How do you deal with scents?” That wasn’t what his mother expected, her raised eyebrow turned into a scrunched ridge “With scent?” “I’m... I can smell you. I’ve been able to smell you since you stepped into the room. This scent thing... I don’t know... How do you... how did you cope after Korra was born? Having so many scents surrounding you, didn’t it... you know... make you... uneasy” Keith cringed at his own butchered words. He didn’t have the right ones, and if he did, he wasn’t sure he’d worded it all correctly “You can smell Galra and it’s setting you on edge?” Keith ducked his head, feeling a little sheepish “Oh my, that explains everything. You’ve been letting out your own stream of scent as warning. I simply thought that was because Lance was in hospital again” Keith nodded quickly, relieved she got it and now didn’t seem mad at him for asking her outside “Lance’s pain meds are wearing down and I can smell him too... He... I’m not in his brain, but I think the last time he suffered that much trauma was when... that arsehole hurt him” “You’re worried he’s only smelling me and not seeing me?” “That to. I mean. He knows you and he knows your scent. And he was happy that you didn’t hate him... but he was off his head earlier from the medication so I can’t tell if he’s reacting to your scent or upset he can’t hold his sons” “It’s both. I forgot how sensitive he was over scents when he first came to Daibazaal, every strange scent overwhelmed him. He’d made such progress, I’d let it slip my mind he could be afraid when in such a state. Maybe I should have delay...” “No! I mean, no. We want you here. I want you here... With us... I just... I never had this scent problem until Allura changed him. I didn’t grow up with it, or if I did I didn’t notice it like I do now. I don’t... I don’t want to make you feel unwanted... you’re my mum... and you’re now a grandmother. And Lance... he wants you here too. He.. he threw a seizure Mami, and it was terrifying. He bled... and I thought...” Krolia ignored him calling her Mami, closing the distance she wrapped her arms around him, careful of Laith as Keith buried his face in the crook of her neck “You’ve been so worried about Lance that you haven’t stopped to breathe, have you?” “It was so scary... there was so much blood and it wouldn’t stop... I watched him... he tore... he... now he can’t even hold them... They won’t let him hold them... What if has another seizure? What if he...” “That’s enough. Lance is strong. He’s incredibly strong... and you’re strong too. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid, but Keith, you have less to be afraid of now. Lance is in hospital. He’s safe. You’re sons are safe, and you are in the best possible position you can be after birth” “He has to have surgery, mum... He might have to have...” “Then you’ll deal with it together” “He shouldn’t have to deal! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. I should have been prepared” “That’s the things about babies, they have no sense of time. They come when they’re ready. You did the best you could under the circumstances. You have two amazing little boys. You need to let yourself relax. You need to let yourself sleep” “I... don’t think I can. Not without him... I don’t want to take my eyes off them” “Keith, honestly. You always take too much on your own shoulders. You and Lance, you’re a partnership. He may need to rely on you more for the time being, but it’d hurt him that you aren’t being realistic and letting yourself rest. I spoke to Shiro, he said you were beside yourself when Lance was brought in. Instead of focusing on your happiness, you’re acting like it’s already been decided things will go wrong. Have faith in your sons and in Lance. Now, this scent thing. I’ve grown up with it my whole life, I can’t save I have any tips for handling it. When the scents are too much, how do you usually cope with it?” “I make him smell like me... Um... rubbing my wrist against his neck or giving him my jacket?” “And if you can’t?” “We... uh... I don’t know?” Krolia groaned at him, releasing her hug, she took him by the chin “You’re my son and I love you. You’re an idiot, but I love you for it. Now, I’m going to find someone around here who can get me a bed for you, and you’re going to hug your husband and make sure that he knows no one is going to hurt him like that ever again” “Mum, you know PTS doesn’t work like that” “I know, and this is why you’re an idiot. No one said you had to use words to reassure him. Scent him with your wrist, sit on the edge of the bed and hold him. Lance seems to respond well to physical contact” “I’m not allowed on the bed” “I won’t tell if you don’t. Hold him until he falls asleep. He’s going to be sore for quite some time. Is there any reason he can’t be placed into a pod?” Keith shook his head, hiking Laith up slightly as he did “I don’t know... When he had his bleed it scarred the tissue, that’s why he had to have that operation. If he doesn’t heal... he might...” A blush formed on his face, he didn’t want to say Lance might never be able to use the toilet properly again because he didn’t know. He didn’t know anything of how long it would take to heal Lance. It wasn’t like when he was getting high, where his wounds would heal over night. No. Going down that chain of thought led too close to temptation. Lance worked hard not to fall back into the temptation of his previous habits “He’ll get the best possible medical care that the universe can offer. We’ll ensure that. Will you be able to cope with Korra until I return? I don’t intend to be long” “Jorge seemed happy to hold her” “He is a good man from what I can tell. He’s very fond of you, that’s certainly in his favour” “Can you imagine him and Kolivan in a room together? I thought he might come with you...” Not that Keith didn’t understand that he probably couldn’t due to his commitments... He just kind of felt like if he was going to be his stepdad then maybe he’d want to come... Unless now he Korra and didn’t need Keith around to ruin his new family “He’s dealing with a pocket of resistance that cropped up during your convalescence. He sends his congratulations. The flowers are from the three of us” “A pocket of resistance?” “Nothing you need to bother with. You were where you needed to be. Go back inside, hug your husband and tell him you love him. Remember, Keith, just because Lance gave birth, that doesn’t mean his hormones or emotions will simply snap back to being as they were before. He needs you now as much as ever” His mother had told him to let himself rest, yet now she was telling him that Lance needed him. He wasn’t sure what the right answer was now. She was right. Lance was in a safe place physically, but that didn’t mean mentally... He’d have to play it by Lance’s needs. * Waking in a dozy haze, Lance wince as he went to move. His arse was throbbing mercilessly, his tongue felt heavy, his teeth furry, skin sticky, and by all things holy his arse was sore as quiznak. Beside him something was far too warm as it snored. His body titled on the thin mattress towards the weight. Groaning, he gave up trying to relieve the pressure on his back as cool palm was placed against his forehead “Try not to move, Mijo. Are you in pain?” Nodding, Lance then blinked trying to wake himself up. His stomach felt as if he’d eaten a swarm of firearms and they were not trying to crawl out of any available exit below his waist “Mami?” His Mami hushed him, her hand felt wonderful. He’d missed her so quiznakking much. With how settled in she seemed, he must have been sleeping for a while as he couldn’t actually remember her arriving, yet had the feeling this wasn’t the first time he’d spoken to her since giving birth “I’m here, sweetheart” “Hurts... Mami, it hurts” “I know, Mijo. You’re going to be feeling sore for some time” “I want to move...” Trying to push himself up again, his hand landed on the heavy beside him. The feeling of fabric beneath his hands led him to finally glance up. Keith sleeping with his arm over his shoulders and head tilted on an angle that couldn’t be comfortable “He fell asleep holding you. He hasn’t left your side. The nurses weren’t too pleased that he was sitting on the bed, but the poor boy hadn’t slept since you were brought in” He couldn’t ask Keith to move. He couldn’t do that to his husband. Keith had been so amazing every step of the way, after the arsehole had woken from his fainting spell... but at the same time, the dent in the mattress hurt... “I want to move... it hurts... wait... where are...” His heart rate picked up as he realised he couldn’t see his boys. Hushing him, she pointed to the other side of the room. Everything in the space was a tight fit, but in the corner, much too far away for his liking were two plastic cribs, and a very small bed “They’re sleeping, Mijo. They’re here, we had to make space for a second bed. Krolia can be quite forceful and it was clear Keith wouldn’t rest if he wasn’t near you. They took them down to give them a quick examination while you were both sleeping, your papi and I have been here. They’ve only just brought them back up. They thought you might wake soon” “Are they ok? I wanna hold them...” “Both beautiful and healthy. Laith’s a little bit bigger than his little brother, 52cms long, 6pound 9 ounces. Very healthy and big for his age. Hunter’s 49.5 centimetres, 6 pounds 7 ounces. Born the morning of November 13th, Earth time. They’re both beautiful. Both have Keith’s dark hair and purple eyes. He doesn’t seem to agree, but we all know their features won’t settle for another 6 months. Laith’s a little darker than Hunter, that’s my opinion, he’s beautiful Lance. They’re both beautiful. You did such a good job my darling” It was fine to do a good job, but right now he wanted to lay on his side and take the pressure off his back while he snuggled both his boys. The pain was making feel physically ill, he was sure he felt feverish as it was. He didn’t want drugs but his body did, anything to take the pain away “Does it always hurt this much?” “Well... not everyone has a birth like yours. Coran has popped by while you were sleeping, they’re exploring your options so you won’t have to go through multiple surgeries. I’ve pressed the call button, a nurse should be here soon” His Mami was using too many words now. Everything was starting to become too overwhelming “I don’t want to wake keith...” For Keith to fall asleep like this, his love must have been exhausted “Keith will understand. Keith, sweetheart. You need to wake up for me” Lance craned his neck to watch Keith wake as his Mami shook his shoulder. Sleepy purple eyes slowly blinking before he swore softly. Smacking his leg, Mami wasn’t mad. She didn’t even threaten him with the pink slipper “Keith, love. I’m sorry, Lance is in pain” “Quiznak! Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Babe, how bad is it?” “Like fifteen out of ten”, was what Lance wanted to say. It’d been a long time since he was this tender down there. The sensation left him feeling ghost weight across his thighs, but he didn’t want to bring things down. He didn’t want to remember why things had hurt so badly “Not great...” “Ok, Mami, did you call a nurse?” “Yes, I pressed the call button when he first said he was pain” Keith kissed his hair before slowly inching his way off the bed. Lance’s arse grateful not be on the uneven patch of mattress anymore. Standing, his husband stretched, before he slipped between him and Mami “How long was I asleep?” “Six hours. I didn’t want to wake you when you needed the rest” “Six... Dios...” Mami raised both eyebrows at Keith, Lance feeling a tad guilty that his home language was slipping into Keith’s vocabulary when out of all the words Keith could have said, he’d gone with “Dios” “How long have you been awake?” Lance opened his mouth, then winced when he found himself actually able to move, his lower half had zero appreciation for his efforts. Mami answering for him as she took his hand in hers, preventing him from rolling on his as he’d wanted “Not long. You passed out not long before Krolia left. She had a few things to do on base. Shiro mentioned Kosmo needed picking up. Jorge is with Shiro, he’s not great at this waiting thing. Curtis offered him a lift back home later tonight, he wanted to make sure Lance was stable before he left” Keith rubbed his eyes, nodding as he yawned. Lance wanted him back by his side, despite the pain that it’d cause. He wanted real cuddles with his husband because he was feeling absolutely miserable “The boys?” “Perfect angles” Padding softly over to the cribs, Keith smiled as he placed his hands on the plastic sides “Hello my babies... Lance, do you want to try having a hold?” “Yes!” He wanted his babies. He wanted snuggles and to curl around them. He wanted to relieve the weight in his breasts, and try feeding his beautiful boys. He wanted to see them. He knew he’d seen them but that wasn’t enough. He wanted his baby boys up where he could watch them, where he could keep them safe “Mijo, maybe we should wait until the nurse checks you?” “I wanna hold them” “I know, sweetheart. But you are very very weak right now. You can’t push yourself” “I wanna hold my boys” Shit. The tears in his eyes were unexpected, not an attempt at sympathy or manipulation. Why couldn’t he hold them? Didn’t he deserve to? He might be weak, but he loved them. He wasn’t going to hurt them... Did his Mami think he’d scare his children as he’d done with Nadia and Sylvio? He’d fucked up then, but he’d never... he’d never wanted to hurt them. He’d never wanted to hurt anyone. Did his Mami hate him for all the people he’d killed? “Babe, hey. Hey, no tears. Laith’s right here” Sniffling loudly, he’d missed Keith picking up their baby boy and cradling Laith... Laith meant lion. He wanted his son to be brave and fierce “My little lion cub” Keith nodded, he didn’t seem mad at him “Yeah baby, our little lion cub. Can you move your arms for me? I’ll rest him on your shoulder” “Keith...” His Mami’s voice a low warning “He deserves to be able to hold his own son” “I’m not saying he doesn’t, he’s simply in a lot of pain” Being close to Laith made things more bearable, his son was tangible proof of his struggle and that the pain wasn’t from... wasn’t from something horrible. He was so in love with his sons that he never wanted to let them go. Being separated was breaking his heart, nearly as bad as being made to feel too psychotic to be a father, and a whole other pain that what his lower body was experiencing “Please? I’ll be good” Keith kissed his forehead “You’re already good. You did so good birthing them. You make me so quiznakking proud to be your husband” Lance’s cheeks felt even warmer, he’d blame the fever if anyone teased him for it. Settling Laith on his shoulder, Lance rested his cheek against his son’s head. He was heavy, warm and maybe a touch uncomfortable to hold... and everything else he thought holding his boy would be. His hand rested on his son’s back where Keith had placed it. He was able to feel his son breathing, able to smell traces of himself and Keith on the small boy. That second side of him that always seemed to lead him into embarrassing situations was preening over their son. Instead of those voices that’d been abusing him, his head felt a kind of nice empty as his breathing calmed “He’s so small” “They both are. You look good like that. Relaxed, and content” “My arse is in the red-zone but I can’t find the effort to care when I’m holding him. I think... I held them before, didn’t?” “When they were born. Shiro laid Laith on your chest... Do you remember?” Bits and pieces. The pain wasn’t letting him focus. It was the wrong kind of pain for that, it was the kind of pain that left him afraid and on edge, but Laith anchored him “Yes and no. I remember needing to push. I think... no. No, you delivered Hunter. I don’t remember much though... Where’s Kosmo? He should be here” “We left Kosmo at the cabin. He’s too curious to let roam the Garrison” Kosmo was his fur son. He might be huge, but he was also sensitive. He had to know he was still loved. Lance wanted him to meet his brothers. He’d loved them so much before they’d been born “I want to see him” Keith kissed his hair again, then promptly yawned against his hair. His idiot husband hadn’t been taking care of himself, not that he was in any position to lecture him “Shiro’s going to pick him up later” “Then I can see him?” “Yeah... Will you be ok? I need to use the bathroom” Lance snorted through his nose, making the attempt for Keith’s sake “I’m not going anywhere” “Just making sure” “You need to worry about yourself, mister. I’d flick you in the forehead if you weren’t too far away” Keith grumbled his words back at him “I’ll flick you in the forehead” “You wouldn’t” Keith would have caught his slip of the tongue with the use of the word “Red”. He’d passed “red” and was far into “black”. The Cuban was exhausted from his little show of pretending everything was alright, that he could handle pain when he clearly couldn’t, not when he wanted to be high off his head. They’d come at him with drugs, he knew they would, and if Keith wasn’t there he wasn’t sure he’d be strong enough to say no “No. You’re right. I’ll be back as fast as I can” Keith was coming back from the bathroom as the nurse came sweeping into the room. Carrying a holopad, she seemed less than amused as his Mami lifted Laith off his shoulder. Wiping his hands on his pants, his husband detoured as Hunter began to cry “What seems to be the problem here? Lance is supposed to be resting” Gathering up Hunter, Keith shot him a look, Lance giving him the smallest shake of his head. Instantly he took a dislike to the woman before him. This was why he disliked the Garrison, he wasn’t wanted here. Everyone was only nice to him because he been the ex-Red Paladin. They didn’t see him, nor did they appreciate him, for himself “He woke in quite a bit of pain. Can we move him?” “Ideally we would prefer him not move, nor is he to lift anything heavy at this point in time. Now that you’re awake, we need to perform certain tests, and assess your injury. Your mother and your... Keith may wait outside while we examine you” Yes, Keith was his. Also his husband, they’d paraded that around enough that no one should be hesitant in accepting their relationship. Then again, Krystaal lied and manipulated his arse off to get to Keith... What if this stranger was the same? He wasn’t going to let anyone take Keith from his side “No” “No” Objecting at the same time Lance knew how he could be. Sometimes things went through one ear and out the other, even when he wished it wasn’t so. Sometimes a touch would send him off the deep end. Sometimes he wasn’t to be trusted with his own health. That was why Keith was listed everywhere as having to be present for all his medical procedures and appointments. If his husband couldn’t be there in person, he was to be brief, because Lance knew that was how things needed to be. He was in no mood to be bossed around when he’d danced like a puppet on a string for the stupid Coalition, nor was he in the mood to have his husband tossed from the room. Keith would worry himself to the point of implosion. He always did “The examination will be quite thorough and somewhat private” She had to find him a freak, and that was why she was acting the way she did “I gave birth out of my arse. He was there when I fell pregnant and he was there when his kids came out the same way they went up” Lance’s words felt chewy and claggy, clunky as if his tongue couldn’t quite get around them. Had she approached him with politeness he would have made the effort back, despite the pain and discomfort. He knew how to play nice, but he shouldn’t have to. Embarrassment was what really twisted his words, more so than fear. He knew they must all think him abnormal after giving birth in such a way “Mijo! I’m sorry, he’s in quite a lot of pain” “Evidently. We’ve been told to halt plans on his surgery until his previous scans he consulted. For now we need to check the after birth bleeding and to ensure infection hasn’t begun to set in. Once he’s been assessed we will administer pain relief” Narrowing his eyes, Lance felt as if they thought he was faking it. He’d like to see them give birth out of their arse and look a tenth as good as he did. Carrying their still grizzling Hunter to his side, Keith placed his hand on Lance’s shoulder. His husband being the brave lion guarding their small family “Has his regular physician been contacted, as well as his obstetrician? They’ll both have more updated scans than the ones on New Altea” “I understand that Coran has insisted on over seeing every aspect of Lance’s treatment. Earth medicine has been found to be lacking” Then she wasn’t mad at him personally? She was mad that their job was being hijacked by his crazy Altean Space Uncle. In this case, maybe it’d be better to just let every one at the Garrison poke at him until they gave up because he was something other than human. He wasn’t feeling great as it was. He didn’t want this added stress of being careful. He wanted Daehra’s tough love... or to be on Erathus were he wasn’t treated with any “special” attention “Mami, can you take them out the room... I don’t... I don’t want them be here when they...” Patting his hand, his Mami missed the other implication in his words “Mijo, examinations are natural after birth” “Mami, please” Please don’t make him explain this. Please don’t make him explain that he didn’t know how he’d cope with being touched down there. His big blue eyes stared up at his mother, begging her with everything he had to do this for him “You have nothing to be ashamed of. If Krolia were here, she’d say the exact same thing” But he did. He wanted the drugs and he didn’t want to be touched. He was already pressing his thighs together, heart starting to race. They hadn’t even touched him yet and he was feeling the need to bolt “Mami...” “Mami, I think maybe he’s... I think he might have a point. I’m not trying to kick you out, but he... you know he has episodes” Lance threw up a little in his mouth. Keith hadn’t betrayed him, but he had. He didn’t want to admit his imperfections in front of his boys. They were everything he wasn’t. Perfect, innocent, unaware of the evils in the world. They didn’t know their father was a fruit loop shy of a full box. Heck, he was a whole socket set shy of a full toolbox, as well as a missing hammer and a screwdriver for extra measure “Oh, Mijo... I... Of course, I’ll wait outside then. Right outside the door. No one’s going to hurt you, my sweet boy” He didn’t want his mother’s pity. He didn’t want anyone’s pity. He wanted to feel numb and hold his babies. Not be treated like this. He had to be strong for Keith and their boys, but his stupid brain didn’t always get the memo. He was terrified how he was going to react to being touched down there. To having multiple people looking between his legs and at his bodily functions like he an experiment. News of the birth had probably already hit the media, outlets would be rushing to know how he gave birth and would be explaining how a normal human male couldn’t. The pain in his back was crippling as he tried to draw himself in to as small a shape he could make. Why couldn’t he be goddamn normal? * The moment the blanket had been moved back to examine Lance, he’d panicked. Keith grabbing him by the shoulders to pin him down to the bed as his husband tried to escape. Frayed and guilt ridden, the excitement sent Lance into a seizure and Keith nearly lost his mind as he was pulled away. Lance had had the feeling he wouldn’t be able to cope with things the way they were. Separated, he felt useless, half wishing Lance would lose consciousness to spare him the embarrassment of the coming examination, his husband, however, didn’t. The seizure lasting barely 30 ticks before passing, extremely mild compared to some. It seemed as if Lance’s brain had needed to dump the extra pressure he was putting on himself into some kind of physical form. Finding its release in a seizure that could kindly fuck right off with the rest of Lance’s seizures. He wasn’t completely sure it was seizure if he was honest and not Lance’s body reacting to the pain he was in. A little dazed and a whole lot of tender, Lance whined softly until the medical staff rolled him onto his side and Keith was able to dart forward when an assisting orderly moved enough to left him close. Crouching down left him too low, kneeling working better as he grabbed Lance’s hand, kissing the back of it as he did. Blinking at him, Keith smiled the best he could. Lance’s arse and back were exposed now, his husband’s modesty out the window “Focus on me, baby” Forming words on his lips, Lance’s voice stayed locked inside. His husband was trying to apologise for his current state of fear. Lance didn’t want to feel like this. Keith didn’t want to feel quite as mad towards the nurse as he did. Lance’s hackles has been raised before she’d stepped in. She was trying to do her job, but he’d always and forever be on Lance’s side. He wasn’t even the one suffering, yet he felt overwhelmed. Miriam shouldn’t have set him on edge by saying he couldn’t hold the twins. Keith hadn’t intended to lay their full weight in Lance’s arms, he’d intended to place them on Lance’s shoulder all along. He didn’t know how to dad, he just knew what Lance wanted and needed, and that was to be with his boys. “Try to keep him focused on you” Lance bit down on his lip as he puffed out his cheeks, determined not to scream. Behind his husband the doctor seemed to be tending to his bleeding backside. With eyes tightly scrunched, his husband’s hand seemed intent on crushing his. He’d promised his husband that his body belonged to him and that he didn’t have to show that part of him to anyone he didn’t want to. Unfortunately, it was kind of necessary. The area already high with all sorts of nasty germs before the birth leaving him more prone to infection in that area. Plus, his husband had been damaged down there in the past, Keith had seen the fine traces of scarring, yet kept it to himself for Lance’s sake “It’s the doctor, babe. It’s not him. It’s not them. They’re not here and they can’t touch you” Anxiety was a douche, Lance braver than he was. If their positioned had been swapped there was no way he’d be letting himself be touched. Resting his chin on the edge of the bed, he squeezed his husband’s hand, Lance breaking his silence to whisper to him “I’m sorry...” “Nope. You don’t need to be sorry. What do you want to do when we get out of here. What’s the first thing you wanna do?” Lance cringed, hand tightening around his “Do you want to see the beach? Or we can take a ship for a spin around the planet?” “I want... to hold my boys for myself” “You’re going to be doing a whole lot of that. I don’t care that you’re not meant to, your their daddy” “You’re their daddy too...” “But I wasn’t the one giving birth” “You had to see it all... you were scared” “Maybe just a little bit” “Keith... if you want to... I won’t be mad if you want to take a break” A break from watching over him, or a “break” like a break in their relationship? He wasn’t going anywhere “Idiot. I’m staying here with my family” Lance closed his eyes, Keith leaning forward to kiss him softly “I don’t deserve you” Kissing him again, Lance sent his heart racing. The first thing he wanted to do when Lance was finally allowed to move was to cuddle him properly. Have him sit in his lap and enjoy feeling his solid weight in his arms. He wanted to take him out to watch the sun rise, their boys in their arms as Kosmo laid on the end of the picnic blanket “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. Now, what else are we going to do?” “Sleep... maybe... maybe go to Cuba? If... you’re ok with that?” Cuba... Lance’s Mami and Jorge were here. Marco was with Daehra, Veronica on the Atlas... Rachel and Luis were there... and... No, he wouldn’t go to Cuba just for them, not when they could come to him “You want to see your grandparents? You want them to meet our boys, don’t you?” “If... only if it’s okay” “Of course it is. You know, Curtis and Shiro will probably bring our things back from the cabin. We can put that blanket on your bed when they have. When you’re feeling a bit better we can call? Then see them when you’re released” “I don’t think they want me here. I’m not normal” Keith couldn’t be happier Lance wasn’t “normal”. They had two gorgeous little boys because he wasn’t. Beside, Lance had always done things in his own way “I don’t care if you’re not normal. I’ll never forgive them if they don’t give you the medical attention you need. I’m sure Shiro wouldn’t mind if I shot them” Lance snorted wetly “You can’t shoot everything...” “I should be saying that to you” “I don’t think I can shoot anything right now” “Babe, you literally woke up from a coma and nailed a shot on Sendak. You couldn’t have a bad shot, even if you tried” Lance hissed, clenching Keith’s hand again. He didn’t think they’d need to be so thorough back there. They should have given Lance pain relief before they started their examination, he’d seen the aftermath and he knew it wasn’t pretty. Something for the pain, and if they suspected he’d have a seizure, then something for that too. Outside of the cocktail of drugs, whatever he’d had implanted on Erathus seemed the best measure to control his seizures. Lance fell silent mid-exam, Keith having to use gentle prodding to get him to answer the doctors questions. His husband was bleeding naturally, another thing he didn’t know about was that Lance essentially had his period after birth and that was a load of crap as far as Keith was concerned. Birth was bad enough, this bleeding stuff wasn’t exactly fair. It also explained a little more over why Lance was so edgy. He preferred to be clean down there, even the times he blew it off, Keith would have preferred to clean him up. Sex was a big thing for his husband and he wanted him to enjoy every moment, even the after. Though they would have preferred for him to remain sitting upright, Keith fought to have Lance allowed to lay on his side, even for a few hours, anything to relieve his pain. When they finally administered pain relief, the guilt on Lance’s face fucking hurt, but whatever the outcome was from his needed medication they’d figure it out. When they were both rested and past Lance’s surgeries... Miriam or Krolia would have to be there, someone with more parenting experience than him. He’d have to find a room on base too, they’d probably want Lance close for the first few days after his release, unless he could get Coran to transfer Lance to Altea. Men giving birth there wasn’t such a strange thing. Dios. He was bone tired and it wasn’t even lunch time. * Food was a think Keith had forgotten. A very important thing that filled the hole his forgotten hunger had gnawed into the pit of his stomach. Lance was on a strict liquid diet, the sign above his bed so, but with how high his husband was, and his current state, Keith severely doubted that Lance gave two quiznaks when it came to food. Laying on his side, Laith and Hunter lay before him. Lance transfixed on their baby boy, while Pidge and Krolia chatted on the bed his mother had gotten for him. In his chair, Coran was talking softly to Lance. More at Lance. Mami had come shuffling back into Lance’s room, the personification of worry as the first of the medical staff left. Her nose wrinkled up at Lance’s scent, then wide eyed and concerned as they were told to watch for seizures. Having promised Lance he could cuddle with his sons, that had to wait as a nappy change was needed. Miriam talking him through it, Keith not sure he’d ever get over what he’d seen in Hunter’s nappy. They’d barely settled Lance down, who’d gotten “slightly” excited when Laith was laid in his sight, when Coran, bearing food for him and Miriam. His mother had arrived a few minutes later with Pidge who seemed to escaping from whatever she was supposedly to be doing by bringing her laptop with her. Feeling second hand embarrassment for his husband, dusty redness still in Keith’s cheeks as he attempted to pretend what had happened hadn’t. Lance had proudly declared that “Keith’s huge dick had made the most perfect babies and he was his baby, and that he wanted another one”. This came with the declaration that “Keith wasn’t allowed to destroy his arse again” and “if Keith came at him with that thing he might end up with it cut off and shoved up his own arse”. His husband happily telling Coran all of this when all Coran had wanted to do was sit by him and their boys. Given Lance had done similar, Keith wasn’t going to get too close... He was rather attached to his junk. Performing his first true parenting duty by “sacrificing” his boys to their loved up father for food, he scarfed down half the plate without tasting anything. He might have gone a day or three back in the Blades without food due to missions, but living with Lance and Curtis always meant he was well fed. His stomach not impressed over having been neglected.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
Alonso’s Legen-Wait for it-Dary Dating Rules
Note: Inspired by HIMYM’s Barney Stinson’a dating rules and theories as seen in these videos. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IWQF9fuQ2pA#, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xDD5nv3Phzg&t=9s, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m9vXJ4HB2fU, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cg62TySYvk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iKAHEZRJUUU&t=80s
Marzel and Alonso are basically my new brotop even though they have never met. Thanks to Lady B for looking this over, and @missnobodynobodius and @shasta627 for completely agreeing with me that Alonso = Barney and encouraging me to do all this. 
“Ah Prince Marzel, just the man I was looking for!” A floppy-banged prince who seemed to be about his age slung his arm across the sirena prince’s shoulder, nearly jostling him off his chair.
The scene was at the palace of Paraiso, one of the most luxurious and extravagant palace Marzel had ever seen his life. In fact it was the most. The walls were ceiling to floor golden emitting bright light which unfortunately blinded him everytime he glanced to his sie. This had the embarrassing effect of him tripping more so than usual when he walked.
He had been getting pretty good with his land legs and he had improved enough to play frisbee without falling on his face but he had a feeling that the royals at this year’s retreat were not seeing that progression.
“Who are you?” Marzel made an effort to smile politely but the guy was taking up too much personal space and seemed to have forgotten his greeting in favor of admiring himself in the blindingly golden dinner plates.
“Wha-yes, I’m Prince Alonso, heir to the Royal Throne of Cordoba!” The guy declared with a flourish and paused, obviously expecting some sort of recognition or perhaps applause.
Marzel looked helplessly to the other side of the table where Elena was in deep conversation with her royal wizard, Mateo and the host of the retreat, Princess Valentina and he couldn’t see his sister anywhere.
“Hi?” Marzel gave a weak wave and grimaced at his high-pitched voice, he coughed, “I mean hello.”
“Heh, you really are new to the land, aren’t you?” Prince Alonso sniffed once seeing that Marzel had nothing else to say.
Marzel was about to react defensively to his tone but Alonso leaned toward him conspiratorially, “I see that Elena hasn’t told you about me. I don’t blame her, there are so many brilliant ways to describe me and my looks and my awesome deeds, she couldn’t think of where to begin. It doesn’t matter. Now in the past, I have been accused of being a little bit self-absorbed and just a tiny teeny bit lazy. But no more. I’m turning over a new leaf. And being a new kind of man, I am helpful!”
Marzel didn’t understand why Alonso was telling him all of this so he nodded blankly and paused again seeing that Alonso was waiting for him to say something.
“Congratulations on turning over a new leaf. That’s very...mature of you.” Alonso was still staring at him expectedly and it started to dawn on Marzel what Alonso might be waiting for, “And I’m fine. I don’t need your help. Elena has already helped me.” “Yes, I’m sure Princess Elena has helped you with basic stuff like ruling and social etiquette and blah blah blah. But she hasn’t taught you about life, has she?” Alonso raised a knowing eyebrow.
“Life? I don’t need help with life. I haven’t died yet. I think I can handle it.” Marzel brushed Alonso’s arm off his shoulder.
“You’ve fallen twelve times walking down a hallway.” Alonso pointed out, putting his arm on Marzel again.
“It’s too bright here, how can anyone see?” Marzel grumbled.
“What advice I have to offer, isn’t any advice Princess Elena or anyone else can give. It is bro advice. From now on, I pledge my support to you as a bro and a wingman as you will be mine-” “I haven’t agreed to this.” Marzel protested.
“-Do you know how to get out of a date that you don’t want to be in?” Alonso abruptly asked.
“...No?” Marzel answered. Admittedly, he had never been on a date since he had been busy with royal training and the fact that anyone who dated him had to uphold the standards fitting for sirena royalty. Though there were many fish in the sea, he hadn’t found one that fit that standard yet. But he wasn’t going to admit that.
“It’s called the Lemon Law. In Cordoba, we have a law that if someone buys an item, let’s say a lemon, from a street cart and finds that it is a rotten lemon, the person can return it. Same goes for dates. This applies this to dates. A person has five minutes within the date to decide whether it continues for the rest of the night or not.” Alonso smiled smugly at his knowledge.
“Wow, that’s- I didn’t know.” “That’s why you need me.” Alonso sipped his recently poured drink.
Marzel rubbed his neck as he thought about what Alonso was proposing. It was true that he didn’t know much about land culture beyond what his mother told him from her fragmented memories. And he knew less about girls and romance in the dating world. 
He could ask Elena but it seemed that she was in the same boat as he was dating-wise, ie. no dates just the kingdom. Besides Alonso seemed to know what he was talking about and he kinda liked the idea of having a “bro” as he kept saying.
Marzel clasped hands with Alonso, “I’ll do it. Let’s be bros.”
“Yes!” Alonso crowed, “This is gonna be legen-wait for it-dary! Legendary!”
“Where are we going?” Marzel stumbled s Alonso grabbed his arm to drag him to the bar-room.
“To get you a suit. One of the most important things to attract a woman is a suit. So, let’s suit up!”
_______________________________________________________________________“Why can’t you clean the dishes? I did it yesterday.” Marisa crossed her arms stubbornly.
“Because..just because..I’m older than you!” Marzel retorted.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” Marisa rolled her eyes.
As guests and royals at the retreat, technically they didn’t have to wash the dishes. But their mother said they should take this as a chance to learn about chores on land, and reminded them that she had washed dishes when she was a human. It was about honoring their heritage which they both were sure was some sort of trick because their mom had complained about their laziness in underwater chores.
Marzel considered his words before talking again. Yesterday, after confirming their “bro-lationship” with a suit fitting and celebratory drinks, Marzel had asked Alonso for advice on his problems with dating and girls, even his sister since Alonso said arguing with girls was the same with all of them, no matter the relation.
Alonso had given him the exact argument he should use and he needed to remember how it was said.
“Hmmm sounds annoying. Chores are the worst. So menial. That’s stuff for servants to do like rookie, here.” Alonso pointed to Gabe who was on the other side of the bar with Manuel.
Gabe looked over at them and glared at the arrogant prince, “I don’t do dishes, and I’m not a rookie. I’m the captain of the guard.” “I’m sure you will be soon.” Alonso waved him off.
“I am already.” Gabe corrected, stalking up to them but Alonso ignored him in favor of continuing their conversation.
“Now here’s what I would do if I were in your position. I’d come to the room and she’d leap into my arms and we make out. Her small body leaning against mine, her lips just..”
“Dude, that’s my sister!” Marzel stared at him in horror.
“I wasn’t saying what you should. Just what I would do in that situation. If I was there, we would be getting it on. Not that I would in real life, a bro never touches another bro’s sister unless she makes the first move.” “Just continue.” Gabe hissed through clenched teeth, seeing Marzel’s eye vein throb distressingly.
“Okay fine. We eat dinner and Marisa says, “Sweetie, are you gonna wash that?” Now I say or you should say, “I’m glad you bring that up, Marisa. No, and here’s why.” She gets on my lap, “I know you don’t like a dirty sink. But does that make it my job to clean it? If one day I look up on the living room ceiling and decide I want a replica of my royal portrait up there, would it be your job to paint it?
She says, “No, of course not.”
I say, “Exactly. So darling, by the same logic, if you don’t like a sink full of dirty dishes, shouldn’t it be your job to clean it?”
Then Marisa would understand the reason behind it all, and agree, “Thank you for explaining that. I get so confused.”
“You’re kidding me.” Gabe interrupted, laughing.
Marzel understood the flaws with the argument since they were arguing over whose turn it was to help the kitchen staff, not the fact that they disliked looking at a dirty dishes. However, he was on his third glass of champagne so he had a warm, giddy feeling assuring him that if he said it right, Marisa would see reason just as Alonso said she would.
“Let me finish…” Alonso looked disdainfully at Gabe, “Once I have her attention, it’s time to bring out the big guns. “Look, Marisa I love you. But with the little energy I have after the meetings, I want to shower you with love, not wash some silly dishes.”
And Marisa says, “Oh you’re right, Alonso, you’re always right. I’ll do the dishes from now on. Right after I do this.”
So then the lights dim and she turns around and dances for me. Her butt’s firm, round…”
“Are you going to hit him or should I?” Gabe asked, but Marzel was too busy envisioning an afternoon not having to help with the dishes.
The time had come.
“Marisa, I’m not doing the dishes and here’s why.”
Marisa looked at him irritability. Staring at her, Marzel lost his train of thoughts. The next part of Alonso’s vision called for her to sit on his lap and that was just gross. He remembered that Alonso had been saying his argument had to be modified since they were siblings and now all he could think of were the disgusting phrases Alonso had used followed by the even worse image of Marisa doing them.
It had made so much sense when Alonso said it last night, what was wrong?
He manfully tried to scrape out the appropriate parts of the argument to use and came up with this,“I’m not doing the dishes and here’s why. You don’t want to dishes, but it’s like if I wanted our baby pictures on the wall..I-I-I mean ceiling. All our baby pictures and family pictures painted on this ceiling. Would you do that? No I mean, first. Let me start over. It’s not job to do the dishes because.. Um I? Dance for me. Eww no. I don’t uh-”
“HUH?” Marisa stared at him as if one half become a malandro and he sprouted three more heads. Just a face of confusion and disgust.
“I-ugh” Marzel stuttered then hung his head in defeat, “I’ll do the dishes.”
_______________________________________________________________________“Are you sure you’re reading the map correctly? Give it to me. I’m an excellent navigator, I was the first one in my team to orient us to win the scavenger hunt.” Princess Valentina sighed as she and Marzel wearily walked down the side of one of Paraiso’s lush mountain ranges.
“Here,” Marzel handed it off to her miserably.
It was midnight and what started out as innocent date led to them walking on the side of the mountain for hours, and he was pretty sure it was the same side of the mountain. They weren’t even going around it, just back and forth.
He really wished he never accepted this date.
He didn’t dislike Valentina exactly, it was just that she was too..much for him. She talked so much, usually about herself, always pointing out how Paraiso was the best, best in chocolate, best in sports, best in everything.
With all her talk about how the best she was in everything, he never would have thought she would have interest in him since he wasn’t the best in walking much less second best in subjects..behind her, of course.
But Alonso had pointed out that when she entered the bar, her eyes had went straight towards him and her eyebrow raised before she quickly flounced out followed by her guard, Manuel.
That-the eye contact and eyebrow raise-was a clear sign she was interested in him, which was only confirmed a few days later when Valentina invited him to have a talk about the personal Coronado-Paraiso treaty.
“Personal Coronado-Paraiso romance!” Alonso high-fived him when Marzel told him. Marzel didn’t want that at all. It was too late to back out of the date without potentially offending her, but thankfully, Alonso gave him advice to prevent a girl friend from becoming a girlfriend.
“You see Marzel. The rules for girls are like the rules for gremlins.” “Gremlins?” Marzel never heard of such a creature and wanted to ask but Alonso plowed ahead with his advice as usual.
“Yes, gremlins. Rule number one: Never get them wet. Aka never let them shower at your place.”
Marzel thought that eliminated almost all the sirenas but then reasoned that these rules must be specific only to mortal girls.
“Rule number two: Keep them away from sunlight. Aka don’t ever see them during the day.”
Rule number three: Never feed them after midnight. Aka she doesn’t sleep over, and you don’t have breakfast.” 
“What about brunch? Is brunch cool? Marzel asked. Marisa had recently introduced him to brunch through Elena and he rather enjoyed the idea of having a snack between breakfast and lunch.
Alonso looked at him in disgust, “No. Brunch is never cool.”
In an effort to keep things platonic, Marzel requested to have the meeting at night since he never seen the moon rise in Paraiso before which Valentina eagerly grabbed on to the idea to lead up to Paraiso’s highest peak and show him the best view.
The date was not romantic in the slightest way. Valentina had kept things professional and they discussed how trade would be conducted between their two kingdoms. 
Marzel had figured this platonic nature was due to the nighttime setting just as Alonso said it would and was relieved when the meeting finished at 9 without any sentimental overtones.
It was when they left that things went downhill literally. Valetina said they must have taken a wrong turn at the waterfall or somewhere because they had been walking for three hours and there was no sign of the valley or the palace and the nighttime heat was covering them like a smothering blanket. As Princess Valentina proudly told him when he said it didn’t feel cold at all up in the mountains, “Paraiso has one of the warmest climates in the Ever realm. No one suffers from hypothermia or frostbite here.” “Just potential heatstroke” Marzel thought darkly to himself as felt sweat dripping from his forehead down the bridge of his nose.
“Marzel.” Valentina panted, fruitlessly fanning herself with her hand, “Can you hand me some of the water?”
Marzel was about to hand her the water when he remembered Alonso’s rule about not getting the girl wet.
Marzel clutched the water bottle from the picnic basket she had brought, and promptly poured it all over himself, “Sorry. Sirena, you know. I need more water to compensate for being on land for so long.”
“Oh okay.” Valentina nodded understandingly which made Marzel immediately feel bad for his lie. Her hair which had been put in her usual ponytail had frizzed out and bigger thanks to the humidity and her face seemed to have gone pale from exhaustion.
They walked for what seemed like miles but must have been a few minutes when they crashed through a brush to see the palace.
“Yes!” They cried simultaneously. They would have run to their destination, but tiredness made their feet drag oh so slowly on the manicured lawns of the Paraiso palace.
“Marzel, do we have any food left in the basket?” Valentina asked weakly.
Marzel frowned, “No.” There had been a few apples left in the basket but he had thrown them out after their meeting in compliance with the third rule of making sure she didn’t eat after midnight.
He took another good look at the princess who seemed slumped, dejected and near collapse.
“You don’t look yourself, do you want me to carry you?” Marzel approached her, gently taking hold of her shoulder.
“No I can handle it” Valentina slurred and fainted onto the grass.
Adrenaline took over Marzel’s body, tiredness forgotten, he picked the princess up in a bridal carry and raced her over to the palace’s front door where Manual opened it, gasped, grabbed Valentina out of his arms and took her to the infirmary.
Marzel paced restlessly, guilt gnawing at his stomach. Who cares if she wanted a date with him? He should have let her have the food and water! It was all his fault that this happened-
The royal physician opening the door for visitors interrupted Marzel’s guilt-ridden reverie. Manual pushed Marzel out of the doorway in his rush to get to the princess.
Manual tenderly lifted Valentina’s face towards his as she slowly opened her eyes, and smiled, “Oh Manual, I’m fine. Just a little dehydration. I’m not going to die.”
“I was so worried.” Manual murmered in a choked up voice and swept her up in a deep, full kiss.
“You’re dating?” Marzel meant to only say it in his head, but it came out in an awkward squawk.
The couple turned to him, Valentina contedly resting her head in the crook of Manual’s neck.
“Yes, we don’t like to show it off in front of everyone but we are very much in love.” Valentina answered, rubbing her nose with her guard.
“She’s my shining light, and I’m her shining knight.” Manual agreed.
“I could never lay my eyes on someone else.” Valentina mused.
But she did---wait. Marzel thought back to the bar. The guards had been behind him and Alonso. She must have sent that eye contact and eyebrow to Manual.
This whole thing had truly been a Coronando-Paraiso treaty meeting. With a groan and Marzel face-palmed himself.
_______________________________________________________________________”Do it. Do it, Naked man!” Alonso cheered as he passed by Naomi’s room.
“I will. I will. Just go already.” Marzel shoved Alonso away from the door to the room.
“What pose are you doing?” Alonso called
“Just go!” Marzel yelled at him and shut the door.
Marzel was going on his first official date, where it was certain that both people knew it was a date, with Naomi who was visiting Paraiso to pick up some diplomatic scrolls and gift Valentina with the Avaloran chocolate that Elena accidentally forgot.
Though Naomi had been hesitant of him at first, particularly after how she acted the last time she saw him, but after they played olaball together and she taught him some sail knots, he asked her out.
They agreed for it to be a friendly date. Unlikely to be serious, more like two friends hanging out with potential for kisses among other things.
Alonso had been in favor for ‘the other things’ part and urged him to do ‘The Naked Man’.
At first Marzel was hesitant but another part of him was very curious as to how it would play out especially since Naomi said this date wasn’t supposed to be serious, just fun.
And from the way Alonso put it, ‘The Naked Man’ was the best way to amp fun.
It was yet another technique Alonso had explained the night they became bros.
Alonso clinked his glass against his as he explained the brilliance of the naked man on a friendly date.
“It goes like this. You’re on a first date, you’ve had a few drinks. You go up to the room, once she leaves the room. You strip naked and wait. When she comes back, she laughs and is so charmed by your confidence and bravado, she sleeps with you. Boom!” “No way that works.” “Two out of three times. I would not lie to you mi amigo. Two out of three times. Which is why it is important to pick your pose to display your naked man in.” And so he began to display the poses.
“There’s the Superman.
The Capitan.
The ‘Oops I didn’t see you there.’
The Thinker.
The Lounge.
The Fencer.
The Gymnast who stuck the Landing.”
He had laughed at Alonso at the time just as Gabe had when he left them, shaking his head.
But now he really was going to do it.
Naomi had gone into her guest room to find the fiddle her mom had been teaching her to play while Marzel stood outside. Now he crept in and stripped and after much deliberation chose to do the ‘Capitan’ in honor of his sea roots.
Naomi entered, “Now promise you won’t laugh. I’ve been practicaack!”
“Ta-da!” Marzel showed proudly.
Naomi gasped,her face turned red and she exploded, “Oh my GOD! What is the matter with you! Get out! I can’t believe-ugh Sirenas! GET OUT!”
Marzel looked at her in horror. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Why wasn’t she charmed and laughing?
He face burned as he realized how bad this situation was and how he appeared. He wanted to explain but he could clearly see this wasn’t the time for it and tried for desperation.
“Wait-I-my cloth..”
“OUT YOU CREEP! You sick son of-” Naomi yelled.
“Wait! My suit is very expensive...”
“I’m going to call the guard on you.” Naomi threw a pillow at him which he promptly grabbed to shield his private parts and ran as fast as he could to his room.
He slammed his door closed,highly embarrassed, Marzel sank to the ground with a groan, “Why did my first time have to be that third time out of three for ‘the naked man’ to fail?
_______________________________________________________________________“Ready?” Marzel asked his sister as they entered the bar-room where Alonso was flirting with the bartender.
“I got your back. You will be avenged.” Marisa intoned menacingly with an evil cackle.
“Don’t do the laugh.” Marzel shook his head.
“It’s my evil laugh.” Marisa pouted but did as he motioned and sasheyed toward Alonso in the slinky purple dress she borrowed from Elena.
“Hello” Marisa purred, exaggeratingly fluttering her eyelashes that made Marzel think she had something in her eye, “Wow. I have to admit, there’s nothing sexier than a man in a suit, and you..are sexier than most.”
Alonso did a double-take before he formed a slow smile, looking her over. “And I appreciate your appreciation, and” His lips curved to a wicked grin, “Your sexiness.”
Marzel saw that Marisa pursed her lips, a sure sign that she was trying to hold back a laugh. He cringed but the laugh never came. Instead she continued with their plan.
“Is your suit cashmere?” “Cashmere. No, this is handspun. The fibers are less than twelve microns thick.” Alonso scoffed and gulped as Marisa began to feel up his arms.
“Twelve microns.” Marisa gushed breathlessly, “I love a tiny fiber.”
“You’re in luck. Mine’s the tiniest.” Alonso bragged, “And the more you touch it. The softer it gets.” Marisa giggled and Marzel felt himself being jostled by the sudden appearence of Mateo, Elena, Gabe and Naomi.
“Is it happening? Is he falling for it?” Naomi asked eagerly.
Elena had come to yell at Marzel after his awful date with Naomi and he had confessed all the things that happened after he had followed Alonso’s advice. Elena had calmed down a little bit when she told them that, understanding where such a crazy idea came from and explained to him that while Alonso was trying to turn over a new leaf, he had a long way to go and was not the best role model to follow or a good advice-giver. 
“I realize that, trust me.” Marzel blushed sheepishly, “I just don’t get how it all worked for him and not me. How did I mess it all up?”
“Well like I said before. It’s best to be yourself. And if it makes you feel better. I don’t think those techniques would have worked for everybody, not even him. All of that is an awful way to seduce a girl. Bragging about yourself? Just sleeping with them without thinking of their feelings or being serious? He might have been just messing with you.” Marzel shrugged, “Maybe he should see how it feels to be a failure with a woman?” Elena looked at him curiously but a mischievous glint was present in her eyes, “Aren’t you bros? Bros don’t get revenge on other bros.” “This isn’t revenge. This is just a lesson. I think I need your help.” Marzel said.
Elena had been on board with getting revenge and apparently so was the rest of Team Avalor, even Naomi after she heard from whom ‘the naked man’ originated from. Marzel originally had wanted Elena to flirt with Alonso but apparently he was aware of her relationship with Mateo, and Naomi refused to do it, citing some other incident where he tried to flirt with her.
That left Marisa to do the job even though it rankled him to see Alonso acting like a lecherous guy to his sister. Marisa, on the other hand was all too excited to play the part of evil seductress. It was a little unnerving.
“Yes, shush.” Marzel motioned for them all to duck lower behind the door and the bar as they discreetly watched the action unfold.
Marisa continued to girlishly giggle, “I was actually looking for you. But there was such traffic in the ballroom. I was at the inter-sex-tion from ballroom and the dining room and I had only a few sex-onds to get in an opening in the crowd. And then people start yelling at me to move over and it totally sex-cked, but I can’t move because a man tripped on one of the tropical bird’s sex-crement.”
Alonso was breathing heavily and gulping as he listened to Marisa’s purposefully innuendo, “G-go, go on.”
“Hmm” Marisa looked him over, and did what Marzel was assuming to be her version of a sexy pout but looked more constipated, “Let’s go my room.”
Alonso nearly tripped over his feet as he and Marisa speedwalked through the halls with the rest on their heels from a safe distance.
The door was open just a crack so they all could press their ears up against it and hear the ensuing conversation.
“Alonso, you should know.When I get into bed with a man, my body becomes a machine. Fueled by desire and lust, and a singular hunger to satisfy my lover’s every carnal need.” Marisa sighed, her voice practically oozing with moans and breathiness.
“Such a shame we all have to go home tomorrow. So let’s go like it’s the last night we’ll ever see each other.” Alonso growled.
“Yes, yes. Well, good night.” Marisa walked out the door.
“Wh-What!” Alonso came rushing out behind her, “Why are you leaving? I thought your body was going to become a machine fueled by desire, lust and a singular hunger to satisfy my every carnal need?” Alonso’s voice cracked at the end.
“Yes. But no. I don’t sleep with people who think I would dance for them after agreeing to do the dishes.” Marisa raised an eyebrow in his direction, crossing her arms with a triumphant smile.
Alonso froze dumbfounded, and soon realized he was in the presence of a small crowd, all trying their best to muffle their laughter.
“Huh-I-I I’m so confused.” Alonso muttered.
Marzel took pity on him and slapped on the back, “This is called a lesson.” “For what?” Alonso shrugged Marzel’s off of him.
“The dishes. The gremlin rule. The Naked Man.” Naomi listed.
“Oh, I-okay that was good advice.” Everyone gave him a look, “I’ll admit the results that happened to Marzel were pretty funny, but I wasn’t setting him up I swear! All of that advice was from a desire to help you. We’re bros.” Alonso protested.
Marzel smiled and grabbed Alonso in a side-hug. He sounded sincere and considering what Elena had told him of his upbringing, it may have been true that all those things worked for him. If not less so because of his looks and charm and more so for being the crown prince.
“We’re bros.” Marzel confirmed, “I’m your wingman and your mine. I am just never listening to your ridiculous rules or advice on dating ever again.”
“Not even about the Hot-Crazy Scale or the Three Day Rule? The Three Day Rule is an unofficial social rule.” Alonso insisted.
“Even that.” Marzel said and so arm in arm the two bros parted ways until the next adventure. 
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You Can Only Be You (Liam x MC)
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This may get taken down, I’m a little unsure about it so it may be removed later on...
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Summary:…Riley and her daughter have a heart to heart.
Word Count: 2,191
Masterlist <—–
Tagged : @starstruckzonkoperatorbat  @drakelover78  @queencatherynerhys @devineinterventions2 @jayjay879  @kawairinrin  @hopefulmoonobject @flyawayblue56  @gardeningourmet  @blackcatkita  @syltti78  @theroyalweisme  @hhiggs  @mfackenthal  @bruteforcebears @pens-girl-87 @barbaravalentino @umccall71 @darley1101 @crookedslimecreatorpasta  @jamjar84 @starstruckpixelberryhistoryvoid @speedyoperarascalparty @katurrade @scarlettedragon @zeniamiii @annekebbphotography @liam-rhys @xxrainbowprincessxx @perfectprofessorherokid @mynameiskaylabella
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
 It was 9pm when Riley approached her daughter’s bedroom. Liam was in a late meeting and wasn’t due back at the apartment for another hour.
“Deli-Bear, it’s time to put the book down” Riley stated calmly from the bedroom door. The 15-year-old looked up at her mother with a frown.
“I’m almost finished, could I have five more minutes, please?”
“sweetie you have school in the morning”
“I know…I promise I’ll go straight to sleep as soon as I’ve finished” Riley wasn’t sure what it was that she seen in her daughters eyes…but it wasn’t the usual happy glow she had.
“…alright…five minutes, but that’s it, as soon as the five minutes are up, its bed time” Riley stated. “thank you” Delilah replied as she buried her head back into her book. Riley stayed for a moment as she watched her daughter reading happily, buried in her book. Her attention was caught when she heard a noise coming from the other bedroom, where their youngest slept. Riley crossed the hall and stopped at the door. she watched as the little girl playing with her new dollhouse, she had been attached to it, since her mother and father gifted her with it for her fourth birthday. Riley cleared her through letting the little one know she was there, then let out a giggled a she seen her jump after being caught. Riley walked over to her and kneeled beside her.
“you should be sleeping” she whispered
“I got scared” the little girl mumbled
“scared of what baby?”
“the wind, it’s too loud”
“oh baby, it’s okay, it’s just a little wind, why don’t you and I climb into bed?” Riley gently wrapped her arms around her.
“will you stay, until I’m sleeping?” the little one asked in a whisper as she cuddled her mother.
“of course, I will, baby” Riley stood to her feet, taking the little girl’s hand in her own.
“c’mon sweetie, let’s get you to bed” Riley walked her over to the bed, she lifted the duvet, then help her climb back in then she lay herself down on top of the duvet.
“now, Ella, it’s time to go to sleep”
“I can still hear it”
“it’s okay, baby, it’s just a little wind, it can’t hurt you”
“I promise, sweetie” Riley whispered as she gently ran her fingers through Ella’s Hair. “Goodnight Ella” she whispered before She placed a gentle kiss on her head as she sang softly to her daughter, sending her to a slumber. Riley was startled when she went to turn and get out of bed and seen Liam stood at the door.
“how long have you been there?” she asked
“not long” he whispered, trying not to wake the little one. as Riley made her way to Liam, he opened his arms, pulling her into his hold, placing the most gentle kiss on her head.
“was it the wind keeping her up again?” Liam asked
“yeah, poor girl” she sighed as she cuddled into him.
“why don’t we get to bed?” Liam asked
“hmmm I like the sound of that” she hummed with a smile.
“alright, c’mon then” the two headed down to their bedroom.
“I missed you today” Riley whispered tiredly as she squeezed his hand.
“I missed you too, Baby”
“I’m Exhausted, I feel like I could sleep for a year” Riley yawned as she headed for her dresser, then began to change
“me too, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks”
“what times your first meeting tomorrow?” Liam asked from the across the room.
“ten am”
“alright, why don’t I have it postponed for a couple of hours, you can sleep a little longer?”
“I can’t ask you to do that Liam, plus I have to get the children up for school, Ella has to go to her nursery class” The two headed for the bathroom, where they done their usual routines of washing their faces and brushing their teeth.
“you didn’t, I offered, it’s fine, I have an early meeting anyway I’ll get them up” he smirked “I’ll send Alex a message and let him know to postpone it”
“thank you honey” Riley smiled, she rinsed her mouth then, placed a kiss on Liam's lips. After the two finished their routines they headed for bed, turning the bedroom light off on the way. Once they were in bed, Riley shuffled over to cuddled Liam, pulling the duvet on her side of the bed, around her tightly, keeping her warm.
“its freezing in here” she mumbled
“c’mere” Liam whispered as he cuddled close to her, he gently ran his hand up and down her thigh, to help her warm up. “hmmm my human radiator” Riley smirked.
“I love you”
“I love you too baby” he whispered as he gently placed a kiss on her head.
The next day Riley awoke to a noise coming from somewhere in the apartment. She stretched and yawned as she reached out to lift her phone to check the time. Eleven am… there shouldn’t be anyone in the apartment, the children were all out, Liam was in is second meeting of the day. Riley got out of bed, pulling her robe and slippers on, then she headed out of the bedroom. She quietly made her way down the hallway past Ella’s bedroom, then the boy’s bedroom after that. As she went to pass Delilah’ room, she heard the noise, louder, this time…it was coming from in there.
She took a deep breath as she placed her hand on the handle, her heart was beating out of her chest, then she flung the door open.  She gasped as she seen Delilah sitting on her bed, reading.
“mom!” Delilah jumped.
“does your dad know you’re here?”
“no…please mom, don’t tell him!” the teen stood from the bed and approached Riley.
“does security know you’re not at school?”
“yes, I told Mara I wasn’t feeling very well, she was going to speak to dad, but I reminded her that dad was in a meeting and it wouldn’t be right to interrupt it.”
“Why aren’t you at school?”
“I…I don’t like it there”
“what do you mean you don’t like it, Delilah?”
“the other kids there, they don’t like me mom”
“Deli, you gotta elaborate, tell me what you mean?”
“they pick on me mom”
“they pick on you?”
“yeah…they…they don’t like me”
“baby, not everyone is going to like you”
“mom, they call me names…I don’t want to go back, they make fun of me.” Delilah burst into tears
“hey, listen” Riley instantly wrapped her arms around her daughter, holding her close. “what they say…it doesn’t matter sweetie”
“but the things they say mom…they comment on my clothes, my looks, everything about me, sparks a comment…I don’t like being there”
“hey, look at me…I don’t care what they say…you are perfect just the way you are.  Everyone is different baby, but you can only be you, if they don’t like that…then fuck them”
“mom!?” Delilah chuckled slightly at her mother’s foul language.
“what? It’s true! Fuck them all! Listen…ive been through what you’re going through…I struggled…I struggled horrible baby, they called me all sorts…when I was your age, I had a million freckles on my face” Riley smiled “and one day…my best friend…she called me a leopard, do you know what I did”
“I went home, and I cried myself to sleep…”
“but…but your always so strong”
“yes…I am now…most of the time. But you can ask every person on the planet…and majority will tell you when they were you’re age…they struggled too… the only difference between you and me baby, is that its people who don’t know you, that are judging you, they don’t know anything about you babygirl so don’t let them hurt you …it was my friends that turned on me…”
“this one girl…we were joined at the hip…we were friends since day one, we met in our first year of high school…and I remember one day…she made a comment about how I was putting weight on and that I was too big…at this point I was actually underweight for my height and everything, then she said…what was it now… ahh that’s it “y’know ri, maybe you should start wearing make-up and get yourself a boyfriend” and that tore me apart…so I started eating a little less…and I always thought so badly of myself, I was wearing make up all the time because I thought you know Riley, if you don’t start wearing make-up…you won’t be pretty enough to have a boyfriend…if you put any more weight on…no guy is gonna wanna look at you…I knew it was bullshit but…I was between the ages of 14 and 16…I was thinking the same thing most teenagers were thinking…my brain was toxic when I was your age…for years, I struggled because I let what they said get to me…and I shouldn’t have…I didn’t have anyone I could speak to about it, I spent years, full of so much anxiety, I couldn’t go to school…college or work without a face full of makeup, I could not do it, I feared what people thought of me because the girl called me weird, I questioned everything I did, I would have anxiety attacks at work, at my first job, working in a store…lots of people coming in and out…my brain was working overtime…all of these people were judging me… when I was twenty…I told myself, no…I will not live my life like this! I will not live my life based on what other people thought…I told myself…they don’t know me…they don’t know anything about me…so why on earth should I let my life be ruled by what they might say…I would never know if they did say anything…because I don’t know them” she chuckled “I’m telling you all of this…because I need you to believe me when I tell you…that what they say…it doesn’t matter…what they say…is not the truth…and if you let it get to you baby it will do more harm than good. You know…when I started my job at the bar that I met your father at…I made a decision…I made a decision to live my life…don’t let stupid things that don’t matter bother me. You go to school, and you work hard, you make friends… and you succeed babygirl! One day…one day you will be queen, and a lot of people will have some not very nice things to say…you could be the nicest…most generous queen but there will always be people trying to bring you down baby and its your decision to make…you can let them get to you…or you can choose to stand tall against them.”
“I don’t wanna hurt because of them mom”
“then don’t…let it go in one ear and out the other.” Riley gently wiped her daughters’ cheeks “for the record sweetie…your father has to know”
“but nothing sweetie, he will be mad if we don’t tell him, he is your father…he needs to know…I think you should tell him”
“I think he has a break between his meetings, shall we go and see if he’s in his office?”
“okay” Delilah nodded as she wiped her face.
Riley and Delilah left the apartment and headed for Liam's office. The two stopped as the came to his door. Riley knocked gently then opened the door, allowing Delilah to walk in first, she followed straight after, closing the door behind her.
“Deli, what are you doing here sweetie?” Liam asked as he stood and walked round to the front of his desk to meet his wife and daughter.
“Delilah has something to tell you”
“is everything alright, why aren’t you at school…are you okay?”
“daddy breathe…I’m okay”
“what’s wrong then?”
“I didn’t go to school today”
“why not? Are you sick?”
“no, I’m not sick…I didn’t want to go to school because…the other kids…they weren’t being very nice to me”
“what did they do? Did they hurt you?”
“they were calling me nasty names, making not very nice comments about me…I didn’t go because I didn’t want them to make me feel sad anymore” Riley and Liam swore they heard their hearts breaking.
“c’mere” he wrapped his arms around her. “we love you so much sweetheart, we love you the way that you are”
“I know daddy…I talked with mom and I’m going back to school tomorrow…and I’m not going to let them get to me”
“good, you’re a strong girl, Delilah…stronger than I was at your age. All I ask of you is that, if it continues…you will come and talk to us”
“I will…I promise”
“now…I have some free time…what do my girls think about having some lunch?” Riley and Delilah nodded happily as they headed out followed by Liam. Riley and Liam walked hand in hand as Delilah skipped a little ahead of them.
“oh…and Delilah?” Riley called catching her attention.
“yes mom?”
“next time you decide to skip school and not inform me or your father…my foot…might just connect with your ass”
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yukiwrites · 7 years
To Protect her Brothers
For Corrianderweek, Day 7: Children Answering these requests with it too~ Though she isn’t as ‘little’ as intended, sorry about that ^^;
Peace has ruled over Nohr and Hoshido for so long, the war could only be read about in the textbooks. An entire new generation grew up without the fear of having their able-bodied taken, or their houses requisitioned.
Still, Nohr's First Princess has had the same goal ever since she was young: to protect her brothers in whatever duties they perform for the good of the realm -- and to be the right hand of the next King, her older brother Siegbert. She longed to be captain of his guard; to deliver his judgement towards all corners of the land and spread peace in honor of him.
Her short, blonde hair bounced right under her pointy ears as she walked through the corridors towards the breakfast room. "Good morning, Papa! Good Morning, Mama." The young woman said, placing a kiss over both King and Queen's foreheads.
Xander welcomed the caress, but still spoke with a stern voice. "Katerina..."
The princess giggled, taking her usual seat, one chair away from her Father. "C'mon, Papa," Katerina said without losing her smile, "I always call you 'Father properly in court, don't I?"
The King smiled at his youngest, though his frown remained. "That you do. I just pray that you do not get carried away by habit. Especially now that we are closer than even to your inheriting ceremony."
Katerina opened her mouth to reply, but the sound of the door opening interrupted her. "Oh, and I cannot wait to pass Bolverk down to her, dear brother." Camilla walked in, Midori by her side. "I'm sure it'll find in you a better wielder than it did in me, darling." She said, pinching Katerina's cheek.
"Thank you, Aunt Camilla." Katerina squeezed her eyes as Camilla's hands pinched her, then added: "But don't say that! I still have so much to learn about fighting over wyverns, and you're the best rider of all Nohr."
The Princess gave a soft laugh, circling the table so as to take her seat, "oh, you're too kind, dearie. But of course I'll teach you anything you wish to know."
At that moment, Crown and Second Princes walked in and Katerina turned her head to them. "Sieggy, Kana! Good morning." She greeted as Siegbert placed a kiss over her head and Kana circled the table to sit beside Kamui.
"Monin', Sis!" Kana said at the same time Siegbert wished a very good morning to everyone and bowed before taking his seat.
Xander always sat at the leftmost corner of the table, Kamui by his left and Siegbert by his right. On the Queen’s left sat the Second Prince Kana, right in front of Katerina herself, who was always next to Siegbert. Beside her would sit her cousin Midori, followed by her mother, Lady Camilla. In front of them would sit Prince Leo, his wife Sakura and their son Forrest. Azura would sit adjacent to Camilla, largely due to the elder princess’ insistence, since neither of their husbands would bring themselves to sit at their liege’s table.
Despite living in Hoshido for years now, Elise would always have a reserved seat at their table.
Without the threat of war hanging over everyone's heads, their mornings could be spent with leisure -- not disregarding their usual duties, of course: Siegbert accompanied Xander in his tasks more often than not, for example. He was, after all, the same age as Xander was when he took the throne after the war ended so many years ago.
Kana studied under Leo so as to learn how to be the King's brother and how to use his power and connections as a Prince to aid the Crown in any way possible.
Katerina was a free spirit, and very much loved to train her body -- in both human and dragon form. She was well-studied and learned well under Kamui and Camilla, but she knew her place was with a weapon in hand to protect her Brothers.
Her days weren't only filled with training and studying, however: She loved to spend time with any one person of her family, and always made sure to MAKE them make time for her, be it for only talking over tea or for simply enjoying each other's presences.
That morning, Kamui was brushing her daughter's hair, wondering which bow to tie on it after she was done. "I wonder if that's how I would've looked like with short hair," the Queen mused, looking at Katerina through the mirror.
The princess looked up to Kamui. "You never had short hair, Mama?"
"I'm afraid so. When I was your age, the style of my hair wasn't really my priority, after all..." She bobbed her head, remembering her teenage days -- ones she spent thinking about her forbidden love.
Katerina leaned on the dresser, placing both elbows over it and resting her chin on her hands. She looked up at her mother through the mirror. "...Was it the war?"
"Oh," Kamui snapped out of her own memories and resumed the brushing, smiling fondly. "Oh, no. My role at the war would only come a few years later. At seventeen I could only think of how hopelessly in love with your father I was."
The princess widened her eyes, her cheeks flushing. "Really?! Tell me more, Mama!" She turned her body toward the Queen, holding her hands. "I've only heard stories about the war, but not so much about your lives before it..."
"Of course," Kamui caressed Katerina's cheek, "come, let us sit so we can talk."
They moved to the divan that was placed beside the dresser, Mother holding daughter's hand on hers.
"Hmmm, where should I begin?" She tilted her head, searching for the many, many memories she and Xander had shared together.
"... You said you loved Papa since you were my age?" Katerina gulped, thinking she was delving into forbidden territory by asking such personal question... but it was so thrilling to hear! Her brave Mother and Father before they were so. How were they in the past? She could hardly imagine one without being with the other, after all.
"Oh, posh," Kamui gestured, dismissing Katerina's statement. "I was in love with him since I was a child; it only took me a long time to accept my feelings."
"Accept them, Mama?"
"Why, yes." Kamui nodded, forlorn. "We were raised as siblings and I've always thought my feelings ugly and out of place. How dared I love someone who was caring for me like I was his own blood in such a dirty way?"
Katerina's brow flickered with emotion, gripping at her mother's hand. "Your love isn't dirty, Mother!" She said in a tone higher than intended, calling Kamui more formally than usual in reflex. "I've never seen a love that... that belongs so much like yours and Papa’s..." her voice trailed off, her face reddening due to the sudden outburst.
Kamui took one hand to her mouth in surprise, her daughter's blush contaminating her face as well. "Oh, my child." She booped the princess' nose and lifted her chin with one finger. "Thank you for saying that, hm? I don't think that way anymore -- and haven't been for a long, long time -- but your words matter to me all the same."
Still embarrassed, Katerina looked away from her mother. "It's the truth, though."
The Queen's smile grew as Katerina tried not to laugh, but both ended up giggling after a few moments. "Indeed it is. I can't put it to words the depth of the love I feel towards your father, your siblings and you, my Katie." She once again caressed her daughter's cheek, who tilted her head towards the hand to enjoy it fully.
"Thank you, Mama." Katerina placed her hand over Kamui's, closing her eyes. "I don't know if I can find a love like yours -- or if I want to find one, for that matter. ... But I'm so glad that I'm the daughter of both of you."
"And I'm so very grateful to having a strong, independent and considerate daughter like you, Katie. I'm sure you'll find happiness in whichever path you trail; be it with a loved one by your side, or with your comrades."
Katerina shyly raised her shoulders. "It doesn't feel real that I can love someone like you do Papa... But it's also some sort of inspiration," she said, raising her gaze to the ceiling, as though she could see her future unravelling before her. "I know I have as much passion towards my own goals at the moment."
Kamui nodded, closing her eyes and holding Katerina's hands over her lap. "Which I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish them all with ease, being your Father's daughter and your siblings' sister, after all. But more than that, by being you."
Katerina giggled. "Now you're embarrassing me, Mama!"
"Nonsense!" Kamui laughed, pinching her daughter's nose. "I'm only telling the truth!"
They both laughed, taking the weight off of the princess's shoulder. "Thank you, Mama. Now I feel even more certain that the ceremony tomorrow will go over well."
The Queen smiled fondly at her child. "Of course it will, my Katie. We'll all stand by you. Besides, I'm sure it'll feel like that Bolverk will return to its former master. You grow into the late Queen Katerina everyday, after all."
Katerina closed her eyes and clutched one hand over her chest, remembering the tall picture of the late Queen hanged over the main hall. "May she give me strength."
The ceremony wasn't a public event, though it still had its fair share of attendants: Every bearer of dragon blood as well as their retainers stood by the red carpet inside the throne room -- some of them hoshidans as well.
On top of the stairs, a few steps under the throne in front of which Xander stood, knelt Katerina, wearing a dragon tiara Kamui had given to her on the previous day. The Queen had gotten it on the day they found out she was pregnant with Katerina, and found it only fitting that it was handed down to her on the right time.
In front of the Princess lay Camilla, holding Bolverk with both hands. "This legendary weapon has been passed down in the late Queen's house for generations -- until it fell back to the late King in honor of her name." Camilla spoke in a clear voice, her words reverberating through the hall. "Much like the sword Siegfried, whose master it finds in our current King, Bolverk can only be wielded by the worthy. From my Father, to me. From me, back to the blood of its former master." Camilla handed the giant axe to the Princess, urging her to be on her feet. "If you are not worthy, its weight will be so, you'll immediately drop it on the ground."
Katerina nodded, reaching out to the axe.
"If you are worthy, however, it will be as light as a feather -- it'll deliver it's heaviness and your justice onto your foes instead." She finished, nodding at the nervous princess. "Go on, dear, there's nothing to be afraid of."
Taking a deep breath, Katerina looked to the audience: to her brothers (Kana silently cheered for her, almost jumping; Siegbert only nodded and smiled with confidence), to her mother... then turned her gaze in the opposite direction, to her Father.
Xander nodded solemnly, then smiled.
She was so blessed to have so many people caring for her; believing in her. She wasn't afraid nor nervous anymore.
Katerina took the axe with one hand, lifting it as she held her breath -- and it was so light she almost turned over herself, such was the strength she used. "Oh! It's so light!" She blurted out.
Her cousins and brother Kana laughed in the audience, same as Camilla who hid a giggle. "I'm so proud of you, my dear Katie!" Camilla said, bear-hugging her niece. "Now Bolverk is finally back at where it belongs."
Pride and excitement beating wildly inside her chest, Katerina couldn't contain her smile from widening and her face from reddening. She looked straight at the portrait of the late Queen and bowed. "I'll make you proud, Grandmother. I'll protect my King and brother as well as this realm with everything I have!"
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CSUAPR prt 56 start
Lance was getting antsy and Keith couldn’t blame him. Krolia’s arrival seemed to bring some kind of ill will with her. His mother did absolutely nothing wrong, yet her scent was strong enough for Keith to pick up above the scent of everything else in the room. She wasn’t mad, in fact she was a gushing mess over her first two grandsons, her lateness due to stopping off to buy some over priced flowers after getting clearance on Earth. It was more the fact that it was the scent of a Galra, and with Lance’s medication wearing off, his past traumas were poking their unwanted heads up. Every move his mother made set them both on edge. Having been “Galra” far longer than him, and having had a life time to adjust to unwanted scents, she had a certain self control Keith was still learning. He wasn’t jealous over her, not as he’d been with Shiro, no it wasn’t that either. Sitting quietly beside his husband, Lance was also on edge due to waking to their boys crying, without having been informed of Krolia’s arrival. Unable to feed their sons due to the drugs in his system, their boys first feeding came from a bottle. Lance was too weak to hold either of their boys, nor did the nurse allow him to “help”. All his husband could do was sit there next to him as Keith fed Laith. Miriam holding Hunter as he did, Hunter had started crying before his big brother, yet hadn’t been keen on the bottle. Keith felt like a loser of a father when his boy wouldn’t drink, the nurse suggesting they try Laith first so he could get used to his new parental duties. And get used to, he could. His son had a healthy appetite, taking the teat between his soft lips and not holding back. Unlike his brother Laith’s skin was much lighter, almost as milky as Keith’s. His hair was also darker, but his eyes were the same purple as Keith and Hunter’s, “Galaxy Eyes” as Lance called them. More than once his husband had flirted with him, telling him it was so easy to get lost in his eyes. More than once Keith had felt uncomfortable, picked on for his less than human eyes in more homes than one. Meeting his mother, and learning the truth of his heritage should have eased the pain from the years of teasing, yet it was Lance’s sincere words that had finally eased the pain. Lance not even knowing the trauma he was fixing with each soft word, each touch and each kiss. No his sons would carry out their lives with the same purple eyes as him, part of him fearing they’d face segregation as he for being something other than human. The love he felt for his sons was something precious and amazing. He’d loved them before they were born, and to be holding his boy as he took his first drink was again something on a whole other level. He wondered if all parents found the act as incredible as he did, or if he was just a great big softy like Lance liked to remind him he was. Burping Laith, Keith found he didn’t mind the small amount of spit-up on his shoulder, calmly ignoring it until his son had settled and taken into Krolia’s hold. Jorge appeared somewhat awkward holding Korra, but like the boys, her cuteness would melt even the most stubborn of hearts. She was still so tiny, yet so large in comparison to the twins. She was also much more vocal in her wants, Lance leaking through his hospital gown when she’d cried to be fed. With his arms free, he was passed Hunter. Having birthed his son, Keith was fascinated by his every move, not to say that he wasn’t as fascinated by Laith. Both boys would forever have him wrapped around their little fingers, yet it was... different he supposed. He’d watched Hunter being born, seen him and held him in his first moments, delivering him though not sure he could, and there he was now, so perfect, despite being hangry and hating on his bottle. Keith knew how desperately Lance wanted to be the one to feed their boys, he felt Hunter might have been more receptive if it was his daddy doing the feeding rather than the unappealing bottle with its small plastic teat. Maybe it was the first signs that his boy was going to be a fussy eater? Whatever it was, it took Hunter a good ten minutes to begrudgingly accept the bottle, Keith melting with relief when he finally did. His cheeks puffing out as he drank deeply like his big brother had done, eyes tightly scrunched closed as one small formed a fist. Lance was right. He was a softy. His husband had worn away all his sharp edges, his love acting like sand paper to leave him smooth and soft. Not that he’d admit it. Keith had the feeling that caring for Lanc physically was what had brought on the biggest changes in him. Once you’d had your husband throw up on you as often Lance had, especially during withdrawal, it wasn’t as gross as it’d been the first time. Besides, everyone knew Lance could be a great big baby when he wanted to. He may have fooled his team for month, but Keith knew how affection starved Lance had become in the aftermath of everything. He knew because he each night they’d spent apart he’d felt that same hunger to be back in Lance’s arms. Lance probably now hungered to hold his boys, as Keith hungered to hold him. The situation wasn’t fair. Lance had never failed well in hospital, Keith feeling remorse over the nights he’d been forced to spend alone in white sterile rooms without the company or comfort of his husband. When Lance hadn’t wanted him to visit on Erathus, he should have. When Lance was stuck watching over them from their disastrous training mission, he should have been awake and there to by his side. He should have been awake after the explosion, and there when Lance went through surgery. He already knew they wouldn’t let him stay by Lance’s side once he started to improve. He’d be forced to take a room at the Garrison, leaving Lance alone all over again. He’d never loved hospitals, but he’d never hated them the way Lance’s loneliness made him hate them. “You’re good at that” Humming, Keith raised his gaze from Hunter, Krolia was pacing with a bounce in her step as she patted Laith’s butt. Had she done the same with him? “Hmmm?” “With the twins. You‘re good with them” “He is... Much better than I am” Under her breath Miriam sighed softly, Jorge hadn’t seemed to hear, but Krolia had. A firm frown forming on her face at Lance’s sad mumble “Why would you say that? Have you done something wrong?” Krolia could have phrased things better. A normal person would have asked “What was wrong?”, not allowed Lance to feel like there may be some kind of agreement with his less than logical mumblings “Mum...” “He’s just given birth earlier today. He’s not only birthed twins, he’s also been through surgery. He hadn’t done anything wrong that I can see” Ah. Keith felt bad for doubting his mother, yet he also knew that if he didn’t talk to her things may escalate, especially with her scent setting Lance on edge “Can we talk outside for tick? Mami, can you take Hunter for me. We’ll only be a few moments” Lance whined softly as Keith moved Hunter away from him, Miriam quick to take his feed son, then settle him back down where Lance could watch him feed. Only now did it strike Keith that maybe Lance wanted some alone time with his parents “Jorge, will you take Laith. I’ll take Korra, so you can have some family time” “I don’t mind holding her, she reminds me of Veronica as baby. Even then she had quite the temper” Sometimes people say things you don’t expect, Keith didn’t expect such a paternal side from Jorge when it came to holding onto Korra “If you’re sure?” “Talk to your mother” Krolia followed him out to hall, Keith hit by an unexpected feeling of ill ease with Laith being outside of Lance’s room. Holding his hands out, he swallowed loudly, not wanting to pick a fight or make his mother think she’d done something wrong. Taking Laith, he settled him up against his shoulder “You wanted to talk?” His mother sounded defensive, Keith mentally sighing to himself “You haven’t done anything wrong” Raising her eyebrow, Krolia crossed her arms “Then why have you been so...?” Of course she’d noticed. He needed to change tactics with this conversation “How do you deal with scents?” That wasn’t what his mother expected, her raised eyebrow turned into a scrunched ridge “With scent?” “I’m... I can smell you. I’ve been able to smell you since you stepped into the room. This scent thing... I don’t know... How do you... how did you cope after Korra was born? Having so many scents surrounding you, didn’t it... you know... make you... uneasy” Keith cringed at his own butchered words. He didn’t have the right ones, and if he did, he wasn’t sure he’d worded it all correctly “You can smell Galra and it’s setting you on edge?” Keith ducked his head, feeling a little sheepish “Oh my, that explains everything. You’ve been letting out your own stream of scent as warning. I simply thought that was because Lance was in hospital again” Keith nodded quickly, relieved she got it and now didn’t seem mad at him for asking her outside “Lance’s pain meds are wearing down and I can smell him too... He... I’m not in his brain, but I think the last time he suffered that much trauma was when... that arsehole hurt him” “You’re worried he’s only smelling me and not seeing me?” “That to. I mean. He knows you and he knows your scent. And he was happy that you didn’t hate him... but he was off his head earlier from the medication so I can’t tell if he’s reacting to your scent or upset he can’t hold his sons” “It’s both. I forgot how sensitive he was over scents when he first came to Daibazaal, every strange scent overwhelmed him. He’d made such progress, I’d let it slip my mind he could be afraid when in such a state. Maybe I should have delay...” “No! I mean, no. We want you here. I want you here... With us... I just... I never had this scent problem until Allura changed him. I didn’t grow up with it, or if I did I didn’t notice it like I do now. I don’t... I don’t want to make you feel unwanted... you’re my mum... and you’re now a grandmother. And Lance... he wants you here too. He.. he threw a seizure Mami, and it was terrifying. He bled... and I thought...” Krolia ignored him calling her Mami, closing the distance she wrapped her arms around him, careful of Laith as Keith buried his face in the crook of her neck “You’ve been so worried about Lance that you haven’t stopped to breathe, have you?” “It was so scary... there was so much blood and it wouldn’t stop... I watched him... he tore... he... now he can’t even hold them... They won’t let him hold them... What if has another seizure? What if he...” “That’s enough. Lance is strong. He’s incredibly strong... and you’re strong too. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid, but Keith, you have less to be afraid of now. Lance is in hospital. He’s safe. You’re sons are safe, and you are in the best possible position you can be after birth” “He has to have surgery, mum... He might have to have...” “Then you’ll deal with it together” “He shouldn’t have to deal! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. I should have been prepared” “That’s the things about babies, they have no sense of time. They come when they’re ready. You did the best you could under the circumstances. You have two amazing little boys. You need to let yourself relax. You need to let yourself sleep” “I... don’t think I can. Not without him... I don’t want to take my eyes off them” “Keith, honestly. You always take too much on your own shoulders. You and Lance, you’re a partnership. He may need to rely on you more for the time being, but it’d hurt him that you aren’t being realistic and letting yourself rest. I spoke to Shiro, he said you were beside yourself when Lance was brought in. Instead of focusing on your happiness, you’re acting like it’s already been decided things will go wrong. Have faith in your sons and in Lance. Now, this scent thing. I’ve grown up with it my whole life, I can’t save I have any tips for handling it. When the scents are too much, how do you usually cope with it?” “I make him smell like me... Um... rubbing my wrist against his neck or giving him my jacket?” “And if you can’t?” “We... uh... I don’t know?” Krolia groaned at him, releasing her hug, she took him by the chin “You’re my son and I love you. You’re an idiot, but I love you for it. Now, I’m going to find someone around here who can get me a bed for you, and you’re going to hug your husband and make sure that he knows no one is going to hurt him like that ever again” “Mum, you know PTS doesn’t work like that” “I know, and this is why you’re an idiot. No one said you had to use words to reassure him. Scent him with your wrist, sit on the edge of the bed and hold him. Lance seems to respond well to physical contact” “I’m not allowed on the bed” “I won’t tell if you don’t. Hold him until he falls asleep. He’s going to be sore for quite some time. Is there any reason he can’t be placed into a pod?” Keith shook his head, hiking Laith up slightly as he did “I don’t know... When he had his bleed it scarred the tissue, that’s why he had to have that operation. If he doesn’t heal... he might...” A blush formed on his face, he didn’t want to say Lance might never be able to use the toilet properly again because he didn’t know. He didn’t know anything of how long it would take to heal Lance. It wasn’t like when he was getting high, where his wounds would heal over night. No. Going down that chain of thought led too close to temptation. Lance worked hard not to fall back into the temptation of his previous habits “He’ll get the best possible medical care that the universe can offer. We’ll ensure that. Will you be able to cope with Korra until I return? I don’t intend to be long” “Jorge seemed happy to hold her” “He is a good man from what I can tell. He’s very fond of you, that’s certainly in his favour” “Can you imagine him and Kolivan in a room together? I thought he might come with you...” Not that Keith didn’t understand that he probably couldn’t due to his commitments... He just kind of felt like if he was going to be his stepdad then maybe he’d want to come... Unless now he Korra and didn’t need Keith around to ruin his new family “He’s dealing with a pocket of resistance that cropped up during your convalescence. He sends his congratulations. The flowers are from the three of us” “A pocket of resistance?” “Nothing you need to bother with. You were where you needed to be. Go back inside, hug your husband and tell him you love him. Remember, Keith, just because Lance gave birth, that doesn’t mean his hormones or emotions will simply snap back to being as they were before. He needs you now as much as ever” His mother had told him to let himself rest, yet now she was telling him that Lance needed him. He wasn’t sure what the right answer was now. She was right. Lance was in a safe place physically, but that didn’t mean mentally... He’d have to play it by Lance’s needs. * Waking in a dozy haze, Lance wince as he went to move. His arse was throbbing mercilessly, his tongue felt heavy, his teeth furry, skin sticky, and by all things holy his arse was sore as quiznak. Beside him something was far too warm as it snored. His body titled on the thin mattress towards the weight. Groaning, he gave up trying to relieve the pressure on his back as cool palm was placed against his forehead “Try not to move, Mijo. Are you in pain?” Nodding, Lance then blinked trying to wake himself up. His stomach felt as if he’d eaten a swarm of firearms and they were not trying to crawl out of any available exit below his waist “Mami?” His Mami hushed him, her hand felt wonderful “I’m here, sweetheart” “Hurts... Mami, it hurts”
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