#i know i mostly just draw my ship but satoshi means the world to me
kkst0904 · 1 year
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frosteblaze · 7 years
100 followers!!! 0.0
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Gasp! I can’t believe it already! Thank you all so much! I thought to commemorate this moment, and so that you can get to know me a little better I might do this. Feel free to do it yourselves, so that I can learn about you as well!!

Get to know the Inazuma Fandom Meme~
 How long have you been a fan of Inazuma Eleven?
Oh gosh. How much time ago was it… 5 or 6 years I think. It’s just, it’s been very active around these years, then I moved to other interests. But recently it’s been a pretty hard time for me, so going back to old “childhood” fandom has been really a blessing. Because IE is an anime that’s just so enjoyable to watch, I don’t have to think hard about it, it’s just so refreshing…
 How did you find out about Inazuma Eleven?
TV mostly. I was bored and scanned through channels and stumbled upon Inazuma Eleven and just, found it really interesting. It was around episode 40, where Raimon is battling Epsilon and Fubuki was starting to have problems with his double personality, and I thought “Huh, that character is interesting”, so I checked the anime on wikipedia and went through 126 episodes in a month. And then bought the games and rewatched IE two other times in the span of a year. So yeah. You could say I “came for fubuki, stayed for everything”.  
 Favourite IE Character(s)
As you might have guessed, Shirou takes the top spot, along with Endou, Gouenji and Kidou.
 Favourite IEGO Character(s)
Tenma and Kyousuke. Maybe also Hakuryuu. I have to rewatch Go and finish Galaxy to be able to really tell.
(Yeah I know I just listed protagonists. I just… get really invested in their story, they always end up my favorites)
 Least Favourite Character(s)
I don’t know, Fuyuka maybe? I think she’s a bit shallow… But there’s no character I really hate.
 Favourite OTP and ships?
Yeeeeeaaaaaah, I… don’t really ship. Not my thing, really.
 Favourite BROTP?
Break Trio! And all siblings relationships are fantastic.
Also I like the juxtaposition set by the narrative between Fubuki and Gouenji, and Kyousuke and Hakuryuu. It’s a bit of partnership/rivalry I dig. 
Also first years Go; Tenma, Shinsuke and Kyousuke. They’re fun. Captains and childhood friends Endou and Kazemaru and Shindou and Kirino are also fun. Also Endou and Natsumi, lol.
 If you were in a team of your choosing, which school?
Raimon, because I’m that shallow because they’re the heroes DUH. Also Oumihara because that will be a lot of fun.
 What position would you be playing?
In real life, I’ve been a Goalie the few times we had to play soccer in P.E.. So it’s either that or midfielder, because I would love to be able to control the ball and the field like Kidou or Tenma do. It’s cool.
 Favourite hissatsu move(s)?
Uhmm uh… Hard… Let’s go by categories:
Catch: God Hand because it’s just… iconic. Also the one with the Anchor from the Pirates in Go because lol. And Shinsuke’s Miximax hissatsu. Block: Snow Angel, Deep Mist (so fancy) Dribble: Heaven’s Time, Meteor Shower, Look! An UFO! because that’s the best thing I have ever heard of, and Soyokaze Step (I still, have no idea how he manages to move like that. Soyokaze Step is a hissatsu I never get tired to watch) Shoot: Fire Tornado and Eternal Blizzard and Inazuma Break because Iconic. Bicycle Sword because I can’t believe that’s the name of your strongest Hissatsu, Kyousuke. Also God Break and White Hurricane because Wow. Ryuusei Blade because it really looks hard to pull off. Like, you can see Hiroto struggling. And Space Penguin because lol. Also Crossfire.
There’s definitely more but those were those I could think top of my head.
 Favourite Season?
Oh gosh, can’t really choose. Depends on mood. Let’s see:
FF Arc: Most fun. Nothing’s really complicated, just hella fun. Aliea Arc: Most Heartbreaking. Damn those emotions. Also all characters introduced in this season are great. This season feels like an adventure trip, like if the FF Arc was school, this is summer camp. FFI Arc: Hard to really say, but… I feel like my babies grew up ya know? And they are ready to take over the world. The feeling is hard to explain, maybe makes me feel very proud? To have seen my babies come this far? Also very fun like FF, but more serious as well. All around most round-about season I guess.
Holy Road: Wow, just the perfect mix of emotions, nostalgia and fun? Definitely the most emotional of Go yet. My favorite of Go for now. Chrono Stone: Most crazy. Pleased the history nerd in me. I feel like there’s a lot of missed potential and the ending disappointed me, but still fun. It’s definitely my favorite Game tho. Galaxy: I’m like, halfway through, so it’s still a little early to judge. Did not not like it as of yet.
 Favourite Episode?
In IE, Episode 5 is hella fun. So is Episode 70-71. The match Raimon vs Epsilon around Episode 40 are really emotional I loved them. Other uhm… can’t tell at the moment.
In Go, I need to rewatch to really say, but where Tenma figures out Gouenji, where he first realized Soyokaze Step while arguing against Shindou (that was INTENSE), Endou’s first appearance? Also Chrono Stone’s first episode is so heartbreaking holy shit.
 What does Inazuma Eleven mean to you?
It’s just, so stupidly fun. It’s one of those things I don’t have to think hard about liking. It’s just so simple and fun and was such a big part of my childhood, it just, always cheers me up when I’m feeling down.
 Do you contribute to the fandom? (Graphics/Gifs/Writing/Art/ Supporter)
I guess I make gifs. Would do Graphics once I figure out how to use the program. I used to draw when I was little, but not anymore. Maybe one day. I’m more like, a shitposter.
Yeah, I’m the Inazuma Eleven shitposter.
 Recommend some of your favourite Inazuma Eleven blogs
Alright so @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @ichiroutas-other-eye @linabigface @aishakami (great Art!) @letsplaysakka @inazumaelevenconfessions @vraberika @zafiro-satoshi (also great Art!) @ishidoshuuji (inactive but still great content) and that’s it mostly. I’m still kinda new. I would love to get to know more people here!
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