#i hope i can end the final mini series with a smile (as well as all my tears haha)
kkst0904 · 1 year
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littledovesnow · 5 months
a growing family | part 4
a/n: the finale!!!! i had so much fun with this mini series, i hope you love it!
warnings: childbirth (but traumatic), idk... hospitals? inaccurate medical stuff (i worked in a hospital but i don't know shit about medicine!!!!)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Following a few Peacekeepers back to the train, you and Coriolanus talked softly about the conclusion of the tour.
“How did you like to see my old stomping grounds?” He asked, referring to the quick stop you two had made in the Hob so you could use the restroom.
“It certainly looks like the place that could draw a crowd.” You smiled, thanking the Peacekeeper as he helped you into the train.
Coriolanus walked dutifully as you more-so waddled down the aisle to the private car. “Are you feeling okay?”
He had noticed you taking more breaks while walking, discomfort on your face.
Nodding, you toed off your shoes and lounged with your feet on the opposite bench, letting your husband rub them once more. “Just ready to get these babies out of me. I feel like a beached whale.”
Coriolanus laughed, looking out the window as the train began the two-day journey back to the Capitol. “I’m sure they’re excited to be out in the world, have more space to move.”
You snorted, letting your head roll back and lean against the plush booth. “How long do you think we have until they come?”
“A couple more weeks, I hope. It’s still a little early.” Coriolanus chuckled as you let out a moan when he got a particularly rough knot out of your foot. “What are you thinking for dinner tonight, my love?”
You two continued the conversation while you both watched the trees go by, content in your last days alone.
The following morning, you woke before your husband, smile coming to your face when you saw the Capitol’s skyline in the distance.
Slowly rising from the bed, you paused for a moment when the world went off-kilter.
You stood and walked over to the exit of the private car, moving into the dining one for something to drink, never understanding why your mouth was so dry when traveling on the train.
 “Goodmorning, ma’am. How are you feeling?” A Peacekeeper asked, soft smile on his face as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
“Tired. How about yourself?” You replied, eying the mug of coffee with envy.
You two kept a quiet conversation until the door opened once more, Coriolanus entering the car.
“You could’ve woken me; I would’ve gotten you something to drink.” He chastised, pressing a soft kiss to your head.
Rolling your eyes, you smiled as the Peacekeeper left to give you and Coriolanus some privacy. “Coryo, I’m going to be holed up in a bed for weeks in a few days, let me get movement while I still can.”
Coriolanus tsked as he looked over what would be served for breakfast shortly, smile coming to his face when you pulled his free hand into your own, fiddling with his wedding band. “How are the babies doing?”
Shrugging, you looked out the window as the snow-capped mountains drew nearer. “They’re getting anxious, certainly hope they’re both in the correct position now.”
Coriolanus chewed on his lip as he hummed in agreement, not wanting you to experience surgery if it could be avoided. “We shall see, you’re meeting with the doctor the day after tomorrow, correct?”
Nodding, you sipped the tea that was placed in front of you. “Unless I go into labor beforehand.”
The elephant in the room was finally mentioned, and Coriolanus’ frown returned.
“Coryo, you know as well as I do that there’s a high possibility we’ll become parents before the end of the week. I want as much as you do to wait until it’s safer, closer to the due date, but twins come early a lot.”
Nodding, the blonde took a long sip of his coffee. “As long as you’re all okay, that’s all that matters.”
You woke to a loud screech, groaning into Coriolanus’ chest as the train stopped moving, stationed back at the Capitol.
“Good morning, welcome home.” Coriolanus whispered, voice hoarse with sleep.
“Good morning, Coryo.”
Both of you getting up, albeit you at a slower pace than Coriolanus, there was a small crowd cheering when you two disembarked the train, publicity-trained smiles on both of your faces.
Several reporters for the Capitol News had come to the station, vying for questions about the tour and wondering it’s success.
You sucked in a breath while Coriolanus spoke with Lucky Flickerman, keeping your face neutral as you interrupted the conversation. “Excuse me, Lucky, but Coriolanus and I have prior engagements we need to get to.”
Coriolanus sent you a look as you dragged him away from the cameras. He leaned down to ask you a question, voice soft to keep it off of the microphones. “What are you talking about?”
Looking up at him, you sent him a tight-lipped smile. “I’ve been in labor since four this morning. We’re going to the hospital.”
You groaned in pain as your OB/GYN walked into the room, smile on her face. “Didn’t think we’d be seeing each other so soon, my dear.”
“Well, we like to keep you on your toes.” You grumbled, letting out a sigh as the pain dissipated.
“Where’s Coriolanus? I expected him to be stationed next to you the entire time.”
Laughing, you watched as the doctor put some bands over the bump to monitor the twins. “He stepped out to call Tigris and my mother. He should be back shortly.”
Moving to examine you, you looked on the monitor to watch the babies’ heartbeats.
Coriolanus re-entered the room soon after the examination ended, smiling at the doctor when he noticed her, though when he saw the tears brimming on your lash line his smile dropped. “What happened?”
“Baby B is still in a breech position, we’re going to have to do a C-section.”
At the doctor’s repeated explanation, Coriolanus was next to you in an instant, clasping your hand in his own. “It’s going to be okay, dove. You’ve got wonderfully trained doctors, the best in all of Panem, you’ll be fine.”
It felt like a whirlwind while you were being prepped for surgery, contractions getting worse as time went on.
Coriolanus stood next to you, wanting nothing more than to help take the pain away, willing the pain away.
“Mr. Snow, we’ll be going to operating room shortly. We don’t normally allow this, but you are able to sit in the surgery with us. Meet your children.”
You frantically looked up at Coriolanus, nodding rapidly. “Please, please Coryo. I need you, I can’t- I don’t want to do this alone.”
Coriolanus nodded, allowing himself to be layered in the sterile gown and booties, nerves skyrocketing as if he was the one on the table. “You’ll be okay, my love. It’s going to be okay.”
There was an oxygen cannula pressed against your face, IV into your arm, short curtain set up on top of you, inhibiting your view of the doctors at your other end.
Coriolanus pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, salty with the sweat still beading along your skin.
You felt the pinprick of a local anesthetic, the sounds of medical instruments being picked up and jostled, and the low voices of the surgeons and doctors birthing your children.
“You doing good up there, Mrs. Snow?” One of the surgeons asked, glancing up at your stats.
You nodded, too afraid to speak.
“Alright, let’s meet Baby Number One.” Your OB/GYN smiled, and a piercing cry erupted into the room. “Welcome to the world, Little Girl Snow.”
“A girl, we have a girl, Coryo.” You looked over at Coriolanus, ignoring the pressure in your head.
“We have a girl, love.” Coriolanus smiled, tears threatening to spill over.
You heard one of the machines behind you beeping more incessantly, the voices of the doctors growing muffled and distant.
“Coryo, some-something’s wrong. I feel- something is wrong.” You mumbled, words slurring.
Coriolanus felt his heart drop onto the floor at your admission, head snapping to the doctors who had started to rapidly soaking blood up, and he could pick out a few phrases from their rapid chatter, the words “obstetric hemorrhage” sending chills down his body.
“What’s wrong, what’s going on with my wife?” Coriolanus yelled, terror on his face.
“Mr. Snow, you’re going to have to head to the waiting room.” A nurse spoke, ushering him out of the operating room.
He saw one of the doctors pressing his fingers onto the second baby’s chest, while a handful of other surgeons and doctors focused on you, and Coriolanus had never felt fear quite like this.
Four hours had passed since you were ripped from Coriolanus’ sight, four hours since he last saw his children. “A boy and a girl, Mr. Snow. Congratulations.” The nurse had said, smile on her face.
How she could smile in the face of a man whose wife could be dead, he’ll never know.
Coriolanus’ knee was bouncing a mile a minute as he awaited any news on your state, on the babies, on anything.
“Mr. Snow?”
His head shot up when he heard a soft voice call his name, and he saw a nurse approaching, hesitant smile on his face.
“Is my wife okay?” He asked, eyes frantic.
Nodding, the nurse lead him to a private room, away from any prying eyes. “Mrs. Snow is stable. She experienced a large quantity of blood loss during the birth, but with some transfusions, she is stable and should wake up shortly.”
Nodding, Coriolanus let out a sigh. “The babies? Are they- can I see them?”
The nurse paused, and Coriolanus saw a tick in her jaw.
“What’s wrong with my children?”
“The boy, I’m not sure if you’ve decided on names yet, but the boy will need to be monitored for a few weeks here. His lungs weren’t as developed as his sister’s, but with some supplemental oxygen and time, he should be a fighter.”
“My daughter, is she okay?”
“Would you like to meet your daughter, Mr. Snow?”
The nurse lead him to the nursery, motioning for him to sit in one of the rocking chairs. “Newborns do best with skin-to-skin, if you unbutton your shirt, I can place her on your chest.”
Coriolanus quickly undid the buttons, ignoring the nurse’s gasp at the few bruises on his chest from back on the train, and gently placed the newborn in his arms.
The baby was smaller than he expected, having never held a newborn before, but he felt enamored by her, by his daughter. Already, he was wrapped around her little finger, wanting nothing more than to give her the world.
“She has her mother’s eyes.” Coriolanus whispered, soft smile on his face as he rocked slowly in the chair.
Looking up at the nurse, Coriolanus asked about you, when you would be awake and ready to meet the twins.
“It’s hard to say, some mothers wake up shortly after birthing. Others, ones who had complications not unlike your wife, it can be a few hours to days before they wake. Rest assured, your wife is being monitored closely, and you will be able to bring your daughter to meet her mother.”
Coriolanus nodded, blinking back the few tears that threatened to leak.
He was thankful you two had decided to have the hospital facility to sign NDA contracts, not wanting his soft side to be released to the public.
“I’ll let you two bond, just press that green button when you need anything.”
Coriolanus thanked her, looking down at the small baby in arms.
“Welcome to the world, little one. You and your brother aren’t going to have to worry about a thing, I’ll make sure of it.”
Coriolanus looked at himself in the mirror of your hospital room’s bathroom. The man staring back at him did not look like the Coriolanus Snow who was on the presidential election posters that were recently debuted to the public.
No, the man staring back at Coriolanus had greasy, unkempt hair, stubble popping up along his face, and bags under his eyes. Tigris had stopped in with a change of clothing and something to eat, knowing her cousin wouldn’t eat if it meant leaving your side.
The twins were recovering well, the boy’s lungs growing stronger with each passing day.
You were now Coriolanus’ top priority, you still haven’t woken from the emergency surgery and complications from days prior.
The doctors were unsure of why you hadn’t woken yet, speculating your body needed more rest than you let on, the tour taking a toll on your body.
Coriolanus walked back to the chair on the side of your bed, cracking his neck as he sat down and took your hand in his.
“The babies are doing well, doctor’s speculate we’ll be able to take them home in a few days. We have to name them first, and I know we decided on what to call them, but it feels wrong to sign the certificates without you there.”
The blonde man had taken to talking about his day, explaining things the twins were doing, hoping you would wake up and respond to his ramblings.
The only response he got was the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, the only thing keeping Coriolanus sane.
A knock on the door drew Coriolanus out of his stupor, tight smile coming to his lips when he saw Tigris.
“How is she?” The older Snow asked, dropping a small box of baked goods on the table next to your bed.
“The same.” Coriolanus croaked, voice raw from the nights he spent crying, hoping you didn’t suffer the same end that his mother did.
It was as if Tigris could hear his inner monologue, as she hugged her cousin tightly. “She won’t be like your mom, she’s going to wake up, and she’s going to raise those babies down the hall, and she’s going to be your First Lady.”
Coriolanus nodded, dam breaking as tears escaped his eyes, racing down his chin to meet each other.
Two weeks after you had become parents, Coriolanus had to make an appearance in public to show the Capitol he was still strong, and he would be Panem’s next president.
He was sitting next to Lucky Flickerman, answering lukewarm questions and entertaining the premise that he was running on a full night’s sleep, not the coffees he had been all-but bathing in.
While the show was at a break, one of the Capitol News associates came over to the two men, serious look on his face. “Excuse me, Mr. Snow.”
Coriolanus looked over to him, Lucky frowning that his story had been interrupted.
“Mr. Snow, I’ve just gotten a call from a Tigris Snow? She said that you’re needed at the Capitol Medical Center urgently.”
Coriolanus felt the blood rush to his ears as he left the station without a single look back, commanding his driver to what had become his second home at this point.
Footfalls echoing off the walls, Coriolanus’ eyes were wide as he turned the corner and entered the room that had become familiar over the last weeks, the room seemingly brighter when he saw your smiling face back at him.
“Love.” Coriolanus sighed, rushing to your side, kissing you as if he was starved.
You kissed back just as eagerly, only breaking the kiss when you felt your stitches pull. “Hi, Coryo.”
“Hi, dove.”  
a/n: the end <3 maybe you'll see this beautiful family in some future fics!
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ja3yun · 2 months
Melting Point | P.SH | CH.9 (fin.)
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brother's rival!sunghoon x fem!reader warnings: angst(ish), fluff, smut (mdni), masturbation (m.), confrontation, not many warning this chapter since it's the finale, anything i missed lmk! ch. 9 synopsis: nationals are underway and everything hangs in the balance for you as you watch sunghoon and minhee compete. just before the competition, sunghoon gets an unexpected visitor and makes some life decisions. wc: 15.1k previous | masterlist a/n: hi! i can't believe this is the end. i genuinely will never be able to thank each one of you for the love you have given this series. honestly, i didn't expect this series to do that well considering it's a hefty amount, but all of you have been so lovely and supportive! i hope this ending does melting point justice and ties everything up for you all. i will miss mp fridays and ynhoon more than anything but it just means i can work on something new <3 ilysm and thank you again!
Sunghoon’s alarm blares from the hotel’s bedside table, startling him from his peaceful sleep. He tries to twist and turn off the annoying noise but your grip on him stops his movements, your head burying itself into his chest as you stir, your legs tightening around his as a sleep-induced protest to have him stay beside you.
Smiling down at you, he gently pushes you from his body, careful not to fully wake you while he turns off the alarm from his phone. Luckily, you’re so exhausted from the night before’s activities that you simply roll to your side and sink further into the fluffy pillow.
The time on Sunghoon’s phone reads 6am, a horribly early start for such a long day. He digs the soles of his palms into his eyes trying to rid any sleepiness from them in an attempt to wake up. Knowing he has to get prepared for today, he begrudgingly flicks the covers off of his body and sits up at the edge of the bed.
He turns to face you, happily pouting at your sleeping figure. Right now, Sunghoon is the most content he has ever been before a competition and it was all thanks to you. Last night, relaxing with you and Minhee watching TV, fucking you into the morning, and cradling you in his arms as you softly snored on his chest, it was all so perfect. Finally, he felt like his life had some form of normality to it; he felt the same way last night as he used to when his dad took him for food at that cafe you’ve grown to love so much. He’s finally found happiness like he only dreamed of.
Placing the covers back over you as he stands up, Sunghoon quickly makes his way to the bathroom, careful not to trip over the mess on the floor; there is something about hotel rooms that just makes him a slob, the entire place covered in his stuff which could easily be put away.
The bathroom light flickers as he presses the switch, the white light a little too bright for his liking but he has to make do. Inspecting his face in the mirror, he sees a light in his eyes that flashes back to him, a testament to his happiness. If this was a typical competition morning, he would be stressed, the weight of perfection placed on his shoulders by his mother the only thing he truly felt. The constant need to impress and be the best at what he does drained him more than he realised, until you came along he would grit and bear it, trying to keep everyone happy.
But you, you made him realise that you will always be proud of him as long as he does his best and is happy with himself; a desperate structure he needed in his life.
Grinning from ear to ear, he turns on the shower and waits for the water to heat up, using his hand as an indicator. He strips off his boxers and steps in carefully - the last time he brazenly walked into a hotel shower he nearly fell ass first, legs flailing to keep him up right and that is the last thing he needs to happen. 
The water is perfect as it cascades over his body, each droplet trickles down his form like a mini blanket, hugging him with warmth. He doesn’t mind winter much, being born in December and all, but he does dislike the coldness. Irony isn’t lost on him, he understands that his whole life has been around a freezing cold ice rink, yet recently, he has been finding it more and more difficult to withstand the cold air.
Probably because he was so accustomed to your warmth now.
For some reason today, more than most days, he can’t shake his mind off you; probably because there is so much at stake today and you’re the only thing that calms down his anxious mind.
After Minhee explained about your mother and her gambling, he knew from then that he had to shield you from it all. He wants to respect your wishes and perform to his best ability, but the nagging part of his heart that lives to protect you is telling him to disobey your request, to just lose the competition on purpose anyway.
Minhee is good, spectacular even, Sunghoon can’t and won’t deny that, but is he really first-place ready? This all must be gnawing at your brother, swaying his head and making him lose focus, Sunghoon knows it would do that to him. And who is to say another figure skater won’t be better than both of them? Was the bet just for Minhee to win over Sunghoon in points or the whole competition? He wishes he got some clarity on that as he ponders all the possible outcomes of today.
All he has to do is lose to Minhee, that’s the safest option. 
Squirting some of the hotel soap onto his hands, he glides them all over his torso and chest, rubbing in the suds to wash him clean. Selfishly, he wants to wake you up and have you wash him as you have done so many times before; your nimble hands trailing over his v-line and his toned stomach, always resulting in your back against the tiles while he fucks into you, serving to create a vicious cycle of cleaning one another of your sex only to dirty yourselves up again. The recollection of your soaped-up tits only adds to his yearning for you, but you are so exhausted from yesterday that he needs to leave you be, settling for his memories and hand.
His hand falls to his semi-hard cock as he turns his body to face the showerhead, stroking his shaft a few times, using the pressure from the water to add another layer of pleasure. 
Tipping his head back, he opens his mouth as he squeezes his length at the base before pumping a little more determinedly. He knows he doesn’t have lots of time but he can’t help himself, every thought of you bouncing on his cock and the primal moans that escape your mouth every time he hits that sweet spot inside you. 
Biting his lip, he jerks himself off faster, trying to keep quiet but the feeling is too good, he can’t help but speak to himself as he imagines you in here with him, “Shit, Y/N, so fucking good,” he whispers, the base in his voice being lost behind the hum of the shower.
He angles his cock perfectly so some of the water stream hits directly onto his slit, giving him the same sensation as when the tip of your tongue swirls around his head, dipping into him as you stare into his eyes.
“Jesus Christ,” Sunghoon breathes out, placing his spare hand on the wall to steady himself as he thrusts harder into his hand, searching for a quick release. 
Since you came into his life he has started to question how he ever got off without at least the thought of you. The way you touch him, the way you make him feel, it’s like nothing he has ever known before. He hasn’tt tell you that when you rode him in his car for the first time that he genuinely wondered if he had even had sex before you, the way your walls gripped at his cock suddenly made him forget every person he had ever been with.
All he remembers is you.
When he nearly lost you because of your mum, he didn’t know what to do. Of course, he was mad about the skate and that you lied, but without you there with him, even for a few days, it was enough for him to lose any sense of being; it was as if all his limbs had been torn away from his body. Since the day you came home to him, he vowed never to let you go, and he won’t.
Quickening the pace, Sunghoon is close to the edge, ready to spill his seed down the shower drain. His wet chest heaves up and down as his balls shiver with the ache of release, “Y/N, just like that, baby. So fucking good,” he moans, hoping his voice doesn’t carry into the hotel bedroom. 
His wrist works harder as he inhales through gritted teeth, his brain running through every orgasm you’ve ever had so that he can feel like he’s cumming with you.
“Shit, shit,” he groans, the first spurts of his cum shooting against the wall, some already being rinsed down the drain. He chants your name a few times, muttering how much he loves you under his breath as he slowly comes down from his climax.
If only it was you he was cumming inside, painting your walls white. 
Shaking his head, he rids himself of any more dirty thoughts of you, scared he might have to spend another 10 minutes under the water. Turning the faucet, he changes the water to a cooler temperature while he tries to calm the thumping in his chest and the throbbing in his cock. 
Once he is done with the competition, he’s going to take you over and over on the bed, cumming as many times as possible, whether inside you, on you, or wherever his desire leads.
Sunghoon turns the shower off, cleans the remnants of his mess, and steps out, wrapping a towel around his slim waist, the imprint of his now softening cock still pressed against it. You would drool if you saw him like this, you always had a thing for your boyfriend when he came straight out of a shower. There is something about the way his body glistens and how his hair sticks to his face that just turns you on. Perhaps it’s because it’s akin to how he looks after hours of fucking you silly.
After completing his skincare routine and brushing his teeth, he saunters back into the room where you are still sound asleep. He breathes a sigh of relief that he didn’t wake you despite his constant mewling of your name. 
Dropping the towel next to his suitcase, he rummages for his usual training gear before slipping into it with ease, each movement he makes is calculated, being careful not to reach a high decibel and wake you. He gathers his competition essentials such as costume, skates, and makeup, slowly zipping his bag once he has double and triple-checked it.
He steals a glance at you before tip-toeing over to your side of the bed. His hand reaches to pet your hair gently, framing it around your face to rid it from your eyes. With a soft kiss on your forehead, he smiles fondly, “I love you, baby.” His words fall on sleeping ears but he says them anyway, hoping they somehow wiggle their way into the peaceful dream you’re having.
Sunghoon heads out of the hotel room, picking up his key from the door and shutting it softly behind him. Just as the door clicks, he hears the same noise from up the hallway. He turns his head to see Minhee coming from your room, hair wet and a singular star pimple patch on his chin; the same brand you buy for yourself. 
Now that he’s looking at your brother, he really studies how similar you both are; same nose, same posture, and even your walk is the same. 
Minhee approaches Sunghoon with a timid wave and adjusts the gym bag securely onto his shoulder, “Hey, I’m guessing she’s in there?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah,” Sunghoon nods, still whispering out of habit from this morning, “We…you were snoring so loud last night, Y/N couldn’t sleep,” he offers as an excuse as to why Minhee woke up alone this morning. 
It’s a pathetic excuse but Sunghoon couldn’t in his right mind tell him that they left to go back to his room and fuck because Sunghoon was way too horny to keep it in his pants. Some boundaries just cannot be crossed, plus, does any brother want to know that only a few doors down their sister was getting pounded into oblivion? The answer to that is always no.
Minhee holds his hand up in front of Sunghoon, “Mate, shut up, we’re both 20 and I’m not an idiot,” his face turns to disgust despite trying to come across as mature. A shiver runs down his spine at the conversation, not wanting to progress it any further.
Fortunately for him, neither does Sunghoon, “Are you ready for today?” he asks as they walk together to the lift. 
Taking a deep breath in contemplation, Minhee finally nods, “Yeah, I think so,” he pauses, pushing the elevator button. He is nervous, this grand plan of his only working if he does his absolute best with no mistakes; all he has to do is perform with the same tenacity as the run-through. He turns to his competitor and braces a smile, “Hey, thanks for doing this, Sunghoon. I know after everything that’s happened between us I shouldn’t be asking you to do me a favour like this,” he says sheepishly.
It was a lot to ask of his then-rival, to be so bold and ask Sunghoon to throw a first place just to save Minhee’s ass after he nearly destroyed his career, no one in their right mind should have agreed. But Sunghoon, despite everything, was as understanding as ever. 
Your brother wasn’t accustomed to Sunghoon’s caring nature, Minhee’s impression of him up until this point was his enemy and what the media perceived him as, not the Sunghoon you knew, so when Sunghoon agreed, albeit a tad apprehensive, he was taken aback.
“I’ll do anything for her,” Sunghoon states clearly, his voice firm with determination, “And you, man. I can’t imagine what your mum has put you through up until now,” he admits. It was true that he was willing to do literally anything for you, but it was also true that he wanted to do this for Minhee as well. The more Sunghoon thought about it, it wasn’t Minhee’s fault for all this drama, it was all your mum’s fault. He couldn’t keep a grudge against someone who was only trying to protect their sister; if it was him, he would have done the same.
Minhee flashes a smile and light-heartedly punches Sunghoon’s shoulder, “Getting all gushy over me now, huh, Park?” he chuckles as the boy in front of him rolls his eyes in fake annoyance. Turning slightly serious, Minhee continues, “Y/N is my first priority in this world and to be honest, I didn’t care about winning until all this mess,” he confesses, a hint of anger pointed towards your mother in his voice.
“She’s mine too, Minhee. Just do your best out there and we’ll figure out the rest. I got you, man,” he smiles once again, hoping his sincerity comes through in his words. The lift bell dings as it arrives at their floor, and both skaters descend down to the lobby, on their way to the practice rink. 
As they make their way across the street to the ice rink, the reporters are back on their case, shouting useless questions with zero substance. Sunghoon places an arm over Minhee’s shoulder, his lips against his ear, “Wanna hold hands? Really give them something to talk about?” he laughs, pulling him in tighter to his side. 
The flashes go rapid at the gesture, “I don’t think we need to, Sunghoon. I think they might have already married us off,” Minhee says as his eyes focus on crossing the road, being the eyes for both of them as Sunghoon plays up to the camera.
“C’mon then, baby, we don’t want to be late for our warm-up.” Both of them laugh loudly, as they walk into the arena, ready to finally take to the ice.
The practice rink buzzes with anticipation as aspiring champions gather, each determined to claim National Gold. The distinct scent of ice and rubber immediately greets Minhee and Sunghoon as they step inside, a familiar aroma that stirs memories of countless hours spent honing their skills on the ice.
All eyes are on them, curiously following their every move. Unaffected by the attention, Minhee and Sunghoon enter together while exhibiting camaraderie and confidence. They chuckle lightheartedly at the hubbub outside, their laid-back demeanour in sharp contrast to the intensity of the upcoming competition. 
Wonyoung waves at both of them as she skates around the rink, happy that her Belmore buddies are finally there to join her. 
With Minhee spending a lot of time at the rink, he and Wonyoung have secretly become vast friends, even going as far as to help one another out when they cross paths. Your brother didn’t have many friends on the ice, the nature of the competition is a lonely one, so it was refreshing to get close to a fellow figure skater. And one as pretty as Wonyoung was simply a bonus.
As Minhee waves back eagerly, Sunghoon raises his eyebrow sceptically, “You’re cheating on me already? Did our 5-second wedding outside mean nothing to you?” he jibs at him, nudging his ‘lover’ with his shoulder.
“What are you talking about?” Minhee asks, never taking his eyes off Wonyoung.
“You’ve got a thing for Wonnie,” he says as a statement rather than a query, already certain of Minhee’s feelings towards the female skater.
Minhee snaps his face to meet Sunghoon’s gaze, “She lets you call her that?” his face shines a brighter shade of red as he realises what he just said, “I mean no. We’re friends, nothing more.” Despite Minhee’s protests, Sunghoon doesn’t buy it, only wishing to poke fun at him further.
“Hey, no judgment here, she’s pretty,” he places a hand on his new friend’s shoulder, “Y’know, she’s single, right? She broke up with that Ricky kid a few months ago,” he informs him.
Minhee nods sadly, “Yeah, she said in passing that she wasn’t getting involved with another figure skater.” 
Wonyoung and Ricky lasted a whole 4 months before calling it quits, not exactly heartbreak material, but enough for her to swear off any man that adorns a skate, at least for the time being.
Noticing Minhee’s slumped body language, Sunghoon tries his best to give him some encouragement, “True, but you have one thing that he doesn’t,” he says, dancing his bushy eyebrows up and down.
Minhee tilts his head, “What?”
“You’re older and you’re about to be a Nationals Champion. I’d say that’s pretty hot, hmm? I mean look at me,” he gestures to himself smugly, “That’s how I got your sister.”
“Mate, don’t compare Wonyoung to my sister, you’re making this weird,” he cringes at the thought.
As they both watch Wonyoung practice her toe loops, Minhee spots someone at the corner of his eye, dragging his attention away from his not-so-secret-and-completley-obvious-crush, to the woman walking towards them.
Minhee elbows Sunghoon to grab his attention, eyes pointed towards Mrs. Park as she approaches them both, face void of any emotion.
Sunghoon’s whole body freezes, the last person he expected to see today was his mother; she hasn’t bothered to contact him since their big argument. 
The thing is, Sunghoon had debated whether to reach out and try and fix the relationship they had, knowing that his dad would be so mad if he didn’t at least attempt to mend things with her. But it also wasn’t solely his responsibility, she could have texted him or showed up to one of his scheduled practices, he knows she still gets the notifications in her calendar.
Despite not knowing what transpired between the Parks, Minhee knows he needs to make himself scarce, “I’ll see you out there, yeah?” he faces Sunghoon whose sole attention is on his mum as she stands in front of him.
“Yeah, I’ll be on the ice in a minute. Grab me a rack?” still, Sunghoon’s eyes never leave his mother even as he speaks to Minhee. 
The other boy pats his back as he goes to the changing rooms, leaving the pair to have what can only be described as a staring contest.
“Why are you here?” Sunghoon asks, tone laced with agitation and defiance. He couldn’t be civil to her, not when she insulted and belittled you so easily. Although her suspicions of foul play were correct, she blamed you without knowing anything or gathering any evidence against you. He can’t stand for it, not then and not now. 
And then there were her careless words about his deceased father, words that still reverberated in Sunghoon's mind. The idea that his own father would be ashamed of him was a wound that cut deeper than any other, a wound he was still grappling to heal. 
“I came to wish you luck,” she states, voice as monotonous as ever.
Her son crosses his arms, body language standoffish as he goes to speak, “I don’t need your luck. I don’t need your guidance or anything. I fired you, or was that not clear?” he hisses.
“You can’t fire me from being your mother. I still care about you,” she retorts. There is only a hint of emotion in her voice, otherwise, Sunhgoon is looking at his typical stoic mother. If he is to believe anything she says right now, she would need to show some form of depth.
Sunghoon sucks his teeth, “I have a new family now, I really don’t need you,” he states calmly despite the bubbling anger that is rising from his chest. He saw you, and now Minhee, as his found family, people he can rely on and trust without question which is more than he can say about the woman standing a mere 50cm away from him. 
Since she has been out of his life, he has felt so free of most negative emotions. The mini panic attack he had the day he kicked her out of the house was enough for him to step back and re-evaluate their relationship. No one in the world should make anyone feel as little as she made him feel that day, so he vowed never to let anyone do that to him again.
“I can’t make you forgive me for how I’ve acted over the years, I don’t expect you to, but I would like to make peace,” she confesses.
Confused, Sunghoon leans back, his arms loosening from their knot slightly, “You had weeks to do that, why pick today of all days?”
Sunghoon’s mother shifts uncomfortably, a sense of awkwardness lingering in the air as she chooses an arguably inappropriate moment to broach the sensitive topic, "Sunghoon, I only want what is best for you," she begins tentatively, her voice tinged with a hint of regret, "And I know it may not seem like it, but I do care about you. Your father was the one with a paternal instinct; what I lacked in love, he made up for."
Her words hang heavy in the air, prompting Sunghoon to pause and reflect. It's a rare occurrence for his mother to admit fault or express any form of emotional vulnerability, leaving him at a loss for how to respond, this was all new to him, a road he didn’t know how to navigate.
“When your father died, I was left to shoulder the weight of showing you love when I couldn’t find it in myself to love you the way you deserved. It sounds cold and I can only apologise for feeling this way, but I think explaining this to you will make you hate me less, maybe even forgive me.”
"So that's it then?" he burst out, his voice edged with bitterness, "You're telling me you never loved me? That showing me any form of love was a burden? And you expect me to hate you less? You’ve got some nerve.”  It’s amazing to Sunghoon how she can stand there and say this to her own son, asking for him to forgive her. His anger simmered, a storm raging within him as he struggled to comprehend his mother's words.
“It’s not that I don’t love you it’s just-”
“You are my mother, you’re supposed to love your child unconditionally, no excuses,” Sunghoon's voice pierced the thick air, full of despair and rage. Every fibre of his being shouted for justice, for the love he had sought but never got.
However, as he locked eyes with his mother, a harsh realisation came over him like a tsunami smashing on the coast. He realised with terrible clarity that demanding empathy from someone who lacked the ability to care was a lost cause.
In this moment, a profound shift occurred within Sunghoon. It was a silent acknowledgement, a decision made in the depths of his soul. He refused to play the endless game of seeking validation from someone incapable of offering it. He refused to subject himself to further anguish in a cycle destined for disappointment.
"I'm done," he declared softly, his words carrying the weight of finality, “I have never been happier with you out of my life. I have people who love me, I don’t need you anymore, these past few weeks have shown me that.”
His mother looks aghast at her son’s statement, feeling her own sense of betrayal right now. She had come here looking for reconciliation but instead, she only got kicked to the curb once again. The damage of the past had already been done. 
“Sunghoon, please don’t shut me out. I’m trying to learn to be the mother you deserve,” she pleads with him, mustering up any way to make him forgive her.
He watches as her face washes over with something he had never seen before, sorrow perhaps. It twinges his heart to see anyone upset, but she can’t scribble out the past with one sign of regret. If she had approached this conversation differently, he may have seen eye to eye with her but saying she found it hard to love him wasn’t the best way to broach the subject of redemption.
It’s not in Sunghoon’s nature not to be a little understanding, he does know that some people lack the emotional intelligence to form loving relationships. But that isn’t the type of person he needs in his life right now, not in his formative years. He needs more people like you, people who love him and make it look easy, not burdensome.
Stepping closer to her, he gives her one more look over, “When I have kids, I will give them all the love you should have given me,” he spits at her, yet his heart is heavy with the realisation that he has lost both his parents.
“Wait!” she shouts, holding onto his arm.
Sunghoon's muscles tensed as his mother's grip tightened on his arm, her desperation palpable. He hesitated, torn between the desire to break free from her grasp and the lingering flicker of compassion within him.
"What?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration and exhaustion, "What more could you possibly have to say?"
His mother's gaze wavered, a mix of remorse and longing clouding her features. "I know I've failed you, Sunghoon," she whispered, her voice finally trembling with emotion, "But please, give me a chance to make things right. I may not have been the mother you needed, but I want to try. I want to be there for you, to support you in any way I can. I’m working on myself, please believe me."
As Sunghoon grappled with the weight of his mother's plea, a tumultuous storm raged within him. Each word she uttered clawed at his resolve, tugging at the fragile threads of forgiveness he dared to entertain.
He met her gaze, searching for any hint of sincerity amidst the tangled web of emotions. And as he looked into her eyes, he saw a vulnerability he had never witnessed before - a vulnerability that mirrored his own.
With a heavy sigh, Sunghoon gently removed his mother's hand from his arm. "I need time," he said softly, his voice laced with uncertainty. He didn’t know if this was the right choice, to at least not burn the bridge to his mother completely, but as he looked at her now, he felt his dad in his ear, begging him to at least consider mending the relationship.
Was there a chance for redemption, for reconciliation, buried beneath the layers of hurt and resentment? Or was this merely another chapter in their tumultuous relationship, destined to end in further heartache and disappointment? Sunghoon isn’t sure, but he’ll try.
With a heavy heart, Sunghoon stamps down his decision - one born from a fragile balance of trepidation and tentative optimism, "I need to think about this, all of it. I have people to consider, including myself, before I can even entertain the idea of letting you back into my life." he confessed, his voice trembling.
Sunghoon's mother nodded, her eyes shimmering with gratitude and a glimmer of hope. "I understand," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, "Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting. Good luck today."
His mother gives him one final nod before retreating, leaving Sunghoon with his decision. He sits with the echoes of his mother's plea - a silent promise to confront the demons of their past and forge a new path forward, one step at a time. And though the journey would be fraught with obstacles, he clung to the belief that amidst the pain and turmoil, there lay the possibility of redemption - a chance to rewrite the story of their fractured relationship and embrace forgiveness. 
It was either the most foolish thing he had ever done or the start of his healing journey. 
Making his way to the locker room, he sees Minhee lacing up his skates, weaving the strings around each of the eyelets. Sunghoon takes the moment to look at him and wonder how Minhee feels about his own damaged relationship with his mum. Was it as conflicting for him or was the decision to rid his mother from your family easy?
Sunghoon sits down on the saved seat next to Minhee, leaning back against the wall, his head thumping.
“You okay?” Minhee asks tentatively, not wanting to poke the bear.
“Yeah,” Sunghoon opens his eyes to gaze at Minhee, “Can I ask you something?” Nodding, Minhee sits up straight, awaiting the impending question, “Your mum, was it easy to, like, disown her?” It’s a strange question to ask someone but he hopes that Minhee’s answer will give him some clarity into his own situation. 
Minhee ponders, never having really thought about it before, “I think it was, I mean, she put Y/N in danger, treated us both like shit, and blamed me for a lot of things that I didn’t have any control over. Emotionally, I think me and Y/N were both detached from her, which made it easy.”
Sitting with Minhee’s words, Sunghoon realises that the reason he finds it so hard to let go of the relationship with his mum is because he does care about her. She was cold and cruel, but never harmed him in any way. Her actions weren’t one of a mother but in comparison to you and Minhee’s mum, she was at least a smidge better. 
Each mother strives for her kid to succeed, but the stark contrast resides in the motives driving their acts. While Sunghoon's mother pushed him to achieve out of a genuine desire for his success, Minhee's mother's obsession with propelling him to the top sprang from her own selfish gain.
Watching Sunghoon wrestle with his inner turmoil, Minhee places a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I may not fully understand what's happening between you and your mum, but from one disappointing son to another," he says with a soft smile, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere, “If there is a chance to fix your relationship, take it. As much as I’m happy my bitch of a mother won’t be in my life anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t wish things were different. If you and your mum can sort it out, do it.” 
Minhee’s speech is comforting, freeing Sunghoon of some of the tension in his body regarding the situation with his mother. It’s always a risk to forgive someone or give them a second chance, but it can also lead to stronger relationships.
In this moment, Sunghoon can at least say his mother is willing to try and redeem herself, unlike some mums in the world. It’s the bare minimum, but it’s a start.
"Thanks, Minhee," Sunghoon says, offering a grateful smile, "Do we kiss now, or?"
Minhee lets out a snort of laughter, playfully pushing his friend away. "Save those lips for the other Kang sibling, please," he teases, rising to his feet and balancing on his skates. "Although if you ever get bored of her…"
With an exaggerated wink, Minhee saunters out of the locker room, leaving Sunghoon feeling lighter and more at ease. This was exactly the conversation Sunghoon needed, Minhee was the unexpected friend he needed. 
You exchange the biting chill of the winter for the bustling ice rink as you step inside the venue. The vibrant atmosphere envelops you like a warm embrace. Excitement crackles in the air, mingling with the sounds of blades slicing through the ice and the chatter of eager spectators. With Nationals in full swing, anticipation pulses through the crowd as they await the next performances.
You arrived early to ensure you caught Minhee before his turn on the ice. As the women's event concludes, leaving only three skaters left, the arena buzzes with energy
Navigating through the throngs of people, your eyes scan the crowded rink for any sign of your brother. The busy venue makes it tough to find him, and you don’t even know what he is wearing. To be fair, he probably wouldn’t be out in the open arena, but rather residing backstage as he awaits the start of the men’s competition.
You walk up to one of the event staff and ask if you can go backstage to see Minhee, but of course, he doesn’t let you, “Sorry, Miss. Only skaters and coaches are allowed back there,” he says sternly. At least he’s doing his job, you suppose.
"Luckily for her, she's with me, right, Y/N?" Coach Kim's smile is infectious, and you nod eagerly, grateful for his timely intervention.
"Yes, that's right," you chime in, your mind racing to concoct a plausible explanation. "I'm a... a meditator! Yes, a meditator. I help the competitors find their zen before going on stage." You realise your impromptu lie sounds feeble, but you press on, hoping to convince the staff member.
The staff eyes you both sceptically, his scrutiny unnerving, "Then why do you have a family badge?" he questions, his tone heavy with suspicion.
Feeling the weight of his scrutiny, you look to Coach Kim for support, silently pleading for assistance in salvaging the situation.
Coach Kim steps in smoothly, his easy smile never faltering, "Ah, you see, Y/N is an important member of our team so she is practically family. Her position as a meditator is critical to my skater’s performance. She calms and focuses him before he goes out to the rink."
You give Coach Kim an appreciative look, quietly thanking him for his fast thinking. The staff member appears to examine his thoughts for a time before nodding in agreement.
"Alright then, you can go through," the staff member concedes, standing aside to allow you and Coach Kim access to the backstage area.
You walk beside Coach Kim, thanking him over and over again for getting you in. You didn’t just want to see Minhee to wish him luck, you had a surprise for him and Sunghoon, “You’re the best coach, has anyone told you that?” you beam at him.
Laughing, he nods, “A few times, yes, usually you or Minhee when you both want something,” Coach Kim points in front of you, “He’s in there.”
“Thanks, Coach!” you go to wave him off but he stops you in your tracks by gently grabbing your shoulder.
“Y/N, Minhee told me about your mum,” he sighs, troubled by the information. Surely Minhee didn’t tell him about the gambling or the skate incident, so what could he possibly know? “I’ll be candid when I say that I never enjoyed your mum’s company, not for my sake, but for yours and Minhee’s. Her deciding to leave you both high and dry like this is unforgivable,” his voice laces with disgust.
Coach Kim obviously only knows a twisted version of the events that went down recently, Minhee clearly careful with his phrasing. 
“I just want to say, if you both ever need anything at all, a place to live, some extra work, a homecooked meal, whatever it is, you come and find me, okay?” His offer is generous.
To be honest, you hadn’t thought about the repercussions of your mother no longer being by your side. Where would you and Minhee live now? How would you manage to make ends meet without her support? The questions swirl around in your mind, each one more daunting than the last.
“You and Minhee, you’re both strong kids. I have faith that everything will work out for you, so don’t think too much about it. Just enjoy today,” he says as if reading your anxious mind. 
Coach Kim's reassurance offers a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. His belief in your strength and resilience reminds you that you're not alone in this, that there are people who care about your well-being and are willing to help you navigate the challenges ahead.
With a final ruffle in your hair, Coach Kim leaves you in the corridor, his words of encouragement resonating in your ears. It was nice to have his support, it makes you feel like maybe you and Minhee had a support system all along, all you had to do was shed your poison of a mother.
Your feet carry you to the door to the locker room, chapping it rapidly. You can’t wait to see him and wish him luck. Although your apprehension weighs strongly regarding the skate and how important it is for him to win, not just for his pride but also for your safety and future.
You haven’t had a lot of time to come to terms with how much trouble you could be in if your brother loses this competition; the foolish bets your mum has made in your name, taking money from some shady guys to make them, and how you’re somehow on the firing line in this situation - it’s a lot to deal with mentally.
Telling Sunghoon to just skate to the best of his abilities wasn’t because you aren’t scared of what could happen, you just wanted Minhee to know that he can win this on his own, no cheating, no Sunghoon letting him win, absolutely no interferences. After everything that has transpired with your mum, he needed this.
Of course, you need to be safe, if these bets fall short and you’re left with the debt, you can say goodbye to university and any of your tiny savings. If the men are as brute as Minhee made them out to be, you’re fucked with no way out of it.
Curiosity got the better of you this morning and you checked the odds for Minhee winning this competition which was 15:1. According to Minhee, she put on £50,000 which would mean she would get 750k. It’s more money than you could imagine having in your entire life and it makes you angry that not only has your mum put you in danger but that you wouldn’t see a penny of it.
The money isn’t important to you but the fact that she was essentially putting money above her own daughter's safety is a crazy, rage-inducing thought that you don’t think you will ever get over. How could you? And to make Minhee feel like he couldn’t win on his abilities alone? She has destroyed both of your self-worth and confidence over the years.
So today, your sole focus is on being there for Minhee, rooting for him and believing in his ability to shine as the extraordinary skater you know him to be. 
As you knock again, you hear rustling around as someone comes to answer the door. The metal swings open to reveal your boyfriend, hair dishevelled as if he’s just combed his fingers through it and his costume twisted.
“Baby, what are you doing here?” he asks, poking his head out the door to check if anyone saw you coming backstage. Quickly, he pulls you in, “How did you sneak past?”
Your eyes swiftly trace the room to see the skaters all getting ready, some in just their boxers and others applying the last sparkles of their body mist. One guy is strutting around with tighty whities, leaving nothing to the imagination.
Sunghoon notices your eyes stuck to something before swivelling his head to catch sight of the well-endowed man, “Sweets don’t make me knock fuck out of every guy in this room,” he warns as one of his hands pinches your chin to drag your eyes away from the half-naked men and focus on him.
Honestly, the tint of jealousy etching onto his face is so hot, you wonder if you should start oggling at others more often. Sunghoon raises his brows, waiting for you to explain, “Sorry, Hoonie. I’ve never seen so many guys in their underwear before,” you try to use it as an excuse, as if the unfamiliar sight warrants your interest but Sunghoon isn’t buying it.
“It will be the last time you see it, I can promise you that,” he scoffs, taking your hand and pulling you towards the back of the room, clear out of everyone’s line of sight, or more, everyone out of your sight.
He places you so your back is against the sea of skaters, “So what are you doing here?” he asks again, this time a little more playfully, “Want a quickie before I go on?” he leans down to your lips, kissing you softly, “I can bend you over and show all these losers who you belong to.”
Shivers run across your spine as he kisses you, his tongue sweeping into your mouth. Someone walks by behind you and Sunghoon pulls you closer to him, eyeing the boy as he devours you in front of him.
Sunghoon was only half joking about fucking you in the middle of the locker room for everyone to see. He wanted everyone to know you were his and only his and no one should even look at you for longer than a second. If anyone dares to stare too long, he’ll make sure they can’t ever look at anything again through the black eyes and blood.
You give into his kiss and press your body against his, your tongues licking one another as you moan into his mouth.
“You’re both disgusting. Are you seriously going to fuck in a locker room with loads of people around?” Minhee comes up behind you, arms crossed as you and Sunghoon separate your bodies from one another.
"Wouldn't be the first time," Sunghoon murmurs into your ear, his lips brushing against your lobe as he reminisces about the countless intimate moments you've shared in Belmore. Suppressing a laugh, you feel a playful squeeze on your ass from Sunghoon, much to your brother's chagrin.
Minhee recoils, his expression contorted in disgust, "Guys, I might vomit if you keep grinding on each other while I'm right here," he pleads, his voice tinged with both embarrassment and humour.
With an affectionate eye-roll, you approach Minhee and envelop him in a tight hug, "Sorry, we forgot that displaying affection around you is considered a crime," you quip, injecting a touch of playful banter into the moment.
Minhee feigns annoyance, but you can see a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "I have a weak stomach," he retorts, trying to maintain his composure despite the teasing. As he lets go of your embrace, he notices something Sunghoon failed to, “What’s that?”
He points to the rolled-up A3 piece of card in your left hand. Through Sunghoon’s displays of affection, it’s slightly bashed at the edges but no real damage has been done.
“Oh! I made you both something,” you scurry around, pushing Minhee to stand next to Sunghoon as you unravel the white card, “Ta-da!”
While they were gone this morning, you took it upon yourself to make a sign. Typically, you always make a sign for Minhee at each competition, so the gesture is nothing new, however, this time, you had two people to support.
Sunghoon and Minhee both resemble puppies as they tilt their head in curiosity, reading the sign.
“Minhoon?” your brother reads out, “Is that…”
“It’s both your names merged! I thought it would be fun to support my two boys together this time,” you smile widely, holding your artwork proudly.
The sign took you approximately an hour and a half to complete, ensuring that each of their personalities was represented perfectly. On Minhee's side, you incorporated his favourite colour combination of black and blue, adorned with stickers of stars, Pochacco, and dainty white bows. This aesthetic is quintessentially Minhee, and he adores it, especially because you add a star for every gold he's earned.
On Sunghoon's side, you opted for a sleek white and black backdrop, accentuated with pink hearts to symbolise the number of months you've been together. To complete the symmetry, you included two little pictures of Tuxedosam, perfectly mirroring each side of the sign.
As you step back to admire your handiwork, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you've captured the essence of both Minhee and Sunghoon in this thoughtful gesture.
Minhee and Sunghoon exchange a glance before erupting into laughter, the absurdity of the earlier debacle and their playful charade of a secret love affair only amplifying the hilarity of the situation.
However, your heart sinks as you mistake their laughter for mockery. A small pout forms on your lips as you gaze at them, hurt evident in your eyes. "Is it not good?" you ask, your voice tinged with disappointment.
Instantly, Sunghoon and Minhee's laughter fades, replaced by a solemn expression as they see the hurt reflected in your eyes. Without hesitation, Minhee reaches out, his voice gentle as he reassures you, "No, no, Bubs, we love it, don't we, Sunghoon?" He looks to his friend, who nods earnestly in agreement. "See? We were just laughing about something else earlier," Minhee explains softly, wrapping an arm around you for comfort.
Feeling reassured by Minhee's words and his comforting embrace, you let out a relieved sigh, the tension easing from your shoulders. "Oh," you say, a small smile returning to your lips as you realise your misunderstanding. "Well, as long as you both like it, that's what matters."
Sunghoon nods in agreement, his expression sincere. "It's perfect, Sweets. Thank you so much" he says softly, his hand finding yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. This is Sunghoon’s first sign brought by someone he loves and he could not be more thankful that the first one was handmade by the love of his life.
“C’mere,” Minhee wraps his other arm around Sunghoon, forming the three of you in a huddle, “Whatever happens today, I just want you both to know that I really am sorry for everything that’s gone on and I would take it all back,” he says sadly, knowing that his actions have caused distress and pain to the one person he loves in the world.
“I wouldn’t,” Sunghoon says suddenly, causing you and Minhee to look at him, “I don’t know, I think this has just brought us closer together, who wouldn’t want that outcome?”
Nodding, you both agree with his sentiment. This troubled time has been a rollercoaster but you’ve found strength in one another through it all. Would you wish your mother’s implications weren’t a part of it all? Sure, but look at the three of you now. You’ve bonded in ways you would never think possible.
And your boyfriend and brother are becoming friends, that is all you could ask for in a situation like this.
Minhee stares into Sunghoon’s eyes as he tries to communicate with him. He doesn’t know you know about their plan, and he certainly doesn’t know about you requesting Sunghoon to go against your brother’s wishes.
Nodding once as if answering Minhee’s internal question, Sunghoon steps back, sighing, “Now can one of you please help me with this costume? I’m tangled at the back and I don’t know how,” he begs, turning to show his dilemma.
“Mate, you’ve got your arm inside out,” Minhee says with a snort, solving the problem with one gentle pull of the sleeve and turning it the right way around. He buttons it up for him at the back before slapping his back roughly, “Okay, I gotta go, I’m on in 30 minutes and I wanna see what it’s like out there.”
“Good luck, Minhee,” Sunghoon says, a smile on his face as he brings him in for a hug, “Do well,” he squeezes him tighter.
Reciprocating his hug, Minhee smiles, “You too. And watch that skate,” he jokes as he pulls away to hug you next.
Sunghoon playfully huffs and crosses his arms, "Not funny, okay? It's too soon," he retorts, a smirk tugging at his lips. Despite the jest, there's a genuine camaraderie between them, a shared understanding of each other's quirks and humour.
You playfully punch Minhee's arm for his remark, eliciting a laugh from him before he waves you both off, heading towards the side of the rink to prepare for his performance.
As Minhee disappears from view, you're left alone with Sunghoon once again. He picks up the sign, a fond smile gracing his features, "I've always wanted one of these," he admits wistfully, his gaze lingering on the sign with a mixture of appreciation and affection.
You smile at Sunghoon's words, touched by his genuine sentiment, "I'm glad you like it," you say softly, stepping closer to him and resting your hand on his arm, "I wanted to do something special for you, sorry it was tied in with Minhee but I always make him a sign so,” you explain, stroking his forearm.
“I don’t care, I love it regardless because you made it.” Sunghoon’s eyes reflect warmth and gratitude as he gently places the sign against the wall.
“I promise, next competition when it’s just you, I’ll make one for only you,” you beam up at him, fixing his tussled hair as best as you can, leaving a kiss on his nose. Sunghoon looks deeply at you as if coming to a realisation about something, but you miss it, too busy focusing on the parting of his hair. 
He holds your hips as you reach up to fix the back, his fingers squeezing you tightly as his heart flutters at the simple gesture. With the nape of your neck bare and in teasing Sunghoon, he leans down and places soft kisses upon it, savouring this moment.
The sudden affection makes you close your eyes, your hands now leaving his hair to hug him around his shoulders. His heart is thumping so loud you can hear it.
“Are you nervous?” you ask, nuzzling your nose into his hair. He doesn’t verbally respond, opting for a quick shake of the head but you can feel it in your bones that he is lying, his body betraying him, “You don’t have to be. Everything will work out whatever way the universe intends.”
Removing himself from you, Sunghoon gazes into your eyes once again except this time they’re filled with doubt. He is petrified of this skate because he knows if he accidentally wins, you’re in danger and that scares him because the threat is much more than he can handle. He doesn’t want to go against your request but for your health and safety, he will, he just has to do it sneakily so no one is mad at him. “You are going to do great, everything will be fine, and no offence but I really do think Minhee can win this,” you reiterate the words you’ve been saying to him since yesterday, only further proving your belief in your brother.
Sunghoon nods, but there's a hint of resignation in his gesture. "I wish I had someone like you in my corner while I was growing up," he confesses, a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he looks away. His gaze flickers to the ground, weighed down by the weight of his past.
"You did have someone – your dad," you remind him gently, reaching out to bring his forehead to touch yours. "And you still do. He's been watching over you this whole time, and he is so proud of you."
Sunghoon closes his eyes, allowing your comforting words to wash over him like a soothing balm. In that moment of vulnerability, he finds solace in the warmth of your embrace, the love and support you offer serves as motivation to keep you safe.
He nudges your nose with his as he speaks in a hushed tone, “Are you proud of me?”
For years it was his parent’s love and pride he fought for, his father giving it up so easily in comparison to his mother, but now it’s only you who he needs reassurance and love from. Sunghoon wants to make you proud in every way he possibly can.
Your eyes sparkle with love for him, “Sunghoon, my body is bursting with how proud you have made me. There is not a fibre of my being that isn’t proud of you,” you try to convey your genuity, knowing he needs to hear it most right now.
Sunghoon's heart swells at your words, a wave of relief coming over him as he hears the sincerity in your voice. Your unconditional support means everything to him, and in that moment, he feels a sense of peace knowing that he has you by his side.
Tears well up in his eyes as he pulls you into a tight embrace, cherishing the warmth and comfort of your presence. "Thank you," he whispers hoarsely, his voice filled with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much, Y/N. I feel like I can’t breathe without you.”
As you hold Sunghoon tightly, his words sinking deep into your heart, you feel overwhelmed by the depth of your love for him. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, mirroring his own, as you realise just how deeply intertwined your lives have become.
"I love you too, Sunghoon," you whisper back, your voice barely audible, but filled with unwavering conviction, "You're my everything and I promise you, you don’t have to worry. I'll always be here for you, through every moment, every challenge. You're not alone, and you never will be,” you whisper into his ear.
With those words, you offer him the reassurance and comfort he needs, your promise of unwavering support echoing in the space between you. In this embrace, you find solace in each other's arms, knowing that together, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
Settling into your seat in the designated family and friends area, you turn your attention towards the entrance of the rink, where Minhee is seen stretching. His expression is a mix of anticipation and apprehension, the weight of expectations palpable on his shoulders.
Minhee may have struck a deal with Sunghoon to secure a win, but with that agreement comes the added pressure of not making any mistakes. One wrong move could unravel everything, turning his carefully laid plans into chaos. As he prepares to take the ice, the intensity of the moment hangs heavy in the air.
Flicking his blade protectors off, Minhee glides onto the ice, circling the rink to warm up and familiarise himself with the surface beneath his skates. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, his mind is filled with positive affirmations, each one a silent plea for a flawless performance.
With every lap, he pushes himself to perfection, knowing that this is his moment to shine. All he has to do is skate flawlessly, and everything will fall into place. Yet, despite the gravity of the situation, he tries to brush off the pressure with a casual "no pressure."
You watch him with a mixture of pride and hope, wishing you could convey your unwavering belief in him. You long for him to channel that same sparkle and determination that captivated everyone during his run-through at Belmore. As he takes his position in the middle of the rink, you silently send him all the positive energy and support you can muster, hoping some of it can be injected into him as he performs.
Shutting his eyes, the music begins and a hush falls over the audience, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity. With each breath, he channels his nerves into focus, his determination evident in the set of his jaw and the fire in his eyes.
Minhee launches into his routine with precision and grace. His movements are fluid, each step and turn executed with meticulous precision as he glides effortlessly across the ice. The audience is glued to him from the start, paying close attention following his every movement with rapt concentration. Minhee pushes himself to new heights with each jump and spin, blending his skills with his artistry, only making your heart swell with immense pride.
You hold your breath, slowly hiding your face behind the sign that you made as you know which part of his routine is coming next.
As the music crescendos, Minhee approaches the most difficult part: the quadruple axel, the one move he has based this whole routine on. He takes a deep breath, collects his strength, and throws himself into the air, spinning faster and faster until he completes four full rotations before landing with perfect elegance, leaving the audience breathless.
Standing up in amazement, you tuck your sign under your arm and clasp your hands, knowing it’s impolite to scream out of pure joy when an athlete is competing. Minhee’s quadruple axel today might have been the best you’ve seen in your entire life; the move is deemed one of the most difficult to accomplish and he just made it look like he does it every other Saturday.
Minhee expertly transitions into the last section of his performance, his confidence surging as he executes each element with accuracy and delicacy. His movements are filled with emotion, and his passion shines through in every beautiful gesture as he narrates a tale with each stride. He knows now is a straight run of easy manoeuvres he carefully choreographed to make sure the axle was the shining star of the performance.
It also means he can finally spare you a glance as he finds you in the crowd, a smile creeping on his face as he sees you standing with pride. You look hopeful that he might win and with your backing, that’s all he needs. He wishes he could win this without Sunghoon performing with the intent of losing, but he still has time to achieve that - your safety is all that matters.
As the music fades to its final notes, Minhee brings his performance to conclusion, his arms outstretched in triumph as he basks in the adulation of the crowd. The cheers that erupt from them are so loud you swear the glass might break. You can see the commentators also getting up in excitement, clearly enthralled by his performance. 
And when Minhee makes his last bow, a sense of fulfilment sweeps over you, knowing that he had not only met, but exceeded all expectations that he and others had set for himself. 
Gliding off the ice, he is met with the bone-crushing embrace of Coach Kim who adorns a wide smile on his face and tears in his eyes. The weight of their shared journey is evident in the strength of their embrace and Coach Kim's words of praise and encouragement are lost in the roar of the crowd, but the pride shining in his eyes says it all.
You want to be at Minhee's side, to share in the excitement of his triumph and to lavish him with praise. However, as you watch from the sidelines, witnessing Coach Kim and Coach Lee wrap him in a cocoon of love and praise, you can find comfort in knowing that he is receiving the ovation and admiration he deserves.
Minhee's heart expands with pride and delight, filling his chest with an incredible sensation of accomplishment. The excitement of the moment envelopes him like a warm hug, putting him on cloud 9. 
Coach Kim leads him to the seating area where he must sit to see his final score. You sit with ease, knowing that this will be his highest mark to date, an accomplishment in itself.
As Minhee awaits the display of his scores, a nervous energy pulses through him, his heart pounding in his chest with anticipation. Every muscle in his body tenses as he fixates on the screen, his breath caught in his throat as he waits for the verdict of his performance.
Then, in a flurry of movement, the numbers appear on the screen, each category receiving high points for technicality and artistry, and Minhee's eyes widen in disbelief. The numbers on the screen read 298.5, causing both you and Minhee’s faces to mimic one another despite being on opposite ends of the arena.
Having never before topped a score of 213.74 - an incredible accomplishment in and of itself - his new record catapults him to a whole new level, putting him alongside figure skating giants like Nathan Chen and Yuzuru Hanyu.
You don’t even think Sunghoon has scored that well before.
Minhee stands frozen for a moment, absorbing the weight of his achievement, before a radiant smile breaks across his face. It's a culmination of years of dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering determination.
“Fuck me!” he shouts, jumping up to hug Coach Kim once again. There are more elegant ways to celebrate than swearing on national television, but you can’t blame him for being completely besotted with himself.
The crowd’s cheers die down and the atmosphere returns to a calm-like state, only chatter filling the silence as people discuss their amazement over your brother's skating. You could not be more proud of him if you tried.
Now you just need to wait for Sunghoon, hoping the tremendous score Minhee got would serve as enough influence to just do his best and not throw it for the sake of your mother’s stupid consequences. 
An hour passes after Minhee's electrifying performance, the energy in the arena is crackling with excitement as the crowd eagerly awaits Sunghoon's turn on the ice. He is the golden boy of the figure skating world, and there is a lot of pressure on him to succeed, however, if he fails this one time, no one will be able to blame him or bat an eye at it; the score your brother set is almost impossible to beat.
You sit on the edge of your seat, your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him lumber up, his movements cautious as he tests his ankle to ensure it's ready for his performance.
He glides onto the ice, warming up with some jumps and simple stretches. His ankle, still tender from the previous injury, protests with each turn and twist, but Sunghoon pushes through the pain. This was a 2-minute and 40-second skate, it’ll be over in a flash and he just has to get through it. 
Sunghoon won’t admit it to you, or anyone for that matter, but being in front of all these people is terrifying him. The last time he performed this skate, in this outfit, in front of this many people, was the day he snapped his ankle. Not only the injury from it but the emotional damage it caused was hard to live with, and now it’s almost as if he is living that day all over again.
He glances around the family area to find you, sitting in your seat with adoration spread across your entire face. It’s like you have him under a spell, how his worries and fears seem to melt away as his eyes meet yours; the love between you casts a blanket of protection over his worries, the thoughts of making a complete full of himself gone so quickly, simply because of the sparkle in your eye.
Sunghoon skates over to your side, flashing you his beautiful smile, your favourite canines on full display. He looks so beautiful right now, the pressure normally placed on his shoulders by his mother has now vanished. This is the first competition he has participated in without the nagging of being perfect gnawing in his brain.
It’s comforting to know that even when he loses today, he has someone to run to who will show him love and appreciation for his efforts. 
However, the words of his mother's promise from their earlier conversation twirl in his brain. Sunghoon wonders if they really could reconcile through all of this, after everything they’ve been through. He wanted love and his mother couldn’t provide him with that. But maybe she really is willing to make an effort, perhaps all they needed was some time to mend their relationship.
Once Nationals is over he’ll deal with that, but for now, he needs to focus. He might be set to lose but he will be damned if he comes anything but second.
Taking a deep breath, Sunghoon puts his arm in the air, gearing up for his performance as he stands in position. He looks like a vision in his costume, the spotlight on him makes the jewels shine brighter and the silhouette of his trimmed figure under the shirt is more evident than the first time you saw him in it. Rina had a talent for creating clothes but perhaps she should consider a career in designing skating costumes.
As the haunting melody of "Ocean Eyes" by Billie Eilish fills the arena, Sunghoon begins his routine. You don’t realise you’re holding your breath and your hands are clasped so tight together that they’re turning white. You want him to do well, to show everyone that even with an injury still looming under his taped up ankle, he is still miles above the rest.
Sunghoon launches into a flawless triple axel as the music swells, his body soaring through the air with precision and grace. He lands it clean, a small smile on his face despite his ankle pulsing. He hadn’t realised how sore it had been over the past few days, perhaps all that rehearsal time and coming back too early had finally done some damage. But that doesn’t matter right now, what matters is finishing the routine.
And to have fun.
With each beautiful turn and twist, Sunghoon's is reviving a passion that had laid dormant for far too long. It's a revelation, a flashback to his old self, a child consumed by the pure excitement of skating.
In the rink, he's letting go of his inhibitions and embracing the moment, a contrast to the stoicism that has defined almost all of his past competitions. The judges can see it too, with the joy he is showcasing through each glide of his blades across the ice, they are mesmerised. This is the Sunghoon that the people fell in love with, the skater that made them proud.
When he reaches the finale of his skate, performing a stunning combination spin that leaves the audience breathless, Sunghoon realises he has accomplished something far better than any medal or acclaim could ever provide. In this moment of perfect bliss, he reconnects with his passion, purpose, and the simple joy of skating.
You had shown him how to love skating again throughout your relationship, now added with the lack of pressure to win, he can finally breathe.
He’s home.
You are the first one to stand up, applauding your man for his flawless skate. It was perfect, he was perfect. The crowd follows suit, cheering and yelling as he bows, letting the praise wash over his body. You could not be prouder of him, the tears in your eyes are a testament to your feelings.
This is your first time seeing him in competition as his girlfriend which probably adds to the swelling of your heart, but it’s more than that. You have been a fan of Sunghoon for a lot longer and as a fan, there is nothing more fulfilling than seeing your favourite person achieve something, even if the accomplishment is happiness, you want him to be bathed in it.
However, with Sunghoon performing possibly one of his best skates in the past couple of years, it does set in the back of your mind that he still has to lose. You told him to go out there and give it everything he has but now the moment is getting closer and closer to determining your fate, you’re a little on edge.
You’re trying not to think about it because you know Minhee has done amazing and if he truly does beat Sunghoon today, you can breathe easy knowing you made the right call and that Minhee did this all on his own. 
Your brother needs this.
Sunghoon stands straight and skates around the rink, lapping up the crowd's adoration. You’re too caught up in your head you almost forget your surprise for him; it wasn’t just the sign that you had planned.
Traditionally, skaters get things thrown into the ring; plushies, roses, the whole lot. Minhee was partial to receiving little dog plushies and yellow sunflowers - the perfect accompaniment to his brand. And Sunghoon would always receive roses and penguin toys, but you wanted to throw something that as he saw it on the ice, he would know instantly that it was from you.
Delving into your bag, your fingers close around the familiar packaging of Haribos. With a proud smile, you launch them onto the pristine ice, a playful gesture laden with significance. For you and Sunghoon, the colourful sweeties hold a special place in your hearts.
It was a reminder of not only you but of his dad. It’s something so silly but sacred to you both, the first knot in your invisible string. His father had been the bridge to connect you both when you were younger and if he could see you both now, he would be filled with unfiltered happiness.
Gliding gracefully toward your side, he spots the sweets nestled within the sea of roses and looks up at you, his eyes widening in glee.
With the Haribos clutched to his chest, he silently mouths 'I love you,' to which you reciprocate with a beaming grin, watching fondly as he skates back towards the rink's exit.
Coach Lee is the first to greet him, ruffling his hair and patting him on the shoulder as he sings his praises. It’s a little strange not seeing his mother there but Sunghoon doesn’t seem to mind, too busy basking in the love from his coach. 
Walking to the couch area, he sits and awaits his score. It just has to be under 298.5, that’s all it has to be. He grips the packet of sweets tight as he rethinks his whole performance. Perhaps he skated a little too well and that scared him because that can only mean you’re in danger of having those men after you. 
He can defend you from a hockey player, but against a literal loan shark, he's out of his depth with that one.
As the scores begin to round up on the giant screen, your heart races with anticipation. Each number revealed feels like a drumbeat, echoing the beating of your heart. Usually, you would be begging it to slow down, your heart typically adorning a rapid pace in events like these, yet it is so still you think it might stop. It only seems to beat as each individual score is revealed.
Sunghoon is the same, fondling the Haribos like a stress ball as he sees the high scores, some seem higher than Minhee’s which nearly puts him into cardiac arrest. If he wins over Minhee, he might vomit all over his coach.
Then - as if the world has stopped - the final score flashes on the screen and materialises itself before you and Sunghoon. 
Gasping, you drop your sign and shoot up, mouth hung open as your eyes stay glued to the numbers before you.
Minhee won.
Minhee won.
“Oh my god,” you whisper to yourself, a smile splits your cheeks and your knees shake under you. Your brother won, through all his hard work and determination, he beat Sunghoon. And not only that, he bet him with his highest score to match. Sunghoon’s performance was awe-inducing, clearly indicated by the momentous score he just received, yet Minhee still managed to overtake him.
As Coach Lee offers Sunghoon a consoling pat on the shoulder, the atmosphere is thick with tension. Yet, Sunghoon can't feign disappointment. At this moment, there's only one thought racing through his mind.
You're safe.
Once the commotion settles down around the arena, the final scoreboard is unveiled to reveal your two boys at the top, miles above the others. It’s a moment you never want to forget, seeing their names beside one another with their respective medals makes you feel a happiness that you know comes few and far between.
The staff set up the podiums on the ice which are soon to hold your brother and boyfriend in pride of place. This is new, they’ve been battling each other for the top spot their entire careers yet this one feels slightly different.
Perhaps it’s because if your mother holds her end of the bargain, you’re free of the debt that you didn’t even create and she is hopefully nowhere to be seen after today. You want to be sad about it, but regardless of how strange it will be to no longer have her there, you’re thankful that Minhee can be free of her burden and you free of her deceit. 
You watch on as Minhee and Sunghoon skate to their places, carefully stepping on the white boxes as the triumphant music plays through the speakers. They have done so well, much better than anyone could have anticipated.
With each medal ceremoniusly placed around their necks, the weight of the accomplishment settles upon Minhee. He thinks about what this means for you both and tears well up in his eyes. 
You’re both going to have to start from scratch and find a new home to call yours. But he is also going to the Olympics, something he has dreamed of since he was a little boy, something you have wanted for him since he incessantly started talking about it. 
His heart is filled with bittersweet symphonies as he looks ahead but he knows one thing is for certain - he will make sure you’re both happy.
“You can cry, y’know,” Sunghoon whispers beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing tight. When Sunghoon won his first National Gold, he wept like a baby in front of everyone and the pictures snapped became memes on Twitter by the next day.
Sniffling back his emotions, Minhee shakes his head. He refuses to let the floodgates open, fearing he won't be able to stem the tide once it begins. Each tear would symbolise the myriad of emotions he's bottled up over the past few months.
Instead, Minhee leans in close to Sunghoon, his words a soft murmur against his ear. "When I asked you to throw it, I didn't mean by the skin of your teeth. I almost lost," his voice carries a hint of frustration, though it's tempered by the overwhelming happiness of their victory.
Though Minhee is elated at the win, there's a simmering undercurrent of anger towards Sunghoon for nearly jeopardizing their chance to resolve the situation.
"But you didn't," Sunghoon responds with a playful grin, though Minhee finds little amusement in the situation. With a sigh, Sunghoon explains, "Y/N asked me not to, okay? You've known her your whole life, you understand how hard it is to say no to her."
Your brother can't help but agree; there's an undeniable sway you hold over others. Minhee nods, straightening up as the photographer captures a few shots of the medalists.
Turning to face Minhee, the silver medalist offers reassurance once the pictures have been taken, "You did this on your own, that's all she wanted, okay? You have a sister who believes in you more than anything else in the world. In a way, it's her trust in you that propelled you to this moment. People would do anything for that kind of support," Sunghoon whispers the last sentence, acknowledging the depth of his own longing for such unwavering belief.
Minhee knows he is lucky to have you in his corner. Often, he wonders what it would have been like to not have you by his side, and looking at Sunghoon’s dejected face now, he sees what it’s like.
“You have her too, Sunghoon. She’s got enough room in her heart for both of us, to watch us both succeed,” Minhee smiles softly, nudging his old rival with his arm, “Just don’t steal her from me, she’s all I have now.”
“You’re wrong,” Sunghoon wraps his arm around his newfound friend, “You’ve got me! Some would say that’s better than Y/N,” he exclaims with enthusiasm.
Rolling his eyes, Minhee fights a smile as he pushes Sunghoon off of him, a laugh escaping his lips. Sunghoon will fit right into his life, that much he’s certain of now.
You stand amidst the bustling crowd, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your boyfriend and brother. The arena is alive with excitement, vibrant with the chatter of spectators praising both Sunghoon and Minhee's impressive performances.
As people stream past you, caught up in the post-competition buzz, you can't help but feel a swell of pride washing over you. It's almost as if you were the one receiving the accolades, so deeply invested are you in their success.
Then, you spot them making their way towards you, their medals gleaming proudly around their necks even as they've already changed into their regular clothes. To be fair, if you had won a gold or silver medal, you know you wouldn't ever want to take it off either.
With a quickening of your heart, you jog up to meet them halfway, your body colliding with Minhee’s as you hug him tight, squeezing him so hard that he could pop. But instead of complaining, he reciprocates with the same amount of enthusiasm.
“I can’t believe I won,” he says quietly, scared that if he says it too loud someone will pull him from this dream he is living in.
"I knew you could do it, Mini,” you mutter into his chest, your face squashed against him. 
Kissing the crown of your head, he pushes you away, “Sunghoon told me you know about everything, what I asked him to do for me,” he says almost ashamed, holding your head close to his chest so you can’t see his face. He doesn’t want you to think less of him for having to beg Sunghoon to help him get you out of this mess you were unknowingly a part of, “He also told me that you told him to go against my plan.”
“I believed in you, Minhee,” you finally fight to pull your head from his embrace, gazing into his eyes as you try to project the belief you have onto him, “I knew you could do this on your own. No underhanded tactics, just you and your skates. I have always believed in you like that,” you pout as you see the words sink into his brain, a soft glow rushing over his face as your words instil him wil self-belief.
“Thank you, Bubs, for always being here for me,” he closes his eyes, a determined expression painting his features, “If she tries to come back and hurt you in any way or if she doesn’t keep her word I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re safe,” he says, speaking about your mother. It was hard for him to even call her that anymore.
Minhee says the words with conviction as he stares deep into your eyes. In some weird way, your mother's shenanigans have helped you and Minhee grow a bond stronger than ever before, something that should be deemed impossible, yet here you are. 
Feeling the warmth of Minhee's embrace, you nod against his chest, your words a solemn promise, "Me too. I'll make sure you're living the life you want, the life you deserve."
The sentiment hangs in the air between you, a shared understanding of the depth of your commitment to each other's happiness and fulfillment. For a few precious moments, you simply hold onto each other, drawing strength from the connection you share as siblings.
But as your boyfriend coughs softly, attempting to subtly regain your attention, you gently pull away from Minhee's embrace, though the warmth of his presence lingers with you. 
Turning towards your boyfriend with a reassuring smile, “Are you jealous you’re not getting attention?”
You finally throw yourself into Sunghoon's arms, a wide grin spreading across your face as you greet him with a deep, passionate kiss. You’re so full of love that if you don’t pass it onto him through your tongue sweeping into his mouth, you might implode.
As you break away, a sense of elation fills the air around you. Sunghoon's arms wrap tightly around you, pulling you close as if he never wants to let you go. His eyes sparkle with pride and affection, mirroring your own emotions.
"You did amazing, Hoonie," you whisper, holding onto him tighter as you pass your affection from your body to his. "Thank you so much." Your gratitude flows freely, a testament to your appreciation for his trust in your judgment that Minhee was more than capable of succeeding on his own.
Sunghoon sets you down gently, his hand cupping your cheek as he places a feather-light kiss on your nose, "You're welcome, Sweets," he murmurs affectionately, "Although, I did get a bollocking from Minhee back in the locker room," he adds with a laugh.
Minhee grunts, crossing his arms in mock annoyance, "Well, he deserved it, skating so well and all that," he says with a playful pout, eliciting laughter from you and Sunghoon.
"I'll take the compliment, Baby," Sunghoon retorts, making exaggerated kissy faces at Minhee, the playful banter between the two filling the air with warmth and joy.
“Yeah yeah, look, can you stop hogging my manager for a minute,” Minhee rolls his eyes as he speaks.
But you’re confused by his statement, "Manager?" you repeat sceptically, withdrawing from Sunghoon's embrace to face your brother directly, "What do you mean, manager?"
Minhee shrugs nonchalantly, but you can see the flicker of anticipation in his eyes, "Well, Mum's no longer in the picture, so I'm in need of a manager. And I thought you would be perfect," he explains, his words carrying a mix of hope and excitement.
The weight of his request settles heavily on your shoulders. You've never managed anything more than closing up shop at work, and the idea of being in charge of Minhee's entire career feels overwhelming. Even though you’re at Uni studying Events Management, it wasn’t exactly heavy on the management part, it certainly hasn’t equipped you with the skills to handle such responsibility.
Minhee senses your hesitation, and he steps closer, his expression earnest. "Bubs, I trust you more than anyone else in the world," he says softly, his voice pleading, "And just think of all the travelling you'll get to do, all the contacts you'll make. Please, Y/N. I can't go to the Olympics without you."
The mention of the Olympics sends a shiver of excitement down your spine. The event is being held in Paris this year which is a dream destination you've longed to visit since you were a little girl, and the opportunity to be a part of Minhee's journey to the Olympics fills you with both fear and exhilaration.
"Manager?" you repeat, still trying to wrap your head around the idea. The thought of being responsible for Minhee's career is daunting, but his trust in you is undeniable.
Minhee nods, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation, "Yeah, manager," he confirms, his voice tinged with hope. His confirmation of words hit you with a newfound gravity, you realise just how much this means to him. The thought of being by his side, supporting him on his journey fills you with a sense of purpose.
"Okay," you say finally, your voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in your stomach, "I'll do it. I'll be your manager."
A wide smile breaks across Minhee's face, relief flooding his features. He pulls you into a tight hug, his gratitude palpable.
"Thank you, Y/N," he murmurs against your hair, "You won't regret it, I promise." 
Minhee pulls back from the embrace, his enthusiasm obvious, and you can't help but feel a burst of determination rush through you. You're going to attempt to be the best manager this world has ever seen. But when the reality of your new responsibility settles in, a question arises in the back of your mind.
"What about you, Sunghoon?" you inquire, turning to face your boyfriend, "What are you going to do now that you don't have a manager either?"
Sunghoon shrugs casually, though there's a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, "I'm figuring it out," he replies with a nonchalant smile, "I don’t know if I really need one."
You can sense the unease lurking beneath his easygoing facade, and it tugs at your heartstrings. While Minhee's proposition has filled you with a sense of purpose, you can't help but worry about Sunghoon navigating the uncertain waters of his career without the support of a manager.
But before you can voice your concerns, Sunghoon reaches out, squeezing your hand reassuringly, "Don't worry about me, Sweets," he says, his voice soft but resolute. "I'll find my way, just like you and Minhee will."
He has a weird look on his face as he rattles his brain, wondering whether to let the next words slip out of his mouth. You stand patiently waiting for him to speak.
“I uh, I think the Olympics is going to be my last big competition,” he says quietly but the words ring in your and Minhee’s ears as your expressions fall into disbelief.
"What do you mean?" you reply, your voice laced with concern. The idea of Sunghoon giving up skating, the very thing he's dedicated his life to, feels unfathomable to you. After all the years of relentless training and unwavering determination, it seems unthinkable that he would consider walking away from it all.
Sunghoon had thought about it for a while, about giving up this life for a more simplistic one but the plunge always seemed too deep. But skating today without worry or fear and no pressure to win, gave him the courage to take the jump.
“I’m gonna ask Coach Kim if I can study under him and coach the kids. I’ve enjoyed doing it when I can and I think it could be good for me,” he explains.
"But this is your dream, Sunghoon," you protest softly, unable to shake the feeling of disbelief, "You've worked so hard for this."
Sunghoon shakes his head, offering you a gentle smile as he squeezes your hand in reassurance, "I found my dream," he says earnestly, his gaze softening as he looks at you, "And it's not about winning first place at competitions. I don’t need to chase anything else when everything I need is in front of me.”
You could melt at his words, the depth of his love and contentment washing over you like a comforting embrace. Sunghoon's clarity and conviction fill you with a sense of awe and admiration, even as you grapple with the weight of his decision. 
In that moment, you realise just how much love this man has for you and how grateful you are to have him by your side. Although you need to make sure this is exactly what he wants.
"But what about all the years of hard work?" you find yourself asking, unable to shake off the concern that gnaws at your heart, "You've sacrificed so much to get to where you are."
Sunghoon's gaze softens, his thumb gently tracing circles on the back of your hand, "It wasn't all for nothing, Y/N," he reassures you, his voice tender, "Every moment on the ice, every win and loss, has led me here, to this realisation. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world."
You want to cry as a fan and mourn the loss of one of the best skaters in the industry, but as his other half, you are so immensely proud of him for following his heart and not just doing what others tell him to do.
"And besides," Sunghoon continues, a playful glint dancing in his eyes, "I'll still be skating, just in a different capacity. And who knows? Maybe I'll even finally teach you to do an axel.”
"In her dreams!" Minhee interjects with a booming laugh, breaking into your warm moment with his characteristic humour.
You shoot your brother a playful glare, flipping him off, but your attention remains firmly fixed on Sunghoon, "Okay, if this is what you want, I'll support you," you say, your voice filled with unwavering commitment.
Sunghoon's smile widens at your words, a wave of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you, Sweets," he murmurs, his voice soft with emotion as he pulls you closer, "I love you so fucking much, Y/N."
"I love you too, Hoonie," you reply, your heart swelling with love. "Forever." 
With Minhee's career taking off and Sunghoon embarking on a new journey, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the future holds. Everything has fallen into place, it just took reaching melting point to figure it all out. 
taglist (closed!!): @heelee-01 @zerasari @beomgyusonlywife @iwaplant @monstanctiny21 @chiiiiiiiiis @minniejenseo @run2gyuz @jngwnlvs @haelahoops @capri-cuntz @nctislifue @jaehoonii @weyukinluv @skzenhalove @enhypenlovre @cherriruto @bambangan @who-tf-soddhi @nxzz-skz @nshmrarki @hotsforikeu @enhastolemyheart @erehkinnie30 @judeduartewannabe @neosexual @fakeuwus @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @tobiosbbyghorl @kimsunoops @aloverga
455 notes · View notes
livingemkayde · 11 months
ch i. chaser
joel miller x f!reader x unrequited!tommy miller
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chapter one of chaser
warnings: 18+. minors please dni. smut. semi public (kissing) and if you count the bathroom inside a bar. unprotected p in v. dom!joel. a bit of an age gap that's implied but never touched on much (reader might be 22/23 ish and joel is maybe 35/40 in this). no use of y/n!
a/n: lil teeny teeny tiny one shot that i've been thinking about alot and needed to get down on paper! cant help myself when it comes to a cliffhanger ending. Hope you enjoy hehe &lt;;3 (not related to my dbf!joel mini series at all! but working on the fourth part soon 😀) 
if you would like to read more of mine: masterlist!
Getting fucked against the door of a bar bathroom was not on your plans for the night — but your panties were ruined at his first glance.  “Fuck, knew you'd be perfect,” he says into your ear, grabbing at your ass. You hear him pump himself a few times before rubbing the tip of his cock through your weeping folds.  “Gonna ruin you,” he moans when his tip catches your entrance... 
You throw your glass towards your friend, Olivia, sitting across from you in some dingy bar in downtown Austin, Texas.
"Cheers," you say back to her — kinda half heartedly — you don't know if it's something you should be cheersing about.
"C’mon — live a little?" She pleads with you.
"I know, I know. I'm just — I don't know — nervous?”
"It's normal to be nervous. I think it'll be something good for you though," she says while peering around the bar. 
You down the shot. It's the first of many. Even though you know you have your interview first thing tomorrow morning.
"There she is!" Your friend says enthusiastically, while you grimace at the bite the vodka leaves in your throat.
"I need a chaser — fuck," you manage to get out before coughing and leaving your stool and her behind.
Well, the ad really said nannying, but, you're a glorified babysitter.
Fresh from college with an English degree under your belt and you're — babysitting.
Not really what you had in mind for your post grad life, but you needed the money, desperately. And at least this way, you didn't have to work 12 hour shifts for minimum wage. And you could hang out with a cute kid for a couple hours.
You were nervous, but after looking for a job for so long, and finally getting a call back, you needed this. 
And it was your friend, Olivia, who dragged you out to a bar to celebrate your interview — not even job.
You approach the bar, leaning against it to whisper into the bartender’s ear that you needed a chaser, your hands finding the wood while you dig your nails in there.
You thank the bartender graciously, bringing the cup to your lips while turning around simultaneously.
When you move to walk back towards Olivia, you bump into something — no — someone.
"Sorry, darlin’,” a deep voice draws your eyes from your chaser sloshing around a bit in your hand to dark eyes looming over you.
You look up and see a handsome man  — maybe a bit on the older side — but you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was hot. But this is not the time for anything. Not with a very, very important interview looming right around the corner.
You try to brush it off and move back towards Olivia.
“‘S alright,” you mumble out when your eyes meet his, he stands a good head over you, his Carhartt jacket fits snug around his biceps – he just looks…good.
You give him a small smile goodbye, but he catches your hand.
“Can I get you ‘nother?" He asks, his eyes twinkling under the soft string lights attached to the ceiling of the bar.
Maybe you're so entranced by his broad stature, or his dark drawl, or the glint in his eyes, but you don’t really register what he's asking.
"What?" You reply back dumbly.
He chuckles a bit, the warm sound of it overtaking your breath.
He gestures down to your hand where your chaser stands half spilled.
“Your drink,” he says with a smirk on his face.
He waves down the bartender and asks him to give you another.
When it comes, he takes the cup out of your hand and replaces it with a fresh one. When his fingers brush, yours, your heart skips a beat.
"There," he says finally — while his other hand squeezes your forearm. The skin under his fingertips burn.
You don't know what's gotten into you, maybe it's the shot already rooting itself in your system, or the thought that this could be your last night of fun — but you look at him through your lashes and ask — tentatively —
“What did you say your name was?” 
“I didn’t, sweetheart,” he looks at you, his arm stretches out to brace his hand against the bar — caging you in. 
“Oh — sorry. Thought you might've…never mind,” you reply sheepishly, showing him a smile. 
“You wanna know my name?” 
“Only if I get to ask you two questions,” you play with the cup, leaning closer to him, “and I'm not sure you're ready for that.” 
“Think I might be,” he leans in, whispering to your ear over the roar of the crowd. “Gimme your worst.” 
You raise your glass in his direction, prompting him to give you his name.
You don't know why that name sounds extremely familiar. But you chalk it up to being slightly drunk and his musky scent filling your nostrils makes the tell tale stickiness between your legs blossom. 
“Joel,” you test on your tongue. Something about this guy is intriguing to you. Maybe it was all a game at first but when his eyes flick between your eyes and your lips — you aren't sure if it's a game anymore. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say. He flashes you a gruff smirk.  
“You buy all the girls you ‘bump into’ at bars drinks?”
Joel’s closer — if possible. He smells woodsy and he can't keep his damn eyes off your lips. 
“Nah,” he smiles, looking back into your eyes, “Just the pretty ones.”
You shouldn't blush as hard as you do. 
Somewhere between all the looks and flirting your hand finds his chest, resting above his heart. 
“You think I'm pretty?” you reply with a teasing look. 
“Don’t get cocky now,” he bites back. 
Honestly, whatever you were thinking about before Joel was thrown out the door at the sound of his rich drawl. Now all you can think is him — the whiskey on his breath, his hands finding your waist, and him leaning down — closer. 
You look down to his lips — surrounded with gruff facial hair that you really want to run your fingers through. You don’t care about anyone else at the bar. You don’t even remember you came here with Olivia. Not when he stalks forward, leaning in so you whisper into his ear —
“Kiss me?” in a hushed tone only he can hear. 
He leans back a bit to stare at your face, a knowing smirk already playing on his lips. 
“You only had two questions.” 
Caught a fucking live one. 
“Kiss me,” you rephrase — a declaration, a statement, or even a demand — not a question. 
“There you go,” he growls before ducking his head down to kiss you. It's a little rough — his movements. But he's gentle with his lips. Joel grabs your face with one hand, the other finding purchase on your hip while squeezing hard. 
You moan into the kiss which has you blushing. You didn't mean to sound so desperate for a man you just met. You get even louder when his thigh slots itself between yours — your skirt hikes up a bit, his jeans rutting against your core. 
You feel him smirk against your lips at that. 
“Joel—” you whimper when he ducks his head to place heavy kisses on your neck. 
“Bathroom,” he groans before giving you a quick peck and stepping away from you with a darker look in his eyes. Your thighs clench in anticipation. 
You let him saunter through the crowd towards the restrooms. 
Fuck, what is happening? You're not even that drunk. He just tastes intoxicating and a bit sweet to your surprise and you want more. You know what will happen if you follow him in there, and there's really no hesitation as you down another shot, chug your chaser and disappear into the crowd. 
You knock on the door to the bathroom and it opens almost immediately. 
Joel pulls you inside, pressing you up against the door until it closes. He's on you immediately — pulling down the straps of your top, exposing skin, hiking up your skirt to reveal panties. 
He groans when his fingers feel the wetness through cotton. You moan into his mouth. 
“Been watchin’ you all night,” he whispers into your ear, you snake your hand down at his words, feeling him through denim — your fingers threaten to tug at his zipper, “Pretty girl…” 
“Fuck — please —” you whine at the feeling of his length but he cuts you off. 
“Say my name,” he says — already tugging down the zipper on his jeans, freeing himself, and pushing your panties to the side with his other hand. 
“Joel — jesus —”
He flips your body with strong hands on your hips. 
You bet you look fucked out. Your shirt, halfway pulled off your body, with an open mouth and eyes dusted with lust as you moan out a name you just met ten minutes ago. 
Joel presses you against the door, your hands find purchase in the wood, clawing at the flat plank. 
Getting fucked against the door of a bar bathroom was not on your plans for the night — but your panties were ruined at his first glance. 
“Fuck, knew you'd be perfect,” he says into your ear, grabbing at your ass. You hear him pump himself a few times before rubbing the tip of his cock through your weeping folds. 
“Gonna ruin you,” he moans when his tip catches your entrance but he pauses there. 
“Please, Joel —” you whine and he sinks in more. The stretch leaves you speechless, you whine incoherent nonsense to him. He groans and fights the urge to dive in. 
“Beg me,” he mumbles. 
“What?” You can't really hear much over the ringing in your ears. 
“You want it? Beg,” he demands through gritted teeth. 
That's new. 
But you aren't complaining by any means. 
“P-please I—” You're flushed now. 
“You what?” He inches out this time, you moan at the loss. 
“I n-need you — god — please, Joel.” 
“Fuck. You want it like this? Up against the door? Where anyone can hear you?” He slides back in, almost enough. 
“Yes — yes, please. God, please,” you beg, balling your fists and biting your lip. 
He complies, surprisingly, sinking into you without hesitation while mumbling a small needy under his breath. You almost scream at the feeling and he has to cover your mouth with his hand in response. 
The stretch is almost too much. But somehow it feels nice to be pressed against the door — the pressure getting to an all time high. You could be screaming — saying anything and you wouldn't be able to tell. Everything seems fuzzy around his girth when he starts pumping in and out of you. 
With each slam of his hips you get pushed further into the door, your cheek resting against the wood while his hand wraps around yours, pinning you down.
“Fuck — so fuckin’ tight,” he groans into your skin. 
You aren’t gonna last long — you make that much known — whimpering to him over your shoulder. 
“Joel — I’m-I’m not gonna —” 
“I know baby, I know.” 
He cages you in — chasing after his own orgasm. 
“Doin’ so good for me,” he groans, “Made for me.” 
That sends you over the edge. You get impossibly tight around him and he clamps down on your mouth when you cry out in bliss. He doesn’t let up. Even when you relax around him — spent. 
“Jesus,” his hips stutter as he moans into the back of your head with an open mouth. 
“Inside — please,” you whimper through your overstimulation. 
You moan at the feeling of his hips punching faster even though he’s dead silent, chasing his high. 
You think he might pull out and you really want him to stay in. 
“‘M on the pill — Joel,” you moan but he pushes you harder into the door, squeezing your hand tight when he comes inside you. 
You can feel the hot stickiness of it roll through you — coating your walls. He only lets out a few grunts and moans — mostly stoic behind you.
When Joel pulls out, he spins you around and kisses you. You aren’t sure how you don’t slump to the floor. But a buzzing from your phone knocks you both out of it.
You answer quickly. 
Hello?? Where the hell are you? 
“Sorry Liv! I got caught up in the bathroom. Give me a second,” you give him a knowing look but he waves you off, fixing your shirt and pulling down your skirt. 
When you hang up, he kisses you again. 
“I gotta go,” you mumble to him reluctantly. He’s still running his hands along your body — his lips ghosting your shoulder. 
“Can I see you again?” he says. 
You almost let the unconscious no, sorry slip from your lips but you think about it. You really do — and you want to see him again too. 
“Yeah,” you echo, giving him a small smile before handing him your phone to put his contact in. 
Joel shoves it back into your hand after typing it in. He opens the door, motioning for you to step out first. 
Hm. You note. 
“Thanks,” you mumble. You’re about to leave, but he catches your arm, spinning you around before landing a soft kiss on your lips one last time. 
“See you soon,” he whispers. 
The name stares back at you — etched into the mailbox. 
You rub your hands on your pants to rid them of the sweat. You have no idea why you’re so nervous. You didn’t get good sleep last night, the hangover creeping into your early morning, making you run a bit late. 
But fuck it. 
You needed this job. 
And people like you. Right? 
You hope that much as you make your way to the front door. You also hope this family will be nice — and you pray to god you get the fucking job. 
You knock tentatively and hear a small voice mixed with a gruff one, coming to the door.
You do see Joel soon. Way too fucking soon. 
Because he stares back at you when the door swings open, accompanied by a young girl. 
He’s speechless. 
You both are. 
ch ii. wild things
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f1fnatic · 6 months
PIPE ⤿ l. hamilton 44
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→ ( in which. . . ) you and your secret long-term boyfriend, turned fiancé, finally decide to hard launch and it sends the internet into a frenzy.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) smau
→ ( face claim. . . ) christina aguilera
→ ( pairing. . . ) lewis hamilton x singer!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cursing, alludes to sex
→ ( author's note. . . ) whoop part 2!! this is the last part (obvi) but i had a lot of fun with this (very) mini series. i hope you enjoy! see end for more
→ ( masterlist )
📍 baku, azerbaijan
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liked by y/nmusic, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 6,789,490 others
tagged: y/nmusic, redbullracing, scuderiaferrari, and mercedesamgf1
f1 Singer song-writer, Y/N L/N, joins us at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix! The artist just recently released a new album called 'Liberation.' She has payed a visit to Mercedes, Ferrari, and Redbull!
view 589,348 comments
y/nfan mother is serving
y/nfan2 she is always serving 🤷🏻‍♀️
y/nmusic thank you so much for having me! i had a wonderful time❤
mercedesamgf1 It was a pleasure meeting you! liked by y/nmusic
scuderiaferrari Thank you for stopping by! liked by y/nmusic
redbullracing Thank you for your time, Y/N! liked by y/nmusic
charles_leclerc still freaking out.
maxverstappen1 you can say that again
carlossaainz55 shaking!
lewishamilton it was lovely to see you again, Y/N
y/nmusic it was nice to see you too, lew
lewisfan LEW???
y/nfan3 oh so we're on a nickname basis now?
lewisfan y/n and lewis looked REAL CLOSE today
📍 baku, azerbaijan
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liked by lewishamilton, f1, charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 9,312,356 others
tagged: f1, mercedesamgf1, and lewishamilton
y/nmusic had a wonderful time this weekend at the azerbaijan grand prix! thank you mercedes for having me :) met some pretty cool people and spent some time with my love
view 978,317 comments
f1 Thank you for coming! liked by y/nmusic
mercedesamgf1 It truly was a pleasure to have you in the paddock! Maybe boss man can get you another pass 😉
y/nmusic a very tempting offer!
y/nfan2 lets get u back in the home 😁
charles_leclerc still starstruck!
maxverstappen1 me too
carlossainz55 me three
y/nmusic will front row tickets to my next show keep you starstruck?
lewishamilton 🖤
y/nmusic ❤
y/nlewis okay man what the freak
lewisfan OH MY GOD.
y/nstan this basically confirmed it
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─ IMESSAGE ↴ today, 12:09
lew 😚 Well, I guess the cats out of the bag
y/n hello to you too what do you mean by that love?
lew 😚 People figured out that we're enganged, and by people I mean our stans on Twitter I wanted to keep this a secret just a little while longer
y/n i know you did, lew but people were bound to find out at some point i mean, we weren't being very sneaky per se
lew 😚 How can I when I am the luckiest man in the world?
y/n oh stop it
lew 😚 Never 😍
y/n well then, what do you want to do?
lew 😚 I think I have a few ideas 🤫
y/n what are you thinking lew?
lew 😚 You'll see 🖤
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco, taylorswift, gwenstefani, and 9,782,653 others
tagged: lewishamilton and roscoelovescoco
y/nmusic lewis carl davidson hamilton, where do i begin? at the start, when we first met? or just last week when you pampered me after a rough day? you never fail to make me smile. your work ethic is truly inspiring, i am low-key jealous of it. you push me to do my best and be my most authentic self, i thank you greatly for that, my love. i am so immensely lucky to wake up next to you every morning, to come home to you every day, and to call you mine. you have no idea how happy i was when you asked me that important question, that was and will forever be the best day of my life. you were the one at the end of my invisible string and i would not have wanted it ANY other way 💘 i cannot wait to grow old and wrinkly with you even though i know you will look the same you do now at 70 😅 you are my everything, i love you so much ❤️
ps i trust that you know what to do with it 🥴
view 973,889 comments
y/nstan they are the cutest
y/nfan they are actually the best
y/nfan2 no fr i will not hear ANYONE OUT.
shakira So happy for you! liked by y/nmusic
lewishamilton My heart, I am so lucky to have you 🖤
y/nlewis no no, I'M the lucky one 😚
lewisfan she makes him so happy 😭
lewisfan2 they were meant for each other
roscoelovescoco The mosts amazing mums 🐶💞
y/nmusic my fur baby 💘
mercedesamgf1 Mother and father of the F1 paddock 👪 liked by y/nmusic and lewishamilton
sebastianvettel Cheers to more third-wheeling 🥂 liked by y/nmusic and lewishamilton
y/nfan3 "you were the one at the end of my invisible string" I AM ILL.
taylorswift so thats what pipe was about
y/nmusic 🫣🤭
lewishamilton I love you so much, sugar. The moments we are together I feel alive.
lewishamilton I would walk the ends of the earth if it meant to be with you.
y/nmusic and i'll follow, my champ
y/nfan4 screaming, crying, throwing up, rolling around in a ball, snot running down my face, bawling my eyes out, hyperventilating, scratching out my eyes they are so in love
gwenstefani u two are endgame
y/nmusic we better be lewishamilton🫡
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liked by y/nmusic, sebastianvettel, mercedesamgf1, roscoelovescoco, and 9,874,236 others
tagged: y/nmusic
lewishamilton Happy 6 year anniversary to you, my heart. On this day last year, I asked you to be my forever, and you said yes. You are the kindest, most creative person I know and will ever meet. Your hardwork and dedication to your art is admirable. Sometimes I have to take a step back and ask myself "How am I so lucky?" You are the sun to my moon, the sky to my earth. You are a breath of fresh air on a hot day. A calming rain on a stressful one. You never fail to melt my worries away. Overall, you are a ray of sunshine. You are my lifeline, my support system, and my world 💞 There are so many more things I have to say about you, but I don't think that Instagram will let me 😅 You make my heart melt, I love you so much, my love 🖤
P.S. You know I like to play the doctor operation 😉
view 986,341 comments
y/nfan OH MY GOD
mercedesamgf1 The best couple in the paddock 🩶💙 liked by y/nmusic and lewishamilton
y/nmusic i am speechless
lewisfan1 mama y papa
lewisfan2 6 YEARS? theyve been together for 6 FUCKING YEARS?
y/nlewis "you are a breath of fresh air on a hot day" ???!?!?!!!??!
y/nlewis "you never fail to melt away my worries" HE LOVES HER SM 😭
y/nmusic lewis i love you so much you dont even know ❤️
y/nmusic definitely not bawling rn
sebastianvettel Don't listen to her, Lewis!
y/nmusic seb :(
roscoelovescoco The bests mums in the worlds 🐶❤️
y/nmusic i wouldn't want anyone else to be my baby roscoe ❤️
nicorosberg Happy for you man 😁 liked by lewishamilton
taylorswift you guys are so cute!! liked by y/nmusic and lewishamilton
lewisfan they are perfect for each other
aannndddd finished! i honestly had so much fun making this, finding pictures was lovely. i like where this went, so sorry if this post is super long!! merry christmas!! thank you for reading! requests and feedback are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well (only if you want :P)
452 notes · View notes
ja3hwa · 6 months
♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 | 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Your life might of been turned upside down within only a couple of hours. But you can't help but think it was the best thing that could of ever happened.
『Word count』 : 3k
-> Genre: Suggestive. Supernatural. Dark Romance
Pairing: Ot8!Vampire!Ateez x Human!Reader [Currently Seonghwa/Jongho/Yeosang]
[Warnings] : Blood Drinking. Biting. Wounds. Gore. Swearing. Dirty talk. Yeosang is mean but isn't really. Jongho can read minds. Mention of all members having super abilities. Mixture of past and present writing. Clubbing. Pet names. Jongho give the best forehead kisses. Reader talks about her abusive past. Angst but Jongie is a soother.
Masterlist | Navigation | Mini Series Masterlist | Chapter Two
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Yeosang was quick to hang up the phone once he ended his conversation with Jongho. His eyes were darting all over the bar trying his best to see if he could find the young woman he saw but alas she was gone. As if she was never there to begin with. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. He swore to himself over again, racking his fingers through his washed-out green hair. He turned away for only a second, how could she have disappeared? He rubbed his jaw quickly letting out yet another huff before turning to head back towards his office but as he turned he slammed right into someone.
“Shit!” He swore this time aloud, seeing his button-up was covered in sweet liquor. Stupid fucking humans. Stupid, disgusting hu─
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see you. Oh my, I’m so clumsy.” Your voice was sweet, like silk. He hates himself for remembering how you sounded. Your eyes finally caught him, but he was frozen, just staring at you with his mouth slightly agape. You were just as beautiful as the day they all lost you.
“Uh… It’s..It’s fine.” He was so caught off guard. You clearly didn’t know him. There was no recollection in your gaze. Just a simple apologetic smile that humans give one another when they don’t know each other. Were you even you? Were you just some human that looked like you? No. You had the same voice. The same twinkle in your eye that Yeosang died to see every chance he got. And….
“Well, I’m still so sorry. Here, I’ll pay for your dry cleaning.” You were being so kind to him. Kind to a stranger. Without thinking Yeosang Grabbed your wrist before you could pull your wallet out. You flinched slightly from the sudden movement of the unknown male, but you didn’t shy away from it. His touch wasn’t sending off red flags like other males who tried to touch you. No, there was something almost deja-vu like with his rough hand gripping tightly. You couldn’t explain it but it felt like you’ve been in this situation with him before.
Yeosang blinked a few times quickly, trying to find something anything to say to do. Ask for your name maybe? No, he can’t do that now in this kind of situation. So he just smiled. “No Need Pet. It was an accident.”
He let go of you roughly, which he didn’t mean but his mind was too focused on getting away from you so he could breathe and recollect his scattered thoughts. He didn’t even get you a chance to say thank you before he was off, weaving through the crowd so he could get to one of his men so they could put out a scout for you. He needed to keep you close, keep tabs on you. Needing to know who exactly you are before he says anything else to the others. Last thing he needs is someone like Mingi, Wooyoung or San having hope you are alive.
You, on the other hand, stood there for a moment. Trying to take in exactly what happened. you felt a little odd like something was unfinished. His face looked at you with such sorrow and loss. Did you remind him of someone? And why did he call you pet?
- The Past -
Yeosang had left you to wander the grounds on your own, saying he needed to finish his work before retiring to bed. You wished him a good night before heading through the halls, not before asking him directions of course. Thankfully you were on the right track anyway and only needed to take two more rights before finally stumbling into the vast kitchen. No one was here, strange? But given the lords of the manor were not awake in the day, it should make sense. No one needed to prepare food or supply lunching or tea to anyone during these early hours of the morning.
You grabbed a drink for yourself, trying not to disturb whatever order the kitchen had seemed to be arranged in. The cool water felt heavenly down your horse throat. From the screams earlier because of Seonghwa and then the tinge of pain that is still lingering from Yeosang’s fangs. It was no wonder the liquid was healing for your vocals. A mirror was situated in the corner of the room just behind the door. Most likely so maids or servers could check their appearance before being presented in front of any high socialite they may be a guest here on occasions. You glanced over at your neck to see two harsh red punctures. The blood was cleaned and dried from Yeosang tending to your wounds, but there was still some speckles of dried blood on the hem of your sleepwear. You couldn’t understand why you felt nothing upon seeing the marks. No fear, no sense of uncomfortableness or pain. Just simply is. Like this was normal. Like it had been the most mundane thing in your abusive life.
You might be a little fucked up.
But who could blame you? Your parents were vial, your siblings were useless, and your soon-to-be was a pig. You were alone until they showed up. Until they swept you off your feet─literally─and stole you away into some fairy tale. that’s what it felt like. Like you had fallen down the rabbit hole into wonderland just like the books you’ve read had suggested. Would that make you Alice then? Maybe you’d be more of a mad hatter?
“I think you are more of the white rabbit. Soft, cute.” You jumped, turning around to see a gentle-looking but broad beefy man. Jongho… did he, did he just read my mind? “I sure did honey. You have quite a lot in there for such a young sweet thing hmm?”
“H-how….” All these questions started running through your head. How could he read your mind? Do all vampires have this ability? Have all of them been about to hear your thoughts since you got here? Jongho was suddenly in front of you, using his super-speed to cage you between the door and his warm body.
“Slow down with the questions, honey. To answer them. I’m the only one out of us that can read minds.” That made you sigh slightly in relief. “Vampires when turned or born, gain one ability. For example, I can read minds. Seonghwa can bend water. Yunho has healing abilities. And the list goes on.”
“What does Yeosang h-have…” You gulped, feeling Jongho's body so close to yours. His one hand is perfectly perched on your hip while the other lies spread against the door. You try not to make your mind wonder if he is going to bite you like the others. Or the way his lips would feel on you. Any part of you.
You notice a darkness swirl in his eyes, watching you intensely. “He should be the one to tell you…” he didn’t let you say anything else as his head dipped to your neck kissing along the wound Yeosang had left prior. His cold tongue glided over both puncture marks, tasting the little bit of dried leftover blood that had been left behind. “Your mind wanders so quickly doesn’t it honey?”
“What was it? About wanting to know if I’ll bite you. Or touch you? Maybe…” He snapped his head up, looking you straight in the eyes, like he was looking directly into your soul. Your heart was racing and you knew he could hear it. He could hear everything, from your jagged breath, shacking limbs and your sinful thoughts that you were so desperately trying to shoo away. “You wanna know how good I could fuck you? Hmm, who knew our sweet little rabbit was so naughty.”
“T-that’s not true.” You knew lying was not the best thing to do considering he can literally read your fucking mind. But you had no idea what else to say. He just chuckled, clicking his tongue lightly before closing the gap between you, making your bodies flush against one another. His nose rubbed along your neck inhaling generously. You smelt amazing to him. Like lilacs and summer rain showers. Or how a forest smells fresh and light in the early hours of dawn. He could just have you in his arms, inhaling your scent for hours and would never grow tired. He wouldn’t admit it, nor would he linger too deep in your mind either for the same reason. That he was definitely falling in love with you. Unlike his friends, he was a romantic. A dirty, filthy, romantic. And he wanted to do everything and anything to you, for you, with you. Anything for you to call him, yours.
“Such a sweet little white rabbit. So kind, even though the world has been nothing but hardship for you.” His words made a lump form in your throat, not thinking if this vampire could indeed read minds, he was not only able to see your dirty fantasies but your dark past too. Your pain. The memories you wish more than anything to erase. You didn’t want to life you were given, always praying for a new start. Or a quick death. Whichever came first you didn’t mind. But maybe now you could have that new start. One filled with love, devotion, and gratitude. Like the relationships in the stories you’ve read. One were you could feel equal even though they were all beasts. They were more human than the humans you already knew. “Let’s get you back to bed hmm?”
Jongho’s words sounded more like a question but you knew he meant it in more of a statement. Wanting you to not grow tired from the crazy event you had only hours been through. “I don’t think I could sleep even if I tried.”
“Why?” He didn’t mean to bluntly ask but he was worried. Sure he could just read your mind and find out. But he wanted to hear the emotion behind the words. He needed you to say it aloud.
“Last night…” You took a breath, relaxing a little into Jongho’s hold, as he kept you firmly between the door and his body. “It was not the first time I’d seen blood. Or death. To be fair. For a moment. I thought I was going to die tonight. And I wasn’t afraid.” You hiccuped feeling a tear break from your left eye. “I wasn’t scared of death. In fact, I was ready to welcome it. And it made me realise how much I’ve lived in a loop of pain. Waiting for something to either kill me or help me.”
It was Jongho’s turn to take a deep breath, rubbing his thumb into your hip, trying to comfort you as you spoke. “I’m glad you all came to save me. Even though this might seem crazy. And I have only known you all for less than a day. I have felt more at home here than I have my entire life. So t-thank you.”
Jongho’s undead heart broke at your little sob. You were so young and yet you had been through so much. He knew then and there he was going to protect you, shield you. Even if it meant getting himself injured or killed. He dropped his hand from the wall so he could cup your face. Your glossy, watery eyes stared up at him with so much agony. He sighed. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again. Okay, Honey. You are safe with us. You might not understand this yet but we… We have cared about you for a while.”
He wasn’t about to pour out all the confessions of you being their mate. And how they are all mated to one another and you were their missing piece. That was for another day. For now. All you needed was reassurance. A kind hand to hold. a broad chest to hug. “Come on now. Let’s actually get you back to bed now.”
He walked you back to your room where a lightly snoring Seonghwa was. You thanked Jongho again and he said ‘There is no need to thank me’ but yet you still said it again. Gave you one last smile before kissing your forehead with such gentleness. Softness like nothing you’ve ever felt. He was gone before you could even whisper out a goodnight.
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suugarbabe · 7 months
Saving Grace V||
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Word count: ~2.9k
Warning: fluffy fluff
an: this is the LAST chapter. I will not be adding any more to this series. I loved writing it, but it’s time to move on to the next. I’m totally open to asks about side details or mini blurbs if you would like but otherwise we have ended with saving grace 🖤 not proof read either sorry xx
Featherlight touches along the outside of your arm are what woke you from your slumber. You turned on to your back only to be welcomed by velvet soft lips attaching themselves to the underside of your jaw. You couldn’t help the smile that spread to your face, “Good morning to you too, Teo.” You felt him smile against your skin, “Every morning is good when I wake up to you in my bed.”
You duck further into Mattheo’s chest as a pillow is thrown toward the both of you. “Can you guys not be so sickening in the morning, you’re going to make me vomit and I haven’t even fully woken up,” Draco’s morning rasp make his complaint sound more serious then he truly meant, but you and Mattheo laughed all the same.
“You’ll never be in a relationship with that attitude, Cousin,” Mattheo teased the older boy, only to be told to sod off as Draco rolled back over. Mattheo turned back to you, “We’re not sickening are we? Have I gone soft?” You pecked his lips in a chaste kiss, “Never, darling. You’re still intimidating, don’t worry.”
Mattheo smirked at you humoring him, “Well, Princess, I hope I’m not intimidating to you because I have something to ask.” You raised your eyebrows in anticipation, “Go on.”
He rested his palm against your cheek, his eyes filled with adoration. He traced the apples of your cheeks with thumb, wetting his lips with his tongue before he spoke. “Angel, would you do me the honors of going to the Yule ball with me?”
The grin that appeared on your face must have been infectious because Mattheo mirrored it immediately. “A thousand times yes,” you grabbed hold of the back of his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He hummed against your lips, slightly stunned at your boldness but soon echoed your passion, grabbing hold of your waist and pulling you to straddle his hips.
He sat up, lips still connected, tongues battling for dominance as his hands squeezed and needed at the flesh of your thighs and bum. You ran your hands down his strong chest, nails raking against the muscles on his abdomen eliciting a low groan from Mattheo. However, before anything could get too heated, three pillows collided with your bodies, all thrown from different directions of the room.
You broke apart from Mattheo, grabbing hold of a rogue pillow and whipping it at the nearest bed to you. “Ow, what the fuck, Mattheo control your woman,” Theo was rubbing the side of his head where the pillow had connected.
Mattheo grinned, giving your bum another full squeeze, “She’s uncontrollable, Nott. You’d know if you had any balls third year.” You gasped, mouth in a wide smile as you smacked Mattheo’s chest. He grabbed hold of your wrists, leaning in for another kiss amidst the groans of his dorm mates.
The next two weeks were a whirlwind of planning for you; planning your dress, planning Mattheo’s dress robes, planning your hair, your makeup. Thankfully, Pansy, Ottie, Darcy and [ ] were by your side the entire time. Unsurprisingly Pansy had agreed to go with Draco to the ball, but what was surprising was your other three friends agreeing to go with Enzo, Theo and Blaise.
You were thrilled that your friends would be able to go with the same group as you; this made going dress shopping more enjoyable. You had fought Mattheo for two days about him buying your dress; eventually, you lost, but that also meant that you could pick any dress you wanted, regardless of the price tag.
That is how you ended up with the floor length emerald number you were in whilst getting ready with the rest of the group in your dorm. Green really was your color, and the slit that ran up to your hip was sure to drive Mattheo mad, which you were more than happy about. Once your hair and makeup was done, you and the other girls made your way down to the common room to meet the boys.
As you descended down the stairs, Mattheo’s back was turned, talking with his cousin and the rest of the group. Even from the back he was handsome. His dress robes fitting him perfectly, showing off his strong broad shoulders and lean back. His curls seem to fall perfectly from what you could see and it made your heart race in your chest at how lucky you really got all those months ago.
With a nudge from Draco, Mattheo turned, his face dropping in awe. Mattheo’s breath seemed to still as he took you in, how the green silk seemed to hug you in all the right places, how your black strappy heels wrapped around the small of your ankle, how the necklace your mother gave you sat perfectly in the dip of your collarbone; you were an angel ascending from Heaven, there to finally take him away.
Your hand on his cheek finally pulled him from his trance, “Seems you’re the one off in a daze this evening, Teo.” Your smile was teasing but Mattheo couldn’t help the bashfulness that spread across his cheeks. “You look…absolutely ravishing, Princess. I don’t know how I have been so blessed to be in the presence of an angel tonight.”
Your cheeks burned scarlet at the compliment. Draco rolled his eyes beside you, “Oi, you’ve already got her to date you, cousin. No need for the sappy sentiments. We’re gonna be late.” Mattheo scowled at the older boy, his face calming only when you laced your fingers with his, “Why the rush, Malfoy. Your group is notoriously late, tonight is going to be no different.”
Enzo hooked his arm with Ottie’s as he led the group toward the common room exit, “We prefer to call it ‘making an entrance’. And with you on my arm, love, it will be the grandest entrance of them all.” Ottie blushed, looking down to the ground.
You faked a gag, turning to Mattheo, “We were never that bad, were we?” Mattheo shook his head, seemingly agreeing, however Blaise was quick to speak behind you, “I’m sorry, were you not just with us two minutes ago. Bruv was essentially making up his own Shakespeare back there.”
You stuck your tongue out, Blaise doing the same in return. Mattheo gave your hand a light squeeze, silently assuring you he liked being cheesy with you. The group made consistent small talk on the walk to the Great Hall. Mogonagall and Flitwick standing at the entrance and welcoming students.
The hall had never looked so beautiful to you. Instead of the four long house tables, there were instead many round tables along the outside edge of the hall. A stage had replaced the head table in the front, a band playing light music for dinner time. The enchanted ceiling displayed light glowing clouds with different constellations in the background popping in and out with the different movement of the simulated sky above.
As you sat, Mattheo to your left, you crossed your legs. Mattheo’s eyes nearly bugged from his skull as your entire left leg was displayed due to the slit in your dress. His large hand immediately spread across the top of your thigh, “Are you trying to kill me, woman? Or get someone else killed?”
You batted your eyelashes with innocence, “Why would you kill someone?” A playful smirk was dancing on your lips. Mattheo was unsure if he was aroused or scared by this; possibly both. “Princess, I’m not sure if I could control myself if some tosser got a look at half of your body being displayed right now.
You had to suppress a snort, “Mattheo, hardly half my body is out. Bit dramatic you’re being.” Mattheo’s grip on your leg tightened slightly, sending a jolt to your core as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “You know I don’t like to share what’s mine, Princess.”
Goosebumps were surely rising on your neck from his breath being so close, but you did your best to keep your composure and earlier teasing nature, “I thought you said before it didn’t matter what I wore, that it was okay because what was it you said,” you tapped your chin, pretending to wrack your brain for the phrase, “Oh, that’s right. Because you could fight.”
Mattheo’s smirk made you smile, “Is that what you want, pretty girl? You want me to fight on this special night?” You placed your hand on his thigh, mirroring his earlier gesture and giving it a light squeeze, “Well, seeing you fight does rile me up a bit.” Mattheo grinned as he leaned close to you again, catching your lips briefly before you were pulling away with a hand on his chest, “Wait, why is tonight special? What have you got planned, Riddle?”
Mattheo’s confident facade faltered slightly, his eyes going wide and him stumbling on his words, “W-Oh, just, you know, just that it’s a ball and it only happens once a year.” He captured your lips quickly in a bruising kiss, seemingly distracting you for the time being before going back to conversations with his friends around the table.
After dinner, the real music began and students began flooding the dance floor. It was nice to see everyone relaxing and enjoying the night together, regardless of house or status. Even Draco was loose and relaxed, dancing jovially with Pansy. As the upbeat music began to change to a slow song, you felt a familiar palm rest against the curve of your bum.
Mattheo’s lips brushed against the shell of his ear, a smile evident on his lips even though you couldn’t see him, “May I have the honor of this dance?” You turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I would love nothing more.” Mattheo’s hands rested on your hips as you both swayed to the music playing.
“I wonder who you would’ve ended up here with if I didn’t heroically save you all those months ago,” Mattheo smirked. Without missing a beat you wittily replied, “Probably Theo.” Mattheo squeezed your hips, causing a small squeal to erupt from your lips, “I’m kidding! I dunno, can’t really see myself here with anyone else but you.”
He must have not expected such an honest answer as a tint of blush coated his cheeks. “I think I would’ve asked you.” His statement took you off guard, “Wha-wait, really?” Before you had come up to him that day for help, you and Mattheo had never even spoken before. Glances sure, but no more than any other person from any other student, or so you thought.
You could tell Mattheo was getting nervous, his eye contact with you less frequent, gnawing on his bottom lip as he searched for the right words, “I, erm, sort of had a bit of a crush on you for a while. I know Enzo told you, Theo can’t keep his mouth shut for shit.”
The laugh the left your lips caused Mattheo to smile, relaxing a little more as he continued, “Cousin had been encouraging me all summer to just approach you when the school year started, I just…didn’t know how. So when you found me that day in the hall, begging me for help I just…I saw it as an opportunity to spend time with you, get to know you. And you could get to know me.”
“So when you said this arrangement could help both of us…” you trailed off as Mattheo nodded. “I meant it was helping me get closer to you. Hopefully helping you get to know me. The real me, not what everyone paints me out to be. The Dark Lord's son, the broody bad boy with no heart. So when we started all this I was over the bloody moon. I know I was being selfish with all the touching and stolen kisses.”
“To be fair, you did warn me,” you smiled at him. “Yeah, I did,” he laughed, “and then you said you were falling for me. Merlin, I thought I just won the fucking Quidditch World Cup I was so happy. I don’t think I’ve come down from that night, the happiness I feel when I’m with you. It’s never ending, Princess. I-I, erm…”
You placed your hands on either side of his face, holding him so he had to keep eye contact with you. You could see it in his eyes, the raw emotion he was feeling, how hard it was for him to be this vulnerable, you decided to make it a little easier on him. “I love you, Mattheo.”
If you had a camera you would’ve taken a picture of the smile that elicited Mattheo’s face, pure joy rang in his eyes before he crashed his lips to yours in a searing kiss. “I love you so much,” he mumbled against your lips, “I love you,” kiss, “I love you,” kiss, “so fucking much.”
You giggled against his lips, pushing his back so you could properly talk again, “I love you, too, Mattheo. Really, really fucking love you.” He kissed you again, this time more fiercely, not caring where the two of you were or who was around. He bit your bottom lip, pulling back lightly as he groped and grabbed at your bum before you slapped his arm in warning, “Teo! Not here, wait till later.” While your tone did not match your warning, Mattheo ceased his assault on your lips and body, “I’m sorry, love. I just can’t resist you.”
Mattheo could see the gears turning in your head as your brows furrowed, “Is that why you said tonight was going to be special? Because you were going to tell me you loved me?”
Another blush dusted across his cheeks to the tips of his ears, “Too cheesy?” You shook your head, taking your bottom lip between your teeth, “No, s’just perfect from someone who saved me.” You cupped his cheek, tracing the curve of his cheek bone with your thumb, “I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for what you did for me.”
Mattheo’s smile turned devilish, “I think you’ve thanked me plenty, but I have another idea or two if you’d like to try them out.” You laughed lightly, slapping his chest playfully. “Mattheo Marvelo, you dirty minded man.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Can you blame me? Look at you, at this dress,” he spun you around, “bloody gorgeous, my love. I could take you back to my dorm right now if you’d let me.”
“So do it.” Your bold statement caught him off guard, eyes widening. You couldn’t suppress the smirk that graced your face, “You’re not dreaming, Teo. I’m being serious.” You twirled one of the curls framing his face around your finger before letting it go.
Mattheo didn’t even give you time to properly say goodbye to the others before he was dragging you toward the dungeons, having you a giggling mess the entire time. He had you pressed up against the corridor walls several times on the way down, leaving what you were sure were bruising kisses and marks along your neck and collarbone.
“Mattheo,” you giggled breathlessly as he had you pinned against the wall beside his dorm door. “Hmm,” he hummed against your skin. “I love you.” He looked up at you, pupils blown in a mix of love and lust, “Merlin I could hear you say that every day for the rest of my life.”
You pulled him in by his collar, lips brushing against his feather light, “That’s the plan.”
@v1olentdelights @cherry-hoe @itsamusical4lifee @chaosartic @l4venderia @mypolicemanharryyy @ma-las @usmell4 @carav4l @jinxxangel13 @stvrligghtt @taylors--version @classicfandomavenue @lucyispan @moonlightreader649 @badasseddy @icecube1912 @kezibear @little-miss-naill @laurajmcmanus @onlyangel-444 @unstablereader @aunicornmademedoit @im-unwellbabe @fairydimples07
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lostgirlmuseum · 8 months
🏖Chapter 4 (Finale)
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Mini Series Masterlist ❤️
Summary: You invite both your best friend and your boyfriend to a three-day weekend getaway at a beach resort. This trip was meant to be relaxing, but tensions and jealousies rise as both Miles and Bucky fight for your attention. 
Pairing: BestFriend!Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: Major toxicity, accusations of infidelity, happy ending!
A/N: I really hope you like it! I don't have a taglist, but you can follow updates at @lostgirl-library instead
(Divider credit: @firefly-graphics)
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Reader’s POV
The sun was just starting to peek through the blinds, streams of soft light rolling over the bed. You yawned and stretched out wide, feeling your limbs tense and relax. You shifted your body and found the other side of the bed was cool, Bucky must have left a while ago. You noticed his open suitcase on the floor, and he looked mostly packed. 
Wanda and Vision had left late after the bonfire the night before. You frowned at the thought. You didn’t want to leave, at least not yet. It was so sunny and spacious here. You tucked yourself further into the covers and groaned, knowing you should get up, but what’s a few more minutes? 
You nearly fell back asleep until you remembered your flight was creeping up, and you still needed to pack up your things. Begrudgingly, you removed yourself from the comfort of Bucky’s bed, and creaked out of his door.
Just as you were shutting the door behind you, you made eye contact with Miles, as he was simultaneously leaving his room.
You began to smile but his words came first.
“I thought you said you were sleeping on the couch,” he scrunched his eyebrows.
“I did. I was,” you said, rubbing your arms for warmth. 
“Then how come you’re leaving his room?” He countered, crossing his arms across his chest.
“He saw I was uncomfortable and told me I could sleep in his room.” You simply stated, and walked over to the couch to grab your sweatshirt off the back of it.
“And you said yes?” 
“Yeah..?” You replied skeptically, pulling the garment over your body.
“Y/N.” He deadpanned.
“Miles.” You mirrored.
“Drop the innocence. You’re telling me you don’t see what this looks like?” He gestured between you and Bucky’s door.
You followed his hand, still confused about what he was getting at.
“No?” You responded, sticking your hands into the pouch of your sweatshirt.
“Because it looks like you cheated on me.”
You blinked once. Twice. A third time.
“Did you sleep with him?” Miles pointed to Bucky’s room.
“What the fuck? No!” You took a step back, incredulous. 
Is this some sort of joke?
Miles' voice started to raise, and yours with it.
“Well how am I supposed to know that? Because that’s the way it fuckin’ looks right now!”
“Because I’m your girlfriend and we are supposed to trust each other!” You scoffed.
“The person I don’t trust is Bucky!”
“What do you have against him?” You groaned, truly curious to what all this animosity was for.
“He’s obsessed with you! The dumb and oblivious act was cute at first, but wake the fuck up! Are you stupid?” He tapped his head aggressively.
You balked. Where is this coming from? Did he just call me an idiot?
“Miles,” you calmly stated, trying to center yourself, “I do not like the way you are acting right now.”
“I’m acting this way because of you! I can’t trust you as long as he is around. How did you think it was a good idea to sleep in another guy’s bed when you already have a boyfriend?”
“I don’t know!” You threw your hands up, “I was tired, and upset, and it’s not like Bucky and I have never slept in the same bed before! We go on missions together!”
“Great, so now I have to worry about the past as well!” Miles scoffed.
“You don’t have to worry about anything!”
“He’s manipulated you, can’t you see that? He’s been playing me this whole time, trying to pit you against me.”
“Miles, you’re talking nonsense,”
“Sweetheart, men and women can never be friends. I know this is hard for you, but you have to accept that he will never see you as just a friend. He will always be sabotaging your happiness as long as you’re with someone who isn’t him!”
“You’re pissing me off!” 
“Open your eyes!”
The front door swung open, and Bucky appeared with a box of donuts in hand. He quickly looked between you and Miles, obviously sensing that you were in the middle of something. He shut the door behind him without taking his eyes off you. You looked at Bucky almost pleadingly.
“Baby, I’m begging you, please,” Miles continued, taking a couple steps toward you, “I’ll forget about the past. Just tell me you see where I’m coming from with him. I love you.”
You froze.
“You—you what me?”
“I love you.” Miles put his hand over his heart.
What the fuck?
“You were just screaming at me telling me I cheated on you!” 
“You make me crazy about you! Baby,” Miles begged, trying to step closer to you, but you stepped back.
“I don’t even know what to say anymore.” You scoffed humorlessly. 
“Fuck it, fine,” Miles mumbled, and lowered himself on one knee. “Will you marry me?”
Your eyes went impossibly wide, and you heard the sound of a box being dropped on the floor.
“WHAT?” You and Bucky yelled at the same time.
“Will you marry me?” He repeated.
“Oh my God, I’ve dated a madman—” you shook your head in disbelief, and brought your palms to your cheeks at the pure absurdity of the situation.
“I think you need to take a walk, Miles,” Bucky finally spoke up, and picked up the box of donuts that had found itself on the floor.
“So you can be alone with her? Not a chance.” He sneered.
“Miles, we are done.” You enunciated every word. “This is over. Clearly I have made a huge mistake.”
“No, I don’t accept that!”
“Accept it? I’m not offering to pay for dinner!” You screeched. “I’m breaking up with you! You don’t have to ‘accept’ it, but you’re gonna have to live with it!”
“Back up,” Bucky growled, seeing Miles try to step closer to you.
To your surprise, Miles seemed to listen. He took a step back, and then disappeared into the kitchen. Before you and Bucky could utter a single word, he was back holding the sand dollar Bucky had given you yesterday.
“You love him, don’t you?” Miles asked, relatively calm, as he pointed at Bucky.
The room went completely silent.
“I– I–” You didn’t know what to say.
“You love him!” He shouted, and held up the precious shell. You were too slow—he threw it against the wall.
“No!” You cried, and gasped, seeing the pieces shatter to the ground.
“See! You care more about a stupid shell than me!” Miles gestured to the mess he’d made.
“That’s enough,” Bucky seethed, and grabbed Miles by the back of his neck, picking him up like you would a puppy.
Miles argued but Bucky persisted, and carried him out the front door. 
The moment you heard the door shut, you sank to your knees and began to cry.
Yes, because of the shell, but you knew it was so much more than that. You were exhausted, embarrassed, and conflicted.
Miles' voice rang in your ears.
You love him! You love him! You love him!
An uncomfortable pit planted itself in your stomach. Miles not only hit a nerve, but it felt as if he had exposed it. 
You can’t keep running from this. You can’t keep running from your feelings. You thought you could fix yourself, but all you did was distract yourself from the truth.
I am in love with Bucky Barnes. I have been for a very long time.
“Fuck,” you choked, tucking your forehead into your knees.
You couldn’t tell if you were more mad that it had taken you this long to accept it, or that you accepted it at all. 
These feelings for your best friend were dangerous. They had been barred and locked up behind your rusting heart for so long, but now they were in the forefront of your mind, and you knew there were risks.
You knew that if Bucky didn’t reciprocate your feelings, you’d be okay. Upset, yes, but you knew you would survive as long as you had Bucky as your friend. The real fear is if Bucky loves you back. What if you don’t work out? Will your friendship survive that caliber of heartbreak? Of knowing what it’s like to have the other completely, only to give it up?
But you were tired, so tired, of lying to him, yourself, the world.
You wiped your eyes and pulled yourself up from the ground. You needed fresh air.
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You weren’t sure how long you stood before the water, watching the waves crash and the water barely making it to your toes. 
Bucky appeared next to you. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just took a deep breath of the ocean air.
“I took him to the airport.”
“Is that a euphemism?”
“No,” he chuckled, “I sent him home. I figured we could catch another flight later, and stay here for a little longer. Housekeeping won’t be here until noon, right?”
“I snuck a couple bullets in his pockets. TSA is going to tear him apart.”
You didn’t bother asking him where he got the bullets.
“Bucky, be honest with me.”
“What is it?”
“Miles hasn’t been kind to you, has he?” It was phrased like a question, but sounded like a statement.
He froze for a second, struggling for the right words.
“No.” He eventually sighed.
“And you didn’t tell me…because you didn’t want to disappoint me?”
“It was nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“This is all my fault,” you sniveled, and dropped yourself onto the sand.
“No it’s not,” Bucky sat down with you, and put his hand on your back.
“It is. I can’t believe I ignored how awful he was. I can’t believe I let him hurt you. I should’ve known I couldn’t force that relationship. I just wanted the distraction, y’know?” “Distraction?”
“Bucky…” you trailed off, and forced yourself to look at him. “I only went out with him because I thought it would help me get over my feelings for you. But here we are, I’ve only made things worse, and I still love you. And it’s fine if you don’t feel the same, I just can’t keep lying to myself.”
Bucky’s eyes went wide.
Oh god. He’s upset? He’s happy? Surprised? 
Before you could backtrack and take back what you’d said, Bucky’s hands were holding your face, his only inches away.
“What are you doing?” You asked, nervous for what was going to happen next.
His eyes glittered softly, looking into yours.
“I’m making the wave,” he whispered, and he dove in for the kiss.
You gave a soft gasp at his quick movements, but immediately responded, bringing your hand behind his neck to keep him close to you. 
The kiss was desperate, and filled with longing, as you found yourself falling back into the sand, Bucky holding himself right above you. The fall broke the kiss, but you didn’t mind, because it gave you the gorgeous view of Bucky hovering above you, panting, and smiling like an idiot. 
You giggled and leaned up to kiss his chin, his cheeks almost as pink as his lips.
As adorable as he looked, eyes shining as he took you in, you were getting impatient, and crashed your lips to his. You caught him off guard, but he was quick to recover.
“Wait, wait,” you panted, lightly pushing him off of you.
“What’s wrong?” He pulled back looking frazzled, a mix of concern and adoration in his ocean eyes.
“Nothing,” you reassured him, and reached into your back pocket, “I just want to get a picture of this.” 
You sat up and placed yourself next to Bucky, putting your phone in selfie mode.
You captured his cheesy smile as you placed a kiss on his left cheek. Bucky watched as you quickly tapped away on your phone, and he smirked once he saw what you’d done.
To: Miles [File Attachment: IMG_6123] Thx for making me realize what I really needed Fuck you for everything else bastard
“And…blocked.” You said, a satisfied grin on your face.
“God, I love you,” Bucky crooned.
“I love you,” you responded, pulling him back in for another kiss.
The waves crashed hopefully behind you.
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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS SERIES! I appreciate each and every one of you. For my first mini series, I think I'm mostly happy with how it turned out. Of course I'm always going to worry about it not being good enough, but I wanted to thank you for all being so kind toward me.
I'm so sorry if the ending feels too abrupt, I really didn't know how to end it. If you have any question about the story, feel free to ask!
All that being said, thank you once again you beautiful people.
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moremaybank · 9 months
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pairing hockey player!rafe cameron x fem!flight attendant!reader
summary rafe spends his time on his flight pushing your buttons. then, the obx thunder boys go out to celebrate their latest win, and rafe ends up running into you at the club.
warnings flirty rafe, rafe annoying reader on their flight (but it's cute), alcohol consumption, a sexual innuendo, some suggestive parts, allusions to smut (it's coming next i swear), i think that's it?
author's note decided to make a part two, and this is probably going to turn into a mini series but we'll see. (series inspired by liz tomforde)
sparks fly — the masterlist ;; rafe masterlist
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Rafe had been on fire this season, racking up win after win with the help of his team. His following was growing, and with that came plenty of women propositioning him. Normally, he would have revelled in that attention. He probably would've taken at least three of them home to have a party of his own. But something had changed. He didn't want any of them. He couldn't even think about them. All that he wanted was you.
Ever since that first flight with you, Rafe couldn't get you out of his mind. Your banter, your commitment to your professionalism, and the fireworks that erupted in the pit of his stomach whenever he interacted with you. You'd left a lasting impression on him, like you imprinted on his soul with just your glimmering eyes and captivating smile.
No matter how many girls threw themselves at him, he found himself uninterested beyond belief. The only thing on his mind was his desire to get to know you more, to win you over and to show you that there was more to him than his reputation.
Tonight, as he boarded the plane, he couldn't help but glance around, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. There you were, standing in your crisp uniform, your hair down this time around and framing your face. You were wearing a bombshell red lipstick, one that Rafe tried not to imagine painted all over his skin. Your heels accentuated your legs, and even through the stockings, he could tell how glowy and smooth they were. God, the way he wanted them wrapped around his waist, or hooked over his shoulders. Bent back with your feet near your head. He had to stop himself before he sported an accidental hard on.
You could feel eyes on you, and you turned to the right to find Rafe settled in his seat, a teasing grin on his face. He offered you a wink, before shifting his attention onto his phone.
Throughout the flight, he pressed that damn call button over and over, each time with a playful excuse to get your attention.
"Can I get another pillow? This one's kinda lumpy," he'd request with the same stupid yet panty-dropping smirk.
Some time passed, a little longer than usual, and you prayed that Rafe was finally over his antics. But you spoke (albeit, internally) far too soon.
"Could you adjust my seatbelt for me?" It was perfectly fine, and you both knew that, but Rafe refused to let up.
You fixed it for him with a huff. "I'm sure you could've done this yourself. You're more than capable."
"Maybe," he shrugged. He inched closer, the look in his eyes making it impossible to look away. "Or maybe I just wanted to feel your hands on my body."
Your thighs clenched as you gulped, and you prayed that he didn't notice. "Well, cherish that memory because it's never happening again."
He watched you walk away, heading over to another one of his teammates who actually needed your assistance.
"You know, you're trying real hard with someone who doesn't wanna give you a chance," Topper spoke from his seat across the jet. "Why not just go for one of your admirers?"
"I don't want them. I want her," Rafe responded.
Topper chuckled to himself, "Yeah, for one night. Then, you'll ruin it for the rest of us by making it awkward."
"Nah. Not this time. There's something about her. She's different. I can tell."
"Whatever you say, man."
By the time the plane touched down in Seattle, Rafe was on his way to exit the plane when he took one last look at you. There was a newfound sincerity in his eyes. "I'm not giving up, Y/N. It might not happen today, but sooner or later, you're gonna fall for me."
You tilted your head, giving him a knowing look. "I wouldn't hold my breath."
"You're stubborn. It's cute. But it won't last for long."
Later that night, the team had decided to celebrate yet another triumphant victory but heading to one of the hottest clubs in downtown Seattle. Upon arriving at Aura, Rafe's teammates were eager to toast to their win and spend the night mingling with people that would promise them a fun time. He agreed to join them, hoping that the night out might help him get you out of his head, even if only a short while.
Everyone entered the barely lit club, the pulsating beat of music filled the air. His teammates wasted no time diving in, but Rafe hung back, nursing his whiskey and surveying the crowd before him.
As if by chance, Rafe spotted you with your colleagues looking effortlessly stunning. Your dress sparkled from the strobe lights, and your laughter and bright smile were infectious, causing Rafe to sport a smile of his own as he watched you. You were captivating, and he couldn't help but be drawn to you.
Rafe took a deep breath, determined to seize the opportunity. It was like the universe was working for him. So, he made his way toward you, and he couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that mingled with nervousness in his chest. It wasn't enough to stop him, though. He couldn't let his chance slip away.
"Twice in one day? I must be the luckiest man alive," he said, trying to sound casual. He wondered if you could see how giddy he really was.
You turned to him, a surprised but sweet smile on your face. "Rafe? What are you doing here?"
He was elated when you didn't brush him off. "Celebrating tonight's win. But I have to admit, seeing you here is a win in itself."
"Really? And why's that?"
Rafe leaned into you, and he looked deep into your eyes. "Because I can't get you off my mind."
Your heart fluttered, and you found yourself torn between resisting his charms and giving in to the chemistry that sizzled between you. You had to admit, his persistence was starting to reel you in.
"Then maybe you should buy me a drink," you suggested.
"Let's go."
Rafe's hand found the small of your back as he led you away from your coworkers and to the bar. You both ordered your drinks, and the alcohol gave you some courage.
"You clean up nice. Not that your uniform doesn't do you justice. It does," Rafe said.
You couldn't help but chuckle. "And you clean up pretty well for a hockey player. But don't let that go to your head."
Rafe grinned, his eyes sparkling. "You know, I'm starting to think that you enjoy challenging me."
You met his gaze with a sly smile. "Maybe I do. It's not everyday that I meet someone who can keep up."
"My stamina's never been an issue, sweetheart."
You felt the heat blooming in your cheeks at the innuendo, and your slowly circled his wrist. "Then prove it. Dance with me."
"Lead the way."
Your magnetic pull drew you two closer, the connection louder than the noisy club that surrounded you. His hands rested on your hips and your back pressed against his front. Your bodies moved in sync, and Rafe's hands on you made you shiver with excitement. The spark between you was now a full fledged flame, burning so brightly it threatened to burn everything in its wake.
As the two of you continued to dance, the question that lingered in the back of your mind pulled at you. You needed to know the depth of Rafe's intentions. You twirled around in Rafe's hold slowly, your arms bracing on his biceps. You bit your lip in anticipation. "Why are you trying so hard with me?"
He paused for a moment, his eyes locking on yours. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice raw with emotion. "You're a challenge. I like a good challenge. But more than that, there's something about you that's different. You're unlike anyone I've ever met before, and I can't resist wanting to figure you out. I want to know you. I need to."
You felt a mixture of curiosity and attraction. "So I'm a puzzle you're trying to solve?"
He nodded, pulling you closer as you swayed to the music. "Yeah. And I can't shake the feeling that the more I get to know you, the more interesting you'll become."
His answer was enough to intrigue you. "Do you...wanna get out of here?"
He smiled, with a shy but eager nod. "Yeah. Definitely."
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RAFE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE!): @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @twelfthmortalofcrimsonpalace @wildflwrdarlin @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @jjsbank444 @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey @countryclubkook @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @glen-powells @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptheimagines @bloody-mf-bsc @maybanksbabe @slut4drudy @lvvrgrl @dancinglikeaballerina @somerandos-world @shahanaazsoumah @darleneslane @sya-skies @ellabellabus07 @emmalandry @madelynie @urbestieboo @cruzgrecia @l1lactheflower @rafegirly @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @gillybear17 @allsmilesreally7 @obaex
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drakoneve · 8 months
Destined Meetings
request: Hey, do you think you could write something where the reader is related to tig somehow, and they're in charming for work or college and they start a relationship with juice? Cute and a little angsty at first?
pairing: Juice Ortiz x Trager!Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: club crimes, reader's mom isn't the best + suggested childhood trauma, alcohol and drug (maryj) use
a/n: there will be another part for sure, but i might make this a bit of a mini-series, lmk what you think. happy reading!
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Tig hardly ever talked about it, but he'd been married once. He would rather die than ever admit he loved anyone but Dawn and Fawn, but he loved her. And you, his sweet, sweet Y/n.
His heart clenched at the thought of you. You were only two years old at the time of the accident. The day your mother decided she had had enough of Tig and the life he came with and that she needed to run.
It was that day, when your mother pulled out of Charming and never looked back. She only made it two towns over before she took a reckless turn right off an overpass into oncoming traffic.
Tig could remember the look on Unser's face as he approached the older man in the TM parking lot like yesterday, and how he wished he could go back and convince your mom not to go. Or to leave you, at least.
Unser had just began working with the club back then, and this case in particular had always stuck with him. A woman trying to escape her outlaw husband with their baby daughter who ends up getting into a horrific accident that ends up killing them both? One of the saddest stories Unser had ever heard.
Except for the fact none of it was true.
Because there you stood, alive and well, right in front of the Chief's desk.
"I know it sounds crazy," you shake your head, hopeful look on your face. "I wouldn't believe it either, actually. And I don't really have any proof other than my memories, but I'm sure it's him."
The aging polaroid in you had provided him of a much younger Tig and a woman he recognizes to be your mother back when she was pregnant with you.
"No, no," he waves your worries away. "I believe you. In fact, I remember your mother, vaguely, and you look a lot like her."
You grimace. "Yeah, I've been told a few times. So do you know where I can find Alexander?"
Chief Unser pulls a pen from his shirt pocket and begins writing on a slip of paper on his desk. "This is the address of the Teller-Morrow, the automotive shop your dad works at. I would take you there myself, but I'm swamped here."
"Oh, it's no issue," you shrug and take the slip of paper. "I can get there myself. Thank you for everything, though."
You turn and begin to leave when Unser calls for you to stop.
"I forgot to mention, your dad goes by 'Tig.'"
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
Juice stretched out his arms and popped his neck while he wiped his hands with a rag. Two weeks of waiting for one part was finally over, and he could get this damn Taurus out of the shop. He tossed the rag into his toolbox when a sleek black car comes rumbling into the lot.
He leaves the garage to get a closer look and notices the car is actually a classic, a well taken care of (or well restored) '69 Chevy. While he admires the car he notices you, too.
Your hair is partly clipped back, with enough loose enough to frame your face in a casual look. You're pretty, and admittedly he'd be more distracted by you but Juice can tell by the look on your face you're nervous. Juice would know, it's a look he's had to learn to hide.
By sight and sound nothing seemed to be wrong with your car, and Juice can't help but wonder why you're here.
You shut the engine off and exit your vehicle, all the while silently composing yourself. Heart thudding in your chest, you wonder if you're doing the right thing.
Juice takes the moment you shut the door to approach further.
"Hello," he greets politely, friendly smile on his face. "I'm Juice, and I'll be taking care of you today. What seems to be the problem?"
"Oh, no," you shake your head and laugh nervously. "Nothing's wrong with her. I'm actually-"
You pause, close your eyes for a second and bite the inside of your bottom lip. Juice can't help but watch you fondly, finding you oddly adorable.
Finally you open your eyes and flash a bright, genuine smile.
Damn, I'm made, he thinks.
"This is gonna sound completely insane," you explain, nervously clasping your hands together. "But, um, I'm looking for Alexa- well, no, Tig, Tig Trager."
Juice raises his brows. "Tig? Uh, I don't know if now's the best time."
It's true, he's currently in Oakland with Jax and Chibs on quick business.
"Look, I know it's inconvenient and you don't know me," you plead. You're closer now and Juice can smell your sweet perfume and practically feel your hopefulness. "But until a couple months ago I had no idea my dad was even alive. And then I found out I was here for weeks before realizing he's here, too."
Your dad? There has to be a story there. Juice raises his hands to either side of your arms, holding you still in hopes to assure you.
"It's okay," he says sternly, but in an endearing way. "Tig's not here right now but he should be soon, so let's head on inside and you can tell me a little bit about you. Just to be sure, no offense."
You smile, relieved to be believed to some extent rather than none. "Thank you, Juice. Thank you."
Juice leads you into the Teller-Morrow through the garage entrance into the larger building. From what you could see on the outside you wouldn't have imagined such a spacious clubhouse inside.
Inside were several pool tables, a couch with mini pieces about, a bar with stools, and other tables each with their own set of chairs. Decorations littered the walls and floors and you laughed to yourself as you noted a nearly full ashtray on almost every surface and a wall completely dedicated to mugshots.
Juice leads you to the bar where he gestures for you to sit as he makes his way around. You slip onto a stool and watch patiently as Juice finds two glasses and turns to you.
"What's your preference?"
You shrug, "Whatever, I'm not partial. On the rocks, though."
He serves you and pours his own drink before setting the bottle down and leaning on the bar on his elbows in front of you.
"So tell me about you," Juice presses softly. He can tell by your fingers circling the rim of your glass that you're not excited for this conversation but he has no choice. "You said you've been here for a few weeks, where'd you live before?"
"Nevada, mostly," you tell him before sipping on your drink. "My mother moved us around a couple times and we lived in Colorado for a while before eventually settling in Sparks."
"Why'd you guys move around?"
You drain the rest of your drink quickly in hopes it'll support you through this conversation. Juice begins to refill your glass without being asked.
"I didn't know it then, but my mom was running from the Sons," you confess.
Juice's eyes widen slightly as he looked you over. What could you know about the club? They were notorious around Charming sure, but with their recent run ins with the ATF has the club struggling and making choices they wouldn't normally make.
You continue, "It wasn't until I graduated high school and I left that she told me my dad was actually alive. Then she told me about the Sons of Anarchy, and everything else I did on my own."
Juice nods, unsure of what to say. He nurses his drink for a moment before reaching for your hand.
"This life is complicated, but we're a family here."
The gesture, simple as it is, riles up all the pent up feelings you've mastered all your life comes rushing forward as tears brim your eyes.
"Family," you repeat and pull your hand from Juice to wipe your tears. "What a weird concept?"
The two of you talk well into the evening and you end up migrating to the couch with a bottle and a large bowl of buttery popcorn. Juice made good company. He's genuine, gunny, and from the way he talks you can tell the Sons are something special to him.
He tells you about himself in turn for the vulnerable information you've given him. You learn he was born and raised in New York before coming to Charming, and he has a little sister behind in the city. Juice tells you he works in the TM garage alongside what he does for the club.
"I'm not stupid," you tell him once you notice his hesitance. "It's not hard to find information on the club from the locals around here."
He chuckles softly, "Yeah, I'm sure. If you have any questions, you can ask me."
Before you can the rumbling of bikes coming into the TM parking lot distracts you. Instinctively you grabbed Juice's hand, but let go just as fast as you'd grabbed him. Luckily before he can say anything the door bursts open and income more Sons.
The first is a younger blond man with piercing blue eyes and you notice the President patch on his left. He greets Juice happily before his eyes look to you, and he looks confused but seemingly brushes it off and goes to the bar.
Your dad walks in near arm in arm with another handsome man with scarred cheeks, obviously older than he is in the polaroid you own, but otherwise he seems the same. Its as if he can feel your gaze as he turns to meet his blue eyes to your own.
You stand, trying to ignore the thumping of your heart in your chest. "Hi, Tig," you greet, silently cursing the waver in your voice. Immediately the polaroid is out of your back pocket and in your hand. "My name's Y/n, and my mom's Y/m/n."
He takes the polaroid from you without a word and holds it carefully in his hands. His friend has stepped away towards Juice, likely for questioning.
"I saw Unser earlier today," you continue on. "He told me that I have a grave here in Charming, so does mom. Funny, considering she always told me you were the dead one."
You take a shaky breath in, trying to keep from bursting into tears. "I just... I wanted you to know I'm not dead, very much alive. I don't, like, expect anything from you I just knew I had to say something."
Tig finally breaks away from the polaroid to meet your eyes again, and it makes you feel a bit better to see his blue eyes are as tear filled as your own.
He raises one hand to cup your cheek, thumb moving to wipe your tears. "Losing you was the worst pain of my life," he admits softly.
His words crumble your resolve, the walls you'd spent your adolescence building to protect yourself fell faster than they were constructed. You practically fall into his arms, and the two of you break down as you hold each other.
As you sob into Tig's chest he merely cradles you the way he wishes he'd been able to all these years. The way he deserved to have been there for you. He holds you tight against him like he's afraid you'll dissipate and it'll be decades before he sees you again.
"We're gonna be okay, baby," he tells you. "We're gonna be okay."
This time, he's not going to be letting you go so easy.
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rixsjwb · 3 months
famous, drop dead gorgeous
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summary: you and gojo are actresses, and when fans realize the constant turning on gojos head in your direction, your friendship starts to bloom.
warning: none I hope, grammar mistakes not p4oof read so Proofread it yourself😍
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As Gojo Satoru enters the venue, he's met with a bueatiful sight, a modern, gigantic spacious room filled with nicely decorated tables and a stage, with many fans seated not to far from where the actors were suppost to sit.
he wanders around in his black tuxedo, with geto suguru as they looked for their names stated on the golden plates.
fans started to scream ad they see there favorite actor walk pasted the door where the paparazzi where situated, nanami, toji, sukuna, the trio nobara, megumi and itadori, shoko and utahime.
many familiar faces were entering the room, but when a beautiful woman around the same age as him in a simple purple silk dress walked in, he almost thought you were those beautiful girls back in the 1900s.
he hasn't talked to you at all when on set filming the new famous series of Jujutsu Kaisen. He's always watched you from a distance but never made a move, and he wonders why till now.
he watches as you strolled in with the sway of your hips, your mature, attractively sculpted face entered the venue, with your hair put into a sleek swoop and lightly curled at the ends of your straight hair.
he noticed how straight it was other than curled up like it was on set.
he watches as a staff member helped guide you to your seat, but he realizes you're being led near his table area until you were seated not too far from him.
you were diagonal to him seated in front of him, but from the videos that circulated, the internet had counted the number of times he turned his head to look exactly in your direction.
how satoru looked egar to talk to you but something was stopping him, that was until you caught him staring at you when the award show was finally over.
you sent him a soft smile, and satoru never turn his head away so fast.
the videos showed how THE gojo satoru seemed to be freaking out about how you noticed him. suguru just laughed and said something afterward, but it wasn't in recording shot, so you couldn't understand what he was saying.
an other videos circulated where when gojo satoru started a live just hours after the award show ended, he spoke about the experience, how it was and people he met.
when somebody mentioned your name he was quick to talk about you.
"oh y/n! I saw all those videos you guys toke of me looking at her, she's truly a bueatiful girl she's just as beautiful as me!"
"she's actually so pretty, I can not.. she makes me feel some different way. Ugh, SHES SO PRETTY."
the few times he went live suguru joining in, one time his fans caught your attention and manged to influence you to join his live and watch on Instagram.
"y/ns here? WHAT THE FUCK. omg bae Y/N! where is she??!!"
"there she is should I add her? no I shouldn't, no I should I'm adding her FUCK I'm scared don't be a pussy satoru JUST DO IT."
he adds you to hear your heavenly laugh as you pretty much saw his mini freak out session.
but in the end, you guys bonded pretty well.
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gingerjunhan · 4 months
boyfriend headcannons - lee jooyeon
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☆彡 the long awaited end of this sweet little series is finally here!! I hope you all enjoyed! :) 🩷
word count: 633 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: swearing, all caps, not proofread, lmk if something is missing!
← previous member
it’s time for our sillies little boyfie
omg okay where do I begin
he holds your hand all the time
out in public, in bed while cuddling, under the dinner table like you’re in middle school-
he wants you close at all times
he loves you so so so sooooo much
I am the queen of the Jooyeon clingy boyfriend agenda
okay- in reality he love what you’re comfortable with- but still
he loves being able to show you off!
you’re his! he’s dating you! he can’t believe it!!!
once he gets comfortable the pet names are… oh boy
the type of cringe you would expect from Gunil tbh
“pumpkin” on rare occasions
he likes to have fun with them
you would probably make most of your plans bc have you seen the way this man uses bubble?
he will not answer your damn phone calls!
(but he means well I swear)
the selfies you get from this man are either killer or hilarious
it’s like,, a Seungmin level fit check or a .5 image where it looks like he’s looking both directions at once 💀
but it’s okay bc you love him for it obvi 🫶🏻
speaking of loving him, Jooyeon strikes me as another member of xh that your younger siblings or cousins would love
children find him funny and old people find him charming and endearing
they would totally say you’re dating a prince lol
please play with his hair
I feel like he would love it
he lowkey loves it when you baby him?
like, eat the vegetables off of his plate and tell him how cute he is and he’ll eat that shit up
he is constantly singing
he makes songs up about what he does during the day
he’ll randomly hit you with the, “earlier today I was 🎶washing the dishes🎶 and I almost broke a plate.”
I feel like one of his go-to gifts would be plushies?
it’s your birthday? plushie
valentine’s day? here’s a little guy
and he forces you to name them all
sometimes he comes up with the names before he even gives them to you
“Here you go!” *hands you a plushie* “This is Bart.”
he is so amazed by you all the time
he truly idolizes you and the way you carry yourself and treat people
you aren’t afraid to be a little weird or different and he would love it!!
he would write songs for you :(
he would write songs about you :,(
I think it would be sooooo easy to fluster him
“You look very pretty today Jooyeon.” he’s red as can be
but don’t worry because he can dish it out just as well as he can take it
hot take: I bet Jooyeon secretly has rizz
it doesn’t happen often, but every now and then he hits you with a really good one-liner that honestly leaves you at a loss for words
he loves cuddle sessions :( my sweet, clingy boy
very excitable!
you could suggest watching paint dry as a date idea and he would be vibrating with excitement
loves loves loooves when you wear his clothes ESPECIALLY out in public!
it’s like your little way of showing people you’re taken
he would melt of you ever referred to him as, “my boyfriend” to someone in public like-
‼️ that’s him ‼️
he’s a ball of sunshine when he’s around you, but he also knows when to dial it back and be more serious as well
the duality to this man comes into play with more than just his stage presence!
overall, Jooyeon never stops smiling when he’s with you because he constantly has something to be thankful for 🩷
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
synopsis: you’ve always been love struck with kim sunoo’s beauty. your love for him is undying and once said, its like echo that kept on repeating and repeating. what happens when finally, you caught his attention? this time in a good way.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, not proof read, very rude kim sunoo, curses and foul words, angst. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: inspired by a walk to remember movie. if you haven’t watched that yet, check it out! i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @classicroyalty @angel-hybrid @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclover @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @edensgardenn @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland @simpforniki
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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"Good morning students of Hybe University. This is the president of your Radio club wishing you a wonderful day. And for that I have a short message for everyone." you have a small smile over your lips as you read those lines for the morning message for the students. It was a project of the audio-visual club to have this messages at morning to spread good vibes.
"Quote of the day, 'Love the person inside you.'" after you utter those words, one of the club members then played a short sound as an effect.
You are the president of this club and was voted to be the voice behind it. The first time it was announced to you still lingers over your head. It was a memorable one. You feel really honored.
"And to end this, I want to leave a special message for our sunshine Kim Sunoo," a bigger and warmer smile appears over your lips after saying his name.
A lot of students, if not everyone yet, knows how head over heels you are to the campus crush. Of course, a lot of students admires him and the line is just up to the mount everest. So you do these routine in order to somehow cut in that line. Work smarter, not harder, that's what they say.
"Remember to smile!" you said hoping that short message do remind him to smile like how thinking of him makes you smile.
‘✓ Give short messages for Sunoo.’
You had this list you made that consist of things you wanted to do. There’s a lot of them and most of it involves Kim Sunoo. You’ve read somewhere that having this lists can help you feel more motivated in life. To have things to look forward for.
The session got wrapped up like how it always do. You complimented your team for doing such an amazing job for assisting you and they did the same thing back to you. As you all walk back to your own classes, you try to roam your eyes around to look for someone.
Your eyes found him too easily as he have this different aura from anybody else. It was too easy for you to tell that it was him even if he's not facing. Just by looking at his hair, the way he stands, his broad shoulders and good body proportions. Not to mention the eyes of the students around glued at him completely. Some people who passes by even greets him just to catch his attention even just for a while.
"Hi Sunoo!" your tone sounded too energetic. He glanced at you and his eyes were emotionless as always. His stare didn't even last for a long time and it teared off of you then back to his friend who greeted you back.
You gave him a wave and focused on Sunoo once again. He's back on getting his morning books from his locker to prepare for class.
You trapped your lower lip over your teeth and hesitated whether to talk again or not. In the end, you decided to try and bother him once again.
"How was your sleep last night?" you asked and even rested over the lockers to get a grip over his stare.
'He responded!' you almost scream in joy. It was just one word and he was definitely pissed, but who cares? The fact that he responded to you is already a progress.
You cannot hide your smile. "Why? What happened? Do you need anything?" you said continuously, questions followed by another questions.
He lets out a strained sigh before facing you. His cold eyes intimidated you, but you kept your stand. He was always like this and you're already used to it.
"Do you want me to get you anyth-"
"I want you to fuck off." his rude remark made your smile fade. You can feel your eyes starting to water and your mind slowly floating out of embarrassment. Eyes of students around that heard what he said watched you with shame and pity.
Jungwon, Sunoo's friend, quickly grabbed him over his shoulder to calm him down. "Hey, don't be rude." you heard him whispered over his friend.
Sunoo shrugged his hold off while keeping his cold stares right at you. He rolled his eyes and then started walking off. Jungwon tries to call him, but as expected he didn't listen. He turned over you and smiled apologetically.
You quickly flashed him a soft smile despite the tears forming at the side of your eyes.
"I'm sorry about him, Y/n. Seems like he woke up in the wrong side of the bed." he said.
You gave him a nod, "No problem! I'm at fault to for being too pushy. I should've gave him space after he said that he slept terrible."
Jungwon smiled a little, "No, he still have no reason to be that rude." he draws in a sigh, "Anyway, see you at class." and he waved before he exits himself.
You waved and your smile slowly faded after he started to walk away. The words Sunoo said kept lingering over your brain. He's always rude to you, yes. But he seems to be get more rude as days passes by.
Your friend arrived minutes after and you both walked towards your class without her knowing what happened. You decided not to tell her to avoid any more commotion. Your friend is a little troublemaker and she hates it whenever you're getting bad treatment from anybody. She will mess with them with no hesitation.
When you entered the room, your eyes darted automatically at Sunoo's chair. He have this serious face while girls from your class surrounds him. They were giving him some things they probably prepared for him. He seemed uninterested and just trying to kept his cool.
"Ooh, Mr. Popular is surrounded by hyenas again." your friend commented and even pointed his direction. You put her hand down and shush her.
"What? You won't go and join?" she teased. If only she knows what happened a while ago, she's probably storming over Sunoo to start a fight without and not like this. But you guess this is better than having her fight with Sunoo.
"Kim Sunoo really do look like an angel, right?" your stares remained at the said boy while waiting for what's your friend is going to say.
She scoffed lightly and took another sip from her juicebox before talking. "Angel with evil inside?" she says.
Your smile faded at her remark and slowly turns your head at the side to face her. She doesn't seem bothered by your glaring eyes and just kept this innocent looking face like as if she didn't just bad mouth the love of your life.
"He doesn't have evil in him!" you defended the poor, innocent kim sunoo.
She gave you this unamused look, "Come on! He's so rude to anyone and you know that." she puff out a sigh then looked back at him. "Having a face like that is not an excuse on having a foul attitude. I don't even know why you like him, Y/n."
You pouted and rested your chin at the back of your hand then resumed on admiring him from afar. The view from the third floor sure is perfect for you to watch him play soccer without getting noticed or mistaken as a creep. It's p.e and you are excused due to medical issues. Your friend here gave an excuse that she's having terrible menstrual cramps just so she can skip it and be with you. Best best friend in the world, everyone.
"I wish he can notice me." you mumble, eyes not leaving Sunoo. He's to busy focusing on that stupid ball that you bet he doesn't have time to give care to those girls gawking at him.
He's indeed if not the most then one of the most popular guy here in your campus. He came from a good family, like the having multiple businesses and living in a big mansion type of good family. He's also pretty talented and active on school activities. Smart and to top it all up, he's drop dead gorgeous. No words could make a justice on how he looks good. Some people even says God really took his time on making him. You will surely agree. He's so perfect for you. Only, he's not that friendly and like what your friend already said, he's a little evil.
"What do you mean you wish? He does notice you, y/n. He already rejected you for.." she raised her hand and started counting with her fingers. You rolled your eyes and swat it away to stop her.
She chuckles, "..so many times! Just enough with him."
As obvious as it was, your friend is really not that supportive of your undying love for Sunoo. Ever since you made her aware of this feelings, she's already against it. Insisting that he will cause you nothing but pain. So far, you must say she's right. He's been so rude to you.
But your mother didn't raise a quitter! You will keep on trying and trying. After all, life is short. You just have to live it how you want it. Live it the best way you can.
After the p.e class, your classmates storms inside. They all looked exhausted and freshly showered. You pulled your warm smile when you see Sunoo walks inside beside Jungwon. His friend was busy talking about something while he's attentively listening.
Without wasting any time, you marched towards him while holding a water and gatorade just incase he wanted something with flavor. The class gave no care for your approach to the said boy as they were probably used to it. This isn't the first time you'll be doing this and honestly, it still make you nervous.
"Hi Sunoo! How's p.e?" you say full of energy.
Both of them snaps their head at your direction. Jungwon kept his smile and waved at you while the other one shows no expression over his face.
"Uhm, water or gatorade?" you asked and even raise both of your hands to show him the things you prepared for him.
Jungwon looked at Sunoo awkwardly then back at you. He didn't respond right away, but later on lets out a sigh before rolling his eyes.
"I already had water." he coldly said then walked away from where you are. He even slightly bumped over your shoulder.
You got stoned from your position and your shoulder fell together with both of your hands. You looked over your shoulder and saw him heading straight to his chair.
"Sorry about him, y/n. You know he's always grumpy after p.e class." he's giving you this apologetic smile for you.
You shake your head to let him know that its totally fine. You raised your hand and offered him the drinks instead. His eyes grew and shine after what you said then accepts the gatorade. He said thank you before you head towards your seat.
"What? You like Jungwon now?" your head snaps towards your friend when she asked that.
You frowned at her.
"No! Sunoo already had water so I offered him the drink."
She scoffed, "Why don't you go for Jungwon instead? He's nicer and looks so cute!"
You raised a brow at her, "(friend's name), you can't dictate what the heart wants."
She showed this disgusted face and roamed her eyes all over you.
"Wow. That's disgusting."
You draw another sigh and settle the bottle of water just beside your table. The next class pretty much started a few minutes after. It somehow made you occupied. Honestly, you aren't the studious type, but since Sunoo is so smart and always part of the honor students, you don't want to be left out. You try to study as hard as you can. Hard work sure pays you off since you aren't at the top of the class.
"Sunoo! Are you going to eat at the cafeteria today?" right after the bell rang, you quickly went to approach him.
He didn't glance at you, but you heard him let out a strained sigh. He fixed his notebooks neatly, "I always eat there, you don't even have to ask that every time." he answered with full sarcasm.
You pursed your lips and fidgets with your fingers. You felt embarrassed and hurt with the way he respond to you, but you try hard to shove it away. Pulling another warm smile, you nodded your head.
You saw a slight glint of amusement over his eyes. It vanished right away, but you saw it.
"O-Okay. Eat well, Sunoo!" his stares remained at you for a while before he tears it off from you.
He left the room without saying anything to you again. Your eyes followed him silently and you felt a presence behind you.
"You know what? I wish he choke on his food-"
"(friend's name)!" you shouts her name. She quickly raised both of her hands then lets out chuckles.
"Just kidding! Let's go eat already." she threw her arms over your shoulder then leads you back to the garden at the rooftop.
It was decorated by your batch and you are confused why no one spends time here. It's cool up there, have the best view of the school field and also peaceful. So in order to give justice in the beautiful place, you and your friend usually spends your breaktimes and vacants there.
"How was your check up last saturday?" your friend asked after you both open your lunch boxes.
Your eyes dropped to your food and unconsciously start to play with it. Her eyes remained at you and watches you carefully.
You puff a small sigh then smile at her. "Its still the same, (friend's name). I don't get why you guys still hope that something will change. We just need to accept it." you can feel the air slowly being stripped away from your lungs.
You hate talking about this thing as it always kills the mood. It makes your chest tightening as you saw sadness flickering through her eyes. You understand how she feels and all the people close to you. But these things aren't something you can control.
You sighed and lets go of your utensil to reach over her hand. You gave her a small squeeze then smiled at her assuringly.
"Please, let's just accept it and let me live the rest of my life happily. I don't want you guys sad, please." she gulps and the corner of her eyes started to water.
She closed her eyes and tears started streaming down her face.
"I just.." she says, "..don't understand why it has to be you. You're too kind and perfect. Why... you?"
You pursed your lips then reached over her face to cup it, "Everything happens for a reason."
"Whatever that reason is, its unexpected."
You chuckled and tears streams down your eyes as well. "Let's stop crying and just eat."
She sniffs and wiped off the tears a little aggressive. "You're the only one who made me cry." she mumbles before starting to eat her food.
You chuckles, "I'll take that as a compliment."
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"Do you want to walk together?" you approached Sunoo's table after dismissal.
‘— Walk home with Kim Sunoo.’
This is honestly one of the hardest things written at your list. Not just because Sunoo doesn’t like you, but also because its impossible for him to walk with people other than his friends.
He was putting his things inside his bag before he glanced at you, eyes emotionless. He seemed unbothered and bothered at the same time by your presence.
"No." he coldly rejected you.
You pursed your lips. "Why?"
"Why do you have a lot of questions?" he started to sound pissed.
"I just want to walk with you." and you lower your head.
He stood up towering in front of you then smoothly hangs his bag over his shoulder. You raised your head to look at his pretty face. The corner of his lips slowly lifts, "Well I don't." his response make you feel like someone prickled your heart using a needle.
"Sunoo! Let's go?" his eyes shifted over to the person behind you. Probably one of his friends. He nodded his head and started going to that person without even glancing at you.
Your eyes silently follows him like old times until he totally disappears from your sight. The only thing that snapped you back to reality was when an arm suddenly rest over your shoulder. When you twist your head to look at the person, it was your friend.
“If he doesn’t want to walk with you, then I will!” she says, her tone sound a little pissed but you’re just glad she didn’t caused a scene. She must have been watching from a far.
You two then headed home, starting to chat about random things. It was always like this with her. Just pure fun and all. Whenever you’re with her, you don’t have to worry too much or feel awkward because she treats you differently. This is what you want. For everyone to act normal and not weird around you.
When you arrived at your street, your laugh slowly faded along with your smile when you saw a familiar built. He isn’t alone. A girl is smiling brightly while walking beside him. He still have this serious face, but it seems like he’s listening to her.
Your friend notice the sudden change on your mood and quickly followed your line of sight. She rolled her eyes and scoffed before gently grabbing your arm to pull you towards a different direction.
“Hey, calm down.” she says in a soft voice and handed you a water.
Your mind was still full with the memory of Sunoo and that girl. To some, it may seem like its just normal. But for you, its already a big deal. Sunoo isn’t the type of person who walks home together with someone other than his friends. He isn’t that friendly.
So to see him with her right after rejecting you really made you upset. Your friend sighs and taps your shoulder. “Don’t overthink it, y/n! I’m she forced him or something! Did you see his face? It was obvious that he didn’t like it.” she tries to comfort you.
A pout appears over your lips as your eyes slowly trails towards her. “At least she managed to walk with him.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “So? There’s always tomorrow! We have a lot of days left for school so don’t get down over it. Hmm?” she hummed and tried to encourage you.
A small smile slowly creeped over your lips. You are very thankful that you have her. Yes there are times she obviously shows how she disagrees with your craziness over Sunoo, but she still tries to be supportive whenever you need it.
You two walked towards your home after you finally calmed down. Thankfully, she managed to divert your attention towards something else. It didn’t spoil your whole evening.
The next day, you went early to school like usual and went straight towards the audio-visual room to prepare for your morning broadcast. You pull the paper containing your speech then you added your daily quotes and your message for Kim Sunoo.
When the clock strikes 8 am, you started the broadcast with some reminders for school activities and ended it with a short quote.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You’re four days away from your quizbee. Keep going and I know you can do it!” a small spread over your face after you finished your short message.
You wrapped it up and told everyone that they did a good job before you exits the club room to head over the lockers area. A lot of students are scattered around the hallways, but it was easy to spot Sunoo. You don’t have any idea how you can manage to do that all the time. Maybe it was a skill you developed for always looking for him.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted full of energy and with your bright smile. You act like as if you didn’t saw him with that girl yesterday and proceed on greeting him.
He didn’t spared you a glance, but you heard him letting out a strained sigh while continuing getting something from his locker. You shrugged it off and kept your smile.
You remembered the cookies you baked last night for him.
“Sunoo, please accept my—”
“Didn’t I rejected you already? Get lost.” your hand was stopped midway when he once again turned you down. It wasn’t something new, but his words still sting like a bee.
A small smile made it your lips, chest tightening. Even you yourself think you are no good for Kim Sunoo himself. It’s just, you wanted to feel something while you’re still here, while you’re still alive.
“I made this just for you. I figured you may be hungry while studying—” he snaps his head at your direction once again and glared. His jaw clenched.
“What language do you speak that you can’t understand a simple ‘no’?” he rudely hissed at you.
Here he is again, being rude to you. Just today was a little bit more harsher. It’s fine, you kept telling yourself but deep inside you know, it’s not okay.
“Get lost, I say!” he said.
You kept your eyes darted straight to his cold ones. They didn’t show any remorse despite the tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
Someone then interrupted and tugged him over his shoulder. “Dude! Say sorry to her.” it was Jungwon. His eyes looked so worried and apologetic when he glanced at your direction.
Sunoo clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before closing his locker. “Whatever.” he mumbled then started walking away.
Your eyes followed him while still standing at your position. You are in shock. Embarrasment and pity plays through your mind. He’s always snobby with you, but this is actually the first time he’s been this rude towards you.
Jungwon walks closer and handed you some tissues. You quickly flashed him a smile and chuckles to make the atmosphere lighter.
“I’m sorry about him, y/n. He’s just really tired because he stayed late last night.” he said looking really sorry for what his friend did.
You shook your head after accepting the tissues he was handing. “It’s okay! Maybe I am really pushing myself too much.”
Jungwon pursed his lips, amused at how kind and understand you can be. He sighed and just smiled a little.
“Still, he shouldn’t be rude.” after he says that and comforted you for a while he left to go to class.
Your smile fell the moment he turned his back. You really don’t want to give up on Sunoo and you did said you aren’t the type who gives up easily but it sure hard. Really hard.
Just in time your head snaps over to your back when you heard someone screaming your name. It was your friend and she was running towards you. Chuckles escaped your lips while watching her struggle and almost stumble across the floor.
“Phew!” she sighed heavily and tried catching her breath. “I thought I'm going to be late!” she exclaimed with relief.
You help her get her stuff before you two head towards the classroom. When you arrived inside, you saw that girls from your class are around Sunoo. They’re trying so hard to get any response from him. You pouted a little, thinking that you probably looked the same.
You let out a small sigh then head towards your table that made her tilt her head in confusion. She took quick steps to catch up with you.
“Wait, you’ll just let them?” she sounded so surprised.
“I feel a little tired.” you tried to reason out and gave her a small smile.
Thankfully she read the room and diverted the topic to somewhere else.
The whole day was pretty much busy for you since you had a lot of things to do. Even if you want to approach Sunoo, you tried your best not to for two reasons. One, because of what happened at the locker’s area and number two, he’s busy preparing for the quizbee.
At the end of the day, you still asked him if he wants to walk home with you. The answer was the same so you just walked home with your friend. You have no problem with it because you do enjoy every time with her, but a small part of you really wants for him to walk with you. If he do it once, you’ll be more than happy. Not just because it was on  your bucket list, but also because you really like him.
“Cheer up! You can always try tomorrow, y/n.” your friend threw her arms around your shoulder to start pulling you towards the direction of the gate.
You just smile a little and nodded your head. That’s the point. How long will you waste your time? You don’t have a long time remaining to this world. You are not sure if this whole idea is still wise. Is Kim Sunoo worth it?
After spacing out a little, you shrug and shove that negative thought away. You let out a big heavy sigh before smiling again.
Of course Kim Sunoo is worth it! He will always be worth it.
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Weeks passed by with the same routine. And today, you ran a little late because you weren’t feeling well last night and slept too much. Thankfully, you made it before you morning broadcast. As always you read some reminders for the day and then your short quote for everyone.
“And to our sunshine, Sunoo. You make my dopamine levels go silly.” and with that you wrapped the broadcast then bid your clubmates to go at the locker’s area.
You pouted and glanced at the direction of his locker. He’s there surrounded and talking with his friends. You wanted to go approach them, but you have no enough time since you need to get your books for your class.
Someone approached you that made you tear your gaze away from Sunoo and his friends. You smiled brightly at the sight of your friend and she had her hand laid in front of you. Like as if asking you to lend her something.
You gave your a confused look and she did stared at you for a while before letting out a sigh.
“Give me your locker keys so I can get your workbooks for you. You can go and approach Mr. Popular.” she said in almost a monotonous way.
You giggled and hugged her before giving her your keys. She just shoo you away, acting like she’s not that affectionate over you.
You didn’t waste any time and just go approach Sunoo. He was listening to what his friends are talking about. He doesn’t seem bored, but he also not a talker.
The first one to see you approaching was Jungwon who quickly smiled and waved at you. That caused everyoneof them to turn and look at you, making you feel shy. Sunoo’s stare didn’t last long and he teared it off to go busy himself with rummaging through his locker. You sent Jungwon a small wave then looked at Sunoo.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted happily before trailing your eyes back over to his friends who are now watching you two.
“Hi guys!” you greeted them so just it wouldn’t be awkward and also to avoid being rude.
“Y/n, can you give me messages tomorrow as well?” your eyes darted Sunghoon when he said those words. He have this smile that makes you wonder if he’s teasing or being sincere.
Either way you gave him a smile, “Sure! I will surely read one for you tomorrow.”
“Me too! We have a basketball match tomorrow. Wish me luck, y/n.” this time it was Lee Heeseung, the captain ball of your basketball team who requested a message from you.
Even before you can say yes to his request, someone talked once again.
“Me too! We’re also part of the team!” Jake and Ni-ki said in unison that made you chuckle. They’re so cute.
‘✓ Make new friends.’
You smiled widely as you crossed that out of your list. It was so happy to have these type of conversation with new people.
“Sure! I’ll wish you good luck tomorrow.” you said with a sincere warm smile. The boys even cheered together that made you laugh once again.
While you are busy interacting with his friends, Sunoo suddenly felt irritated for an unknown reason. You are annoying already, but when you are like this around his friends you get more annoying. He isn’t sure why and he doesn’t know if he wants to know the reason.
You jolted when he abruptly closed his locker. It was a little aggressive that made you jump a bit. You followed him with your eyes as his friends tried to call him. He ignored them and just proceeded on going to class.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jake asked, totally clueless.
Jay shrugged his shoulders off then smoothly hangs the strap of his bag over his shoulder, “I’ll go to my class. See you at class, y/n.” he says and even playfully winked at you.
It made you chuckle and you bid good-bye to them too so you can go to your friend. She was done when you saw her and is watching from afar. She have this smirk over her lips that made you confuse.
“What’s with the smirk?” you asked curious.
She shakes her head side to side, “Nothing! I just realized its more fun watching from a distance because you get to observe things better.”
You didn’t totally get what she said, but she quickly dismissed the thought and start telling you about this movie she watched last night.
When you arrive inside the room, the whole class is still rowdy. Your eyes automatically searched for Sunoo and you saw him leaning over his table. No girls are around him. They probably realized he’s tired and doesn’t have the energy to deal with them today. You pouted and can’t help but to feel worried for him. Maybe that’s the reason why he reacted like that a while ago. He must’ve been tired. Being a smart student sure is tiring.
You sat down over your chair and your friend follows, still talking about her movie. You listened to her carefully and even comments from time to time. It was interrupted when your homeroom teacher went inside holding a folder over her hand. You looked at your friend and she did the same thing.
For some reasons, you felt a little nervous and curious of what’s inside the folder. The whole class was curious as well as they try to take guess of it. Some says that its your quarterly ranking. It made your heart stop for a while. ‘Isn’t it too early for that?’ you thought to yourself.
The teacher roamed her eyes around the room like as if checking if everybody’s present. When she finally make sure that you are complete she flashes a warm smile.
“I have here the list of pairs for your prom.” she announced that quickly made the whole class noisy. All of you cheered in happiness and relief.
“Omg! Y/n! This is really it! I wish my partner would be Ni-ki!” your friend exclaimed and even dramatically put her hands together then closed her eyes.
You laughed at her and also after seeing how the said boy turned his head at your direction. He probably heard his name being mentioned.
“I wish Sunoo is my partner!” you copied your friend and put your hands together, but unlike her you kept your eyes open then looked at Sunoo.
After a couple of seconds, your heart dropped when your eyes met. He didn’t break your eye contact and just stared at you. Later on, he rolled his eyes then looked away. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling in victory while your heart thumped loudly. That was so far the longest eye contact with him!
Now, you really wish he will be your prom partner. You know the chance to get him is so small, but you will still hold on to it even if its just .03 percent.
‘— Dance with Sunoo at Prom.’
If you two became partners, this is already sure to happen. That will be the best night of your life. You bet its wonderful to be paired with him. You wanted this because you want to have the most memorable prom. This will only come once in your life and you don’t even know if you’ll ever get the chance to have a dance with Sunoo while wearing a pretty dress.
You jolted when your friend suddenly held your arm and shakes you continuously. She got this excited look on her face while you have this confused look.
“W-What?! What is it? What happened?!” you asks a bit in panic. You roamed your eyes around to see if there’s something odd, but nothing. Some of your girl classmates are eyeing you with their mean look, but you didn’t give much care about it. The teacher in front are also busy reading the pairs for your class.
“You got paired with Sunoo!” she announced that caught you off-guard.
You gave her this look like as if you’ve been casted a spell and couldn’t react anything. She chuckled, finding you funny.
“You’re shitting me..” you said to her, trying to wait for her to say that she just got you fooled.
She rolled her eyes. Even if she hates Sunoo because of how he treats you, she still wants you to he happy and if it means having him as your prom partner then be it. She will always be supportive of you.
“I swear with my life, you are paired with Sunoo!” she even pulls Jay’s uniform who's sitting in front of her to catch his attention.
“Please tell her that her partner is Sunoo. She doesn’t believe me.” she says then smiled at Jay.
The boy looked confused at first, but then he gave you a smile. “You are paired with Sunoo. Good luck with that.” and he even lets out a taunting chuckle.
Your friend shoot him glares and even kicked his chair lightly causing him to stop laughing.
On the other hand, your mind is slowly going blank and you feel like you are floating. You couldn’t believe it. Maybe God really listened to your prayers and gave you this opportunity to finish your bucket list.
That explains the glares you are getting from the girls at your class. They proabably envy you for having him as your partner. A victory smile flashes your lips. You are so lucky.
Your have this smile on your face all day and you feel like nothing can even make your day bad. Just by thinking about having him as your pair is enough for you to be in a good mood the whole day.
Kim Sunoo as your prom partner. The Kim Sunoo. Wow. You are very excited.
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Smoothly the week passed and now, you are very excited because its time for your prom practice to start. You are even hopping cutely on your way to the audio-visual room for your morning broadcasts. It was very obvious how happy you are.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You give me feeling I can’t put into words.” and then you wrapped the session up like usual.
Your friend was already waiting for you by the locker’s area when you arrived. She couldn’t help but to roll her eyes after seeing how wide your smile is.
“Well someone’s in a good mood.” she said in a taunting way.
“Of course! The practice for prom starts today! I can’t wait for it.” you sounded so excited as you start to go get your things.
She lets out a frustrated groan and leaned over the lockers beside you.
“Don’t even remind me about it! I feel so heart broken that I am not paired with Ni-ki.” she says, pouting.
You mirrored her face and slightly taps her shoulder, “Awe! That’s all right. You can just go and ask him to dance with you!” you tried encouraging her.
She smirked, “You are right! I won't let him rest. We’ll dance all night!” the plan of her made you giggled and shake your head side to side. The sound of determination made it even funnier.
“Oh poor Ni-ki’s feet. I feel bad for them.” you joked. She glanced at you then scoffed.
“Oh poor Sunoo’s feet. I feel bad for them too.”
You both laughed and teased each other even more, time slipped out of your mind. When the bell rang, your eyes grew and head looked over your shoulder to check if Sunoo was there. No. He’s nowhere to be found. Maybe he already went to class. A pout makes it way your lips when you realized you didn’t even greet him.
Your friend dragged you towards your classroom and your class then started. It went by too slow for you.
Finally, your most awaited time of the day came. The whole class was asked to go to the auditorium to go meet the dance instructor for the prom dance. You went there with a big smile and your friend couldn’t help but to tease you about it. Upon arrival, the instructor asked you all to listen about the orientation for the dance.
She walked you guys through the whole plan she have for the dance. It was wonderful. For you, its perfect.
“Okay! Everyone please go to your respective partners!” she says and even clapped her hands to make you move.
You stood up and started roaming your eyes around to look for Sunoo. It was easy. He’s heading your way as well, eyes looked serious and both of his hands inside his pocket. He looked handsome as always.
“H-Hi.” you greeted after he managed to get close to you.
He draws in a sigh then nodded at you. It was enough to make you feel crazy inside. Both of you listens to what the teacher will ask you to do next.
“Now hold your partners hand. You have to get used to it from now on because you’ll be holding that for a long time.”
The first task made you feel like you’re up in the clouds already. It was unexpected. You gulped feeling very nervous. You’ve never held his hand. It is one of your dreams to hold it tho and also part of your list.
Your eyes slowly trailed over Sunoo. When he faced you with that bored look, you couldn’t help but to bite your lower lip. He sighs and laid his hand in front of you, waiting for you to take it.
Carefully, you lift your arm and placed your hand on top of his. He rolled his eyes and held your hand tightly making your stomach churns, butterflies flying all over.
“Just try not to be annoying.” Sunoo mumbles and glanced away to avoid the awkwardness.
You giggled, “I promise to do good, Sunoo.”
‘✓ Hold Sunoo’s hand.’
And you are trying so hard to do that. While the instructor starts to teach you guys, you have your whole focus on her and to the dance. You shoved away the thought of having Sunoo as your partner for a while so you can give your whole attention to the dance.
On the other hand, Sunoo’s the one to give his attention towards you. He can’t help but stare at your serious face. A small smirk appeared his lips before he rolled his eyes off of you. He couldn’t believe what he’s thinking right now. He actually think you are pretty cute.
And that’s how the first day of your practice ended. The whole week, you just practiced and as day passed by, Sunoo came to observe you silently while you are too occupied by the dance. You are totally unaware of it. You are unaware that Sunoo, the cold hearted guy from your class starts to notice you more often.
“Where’s y/n?” he asks his friend when he noticed that your chair was vacant again for the fifth time. It was odd for him because its nothing like you to skip school for a long time.
“Worried?” Jungwon asked in a teasing tone.
Sunoo rolled his eyes at him then settles down to his own chair. “No. Its because I don’t have a partner again.” he made it sound so believable that his friend just nods his head.
As the class starts, his friend’s attention drift off of him. He trailed his eyes over to your empty chair feeling something in him missing.
The following week, your ranking was announced and sadly Sunoo’s rank went down. He seemed down because of it. You feel bad and wants to cheer him up so bad.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. For me, you are sill the best.”
After the session, you bid good-bye to your club members and head over the lockers. You waved to your friend and quickly get your things to come and greet Sunoo for a bit.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted that made him glance at you.
Before he can shoo you away you raised your hand, showing your palm at him. He looked confused.
“Before you can send me away, I just want to personally tell you that you are doing really great. I am proud of you!” you said that made him surprised.
He’s been wanting to hear those words from someone for a long time. He was totally stunned. He looked at you, feeling this unknown emotion that occupying his chest after seeing you again.
You smiled, “I’ll take my leave now! See you at class Sunoo!” and you started heading towards the class without even glancing back.
Sunoo kept his stares at you, feeling a warmth that he was searching for. A smile made it over his lips and he closed his locker.
The discussion started when you arrived and you tried to focus hard because you missed a lot. You groaned lightly staring at the clock too often to check if its time for practice already.
“Ouch.” you gasped and quickly moved away from Sunoo when you heard him utter that for the third time now.
Its your prom practice again and you’ve been messing up the dance because you are out for a while. You glanced at Sunoo with a worried face.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry, Sunoo!” you said.
Normally, he would’ve been so pissed right now. But Sunoo doesn’t feel like that, instead he’s starting to get bothered by how you really got more pale after you missed school for a while.
He gulped and tried to shove it off your mind. Since when did he became so good at observing?
“That’s what you get for missing practices.” he says in a low tone.
You pouted and lowered your head, feeling guilty. Its not like you have a choice. You are sick. But of course, you didn’t told him that. You draws in another sigh to apologize again, but suddenly a pair of hands gently tugged yours. He held them placing one hand to his shoulder, then holding the other one.
When you lift your head, you saw him staring down at his hand that was holding your waist. His cheeks and ears red. You bit your lower lip, admiring Kim Sunoo.
“Next time, don’t leave me alone.” he mumbled and slowly stares at your eyes.
You blushed like crazy as you smile widely at him.
“I won’t!” you exclaimed.
He rolled his eyes then looked at the instructor to wait for the next step. Your smile then fell when something dawned on you. He may not mean to not leave him forever, he may just meant about the dance, but your heart aches after realizing you are leaving. You are leaving Kim Sunoo and everyone else in this world.
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“Y/n! Sunoo is downstairs.” you heard your Mom said.
You abruptly stood up from your bed and eyes grew big at what she said. Did you really heard that right? Kim Sunoo? He’s outside your house?
You quickly head towards the window and you really saw him in front. With hurry, you checked yourself in the mirror and slight grunts after you notice how pale you looks. You grabbed your tint and put some on your lips.
“Sunoo! Hello!” you greeted him with a big smile.
Sunoo licked his lower lip and stared at you seriously. “Are you okay? You skipped school again.” he says straight to the point.
Your smile faltered. Its been three days of you skipping schools again. Sunoo can’t wait anymore and just went to check on you. He doesn’t care what you think about this or if you think he cares for you. He does! And he’s going crazy because you aren’t attending class.
“U-Uhm, sorry. Am I giving you troubles for prom practice?”
He didn’t respond right away and just stared at you. “Do you want to walk around?” he asks, licking his lower lip. He can feel his throat getting dry.
You roamed your eyes and it was dark already. “Okay, I will just get my jacket.” and he just nodded his head then waits for you patiently.
Sunoo tries to calm himself down. Its been a whole month after he starts feeling this way with you. At first, he tries to ignore it and tells himself that he’s probably just misunderstanding things. He can’t like you, moreso fall in love with you. He’s annoyed with you. That was the last thing he remembers. How come he’s here to come see you just because you skipped school? Why does he looks for you all the time? Why does he feel incomplete without hearing your short messages for him every morning?
“I’m here!” you announced happily and walked your way towards Sunoo with a big wide smile.
Sunoo gulped, ‘Yep. He’s definitely in love with you.’
You two walked towards the park and since it was already dark, there are less people around. Sunoo asked you to sit down by the swing beside him which you quickly obliged.
As you both stares at the sky above, you can feel your heart hammering. You can’t believe you are here with him, staring at the stars. You should’ve included this to your list.
“Sorry again for the practice. It must have been hard to learn the dances without a pair.” you apologized again after you remembered about it.
Sunoo seemed unbothered tho, he’s just staring at you with this unexplained expression. You tilt your head to check on him.
“Sunoo?” you tried to call his attention.
He gulped, “Do you want me to teach you what you missed?” he asked that made you excited.
“Sure! Is that okay?”
He nodded and stood up from the swing so he can stand in front of you. He laid his hand in front of you then you accepted it. Both of you stood at the middle part of the playground. You are smiling and blushing so hard at the moment.
He hums and placed you in front of him. Making sure he holds onto you very gently. It made your heart flutters and like butterflies flew out of your stomach. You can’t truly explain what you are actually feeling.
He continues to teach you the dance steps you ‘missed’. At one part of the said choreo, he turns you and then tugs you closer right after. He takes you over his arms, your distance were not evident anymore. Your nose almost touching his and if he leaned an inch closer, you are sure that your lips would touch yours. The thought made your heart thumper in both anticipation and fear. Anticipation because its Kim Sunoo. Fear, because you’re afraid once you get a taste you’ll crave more of it.
Sunoo stared at your eyes then he gulped, “I n-need to tell you something.” he says that made you nervous right away.
You are uttering a silent prayer that what he was about to say is not what you are dreaming and hoping for. It may sound weird, but that will seriously make you happy and sad at the same time.
“W-What is it?” No. You are not ready to hear it. Suddenly, a rejection sounds more okay, than an actual confession. Silly you, you thought to yourself, how can you think that Sunoo will actually confess and have feelings for you? He wouldn’t, right?
“I love you, Y/n.” he says that made your ears rings and your heart fell.
It happened. It did happened.
Your eyes burns of tears at the sides as you try to compose and get a hold of yourself. This isn’t what you planned for. And this is definitely what you expected for.
You slowly withdraws yourself from his hold, making the color drains out of Sunoo’s face. It made him wonder if he had said or done anything wrong for you to act like how you just did.
“N-No. Tell me you’re joking.” a pool of tears can be seen at your eyes and its honestly making Sunoo worried.
“I am not.” he says too firmly as he tries to get a hold of you once again. He didn’t succeed as you shove it away, making a small but hurtful emotion prickling over his heart. He couldn’t understand.
You stepped away with horror on your face.
“Y-You can’t love me.” you manage to say.
Sunoo furrowed his brows and his jaw sets, “Why not? Tell me!” he demands and grabbed your arm, this time succeeding.
“I am sick!” you burst out to him, tears now flowing freely over your face.
He was stunned and just stared at you, waiting for what you’re going to say next.
“I am sick and I am dying, Sunoo. Y-You can’t...” you cried, unable to even finish the words you are saying.
Sunoo on the other hand was at complete shock. Couldn’t find any words to say. His mind wanders off to somewhere far, but his hold over your arm didn’t loosened.
He shut his eyes after he snapped back to reality with your soft cries. He sighed heavily, trying to get rid of that heavy filling over his chest. He slowly takes you over in his arms and pressed his lips at your head, eyes starting to water as well.
“I am not going anywhere. You can’t tell me I can’t love.” he uttered seriously that made you cry even more while wrapping your arms around his waist.
The next morning, you haven’t slept good because what happened last night still lingers to your mind like as if it was a dream. Sunoo knew about your sickness. He confessed.
Your heart aches at the thought of it. How come one simple thing can change your view in life? How come one person can affect you this much?
“Took you long enough.” your eyes softens when you saw him waiting outside of your house.
He smiled and walks closer to come get your things from you. You watch him silently, wondering what he’s doing here right now.
“If you’re doing this out of pity—”
“What do you mean? I literally said I love you last night. What I’m doing is mainly an act of love and not for pity.” he says and gently grabs your hand.
You two started walking towards the school and your eyes can’t leave your intertwined hands. For some reasons, you have always imagined you two doing these things and now that it is happening beneath your eyes, you couldn’t believe it.
“Are we really walking towards the school while holding each other’s hands?” you can’t stop yourself from asking.
Sunoo scoffed, “Yes. What? Dreams really do come true, huh?” he tried teasing you.
To his surprise, you didn’t take offense out of it and just nodded your head. He smirked and caress your hand softly.
“We’ll do this every time you want.” and he leans in to place a soft sweet kiss at your forehead.
You arrived at the school and he walks you over to the audio-visual room so you can do your broadcasts.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You’re the best thing I have ever waited for.” and this time you felt your heart tugs. There’s this unknown satisfaction right after you said those words. Like you are very certain that he is the best thing, because he is.
When you went out of the audio-visual room, your eyes grew big seeing him leaning over the wall. He was waiting for you. He pushed himself off then walks towards you to get your things again.
“Hi.” he greets and then held your hand tightly. Your heart beats so fast and unconsciously roamed your eyes around the hallways. Students are eyeing you like they’d seen a ghost. Who wouldn’t be surprised?
Arriving at the locker’s area, he accompanied you and then you two walked towards class hand in hand. Everyone who you walk pass by are shock of the sight they are seeing. It was overwhelming for you.
You can’t believe you are capable of being this happy. Too happy, that you are slowly becoming more scared of tomorrow. Slowly you are starting to ask God of what’s his plan, what’s his reason for taking you the opportunity to live and long and spend it with your love ones. His reason why he let you meet Sunoo and fell in love.
The time came. Your body drops down and you are taken to the hospital. It was dreadful. Not only for you, but for your family and the people who cares for you.
Sunoo didn’t left your side. He just stayed there with you, accompanied and helped your parents to take care of you. They were beyond thankful. They can see how genuine his love for you.
“Hey, pretty.” he greets when he arrived your hospital room. He went close and dropped a quick kiss at your forehead then at your lips.
You smiled and his eyes roamed around, confused why your things are packed.
“You’re moving rooms? Are you all right?” he asked, alarmed of the situation.
You smiled and caress his face, “I’m going home. I’ll be resting there until...”
Your mouth hangs and words can’t come out of your lips. He pursed his lips and you can clearly see that he’s scared. Very scared. He sighed and cupped your face then pressed his forehead at yours. You raised your hand and pressed your hands over his.
“I love you. I love you so much.” he mumbles softly that made your heart crack.
“I love you.” you responded.
You stayed like that for a while before you’re ready to go move at your house for home medication. He helped you and your family settling down. Now, he comes visit you at your house every time. You are starting to be worried of his own health because he seemed to sleep less. He even have school.
“Sorry I can’t be your partner at prom.” you uttered one afternoon while you two rests at your balcony, staring at the stars.
He caress your shoulder while staring at the pretty stars above. His tears slowly forming at the corner of his eyes.
“Its fine, baby.” he says and kissed your forehead. “Its fine.”
The next day, it was prom night and you are brushing your hair in front of your mirror. Your mind is filled with nothing but Sunoo. He’s probably off to school for your prom night. He wanted to skip and just be with you, but you insisted for him to go. Its a one in a lifetime experience. If you can’t have it, at least he should.
Your head snaps over to your door when it opened. Your Mom enters and you can see that even if she’s smiling she have tears at the corner of her eyes.
“Hi Mom.” you smiled, just so she can feel better.
She approaches and just then, you noticed this pink lower part of a dress. Your brows furrowed as to why she have that thing with her. She asked you to stand up, and with no further questions you did. She made you wear that part of the dress. It was a detachable one. It’s your favorite color too.
You both looked over your full length mirror and she stared at you through it. This time, a tear successfully escaped her eyes.
“I love you sweetheart.” she mumbled that made you want to cry as well. If you’re having a hard time, you bet your parents did as well.
You hugged her and told her that you love her too. After calming down a bit, she asks you to come with her. Slowly, she guided you towards the backyard.
Your mouth fell when you saw that it was decorated. Some pretty lights surround it and a couple of tables and chairs were placed around. Its like as if there is a party.
Sunoo then appeared at the side and you couldn’t find a word to say. Sunoo, who supposed to be on his way to prom is now standing right in front of you. He’s wearing his tux and looking so gorgeous as ever.
“W-What...” you managed to say.
He smiles, “I wouldn’t go anywhere without my partner.” he says and put this flower over your wrist before kissing your hand.
Then his friends and their dates appeared too. They are all smiling and you can’t help but to tear up even more.
“Our prom is where you are, y/n!” Jungwon says happily. When you glance at your best friend, she was waving crazily while crying. Ni-ki is standing behind her, towering over her.
Sunoo guided you at the center and the familiar waltz you practiced back then played. Thankfully, you managed to remember the dance.
“Thank you so much, Sunoo. I love you. You make me the happiest. You are my angel.”
He smiles, “I love you, y/n. You make me happy.” and he leans in to seal your love for each other.
‘✓ Dance with Sunoo at Prom.’
The days and weeks after are magical with Sunoo. You can’t ask for more. You are contented and happy with him. Somehow, you’re slowly understanding why all of these happened.
Love made you question God’s plans for you, and its also Love that made you realized what its meant for. You are meant to meet Sunoo because he’s the one who can make you the happiest on your remaining days, and Sunoo met you because you are the one to heal him. You are each other’s soulmates.
“I will be part of them once I leave this place. I will be always pretty and looking out for you.” you utter, even if you are feeling very weak.
Sunoo caress your shoulders and trying to look at the stars you are pointing at. He smiles, but tears formed at the corner of his eyes.
“You are always beautiful.”
You turns your head and look at him. You stared at his face, trying to memorize each and every inch of it. You don’t want to miss anything.
“I love you so much.”
Sunoo cries gently, couldn’t hold it anymore. He placed a kiss a your forehead before pressing it to yours.
“I love you more than words can say.” and with that he kissed your lips.
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Everybody else already left and only some of your family members remains, but Sunoo didn’t mind. He sat there silently. He promised you he won’t be sad all the time, but that promise are already broken right after the day you left him.
He pursed his lips and caress your gravestone gently. A light taps over his shoulder sends a little comfort for him. He received those from your family, his family and his friends.
“Here, Sunoo.” he glanced over your friend when she’s handing him this c.d. Her eyes are puffy from crying too much, just like him.
He accepted it and stared at it blankly.
“Y/n asked me to compile all her morning messages for you before and she records more. She said so you can have something to listen to. She knew you’ll be very sad for a while.” she said, crying more.
Sunoo smiled a little and caress the thing that will be his savior and comfort while you two are away from each other. He stood up and once he was home, he went to play it.
First time he heard your voice again, days after you left was heartbreaking for him. He mourning and nothing can really comforts him, but your voice.
This audio record of your messages has become his source of strength. Your voice that he used to hear everytime, but now only an echo that serves as a reminder of your undying love for him.
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Heartslabyul: Pocky Game
Sup! The long awaited Pocky Game for all the other dorms. I already did Diasomnia, and I will say these are going to be a bit shorter than what I did for Diasomnia. I mainly made those ones long because I wasn’t expecting to do every single dorm. Still, I hope you enjoy this fluff. Also the introduction is the same for each of the dorms, so if you’ve read it once, don’t feel pressured to read it again.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Heartslabyul: Pocky Game
Apparently, no matter what world you end up in, there will always be some delicious biscuit coated in chocolate that comes in a stick form. You discovered it one lovely day when shopping for some snacks at Sam’s, and the moment you noticed them, you grabbed several boxes. They were a delicious treat, but there was something else you wanted to do with them. You chuckled as you got home, putting the bag down and grabbing your phone, messaging a certain someone if they wanted to hang out and have snacks.
“Hey, henchman!” Grim said, crawling onto the counter and going through the bags of snacks and other miscellaneous groceries you two needed for the week, “Did you get my tuna?” he said before pulling out a box of pocky, “Oh, what's this?”
“They’re pocky, and you’re not allowed to eat them all. I bought plenty of boxes. You can have one, but the rest are mine.” You said, knowing that Grim would certainly steal more than one box. He opened it up and took a bite, humming at the taste before going to scarf the entire box down. You just sighed, shaking your head in disappointment. He went to snag another box, and you didn’t have the heart to stop him.
You felt your phone buzzing and checked it, seeing you got confirmation for snacks and chill. You chuckled, grabbing two boxes and stashing them in your coat pocket as you started to get ready to head out, “Grim, I’m heading out. Please unload the groceries…your tuna is in one of the bags.” You said, gesturing to the small pile. Grim perked up, deciding to just tear through them until he got what he wanted.
“Whatever you say, henchman!” Grim said, not bothering to ask where you’re going.
“Aaaaaaand?” You trailed off, wanting him to give you a proper answer.
“I’ll do the groceries…” Grim said, and you hummed another ‘and?’ at him. “Aaaaaand thank you for the tuna,” he finally said. With that, you grabbed your house keys and began making your way over to Heartslabyul.
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Riddle Rosehearts
You knew Riddle would appreciate the sweet treat, so who better to share it with than the dorm leader of Heartslabyul? Riddle was punctual as ever, waiting at the entrance at the dorm in order to escort you to his room. You happily took his arm that he extended to you, making your way to his personal room.
“So what is it, you wanted to show me?” Riddle asked, looking at your pockets. You had just stuffed the boxes in your coat pockets without much thought, and it was pretty obvious with how they bulged out.
“Pocky!” You said with a chuckle, “Or something similar to it. I think it has a different name here, but it’s the same exact thing. It was popular back in my world.” You explained to him. Riddle hummed, seemingly content. You two entered his room as you pulled out the snacks and opened up the mini bag inside the box.
You held out one of the treats to him. Riddle grabbed it then motioned for the box as well. You rolled your eyes, handing it to him. You could practically see him doing the math inside of head to find out how much he could eat while staying within his daily caloric intake.
“I see, so it’s a biscuit dipped in chocolate?” Riddle said, taking one in his mouth and chewing on it. “It’s simple, yet effective. I’ll need to see if Trey can recreate it.” Riddle said, a soft smile on his face.
“You know, back where I came from, there was a game that was often played with them.” you began, peeking Riddle’s interest.
“And what is the game?” He asked and you took in a deep breath and quickly explained the rules to the game. You could see Riddle had a faint blush on his cheeks as he cleared his throat, “I see, so it’s a game played by couples?”
“Couples or friends…” You said before grabbing a stick between your fingers, “Wanna play a round?” You asked and Riddle sighed and shook his head. Still, he got closer to you and watched as you put the stick in your mouth. He placed his lips on the opposite end and you two began nibbling away at the sweet treat.
Once you got closer enough, you took the last bite and grazed your lips against Riddle’s. The man pulled back, placing his hand over his lips as he stared at you. He cleared his throat and looked away, “I think that’s enough of that for the day.” He said, but the blush on his face was making him go scarlet.
You chuckled, placing another stick against your lips, “You sure?” You taunted with a wink. Riddle sighed then took your chin in his gloved hands and placed his lips on the opposite end. Guess the game wasn’t over.
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Trey Clover
“What did you want to show me?” Trey asked as he held the door open leading to his room. You happily walked in as you took a box out of your pocket. You waved it near him, showing him the contents. Trey perked up, taking the box and reading over the label.
“I think I’ve used these in the past, for decorations on a cake. They’re pretty good.” Trey said, handing it back over to you. You smiled and opened the box up in order to grab one of the treats.
“These were pretty popular where I came from, even had a game to go alongside it.” You explained, handing him a stick. Trey seemed curious as he sat down at his desk.
“A game?” He asked and you nodded your head before explaining the rules. Trey finished the stick and then looked over at you. He adjusted his glasses while speaking, “Did you perhaps want to play the game with me?” He asked.
“Sure do! Now come over here.” You chuckled, patting the spot next to you on his bed. He chuckled and shook his head.
“How about you come over here instead.” Trey said, motioning you towards the desk. There was nowhere to sit since Trey took the chair, but you walked over anyway. Before you could say anything, you felt him grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling you onto his lap. You let out a small, startled squeak as you looked at him.
“L-like this?” You asked, feeling your face heating up. Trey chuckled as he grabbed a stick from the box that was still in your hands. He grabbed one of the sticks and popped it into his mouth. You took the other end and the game began. In a few seconds you could feel Trey’s lips against your own.
Trey’s hand went to the back of your neck, keeping you in place while he deepened the kiss, his tongue licking at the chocolate on your lips. You shivered under his touch as you felt him let you go. You looked at him with a flustered expression, noticing him smirking.
“Shall we go again?”
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Cater Diamond
“What’s the snack you brought in today?” Cater said, hanging off his doorway as he looked at you with his boyish grin. You chuckled as you took out the box and waved it in his face. Cater took it and looked it over before frowning.
“Sweets?” he asked and you shook your head.
“They’re not overly sweet, I promise. Besides, there’s another reason why I brought them to share with you.” You explained as you took the box and ducked under his arm to get into his room. Cater was now intrigued as he closed the door behind him and walked over with his hands tucked in his pockets.
“And what’s the reason? They Magicamable?”  Cater asked, taking a seat next to you on his bed. You shrugged, opening the box and grabbing one of the sticks from inside of it.
“Kinda; where I come from there’s actually a game that goes with eating them. Probably a marketing ploy, but it got popular in a lot of shows.” You explained to him before quickly explaining the game. Cater seemed to perk up at the ending where you could kiss someone if you got to the end.
“You know, if you wanted a kiss, you could’ve just said so.” He teased before grabbing a stick from the box and placing it against his lips. He made sure it was the biscuit part so it wouldn’t be too sweet. He’d happily let you nibble on the chocolate end.
“Isn’t this more fun though?” You asked as you placed your lips on the other end. Cater just hummed, already nibbling on his end of the stick. It wasn’t long before your lips were colliding. Cater didn’t hold back, placing a hand on your cheek and dipping you on the bed, deepening the kiss until you were left breathless. Only when your lips were bruised and swollen did he let up, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You’re right, this is a fun game…but I think we can do without the stick, eh?” He said and you huffed before going back in for another kiss.
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Ace Trappola
Right as you were about to leave, you heard your phone buzzing. You picked it up without thinking, seeing it was Ace. His voice filtered through, “Hey, you know what, how about I head over to Ramshackle?” Ace asked and you sighed.
“Got in trouble?” You asked. Ace scoffed, telling you to stop being dumb. He hung up moments later and you shrugged, deciding to take off your shoes and chill on the couch. Ace didn’t bother knocking when he came inside, You watched him kick his shoes off and head over to where you were.
“So what are we eating?” Ace said, his signature smile spread over his face.
“Pocky…or whatever this is called in your world. In my world, it’s pocky.” You said, motioning to the boxes on the table. Ace perked up, going over and opening one of the boxes and grabbing one. He wasted no time trying it and he seemed to be enjoying the flavor.
“These are pretty good…we gonna watch a movie, or play a game while we snack?” Ace asked, plopping onto the couch.
“We’re playing the pocky game, actually.” You said, opening up your own box. You grabbed one of the strawberry pocky out and put it in your mouth. You motioned for Ace to come over. He was confused at first before it clicked in his head. He shot you a smirk before putting his mouth on the other end of it.
It didn’t take long before you could feel Ace’s lips against your own. Still, you managed to get the last piece and quickly parted from him, “I won!” You chuckled, causing Ace to become confused.
“How?” he asked, before realizing it was a game after all.
“Whoever gets the last piece wins. If the stick breaks, whoever has the longer half wins. Since I got the last piece, I win.” You explained.
“Rematch; right here, right now.” Ace said, grabbing a chocolate one now. You chuckled, playing along and wrapping your lips around the other end. You began nibbling it again and managed to steal the win again. Ace groaned as he got another stick.
This time, when your lips collided, he made sure to snag the last piece while also biting your bottom lip. You gasped at the sharp pain. Still, Ace pulled back looking pretty proud of himself.
“Looks like I won.” He chuckled.
“Rematch; right here, right now.” He didn’t need to be told twice.
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Deuce Spade
You headed over to Heartslabyul and noticed Deuce waiting out in the gardens. The sky was already dark, but there were some lanterns lit, illuminating the rose maze, “Everyone is in the room right now, so I figured we could eat out in the gardens…if you’re fine with that.” Deuce asked, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sounds good to me.” You hummed, following Deuce as he walked through the maze. As a member of the dorm, he learned his way around and seldom got lost. He soon had you at one of the many tables, scattered about that was used for mini tea sessions.
“So…what did you want to show me?” He asked, noticing you already pulling out a few boxes from your pockets. You laid out three different flavors for him to choose from, “I don’t think I’ve seen these before…” Deuce contemplated before going for the banana ones.
“They’re popular back where I lived, had a game and everything.” You explained, grabbing yourself your favorite flavor and opening the box.
“Really?” he asked, trying one of the pocky. He hummed at the flavor, deciding he liked it and grabbing another one, “What’s the game?”
“Oh, it’s like a kissing game, but friends played it all the time. Normally in groups. Even popped up in anime and manga all the time.” You explained to him, causing Deuce to pause. He looked at you with wide eyes, wondering if you wanted to play the game. You caught wind of the unspoken question and put a stick between your lips and motioned him forward.
Deuce awkwardly came closer and wrapped his lips around the other end. You could see the cute blush coating his cheeks as you slowly began nibbling on the other end. Soon you felt the warmth of his lips against your own and you couldn’t help but lean more into it. He tasted sweet and his lips were softer than you could’ve ever imagined
All too soon, he was pulling back and looking at you. You noticed the smirk now lacing his face and, despite the large blush, he looked confident.
“Did you want to try again…I don’t know who won or lost.” he said and you chuckled.
“Must’ve been a tie…let’s go again.”
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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Sonny Carisi: Second Chances, Part Four
WC: 6725
TW: Idiots in love; smut (PiV, protected); 18+ only.
AN: This is part of a mini-series. The rest can be found here.
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You didn’t sleep with Sonny that night.  You definitely wanted to, but something made you slow down.�� Maybe it was his admission that he didn’t feel like he deserved to be happy.  Maybe it was how he see-sawed between eagerness and hesitation.  He seemed to want to be with you, and he seemed to expect you to hurt him.  You wanted to make sure that when you finally slept together, he knew it was because you wanted him – not because he was some convenient rebound.
So instead of sleeping with him that night, you cuddled up against him on your couch and just talked.  And you got to the bottom of some of Sonny’s hesitation – he had a lengthy history of terrible first dates. 
Once he got started talking, it was hard to stop him.  There was a date in the eighth grade at an arcade where the girl he came with left with another boy.  There was a Yankee game in high school where the girl ghosted him after the fourth inning.  There was the date in college when Sonny, trying to act like a grown-up, took a girl to a jazz club.  The date was going well, he told you, until the woman let slip that she only was on a date with him to make her real boyfriend jealous.
“And then I screwed up our first date,” he said.  He sounded so sad that you couldn’t help but press a kiss to his mouth before you pulled away.
“You didn’t screw it up,” you admonished him.  “Besides, you ended up with a second date, so that doesn’t seem like a failure to me.”
He turned and gave you a look that reminded you of a dog in an animal shelter commercial, giant blue eyes and a pout.  “But will I get a third date?”
You laughed at him.  “Definitely.”
You sent him home shortly thereafter (with the leftover lasagna, after he tap-danced around asking for an extra piece to take home), and then you sat up for a while, thinking.  Sonny was so selfless and sweet, and he seemed to never have much nice done for him in return.  You decided to plan the third date that you promised him.
All you had told Sonny was to dress casually.  “Not date-casual,” you told him.  “I’m talking jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers.”  He started to protest, but you cut him off.  “If you aren’t dressed like a boy in middle school, I’m going to call your grandmother and tell her that you were seducing me with breakfast strudels instead of cannoli.”
On Friday night, Sonny found himself waiting in his apartment, dressed in the nicest jeans he had, the cleanest sneakers he had, and a plain t-shirt that he hoped made him look like an adult instead of like a boy.  He had to do his hair twice – his usual gel-and-style did not match his attire at all, so he rinsed out all the product and left it more natural.
There was a knock on his door promptly at seven, and he opened the door to you.  You were in jeans and canvas sneakers too, and a Backstreet Boys tour t-shirt.  Your face was bare of makeup (that he could see), and your hair was pulled up into a high ponytail.  You looked almost criminally young, especially when paired with the toothy grin you had plastered across your face.
“C’mon,” you said.  You grabbed his hand and tugged him into the hallway towards the stairs.  “Our ride is waiting.”
But instead of a taxi standing on the curb, there was a beat-to-hell minivan with a bemused looking older woman in the driver’s seat.  You climbed into the middle seat, though, so Sonny followed suit, even though he was completely baffled. 
You were silent for the ride, so Sonny held his tongue, and in short order you were dropped at a corner in the Lower East Side.  The driver leaned across the passenger’s seat to call out to you, “I’ll pick you up here at eleven,” before she drove off.
“Doll, I have no idea what’s going on,” Sonny said. 
You smiled and took his hand again.  You tugged him down the street towards some unknown destination.  “It’s a re-do,” you explained.  “Your first date with a girl in the eighth grade at the arcade.”
Sonny faltered in his steps, and you stopped beside him.  “What do you mean?” he asked.
You bit your lip and thought for a moment.  “Well, you brought me breakfast every day and let me believe it was Nick,” you explained.  “You were giving me happy memories.  I thought maybe I could do the same thing.  You had bad first dates, so I thought we could re-do them.  I wanted to give you a happy memory.”
Sonny felt an unexpected sting of tears in his eyes that he covered up by looking down the street.  He cleared his throat.  “So eighth grade…”
“Eighth grade,” you agreed.  You gestured down your front.  “Hence the Backstreet Boys.  And our driver was my neighbor.  She has a mini-van, and I paid her fifty bucks to drop us off and pick us up.”  You grinned at him.  “Because we are thirteen and don’t have driver’s licenses.”
The tears threatened again, and Sonny didn’t bother to hide them.  He thought back to his first date, and it felt both a million years ago and just yesterday.  He remembered being so excited to go out with a girl – Leah – and he remembered feeling so adult to plan out an evening together. 
He also remembered the humiliation when Leah left with another classmate, and the mortification when his mother picked him up later, alone. 
“Doll, this is too much,” he protested weakly, but you shook your head at him.
“It’s exactly what you deserve.”  You started walking, pulling on his hand, and he followed.  “Cheap pizza and video games,” you added with a laugh.
Dinner was cheap pizza at a little pizzeria.  You both used a ton of napkins to mop up the grease that pooled on the slices, and you skipped the special on a PBR pitcher and stuck with soft drinks (“because we’re underaged” you whispered to Sonny).  Getting into the spirit of it, Sonny ordered a Mountain Dew, remembering how he was fueled by it back in middle school.
After that, you walked him across the street to a retro arcade where you paid for two all-access passes that got you unlimited plays.  Sonny immediately made a beeline to Street Fighter II, and you watched him bemusedly until you found a console of Burger Time in the corner that you camped out at for a while.
Then the two of you played Gauntlet together, you shoving him lightly when he accidentally shot your with arrows.  The night flew by, and before he knew it, you were glancing at your watch and telling him that “your mom” would be on her way.  You both left the arcade and started walking towards the pickup point.
“Did you have fun?” you asked him, and Sonny could only throw an arm around your waist and try to tug you to him for a kiss.  Which you dodged  in mock-horror.
“Whoa,” you said, taking a dancing step away from him.  “Were you that forward when you were thirteen, Sonny?”
He laughed at this.  “Seriously?”
You batted your eyes at him.  “I have a crush on Keanu Reeves, and I’m probably going to marry him when I’m older, but if you ask nice, I’ll let you kiss me.”
“Please may I kiss you?” Sonny said immediately, and you pretended to think about it before nodding. 
He stepped up to you and put his hands on your shoulders, then dipped his head and captured your mouth with his.  He could feel your lips curving into a smile against his mouth, so he pulled away. 
“What?” he asked, but you shook your head sadly.
“Sonny, I was thirteen once, and I kissed a thirteen year old boy once.  It did not go like that at all.”
Sonny pulled you back to him, dipped his head again, and as soon as his lips touched yours, he plunged his tongue straight into your mouth with zero finesse and skill.  You pulled away, laughing so hard that Sonny couldn’t help but chuckle too.
“You taste like Mountain Dew,” you said between peals of laughter.  “But that felt about right.”
Your neighbor picked you both up a minute later, and when the mini-van stopped at Sonny’s place, you stayed in the vehicle. 
“I’d come up with you,” you said apologetically.  “But I have an algebra test tomorrow.”
He could only wave goodbye as the automatic door slid shut, but when he went into his building, he took the steps to the second floor two at a time with a lightness in his steps.
You planned the next date too, and Sonny found himself at Yankee Stadium on a Saturday afternoon as they faced off against the Orioles.  You looked like the girl next door again, in short jean shorts and those canvas sneakers.  Your t-shirt looked like a Yankees shirt, but when he looked closer, it just said “Local Sports Team” on it, making him smile.
You took the B train to the stadium and settled into a pair of nosebleed seats.  You shrugged at Sonny and explained that you didn’t have a lot of money to spend from your baby-sitting job, but you had enough for a few hot dogs and sodas. 
Sonny placed an arm over the back of your seat, and you obviously felt that was high-school appropriate because you didn’t fight him on it.  It was hot and humid, but a nice breeze came through often enough to keep it from being miserable.  And Sonny thought he’d go through any weather to spend time with you.
No woman had ever been so thoughtful with him, and it made him feel pleasantly pleased at the attention.  It made him feel seen.
At the start of the fourth inning though, you stood up and left your seat, promising to come back, but you were gone the entire inning, and Sonny remembered the original date.  Another humiliation, another moment where he felt like he wasn’t enough.  He started to wallow, but you reappeared just then.  You had a giant soft pretzel, almost as big as your head.
“Sorry I was gone so long.  The line was insane,” you said.  “Want to split this?”
After the game, you took the subway and then walked back to your place, and Sonny tried to think about what he would have done in high school.  Raised Catholic, he probably wouldn’t have had sex even if the option had been there – he was still too guilty and felt like a disapproving god was watching him from above.  Hell, he couldn’t even masturbate back then (or now, really), without feeling a flush of shame wash over him.
The two of you ended up on your couch, doing what his childhood priest would sternly call “heavy petting.”  You were stretched out underneath him, one of your legs hanging off the edge of the couch, while you made out feverishly.  Sonny’s hands roamed over your form, but he had to keep it over your clothes because you smacked him every time he tried to sneak his fingers under a hem.  You kept your own hands on his biceps or shoulders, letting them drift between the two locations on his sweat-dampened t-shirt.
He felt like a teenager again, and he rolled his hips against you in a languid motion to relieve some of the tension below the belt.  You seemed to enjoy it too, judging from the soft moans that you let slip every so often.  Sonny chuckled against you.  You pulled back a bit.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, and he laughed again.
“I just never thought that I’d be dry humping a girl at my age,” he replied.
You made a face.  “I hate that term,” you informed him.  “It sounds like something a dog would do to a couch cushion.  Call it ‘outercourse,’ please.”
“I never thought I’d be outercoursing a girl at my age,” he amended, and then he leaned back down to kiss you more, sliding his tongue into your mouth.
You shifted underneath him just a bit, and when Sonny felt that nearly unbearable tension again and resumed rolling his hips against you, you moaned louder.  You were perfectly placed under him, and if you were both naked, he’d be inside you – the thought alone made him feel dizzy.  He knew that you were holding off sleeping with him for some reason or another.  He didn’t press the issue, and you didn’t elaborate your reason to him.  He worried that you were still hung up on Nick, but if that were the case, why were you going to such effort for him?
But he realized with a start that you were starting to press back against his gentle thrusts, and even with the layers of clothing between you, he might be able to make you come just from the pressure and friction alone.  The thought made him even harder, which he didn’t think was possible, so he rolled his hips harder and plunged his tongue into your mouth in time with his thrusts.
You turned your head to the side, breaking the kiss.  “Sonny,” you whined, and he wasn’t sure if you were telling him to stop or to keep going.
“Is this okay?” he asked against your neck.  He pressed a kiss to the side of your neck, darting his tongue out to taste the salt of your sweat. 
“Sonny,” you repeated.  One of your hands drifted from his shoulder across to his back, fisting his damp t-shirt in your fist.  “Would you have done this in high school?” you asked as you panted underneath him.
“With you?  Absolutely,” he replied.  He moved against you again, drawing another moan from you.  “Though I definitely wouldn’t have understood a girl having an orgasm when I was sixteen.”
You huffed out a breathless sort of laugh.  “We should stop then,” you said with a groan.  “Keep it authentic.”
Sonny kissed your neck again, sucking against your soft skin.  “We should keep going instead,” he murmured against you.  “Authentic would have been you dumping me at the game.”  He pulled back and looked down at you.  Your face was flushed from a day in the sun and from desire, and your lips were swollen from kissing.  You looked gorgeous, and Sonny felt that too-familiar twist of love in his chest.
You surged up and kissed him gently on his cheek, then laid a hand over the side of his face too.  “I didn’t have an orgasm until college, Sonny,” you said with a smile.  “I didn’t even know what ‘orgasm’ meant in high school.”
“I did,” he replied with a grin, and you laughed underneath him.
“And I thought you were the good Catholic boy,” you teased.  You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him gently off of you until you were both sitting side by side, Sonny surreptitiously trying to hide his obvious erection.
“Well, I felt guilty about it, doll.  Nothing more Catholic than that.”
Sonny only stayed long enough to calm down, and then he ordered a car and left, but not before setting a date for your next get-together.
Now that Sonny was onto the game you were playing with your dates, he just went ahead and told you the name of the jazz club that he went to in college in a vain attempt to impress his date.  He picked you up at your apartment, and you looked like a vision in a dark blue wrap dress and heels.  Your hair was down, but there was a silk flower tucked behind one ear.
The jazz club was pretty much the same, just a bit more dingy than he remembered.  You each ordered old-timey cocktails and sat beside each other in a dim corner.  Sonny laid his arm around your shoulders, and you cuddled up against him and placed a soft hand on his thigh. 
The jazz was awful, or at least, Sonny didn’t understand it as a musical genre.  There was no discernable melody that he could follow, and it sounded like when Bella was young and started piano lessons and would just bang the keys at random.  You felt the same way because two drinks in, you leaned against him and whispered in his ear.
“Want to get out of here?”
“You sure, doll?” he asked. 
You nodded and winced as the flautist hit a particularly piercing high note.  “This music could qualify as torture under the Geneva Convention, I think.”
You both ended up at his place, making out in a way that felt familiar now.  When Sonny tried to progress to another plane, however, you still smacked his hands away lightly.  And when he whined, needy, against you mouth, you grinned at him. 
“It’s college, Sonny.  I didn’t have sex until after college.”
Sonny was incredulous.  “Seriously?”
You nodded.  “I was terrified of sex, honestly.  I always wanted to, but I’d get cold feet at the last minute because I envisioned getting pregnant or some exotic STD.”  You shook your head.  “Our college’s health clinic usually assumed that whatever was ailing you was an STD.  I remember having strep throat once and getting a pamphlet about gonorrhea.”
Sonny wanted to ask about your first time:  when and where and, most importantly, which man convinced you that he was a safe bet when other men hadn’t been.  He was already jealous of this unknown guy, and he worried that it had been Nick.  It couldn’t have been, though.  Or could it?
You didn’t sense his roiling emotions though, and instead you just curled up against him and nodded off after a while.  You’d both had a few long weeks at SVU with mandatory overtime due to being understaffed, and Sonny felt his own eyes growing heavy.
“Doll, do you want to stay the night?” he asked softly, and you stirred against him.  “We don’t have to do anything other than sleep.”
You sat up.  Your face was creased from being pressed against his shirt, and Sonny couldn’t resist reaching out to run his finger down it.
“Would that be okay?” you asked.  “Or would it be too tempting?”
He pulled you against him and kissed your temple, breathing in the smell of your shampoo.  “You’re too tempting just walking around the bullpen in your work outfits,” he murmured.  “But I’ll behave.”
You were in the bullpen early a few morning after your jazz club date.  Fin and Rollins were off duty, and Liv was at 1PP for some bureaucratic meeting.  Sonny arrived about ten minutes after you, and he placed a coffee and pastry on your desk in front of you with a wink.
Dating Nick, if you could have even called it that, had felt like work a lot of the time.  The guys you dated before him were much the same:  tons of effort to read and manage their moods, constantly waiting and then rushing depending on what they needed.  Waiting around for them to need you, rushing to get there when they did.  You realized sadly that you probably had never had a healthy relationship before.
Nothing about dating Sonny felt like a chore, not even planning those dates.  And if they had felt like work, it would have been worth it to see his face light up.  You wondered if Sonny had ever been in a healthy relationship before. 
You hoped against hope that maybe you could be that for each other.
You sipped your coffee and tried not to wolf down the cherry strudel that was still so warm that the icing had been absorbed into the flaky pastry.  After you were done (and after you licked your fingers on the sly), you made your way over to Sonny’s desk and sat on the edge.
“Detective Carisi,” you said formally.  “Any plans this weekend?”
He leaned back in his chair and grinned at you, the corners of his blue eyes crinkling.  “Maybe,” he said.  “I’m kinda seeing this girl.”
“Ah.”  You nodded knowingly.  “Sonny mentioned that you were dating someone.  How’s it going?”
He played along, but his eyes were soft.  “It’s going really well,” he admitted, his voice a bit lower.  “How’s it going with Sonny?”
“Also really well.”
“Look at the two of us, doing really well.”
You smiled at him for a moment, enjoying the playful conversation.  “I was thinking.  If you’re free on Friday, would you like to re-do our first date?  Meet you at the same place, bring me another flower…”
Sonny knitted his eyebrows together.  “Seriously?”
You nodded.  “You’ve said at least twice that you screwed up that date, and even if I don’t agree with your definition of ‘screw up,’ I’m happy to do a do-over.  You wear the same outfit, I’ll wear the same dress.”  You turned and looked around the bullpen to make sure it was still empty except for the two of you.  “But maybe I’ll wear something different underneath,” you murmured and raised what you hoped was a suggestive eyebrow. 
Sonny groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face.  “Doll, I can’t handle anymore cold showers,” he said.  “You can’t say stuff like that to me at work.”
You stood up straight and shook a finger at him in pretend remonstration, but you loved how flushed he got at the merest hint of dirty talk.  “Pull yourself together, detective.  And meet me on Friday, same time and same place.”
True to your word, you wore the same fit-and-flare dress, dressing it down with the same white Keds.  And underneath, a set of lingerie that walked the slender line between sweet and sexy, in rosy pink.  You’d never admit it to Sonny because it would only embarrass him, but it matched the color he turned when he blushed.
True to his word, he turned up in the same clothes, and you each ordered the same dishes and recreated to the best of your memories your conversation.  After you ate, Sonny led you outside, placing the same gentle hand on the middle of your back to lead you out.  And he asked if you wanted gelato.
Since you were fixing mistakes in Sonny’s dating past, you placed your gelato order and waited.  When he started to order pistachio, you placed a silencing hand on his arm and tried to stop him.
“Pistachio?” you asked in a teasing lilt.  “Who orders that flavor other than old people?”
“I like it,” he replied only a little defensive. 
“Sonny, I love you, but pistachio?” you asked again.  “Seriously?  There’s so many better options…”  You gestured at the menu board with its myriad of choices.
He made a strange face at you, and you worried that your teasing had hit a sore spot, but he turned after a beat and ordered mango instead.  The two of you went to the same park and sat on the swings while you ate in companionable silence, and instead of asking about Nick, Sonny just ate his gelato thoughtfully and didn’t say a word.
When you were both finished, he gave you the same line about walking him home, and you threaded your arm through his and walked the few blocks to his place.  When you saw the bakery, you simply said that their pastries were amazing and thanked him again for bringing them to you nearly every morning.
And instead of asking him to drive you home, you asked him to take you to his home.  And he did.
Once you were inside his apartment, he suddenly seemed nervous, fidgeting with his keys before he sat them down on a small table in his entryway.  Then he ran his hands through his hair, over and over in a motion that looked nearly obsessive.
You reached out and took his hands in yours, stilling them.  “Hey,” you said softly.  “We don’t have to do anything.”
He gazed at you with his bright blue eyes before responding.  “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
He coughed a bit and his ears turned pink, and you smirked a bit to see it.  “What you said at the gelato shop,” he clarified.  “Did you mean it?”
You furrowed your eyebrows.  “Well, pistachio was my grandpa’s favorite flavor…”
He cut you off with an impatient grumble in his throat.  “No, the other thing you said.”
You thought back, trying to remember what you’d said.  Then it hit you.  “I said I love you.”  You looked at him, saw the hope and the dread written plainly across his face in equal measure.  “Oh, Sonny��”
“It’s okay if you don’t mean it,” he rushed in.  “I mean…”
You rocked up onto your sneakered toes and kissed him, cutting off his words.  When you pulled away, you smiled up at him.  “I think I’ll just have to be prepared to kiss you every time I think you’re about to say something you’ll regret.”  Then the smile slipped off your face and you turned serious. 
You reached up with both hands and placed them on either side of his face so that he couldn’t turn away from you.  “Sonny, I do love you.  You’re a very easy person to love, though.”  He scoffed at you, so you kissed him again, relishing the feel of his soft lips against yours.
You could have listed out all the reasons you loved him.  You could have added more, but Sonny kissed you back, more urgently.  It was one of the most difficult things you’d ever done – delaying intimacy with Sonny – but you wanted to make sure he was absolutely certain that he wasn’t a rebound.  You broke the kiss to tell him as much.
“I want you to know that I want you for you,” you said seriously.  Your hands, still on his face, shifted to the back of his head until they were tangled in his hair.  “You are not just a convenient hook-up.”
“I know, doll,” he whispered back, but you still saw a shadow of doubt in his blue eyes, and you sighed.
“You don’t believe me,” you said as a statement of fact, and Sonny shook his head but you knew you were right.  “I’ll have to show you then.”
You took his hand and led him to the back of his apartment until you found his bedroom.  You pulled him into the room and shut the door behind him.  You took his hand, still clasped in yours, and raised it to your mouth.  You pressed a chaste kiss to the back of his hand, and then told him, “I love your hands, Sonny.  I love the way they feel when they’re touching me.”
He narrowed his eyes at you like he was trying to figure out if you were teasing him, so you continued.  You helped him remove his blazer.  You reached up with slightly shaking fingers and unbuttoned his checked shirt, then pushed it off of his shoulders too.  Then you untucked the hem of his undershirt, glancing up in permission and noting his slight nod.  He helped you pull it over his head, and it tousled his hair even more.
“I love your heart, Sonny.”  You pressed your palm over where his heart was thudding, strong and steady.  “I love how much care and concern you have for the victims you work with, and I love how kind and thoughtful you are.”
You looked up and saw him blushing deeply, but he looked oddly pleased at the praise.  You always guessed he had a praise-kink, and it looked like you were right.
You drew you hand over his chest, brushing against his nipples.  He drew a hitching breath as you did.  “I’m only so-so on your nipples,” you joked.  “Average, at best.”
He let out a surprised peal of laughter, and you giggled with him.  You pushed him gently towards his bed until he sat down.  You pulled off his shoes and socks and examined his feet.  “Feet are nice,” you told him with a grin.  “I could love these.”
“They’re pretty good on the dance floor,” he replied, and you crawled on top of him until you were straddling him.  His hands hesitated, then came to rest lightly on your hips.
“You going to take me dancing, Sonny?”  He nodded eagerly, and you shook your head.  “Make sure it’s to music with a beat.  No free-form jazz.”
He laughed again.  You sat up on him, holding yourself up a bit so that you were lightly settled over the bulge growing underneath you.  You reached down with a hand and ghosted it over his face, drifting from feature to feature.
“I love your eyes – how blue they are and how I can read your emotions in them.”  He closed his eyes as you drifted a finger over his lids, gentle as a night breeze.
“I love your cheeks and ears, and how flushed you get when you’re embarrassed or happy.”  He opened his eyes again as you touched his sharp cheekbones and then tugged on the lobe of one of his ears.
“I do not,” he said, defensive. 
“No?”  You leaned forward a bit, bringing your face closer to his so that you could stare into his eyes.  “So if I told you that I want you to fuck me senseless, nothing would happen?”
Three things happened:  you felt Sonny harden even further against you, and you heard him groan as his face turned bright red.  You dipped your head and kissed him gently, working your lips against him and enjoying the groans you were drawing from him.
You broke away.  “I love your mouth, by the way.  I love how it gets you in trouble and how it gets you out of trouble.”
“Do you prefer any particular way it gets me out of trouble?” he said, and his accent was notably thicker.  You ran a finger over his pink lower lip.
“I’d love for you to surprise me, Dominick,” and you noted how his blue eyes darkened at your use of his first name. 
You ran your hands through his hair, mussing it even further.  “I love your hair, too.  But more than that, I love what’s underneath it.  I love how smart you are, how funny.”
You ground yourself on him lightly the whole while, and he bucked his hips involuntarily against you.  “Anything else?” he asked, his voice husky.
“Hmm,” you pretended to think.  You hoisted yourself off of him, and you unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.  He looked down at you through hooded lids, and you noted the hitched quality of his breathing.  He raised his hips up enough for you to pull off his jeans, leaving him in only his tented boxer briefs.
“You need to catch up, doll,” he said in a strangled voice, so you kicked off your Keds and pulled your dress over your head, revealing the lingerie you’d bought for Sonny.
It had its intended effect.  Sonny sat up and reached for you, placing his hands on your hips before sliding them around to cup your ass.  He pulled you closer to him and buried his face against your bare stomach.  You could feel his pillowy lips pressed to you, his hot breath…you drew your hand through the hair on the back of his head and tugged him away until his blue eyes were gazing up at you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, and coming from his mouth, it was the first time you believed it.  You let him pull you into his lap, straddling him again, and he moved his mouth to the mounds of your breasts, pushed up to obscene heights by the pink lace and wire of your bra.
You scratched his scalp and pulled his hair lightly as he kissed your breasts:  pressing gentle kisses along the exposed skin at the top, then kissing harder through the lace until he was sucking against first one nipple, then the other.  The wet lace and the pressure from his mouth made them grow hard, and he bit them lightly, pressing the edges of his teeth against them until you moaned at the faint sting of pain.  Then he soothed them with his mouth again until you moaned louder.
“Sonny,” you said.  “I had a whole thing worked out, and you’re distracting me…”  You bit off the last sentence with a groan as he reached up with one hand to pull the cup of your bra down.  He moved his head lightning fast, and his warm mouth was on you again.  His tongue worked against your nipple, and your hips ground against him.
“I thought you liked my mouth,” he mumbled, and the vibration from his words sent another shard of desire straight to your core. 
“I love your mouth,” you replied.  “There’s just other parts of you I still haven’t met yet.”  You rolled your hips against him so that he was crystal-clear on your meaning, and he responded by swiveling you around on the bed.  You scooted up until your head rested on a pillow, and he stretched himself alongside you.
He kissed your urgently, and his lips worked against your mouth until your lips were parted.  He slid his tongue into you, licking against your mouth, and you pressed your own tongue against him.  His hands roamed your body without clear meaning, cupping your breasts and thumbing your nipples before they stuttered their way down to your panties.  He cupped your mound there and groaned when he felt how wet you were through the fabric.
He rubbed you through the lace, his finger slipping along your slit.  “What’s this, doll?” he whispered.
“It’s all for you, Dominick,” you panted against him.  Hearing his name spurred him on, and he toyed with the hem of your panties before slipping a finger underneath to resume his stroking.
You’d waited so long for him, and you were afraid you weren’t going to last very long.  You could already feel an orgasm approaching.
“Please, Sonny,” you begged him.  You should hate how whiny you sounded, but you were beyond care at this point.  All you could focus on was Sonny – his swollen pink lips, his mussed hair, his fingers dipping into you and teasing you.
He obliged by pulling his hand away altogether, and he sat up and removed his boxer briefs.  He reached into his bedside table and found a condom.  You unhooked your bra and slid out of your panties while he tore open the foil and rolled the condom on himself, and you felt your mouth go dry when he turned back to you.
His blue eyes were dark with desire, and he crawled over you and lowered his weight onto you, pressing you into his mattress.  He leaned down and kissed you again, full of passion, his tongue plunging into your mouth as he swallowed your moans.  His cock was a heavy weight pressed against your hip, and you opened your legs to him.  He broke the kiss at this and gazed down at you.
“You sure, doll?  You sure you want to do this?”
You reached up and stroked his flushed face.  “I’m sure I want you, Sonny.  I love you.”
He groaned at this and reached down to line himself up with your entrance.  “Say it again,” he pleaded, so you told him, over and over as he slid himself into you slowly.  Once he was buried to the hilt, he shuddered, but then he kissed you firmly and replied, “I love you too.”
He set a languid pace, unhurried as he pulled out partway and paused before sliding back into your slippery depths.  He kissed you as he fucked you gently, and you whimpered at the sensation of being filled by him in both your core and your mouth.  He only broke away to catch his breath and pause in his thrusts, and you knew he was trying to make it last for both of you.
You were less patient.  You’d been running in a state of perpetual horniness from all of your dates with him, and the pleasant tension in your belly was almost unbearable.  You drew one leg up and wrapped it around his waist, changing the angle just a bit.  Sonny didn’t get the hint – or ignored it – and continued his unhurried thrusts.
“Sonny…” you whined against his mouth.  “Please.”
He huffed against you.  “I don’t want this to end,” he breathed. 
You laughed, a bit breathless.  “Sonny, when it ends, we can always go again.”
He pretended to think about it.  “Sold,” he said.  He picked up the pace a bit then, thrusting into you with more force.  You could feel him dragging along your entrance, delivering a delicious bit of friction to your swollen nub. 
“Just like that,” you exhaled into his ear.  “You feel so good, Dominick.”
He groaned at the praise and went a bit faster and harder, and you spurred him on with your words and your moans, and before you knew it, the tension in your belly snapped in an explosion of white stars behind your eyelids, and you raised off the bed to arch against him. 
“Fuck, Sonny,” you wailed, and his thrusts grew irregular and hard as he chased his own orgasm and fucked you through yours.  Your legs trembled underneath him, and you felt your core clenching him as waves of pleasure crashed through you.  He shouted your name and came too, shuddering against you before he collapsed on top of you.  He buried his head against your neck, and you felt his panting breath start to steady after a time. 
He raised his head to kiss you gently, then he gazed into your eyes.  “I love you,” he said solemnly, so you repeated it back to him just as serious.
Sonny pulled out then, and he disappeared for a moment to clean up and dispose of the condom.  When he returned, you had already turned down the bed and was tucked into his cool sheets.  He slid in beside you, and you laid your head on his chest and listened to his solid heart beating underneath you.
“You ready to go again?” you asked playfully, and he chuckled underneath you.
“It might take me a minute.  I’m not as young as I used to be.”
You propped yourself up on an arm and peered down at him.  “You mean to tell me that the man who drank Mountain Dew and played Rampage on one of our dates is an old man?”
“I didn’t say I was old,” he scoffed.  “I just said I wasn’t young.”
“Middle aged then.”
“Due for a midlife crisis,” you cut off.
“No, I…”
“Gonna buy a pony car, find a secretary to seduce…”
He responded with a growl, flipping you onto your back and kissing you to silence you.  He worked his mouth against you until you were breathless, and you felt him hardening against your hip.  He broke away and you smirked up at him.
“That didn’t take long,” you noted.
“You have that effect on me,” he replied, but he smiled down at you with a strange expression on his face, and he pushed an errant strand of hair out of your face.  “You do know I love you though, right?  I’m not just in this for the, uh, physical stuff.”
“The sex?”  You smiled to see him blush; he would probably always be an altar boy at heart.  “I know that, Sonny.”  You reached down and stroked him, savoring the feel of him stiffening in your hand.  “And I love you too.”
You pushed him onto his back and then crawled on top of him until you were straddling him.  “Let me show you how much I love you.”  And you did, that night – and every night after.  Not always physically, but you always made sure you told him – and showed him – how much you loved him.  And he did the same for you.
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 8 months
The Middle of Nowhere (Part 1)
AI-Less Whumptober 2023: 1, 27 (details at bottom) Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Reader (no relationships) Summary: Best friends Bradley and Jake arrive in a snowy forest for one of their monthly trips together. And now that everything is all set, it's time to let the fun begin... Word Count: 1523 TW: The warnings are in the tags and at the bottom of fic, but please avoid if possible due to spoilers Notes: This is the first part of a mini-series (linked below). I am EXTREMELY proud and excited about this series and hope you enjoy! Huge thank you to @loverhymeswith and @lorecraft for all of your help!💕 Part of @ailesswhumptober's event
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“Come on, man. I’m freezing my balls off out here.” Jake jams his hands into his jacket pockets as he bounces lightly on the balls of his feet, his breath pluming in front of his face. “Can’t we wait and do this during the day when it’s warmer?”
Pulling the Army surplus bag from the backseat of the pickup truck, Bradley rolls his eyes at his friend. “What, and increase the chances of someone stumbling across us? Don’t be stupid. Just be glad it’s a full moon so we can actually see what we’re doing. We don’t need a repeat of last time.”
“I told you we were starting too close to that cliff but, of course, no one ever listens to me,” Jake mutters under his breath, looking around the clearing. Then, louder, he says, “Can we at least build a fire or something? Just while we’re setting up or waiting for them to get here?”
“You know we can’t. Stop acting like this is our first time doing this and just help me already.”
But Jake ignores his request as he throws his hands up in the air. “Well, whose bright idea was it to do this where there’s snow? We could have planned a trip to Florida or Texas o-or California. You know, someplace warm where I can actually feel my fingers and the girls are still showing some skin. I swear, every person at that bar had at least four layers on and that one chick looked like the kid from A Christmas Story.”
Finally unable to put up with Jake’s whining any longer, Bradley hurls the bag at his feet. Jake scrambles back with a yelp, his eyes wide as he throws his hands over his face. But after a moment when he realizes the snow has cushioned the bag’s landing, he relaxes but glares at Bradley. “What the fuck, man?”
“First of all, dipshit,” Bradley says, stalking over to drive his finger into Jake’s chest. “It also snows in Texas and California. Second of all, we didn’t drive all the way to the middle of fucking nowhere just for you to drool over every pair of tits you see. You know the rules. No fucking random girls on these trips.”
“I wasn’t gonna fuck them. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting a little look—”
“And third of all, we decided to come up here because you were tired of the same old, same old, and proposed changing it up. You wanted more of a challenge than empty desert plains or summer mountainsides, so we said we would either try the snow or the swamp this time. But since you were too scared of gators—”
“I didn’t say scared, I said concerned—”
“Scared—we decided on snow. So if you have a problem, you have no one to blame but yourself.” Bradley jams his finger deeper into Jake’s chest before turning around and walking back to the truck. “Now, if you’re done complaining, we have work to do. And the sooner we get everything ready, the sooner we can have some fun.”
Jake swears under his breath, but this time he sulkily trudges over to help. Bradley gives him a small smile and a nod as he hands him another one of the bags. Jake could be a real pain in the ass when he wanted to be, but the two of them had been friends since the first day of college so Bradley had gotten used to it for the most part. And at the end of the day, there was no one else in the world he trusted more. Plus, with everything Bradley was dealing with at work and with his family, it was nice to be able to just get out in nature with his best friend and let off some steam every month or so. 
And, despite the cold, this location is perfect. The moon reflects off the fresh snow illuminating the area and the pale trees surrounding them stand like silent guards as the two men unload their supplies. Twenty miles or so from the nearest town, it is the ideal place to set up camp with little chance of being disturbed. 
Bradley closes his eyes and takes in the sounds of the forest around him: the rustle of the frosty wind, the soft creak of the trees as they shift and bend, the low hoot of an owl as it takes off somewhere in the distance. The only man-made noise that can be heard is the crunch of snow beneath Jake’s boots as he walks over to place his bag next to the one already lying on the ground. They couldn’t have asked for a better spot.
Though he wasn’t going to admit this to Jake at the moment, Bradley is excited at the prospect of trying this in the snow. For the past ten years or so, he and Jake and occasionally a few other friends had been organizing these trips. And while he still enjoyed each and every one of them, things had started feeling a bit repetitive. He wanted more of a challenge, an extra layer of excitement and thrill that he just wasn’t feeling anymore. And this feels like it might be just the thing to recapture that spark. 
They haven’t even finished unloading the truck and already Bradley can feel a crackle of energy in the air that usually isn’t there. It’s as if the entire forest is holding its breath, just waiting in anticipation for the real event to begin. 
And who was he to keep it waiting?
As Jake places the last bag on the pile, Bradley scans the surroundings one last time before giving it his nod of approval. “I think we’re good to go. We still have to wait for them to get here, but I don’t see why we can’t get things rolling until then.”
“It’s about fucking time!” Jake whoops loudly, charging over to the truck. 
“Idiot,” Bradley mumbles softly to himself as he shakes his head, yet he can’t deny the adrenaline pounding in his veins at the thought of what comes next. He had been waiting almost two months to do this again, and now the time had finally come.
Jake runs over to the truck's left so Bradley takes his place on the right. As they both rest their hands on the massive metal toolbox in the back of the truck, Bradley catches Jake’s eye. The blonde is grinning like an idiot and practically vibrating with excitement. Bradley smiles back, and on the count of three, they both open their side of the toolbox.
As the winter air rushes into the box bringing the falling snow softly floating down inside of it, you begin to stir with a low moan. The drugs Jake had slipped in your drink must be beginning to wear off. You shift slightly in your cramped container but the ropes tightly securing your hands and bare feet prevent much more than that. 
Bradley watches with rapt delight as you flinch at the cold kiss of snowflakes settling on your cheek and, with what seems like a great effort, your eyes drag themselves open. For a moment, you stare up at Bradley and he sees nothing but hazy confusion in your gaze. But as Jake comes around the truck to stand beside him, twirling one of his knives as he grins down at you, that delicious dread-filled look of terror blooms in your eyes and you begin thrashing around in the toolbox, pulling on your bonds. 
So predictable, and yet, Bradley never got tired of it. The fear and helplessness that radiated from their prey was like a drug to him with a high that no other experience could match. Already, he feels the endorphins and dopamine rush flooding his system and he hasn’t even laid a finger on you yet. But once he had…
You begin hollering for help at the top of your lungs, the sound muffled slightly by the wonderland of snow all around you. It’s an understandable response and one that each and every girl they had captured over the years had tried. However, this time something is different. This time there are no tears or sobs mixed in with the screams. There is still fear, yes, but along with it is a determination, a fire they had only ever seen in a handful of prey.
Jake chuckles and nudges Bradley, his knife spinning faster as he soaks in the screams that only the two of them will ever hear. Bradley nods back, knowing they are thinking the same thing. This one is special. This is going to be a hunt to remember.
Several minutes later as your voice grows hoarse and falters with the realization that no one is coming for you, you curl into yourself as much as the box will allow—as if that could save you from them.
Climbing up the side of the truck so he towers over you, Bradley smiles, his eyes roaming every inch of your body. “Well, hello there, sweetheart. Ready to have some fun?”
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Part 2 coming soon!
TW: Dark!Bradley, Dark!Jake, Locked Away, Drugged, Explicit Language, Hunted for Sport, Mentions of Past Kidnappings
Taglist: @green-socks, @heart-0n-fire, @mayhem24-7forever @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @sweetheartlizzie07, @wanderdreamer, @callsign-phoenix, @shanimallina87, @forever-sleepy-sloth, @notroosterbradshaw, @dezthegeek, @blessupblessup, @cherrycola27, @phoenix1389, @nicangelinee, @smells-like-perfect-senses, @boringusername3, @petlaufeyson, @cycbaby, @topguncortez, @footprintsinthesxn, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @writercole, @onebigfangirlworld, @wkndwlff, @ravenmoore14, @clancycucumber230, @mayhemmanaged, @kmc1989, @ohtobeleah, @sunlightmurdock, @roosterbruiser, @sparrows-corner, @ryebecca, @mads-weasley, @trencher4lyfe, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @je-suis-prest-rachel, @tellrock35, @shanimallina87, @mak-32, @blue-aconite, @deppresseddyslexic, @horneybeach1, @desert-fern, @withahappyrefrain
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