#i know i've been gone for a long time. i'm sorry
avatar-anna · 3 days
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i saw this post on and got inspired. enjoy!
"It was nice running into you."
"Yeah, yeah, you too. It was—I'm glad we could catch up."
You held your bag in both of your hands and leaned back on your heels, waiting for the sudden tension to cease. Harry scratched his neck awkwardly while you looked down at the cobbled streets beneath your shoes. When a minute passed and neither of you said anything, when two couples excised themselves to walk past you, you finally decided to break the silence.
"I'm headed this way."
"Me too. We can walk together?"
Harry extended his arm out, a clear message for you to go first, so you did. For a split second, his hand grazed your lower back in that protective gesture he always used to use when you walked anywhere. But that had been when you were together, and now you weren't, and even though his hand merely hovered awkwardly behind you, you swore you could still feel it.
"Your hair looks nice. I don't think I've ever seen it so short before," you said, needing to break the silence all over again before it consumed you.
"Thanks, I, uh, I shaved it a few months back. It's finally starting to grow in."
It must've been soon after your break up, you realized, quickly doing the math in your head. A change, a fresh start after the end of a long relationship. You understood that, knew neither of you needed to comment on it, or the fact that you no longer wore the necklace Harry bought you for your first anniversary, though you'd seen him glance down at the missing piece of jewelry multiple times since you ran into each other.
"It's cute," you said, resisting the intrusive urge to reach up and touch his hair, instead clasping your hands behind your back.
"Are you across the bridge?" Harry asked, gesturing to one of the many bridges that stretched across the Tiber.
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
Harry shrugged, the canvas bag on his shoulder slipping a fraction. "You always liked Trastevere."
You smiled, charmed by how Harry still seemed to know you so intrinsically. "And you? Are you staying in Prati?"
Harry shook his head before waving to a fan who had spotted him. He didn't stop, though, and kept walking beside you, asking about your family, specifically your grandmother, who was his Scrabble partner nearly the entirety of your relationship.
"Good. I play Scrabble with her on the weekends now. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm not a good enough opponent, but she'll never say it to my face."
"Graceful as always, your nan," Harry nodded in agreement. "Probably wouldn't say the same thing about chess, though."
"No, probably not. Do you still play?" you asked, tilting your head up to look at him.
He was so close, close enough that the sleeve of his green shirt grazed your bare arm. Close enough that if you really wanted it to the back of your hand could graze his. Instead you shifted your hand away.
"When I can," Harry said, his mouth twitching as if recalling a memory. "I've been focusing on writing most days, but I play whenever I'm stuck."
"How's that going?"
"How's work?"
"Sorry, go ahead," you said, blushing a little. Would it always be this awkward around him? You hoped not. Harry had been a friend first, and even though you knew you shouldn't,y you missed his companionship some nights. Lots of nights. Most nights.
"No, you go. Catch me up on all the latest drama at work."
So you did, falling back into familiar, neutral territory as you brought Harry up to speed on your co-workers.
Before long, you'd made it to the apartment you were renting, your palms suddenly warm as you searched your purse for your keys. You were stalling, you both knew it, but Harry didn't comment, nor did he leave, didn't offer any reason to finally say goodbye.
You knew this was where it was supposed to end. That a chance encounter with your ex in a foreign country really shouldn't have gone on this long. You knew that, and yet...
"Do you want to come in?" you asked, scrambling for any logical reason as to why Harry should follow you into your apartment. "I—I, uh, I could make us coffee and—"
"Please. I mean—Sure. That would be...that would be fine."
Relief flooded through you, though that was quickly replaced by a guilty sort of anticipation as you unlocked the door to the main building of the apartment, as Harry followed you up a couple flights of stairs, as he waited once again for you to unlock a door. When you were inside, when you set your things down on the small dining table, you turned to face your ex.
Harry's gaze was once again lowered to your collarbones, to the place where the necklace he gave you used to sit. Then he met your eyes, the expression in them clear. It was the first time you'd seen them since running into him today. He'd kept his sunglasses on the whole time, perhaps to hide his expressions more, because now that you properly met his gaze, you saw it all. Those green eyes you still loved so much betrayed his every thought, and you knew yours probably did as well.
It was hard to say who moved first. If you grabbed the front of Harry's shirt before he wrapped an arm around your waist and fisted your hair in his other hand. But none of it mattered when your mouth met his, when your hands traveled up to cup the sides of his face, your thumbs tracing the familiar planes of his face.
A graze of his teeth against your bottom lip had you gasping, had him smiling as if that was the exact reaction he'd been hoping for. You responded in kind by dragging your nails down his scalp, satisfied by the groan that vibrated against your mouth as his tongue caressed yours.
"This isn't—It's not—" you tried to say, losing focus as Harry left a trail of kisses from your jaw to the base of your neck and back up again. "This doesn't mean—"
"I know," Harry breathed, his forehead pressed against yours as he toyed with the bow that held the front of your blouse together. Your breath hitched as his knuckle grazed your exposed stomach. "This doesn't change anything. Now take this off."
You almost made him do it just because he ordered you to, but you knew why he wanted you to be the one to untie the knot of your blouse. It meant you were saying yes to this moment, it meant you were saying yes to doing whatever it was you were about to do.
So you pulled at the blouse until it came undone, leaving it open so it revealed a strip of bare skin going right up the middle of your body. The rest you would leave up to him.
Harry shrugged out of his own sweater and t-shirt before reaching out to push back the shoulders of your shirt until it was off completely, falling into a puddle of fabric at your feet beside his. His gaze alone was too much and not enough, more explicit than it had any right to be. He stood there and drank you in for a full minute as if in a daze, taking in every mark and imperfect like he was reacquainting himself.
It was hard to get the words out, but you managed. "Still broken up?"
"Yeah," Harry said, his eyes still roving over every inch of your body that he could see. Then he blinked as if remembering the situation for what it was. "Yeah, still broken up."
There wasn't much left to say after that, really.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 days
Here Without You
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- Based on song Here without you by three doors down, angst, fluff, sex, missionary, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, cock riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Gif Credit- Yooboobies
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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Opening the door to my apartment, silence greets me, my eyes tearing up
"Stop it", I whisper to myself, wiping my eyes
I need to stop crying all the time
It doesn't help
It doesn't bring him back
I just have to wait for him to come back
He will
When the tour's done, he'll be home again
Closing and locking the door, I go to our room to undress
I try to think of what I have to do before I can video call him
Cook something
Maybe watch a TV show or YouTube
Some thing to pass the time until he wakes up and can call me
He's in Texas now, so when he wakes up at 10 am, it's 1 am here
Luckily I don't have work tomorrow so I can sleep in
I've stayed up late every night since he went on tour three weeks ago so I can talk to him and I've gone to work exhausted
It doesn't matter though, he's worth it
Sighing, I throw my clothes in the hamper, then go to the bathroom to shower
I'm laying on the couch with the TV on for noise when my phone rings
Seeing the caller as "naekkeo", I immediately pick it up, his beautiful face filling my screen
"Hi jagi", he says softly, his sad brown eyes gazing at me
"Hi naekkeo", I answer, tears flooding my eyes
This tour has been particularly hard for us
It's the first one after our wedding
And the first one where I can't come to any of the overseas concerts
Not with this video game designer job I have now
I started it last year and the boss is an asshole
He gave me such a hard time to take off for my wedding and honeymoon even though I told the interviewer that I needed certain days off and was guaranteed them at hiring
I'm working on a major game now and I have endless meetings
The thing is I can do everything remotely but my boss is being such an ass, demanding that I come in for meetings
I'm one of three people that come in physically for meetings
The people from other departments come in virtually
Because they have other bosses who aren't pricks
This is the first time I haven't been with him at all on the tour and it's affecting both of us
He's already been gone for three torturous weeks
"How was the concert last night?", I ask, forcing the tears back
"It was good", he answers, his eyes wet, "ARMYS had fun"
"Did you have fun?", I ask
He nods, biting his lip as the tears spill over his eyes
"Naekkeo", I say softly
"I'm sorry", he says as he cries, "I just miss you"
I shake my head, my own tears falling, "I miss you too baby. Don't be sorry"
"I can't....I can't do this jagi. I need you"
I nod, wiping my eyes, trying to calm him down, "I need you too baby. It's just for a little bit"
"It's another six weeks jagi. I can't spend that long without you", he sobs, "We've never been apart this long. It's killing me"
I know exactly how he feels
"Me too naekkeo but there's nothing we can do. You have to be on the tour. I have to work. I wish I could be there, I want to be there with you", I say, more tears falling, making his image blurry, "I don't know how it can happen baby. It's torture for me too naekkeo"
He shakes his head, "I don't want to be here without you. I dream about you every night and when I wake up and you're not there it's devastating"
"I want to be with you naekkeo", I whisper, "So much. I dream about you too Yoongi and I miss you more than anything"
"I can't handle it", he sobs, "I can't sleep without you. I hate knowing you're not backstage waiting for me. I hate not seeing your smile. Hearing your voice. Holding you. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep doing this tour"
I really have no idea how he's supposed to do it either
I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going without him
Video calls, it's not enough
Like he said, I need to be in his arms, I need to feel him, hug him, kiss him
I can't do that through a screen
"We just have to keep counting down the days baby", I tell him, "Just get through each day at a time"
It sounds lame but there's nothing else I can think of to make this better
It's hard for both of us
He just shakes his head, wiping his eyes
"Tell me about the concert naekkeo", I ask him in a effort to distract us both, "What's the set list? What was your favorite part about this concert?"
He smiles sadly, knowing exactly what I'm doing
But he nods and begins talking
Three days later
I toss and turn in bed, trying it get comfortable
I can't sleep
I've been laying in bed for hours
I know it's because I wasn't able to talk to Yoongi tonight
BTS had a concert last night and when they have concerts he can't call me
I know they did a vlive too and he went to bed really late
He's probably exhausted and slept all day
I understand
I'm not mad, I know how he operates on concert days
On little to no sleep and he crashes all day the next day
I just miss him
As I'm turning again, I hear a noise
It sounds like it's coming from the front door
Like jiggling
I quiet down and listen hard
I hear the front door open and I'm immediately alert
The door shouldn't be opening
The only ones who have keys are me and Yoongi
And Yoongi is thousands of miles away
Carefully, I get up from the bed, tip toeing to the open door
Quietly, I leave the room, going out into the hallway, ready to run or fight if I need to
A figure steps into the long hallway from the living room and I gape, not sure I'm seeing who I'm seeing
"Yoongi?", I gasp
"Jagi", he whispers, starting to come to me
I don't think, my body immediately goes into a run towards him
I get to him in seconds, crashing into him as he picks me up, his lips immediately against mine
I kiss him desperately, so shocked he's here but so fucking happy and relieved
His arms hold me tightly, keeping me against him, my legs and arms locked around his waist and neck
I don't know how long we kissed for but for me it's never enough
When the kiss does end, I lean my forehead against his, just basking in him being home
"I missed you so much", I whisper
"I missed you jagi"
"How...how are you here naekkeo? Shouldn't you be in the U.S.?"
As much as I want him here, I don't want him to get into trouble
"I couldn't stay away from you a minute longer jagi", he tells me softly, "I just can't. I can't spend another six weeks away from you, Jo. I can't do it baby"
"I can't either naekkeo", I say, knowing exactly how he feels
Like everything is colorless, lifeless without him
"I think about you all day jagi. I miss you so fucking much it hurts. I hate that you're so far from me. I don't think I ever cried so much from being away from you"
I know
This whole time has been so fucking hard, so heartbreaking
I want him to be on tour, I know how much he loves performing, I just hate that he has to be away from me to do it
"It's the same for me baby", I tell him, "I just want you so much it hurts. I want you to be able to perform naekkeo but I don't want you to be away"
"I don't want to be away either jagi"
"What are we going to do baby?", I ask, worried
He's here now but he can't stay
He has the rest of the tour to do, his ARMYS are counting on him
"You're coming back with me", he says
"Yoongi", I start, "My job naekkeo"
The stupid reason I had to stay behind
There was no way my boss would let me take two months off to go with him
"I called him jagi", he tells me, "I spoke to your boss and after a lot of convincing and proving who I was, he agreed to let you have the time off for the rest of the tour"
I gape at him, in shock
My asshole boss caved to Yoongi?
What did Yoongi say to him?
"You won't be paid for the time jagi but it doesn't matter. We have enough money"
"That's your money Yoongi"
He shakes his head, "You keep saying that jagi but it's not. It's ours. You're my wife, the love of my life, everything that's mine is yours from even before we were married baby. You know you don't even have to work jagi but you insist on it"
Of course I do
I'm not a mooch
Just because he's rich doesn't mean I can spend his money
I was never with him for the money or the potential money as we met in high school and have been together since then, when we were both broke
He works hard, he sacrificed in the beginning of BTS, the money and success he has is because of him
I even offered to sign a pre-nup before we got married and he was actually offended I even suggested it
He declined it, shocking me and he always maintains that the money and everything that comes from it is ours
"You know you don't jagi. You know I would give you anything you ask for, do anything for you", he says softly, "And I'm good with you wanting to work baby but I need you with me. I can't go back without you. Please jagi, say you'll come with me. Please"
"Of course I'm going to come with you", I whisper, running my fingers in his black hair, "Even if I had to quit, find another job after the tour, I would come naekkeo. I can't be apart from you any more baby. I need you"
His entire body relaxes as he breathes in relief
"Ok jagi. Thank you"
"Shh baby, don't thank me. Just like you, I'll do anything for you naekkeo, give you anything you want", I assure him, "I want to be wherever you are. And if you have to be in the U.S. I'm going with you"
He nods, "Ok jagi. I love you"
"I love you Yoongi"
His lips press against mine, my heart filling with utter joy that he's here
He carries me to our room, laying me on the bed, his lips never leaving mine
He moves next to me, my body turning to his, our arms around each other
I kiss him passionately, falling into him after weeks of missing him
His kiss is everything, his arms around me is heaven
He's my everything, my world
The kiss becomes heated, his tongue against mine, our hands desperately touching each other
"I missed you", I murmur between kisses while pulling his shirt up
Her separates from me long enough to get his shirt off mine following
"I missed you too, you have no idea"
"I do naekkeo, I missed you just as much"
He smiles his gorgeous smile right before kissing me, his hand slowly pulling down my pj pants and panties
Once they're off, I slide my hands down his sweatpants, getting them and his boxers off
I want him so badly
Three weeks of no physical contact is catching up to us
He moves on top of me, laying between my open legs, his warm smooth skin right against mine
His forehead leans against mine as I move my arms around him, my hand on his back, slowly running my palms up and down, feeling him
He moans softly, his skin trembling under my hands
I slide my hands up, moving over and along his strong shoulders, up his neck, sinking my fingers in his soft hair
We shift slightly, our lips against each other's, kissing desperately
I feel his length at my entrance and I drop my hands to his hips, pulling him closer to me
He takes the hint, his cock sliding inside, my pussy stretching around his thick shaft, pleasure tingling throughout every cell of my body
He whimpers into the kiss as he pushes in inch by inch, my pussy getting wetter and wetter, impaling me on his huge thick dick
My body arches from the pleasure, letting him slide in faster, bottoming out quicker, his head nestled against my spot
I shiver under him, squeezing his cock involuntarily hard
"Fuck", he groans, moving his arm around my waist and holding me against him, "You feel so good jagi. Always so tight for me. So wet"
"Mmm", I murmur, shivering against his lips that found their way to my neck, "And you feel good naekkeo. So hard, all the fucking time"
I purposely clench around his cock, his moan so hot as I enjoy the hard feeling of him buried inside me
"You make me this way jagi", he whimpers, "Fuck, anything you do turns me on. If I could stay inside you all fucking day, I would"
I giggle, kissing the top of his head, "I'd definitely let you baby"
I happen to really enjoy having him inside my pussy
Even if we're just laying here
We don't have to have sex
Cock warming is a huge thing with us, it's something we both love
He lifts his head from my neck, smiling, then kissing me softly
I fall into his kiss as he begins to move, slowly pulling out a little bit then slamming back inside
His head hits my spot, stars blasting in my vision, every nerve on my body alive and electrified
With every stroke he pulls out more and more, until he pulls out to his head, then buries back inside me
He moves at a good pace, fucking me into the bed and my head is in the clouds from the sheer pleasure
He press kisses against every inch of skin he can, my body trembling under his lips
His hand slides slowly up my body from my waist, up my arm, his hand taking mine, intertwining our fingers
I close my hand around his, holding on tightly
His other arm is next to my head, leaning on it as he moves, thrusting into my pussy again and again
"Yoongi", I moan in bliss, closing my eyes as I just feel him
Feel his body against mine, his skin against mine, his cock moving inside me
I'm loving every single second of it
Each smack against my spot brings me closer, my legs tighting around his waist, my pussy throbbing around his cock hard
I'm so hot and sweaty, panting for breath, my fingers digging into his back, my other hand clenching his
"You're so fucking beautiful", he whispers
I open my eyes to find him looking down at me, watching, love pouring from his eyes, "My God, I'm so fucking lucky you're mine"
I smile shyly, "No naekkeo, I'm so lucky you're mine. I love you"
"I love you Jo", he murmurs, his lips finding mine
His kiss combined with him sliding back into me, right into my spot, have me shaking and coming on his thick cock
"Yoongi", I moan between kisses, the intense pleasure washing over me, my pussy clenching around him hard
He moans, his hips not stopping, rolling into me, fucking me through my orgasm
As the pleasure fades, I relax into the bed, Yoongi kissing all over my body as he pulls out
My skin jumps with every press of his lips, his hot kisses feeling so fucking good
He kisses my lower stomach, my hand finding its way into his damp hair, tangling in the strands
He moves down slowly, now pressing kisses against my pussy, pushing my legs wide open
I feel his tongue on me, licking up slowly, my body shivering in bliss
He groans loudly, his tongue moving a bit faster, "So fucking good"
"Yoongi", I whine, feeling so fucking good
My god, I missed this, missed him
His hands grip my legs tightly, his tongue dipping into my hole, my pussy clenching down on it immediately
He licks out and up, his tongue rolling over my clit, my body arching from the increased pleasure swarming over me
His tongue slides back down, circling my hole before dipping in, shoving as much in as he can, then pulling out, sliding up and flicking my clit
He repeats the motions over and over, my cunt getting wetter with every move of his talented tongue
I know I'm completely soaking his face and I know he loves it
"My baby tastes so good", he groans, tongue swirling around my clit, driving me fucking insane, "My baby's pussy is so fucking good. So fucking sweet"
God, he's so hot
The way he's so into eating me out makes everything feel ten times better
I like knowing that he really enjoys doing it instead of feeling like he has to
His tongue move faster, all over my clit, my hips moving on their own, fucking his face, knowing that this is another thing he loves
"Yes baby, fuck yes", he urges, "Don't stop jagi"
His mouth wraps around my clit, sucking hard and I scream his name, squirting a little on his face
"Mmm", he moans, his mouth moving faster, slurping around my clit, the pleasure so fucking intense, my entire body is shaking and my head is empty
I tug his hair tightly, his next suck sending me straight into a mind shattering orgasm
"Yoongi!", I scream, coming on his face, his tongue driving right into my hole, his mouth sucking and swallowing my cum
I can't think, don't know which way is up, all I can do is ride the waves of bliss
It's so intense, so mind numbingly pleasurable
God, Yoongi is the king of oral
His licking slows down as I finish, his eyes already on me when I look down at him
He smirks, kissing my inner thigh, his tongue licking up my cunt one more time
"So good jagi"
I sit up just as he does and I move closer to him, kissing him hard
His tongue moves in my mouth as I climb in his lap, pushing him down on the bed
I follow, kissing him silly, running my fingers in his sweaty hair
He moves me over his length and I sit, taking him in immediately
I'm so wet, I slide all the way down his cock so easily, moving my hips to rock on him
His hands grab my ass, holding on as his hips lift, keeping his cock as deep as he can inside me while I grind on him
Breaking the kiss, I lean on his shoulders, starting to bounce softly on his cock
"Fuck jagi", he groans, his fingers digging into my skin, "Fuck"
"God Yoongi", I cry, his cock spreading my pussy so deliciously, tingles are running up my spine, "So good baby, so fucking good"
He nods, his eyes glued on me as I ride him faster, harder, "Fuck baby, that pussy looks so good on my dick. Creaming my cock so much, it's pouring out of you"
It is, I can feel it, all over this cock, all over his lap, the sticky feeling making me so horny
"Mmm do you hear how loud your pussy is?", he asks as I indeed hear how loud the squelching is, "Fuck, missed me this much?"
"Yes naekkeo", I moan, grinding down on his cock when I take him all in, his head rubbing my spot, making my body shiver, "Missed you so fucking much"
"Missed you too jagi", he groans
"I know", I smirk, his throbbing cock so stiff inside my cunt, "I feel how much you missed me"
He smiles his gorgeous smile, his eyes travelling from my pussy up my body to my face
"So pretty baby", he says softly, "So good at riding my cock"
I smirk, nodding, our skin slamming together loudly with every move, "You know how much I love riding you"
He nods
It's our favorite position, the one we fuck in the most
I don't know, my legs do get tired sometimes but it takes awhile for that to happen and when it does, I still don't stop
I can get him in so much deeper, bounce on him, rock or grind on his dick
And he can fuck me too so it's not just me always fucking him
The best part, for me, is that I get to watch him
Watch him in pleasure, watch him cum
He's so fucking beautiful it's insane
And that's what I do now
Looking down at him, watching him in pleasure, the sight such a fucking turn on
His eyes closed, his head pushed back into the pillow, his mouth slightly open, breathing hard, his hair wet with sweat, his fingers digging into my hips, sweat shortening on his skin as he whimpers my name, begging me to not stop in his sexy voice
He's so fucking stunning without even trying
And he's all mine
Leaning down, I whisper in his ear, "Cum for me naekkeo"
"Oh god, fuck", he groans, holding my hips hard and thrusting up, meeting my bounces, sliding deep inside
We move together, fucking each other, both of us getting fucked out and desperate to cum, moaning loudly
"Yoongi! Yoongi!", I cry, unbelievable ecstacy slamming into every crevice of my body as he fucks me into an earth shattering orgasm
"Fuck Joanne! Jagi!", he cries, his cock pulsing, his warm cum filling me, his body shaking under me
I force my eyes open and watch the complete ethereal sight of him orgasming
I never want to miss seeing this
I rock on his cock, making the pleasure last a little longer for both of us, our bodies relaxing as the bliss so slowly leaves
I move off him but don't go far, snuggling in his arm, my head on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat
His fingers run slowly up and down my back, giving me shivers
"When do we have to leave tomorrow?", I ask
He looks down at me, smiling, "Don't worry jagi, I got a later flight. 5 pm"
"Oh thank God", I giggle
He laughs, "I knew you'd want to spend as much time in bed together as you can"
I raise my eyebrow, "As if you don't want that either"
"Of course I want that baby", he agrees, "We can slack off for awhile, then I'll help you pack and we can go"
"Back to Texas?"
"California", he answers
I nod, "Ok"
"Ok", he nods
I gaze in his beautiful dark brown eyes, reaching up and running my fingers in his hair, "I love you so much Yoongi"
"I love you so much Jo. So fucking much"
I know he does
I'm so lucky to have found someone who loves me as much as I love them
Yoongi is the best thing that has ever happened to me
He's my everything
I lean closer, my lips against his in a soft loving kiss
His arms hold me tightly as he kisses me back and I'm so glad he came back for me
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welcomedepression · 6 hours
Cw: 18+ Only! MDNI! Smut!
"The rain is coming down hard. It looks like we'll be spending the night in this cave." I sigh and sit down on the hard ground.
Ghost looks around. "We have no choice.." he sits down beside you, the sound of the rain is loud, the air is damp, and the rocks are slick
"Why are you so distant?" I look at him. it's a question that has been plaguing my mind.
He stays  silent for a moment, his mask covering any emotion that may be displayed. His face, he finally answers you in a monotone, cold voice. "I've seen a lot of things. Some people would break if they saw what I had."
"I understand that, I just wish you weren't so cold towards me, I hate when you make me feel like I'm not a part of the squad." I sigh, but my eyes never leave his.
he gets up and paces around. He's breathing heavily, he's fighting some kind of internal battle, then he finally sits down again. "i can't...... i can't get close to you, i cant do it. "
"What about Captain Soap? Don't you trust him?" I look at him curious.
He hesitates. "Yes, but.. something about you.. I can't figure it out.." He looks away, his cold eyes hidden by the shadow of his mask.
"What do you mean by that?" I was confused.
he looks at you, he's looking at you with eyes of pain, pain he hasnt let out. "I- i dont know,  i feel like i could trust you, but i've been hurt before."
"Don't let fear dictate your actions. I'm sorry if I came on too strong, but I know you can trust me." I smiled and pat his shoulder.
he looks at the ground. "I don't think you know the weight of what you're saying,  the pain i've gone through. It's made me like this." He gestures at himself.
"I know, but you're not alone." I squeeze his hand.
He sighed, "Do you mind if I remove my mask?"
"Go ahead, it's just us two." I smiled.
He reaches up and take off his mask, he turns to look at me, his brown eyes meet yours, there's a small scar above my left eyebrow, his hair is messy, voice is still monotone and cold. "There we go, better?"
"Your hair is messy. "I chuckled.
He rolled his eyes playfully "yeah, I know, I was attacked by a tiger, then I had to get out of a cave and then run all the way here, I didn't have time to brush it!" He chuckled along with you. His eyes still are cold and distant, but they're not as emotionless as before.
Asmile breaks across my face as I laugh, "You're bad at lying."
He laughs, "Yeah, yeah, I'm a liar, but at least I'm a funny liar, unlike Captain Soap, he's got no humor." He teases.
"We should start a fire and get out of these wet clothes." *I was shivering."
We started a fire and a makeshift clothes line.
Slowly undressing, I stopped midway as I looked at ghost, my eyes widened with horror, half of his muscular body was molted, reddish, purple hue overshadows his light skin.
"Oh my god, ghost! Your scars!" He looked over at me, at my reaction. He wonders if I'm disgusted.
Ghost looks away, "I-its fine, please dont worry about it."
"I'm sorry to pry, it's just i've never seen so many scars on someone before.. it must've been hell." I look at him with a face of disdain.
Ghost sighs, "It's a long story, but yes, I've experienced a lot. It's made me who I am today."
my fingertips brushed over the molted flesh, the uneven flesh is taut and slightly bumpy. "They're beautiful, all of them, every inch of you."
He suddenly freezes. He's shocked that you'd call such horrible scars beautiful.
I replaced my fingertips with my lips, kissing the delicate skin, slightly gliding my tongue across the disfigured chest. "Beautiful"
Ghost is stunned by the sudden action. "w-why?.. I'm all.. broken, scarred, not good-looking, I'm a mess."
"You're the only man that I want to be with." I kiss his from his collarbone up to his neck, nipping at his flesh.
Ghost blushes, "You really think that?.. I've never been good enough for anyone."
I kiss his cheek, "You're perfect to me." I place a hand behind his head and pull him in, kissing him passionately.
he kisses back, his heart beating like crazy "I-I thought, you'd find me disgusting."
I pull away slightly, looking up into his eyes
"There's not a single part of you that isn't beautiful."
Ghost hesitates, then pulls you in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Suddenly, I feel my back make contact with the damp ground. I run my hands up and across his chest, sharing a passionate kiss.
Our bodies are one, as our moans fill the cave like a choir as the rain plays like a symphony, The undeniable pleasure rocks both of us to our core. Ghost spread my legs wide open so that his thrusts would go deeper and deeper as I moaned and whimpered.
"Slow down, we have all night."
He didn't slow down. Ghost loved rough sex.
Making sure I'd feel ever inch of his throbbing hard cock stretching my tight velvet walls.
"You're so tight, fuck!" Ghost grunted, not long before I felt the jagged ground of the cave digging into my knees as he fucks me behind in doggy style, having a fistful of my hair as he slaps my ass periodically.
As time progress so did our urge to climax, holding onto him tightly as we reached our peak together, collapsing against his chest.
Ghost smiles as he pulls you back into a kiss, and he whispers, "Promise one thing, y/n."
"Yes, what is it?" I look into his eyes, wondering what he wanted me to promise.
Ghost looks you in the eyes. He seems serious, the smile gone from his face, his voice low and serious. "If anything ever happened, if I was gone or hurt, or something, you'd never leave me, right?
"I promise, whatever happens, you're stuck with me." I whisper.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Simon."
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hookhausenschips · 4 hours
Tangled In My Soul {JB22}
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: Y/N struggled with feelings of loneliness and public scrutiny while waiting for Jenson, but during their drive home, he reassured her of his love and commitment. They spent the evening reconnecting emotionally and physically, finding solace and happiness in each other's presence.
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Y/N was sitting in the car park outside of the Sky Studios where Jenson had been working all week when he got out of the building and walked towards the car. He had been gone since Monday morning and they hadn't really spoken much over the weekend, it had been hectic with him traveling up north to see his family and then having to go back down south for work again.
She could feel herself getting more and more angry every day that went past, especially since she knew he would be talking about her on the television. She didn't like hearing other people talk about her behind closed doors let alone millions of people watching her live. She knew it was something he couldn't avoid but it still hurt.
She tried not to take it personally but sometimes it was hard, she wasn't used to this kind of attention. She wasn't even sure if she wanted this kind of attention.
Jenson sat next to her and kissed her cheek before opening the door for her. They both climbed into the car and buckled up before starting their drive home. It was always so quiet during these drives.
“How did it go today?” Y/N asked breaking the silence between them.
“Fine, just another day at the office.” Jenson replied looking over at her. “How have you been?”
“I've been fine thanks. I’ve missed you.” Y/N said giving him a smile and leaning over to kiss his lips softly. He smiled back and placed his hand on top of hers.
They carried on driving in silence for a few minutes until Jenson spoke again. “I know it’s been hard this week and I’m sorry for leaving you alone for so long, we don’t get many chances to spend time together anymore.” He looked over at her again. “And I know it’s difficult to hear everyone talking about you all the time, it must be hard.”
“It’s okay Jens, you can't help it. It’s your job after all. But I do miss spending time with you.” Y/N gave him a little smile.
“I know you do. We should go somewhere nice soon, get away from everything and relax. Maybe we could even try and make some memories.” Jenson smiled back at her and turned his head to look ahead onto the road.
Y/N nodded but didn’t say anything else, she could feel her eyes starting to fill with tears. She didn’t want to cry in front of Jenson but she also felt like she needed to let it out, she was just so upset.
“Hey what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Jenson reached across the seat and placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently.
Y/N sniffed trying to fight back the tears. “I-it’s nothing I’m just a bit sad that’s all.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.
“Don’t cry please, it’ll only make things worse. You can tell me what’s going on, I won’t judge you.” Jenson squeezed her thigh slightly, trying to reassure her.
Y/N wiped the tears away from her face and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. “I’m just tired of people making fun of me all the time, saying things about us because of our age difference and that I'm only here because of who you are. It hurts me, it hurts me so much. I love you and I know you love me too but I just wish people would stop hurting me like this.”
Jenson pulled over to the side of the road and put his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Listen to me Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully.”
“Yes, yes.” Y/N sniffed again and wiped the last remaining tears away.
“I love you more than anything else in this world, you mean everything to me. I would do anything for you. And I know what it feels like to have people say bad things about you all the time, I know how it makes you feel. So trust me when I say that those people don't matter, they are nothing compared to what we have.” Jenson stroked her hair and ran his thumb along the back of her neck. “I know it’s hard but you can't let them get to you, you have to ignore them or else they will win.”
Y/N nodded slowly, taking in everything he said. “But I just want people to like me, I want them to accept me and understand why we are together.”
“That’s not going to happen anytime soon Y/N, no matter what happens or what you do people will always find something to say about us. Even if we were perfect they would still find something.” Jenson kissed the top of her head and rested his chin on top of it. “So please stop worrying about what other people think about us, focus on what matters most; us.”
“But I'm scared of losing you Jens, I don’t want you to leave me.” Y/N buried her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around him.
“Oh darling, you will never lose me. You are the most important thing in my life right now and I wouldn’t ever dream of leaving you, you mean too much to me for that.” Jenson rubbed her back soothingly. “I promise I will never leave you, you are stuck with me forever.” He laughed lightly and kissed her forehead.
Y/N lifted her head off his chest and smiled at him, “I love you Jens.”
“I love you too, my angel.” He smiled back at her and leaned forward to kiss her lips. Their lips moved against each other softly and lovingly as they enjoyed the moment. After a while they broke apart and Jenson started the engine again.
 “We should probably get going, we don’t want to be late for dinner tonight.”
“Yeah, I’m hungry.” Y/N grinned and snuggled up close to him as he started driving again.
They drove back home in silence but it wasn’t awkward this time. There was no tension between them, just pure happiness and contentment.
* * *
When they arrived back at their house they went straight through to the kitchen and started cooking dinner together. Jenson was making spaghetti bolognese while Y/N was making garlic bread. It was one of their favorite meals to cook together, they both loved Italian food and it was easy enough for either of them to make.
They chatted happily as they cooked, sharing stories about their days and laughing together. They both enjoyed spending time together like this, it was rare for them both to have free time at the same time so when they did they made the most of it.
After finishing their meal they cleaned up the dishes and then headed upstairs to their bedroom. They changed into their pajamas and climbed into bed together under the covers. They lay facing each other on opposite sides of the mattress and held hands tightly as they watched TV.
Jenson turns and looks at Y/N, his eyes memorizing every detail about the woman who has held him captivated in every waking moment since they met. Y/N looks up and blushes at the attention. "What are you staring at?" she whispered. 
Jenson smiles and reaches over to run his fingers through her hair. "My beautiful girl," he murmurs. "I am simply admiring my favorite view."
Y/N blushes deeper and leans into his touch. "Are you going to stare at me all night?" she teases.
Jenson laughs and shakes his head. "No, my dear," he replies. "There is something else I intend to do instead."
Y/N arches an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? What might that be?"
Jenson grins mischievously and sits up. He moves over to sit beside her and begins to undress her. "Well," he says, "I want to show you exactly how much you mean to me."
Y/N watches as he removes her clothes, leaving her in nothing but her panties and bra. He runs his hands over her body, caressing her skin and causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. She shivers with pleasure. "You're so beautiful," he whispers.
Y/N smiles and leans into his touch. "Thank you," she breathes. "You're not so bad yourself."
Jenson laughs and pulls her close, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. His tongue dances with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. Y/N moans into his mouth, her body responding to his touch.
Jenson breaks the kiss and looks down at her, smiling. "You're absolutely stunning," he murmurs. "And I'm going to treat you like the queen that you are."
Y/N blushes and looks down, feeling shy. "Thank you," she whispers.
Jenson kisses her forehead before he began his descent below, kneeling between Y/N's spread legs. He leans down and presses his lips against her clit, flicking it with his tongue. Y/N gasps and arches her back, pushing her hips up against his mouth.
Jenson chuckles and continues licking her, using his hands to massage her breasts. Y/N moans louder, her breathing becoming ragged. "Oh god," she pants. "Jensen... fuck!"
Jenson starts sucking harder on her clit and massaging her breasts more forcefully. Y/N cries out and wraps her legs around his head, holding him against her. "I'm gonna cum," she gasps. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum!"
Jensen continues pleasuring her, his tongue working furiously as he brings her to orgasm. Y/N screams as she cums, her juices flowing freely onto his tongue.
He climbs back onto the bed and straddles Y/N, pressing his cock against her entrance. "Ready?" he asks.
Y/N nods and spreads her legs wider, inviting him inside her. Jenson pushes himself into her wet heat, groaning as he fills her completely. "Darling I don't think I'll ever get over this feeling."
Y/N gasps and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder. "Mmm," she moans. "That feels so good."
Jenson smiles, "Yeah?' as he slowly drags his cock in and out of her tight pussy. "You're so fucking beautiful," he grunts. "You feel amazing."
He wanted to take her apart slowly. 
He wanted her to be able to remember this night forever.
He wanted to make sure that she remembered that she was his. That she belonged to him, and only him.
Tonight was about making love. Not fucking.
Jenson pushed himself in and out of Y/N's wetness, moving faster as she began to moan and writhe beneath him. He leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with hers as he continued thrusting into her.
"Fuck," she gasped. "You feel so good."
Jenson smiled against her lips, "Good?" He asked, before kissing her again. "I thought you were going to say something better than that."
"You're being ridiculous." Y/N pouted.
"Am I?" Jenson raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to prove it?" He asked, smirking.
"Prove it? Prove what?" Y/N frowned.
Jensen laughed, "That you're not the only one who can give you orgasms." He leaned down and sucked on her nipple, his hands gripping her hips as he continued pumping into her.
Y/N cried out, her head falling back against the pillow. "Oh god, Jens..."
"Shh," Jenson soothed, kissing her throat as he thrust harder. "Just enjoy it baby."
Y/N moaned and threw her head back, arching her back as she welcomed him inside her. "Harder!" She cried. "Please!"
Jenson complied, pounding into her with renewed vigor. He could feel her walls clenching around his cock, squeezing him tightly. "That's it, baby..." He growled. "Take it all!"
He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. Y/N moaned into his mouth as he began thrusting into her harder and faster. He gripped her hips tightly and pounded into her relentlessly, his balls slapping against her ass.
Y/N cried out as the pressure built inside her, her walls contracting around his shaft. She came hard, screaming his name as her juices flowed out onto his cock. Jenson groaned and continued thrusting into her, drawing out her orgasm. Jenson slowed his pace, allowing her to recover before finally pulling out of her.
Finally, he released her hips and collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. Y/N lay beside him, trembling and covered in sweat. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as they recovered from their intense session.
"Wow," Y/N said, finally able to speak again. "That was incredible."
Jensen chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, "but we're not done yet." He rolled over and pinned her to the bed, looking down at her hungrily.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked, surprised.
Jensen grinned, "I mean that I'm not finished with you yet. I plan on showing you all night just how much I love you." He lowered his head and kissed her collarbone, then trailed his tongue down her stomach. He paused to nip at her navel before continuing further down.
Y/N gasped as his mouth found its way to her core. His tongue flicked over her clit, sending delicious waves of pleasure through her body. She arched her back, pushing herself against his mouth.
Jensen chuckled against her skin and continued eating her out, alternating between licking and sucking her clit. He slid a finger inside her, pumping it in and out slowly as he worked on bringing her to climax.
Y/N moaned and writhed beneath him, her hands gripping the sheets tightly. "Oh god..." She whimpered. "Don't stop... please don't stop!"
Jensen chuckled again, "As if I would ever stop," he murmured against her skin. He added another finger, scissoring them inside her as he licked her clit faster and harder.
Y/N screamed as she came, her walls contracting tightly around his fingers. Jenson groaned and continued pleasuring her, drawing out her orgasm as he brought her to climax once again.
Finally, he removed his fingers and crawled up her body, positioning himself above her. "Now," he said, "let's finish what we started earlier." He leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. Jenson smiled against her lips and began thrusting into her again.
"My darling, you will never be unloved by me. You are too well tangled with my soul." Jenson said as he slowly thrusted in and out  of Y/N, looking down at her with adoration. "You are my sunflower."
Y/N smiled at him, "And you are mine," she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
Jensen smiled against her lips, "Of course I am," he murmured, "I'll always be yours."
They kissed passionately for several minutes before breaking apart to catch their breath. Y/N smiled up at him, "I love you so much, Jens."
Jenson smiled back at her, "And I love you more than anything, my darling." He leaned down and kissed her again, slower this time.
Y/N sighed contentedly, "That was amazing." She murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.
Jenson chuckled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, "but we're not done yet." He leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. Jenson smiled against her lips and began thrusting into her again, picking up where they left off.
They fucked for hours, pausing only to catch their breath before resuming their passionate lovemaking. Finally, they collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but satisfied. Jenson wrapped his arms around Y/N and held her close, kissing her forehead tenderly.
"I love you," he whispered. "More than anything in the world."
Y/N smiled up at him, "And I love you too," she murmured, "more than words can express."
Jenson smiled back at her, "Goodnight, my darling." He whispered. "Sleep tight."
Y/N yawned sleepily and snuggled up against him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. "Goodnight," she murmured. "Sweet dreams."
Jenson chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Sweet dreams indeed," he whispered. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their perfect future together.
* * *
Bonus; Y/N woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She stretched languidly, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight streaming in through the windows.
She glanced over at Jenson, who was still asleep beside her. She smiled and leaned over to kiss him gently on the cheek.
Jenson stirred and opened his eyes, smiling at her. "Good morning," he said sleepily.
Y/N snuggled closer to him, savoring the peaceful moment. "Good morning," she whispered back. "Did you sleep well?"
Jenson nodded, wrapping his arm around her. "Yeah, I did. How about you?"
"Perfectly," she replied, resting her head on his chest. "I love waking up next to you."
He kissed the top of her head. "Me too."
The two of them lay there for a few more minutes, enjoying the tranquility before the day fully began. Eventually, Y/N sighed and sat up, looking down at Jenson with a playful grin. "What do you want for breakfast?"
Jenson chuckled. "Surprise me."
Y/N got out of bed and padded to the kitchen, her mind buzzing with possibilities. She decided to make pancakes, knowing they were one of Jenson's favorites. As she whisked the batter, she hummed softly, feeling a sense of contentment she hadn't felt in a long time.
Jenson joined her a little while later, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Smells amazing," he murmured into her ear.
She turned her head to kiss him on the cheek. "Almost ready. Can you set the table?"
"Of course," he replied, grabbing the plates and cutlery.
They worked together seamlessly, the kitchen filled with the sounds of laughter and the clinking of dishes. As they sat down to eat, Y/N felt a surge of happiness, grateful for the simple yet perfect moments like these.
After breakfast, they decided to take a walk in the park. The fresh air and the vibrant colors of spring invigorated them. They held hands, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.
When they returned home, Jenson pulled Y/N close and looked into her eyes. "I don't know what the future holds," he said softly, "but as long as we're together, I know it'll be amazing."
Y/N's heart swelled with love. "I feel the same way," she said, kissing him deeply. "Here's to many more mornings like this."
JB22 Taglist: @tallrock35, @yourbane, @lightdragonrayne, @evie-119, @asparklysoul, @miarabanana
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery
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mamaz00m · 2 days
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It's been ten literal years.
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It's about time I finish what I started.
I've been gone so long that I don't even know what Boosh fandom is like anymore. I don't know how active it is, I don't know who all is still hanging around. Really I can only hope that by posting this to AO3, anyone who is subscribed to me will see this update and be happy that the story is finally complete.
This story's incomplete status has haunted me for years. I met my best friend through Boosh fandom in the LiveJournal days (RIP--I have fully lost my login for that site) and since I moved in with her in June of 2019, she has stayed on top of my ass about finally completing this fic.
As you'll all know, I wrote and posted two chapters in 2019 (as well as two one-shots for this universe) with the harassment of my bestie and cheerleading from @cle-o-pat-ra, whom I own an apology to for falling off the face of the planet once the pandemic hit.
I had a real All Eyes On Me moment in 2020. Without getting too much into it, after years of dealing with mental health issues which led to me becoming a shut-in, I moved across country to be with my best friend. I started going out, I started making friends. I started finally living. And then Covid happened and I went off the rails a bit. Quite a bit.
It took some work, but I am doing a lot better now.
So what prompted this return?
Ironically, it was watching GBBO with Bestie over dinner each night. We subscribed to Netflix just to watch it this year. It was seeing Noel--smiley, cheeky, and only just now finally beginning to show any signs of aging--that made my heart clinch.
I found myself wondering what Gabe would be up to at Noel's current age. How Eli is doing.
I realized I missed these characters desperately.
I can only hope you did, too.
Because I have tentative plans for the future...
I'm going to tag the folks I can remember enjoying this fic back when I was more active in the fandom. And I'll be around, in case me showing up like this stirs up any big feelings.
Thank you all for showing so much patience towards me. For loving these characters and playing in this space with me for ten long years. I've missed this world and I've missed you.
@culumacilinte @arbeaone @azurfemme @littleredchucks @radiumkind @oblong-goblin @the-stoned-ranger @pussywhang @concupiscence66
And of course, giant, massive thanks to @derangedficrecs / @derangedbutterfly for being this fic's beta for over half the chapters before my life got so hectic and...well, I owe you an apology too. I'm sorry.
Raise Hell. Chapter 21: THE WORLD
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borahaerhy · 7 months
Sorting the BTS Members into Hogwarts Houses bc I can
My credentials: I have two hyper fixations in my life, the only two things I actually care about, the only two things I spend all day and night thinking about and they are: Harry Potter and BTS.
Without further ado, here is how I would sort them
Jung Hoseok: Hufflepuff
Where tf else would he go
Sweetie pie
Always trying to be nice to everyone and make everyone seem loved and appreciated 
Possibly a stoner 
OBSCENELY humble and cool 
Mom Friend™
Min Yoongi: Slytherin
Smart as fuck
Knows what he’s good at and doesn’t need any validation whatsoever 
Not unwilling to cheat in order to win a game 
Along that note: Competitive 
EXTREMELY prideful in where he came from
Kim Seokjin: Gryffindor (?)
Cool Guy™
Funny, class clown type 
Studies well, but prefers to do just about anything else 
Competative, but moreso in theory
Like he goes to all the quidditch matches and screams so loudly for his team, and talks made shit on whoever they’re playing against, but would never actually play the sport. 
Overly Confident 
I could literally see him being sorted into any of the houses and it making sense. 
Sure, he’s a chill guy. 
Prefers to spend his time relaxing rather than doing things
Has known how to sneak into the kitchens since first year, and does it almost nightly. 
Why not? He’s smart and works hard 
Dad jokes are basically cheesy riddles, so he can get into the common room no problem 
Would probably be studying anything other than what’s been assigned to him. 
He might not fit in perfectly, but the traits are there
Smart mouthed and overly confident 
Doesn’t need validation from anyone 
Competative - very okay with cheating/lying in order to win the game 
It’s all in the name of fun, right? 
He could be literally any of them bro idek at this point.
Kim Taehyung: Hufflepuff
All for chilling the fuck out
Sporatically hyper 
Also possibly a stoner 
Doesn’t like when others are left out 
Also class clown vibes but more like he just wasn’t paying attention and was accidentally funny when he was called on
BUT I could see the argument for Ravenclaw:
So smart bro 
Would have an absolute blast with the riddles 
Probably loves researching niche topics that have nothing to do with anything but he’d much rather know if polyjuice potion would give it’s user the same ailments as the person they’re becoming than complete the essay McGonogall assigned two weeks ago 
You can’t really tell if he's just really smart or a little crazy (affectionate) 
Park Jimin: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
He’s a Slytherin because: 
Smart, but make it mischievous 
Knows exactly how to get what he wants 
Very sure of himself 
C O M P E T A T I V E 
Get’s top grades and will tell everyone about it 
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
But he’s a Hufflepuff because:
The most loyal and empathetic man to maybe have ever existed 
Will do anything to make his friends/loved ones happy 
There are more important things than academics (still gets top grades though)
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
Jeon Jungkook: Ravenclaw/Gryffindor 
He’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Very smart, and he definitely prides himself on it to some degree
A true Jack of all Trades 
Wants to be the best at everything, and is very willing to work towards getting it
Namjoon said he’d be a Ravenclaw (and who am I to argue with Joonie?) 
But he’s a Gryffindor because: 
Outwardly, he’s the most Gryffindor person you could get 
Academically driven 
Popular Jock type 
A mischievous little shit 
Seriously, would make the Marauders proud 
But he would take the house cup so fucking seriously guys 
I cannot stress that enough 
If they lost even one of the years he attended Hogwarts
He’d never let it go. It would keep him up at night for years to come 
(And I feel like that’s a very Gryffindor trait)
(Turns out I’m very willing to argue with Joonie. Sorry, babe)
Note: Regardless of all of this, I think it'd would be hilarious if Jungkook was still sorted into Ravenclaw. He's just outwardly extremely Gryffindor, bringing complete chaos and unprecedented success to Ravenclaw that they haven't seen in centuries. 10/10 concept.
Kim Namjoon: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw 
He’s a Gryffindor Because: 
Outrageous amounts of leadership potential 
Because Namjoon said he’d be a Gryffin– damn I already made that joke
But he’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Do I really have to say it? 
The smartest person I’ve never met 
An actual genius 
Would get top grades but only because he’s smart so everyone expects him to 
Would much rather be researching literally anything else 
The Philosopher's Stone
Literally anything because he’s in a magic school and anything’s possible 
(He would also be muggleborn, but that’s more of my own headcannon)
Really couldn’t give a fuck less about Quidditch 
Or winning the house cup 
Wtf is house pride? I’m just here to read, man
ALSO, in my PROFESSIONAL OPINION, he would really fw Divination, and I generally just don't think Gryffindor's really do, because it's so theoretical.
If you have any other points that I've overlooked please let me know, I love talking about this kind of shit.
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cathodic-clairvoyant · 3 months
Fun math/counting problem for everyone
Okay so I know this will only be interesting to like maybe one other person but I came across a fun counting problem I wanted to share. For a given number of digits, n, how many numbers have a unique sequence of digits up to permutation? (So to be explicit about what the question is asking, 15 and 51 would both count as the same digit sequence since the digits of 51 are just a permutation of the digits of 15. Also, leading 0s are also included in the number. For example in the four digit case, 15 would be written as 0015.)  
If you’re at all math inclined or like number puzzles I do genuinely encourage you to try to figure this question out yourself partially because it's fun but mainly because I’m curious if anyone else can come up with a different/better solution than I did. I'll put my solution under the break. It's half informal proof (making it more rigorous is an exercise for the reader or w/e) and half just like a guided solution. If you're familiar with manipulating sums and can read basic math notation (if you're unfamiliar with the notation when defining the function, don't worry about it, it really doesn't matter I just think it looks pretty) you should be able to follow (hopefully, unless i've done something terribly wrong).
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mattodore · 1 year
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VERY early stages of creation!!!!!!! but this is what i've been doing for the last few hours. i wish i could make his eyes look more hollow and deep-set but alas... the limitations of the sims' sliders...
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ihaventsleptinweekz · 6 months
Sometimes I think I'm a normal person then the 11 pm thought kicks in and suddenly I'm insane
#Going to mildly and vaugly vent in the tags to buckle up ^_^#Will not clarify on any of this because it's more fun not to. Hope that helps#Anyway I'm kind of just. Weirded out by myself rn. Like I'm fine but I'm side-eyeing myself a little bit#And recently I've been believing thay I think really I was more immature a year ago#and while I do think back at her (year ago me) and kinda laugh at her for being overdramatic I feel kinda bad about it because yknow I was#But then I got kind of weirdly slowed down? In my being less freaked out process#Mostly because of Hellenite everyone say thank you hellenite (sarcastic love those fics so much)#But reading the fic kind of reminded me of the emotions that were going on at that time#And while I don't really miss or regret what happened too much anymore I think the general emotions of it started popping up again#Like idk how to say this but I'm over IT as a whole- but the emotions are still kinda left over?#Man really do NOT know how to put this#Cause it's kinda old news and frankly I am wildly happy with where I am right now#And I'm kind of thankful?? But also just a little :I about the whole thing. Which is making me inwardly side-eyeish#And I do think that I probably wouldn't change much if I could- and honestly I'm a little more embarrassed than anything else#Sorry for the weird long rambling tags just didn't want to call either of the like- maybe 3 friends I'd consider bringing this up with#I probably should check in with them though#Ough and I have work to do tmrw#Ew ew ew ew#Feel like this week has gone too damn fast and also not fast enough lmao#I'm also kinda nervous because I might have to take the ASL placement test soon to see if I qualify for skipping a couple ASL classes#Which would be nice cause I would LOVE to graduate quicker#And with all the AP classes I took in high-school it'd be nice to knock a bit of time off my college thing#Although admittedly I DID get that scholarship so it couldn't hurt???#It might actually give me more time to get EIPA certified and check out some internships??#Which would make getting jobs out of college WAY easier#Although maybe it'd be easier to get NIC certified if I retook a couple classes instead of trying to skip them??? God maybe I'd be behind#Ofc that wouldn't be a thing until after college#I'll probably have to save up money soon to start thinking about taking the test since it's so damn hard and so damn expensive#At least from what other interpreters have told me#Which is good!!! The it being hard thing anyways. Makes sure Deaf people get GOOD interpreters thst they deserve!!
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wrecking · 10 months
expired white cheddar popcorn, my only solace rn.
edit: oh fuck i didn't mean to post this yet i wanted to like. space this out from my last post? sorry in advance i guess
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Today on really stupid things to be happy about:
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The fact that when I stopped being able to read or write four months ago my Works and Bookmarks just happened to be perfectly even
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honoraryplebeian · 2 years
I am a Legend of Zelda fan first and a human second.
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47-protons · 4 months
Someday i will figure out how to put into good words a thing i have had ping ponging in my head since i figured out that tazercraft was two guys and not a mysterious sixth user that i just COULD NOT find
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pseudowho · 3 months
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When Gojo assumes Nanami Kento's lack of PDA for the reader shows a lack of desire for her, a tipsy Kento is quick to correct him.
Warnings: 18+ drabble, Kento goes on a smutty rant
'A quick drink' after work had soon turned into two, three, four. Shoko took full advantage of the rooftop bar's balcony, smoking and idly chatting; Higuruma and Atsuya gossipped and quipped, snorting into their drinks; Satoru observed Kento and you keenly behind his dark lens; you stood, excusing yourself to the bathroom as Kento gave you a gentle smile.
"I'm sorry," Satoru interrupted loudly when you were gone, his pot boiling over, "I just-- I just don't get it, Nanami." All eyes were on Satoru and Kento now-- Kento, with one thin eyebrow raised in quiet disdain at Satoru, and Satoru, with his elbows planted forward on his knees in challenge.
A few moments of silence. Kento huffed, "Should I be apologising for someth--"
"--you've been together for years," Satoru interrupted, "and I'm just not convinced. She could be-- she could be a coat rack for all the affection you show her, you're supposed to not be able to keep your hands off her--"
"--you want me to grope my fiancée in public, am I correct--"
"--well maybe, anything to show that you love her--"
Kento laughed out loud, deep and humourless, continuing to chuckle into his glass, scoffing to himself; "Love her," he rumbled, swirling his whiskey, amber eyes flickering and carnal in the firelight.
Shoko had turned, smirking, to watch the scene. Atsuya leaned back, scowling, chewing on a toothpick with crossed arms. Hiromi leaned, glimmer-eyed, into the drama, one hand cupping his jaw and the other clasping his wineglass. He picked up the bottle, slowly beginning to pour another glass.
"I don't love her," Kento spat, downing his glass of whiskey in one smooth swallow, hissing and slamming the glass down on the table, "I worship her. I'm obsessed with her."
Satoru was silent, mulish, as Kento continued.
"I would walk through rains of bullets for her," he mused aloud, "I would cut off fingers with blunt knives--"
"Nanami, alright, I'm sorry--"
"Any second I'm not with her," Kento continued, his voice quieter, darker, the group leaning into him, "is a second wasted. I don't know what point there was in the years I spent without her-- probably just there to build me into even a semblance of the man she deserves--"
"--why are we doing this--"
"-- and when I'm not thinking about talking to her, watching her, being near her, holding her, or-- fuck, just having her look at me goes bone-deep...I spend at least eighty-percent of my time thinking about different ways to make her cum--"
Satoru was blushing now, his face in his hands, while the others leaned into Kento's mild breakdown with awe, "--fucking hell Nanami, I didn't mean--"
"I almost died last week, at work," Kento mused, as a laughing Hiromi slid the glass of wine down the table to Kento, which he caught seamlessly, "because I was too busy thinking about how her mouth had felt around my cock the night before, because I was pondering the many applications for my tie, because I was thinking about how incredible she felt underneath me--"
Atsuya and Shoko whispered together, Hiromi now giggling to himself unashamedly; "Oh he's really going for it--" "I know I know, shhh, let him finish--"
"--and I've been sat here with her all evening, resisting the urge to strip her, tie her wrists together and have her ride me until I go fucking blind, all because of social-fucking-propriety, just for some long streak of jizz like you to say I clearly don't love her--"
Satoru had shrunk in on himself now, his soul quietly leaving his body, mortified and put to rights as Kento tsked, swirling his wine before downing that, too. He accepted the bottle Hiromi slid towards him in approval.
"...it really just is rather rude and presumptuous of you, isn't it, Gojo?"
The group sat in stunned silence as you returned, sitting beside Kento and laying a hand on his crossed knees. You felt the bizarre tension; Hiromi unable to conceal a blush as he looked at you, Shoko giving you a knowing smile around her cigarette, Atsuya unable to make eye contact. You smiled uncertainly.
"...what did I miss?"
Still waters run deep 💀💀💀
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
I just know that Simon Riley wants his face sat on🤭
nsfw below the cut 🪷 mdni
You'd always been a little shy when it came to sex, understandably so considering that your boyfriend was a real life Adonis, some kind of cruelly beautiful deity come to taunt you for your prudishness. Obviously, you and Simon had done it, you'd fucked countless times when he came back from deployments or frustrated from debriefings gone bad, but it was always, for lack of a better word, tame. You'd always assumed, given his past, that he wouldn't be down to have sex, period. The beginning of your relationship was a minefield of navigating boundaries and understanding the complexity of the beautiful man you got to share your bed with. What you foolishly failed to recognise, however, is that whist you subconsciously saw Simon as wounded, he saw your fragility as clear as day, like a ripple under the surface of clear water.
He'd aways been so impossibly gentle with you, even when you'd wanted things differently, too afraid to ask him and send Simon spiralling back into that dark place he'd only recently been pulled from.
"Want you to fuck my face." Simon's deadpan voice snaps you from your reverie, brings you back to where you lay sprawled and waiting in the centre of your shared bed.
"I'm sorry?" You barely manage to splutter, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at where he sits patiently between your knees, not even needing to look down to your panties to know that your cunt is already dripping.
"Fuck, love." The sound of his exasperated sigh makes you feel like you've done something wrong, but the almost pained crinkle of his eyes confuses you. "You need me to spell it out? I'd like you to sit on my face and let me eat you out." Simon's words make you choke, jaw hanging agape as you process the fact that not only is he willing to take such a step in your sexual relationship, but also that he's so seemingly comfortable with the idea of you essentially fucking his face. Sure, he's eaten you out before, but never in such a compromising way. "Are you -" A soft kiss being placed to the sensitive skin of your inner thigh is enough to silence you as you look down at Simon practically grovelling between your legs.
"If you don't want to, you can say no, baby." "It's not that I don't want to. I just don't want to - fuck." You huff, slumping back against the mattress with a sigh as you struggle to find the words you need to express the way you feel. "You don't want to fuck?" He smirks wickedly at you, one hand still cradling your outer thigh as he presses his cheek to the warm skin, trying to lighten the mood. Ease you up a bit. "Simon." "Tell me what you're thinking. I'll make it make sense." God he's always so unbearably patient. It almost has you in tears.
"I just - I'm not so confident with stuff like that, you know? I mean it took us six months of having sex for me to even feel comfortable enough to ride you. Now you want me to sit on your face?"
Simon's eyes soften at your reasoning, and he practically drags himself up the bed until he's face to face with you, propping himself up on his elbows to stare down at your face, so beautifully flushed and bashful.
"If you don't want to do it, that's fine, but I need you to know, that I look at you and get hard okay? You're the most beautiful thing I've seen. Ever. If I died by being suffocated between your legs? Fuckin' kill me already, yeah?"
His words have you giggling softly as you play with his hair, distracting yourself from the burning arousal in the pit of your tummy.
"Okay." You nod, slowly, meeting his eye to make sure that he sees you're serious. "You don't have to say yes if you're not sure." "I'm sure, but can we go slow?" "Of course, baby. We can do whatever you feel comfortable with."
It doesn't take long for you to be sat nervously on Simon's hips, clothes piled on the floor, discarded in order for you to sit naked atop him, bottom lip pulled nervously between your teeth. "Do I just -" You point awkwardly between the general vicinity of your cunt to Simon's face, heart fluttering when you catch the way he gazes up at you like some sort of statue, some masterpiece. "Mhm." He nods slowly, pupils blown impossibly wide, the chocolate of his gaze turning almost entirely black. You feel his massive palms take your hips, guiding you up to your knees before settling your slick cunt just over his face.
"Sit." He grunts when he doesn't immediately feel the press of you against his mouth, his nose barely touching your puffy clit. "What if I hurt you?" "I'll let you know. Now, sit." Before you know it, his fingers are digging into your hips, leaving you gasping at the suddenly overwhelming sensation of his entire lower face stuffed against your pussy.
"Holy sh-" You whine, already beginning to roll your hips in search of stimulation, all whilst Simon gives a contented hum which rumbles through you and has you clenching around nothing. His hands guide your hips in their rhythm as his tongue licks a flat stripe between your wet folds, leaving you stuttering and your eyes rolling back, all whilst you grip onto his hair like of you let go he'll disappear entirely.
He sets a languorous pace with his tongue, eating at you like you're his final meal, hands digging firmly at the meat of your ass whilst he uses the slight bump at the bridge of his nose to press up against your clit, making you dizzy. Whilst he uses both hands to guide you, you use the hand not tangled into his hair to roll a hardened nipple between your thumb and forefinger, the sensation going straight to your pussy and making you gasp. Simon, perceptive as ever, notices your want and pushes his tongue inside you to push just that little bit further - and he can tell that you're close by the way your thighs clench around his ears and the fact that you're wonderfully more vocal than usual.
Similarly, sensing your oncoming orgasm, you desperately attempt to pull yourself off of him, all of a sudden shy about cumming on his face like you haven't done it countless times before. Your wriggling is met with a small slap to your ass which has you seeing stars as the small sting snaps the elastic band stretching taut in your lower belly, and Simon laps up every bit that you'll give him.
"Didn't think that men like me got to go to heaven." Simon sighs when you both lay sprawled and happy in bed together.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
I did not intend to write 1.1k of smut when I opened my laptop this evening but boundaries and communication are just so !! sexy !!
N e ways I'll just leave this here for y'all💕
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neil-gaiman · 9 months
this may come off very blunt and out of the blue, but i need an answer and i can't ask anyone i know, so i apologise profusely if you find this derogatory in any way possible.
i'm 14 and i found out what death means when i was 3 and living with my grandparents. i figured that when someone dies, you can't see them anymore. you can't talk to them, you can't laugh with them. they aren't there anymore. and i cried. i cried so hard i vomited.
ever since i've struggled to think about death and what lies beyond. i'm scared. of growing up, of dying, of seeing people around me die. and i don't know what to do.
i know this will likely get lost among the hundreds of thousands of asks in you inbox, but if by fate you read this, please tell me
how does it feel when someone you know dies?
hank you, and i apologise once again if this is disrespectful. i know it's a pretty deranged thing to ask, especially to a well-known writer who has gone through life. i'm sorry if this brings up sad memories, but i need an answer.
all the best to you and everyone around you, mr neil.
Mostly it feels terrible. It even feels terrible when it’s someone who has been in a lot of pain for a long time or has not really been there for a long time and you know that Death has in some ways been a blessing: suddenly you are mourning the whole person.
It doesn’t get easier as you age. It gets stranger. The point where you realise how many people you used to know and like who aren’t there any longer, and you cannot talk to them or see them or laugh with them is painful in a way that I had never expected. The first time that someone you had a romantic relationship with dies and you realise that there had been moments both of you shared and now you are the sole custodian of those moments and one day you will be gone and they will be lost forever is peculiarly strange and hard.
But there is a comfort. And it’s the realisation that you aren’t alone in any of this. Everybody who lives will die. And we are here and doing things because other people died to make room for us, and we in our turn will die to make room for our children and their children and on and on.
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