#i love love LOVE the concept of you being the “abyss tamer” but you really don't even try to tame them
I have more brainrot but its on Al Haitham because uhh
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30 pity for Al Haitham and I randomly got his weapon when pulling for Jade Spear. He must like me.
Imagine Al Haitham being an Abyssal Legacy, most likely from a knowledge capsule gone wrong at one point and he is stuck in his new form. I headcanon him as Autistic bc Im Autistic and my word is law /j.
But he absolutely DETESTES his heightned sense of hearing now. He used to be able to wear soundproof headphones with adjustable settings but now they cant even fit on his head. Of course he went straight to the traveller who took him straight to you, the alledged "abyssmal tamer". In reality you just attract them like a magnet unwarrented. you help Al Haitham adjust until he obtains his human form back and feed him snacks. Childe took some time getting used to the new Roommate but understood Al Haitham was here because he wanted help from you.
Eventually the problem was fixed and Al Haitham paid you handsomely for the caretaking but also your silence about the whole thing...nobody needs to know how much he loves cuddles and bed time stories.
Kaveh was not used to the silence so when he asked Al Haitham the only response was "I had a slight detour when it came to some of the knowledge capsules"
I have like no more brain juice Im sorry
aaaaa my dear i am so sorry for how long this took to answer ;-;;;;
i can just imagine you opening the door to see a sheepish Traveler, a confused Paimon, and a VERY irritated Abyss monster, and without a word you simply sigh and usher them all inside. Childe immediately approaches when you sit on the couch, curling up by your side and casting curious glances at the new Abyss creature in the house, who the Traveler tells you is called "Alhaitham". they ramble on and on about how they'd really appreciate it if you took him in, and how they'd make sure you'd be paid handsomely, and it's be really helpful of you to do, and you simply not idly before clearing your throat
"What does he think about it?"
Alhaitham blinks in surprise, tilting his head in consideration. you're quiet, perhaps purposefully so, always keeping your voice soft and light, especially when the other Abyss monster- Childe- was near you, and you seem to be kind enough, if a little tired. but does he really want to live with essentially two strangers until this whole situation is resolved?
Paimon yells in his ear, and Alhaitham decides that yes, yes he does
he acclimates fairly quickly to a new lifestyle in your home- for the most part, you and Childe leave him alone unless he needs you, and you take it upon yourself to provide as many books as you can find in your house. Childe is another variant of his kind- albeit permanently so- and occasionally chats with Alhaitham through a language of chirps and trills, even going so far as to share your lap (the best pillow ever) with him when thunderstorms are particularly loud. sometimes Alhaitham sees you working on some type of project, but whenever he clicks curiously you simply smile and put a finger to your lips
a few weeks later he finds a pair of soundproof headphones on his bed, specifically made for his new form
Alhaitham's really not clingy, he only seeks your touch when it's thundering outside or if there's something loud like fireworks, but occasionally he'll spot you and Childe together on the couch and silently sneak over to join you- which of course he'll NEVER admit when he turns back into a human. he does apologize for the trouble, but you just smile and wave, Childe standing behind you and chirping goodbye, saying that you're used to it and showing him a map back to Sumeru
and the moment he steps into the city he's bombarded by questions from his friends and colleagues, and he almost wants to turn right around and head back to the peace and quiet of your house
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malwarechips · 1 year
Tiso, and obligatory pk ask because he never leaves my brain
ok ok putting these under a cut bcz since theres two it'll probably b quite long
favorite thing about them - he's just sooo pathetic . i love him . why is he like that /complimentary
least favorite thing about them - he's dead :(
favorite line - HMM im gonna look at a list of his quotes here bcz i remember like NO dialogue from ANY characters . ok, ive returned from the hk wiki and the conclusion is: probably his dialogue at blue lake !!! "Garrgh. What a calm place. It's action I want, vicious and deadly battle. This serenity is a bore. So peaceful. So dull."
brOTP - him and cloth 100% . i used to think theyd hate each other but then i was like . no actually i think theyd be friends and totally encourage each other to do the most dangerous shit. quirrel has to stop them.
OTP - speaking of quirrel: him and quirrel <3 its so weird bcz w/ like any other characters w/ those two personalities id be like . no they hate each other. but i think they'd like . balance each other out if that makes sense. also honorable mention to him and god tamer bcz i think its funny. not personally smthn i ship tho bcz i myself think theyre both very gay and have 0 interest in each other's gender
nOTP - uhhhmm im not sure actually ? id say "any of the vessels" but that's kinda a blanket that applies to basically everyone by default for me.
random headcanon - hmmm... ok so the headcanon that he is an ant is pretty popular i think but: so his original concept art by the kickstarter backer who designed him mentions that his hood covers a horn on his head. and i wanted to include that while also still having him be an ant bcz i love ants sooo much. so. i took some creative liberties bcz i dont think there are any ants with spikes on their head BUT . there is streblognathus peetersi . which has a very prominent spike between it's thorax and its abdomen !! so i just kinda moved it to his head and called it a day. so i technically have a very specific species headcanon for him. ok short ramble abt spiky ants over
unpopular opinion - not sure i have one rlly?
song i associate with them - UHMMMM ... god im trying to think of one now . i SWEAR ive had some but i always forget song titles. probably this cover of Hit the Road Jack . im not entirely sure why but! it gives me tiso vibes
favorite picture of them - probably the little pose he pulls in the pantheon of hallownest. he looks so cool only to get crushed </3 utter cringefail man i love him
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OK . PK . as a note i may not have all that much for him since i only recently started actually rthinking abt him more .
favorite thing about them - hmmm. id say his design is a big thing that i rlly enjoy !!!
least favorite thing about them - I HAVE NO IDEA . possibly the fact that he has so little dialogue but he's kinda dead so thats probably why.
favorite line - as said before he doesnt rlly have much dialogue but i'd have to say the iconic abyss dialogue. "No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void. You shall seal the blinding light that plagues their dreams. You are the Vessel. You are the Hollow Knight." like cmon . its very cool i think
brOTP - im not sure !! i personally dont really see him being close friends with basically anyone in hallownest or anything.
OTP - id probably have to say him and white lady. i think they really did care about each other, but i dont really have much to say outside of that since as i said before i only recently started actually thinking about pk more.
nOTP - once again i dont really have one outside of "any of the vessels". also including hornet this time bcz like . he's her dad. but yeah outside of the usuals like that i dont really have one
random headcanon - constant eyebags . he always looks like he hasnt slept in 5 weeks (and he probably hasnt) . sleep? never heard of her . whos that .
unpopular opinion - once again im not sure i have one really? i dont really know what would apply with the term unpopular when it comes to my headcanons
song i associate with them - GOODBYE MR A BY THE HOOSIERS. ABSOLUTELY. VIBRATES. i . dont think it fits fully but i am a master of editing songs in my brain to make them fit characters . so it does to me, OKAY ??? /silly
favorite picture of them - probably his silhouette for white defender's arena . idk what it is abt it but i enjoy it greatly i think its the wings.
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actually either that or the statue/wishing well of him in ancient basin, if that counts? that statue look sooo cool
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