#i noticed i love artists who use very simple coloring methods and barel render & warm colors
beybuniki · 5 months
hello!! hope you're having a great day i reaaaaaly like your art! it reminds me that art doesn't have to be very complicated to be inspiring and beautiful (i mean this in the best way possible) i was wondering if you have any tips on colors?? your colours look simple, but they work so great!! really gives your art style a certain energy (i wonder if your art is edible, it looks delicious) sorry for fangirling a bit. thank you and have a great day!!
thank you! i love to hear when ppl tell me my art reminded them to stay silly as an artist like you dont have to create perfect or neat drawings its not that serious!!!
as for colors, i just tweak them until i like them i dont have a technical approach, i DO like adding bright shading though (usually green) i think that adds some fun depth. I also keep my color palette very limited, I think i also tend to use muted colors for the bigger surfaces and add accentuating details (a muted blue sweater with bright orange details), otherwise i encourage u to just play around and figure out what looks good to you!
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