#i probably should tag all the hs rewrite stuff
patchofhope · 2 years
Alright ask 1. What is the basic story of your homestuck rewrite
In short, it's sorta combining all of me and juice's headcanons, applying it to canon, and just, making it NOT a convoluted mess of a story that requires like 3 essays to explain why x character did y thing.
In long…?
Well, it's kinda an exploration of 'what if you suddenly gave a bunch of preteens/teens access to godly powers with no supervision? And a vast chunk of them had horrid upbringings, fatal misunderstandings on how the world works, and that several of them are coming to terms (or learning of) their own identities as an individual now that they've been given a cruel sort of 'freedom'. It's the same structure, of the kid's session of sburb, but with a heavier focus on how some of their choices and actions would ACTUALLY affect things.
(And because I just LOVE some good angst, theres still conflict regarding the differing world views, and past events, but towards the end, they're more or less resolved.)
Of course it's still comedic, but not everything is treated as a joke, and characters will actually get an 'end' to their stories. (or stories to begin with.)
I haven't worked on it too much, so theres no defined 'this plot point gets changed, and this gets added instead), but eventually I WILL get to that point. But some of the more major changes is that im def expanding upon the word building, and actually explaining the time loop shit.
Just as an example, Trolls don't have 'ages' the same way humans do. They're measured by whatever life stage theyre in, and it's just considered normal that, so long as all parties are of the same life stage, relationships are a-okay. Because. Why the fuck would an alien species who is clearly insectoid in origin have human-comparable ages. Both the main 12 and the dancestors are all in the fourth stage, which is most comparable to a human teenager, but they've still actually EXISTED for different amounts of time.
There's probably more, but I just cant think of it rn lol. It's still sorta in it's infancy of a rewrite, nowhere near ACTUALLY writing anything for it. (though the second I can even do a SINGLE page remake, I'm goin crazy. I love writing in that format SO MUCH)
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Too Obvious
Summary: In hindsight, Levi realized that the two of them really weren't doing anything to hid their relationship from their fans on Tumblr. They'd just fallen into a rhythm and everything else seemed to fall into place with it. 
Time for another installation of the fic verse!!! It's been so long since I worked with the universe I set up, but better late than never, right?
Hope you enjoy some more from our hopeless nerds.
Also on AO3!
               It had quickly become routine, interacting with Eren after the two of them had really gotten serious with each other after they started dating. Levi hadn’t thought much about the increase in skype conversations that they’d had or the fact that they weren’t afraid to tag each other in posts at all or have somewhat public conversations, despite the fact that none of Levi’s fans knew what he looked like or much about his personal life beyond the small snippets that he would give if he was running late on an update or someone sent him an ask wanting to know how he was doing.
               Eren’s fanart output had also increased now that he was on break and had more time to draw, which he was never afraid to indulge in with Levi’s fics either. Most of their fans followed both of them so it didn’t take long before questions began to arise about the two of them. People wondered when they’d become such good friends and how long they’d known each other and if they interacted in real life. None of these questions had been asked directly to either of them so Levi saw no need to answer and he assumed that Eren just failed to see the conversations that were happening on Tumblr since he tended to get so absorbed in his projects and other things.
               That is, until someone reblogged one of Eren’s pieces of art from him and added quite a compromising comment in the tags.
 #this is so cute #I love the fic this is for too #kaydensweet15 #ISwearTheseTwoAreDating
                 The last one had made him stop in his tracks and he had to read it over a couple of times before he was sure of what he was seeing. Interested to get Eren’s opinion on the whole thing, he sent him the post through messenger.
 Humanity’s Strongest: Look at the tags on this post. What do you think?
                 While he waited for a response, he clicked on the blog and started skimming through their posts to see if they made any other mention of him and Eren, curious as to how far these theories and claims had spread among the people on the site. There were times when he was still surprised by how diverse and widespread his readership was and the fact that this had grown so much wasn’t something that he’d been expecting. He wasn’t surprised to find multiple conversations between the blogger and the person who they’d mentioned in the tags. Thankfully, there wasn’t anything discussed that was explicit and it was mostly the two of them bouncing ‘what if’ situations off each other and referencing several posts made by Eren and Levi wherein they interacted with each other.
               Levi honestly hadn’t even noticed the growing attention placed on the two of them, either. They both remained pretty tight-lipped about their lives outside of the internet so he wasn’t worried about something weird happening if he did happen to know someone who followed him in real life. That line of thinking always made him feel a bit strange. He could easily pass one of his readers on the street and never know it and they wouldn’t either.
               His messenger notification brought him back to the conversation at hand and he closed out of the blog he was looking at to check Eren’s response.
 Jaegermeister: Huh. I never considered that our interactions on Tumblr could somehow be suggestive of our actual relationship.
 HS: What do you think we should do? Should we address this or just leave it alone?
 JM: I don’t think we need to address it until someone brings it to our attention directly. From there, I don’t really mind if they know that we’re dating. It’s not like they know who we are off the internet so it shouldn’t bother me unless they start asking really inappropriate questions about our relationship which, considering the type of people who follow us and the stuff they read, is a possibility.
                 Levi sat back and thought over Eren’s words. He hadn’t expected him to have that much to say about it and he honestly agreed with him.
 HS: I agree. For now it’s probably fine that we just keep doing what we’ve been doing.
 JM: Nice. You still free to skype later?
 HS: Yeah.
 JM: I’ll see you then. I’d love to keep chatting, but I need to get back to working on my new drawing.
 HS: It’s scary how much the two of us are workaholics, isn’t it?
 JM: Yeah, a bit. But what we do makes us happy so I’m not about to complain. Plus, your work is amazing and I definitely wouldn’t be at the level I’m at now without your writing as inspiration.
                 Levi felt himself flush and become embarrassed over the praise. He was glad that Eren wasn’t there in person to see his reaction. Eren always threw out his praise out easily, like he thought it wouldn’t make Levi freeze and obsess over the words or wouldn’t mean as much to him as it really did.
 HS: Well I need to get back to work.
                 He hurriedly clicked back to the open Word document that he was working in and got back to his chapter, trying, and failing, to push Eren’s words from his mind. A pretty important part of his story was coming up and he wanted to make sure that he dealt with it just right. He’d been waiting to get to this moment for a long time and he wasn’t about to let anything distract him from getting it perfect, even if he had to rewrite it and rework it a hundred times over and delay his posting.
                 A few days passed and Levi had pretty much forgotten about the conversation that he’d had with Eren and the rumors that were floating around among their fans. He hadn’t noticed any more comments in the tags of posts or any other posts that were written specifically about their relationship and hadn’t received any messages or asks detailing the aspects of his relationship with his boyfriend. His new chapter and his boyfriend were both keeping him pretty occupied so there wasn’t much space left in his brain for other thoughts and he was forced to prioritize more than usual and pushing aside unimportant concerns didn’t bother him anyway.
               He’d been so focused on his writing that he almost missed the sound of a new message notification on Tumblr. When he looked at the message he was starting to wonder why he kept the website open in the first place when he was trying to work. Probably because he was addicted to it, as shitty as it could be sometimes it did get him to his current status as a fanfic writer so he couldn’t really complain.
 JM: So…
                 He groaned. This was going to be one of those times when it took forever for Eren to message him because he was trying to figure his thoughts out as he was typing. He’d have to give up on working on his new chapter since he was sure that every time he got back into the groove of writing, he’d just get another message. He wished there was a way to change the tone of the notification to make it sound more ominous. He felt like he’d need it with all the directions this conversation might go.
 JM: I know that we just talked about this and came to an agreement on how we would deal with it.
                 Levi’s brow furrowed. They’d talked about a lot of things over the past few days. One of which were his plans to visit him later in the summer. Was he rethinking that? Or was this something totally different? This was why he hated not talking over the phone or face to face when Eren was trying to get his thoughts in order.
 JM: But I finally got the ask.
 JM: About us, I mean.
                 Levi’s brain immediately returned to the conversation that they’d had about this and how they began to realize that their fans were becoming suspicious and typed out a quick reply.
 HS: Oh. What does it say?
 JM: Nothing bad. Just some anon sent “Not to be rude and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to answer, but are you by any chance dating Humanity’s Strongest?”
 HS: That’s it? Really?
 JM: Yeah, it’s not bad at all. So before I answer it, I just wanted to check one more time that you’re okay with me telling them that we are in fact dating.
 HS: Sorry, but I have no recollection of the two of us dating. You must be making this up.
 JM: LEVI!!!
 JM: What do you mean?
 JM: Don’t be mean!!!
                 Levi smirked and quickly typed out a response to stop Eren’s barrage of messages. He always enjoyed teasing him.
 HS: Yes, it’s fine. You can tell them that we’re dating.
 JM: Good because I already did.
 HS: You already…
 HS: Then what did you bother asking me for?
 JM: Calm down. I just did it a second ago when you were being mean. It was out of spite.
                 Levi rolled his eyes.
 HS: Sorry. Eren who? What boyfriend? I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are and am going to block you.
 JM: Levi!!!
                 He ignored him and went back to editing his newest chapter. He was pretty happy with how things were turning out with it and couldn’t have imagined a better scenario for his characters to work with. It was a satisfying chapter to write and he couldn’t wait for the reactions and comments to hear what everyone else thought about it.
               Until his skype started ringing. His head fell down to the coffee table that he was seated at with a groan and he reluctantly accepted the call.
               “Yes?” he asked.
               “You’re mean,” Eren said, petulantly.
               “Is that all you needed?” Levi asked, turning his head to get a glimpse of Eren’s pouting face.
               He blinked at him. “Well, not really. I just wanted to see how you were doing and thought we could hang out on skype for a while.”
               Levi rubbed the back of his neck. “If you really want to. I was just in the middle of editing my new chapter so I don’t know how much talking I’ll be doing for a while.”
               “Oh yeah. This is the big one, right? The chapter that you’ve been looking forward to?”
               “Yeah,” Levi said, leaning back against the couch and pulling his knees to his chest to rest his chin on them.
               “Think you could read me a little preview?”
               “Just because you’re my boyfriend doesn’t mean that you get special treatment over the rest of my readers. You get to see it when everyone else gets to see it.”
               Eren laughed at that. “Fine, fine. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. I’ll just have to wait until you’re here and then I can sneak glances of your writing as you work and I pretend to work on my drawings.”
               “Keep thinking that and I won’t be working on my fics at all while I’m there.”
               Eren rolled his eyes. “I’ll be good, I promise. And it really won’t bother me if you don’t do any work while you’re here. I just care that you actually show up and we can spend some much needed time together.”
               “Because we don’t already spend so much time together? If we’re not messaging each other then we’re texting, and if we’re not texting, then we’re on skype with each other either working or watching a movie. Don’t even get me started on all of the interactions and cross-posting we do of each other on Tumblr. It’s really no wonder that everyone was starting to put the pieces together that we were dating. In hindsight, we really were that obvious.”
               “Fine, some in-person time together. Geez, stop analyzing every little thing that I say,” Eren complained.
               “Can’t. It’s too much fun. Plus it’s the writer in me and I love when you get all flustered,” Levi said, pulling up his web browser that already had Tumblr open. He refreshed his feed and scrolled through the posts that came up, finally landing on the ask that Eren had answered about their relationship.
 Anonymous asked: Hi, I don’t mean to be rude or anything and it’s fine if you don’t want to answer this since it’s sort of personal, but are you by any chance dating the fic writer Humanity’s Strongest? You two just seem pretty close and I was curious.
 Hey anon! In fact, I am actually dating HS. We’ve been together for a couple of months now since he asked me out. I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised that everyone who follows the two of us has noticed since we haven’t exactly been subtle, but the time we’ve spent together so far has been absolutely amazing and even though we’ve only been together a short while, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without him anymore. Turns out drawing fanart does actually get you places with your favs, haha. : D
                 Levi propped his chin in his hand and read over the words several times, turning them over in his head. He didn’t know that Eren had felt so strongly about the two of them, but he was glad that he wasn’t the only one. This relationship, as crazy as the circumstances were that brought it into existence, was more than he could ever ask for.
               “Levi? Levi?!” Eren exclaimed.
               He started at the sound of his name and moved back to his skype window where Eren was watching him intently.
               “Everything okay? You were kind of zoned out there.”
               “Fine,” he said and went back to Tumblr as Eren continued to talk. He quickly liked Eren’s post before moving on.
               “Okay…well you should see some of these responses to my…” his voice trailed off and Levi intently tried to ignore his quickening heartbeat. “Hey, Levi?”
               “Yeah?” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible even as his insides twisted and turned and somersaulted over themselves for his attention.
               “I really like you.” And damn it all if the fondness in Eren’s voice didn’t just make his insides feel like they were simultaneously melting and constricting.
               “I’d hope so,” Levi said, trying and failing to sound snarky and lighten up the situation. It was crazy how much he liked Eren. “We are dating after all.” It’d only been a few short months, but each moment they’d been together had felt like it held the power of lifetimes. All the months that they’d anonymously interacted on AO3 and Tumblr between art and fic had really been leading them to this moment.
               They’d subtly and slowly gotten to know each other so much further in advance that when the time came where they began to interact more directly, it would’ve been surprising if they hadn’t fallen for each other. Hell, they were probably halfway there when Eren sent him that first message on Tumblr. Levi had found solace in their skype conversations and texting and had been caught staring on more than one occasion when he was so distracted by watching Eren. He could never stop himself from staring at the cute little creases that formed on his forehead when he was concentrating intensely on some new piece of artwork and trying to get the style and details just right and worked to commit them to memory or wonder how he would go about describing them if Eren was one of his characters.
               Then there were the times when he’d caught Eren watching him if he paused in his work and had flushed and asked him what was wrong and Eren had just shook his head fondly and told him how cute he was when he was working intently or insisted that he got this little smile on his face when he was on a particularly exciting part of a fic or chapter update. Levi always did his best to brush off Eren’s comments, but he couldn’t deny the pleasure that twisted in his gut that Eren liked him that much or thought so kindly of him. The fact that he was never afraid to be endearingly honest even if his words were of the nature that Levi would never be able to dream up in a million years despite his experience creating and playing out romantic situations and confessions in his fics.
               It was true that they were probably far too obvious and hadn’t even realized the little things that they would do or say to each other online that could give away their relationship. But when it felt almost as though the feelings they had were burning and all-consuming, trying to get out and make themselves known to the world, being a little too obvious didn’t seem so bad. It was almost scary how natural it seemed to want to give everything you had to the person you cared so deeply for. Sometimes Levi wondered if this is what love felt like, but he didn’t think he was quite ready to use that word.
               “Yeah,” Eren said, in that too-fond voice of his that made Levi want to stop and close his eyes and just exist and revel in it. “Yeah, we are.”
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