#i really think fushiguro is more of a parallel to geto than he is to gojo
chiarrara · 2 months
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i caught up on jjk. favorite panels in the last few chapters, plus:
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thematic catharsis coming around
#jjk manga#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#i really think fushiguro is more of a parallel to geto than he is to gojo#geto saved gojo first but gojo failed to save geto#fushiguro saved itadori first and itadori's going to save fushiguro#it's also propping up my theory that gojo is an unreliable narrator#and most important things he's said in the series are going to be proven wrong#1. love it the most twisted curse of all#it's actually the key#2. you can't save someone who isn't prepared to be saved#you can and he will#those are my thoughts#i don't think the manga has gotten as bad as people are saying it has#but it does have issues#and the style change and quality dip in the illustration is bugging me#and don't think characters being introduced and dying quickly is that bad either#the ones that matter are written well and their deaths are significant and well integrated#the main issues cropping up now are also the issues that have existed for much much longer than post-shibuya#villains motivations make no sense#random battles that don't have thematic significance abrupt the pacing in an annoying way#the magic system isn't always well integrated narratively and thematically#gege has too many ideas and not all of them needed to make it past editing#but a lot of problems are just typical shonen problems that jjk seemed above when the story was a little tighter#also i don't think the magic system is as smart and complicated as people are pretending it is#i don't think it will be hard to adapt in the anime#i think the weaknesses in pacing and the increase in exposition are going to be more exposed in the anime though#and more people will catch on to the basic rules of the magic system being inconsistent or underdeveloped
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fushiglow · 5 months
i saw this fa and immediately thought of over the threshold!! tsumiki would totally be so loved by the audience on produce ahahah (and ofc by her family ❤️) if tsumiki was in this story, what would that look like? :D
i also wanted to ask about the audience’s reaction to satoru dedicating a song to suguru at his concert!!! as someone who is in kpop fandoms (which is also why this fic is so dear to me, the parallels with the challenges and pressures they face;;) i can just imagine all the takes fans would immediately have about the whole thing AHAHA also makes me go aww that suguru couldn’t fully enjoy the performance but sksjddj i loved the angst sm
i also have sm questions about satoru’s past but that’s spoilers LOL and i love learning alongside suguru about the layers satoru has… there’s so much to unpack i’m so excited to see how both stsg’s pasts unfold…!! including megumi and gojo’s past AAAAA their bond in every universe is really everything to meeeee and gojo being a support for the next generation criiiies *plays snooze by agust d* AND CHOSO AND GETO? what went onnnnnnnnn i also did not get the sugar-ooh until geto did and it was such a fun revelation my jaw literally DROPPED LOOOOL
i find the way you write stsg so so fascinating too how they bring out different sides to each other like when satoru speaks quieter and sincerely and suguru (and us readers) is hit with realizing again and again that there’s so much he doesn’t know and hasn’t figured out yet about satoru which makes this even more compelling [big heart] ah i love this fic so much and i’m so happy to have found your writing (i will never ever ever ever get over rivers crossed mountains scaled omg) and am veryyyyy much looking forward to what comes next for them!!!
also so sorry this was long and a mix of questions and comments skdkdk for future reference do u prefer these via tumblr or ao3?
OHHHH I love you so much for dropping this in my inbox 😭
So, Tsumiki is definitely present in the Threshold universe! Gojo didn't mention her by name when he was telling Megumi's story, but when he said Megumi didn't want the Zen'in fortune because he's "stubborn as hell", he was talking about Tsumiki.
It's a parallel to canon basically. The Zen'in — obsessed with bloodlines as they are — seriously underestimated the strength of the Fushiguro siblings' bond when they refused to factor Tsumiki into their discussions with Megumi. Hence, he followed Gojo into music rather than rely on their dirty money. That's why the Zen'in blame Gojo, even though it's really just because Megumi's a spiteful little so-and-so! 😏
Because of the parallels with canon, Megumi would try to keep Tsumiki away from the toxicity of the music industry as much as possible — hence why she wasn't at the album launch. However, I like to think that her career is adjacent to Megumi's in some capacity! As much as I love writing about the Fushiguro siblings' relationship with Gojo, the inclusion of that story served more to give Suguru a look into the real Gojo Satoru, so she's unlikely to feature in this fic. I think continuing their story would require a sequel — which I'm not even gonna think about until Threshold is finished... I'm not, I'm not thinking about it!
As for Gojo's dedication at the concert, he spoke in Japanese so Suguru would understand him, so most of the audience wouldn't have known what he was saying immediately. However, I'm sure the online reactions once the videos were translated and passed around were very interesting! Having said that, it's hard to communicate the nuances of the Japanese language in an English language fic. To most English speakers, "this was the first song I played for them" seems like a deliberate omission of gender, but that's not the case in Japanese. So, I imagined Gojo using his native tongue very responsibly in that moment, sticking to language that sounds purely professional — but that wouldn't stop fans from speculating 👀
I'm not planning to explore Gojo's past in *too* much detail because it's mostly his present and his future that are relevant to the story. Meanwhile, it's Suguru with the big fat question mark over his past... 🫠 So, if you want to ask questions, go ahead and I will simply avoid sharing spoilers! As for where to ask questions, Tumblr lends itself to longer answers so if you enjoyed this response, probably best to ask here! However, AO3 comments feed my body and soul so feel free to leave those too... It's whatever you prefer really 🥰
Megumi and Gojo's relationship is everything to me tooooo, no one can stop me from shoehorning it into every damn fic I write! So happy you're enjoying SatoSugu's dynamic in this story — and that you enjoyed Rivers Crossed so much! Thank you so so much for all your kind words, and your interest in the fic! I loved answering this soooo much ♥
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yuesya · 1 year
As much as I would like to continue speculating about the Shiki vs. Satoru snippet ad nauseam, there's a lot I'd like to discuss about the most recent chapter. 
The first of these topics is Geto. Now that the story in question is moving closer to the canon prologue (Jujutsu 0) I think now is an appropriate time to make my opinion on the movie known in that it was… meh. 
Don’t get me wrong there were many things I liked about the film, but unfortunately Geto fell into the dislike category for me. The reason for that was largely due to his portrayal. In the film he’s more or less presented as an egotistical genocidal maniac who is driven by an ideology of supernatural supremacy, which seems rather lackluster in a series that has an abundance of layered characters.
Because of this portrayal I’d say that Geto loses a great deal of nuance in the film, reducing him to what is essentially a one dimensional villain when that isn’t the case at all. As crazy as it sounds there is actually a method to Geto’s madness; if there are no more humans then there are no more curses and if there are no more curses then there are no more dead sorcerers. By eliminating the mundane society it simultaneously addresses the root cause of curses, essentially killing two birds with one stone. 
Moreover, this isn’t just some crazy conspiracy theory that he came up with out of nowhere since it’s substantiated by the fact that the countryside (where less people live) spawns less curses of lesser power. In that context Geto is more akin to someone with a twisted messiah complex rather than a divine Darwinist since he’s undertaking what he sees as a necessary evil to stop the suffering of all sorcerers. Unfortunately, it’s a message that he fails to get across throughout the film, which makes it extremely jarring when we explore his past via Satoru’s memories. 
Yes, I get that there’s a backstory arc that goes more in depth on the subject later, but it still doesn’t change for me what was a horrible first impression. So I suppose that I’m ultimately congratulating you for leveraging the advantages of written media to flesh out his character, so kudos you! I hope this characterization carries over to the canon timeline.
On a side note; if you're looking to implement that Cybele OC in Zenith of Stars, or any other story, why not make it so that Geto saves her instead of Satoru? That as you could imagine would be a disaster since he would more likely venerate her rather than try to constrain her. It could also serve as a parallel for Kara no Kyoukai's Shiki vs. Asagami fight.
The second topic I'd like to move on to is the Fushiguro siblings and how Shiki’s presence could affect them. More specifically, I’m referring to whether or not Shiki will be able to do anything for Tsumiki after she is cursed? After all, one of the big selling points of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is their ability to kill concepts, mainly manifested through nullifying mage-craft or in this instance curses but also capable of erasing abstract phenomena such as diseases. 
I’d imagine that Shiki would discover such an application of her cursed technique through Yuzuki, erasing his illness moments before it finally kills him. So the question remains whether or not Shiki would be able to do anything for Tsumiki once a curse befalls her, potentially altering Megumi’s entire character arc if the answer is ‘yes.’ 
Lots to touch on here! Let's seeee
I agree with you that the JJK0 movie casted Geto as more of a "flat villain," likely due to variety of factors and constraints. It probably didn't help that JJK0 was largely Okkotsu's story, so Geto's reasoning and motivation were never really explored in any detail. To Okkotsu, Geto was just a villain who waltzed in out of nowhere and tried to destroy everything and hurt his friends, so that's the portrayal we got I guess.
The only hint of something more to Geto as a character was in... what, the three lines of dialogue with Gojo right before he died?
I actually read the manga before finding the JJK0 short and later watching the movie, so for me I went into the pre-canon tidbit with context for things. If I'd read JJK0 first, I'd probably be a little unimpressed with Geto too; I think the Hidden Inventory arc definitely adds a lot more nuance to him (and Gojo as well). Hopefully at least a little bit of that is reflected in zenith of stars haha.
Cybele OC won't be added to the ongoing story! In terms of Mystic Eyes, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are the only ones we'll be seeing in zenith of stars.
It would be a fun thing to have the Cybele OC run into Geto, though. Although in that case, it's likely that Geto picks the OC up in the countryside at some point. If OC had their disastrous accident in the city, then there would be no escaping from the jujutsu administration.
I'd imagine that OC would be sent with Miguel to delay Gojo during the Night Parade? OC isn't able to 'petrify' Gojo, but they can hinder his movements with a sort of minor paralysis effect instead. And... maybe this extra delay gives Geto the few additional moments he needs to escape successfully.
Fushiguro siblings! I do intend to have the Fushiguro siblings show up again in the next chapter, although so far Gojo has been taking the spotlight haha.
In regards to Tsumiki being cursed, I have some loose plans in mind. I can confirm that I do plan on exploring the idea of 'killing concepts,' but that's all I'll say for now. :D
Thanks for sharing your speculations! It's fun to see what other people think and makes me excited to write more for future events haha.
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psychewritesbs · 6 months
With regards to chap 243 leaks...
If this is the end for Kenjaku, does it mean Sukuna will play an even bigger part for the final fight then? Not sure whether he'd be the main final boss though cause there's still the merger monster. But there's such an ominous feeling with what Kenjaku said about his will living on. Biggest guess is it has something to do with Yuji and the cursed wombs so I wonder if the images on the Mandela poster is a hint. It's pretty weird though cause in one of the boxes, Mahoraga's wheel is at the center surrounded by the cursed wombs. And I remember a previous ask asking about Tsumiki's possession wherein you mentioned that there's a possibility that getting a 10S user into the Culling Games might have been planned all along. So I wonder if this is hinting to that.
And then we get to Sukuna. His involvement in all of this is still very unclear. But with the recent developments I think back to what Gege said when he was asked why Sukuna is so interested in Megumi, and he answered along the lines of, Sukuna can only achieve his ideal world with Fushiguro or something like that. I don't know whether Gege was joking or not, you can never really tell. But in the slight chance that he was indeed serious, is it possible that Sukuna might be more alike with Gojo and that he also has grander motives like changing or shaping the jujutsu world to his liking?
And if that is the case, what's Megumi's and the merger's role in all of this then?
ohoho 🤭. I love it when I get asks like these where you guys share stuff I had not thought of.
ok I'm obvs late in answering this. but ok here are my thoughts:
Sukuna as endgame villain: idk I just sort of assumed he would be? I guess the black blob of doom (Kenny's experiment) is going to be more dangerous. My guess is that the final showdown is going to happen in Majinai, the cursed space between dreams and waking life. If Sukuna isn't endgame villain, then where does that leave him? I imagine team good guys fighting against both Sukuna and the black blob of doom!
Kenny's will: I saw people commenting on this! The reason Toji didn't kill Geto back then was so all of those curses he was hanging onto wouldn't be released into the world. What happens to Tengen and Mahito? Also, it all feels kind of too good to be true if I'm honest--Kenny dying this easily.
Sukuna's goal and Sukuna and Kenny's deal: we're still waiting on that to unfold too!
Megumi's role: please let it be the shadow please let it be the shadow please let it be the shadow please
Typical jjk chapter creating more questions than it does answers.
Also, I love your parallel between Gojo and Sukuna!
Thanks for sharing the thoughts!!!!
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JJK Woman Appreciation Post II! ⚠️ Spoilers (duh)⚠️
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Shoko Ieiri:
I’m torn between simping for her and begging her to adopt me.
Shoko Ieiri, the ultimate third wheel. She was in the same year as Gojo and Geto, and the three of them became fast friends. Of course, though, Gojo and Geto became even faster friends. The three of them are legit parallels to Nobara/Fushiguro/Itadori in terms of their friendship. She and Utahime also have a good friendship as seen in one of my favorite manga panels. Shoko is extremely special because she can used Reversed Cursed Techniue which allows her to heal people, and based on Volume 0, may be able to REGROW MISSING LIMBS?!
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She’s extremely valuable to the story because of this ability and during the Shibuya Incident Arc, Principal Yaga expresses this importance. She is situated away from everything because if the enemy knew where she was, they would kill her first.
Shoko prefers alcohol over sweets, and stopped smoking for five years before starting again during the Shibuya Incident Arc. Because... yea I’d do the same. She is pretty serious and focuses on getting the job done. She is pretty laid back and chill, and presents a blasé attitude. In high school, she always avoided conflict and after seeing Geto after he, you know k!lled a bunch of people, she mocks him almost. I hope we get to see more of her and her character and that maybe the whole thing of her avoiding conflict gets overcomes. Her and Utahime will be the only adult mentors left in the series really, and I want to see how she would react in that role.
Utahime Lori:
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Yes I do personally Headcanon these two as girlfriends. I honestly love Utahime because of the fact that she’s like the mother hen of a bunch of juvenile children who project their issues on other people.
When first introduced, she’s pretty calm and reserved. She stops the rival school from their battle of petty insults and gets easily irritated... when Gojo came. She has good intuition and when Gojo asks her to investigate the spy at Kyoto, she reminds him that she could be the spy before being insulted for being ‘weak’. We don’t know her cursed technique but obviously it must be pretty strong if she is the opposing teacher to Gojo. And speaking of the annoying idea of weak and strong in the Jujutsu world, Utahime also has a scar on her face. We don’t know where she got it from but she has it.
Momo talks about how a scar on a woman is a disadvantage for a female Jujutsu Sorcerer. I personally think that her lectur might have been influenced by seeing her teacher be put at a disadvantage due to this. We still don’t know too much about her, sadly, but she shows herself to be an entertaining character. Her attempt an a inspirational speech at the begining of the sister school exchange event displays her to be rather awkward when it comes to being comforting. However, it’s been established that the Kyoto school is like a family and that probably wouldn’t be possible without Utahime. Her caring nature is on display when she notices Miwa passed out in a dangerous zone.
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Same thing with Shoko, I’m torn between simping and begging for adoption. Gosh I want Utahime and Shoko to be my moms dkekekek.
The fact that she loves Karaoke and wants Shoko to quit smoking 😭😳💙
Mei Mei
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First thing first: her relationship with her brother will always make me uncomfortable-
Mei Mei is a grade one sorcerer who is on the side of money. Mood. I honestly don’t know her character that well, but she is really chill and has good inuition. She notices Maki’s strength and quickly realizes that Fake!Geto is.. well fake.
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Okay but her cursed technique?? Allowing herself to control or share senses with animals, specifically crows is so cool and so convienet. Like during the Kyoto event, her skill was very useful and same thing during the Shibuya Incident Arc.
Although I don’t remember much about her character, I do know that she is very chill and laid back, but can be caring in her own special way. Well, by caring I mean complimenting Itadori on his skill, which is something that she didn’t have to do but did.
This reminded me that I need to reread the manga, and not just Gojo’s past arc because I miss Riko Amanai and I’m working on a nice post about Star Plasma Vessel Sus stuff, but Mei Mei is also just like... hot 😳.
Yuki Tsukumo:
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She’s so cool, but so suspicious. A lot of people have pointed out that she was insturmental in Geto’s decline by introducing the idea of a world without jujutsu to him. Her Aethstic is cool with the motorcycle and the “what kind of woman is your type” question. I love how she is really cheerful but at the same time badass, two traits I feel like aren’t more commonly coexistent within female characters.
In the last or second to last chapter, she exposed herself to be rather... funny? Like funny in the fact that she’s kind of clueless half the time? Like the facial expressions she makes and how when things goes more downhill than she thought they would, she started to freak out a little.
I do think she is really interesting in the fact that she actively researches way to make the world a better place and protect people from curses in the best way possible. But... she’s still so suspicious.
Fun fact: her surname has the Kanji for 99... she got 99 problems-
Riko Amanai:
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Missing you 😭
She’s probably one of my favorite characters. She was just a teenager who was lonely and for some reason kept on surviving while others didn’t. She was okay with giving up herself to... basically be the vessel, the puppet, to a powerful entity who’s been alive for over a 1000 years. It’s really bittersweet because the way I saw it, she was okay with being the vessel because of the fact that she believed that because she was the vessel, she had to be lonely in her life leading up to the Merge.
Riko has no cursed technique but was responsible for the Jujutsu world as Master Tengen’s vessel. She was spunky, cheerful, and... confused. Riko thought she had everything figured out but after forming close connections with Geto and Gojo and realizing how important Kuro was to her, she realized that she wanted to make more memories and not lose everything.
I’ll talk more about her in my Star Plasma Vessel post 😉.
Tsumiki Fushiguro:
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Omg another one of my favorites because I love characters who are low key plot tools.
Tsumiki is Megumi’s older step sister who took on a very maternal role in his life. Megumi is very protective over her while at the same time very annoyed at what he believed was the hypocrisy of ‘good people’. Tsumiki is shown to be kind, caring, and well... just your normal teenage girl. She threw milk at Megumi after scolding him for getting into another fight. She just wants to see her little bro get the best life he could possibly get.
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Tsumiki only did the test of courage because she ‘was worried’ and I feel like that just says so much about her character. And now? Well now she’s a vessel for some unknown vengeful spirit. And... do all vessels just get their hair pulled back??
And That’s all for now folks! Thanks for reading!
I didn’t edit this at all oh well, some times the first draft is all we have the energy to do-
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The Star Plasma Vessel:
When I first read Gojo’s past arc, Riko Amanai and the whole dynamic created between all of the characters and how fast a strong bond can grow, really interested me.
⚠️Spoiler warning ofc ⚠️
But... I was so confused over the Star Plasma Vessel. I was so confused and thought I missed something because I didn’t even know who Master Tengen was. And the site I was reading the manga didn’t have chapter 72, but after re reading it... the Star Plasma Vessel and Master Tengen are... still suspicious as hell.
So Let’s talk about it!
Who is Master Tengen?
In the Nara Period (710-794) Tengen spread Japanese Buddhism and ‘preached what would become the foundation for Jujutsu sorcerers(JJK.wiki)’. They were first mentioned in chapter 53 by fake Geto. 
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At this point, the only information about Master Tengen was that of their jujutsu. Jogo asks Fake Geto who’s stronger; Tengen or Gojo? Fake Geto simply states that “it’s immortality not anti-aging” and that Master Tengen doesn’t interfere unless it involves the barrier. He also makes this comparison with a tree? However, I’m not sure if the tree metaphor is comparing Tengen and Gojo or describing/comparing Tengen’s technique. 
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During Gojo’s Past Arc, we find out more about the specifics of their jujutsu and how powerful and important they are. Tengen’s jujutsu is immortality but it doesn’t stop the aging process. The cursed technique tries to switch bodies roughly every 500 years. If Tengen doesn’t get a vessel, then they will ‘evolve’ or ascend to a higher state where they have no will. If in this higher state, they could become a threat to humanity. If they do get a vessel, then they rewrite the body’s genetic information. 
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On top of all that, Master Tengen’s ability strengthens the barriers that protect the jujutsu world and keep the amount of curses limited to Japan. The Jujutsu world wouldn’t be working the way it has for so long if not for these barriers. It isn’t specified whatsoever what Tengen would do that would make them a threat to humanity, but my guess is that it would have something to do with allowing curses to run free and unrestricted. 
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In the reccent chapters, Fake!Geto used a remote activation technique that Yuki orginially mistakes as an attack on the barrier. He’s disrupting the balance that’s for sure, but I believe that  he could have broken the barrier. He had the option and probably the power, but he didn’t. This implies that Tengen is a force that even our antagonists fear or don’t wish to get involve. They said that they were  stabilized even after Riko Amanai died, but... considering Ep. 18 where Principal Yaga goes ‘I’m going to see Tengen” after the Curses break onto school grounds implies that maybe he is weaker. Gojo even talks about how in the end, Tengen’s barrier hides rather than protects and that it’s weak once infiltrated, which raises a lot of questions. And maybe Tengen plays a part in this whole scheme because of  the talk of how much chaos the world would be thrown into had the barrier been broken by Yuki and Fake!Geto’s questionable response. 
Who is Riko Amanai?
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Riko Amanai was the Star Plasma Vessel in 2006. It is implied that she was pretty wealthy, and when she was younger, her parent’s died in a car crash, but she survived. Between the years of her parents’ death and her death, she was cared for by Misato Kuroi, a non combatant  jujutsu sorcerer who can fight curses, well educated in the curse world, but might not be able to use cursed energy/techniques. It is unknown with who Misato is affiliated with and if Amanai became aware of her status as the Star Plasma Vessel at an early age. 
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 When first introduced, she is very willing and seemingly okay with the merger. When Gojo expresses his surprise over Amanai’s reaction to her attempted assassination attempt and the whole concept of the merger, she simply proclaims “Master Tengen is me and I am Master Tengen!”. She then goes on a rant about how the merger and death are different things and how after the Merger, her will and spirit will live on. However, this statement was contradicted earlier, when Yaga describes the Merger as an ‘eraser’. Later, Geto even talks about how after the Merger, Amanai will just be forced to be beneath the school and has to get rid of all mortal connections. It just happens to be that, she has no relations besides Kuroi... suspicious.... 
  Riko is spunky and fiesty. During her rant, Gojo and Geto comment on how she probably has no friends based on how she talks. She is clumsy, and honestly just... funny. I keep on hoping someone in the main timeline says something similar to the “Liar, you look a liar... and whats with those bangs” line  in reference to Fake!Geto. Getting back at hand, Riko is also brave. When Kuroi gets kidnapped, she insists on coming with Geto and Gojo despite having no fighting or curse capability. When nervous or in an emotional confrontation, she has a habit of scrunching up part of her skirt in her fists. 
 Despite putting up an image of content with the Merger, Riko is a normal teenage girl. Moments before her death, Riko’s inner monologue focuses on how she was always told she was ‘special’ and ‘different’, and how despite everything that happened, she always survived. Now, being told that you are special and different at a young age is something that affects people heavily. Weather  it is being told that you are a ‘gifted’ kid or that you are just ‘different’ can lead to a lot of self separation from others. One might see themselves as better than others because of these skills or believe that someone else like them can’t exist and struggle when meeting someone similar or in a similar situation. Before her appearance in the story, it is implied that she had good relationships with her friends, classmates, and Kuroi, but didn’t really value them as much as she should due to this idea of being special or having a destiny. (Damn, a Gojo parallel maybe hmm)  This led her to be really lonely and she believed that she would be okay with the merger because she thought that the loneliness and sadness would disappear. In the last three days of her life, Riko got to spend time with her friends at schools  (the last she saw of them was them teasing her for her ‘hot cousin’ Gojo), spending time with Kuroi, and developing a strong bond with Gojo and Geto. She realizes that the sadness and loneliness could and would leave as long as she had strong bonds with others. 
“I want to be with everyone more! I want to go to more places, see more things with everyone... More!!” 
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  After Riko comes to terms with what she really wants, she dies at the hands of Toji Fushiguro/Zenin. Her death sets an entire series of misfortunes and rifts between the Strongest Duo and she serves her part as... well the plot tool she  doubles as. 
A Choice:
 Before her death, Riko is given a choice. Geto gives her instructions on where to go for the merger, before saying “Or you can turn back and return home with Kuroi.”. He gives her a choice. A choice to go through with the merger and ensure stability despite no one truly knowing what is happening, or a choice to live a life of her choice. We find out that Yaga gave hints that there is something wrong with the Merger due to the way that he described  it as an ‘erasure’ and how he isn’t one to ‘beat around the bush’. 
 We find out that Gojo and Geto decided beforehand that if the Vessel wasn’t willing to go through with the merger, they wouldn’t do it and that they, the strongest duo, would fight Master Tengen. Gojo and Geto were the strongest and Geto says that no matter what she chooses, they will protect her future. 
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 Riko decides to go home, wherever that may be, instead of the merger, but of course, dies. 
 As established before, this whole concept is suspicious. Yaga knew there was something wrong with this. Gojo and Geto both knew there was something wrong with this.
 In chapter 138, Yuki goes “it’s about time I confront Tengen.” This opens a box with even more questions. What does she mean by this? Why is it ‘about time’ and how casual is it for sorcerers to talk to Tengen? As mentioned before, Yaga is apparently in communication with Tengen when he needs to be. And Yuki is the one who told Geto that Tengen was stabilized after the failed merger and that the vessel was probably reborn...
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 I honestly hope more than predict that we get to meet Riko Amanai reborn or the next SPV.  Tengen is a name that is getting thrown around recently so there is no way that he is just.. not going to be relevant in the coming chapters. 
  I know a lot of people have found comparisons to Buddhism and the Jujutsu world, and I am not that well educated in this area, I do know that rebirth plays a big role in it. Rebirth is viewed as a negative cycle one should want to escape from called “Samsara”. I personally headcanon/theorize that the Star Plasma Vessel and the soul of Riko Amanai, is one that gets reborn constantly and is stuck in a cycle where they experience a lonely and sad  life before getting a taste of a full and happy one right before the merger. In terms of the 500 year thing, the Star Plasma vessel would have first been born( created?) during sometime in the in between of the Heian Period (794-1184) and the Muromachi Period (1392-1573). The Heian Period is implied to be the Golden Age of Curses and when Sukuna was in full power despite being known in history as a peaceful time for Japan, so I definitely believe that there is some connection if my math is correct (which it probably isn’t. I hate math). 
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Right now in the story, vessels... are really important. According to Fake Geto, he released what is like a thousand Itadori Yujis, so I think that bringing back the star Plasma vessel would fit really well. However, they would roughly be around 12 years of age in 2018, meaning that they might not even be able to do the merger because I think the vessel has to be sixteen and older and have a full moon.
(Edit: added 4/1/21: Also, it might not be Riko reborn, but just another Star Plasma Vessel. Like Yuki says that either they had another vessel at hand, or another one was already born. So like... the new SPV might be the age of our main characters or possibly even one of the characters we already know!)
I also think it will be really interesting to see how it would play off with the fact that Gojo/Geto are no longer involved in the story. Gojo is sealed and the real Geto is dead. When thinking about how the SPV would be in the story, I imagined a picture of a younger girl in a uniform and with a braid holding the sealed Gojo and staring up at the fake Geto. I’m not over what happened to Riko Amanai if you haven’t noticed and I feel like she deserves to have this other chance. I also think it’ll set up the eventual meeting or confrontaion with Master Tengen which I’m personally dying to see.
So what do you think? I don’t really have any solid predictions other than that the SPV reborn will make an appearance, but what about you? Do you guys think Tengen will play a big part? Do you think Tengen may end up becoming a big threat or a good ally? Do you guys want to see Itadori and the SPV interact? Or am I just over analyzing this?
Thanks for reading!
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