#i still refuse to call him 'john' idc
azuremist · 6 months
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The "Orekoto, what did you mean by this" compilation
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obesessedwithjohndory · 3 months
brozone hcs because the brainrot is real and i love them all so much mwah mwah (except they’re mostly about john dory because i just love him so much 😖)
john dory 100% calls the toilet a shitter (every time i think of this i giggle)
john dory is dyslexic and struggled to write songs for the band when he was younger and he didn’t stop until he finally had them down
they have karaoke parties at bruce & sons when it’s closed for the evening and it’s just the brothers
branch hates it when they fight
floyd & jd move to pop village, floyd moves into the bunker with branch and john dory stays in rhonda but is always near the bunker & he spends the night there sometimes
branch is closest to jd & floyd
branch’s second favourite brother is john dory but he refuses to admit it
bruce can rap
john dory has 100% definitely been arrested before
john dory knows the rasputin dance and will most definitely put on a show when it’s put on at parties
bruce listens to 50 dad music
john dory is lowkey scared of ghosts and hates it when branch tells ghost stories in the bunker when it’s dark in there
john dory is the father (figure) branch never had & he hates to admit it
the bros are feminists
for the first like 6 months on branch’s life jd was his favourite and he would only stop crying if he was in his hair/ if he was holding him
they’re really good at acapella
john dory cries watching the titanic
once a month they’ll all either stay in the bunker or vacay island and they have a family game night & it always gets really competitive (usually between jd and clay, bruce had to intervene before the board game gets snapped in two)
their mum was eaten before trollstice by a bergen that broke into the cage guarding the troll tree when branch was still an egg & their dad was a total d!ck so he didn’t really care, not long after he left jd to look after all his brothers and then like probably a week later branch hatched
speaking of their mum, jd was a total mummy’s boy idc
it wasn’t until branch was about four months old that they moved in with rosiepuff so she could help out
bruce was in a musical (iykyk)
john dory can play the guitar
clay reads before he goes to bed and won’t until he’s read at least 50 pages
bruce is the type of guy to tell everyone they can’t eat their food until he’s taken pictures of it if they’re at a restaurant that isn’t his. it always ends in bruce scolding them as they all get tired of waiting and start eating
clay has an insane amount of sweater rompers
floyd subconsciously sings to himself when he’s anxious- it’s something he picked up when in the diamond while velvet & veneer had him captive
the goggles & glove are a comfort thing for jd
clay can beatbox but he doesn’t like doing it because “it’s not serious”
john dory and branch are always in sync one way or another and they don’t even realise it half the time
jd really wants kids but is worried he’ll mess that family up just like he messed his family up when brozone broke up
SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CLAY & FLOYD 😣 i’m gonna come up with some more hcs not only for them but for jd and my oc rhea (i’ll have to write abt her bc i can’t draw for shit 💔)
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rockyjulesxx · 1 year
the correct marauders head cannons
Sirius Black
GAY AND TRANS ASS MOTHER FUCKER!! #endthecisaficationofsiriusblack idc if it’s genderfluid, non-binary or ftm this bitch is trans and loves men.
he’s like 5”6-5”9 in height.
obvi has black hair that is up to his shoulders/ collarbone and is also very layered.
he’s tattooed and pierced. some tattoos are of the moon cycle, his and regs stars, dog foot prints and something prongs and wormtail related. he also has multiple ear piercings with a side nose stud, a navel and a bottom labret piercing.
he loves dressing hyper feminine but also masculine. he doesn’t have a set style, he just dresses to serve cunt and have clothes that match his docs and chunky rings and leather jackets.
he has borderline personality disorder that he is very ashamed about because the characteristics of his mental illness remind him of his mother. he also has ptsd that affects him the most through nightmares. he also gets a lot of gender envy that fouls his dysphoria from his friends, but refuses to tell them about it because he doesn’t want to make any of them feel bad.
he’s pale and has silver eyes that can be kind of intimidating.
he’s half french and east asian ( him and james first bonded at hogwarts over being the only asian kids in their year) .
Remus John Lupin
bicon. no other acceptable answers.
sweaters. knitted sweaters. lots and lots of knitted grandpa sweaters. (many gifted to him by lily).
his style is very cottagecore, but also mixed in with some street style. he loves his beat ass crusty ass converse that are breaking at the seams, but he also wears docs when he wants to feel superior. he is either spotted in heavy knitted sweaters or old band tees. and a book bag. he cannot go anywhere without his fucking book bag.
he has tattoos. idk what tattoos, but definitely tattoos. and maybe a few ear piercings.
he’s 6”- 6”4 in height.
loves david bowie and sometimes wears makeup inspired by him.
wears fishnets under his jeans that are visible on his waist when he wears crop tops. this is slutty remus.
he has honey brown curly hair. it’s soft and bouncy and sometimes falls into his eyes that are obviously hazel.
freckles scattered between scars <3
has a physical disability that requires him to use crutches or a wheelchair from time to time. he also suffers from severe migraines that leaves him unable to leave his room.
he has ptsd and severe anxiety that went years without being medicated because of his “i can handle myself” mentality.
he’s welsh and/or jewish or maybe even latino anyone of those work tbh. he has soft tan skin that very glowy.
long eyelashes. like incredibly long eyelashes that are light brown and always curl towards the sun.
James Fleamont Potter
a pansexual himbo at his finest.
he’s from south asia, more specifically india.
he’s super sporty but not overly buff. he has the body type of a football player (or soccer player, whatever you call it).
his style is very relaxed in a man whore kind of way. he loves his red converse- they’re his staple piece.
he has one ear piercing he got with sirius. he thinks it looks stupid but sometimes puts it in when he wants a different look.
first started wearing skirts with sirius so that he felt more confident, but actually really liked how they looked on himself. he has slutty skirts he wears when he goes to the gay bar.
he has adhd and maybe anxiety that somehow went years without being diagnosed.
he has deep brown hair that’s messy and could possibly curl but always remains more fluffy than curly. it’s short cut but falls into his eyes that are a dark brown but look burgundy in the light.
he’s 5”9-5”11 in height. (sometimes he purposely tells people he’s shorter so that he makes guys who said they’re 6” feel stupid).
obviously wears glasses (he’s technically legally blind and has a lot of anxiety of loosing his vision. he got eye sugary once and had to wear an eye patch for a week. he still wears it sometimes for halloween or just for fun).
has a beauty mark under his left eye (lily likes to kiss it).
Peter Pettigrew
he’s asexual.
has a baby face and is often mistaken for remus’s little cousin.
he gets rosey cheeks very easily.
he doesn’t have tattoos but he has a few piercings.
he has a unibrow (it’s very pretty and has a beauty mark in between closer to his right eye).
short king! 5”4-5”6 in height.
his style is cardigans with jeans that are cuffed (half because of his height and half because of fashion).
he has dirty blonde hair that’s straight and cut short.
he has bright blue eyes.
he has body dysmorphia and social anxiety.
he has a very small gap between his teeth that he hates and tried to get braces for but couldn’t afford. everyone tells him it suits him though because the gap adds to his charm.
he’s a brit through and through, a full englishman
i’ll make a part two of this with all the other marauder icons.
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ragingpancake · 3 years
McShep prompt: no regrets?
Thank you so much for the prompt! @gingerpolyglot I really appreciate you sending this to me!
The pain in his shoulder radiates outward until his whole arm feels like it’s on fire. They need to operate, to clean up the mess of splintered bone, fragments of bullet, but he refuses to let them put him under, not yet. Not when Ronon, Teyla and Rodney have yet to come back through the Gate. It’s only because he’d lost consciousness at some point or another that he’s here, pacing the gate room despite the way each painful step threatens to bring to him to tears. No one is talking, refusing to give up whichever Marine it had actually been who had dragged him through the Gate, leaving the rest of John’s people on the other side. Likely because they knew the soldier wouldn’t escape unscathed for ignoring the single, most important rule: we don’t leave people behind. It was meant to be a routine mission. A quick return to M5-X385 to check in on the Zamains and make sure they were settling in okay to their new settlement. It’d been fine at first, a cake walk really, until some faction of the old Zamani militia, pissed at being removed from their previous plant (despite the fact that it was, you know, showing signs of the beginning of an actual ice age), showed up. Their weapons were primitive, but effective. A bullet had caught him in the shoulder and while bullets had never taken John down before, the damn rock that conked him on the head from the damn trebuchet definitely had. He never would have left them. Never.
Ronon and Teyla, they could take care of themselves, John knew that. But Rodney… Rodney, who was never meant to be a soldier, Rodney who, most days couldn’t even get a handle on his own P-90… Rodney, who John had sworn to protect at all costs and not because he was honor bound to do so, but because… well, because it was Rodney, was still out there. He trusted Teyla and Ronon with his own life, trusted them with every single person on this base, but… But. Rodney. “Dial the gate, Chuck,” he snarls up to the control room, yanking the sling that Keller had fitted him with temporarily from around his neck and he has to bite back a strangled cry at the way it jostles his arm. He somehow manages to keep up that stoic façade, despite the pain, despite the worry gnawing away at his stomach. “Disregard that command, Chuck,” another voice rings out and John turns, glaring daggers at Colonel Carter. “I said dial the gate!” Sam takes the steps down into the Gate room two at a time, closing the distance between them, her own jaw set. “I let you convince me to allow you to remain out here until they get back, John, but I’m not letting you do this. You’re in no condition—” “They’re my people!” He bellows, “and if you think for one second that I’m going to—” The gate sounds, loud and echoing in the Gate Room and Carter steps back, pulling John with her. “I’m reading Teyla’s IDC!” Chuck calls down and John whirls on him angrily. “Lower the damn shield!” The moment it’s down, the trio comes running through the event horizon, followed closely by the marines Carter had sent in as reinforcements. Once everyone is through, the shield reactivates a split second before the gate dies and John realizes he’s been holding his breath. It comes out in a whoosh as he pushes through the small crowd, good arm gripping Rodney’s shoulder and it hits him in this moment that he could have lost Rodney and he thinks his knees are maybe about to give out when the scientist turns to him, blue eyes wide as he pulls John in for a bone crushing hug. “Oh thank God! I thought you died!” And John can’t stifle the cry that tears from his mouth this time as his shoulder explodes with pain. When he goes to his knees, Rodney follows him, careful to ease him down as Keller weaves her way through the group, medical team right behind her with a gurney meant for John. “I—I shouldn’t have left you,” John rasps as hands grab at him, but he pushes them away, eyes never leaving Rodney’s. “You went down so fast and, and, and there was blood and—” It’s Rodney’s hand this time on either side of John’s face. “I thought you died,” he says again and it’s too much in this moment, with the way Rodney’s looking at him and John can’t breathe and--. “Colonel,” Keller says urgently. “This can’t wait any longer. We need to get that shoulder--.” He doesn’t hear anything else though because he leans forward, shoulder be damned, and crushes his lips against Rodney’s. He savors it for about a half a second before he feels a prick in his arm and everything starts to go sideways. “Sheppard—” Rodney says as Keller’s team manhandles him onto the gurney and John can only watch through hazy vision as Teyla and Ronon help Rodney to his feet, Ronon’s hand clamped firmly on Rodney’s shoulder as if to keep him from chasing after him. I’m gonna beat the shit out of him later for that, John thinks, but it’s the last thought he has before darkness claims him. --- He wakes up in the infirmary and unsurprisingly, he’s not alone. Ronon’s sitting in the chair next to his bed, legs propped up on the edge while Teyla is at his feet, hands rubbing his ankle through the blanket. Rodney’s up somewhere near his head and John can feel the weight of his hand on his good shoulder. “’Thought you were gonna sleep forever,” Ronon says, dropping his feet and letting his chair tip back on to all four legs. “You should not have delayed your surgery, John,” Teyla admonishes gently and he wishes that they would at least wait until he’s fully awake before the
lectures start. “Yeah, but if he hadn’t, the whole Gate Room wouldn’t have gotten that show.” John blinks at Ronon maybe a little dumbly as Rodney’s cheeks pinken slightly. “Wha’—” John clears his throat. “What show?” “Oh, you know, the one where you tried to make out with McKay in front of everyone.” “Ronon,” Teyla chastises, but he grins at John. “Clearly, it was some sort of mixed reaction to the adrenaline decrease and, and, and probably blood loss,” Rodney explains and John can read it all over his face, even slightly high, that he thinks there has to be some reasonable explanation other than the fact that John just wanted to kiss him. Plain and simple. That he’s wanted to for the longest damn time, maybe since the first time Rodney showed him the Puddle Jumpers. The problem was never Rodney, it was always John, too emotionally stunted and stupid to act on what he wanted until he thought he might never get it again. “We don’t need to keep harping on it and embarrassing the Colonel,” Rodney huffs but he slouches down in his chair a little miserably. “No regrets, McKay,” John says, and he would shrug like it was no big deal if he thought he could move his shoulder without puking all over his team. But it has its desired effect because Rodney sits up so quickly that he very nearly drops his tablet. “I—what?” “Well,” John amends, feeling his eyelids growing heavier by the moment, “maybe just one.” His head lulls to the side and he gives Rodney a lopsided smile. “Probably shoulda done that sooner.” And Ronon laughs out loud, clapping his hands together like this is the best thing he’s ever heard. “Told you!” He crows. “I told you! You owe me a beer!” Teyla rolls her eyes but she does so with a smile as she rises, swatting Ronon’s legs. “We should leave you to rest, John. I am very glad that you are alright.” Ronon is still grinning broadly, even as Teyla ushers him away, but not before he claps Rodney on his shoulder roughly. “Did you… do you mean that?” Rodney asks, oddly quiet and John doesn’t know when his eyes closed, but he has to open them again to squint up at Rodney. “S’it alright with you if I do?” “Oh, yes. Of course, I just, uh. It’s just that… which is to say um, you’re youand I’m me and I just uhh… can we perhaps try again? Sometime soon? For scientific reasons, of course.” “Rodney,” John murmurs. “Hmm?” “Shut up.” “Right. Yes. Shutting up now.” It lasts for all of two seconds. “Really though? Are you sure? You literally just outed yourself in front of the entire expedition and, and, and—” “I know,” John says and he’s so close to falling back asleep. “Still. No regrets.” “Huh,” is the last thing John hears before the darkness claims him once more.
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flamebirdswp · 3 years
🖋 autumn
Autumn is, hands down, my favourite OC. Like, ever. Can’t believe I came up with her from the dumb premise of ‘I want a fic called Fall From Grace & I want the OC to be called Autumn because puns’ but here we are, with my most popular character. That’s not even up for debate, I am genuinely in awe of how much attention FFG has gotten.
And I just love everything about Autumn. I love how she’s developing & she’s still making mistakes because she’s extremely flawed. I love all the layers to her relationships with people; the way she’s simultaneously devoted to Hal but also needing to break away if she ever wants to improve herself; how her & Dick are always gonna be haunted by the shadow of her death & her life; Kory potentially being her goddamn soulmate but Autumn being too scared to ever truly pursue that.
KoryAutumn is literally amazing, oh my god. Like, Kory could so easily be The One for Autumn. She doesn’t take her shit, but she doesn’t judge her for it either. She’s the endless support that Autumn has always needed since Coast City, because unlike Guy & John, she refuses to let her wallow in her own self pity. Kory is all about confronting things upfront, being honest to the people she loves, and the more time that Autumn spends with her, the more that rubs off on her. Genuinely, I think if Kory hadn’t been there, then Autumn never would’ve decided to tell the Titans the truth. Kory just improves her as a person.
But at the same time, DickAutumn is everything to me. I love childhood friends to lovers because, uh, it’s an amazing trope and the fact that Dick and Autumn were so close to becoming that? Literally a day away before everything went to hell? Amazing. I love it. Dick is safety, to Autumn. She’s been in love with him for so long (& vice versa) and it’s just so good. Also, every single ‘I could never hate you’ is a declaration of love, idc, idc. I’m pretty sure I’ve even set that up in the fic like... the whole what is love piece of prose was so good re: DickAutumn & KoryAutumn.
And just!!!! Hal!!!! Hal and Autumn, the mentor/protege duo of my heart. Batman and Robin who I only know Green Lantern and Aura. Like, Hal loves her so goddamn much?? That’s his kid, okay, that’s the end of the conversation. |Doesn’t matter what kind of satantic cricket is hijacking his soul, he’d never intentionally hurt Autumn. He’d literally rather die and I’m so sad right now, because we’re coming up on the Spectre being introduced and (spoiler alert) the fact that Hal actively refuses to be near Autumn, because he gets that he hurt so much as Parallax and he can’t do that again, he won’t, even when Parallax itself is encouraging him to get closer to her!!!!! He just loves her so goddamn much.
And Sinestro... he’s the worst. I can’t wait to post the next chapter because it ends on a massive cliffhanger with him & Rachel & everything’s gonna start falling into place as we move closer and closer to part three.
Autumn’s entire story is just -- I’m so proud of it? Idk how else to put it. She’s such a complex character and it would’ve been so easy to screw her up, but I don’t think I have. Like, if I’d given away too much or too little at the start, she wouldn’t be half as good a character. I know a lot of people really wanted Dick to forgive her immediately at the end of part 1 but let’s be honest, it’s so much better for both the characters and the story that he didn’t. Like, Autumn faces consequences for what she did and part of her redemption is accepting that reality and doing her very best to let them know that she regrets everything that she did, but at the same time, she does not expect their forgiveness.
In conclusion, I love the world’s biggest idiot who has never made a good decision in her life.
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thepsychicclam · 7 years
Can I ask what widely accepted Sterek headcanons you don't agree with/like? I love hearing differing opinions on headcanons.
Okay, here we go lol
-The sheriff’s name is John. Okay, this one really bugs me. Like, as a preference? Cool. You like his name as John. I’m down with that. But the devotion with which people cling to the name and demand it be used I don’t understand. I don’t have a problem with Noah, mainly bc I like the name, but honestly think that they should have left him as “the sheriff” without a name. (I also don’t think not making his name John was a slight against us. I don’t get upset about stuff like that usually. I don’t really care lol) I choose to use “the sheriff” in my fics bc he doesn’t have a name, and I have used John in the past bc it was used a lot (in domestic I know that’s his name. That may be the only one) But I’m kinda turned off by John now because of the way ppl acted about the name. Like not reading fics, including old fics, where his name isn’t John or refusing to read fics where his name is Noah???? Really? You’re gonna punish the author for a name that’s perhaps used less than 50% in the fic? I’ve read two fantastic fics where his name wasn’t John, one where he was named Randy and one Jeremiah. Who cares what his name is? If you like John, go for it. Write him as John to your heart’s content! But don’t get upset when other authors don’t use John. It doesn’t really matter in the long run.
-Sheriff/Melissa. I don’t like them together. Sorry. I actually regret putting the sheriff with Melissa in domestic. That’s why I never write them together anymore in it. I don’t like them. First, I don’t like Melissa very much. Second, Melissa deserves someone who truly loves her deeply, not the sheriff whose real love was Claudia and died. I just don’t like them together. I do like Chris/Melissa, but maybe bc I think JR and Melissa have more romantic chemistry, idk (and i have my own headcanons about chris and victoria and how they weren’t really in love). Honestly, idc about Melissa enough to care who she’s with, but I don’t agree she should be with the sheriff.
-Melissa is the bestest. Again, I don’t like her. Maybe bc I don’t like Scott very much, but Melissa is just kind of a bitch imo. She grates on me, esp around s3. But I also don’t think she’s a very good mother. But I don’t have a great reason/explanation for why I don’t like her. I just don’t.
-The camaro/jacket are Laura’s. Why? Like why is that a fandom thing, esp the Camaro? Why would she leave it? Why would Derek then drive it when she flew? It doesn’t make any sense. Plus, I prefer the Camaro to be Derek’s. The jacket I like being his father’s, not hers.
-Single dad!Derek can’t take care of his kids. I hate that trope/head canon. It pops up a lot in single dad!Derek fics. Laura is better at raising the kids, Derek can’t do anything with them without his family’s help, or even Stiles can handle them better. Um…no? I think Derek would make a great father. Sure, he’d make mistakes, but I hate it when Laura/Talia/Cora/Lydia/Scott/Stiles/Erica/etc know better about his kids than he does.
-Fail wolf!Derek - this is an older headcanon, I think, but I sometimes still see it around in fic. It ties in with the above idea. That concept that Derek can’t do anything right or others know better than him. Obviously, I’m biased bc I love Derek and he’s my favorite character on the show, and I like when his faults and flaws are explored, but he’s not a fail wolf. I don’t even think s2 was failwolf!Derek. He’s capable, brave, smart, resourceful, loyal, determined…these are not qualities that make him a fail wolf or unable to lead his pack, raise his kids, etc. He makes a lot of mistakes and bad decisions, but so does everyone else on that show, and he was trying to survive and do what was right, just not always in the best way. I’ve seen metas and fics dealing with this. I don’t like it when Stiles comes in and “fixes” the pack for Derek. Idk that just bugs me a lot.
-Scott and Stiles are BFF5EVAH!!!1!@@22!!21!! Don’t buy it. Even based on the show. Scott doesn’t really act like a BFF to Stiles unless it’s convenient for him. He blows off Stiles for girls (Allison and Kira, um who looked for Stiles for 2 days while Scott was romancing Kira? Derek and Chris), and yeah, they have their moments the show writes in there, like in the hospital in 3b or in motel california, but they just don’t fit with the rest of the show. Maybe it’s inconsistent writing, but I think it’s just that the friendship is not written as strongly as they want to pretend it is. S5, when Scott believed Theo over Stiles with the Donovan stuff? W.T.F. Just…that was the last straw for me. I don’t buy their eternal broship “the real romance is Scott and Stiles” bullshit. Maybe you want it to be, but that’s not how I viewed it when watching bc I don’t think that’s how it was written. I think they care about one another, but they obviously are very different, Scott shows he doesn’t care about Stiles, and they drift apart through the seasons.
- anyone calling Derek “Der”, especially when he hates it. I hate the nickname Der. Hate it.
That’s all I can think of right now. I want to talk about Lydia and Erica, but I have a separate ask for that, so I’ll do that there.
 So…yeah. *hides from stones*
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janiedean · 7 years
So I'm the anon who asked about Theon a while back. I don't have a tumblr, but I saw you were willing to share your thoughts, so please, please do? I prefer throbb, but other than no thransay I can read anything, and I especially love modern AU and his fucked up relationship with other Greyjoys. Thanks in advance! Your writing is a delight!
uh you mean headcanons right? k let’s see hopefully I have something I haven’t shared yet
the greyjoy older generation always goes on an annual fishing trip (like, balon/euron/victarion with aeron tagging along) that lasts like two weeks. they always bring/brought theon’s older brothers if they’re alive. theon went like once and then noped out of it and uses that excuse to invite robb over all the time
the harlaw side of the family (+ asha even if she doesn’t say it outright) totally ship it tho
the moment theon and robb move together it turns out they both are pros at managing things - like most people assumed they’d be calling cat every other moment or that the kitchen would turn into a dump but theon is entirely adverse to living in dumps since his old place wasn’t tidiness incarnated, robb learned to handle himself because cat did teach him, they can both like mend their clothes and the likes (actually theon probably would know how to sew clothes tbh like his mom would have taught him but he never actually did it until he was out of the house) and like robb hates cooking but is fine with doing the laundry and for theon’s the contrary so they balance each other on that stuff
he’s better at scientific subject than humanistic but he totally went to the school’s drama club without telling to any family members because his father would have been a dick about it
he’d be the kind of person who likes to watch trash/syfy movies as a not so guilty pleasure but then he also would like some more refined stuff. (ps: he loves tarantino you need to pry that for me with my cold dead hands)
he’s spent years making fun of robb for being into bon jovi too bad he has an entire playlist of robb’s favorite bj songs hidden in his player
the greyjoys don’t do halloween or shit like that and he always played it as ‘meh I don’t care for that crap’. that is until he moves in with robb who still has young enough siblings to bring them out for trick or treating and he shows up in full deadpool costume. in character.
likes dark chocolate the more bitter the better. it’s about the one thing he and robb refuse to reach an agreement upon bc robb likes white
he’s a cat person and robb’s a dog person but their apartment is too small for pets of any kind so they settle on getting goldfish for the moment. they totally call them with names that are way too ridiculous for goldfish - or better theon names them bc robb claims to be unimaginative when it comes to naming anything. (he totally called one long john silver because he really liked treasure island when they had to read it for school.)
he pretended he liked football until he left the house, then it was ‘idc who wins as long as it’s not my father’s team’
resolutely refuses to get a facebook account but has a thriving instagram one (robb’s the contrary) and had a thriving vimeo one before they shut it down
has more than once given sansa makeup or clothing advice
has spent his entire life more or less disagreeing with jon on everything in good spirit and robb is despairing of ever getting them to agree on anything until it turns out they’re both team cap when civil war comes out and robb decides he’ll worship at the altar of steve rogers for the rest of his life
(this until arya goes like ‘yes they’re on team cap because they both think he’s like you’)
okay I hope it was along the lines of stuff you wanted? XD I can come up with more in case xD
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