#i think mimi would still try to carry lilymon or rosemon though
orangelemonart · 7 months
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Thinking about Angemon trying to ride on top of T.K. like he does when he's Patamon
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Flower of Life:  chapter 1
No one said anything. There wasn’t much that could be said. Koushirou’s fingers clacked against the keys of his laptop as he searched through the last few years of painstakingly gathered information. Mimi looked from him to where Hikari lay stretched out underneath the branches of a tree, pale as a ghost and her breath shallow and too slow for Mimi’s liking.
Jou hovered on her other side; he hadn’t been a full-fledged doctor all that long, and he still treated Digimon more than he did humans, but most of them figured that gave him an edge here.
After all, it was a Digital World plant that was causing all the problems at the moment.
Mimi slipped down a little further and wrapped her fingers around Hikari’s cold hand, wishing she could do something more to help.
If I could just get her a little warmer. Maybe that would help. It couldn’t hurt, could it?
She wriggled out of her jacket and spread it over Hikari. It was really too warm for a jacket today, but she’d thought it looked good on her and Mimi wasn’t one to pass up something that looked good on her.
“All right.” Koushirou's voice broke the silence and all of their heads swiveled to look at him. “I’ve analyzed what we could get of those thorns and it seems there is an antidote. Or one can be devised, at least.”
“What is it?” The question came from virtually everyone there except Hikari herself. Which was, of course, the problem in the first place.
Koushirou turned his laptop around so they could all see the picture there. It was a lovely plant, with deep blue leaves and blossoms of shimmering silver. In shape it resembled a tulip, but other than that, it wasn’t anything like Mimi had ever seen before.
“I haven’t been able to find the plant’s proper name, but all of my research and information indicates that with one of these, I could create the antidote. But we need to hurry. The thorn’s poison is very powerful.”
“Yeah, I think we saw that,” Taichi said, staring down at his sister as if he were personally responsible for the whole situation.
He wasn’t. If anyone was, Mimi would gladly take that blame herself. She’d been so proud of knowing so much about the Digital World, only to find out that she didn’t know nearly as much as she thought she did.
She certainly didn’t recognize this answer to the thorn’s poison.
“We have perhaps three hours before there won’t be anything that we can do,” Koushirou said, glancing at Jou. “We might be able to get a little more time if we’re lucky, but I’d rather not chance it.”
“What do you mean, nothing that we can do?” Daisuke wanted to know, his grip on Ken’s hand tight enough to turn both their hands white. “You don’t mean she’s going to...”
“I mean that she may very well die if we don’t get that antidote.” Koushirou bit his words off flatly, his fingers moving over the keys once again. “The flower that we need grows here.” Again he showed them, this time a map, with a small point glowing on it. All of them bent a bit closer. It was Ken who spoke first now.
“That’s in Rosemon’s territory,” he said. “She’s one of the most powerful Digimon that I’ve ever heard of, almost on a par with ImperialDramon or WarGreymon.” He considered for a heartbeat or two. “I don’t know much else about her, though. She keeps to herself. I never…” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to risk taking her on then.”
Exactly how much he truly recalled about his days as the Kaiser seemed to ebb and flow at times. None of them wanted to probe too deeply about it.
Mimi pulled herself to her feet and looked at Palmon, who nodded a bit. Whether she understood exactly what Mimi wanted or not didn’t quite matter. What mattered was getting what Hikari needed.
“How far away is it?”
Taichi and Daisuke stared at her. She didn’t wait for them to say anything, but kept her attention on Koushirou.
“I’m inputting the map into your D-Terminal now,” the redhead said. “Along with a counter. Please remember that this isn’t like the movies. You could get here later than I’ve estimated and she’ll be all right. You could get back here sooner and she might not be. Everything I’ve done is just an estimate.”
Mimi let herself smile, just a little. “I’ll be back as fast as I can.” She wasn’t going to just let Hikari slip away without at least trying to make up for what she’d done. Sure, it hadn’t been on purpose. But Mimi didn’t care at all about that.
In a matter of heartbeats, Palmon evolved up to Lilymon. In the years since the defeat of BelialVamdemon, evolving to their higher levels became somewhat easier. Not effortless, but when the need came, they could usually manage something.
Palmon would probably need a couple of amazing meals after this, as well as a lot of rest. Mimi would make sure she got it.
“Ready, Mimi?” Lilymon asked, holding her arms out. Mimi had dealt with a growth spurt and her partner carrying her wasn’t as easy as it had been when she’d been ten years old, but they would manage.
For Hikari’s sake, they would manage.
Lilymon’s arms supported her now as she leaped into the air, finding the currents, and Mimi managed to check the map enough to point her in the way they needed to go. The sooner that they got back, the better.
All remained silent as the two of them hurried out of sight. Sora and Miyako watched them until they could see no more, then looked at each other. The side of Miyako’s mouth quirked up. Sora nodded, little more than a hint of movement.
Some things were just too obvious to the Chosen of Love. Most of the time this would’ve been something they would’ve celebrated, quietly or not – Miyako didn’t do most things quietly. But with Hikari’s life hanging in the balance, all they could do was hope that Mimi would make it back in time, and that time wouldn’t run out too soon.
To Be Continued
Notes: So, a little piece for Digimon Femslash Week. The others I plan to write will probably be chaptered as well. Because I really need more multi-chaps, don't I? ;)
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