#i thought it was funny that people were so invested in these polls that dont mean anything but
asuiru · 2 years
cannot believe akane is losing the timegirlboss poll on twitter akane was literally made for this poll
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louisdebut · 7 years
So like, using your logic on why you hate H: they're both free, but H was intelligent enough to choose a good team, and Louis wasn't? I really don't get this hate based on things you don't even know... You don't think H&L are an item, so why it's everything H fault? Last I heard he wasn't L PR team. And you know what is funny? Yesterday you were all about "H blacklisted 1D evil!", and guess what? He didn't, it was the first thing he talked about. It must be sad hating on people just for notes 🤗
wtf i had written so much and my page refreshed but ok… here we go again”
“H was intelligent enough to choose a good team” first off, you have to admit harry always had a big advantage over the other boys since day 1 with all the label pushing him as frontman (mostly because they thought he had a pretty face let’s be honest here). louis and niall literally didn’t sing during the xfactor. do you realize how certain his team has to be that he will be huge?? they are investing in him for three years, with no signed contract until last year basically! as i see it, none of the other boys could’ve had this. they weren’t the ones who sang half of the albums even if their voice wasn’t the best. they weren’t the ones the media was always up the ass. they weren’t the ones who got the name bigger just by dating taylor swift. they weren’t the ones people were always saying should go solo and it’s the only one that matters in the band. which team would wanna invest years in advance when they don’t know if they’ll benefit from it? and also, maybe the other boys wanted to stay loyal to the band lmao maybe they didn’t have big plans to go solo as soon as they could??? louis literally said we were the ones that gave him the confidence to do it, so i imagine he wasn’t plotting a world domination three years ago… also i think we have very different concepts of what a good team is. a good team is supposed to tear harry apart from the band in every way possible? to sell him as above the band? to allow trashing of the other members just to put harry in a good light?? to have been giving him advice for years as to how to make himself look like a “star” and to get away from the boyband image? this is the team he chose, the one he treats as “family”. his team can be really good and efficient in terms of promo, and cunning in terms of image (i will not say good because his image could be a looot better tbh), but they’re still trash. he’s always been put on a pedestal by his team/1d label/the media/the public and the fans (mostly larries) would always say “poor harry! he’s not free! he doesn’t want this! he loves the band! he doesn’t wanna be seen as a womanizer! he doesn’t wanna be put above the others! ot3 vs harry! blah blah blah” but he literally embraces it. this is his image, i don’t care if you dont like it or not, it’s what made him and it’s nothing but benefitial to him.
and wtf don’t i know?? i know just as much as you lmao i can assume things the same way you can. i don’t think everything is harry’s fault, obviously i’m always saying how much i hate louis’ team, but louis would be way better off without this harry-praising and insistence to put the others down for it. do people talk down the other members when talking about niall’s music? liam’s? no. not even zayn’s promo had this blatant trashing of the other members. louis’ would be way better off if this harry pedestal never existed. so how can you tell me harry has nothing to do with louis’ bad image if whenever they talk about harry something like “questionable edm music” comes up??? aaand i’m not just mad at harry because of louis’ situation lmao that’s more recent. i started being mad because of the putting himself above the band thing.
i didn’t see what was said in his interview, what i saw on my dash was that he talked about both babies??? wow inspiring. and now in billboard’s site ((VOTE FOR LOUIS HE’S LOSING BY A LOT http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7752511/one-direction-members-debut-solo-singles-poll-vote?utm_source=twitter__))  i’m seeing he said none of the boys heard his song lmao how cool! friendship goals!!!! but like i said before, his team is ingenious, harry won’t do anything that will make him look bad, and not talking about 1d would do that, so it’s literally nothing more than his obligation, and it would’ve been fucking weird if he didn’t, so at least he didn’t do that. come here when he doesn’t swerve questions about the future of 1d. it doesn’t matter what he said, he can’t erase the past and how he always put himself before the band.
and louis literally isn’t free… he’s the only one still with syco!! why?? i have no ideia, i just know he’s probably not happy with it, otherwise his bff wouldn’t be out here shading them at every opportunity he has… i have my theories but i wont get into it now. 
and wtf makes you think i don’t like him for notes?? lmao  i’ve always said what i thought and i don’t even get that many notes, i didn’t get any before, this is literally the only place i can vent, it’s not my fault more people are relating to it lmao bye
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