#i tried but your artstyle is just unmatched
tiramegtoons · 5 months
hihihohihihi can you draw me. Me gator. Me and. Snatchler andmagiwhire and me kiss c seven and then and anzbakbausbwja s
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sparrowvolk · 2 years
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(the image is just so you can all see that i do in fact have a reblog button in my inbox. anyway.)
@hollyfire asked:
Any good pet sim recommendations? I play wolvden and I was looking for some good secondaries to play while my wolves finish hunting :)
Honestly the answer to this depends a lot on what you like about Wolvden, whether you've tried other sites, etc, but I'll treat this as a sort of general rec post. I've attempted to use indents to make it less of a wall of text, but it still definitely is. Sorry about that!
To anyone kind of new to petsites, or who was out of the game for a while, the big three right now are Flight Rising, Dappervolk, and Wolvden (/Lioden). Each of these have very different approaches, so if you like one you may not necessarily like the others.
Flight Rising is a dragon breeding game. It is very polished and has a lot of interesting mechanics and depth without being too overcomplicated. It would probably be the one I'd recommend to anyone shocked to discover that Neopets spawned a whole genre while they weren't looking. It is a great sampler of a lot of the things petsites tend to do these days, and also it has dragons.
Dappervolk is an avatar site with pet collecting and heavy rpg elements. I phrase it in that way because while the pets exist and are fun to collect, the focus is very much on your character and their interactions. It is widely reknowned for having an adorable painterly artstyle and widely panned for not having enough content/having bugs at launch according mostly to people who have never played a petsite at launch. I think it's very good at what it does, but that may not be for everyone.
Wolvden is a wolf sim, the thing that the Lioden team made after running their lion sim for several years. I really think the distinction between simulation-heavy pet sites and collection-heavy pet sites is one worth making, and these are all the way on the sim end, to the point that the collection part can be kind of frustrating. The focus is on breeding, but also on successfully managing your pack/pride. I personally find the breeding system of WD/LD overcomplicated but it does make very pretty animals, and the realistic art style is unmatched. Both games are 16+.
Here's a few other sites that I have played and think are worth trying:
Tattered World is a pet and avatar site that is also more rpg focused. It's got crafting, cooking, and pets evolving like Pokemon. It also successfully made shopping mechanically interesting without being annoying. The biggest feature and biggest downside is that there's an overarching plot to the site - of the sort that progresses over time, not for each player, and I will never bother to actually read it all.
Goatlings is an avatar site that also lets you collect goats. It's all the way on the collector side of the spectrum, in that it's all about collecting items and goats and there's very little to actually do. You can customize your avatar, but only collect the different goat designs. It is very cute, but you may guess by how much I love mechanics that it's not really the site for me!
Warrenz is a rabbit sim, inspired by Watership Down. If that appeals to you, you'll probably like it! It's very in-progress and rough around the edges, but it has some unique mechanics that make it absolutely worth checking out if you like games on the sim end of the spectrum.
Furry Paws is that genre of pet site where you're actually a human person with perfectly normal animals as your pets, which I've never been into, but it did help me learn dog genetics and also apparently it is old enough to vote. If you want to breed and train perfectly normal and realistic animals, I don't really get you but Furry Paws definitely does that well.
Mweor is a fantasy cat breeding game and also a kind of wonderful time capsule of late aughts pet site vibes. I played it a bit several years ago, and will be making a new account for research purposes. I don't remember a lot of specifics, so I'll be sure to report back!
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