#i uh dont do well with fact sheets but did my best sbddbde
thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
📊 for Jayla, Zale, and Nova?
send me a 📊 and an oc and i’ll tell you all the oddly specific info i have in my oc spreadsheet for them
Going to have to put this under read more, given the amount of OCs, and I guess it may come off as facts a lil, as I don't maintain specific OC spreadsheets a lot:
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*Her adopted name is Jayla Antoine, but her biological name is later revealed to be Jayla Del'Tazar. *She was technically only intended to appear in a Harry Potter AU on Marvel Descendants as a muggleborn witch, but she ended up transferring over to canon, with her heritage being decided based on the joke of how her gold eyes resembled dragon eyes. *Said gold eyes also end up disappearing once the spell on her dragon is undone. *Jayla's fandom is a mixed bag, given again, her origins as a marvel descendants/harry potter crossover OC, but given she comes from marvel descendants, I guess you can say she's a marvel OC. *Her love interest's honestly also vary: she's shipped with Peregrine Wilson, the daughter of Sam Wilson from another universe, in canon, but in various AUs, she's shipped with Locket Lokidottir and is shipped sometimes with Victoria Von Doom and then of course, Maya. *She technically debuts in Agent of Asgard Volume 1 in Marvel Descendants, but she does have her own spin off later as well, with a sequel in planning. *Her family does vary in alternate universes, with her parents still being Cadmus and Elvidria, but she's also the foster daughter of superheroes in AUs and even Hades. *In terms of dragon lore, she is a warrior dragon, but ends up hosting a noble dragon down the line as well, and her dragon name is Jalienah. *Her dragon form does have a small scar that translates to her human form, aka from when her wings nearly got cut off while she had them out against an evil counterpart of Locket. *Her superhero name back in MD's universe, is Jaihen, after her ancestor, but she goes by Jayla in terms of Auradon, just to not mix things up.
Zale (does not have a faceclaim):
*Her name in all appearances so far is Zale Hook. *Her nickname from her father is Little Pirate. *She often like's to mix up her parents colors, but is noted to favor Uma's colors a little more often. *Throughout Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, she is constantly alluded to be related to the gods themselves, mainly due to Ursula's relation to Poseidon, hence her powers being so strong once off the Isle. *Her love interest in all universes so far is Hyacinth. *Despite her grandmother and mother having octopus forms, her sea form is actually a mermaid form. *A solo song she has in the story is How Far I'll Go, but its technically based more on a Major to Minor cover of the song. *Just like her father though before her, she does have a fear of crocodiles, and avoids them at all costs. *She does not like dragons either, especially Mal, and seeks revenge for the Isle throughout the story, let alone for her family and others Mal has made suffer. *Her story does have a sequel in the works, and she plays a key factor in the sequel in slowly freeing people off the Isle.
Nova (also does not have a faceclaim):
*Her full name is Nova Hyades Hawkins. *Her nicknames consist off accidentally being called Jim once by Silver when the two met, and she's later nicknamed Sparky by Silver a lot. *Her story is the first in a series that is my take on Twisted Tale, but with a next gen twist, and her story is called Catching Stardust. *Her appearance is based solely on Jim, which in turn is based on Sarah, not only for family sake but also cause nothing is really planned for the dad so far outside of Nova having tanned skin likely cause of whoever he is. *While she doesn't have a faceclaim, she does have a voiceclaim, which is Jenna Ortega. *She technically doesn't have a love interest in canon, but in AUs, she does have love interests such as Hope or Alia. *Her dad's identity isn't technically known, but like Jim's dad, he did leave while Nova was younger, and in AUs, does often change to fit the AU. *Nova's age also varies in AUs, but in canon, she is fifteen. *She technically grew up believing Jim was dead like most, but goes searching for treasure planet when Silver essentially crashes into their home. *A sequel is kind of in debate, but unclear yet, given how many TT's are intended for the series.
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