#i want more noona smuts smh!
4o4eros · 11 months
hogwarts au; quidditch player!jeno, school swimmer! eunha
thinking about pervert!jeno hexing his own poster when he found out his beloved noona, his senior eunha was a fan of his.
thinking about pervert!jeno smiling to himself, proud of his own idea- casting a spell on that piece of paper and keeping his senior in the dark of what he has planned.
thinking about pervert!jeno being so excited, even signing his name unto the poster and delivering the paper himself to his innocent senior.
thinking about pervert!jeno impatiently running to his dorm, immediately grabbing his own piece of paper as he stared down with anticipation. his mouth curved slightly into a corrupted grin when his view is now filled with eunha. his eyes rested shamelessly on the curve of her tits from the low position- assuming his innocent noona!eunha placed his poster on her table.
thinking about pervert!jeno groaning softly as he catches glimpses of her undressing from her uniform into her tight swimsuit while she prepares for her swimming club.
thinking about pervert!jeno losing his mind as he gets a closed up view of her noona's barely covered tits (he swore he saw her nipples poking through the fabric! and god- the way his mouth watered.) as she sets up the poster against her wall- conveniently facing her bed.
thinking about pervert!jeno already having his pants down when eunha naively fixes her swim shorts, exposing her thick derriere and flashing him with her supple cheeks.
thinking about pervert!jeno with his hand stuffed in his boxer, pleasuring himself with his wild thoughts, absolutely reserving and manipulating that scene for so many of his future lonely nights. dismissing whatever idea he's gonna have to think to make up an excuse for coming in late for quidditch practice.
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jimilter · 3 years
riptide (m) | k.sj. | (2/2)
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one | two
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader
rating:  m (18+)
genre:  angst | smut | some fluff + humor towards the end | established relationship!au
summary:  It takes a foolishly trivial incident to unravel how astonishingly little you and Seokjin actually understand each other. It has you questioning your relationship, and him? Well, he’s questioning his whole life.
warnings:  swearing + implied alcohol consumption + realistic relationship problems + mentions of insecurities, jealousy, complicated mental dispositions + emotional distress + sexual situations (unprotected penetrative sex, slightly rough sex, sex in a semi-public place, dirty talking, a bit of manhandling, fingering, maybe like...two spanks? idk) + mentions of masturbation + a ton of miscommunication (refer to the summary smh) + seokjin’s volatile anger at ppl calling his girlfriend “noona” lol
word count:  12.9 k
note:  y’all. this fic has been a long as heck journey. and i’ve proofread it so many frickin times, i’m seriously tired of it😩 but i’ve poured my heart and soul into it, y’all, i hope you like it~ 🥺💜
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💟 YOUTH – 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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— masterlist
— feedback is always appreciated!
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riptide (n) – a dangerous area of strongly moving water in the sea, where two or more currents meet.
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“Yah! Jung Hoseok! Get up!” Seokjin barks, kicking the sleepy redhead’s bum with his foot. “You promised me grocery shopping!”
Seokjin turns around to find Yoongi standing at the door to Hoseok’s room, looking at him with barely open eyes. “What?” he, quite unnecessarily, snaps.
“Just so you know, he went to bed at six,” Yoongi says around a yawn.
Seokjin raises an eyebrow. “And? Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
Yoongi blinks at him. “If you’re a human being, yes, hyung. Let the poor guy sleep, I’ll go grocery shopping with you.”
Seokjin vehemently shakes his head. “No, Yoongs. These kids should learn that their actions have consequences! And that promises that they make to me, mean something.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, very elaborately. “Please, hyung. It’s been more than six years. Stop teaching them lessons. Also, Hobi is a senior at college now. They’re hardly kids anymore!”
“Well, until they’re earning, they’ll be kids in my eyes.” Seokjin turns his nose up at Yoongi.
"This isn't how you should be venting, but you do you, I guess." Yoongi presses his lips together and shakes his head. “If he picks up leeks in place of spinach, it’s on you.”
Seokjin waves a dismissive hand to ward off Yoongi and focuses his energy back on waking the redhead up.
The guy groans after a fifteen minutes’ worth of struggle.
“Hyu~ng,” he whines as he sits up. “I even cleaned up!”
“Yes, great job with that. And that is why I held back from dumping a bucket of water on your head.”
Seokjin clicks his tongue at the new intruder. “What?” he snaps at an unsuspecting Park Jimin.
Jimin holds both his hands up in surrender. “Woah, bad time?”
“What do you want?”
A snore echoes around them. Hoseok has nodded off with his cheek pressed against the headboard, mouth hanging open.
Jimin releases a muffled laugh. “If only his mom and dad were to see him like this. Their precious wangja — oh, how college has corrupted him.”
The irony isn’t lost on Seokjin. Jimin used to be a precious pearl in high school, himself. They all suspected he even had a girlfriend, but he never talked about it openly. And look at him now. Sleeping his way through the university.
Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. “What do you want, Jimin?”
“Oh! Your phone was ringing, hyung,” Jimin informs him, handing said device to Seokjin. “You left it on the kitchen counter.”
Seokjin’s eyes widen when he looks down at the screen.
Pat (Agent) 1 Unread Text Message
Honey✨❤️👸 2 Missed Calls 3 Unread Text Messages
“Yeah, um. Good luck?” Jimin says with a wince before walking away.
Seokjin checks his agent's text first.
IT’S ON SATURDAY! The final run’s on Saturday, Kim!!! Make sure your abs are A+++, or else! I’ve mailed you a scanned copy of the schedule and also your updated diet/workout plan. Mail me back when you get those. Preferably TODAY? This is as imp for my career as it is for yours, okay? Focus up!
Seokjin bites down on his lip. This is all really important, top priority material, but he cannot get himself to check his mailbox before he’s talked to you.
He checks your texts.
Hey, Jin I can’t find my driver’s license Can you pls check and tell me if I left it in your car?
Seokjin swears under his breath as he shoots off a “sure, wait a sec,” in response, before rushing out of the room. He marches all the way to the foyer, pausing to pick up his keys and then proceeds to walk out. Unlocking his car, he stops short when he spots your ID sticking out from the crevice between the driver’s seat and its back.
He plucks the card out with a sigh.
It’s here, he texts you.
Honey✨❤️👸 Are you seeing Namjoon today? You can leave it with him if you see him, I'll pick it up from him when I see Jax later today
Seokjin pauses.
You're seeing Jackson later today?
Seokjin swears under his breath. Why are you making time for Jackson and giving him the cold shoulder?
He knows he's being unfair and unreasonable, but he can't help the flair of jealousy.
I'm not seeing joon today, he curtly responds.
Honey✨❤️👸 Oh! Um I’m at my usual salon w Byulyi, can you get someone to drop it off here? No pressure, though
Seokjin rubs a hand down his face, grimacing at the immediate thought that comes to his mind.
He wants to drop the ID off to you himself. But he resists the urge, and instead tries to deflect.
Okay, I'll ask around, he texts back, proceeding to lock his car.
His phone beeps with a message. Then another, and then multiple others.
Honey✨❤️👸 Only if you have the time If you’re not too busy Don't worry too much about it, tho I'm glad I haven't lost it! I can take the bus to get around
He thinks it over. What should he do?
After your considerate act of letting him catch up on some much needed rest, yesterday, by saving him from a trip to the rehearsal hall, a lot of the steam in Seokjin’s head has cooled down. So what if you discuss your relationship problems with Jackson? He is your childhood friend, it is okay. He decides he should not let his insecurity get in the way of that. Besides, doesn’t he ask for Yoongi’s advice when he finds himself in a fix? Well, whenever he can wrestle the guy into actually listening to him, that is, which is rare.
Point is, when his entire house was partying like crazy, last night, Seokjin locked himself in the bedroom—his own, this time—and told himself to not let tiny, stupid quarrels about your friendship get in the way of trying to resolve what the real trouble between the two of you is. He has never told you what to do – whom to talk to and what to talk about – and he is not about to start now. He is a much bigger man than that. Much more level-headed and secure.
At least, he tries to be.
Not that you'd ever listen, if he tried to control him. You'd probably slap him across the face and pack your bags. You're amazing like that, at knowing what you deserve and never taking shit from people.
You're amazing in general, actually. A literal manifestation of his dream girl. He believes you could pick out any guy in the world to be with you, and he would be stumbling over his feet to get to your side.
You falling for him is the best thing that's ever happened to him—not that he'd ever say those exact words to you, because you'd be sure to reprimand him about putting emotions over substantial necessities in life. But Seokjin feels lucky to be the one you chose to have you by your side. And he intends to do whatever it takes to keep it that way
On that account, Seokjin has kind of been at a loss, as well. He's nowhere close to figuring out the reason behind your simmering anger, no matter how much he might want to resolve it.
When Hoseok dragged him out for shots and a game of beer pong during last night's party, he even cornered Namjoon to try and dig out if he had somehow overhead something between you and Jackson. Or if Jackson had told Namjoon about anything. But the idiot seemed absurdly preoccupied and in a hurry, and was of no use to Seokjin. He even left before midnight, from what Seokjin recalls.
Seokjin glances down at his phone. Should he go up to you, grab you by the shoulders, give you a shake, and ask you what is up? Would that work? And also get your ID back to you in the process, maybe.
Seokjin figures it cannot hurt to try. You have barely been talking, as it is. What can be worse, right?
Seokjin breathes out.
He is more than certain that this is something you would not appreciate. When you prefer his suave self as much as you do, you are sure to run in the opposite direction if he really goes caveman on you. Which is why he won’t do that, and instead wait for you to tell him what is wrong. Like a level-headed person.
Right now, though, he really wants to help you out with this ID, he admits to himself. The way you were concerned about his well being despite your obvious annoyance of him and your general lack of benevolence when it comes to display of affection, got to his heart. It reassured him that your anger didn't mean you love him any less.
And he wants to do the same for you. Well, maybe not the anger part – he just wants to tell you that he isn't intentionally trying to be difficult. He really doesn't know what's wrong, but his love and concern for you is the same despite all the tension between you two.
But driving all the way to the salon you're at just to give you your ID would be excessive, wouldn't it? He doesn’t want to seem desperate.
He decides upon a tentative message.
I'm going to pick up groceries, right now I'll see if I can drop it off later
His phone beeps within a minute.
Honey✨❤️👸 Hey, don't worry! I'll hop on a bus and come to your place when I'm done here
A small smile floats up on Seokjin's face. This feels good – almost the way things usually are between the two of you.
Then his phone beeps again.
Could you drop me off to Jax's later tho? If you’re not too busy
Face and elation dropping, Seokjin immediately scowls.
His phone beeps again.
No, forget about that, I'll take the bus again I'll be at yours in an hour, okay? I'll drop a text to make sure you're home, don't worry
Scoffing, Seokjin foregoes sending you a response, and turns on his heels.
Jimin raises his eyebrows from his perch on one of the living room couches when Seokjin furiously marches back into the house. "All okay, hyung?"
"Honey keeps visiting Wang but won't tell me what the fuck is going on. All's fucking impeccable," Seokjin bellows, walking into Hoseok's room.
"They're basically siblings, hyung, please don't overthink it!" Jimin's call floats over to him, but Seokjin ignores the statement.
He picks up a stray, half filled bottle of water from the floor of Hoseok’s room, and proceeds to upturn it all over his red hair.
"Wake the fuck up, Hoseok, before I start throwing punches!"
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Something is wrong with Seokjin. He’s been avoiding you.
And no, not the usual subconscious, nonchalant ignorance and neglect that he subjects you to on the regular. This time he’s doing it on purpose.
There was something off about him when you saw him yesterday, too, you recall to yourself as you make your way down to a recently vacated table with a rag. Sure, he received you gracefully when you got to the apartment and then dropped you off at Jackson's without complaint, but something wasn’t quite right. He seemed snippy and irritable. You tried asking him about the Halloween party, wondering if something must have gone wrong then — or if he was too pissed at your absence, although it was his fault that you didn’t attend because he forgot to remind you — but got one word responses.
It kind of felt like that time when you had tried to make him realize you were mad with your sarcastic quips, but this time the roles were reversed. You are smarter at this than he is, though, so you have at least figured out that he is mad quicker than he did — if he even has, that is. But you still have to discern the cause. It certainly doesn’t feel good to be on the guessing side of the table.
Later in the day, when you tried texting him to meet up, he told you he was helping Taehyung out with a crisis and wouldn't be available. You almost didn't believe him, but you know he wouldn't lie so blatantly just to avoid seeing you. Even when Seokjin gets really mad at you—which doesn’t even happen that often—he still doesn't avoid your company, choosing to make his displeasure known by acting out in your presence, instead. At the end of the day, you inferred he really must have been with Taehyung.
But then, today morning, when he refused to drive to the restaurant together, you nearly blew smoke out of your nose. This had no excuse, he is definitely trying to avoid you now – something he has never done in the past. There has been so much miscommunication between you two in the past few days, that you aren’t even certain what to say to him. Do you straightaway bring your issues up and ask him to work on them? Do you, instead, ask him why he’s acting pissed off? But what if you are dissuaded by whatever he tells you and end up avoiding having your talk with him? It is very much possible – you know yourself and your avoidance of conflict.
You don’t know where to begin and how to go about it, but you do know that you have to talk to him today.
Not that it will be easy, because you have tried to corner him on multiple occasions throughout your shift and he has skillfully dodged you every single time. It has been nearly four hours. You feel like an idiot and are growing progressively more irritated.
As you wipe down the table, you peek at the clock again. Five more minutes until lunch break — you are going to grab him by the collar and drag him to privacy. Maybe that will agitate him enough for him to spill what’s on his mind, unprompted.
Fuming, you empty the scrap wrappers on your tray into the bin and walk around the cash counter to deposit the empty tray into the dishwasher lined up near the back. You peer into the kitchen past the little glass window on the door that separates it from the counter area, and spot Seokjin.
He is working the shrimps with a pout of concentration on his face, peeling them with expert, practised motions of his gloved fingers. You sigh at the sight. Seokjin is never anything less than handsome, but there is something especially attractive about him when he’s in his element. Your fingers curl into a fist, stomach swooping.
You’re not supposed to get turned on by him when you have a whole sea of issues and things to talk about between the two of you. Maybe the acute lack of any sexual contact between the two of you for more than three months now is getting to you. Not that you have been completely sexually abstinent — you indulge in long, drawn out sessions of working yourself up in the privacy of your bedroom, or the bathtub, whenever it gets too much and you really have to unwind. But, that could never compare to what you share with Seokjin. Or used to, at this point, because you really have no idea how long this dry spell is gonna last for.
“Table three!” the cashier announces, and you jump, snapping out of your thoughts.
You were seriously daydreaming about the lack of sex in your relationship in the middle of a restaurant, at work. What have you come to?
“On it!” you announce, taking a deep breath as you walk away from the door to the kitchen.
When you round the counter, you find the family of four that had occupied the table you were headed to, at the billing desk. You pass them a pleasant smile with a bow, the four of them nod back with matching grins. You pick up your rag from the drying rack and walk up to their vacated table to toss their trash and wipe it down.
“Okay, guys, meal break!”
You exhale in relief, making a quick work of the trash in the tray in your hands before slipping into the backroom. You shed off your apron, realising you’re one of the first people to have entered the locker room. Moving to the bathroom to quickly freshen up, you hastily tie your pinned back hair into a knot at the top of your head. You scrub your face with your face wash, because missing it even once is going to have you waking up with breakouts all over your forehead tomorrow. You hurry through the process, though, and rush back out into a bustling locker room.
You look across the curtained excuse for a partition to glance at the men’s side. No sign of Seokjin.
You curse under your breath, looking around for one of the helpers that work in the kitchen. One younger boy catches your eye and bows in greeting.
“Seokjin-ssi went out to the breakroom with his lunch,” he tells you without you even having to ask.
This time, you curse out loud. Quickly grabbing your own lunch, you nearly sprint through the doors of the breakroom to get to the booth where you usually sit with Seokjin. And then you stop.
He’s sitting there with someone. A girl, to be specific.
You walk up to them on leaden legs, only to exhale in relief when you realize it’s Taehyung’s girlfriend. You belatedly recall Seokjin’s texts about being involved in solving Taehyung’s crisis. Maybe it had to do with his relationship.
But none of it does anything to ease your anger. You cross your hands against your chest. “So, now you have engagements during lunch, too.” You say, causing the two heads to whip your way. Taehyung’s girlfriend’s face goes from nervous to downright horrified. Seokjin simply works his jaw, unreadable eyes giving away nothing. “Great. Just great.”
You twist on your heels, rushing back into the locker room.
This is all supremely ridiculous. As if Seokjin wasn’t doing a good enough job of avoiding you himself, fate sent help his way.
Just as you’re aggressively stomping around the locker room while secretly hoping Seokjin would follow you back, your phone pings with a message. You eagerly open it.
And then you wane.
Jax 🚽 Hey You at work?
You scowl. Where else would you be? You tell him as much.
Jax 🚽 K, great. I’m coming over with some guys Remember that frat I told you about? It’s them I want a 20% off
You scoff.
Me They’re welcome to the restaurant But I’m not giving you discounts from my paycheck
Jax 🚽 Asdkjsdflkdfkl okay 10%? I'll treat you to gelato later! Come on, lemme build a good rapport!! Please??? 🥺
Me Oh my god, Jax Don’t use gelato against me like that 😩 5% and not a CENT more
Jax🚽 Yessssss You’re literally my best bitch!!!! Love you love you love you Your break ends in five minutes right? We’ll be there in ten
Me I’m nobody’s bitch, Wang! And yes, come along
You roll your eyes, but the action is fond. At least Jackson and his bunch of misfits will get your mind off your boyfriend’s attitude. You decide to forego lunch, too much on your mind for you to actually enjoy a meal.
You walk into the dining area of the restaurant and make your way to the cashier who has just come back from her break. “Hey, Rose, I have some friends coming over in a while. They’re getting five percent off on my account.”
Rose gives a small laugh. “Oh, no. You and discounts? How?”
You huff. “Gelatos were involved.”
“No, that’s a low blow!” Rose dramatically places a hand on her chest.
You laugh out loud, soon joined in by Rose. Just as you’re ensuring that all the tables have a copy of the laminated menus on it, a group of boys enters the restaurant, bringing in raucous laughter in their wake. You look up to spot Jackson among the four guys. You beam at him.
Walking over to their table once they’re settled in, you grin at the four boys. “Hello, guys.”
Jackson introduces you to the boys, telling them your name and the fact that your boyfriend works here, too.
“Hey!” one of the boys speaks up at the mention of Seokjin’s name. “Yugyeom, here, must know him!”
The guy—Yugyeom—looks up at you with wide eyes and gives a nod. “I share classes with Jungkook. He’s a friend of Seokjin-ssi’s.”
“I’m Mark, by the way,” the guy from earlier introduces himself.
“Jinyoung,” the fourth and the final — and admittedly the most put together for a college student — guy of the group introduces himself with a smile.
“Right. Yugyeom, Max, Jinyoung,” you reiterate, pointing a finger at each of the guys to confirm that you’ve captured their names well. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Hey, can we see Jin?” Jackson asks you just as you’re leaving to let them ponder their orders. “If he’s not too busy around the kitchen? I’d like to say hi.”
You frown, confused at the request. You give him a stilted nod, anyway. “I’ll — I’ll ask him if he’s available.”
Jackson grins at you and you see something conspiratorial in his eyes, but your mind is way too preoccupied to actually, properly interpret what it is.
You walk towards the kitchen, knocking once to get the attention of one of the helpers. He peeks at you through the window. “Yes?”
“One of the customers is asking for Seokjin. Ask him to get to table eight if he’s got time.”
The boy nods and walks away. You try to peek in, but are able to catch no glimpse of Seokjin.
The next fifteen minutes have you flurrying between the counter area and the boys’ table with the myriad of orders they’ve placed. These idiots are really ordering over thirty dollars worth of food per person at a Mexican restaurant. Your average customers hardly order up to ten. You shoot a menacing glare at Jackson. He wanted you to pay twenty percent of this?
You exhale as you place the last burrito bowl next to Jinyoung, nodding when he gives you a wide, dimpled smile.
“Hey, the restaurant’s not busy, where are you rushing off to?”
You cock an eyebrow at Jackson.
“I mean, have a seat!”
As you gape at your silver haired best friend, Mark and Yugyeom also join in. “Yeah, sit with us!”
“Guys, I work here!”
“You can get up when another customer comes in, come on,” Mark suggests.
You turn to look at Rose, who gives you a thumbs-up with a reassuring nod. You sigh.
The only vacant place is next to Jinyoung on the wall-mounted sofa. You move to pull up a stool from the adjoining table when Jackson puts his arm in your way. “We have plenty of room here, where are you going?”
You turn to look up at Jinyoung. He shifts further inside, patting the place next to him cutely. “Please.”
Skittering on your feet, you awkwardly perch in the provided space. You are not being crowded and have plenty of personal space — not to mention how Jackson is seated on your open side of the table and there’s literally no reason for you to be uncomfortable, but you still are. You fidget with your hands in your lap, trying and failing to keep up with the conversations around you.
Suddenly, a hand taps the table in front of you. You look to the side to spot Jinyoung smiling at you. “You’ve been a graduate from our university, right?”
You smile. “Yes. I was an anthropology major.”
“I know, I am pursuing a master's in your major. I saw your name in the department’s ace students’ plaque. You were a gold medalist.”
“Oh, yeah, I was really passionate about anthropology back then. Planned on pursuing a Master’s, a PhD, and everything.” You shrug. “But then I participated in a photoshoot and my life took a turn.”
Jinyoung smiled. “Well, I hope you have no regrets. Modelling suits you, sunbaenim.”
“I don’t. But the compliment is appreciated.” You formally tilt your head at him with a small smile. “And you don’t have to call me that,” you add, shaking your head at the address. “This is not a professional setting. I’m meeting you as Jax’s friends, not your senior.”
“You’re still older than me, though. Shall I call you noona, then?”
Your eyes widen at his forwardness, mind immediately flashing back to the time when Yoongi took to calling you that, playfully, and Seokjin lost his mind. He got so uncharacteristically enraged and irrational that he forced all of the boys to address you by the pet name he gave you. It was awkward and really frustrating for you to be called “honey” by seven guys. But gradually, it turned into “Honey noona,” and at this point “Honey” almost feels like your name to you.
While you’re still staring at Jinyoung with your eyes wide at his question, a familiar hand is placed on your shoulder. “No, Park, you may not. Sunbaenim should do.”
You nearly break your neck in the process of turning to look behind you. Seokjin has a very fake grin plastered on his face while his eyes glare at Jinyoung. Does he know the guy? You didn’t even know his surname.
“Hyung!” Jackson jumps from his seat next to where Seokjin stands, clapping his back as he forcibly traps your boyfriend in a hug. “How have you been? It’s been so long!”
Seokjin peels Jackson off himself with a grimace. “I’m okay. You, though.” He squints. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Jackson’s grin falls, wide eyes flying to yours. You shrug, and his jaw falls open. Seokjin turns to you.
“You look cosy, Honey. I’ve never met these friends of yours,” Seokjin icily comments, his huge, teeth-flashing grin as fake as Jackson’s hair color.
You immediately spring up from your seat. “Uh, these are Jackson’s friends, Jin. Yugyeom, Mark and… Jinyoung,” you hesitantly announce their names, mentally hoping Seokjin would have enough sense to not punch someone in the nose at his workplace. “I met them just today.”
“Oh!” Seokjin’s eyebrows raise. “Your social skills are fabulous, babe. I really couldn’t tell you were sitting with strangers.”
You barely hold back your wince. Seokjin doesn’t get jealous easily—or ever, really—but he’s been on some sort of edge since yesterday, so you really do not know why he’s doing whatever he’s doing. You desperately want to give him a piece of your mind for his passive aggressive taunts when all you were doing was being hospitable. But you keep your thoughts to yourself because you don't want to cause a scene in front of all these people.
“Come on, hyung, we’re hardly strangers,” Jinyoung says, surprising you. “We come from the same home town, the same school,” he adds as a means of explanation.
Taken aback at the unexpected revelation, you look at Seokjin to confirm. He’s shooting daggers at Jinyoung. It’d be in your best interest to not intervene. You roll your lips into your mouth, really uncomfortable with the atmosphere, and stealthily try to skulk away from the table.
“I remember, Park. You didn’t come here for graduation?” Seokjin’s voice is still lined with venom, but at least he’s making some sort of conversation instead of beating his chest like a gorilla.
“I went abroad,” Jinyoung simply answers, looking slightly chastised for some reason.
While Seokjin shakes hands with the other two, you try to sneak away. But then—
“Honey! Can I have a word?” he announces, drawing everybody’s — even Rose’s — attention to the two of you.
Caught with your eyes wide and mouth open, all you can do is nod. You delicately walk up to the entrance to the locker rooms and wait for him.
He is by your side in less than a minute, gripping at your elbow and walking the two of you inside the locker room. He doesn’t stop there, though, and proceeds to enter the washroom. Once inside, he spins you away from him and turns to lock the door.
You wrap your arms around yourself, irritated, confused, intimidated and a teensy bit turned on because your boyfriend looks really sexy with his white, nearly transparent, shirt stretched over his glorious shoulders. His clenched teeth that accentuate his already razor sharp jawline don’t help the matters, either.
Seokjin doesn’t face you for a while.
“Um, Jin?” you mumble, and that prompts him to turn around, step over to you, grip you by your upper arms and press you against the shut door — all in one blink of your eye.
He is breathing heavily and looking at you from beneath tightly lowered brows. He looks sexy as sin. You bite your lip to physically prevent yourself from voicing your thoughts, or—God forbid—moan.
Seokjin’s eyes immediately drop to your mouth, and you realize that it might not have been the best course of action to take when you see his irises darken. “All I want to know is,” he begins in a low voice, and you barely hold yourself back from shuddering, “why did I find my girlfriend of five years flirting with a lecherous frat boy, just now?”
Your mouth falls open on a gasp. “What? I wasn’t—”
“Yeah, but he was, and you weren’t stopping him.”
You blink. He was flirting with you? Have you really gotten so immune to other guys’ charms that you don’t even notice their flirting anymore? You swallow. You really are too far gone for this man. This man — who is trying to confront you in his sweat soaked shirt, looking like a five-course meal.
You sigh.
"Where's all this jealous rage coming from, Jin?" you ask, raising your chin up at him.
His eyes widen. "Where's—are you serious? What's going on with you? You're freezing me out even though you're clearly mad at something and you know nothing can be resolved if you don't talk to me about it," Seokjin starts off high pitched, enraged but his voice becomes thicker towards the end. "But then you're having the time of your day talking to Jackson Wang, and now even some random frat boy he brought in. What are you trying to tell me? That just about any guy in the world is worth your time and attention, but not your boyfriend?"
You are stilled into silence at his outburst. You realize that none of what he's saying can be dismissed as him going too far, because from a neutral point of view, your lack of communication with Seokjin does paint you in a bad light. You belatedly realize that you actually have ended up making him feel the way you’ve felt for months, despite not really intending to anymore.
You suck in a breath.
"No, Jin. Of course not, that's not true. I – I was going to talk to you, but then—"
"But then Park fucking Jinyoung swept you off your feet and you couldn't be bothered anymore!" Seokjin huffs out, stepping away as he leans back against the bathroom counter.
You frown. "Okay, now that's unfair. Number one, nobody swept me off my feet, I was just trying to be polite because he's a student in my major and Jackson's friend. Number two, you really need to stop whining about Jackson, Jin, he's literally my brother." You pinch the bridge of your nose when Seokjin still doesn't meet your eyes, moodily looking away. "And three, I've been trying to catch a hold of you since yesterday, but you've been avoiding me like the fucking plague!"
Seokjin's eyebrows drop down in a frown. "Two objections to raise," he says, holding a finger up. "Jackson might be like your brother but he is not your brother. And that makes a difference. And—"
"Do you not trust me, Jin? Is that what this is? And suddenly? I've known him since we were twelve, you've known about him since the day you and I met, and you're having problems now? Pardon me if I'm confused."
Seokjin looks away, and you sigh in relief. At least he hasn't lost all of his marbles, yet. "I… am sorry. I've been in a weird state of mind. That's no excuse, though, so sorry again."
You exhale. "And about Jinyoung—"
"Don't say his name like that!" Seokjin stands straight, glaring at you with fists clenched at his sides.
You gape at him. "Jin. Stop being a jealous idiot and let me talk!"
"You know what? No."
"What do you mean no?"
"No, I won't let you talk."
"What the—"
"Unless you wanna talk about why you've been mad at me."
You’ve never really seen him let his emotions be on such a blatant display before. And you are not complaining, even when he is pissing you off with his words.
You take a deep, calming breath.
"This is hardly the time to discuss it, Jin. I'll talk about it tonight, okay?" You glance at your wrist watch. "We've been in here for too long, I need to—"
"Go back to those fuck boys?"
You gasp. "Kim Seokjin, are you fucking kidding me, right now? I'm working! And so are you!"
Seokjin rolls his eyes. "There was literally nobody else in the dining hall, Honey. Just Wang and his group of frat fuckers."
You grimace at the new adjective, but shake your head. "Pull yourself together and stop being this person that I know you're not, Jin. Let me go back to do my job."
Rolling your eyes, you turn around to unlock the door.
“Are you really that desperate for attention?” Seokjin hisses behind you, a palm coming up to cover your hand, effectively stopping you from unlatching the door. "A little frat boy flirts with you and you cannot wait to go hopping back to him. Are you really that desperate? Are you?"
He has never talked to you this way. Never.
It’s kinda exciting.
Seokjin grabs you by the shoulders and turns you around, pressing your back flat against the door because of how much he has stepped up into your space. He moves further in, though, and you gasp when your breasts are crushed against his chest.
You look up to find him glaring at you with stormy eyes, lips pulled up in an almost sneer.
You gulp.
He's borderline manhandling you right now, and instead of getting offended, you are finding it incredibly sexy. It’s not your fault you like to be rough in bed, it is his for being rough outside of it and reminding you of the fact. It’s also his fault that you two haven’t had sex in forever. You squeeze your thighs together, embarrassed at the wetness you can feel collecting between them.
You exhale, defiantly rolling your shoulders back. The action crushes your bodies together further, and a rushed breath leaves Seokjin. So he isn't completely unaffected, huh?
“And what if I am?" you challenge as a means to answer his question. "I haven’t been getting any from you, am I?”
Even though you just told him that this isn’t the best situation — or the best way — to bring up the issues you have with him, nobody said anything about not taunting him about them. He deserves at least that after all the stupidly jealous accusations and demeaning words he just tossed at you.
Seokjin seems to be surprised by your response, his eyes momentarily flashing. But then his teeth grind, and you can see his jaw working. You try to control your uneven breathing.
“Is that so? You should’ve said something,” Seokjin whispers, leaning close enough for you to be doused in his scent and feel the warmth of his breath on your lips. “I would’ve lavished you in my undivided attention.”
You barely have the time to shut your eyes, least of all decipher his innuendo, before his lips descend on yours.
You gasp into his mouth, welcoming the feeling of his plump lips pressing against yours. He keeps it chaste despite the nio you deliver to his upper lip, running his palms over your collarbones and up your neck to cradle your head. Your own hands come up to clutch at his shoulders and you desperately tilt your head, licking at his soft lips. He presses up his entire body against yours in response, crushing your frame between himself and the door.
This — you’ve missed this.
Whining breathlessly, you suck his full lower lip into your mouth, lapping at it like a starved woman. Seokjin groans, reaching with a hand to rip off your apron and then untuck your shirt from your skirt.
You chase after his lips when he pulls away, separating with a wet pop. Your eyes try to focus on his dishevelled appearance, but he ducks his head to attach his swollen lips to your neck, gripping onto the bare skin of your waist under your shirt to hold you against him.
Your eyes roll back in euphoria, legs stumbling and struggling to keep you up as he devours the column of your throat.
You have missed thisso, so much.
His tongue licks up a path to curl behind your ear, teeth closing in to nibble at you earlobe, and you—
You groan from deep within your gut, eyes fluttering shut as you encase your lower lip in your mouth. His skillful tongue rolls around the pearl you wear on your earlobe before he pulls away with a teasing nip behind your ear.
You shudder, desperate hands clutching in his shirt as he moves to rest his forehead against yours. You shakily open your eyes, gazing at him past the hazy veil of arousal. His eyes are nearly all black, lips glistening and tendrils of hair stick to his forehead from perspiration.
You whimper at the sight.
Seokjin’s fingers dig further into the flesh of your waist, hard enough to leave bruises, and he bites his lip. “My sweet, sweet baby,” he murmurs, leaning in to brush his lips against yours. One of his hands leaves your waist to travel below, fingers curling over the curve of your ass. He gives it a tight squeeze, looking at you with shuttered eyes when your breath stutters. “When you walked away, they looked at this like they had a right to. As if they could ever do more than just look. As if they could ever,” he murmurs and then pauses, fingers climbing down to your thigh and then climbing up beneath your skirt until his palm is massaging your bare ass cheek, “touch it like this.”
His fingers slip past the waistband of your panties with ease, travelling down towards your center. You look down at his chest, feeling your cheeks heat up when his fingers encounter wetness in their path, even before they’ve reached your core.
“Oh,” Seokjin breathes out, pulling you impossibly closer to him by wrapping his whole arm around your waist. "You're soaked, baby," he murmurs into your forehead. "Did you need something?"
You tremble in his hold. “I…” you can feel your juices nearly flooding your panties as Seokjin’s fingers feather over your slit. “It’s just — it’s been a while.”
You look up to see his brows furrowed a bit. “That it has, hasn’t it?”
You merely blink before you’re being spun around and pressed up against the bathroom’s counter. “Jin!” you admonish him when he lifts your skirt up to bare your ass to him.
But you make no move to stop him — something that doesn’t go unnoticed by him and gets you rewarded by a mockingly raised eyebrow through the mirror.
You gulp, moving your gaze away from him as you grip onto the ledge of the counter. “I need to go—”
“You’re not going anywhere until I’m done with you." Seokjin's tone rings with finality.
You freeze in your place. Your eyes fly up to find his in the mirror, but he is already focussed on the flesh of your naked rear.
One of his arms holds your bent waist. “You look so sexy like this, Honey. Bend a little for me, baby.”
Your mind yells at you to walk out of the place in outrage, but your body is already complying before the thought has even completely formed in your mind.
You shut your eyes when you feel him pull away the crotch of your panties. Even the bathroom’s stuffy air feels cold to you due to all the moisture that has slathered all over your pussy.
But the next moment your eyes spring wide open when his fingers slide into you. His mouth is open and lustful eyes are trained at your center. “Oh, yes. Look at them glide right in. You’re so wet for me, aren’t you, baby?”
You nod, frantically, voice dying in your throat. You choose, instead, to bend further, folding your arms on the counter and resting your head over them. Another finger joins in inside of you, and you groan.
“Ah, that’s it, Honey. You’re the best girl, you know that? My best girl,” Seokjin suddenly growls, his languid fingers suddenly taking on a hard pace.
You bite your lip to prevent yourself from screaming out, but some muffled whimpers still seep out.
"Aren't you, baby?"
At your frantic nod, he smacks a palm across your ass. "Say it!"
Your breath hitches. "I… I… I'm your best girl, Jin," you mumble, sounding stifled. "Only yours."
"That's right. Only mine.” He curls his fingers in you, rubbing tenderly.
This time you’re unable to hold back your mewl of pleasure.
“Uh huh, let yourself be heard. Park motherfucking Jinyoung better hear you scream my name.”
Seokjin grunts, suddenly switching to a breakneck speed, fucking you with three of his fingers.
You thrash against the counter, legs barely able to stay upright. Seokjin’s grip on your waist is the only thing holding you in place.
And then he suddenly pulls his fingers off you.
You look up at him through the mirror with an enraged gasp. “Jin!”
He doesn't even look at you while quickly unbuttoning his pants. “No, baby, you look too sexy. I have to have you, right now.”
You try to gather yourself, rearranging your feet to get yourself a firmer stance, and wipe at the sweat gathered on your forehead.
And then he’s there — his glorious length pushing at your entrance. You bite your bottom lip, big eyes meeting his hooded ones in the mirror.
Nerves suddenly grip you. It’s been months since your last sexual encounter with him. You’re pretty sure the last orgasm given to you by Seokjin had been—
Holy shit, it was more than three months ago!
Irrational thoughts plague you. What if you’ve forgotten how to move your hips? What if your clit doesn’t like being touched by him anymore?
What if you bark when you reach your high?
“Baby,” Seokjin whispers, and past the cloud of lust thickening his voice, you can hear his sincerity. “Do you want this?”
You nod, nibbling on your lip.
Seokjin frowns, pulling back a bit. “Are you — are you sure? You look nervous as hell. I am not trying to force—”
“I know, Jin, and I want it! I want you, baby. I just…” You look away from him. “I’m just nervous because it’s been a while.”
Seokjin exhales. “I realize that. And I’m sorry.” He presses close again, his tip rubbing against your slit. You sharply look up on a gasp. He gives you a smoldering smirk through the mirror. “Promise to make up for it?”
Your cheeks are pink when you nod, before your breath is knocked out of you when he fills you in a single stroke.
“Fuck, baby…you’re dripping…”
You really are. The pain you’d expected because of how wide you have been stretched after so long, is replaced by a muted sting due to your arousal coating your opening so well.
He feels deliciously big inside of you. The stretch burns a little, because it really has been a while, but the pressure on your walls is more than welcome. Time has done nothing to change your body — your cunt still opens up to swallow him like it was made to do it. He fits inside of you like he belongs there.
Which he does.
"You okay?" he whispers, his restraint spilling off his tight voice.
You nod to him in the mirror with your chest heaving. “Please…"
"Please?" he's suddenly taunting you. "Please what, baby?"
"Please move," you harshly grit out, never one to cower from his sexual presence, no matter how intimidating it might be. "Please fuck me."
"As my baby wishes."
His other hand comes down to hold the other side of your waist as he drags his hips back, his cock massaging your walls the sweetest form of torment you know.
And then he pushes back in at the same, drawn out speed. He brushes against that spot inside of you directly from this position, but he is not being fast enough or hard enough to actually push against it the way you need him to.
He pulls out again, and you hold your breath, walls involuntarily clenching around him to pull him back. But then he re-enters you slowly, again, and you wail in frustration.
“Hush, quit whining,” he gruffly mumbles, taking a hand off your waist to smack at your butt cheek. “Let me feel his pussy properly.”
You bite on your lip, sighing in pleasure when he grabs onto the flesh of your ass for better grip.
He keeps up with his lethargic pace for a while, and your impatience piles on.
“Baby… faster,” you breathe out, pleading with your face still buried in your arms. You push your ass back against him. "Please…"
“Holy shit, baby, I can’t handle it when you beg me like that,” Seokjin says under his breath, cursing as he wraps his arm around your waist to hold you tightly against him.
And then he turns ravenous.
“Jin—ah!” you gasp, mouth falling open as he drives into you with fury, hips snapping against your ass in a blur as he pants into your nape.
“Holy fuck… you’re gripping me so good,” he huffs out, already sounding as out of breath as you feel. “This pussy missed me, huh, Honey?”
You feel yourself flush at the gushing between your legs. You have a thing for his mouth, in every possible sense of the word.
You nod. “Yes. Yes, Jin, missed you so much…”
“Yeah?” he rasps, his other hand rounding your body to sneak beneath your skirt and past the waistband of your underwear, finding your bundle of nerves with practised ease. "Missed this? Missed my hand on this little bud?"
You shriek when he presses his finger against your clit, sloppily flicking the swollen, slippery nub with his nail. His pace never relents, arm digging into your abdomen as he holds you up.
"Yes baby," you brokenly rumble. "Missed – missed your hand… and your cock…"
"Oh, I know you did, baby." His thumb takes over for his finger, proceeding to draw tight circles over your clit. "I missed this pussy, too…"
Your breath is coming in gasps, eyes rolled to the back of your head as you bounce against Seokjin. His ministrations over your clit make sparks climb across your body, indicating your release closing in.
You moan aloud when he delivers a particularly harsh thrust, causing you to drop back against the counter. He leans over you, thumb never moving from your center as his hips slam against your ass.
"That's it, Honey," he breathes into your hair, head dipping to sponge wet kisses against the back of your neck. "Let me hear you."
You release your bottom lip from your mouth, allowing sounds to freely tumble out of your mouth. "Holy fucking hell, you feel so good…Jin, I'm—I'm close…"
Seokjin lets go of your waist and you nearly tumble before tightening your grip against the counter. His hand comes back to curve along your front and grip at your boob, massaging your soft flesh from above your shirt and bra.
Fire licks at the bottom of your stomach. His scent enveloping you, the overwhelming essence of him being wrapped around you so intimately drives you closer to the edge with every ferocious thrust of his cock into you.
His thumb suddenly pauses and presses down on your clit, roughly. You gasp, nearly coming undone at the sensation. "Jin!"
"Hmm?" he murmurs, contently nuzzling your neck as if his dick isn't trying to murder your pussy.
"Jin… I'm so close, baby…"
You groan when he squeezes your boob harder, the nail of a finger scratching your pebbling nipple, and your body jerks forward in response despite the double clothing layer.
"My baby needs to come?" he speaks in a voice that sounds nothing like him — all throaty and guttural and breathy.
"Yes! Please, baby, I need to—ah!"
“Come on then, Honey. Cream my cock,” he murmurs into your hair.
You scream when he pinches your clit, nails digging into your sensitive flesh, and you unravel.
Hot, molten pleasure roils in your stomach, floodgates knocked open as the coil snaps. Your mouth opens on a long, drawn out groan of Seokjin's name, walls of your cunt fluttering around him as you explode on him.
You tremble against him, hips stuttering as you come down from your high while Seokjin fucks you through it, momentarily slowed down.
"That's it, baby, that's my Honey. Let it all go, fuck, you're doing so good," he softly mumbles to you.
If you were haggard before, now you feel positively boneless, ready to collapse on the floor in a heap. But Seokjin holds you up, the hand on your breast now holding your waist against his body in a firmer grip than before. He fucks into you fast and hard, then, eyes noticeably tracing your sweaty neck as you look at him in the mirror through your own barely open ones.
It's a couple of thrusts more before his head drops to your shoulder, body wrung tight as he grunts a string of your name. His hips slowly buck into you as he finishes inside of you.
You give a shaky exhale, head leaning back against him. He takes a step back, pulling you with him, and rests against the wall behind him. You meet his eyes in the mirror, both of you panting with your whole bodies.
"So… that was something," he says, sounding and seeming as if in disbelief.
Well, he is right. It was something. And you are in disbelief too.
You covertly right your panties, grimacing when you encounter a thick fluid coating the tops of your thighs. You try to ignore the gross sensation and pull your panties back over your mound, before tugging your skirt back down.
"We just fucked at our workplace," you mumble, astonishment and, unwittingly, something a lot like awe coloring your tone. "In the fucking bathroom, holy sh—"
"You think someone heard us?" Seokjin asks, sounding more amused than embarrassed.
You gulp, eyes widening. "I certainly hope not."
His hands still tenderly hold onto your waist from behind as you two converse through the mirror.
"Well, I hope Park Jinyoung heard it," Seokjin says with a frown.
You twist in his arms to slap his chest. But then you notice his undone belt and unbuttoned pants, and get to work on them. "Your jealousy got too out of hand. And totally uncalled for, too."
Seokjin rolls his eyes. "You don't know the inside of men's brain the way I do. Every smile you tossed his way was interpreted as one more step closer to getting you into bed with him."
You purse your lips at him. "Well, he wouldn't have succeeded. We both know that."
Seokjin gives you a tiny smirk. "That we do. But it is still disrespectful. Flirting with an older woman so blatantly when she's not only in a relationship, but in a relationship with his senior from school? So very disrespectful."
You pat at his cheek. "Stop stressing over it, Jinnie. He's irrelevant. And, to be honest… I hadn't even noticed him flirting until you mentioned it."
Seokjin gives a laugh. "You're blind to your own beauty, babe. It's almost cute how oblivious you can be." He leans in to plant a quick kiss on your lips. "You know you’re the only thing in this world that I love more than my face, right? That should tell you how amazing you are. I love you so fucking much, Honey."
Despite his dorkiness, your insides flush.
Being bent over and fucked didn't make you blush the way Seokjin's passionate love confession does. You can't recall when was the last time you heard him do it so intimately. Lately, it has just been a casually flicked "love you" as he's dropping you home. Or even worse, a small "ly" after his good night texts.
This, though… you've missed this, too.
"I love you too, Jin. I love you so much," you whisper, resting your head against his collarbone.
"Um… you know—"
There's a loud rapping at the door. "Seokjin! Are you in there?"
You both jump apart, horrified eyes moving to the door.
Seokjin clears his throat, opening and closing his mouth with hesitation. At your nod, he moves closer to the door. "Yuh—yes! Yes, I'm in here! I think I caught a stomach bug!"
You purse your lips together to keep yourself from giggling.
"I told you that salad had been sitting out of the fridge for too long!"
"Sorry, Dan!"
"And where's your girl? Rose has been looking for her for over half an hour!"
You look at Seokjin, completely clueless. But he gives you a reassuring nod. "What? I have no idea! Tell Rose to text her or something. I'll call her when I'm free from here!"
"You do that. And take the rest of the day off if it's too bad!"
Seokjin grins at you. "Okay, Dan!"
As soon as Dan has left, the two of you rush around to right your appearances to the best of your capabilities. But water and aprons can only help so much, and there's nothing to be done about how radiant the post-orgasmic bliss makes the two of you look.
Later, you both sneak out of the bathroom, grab your bags, and then sneak out of the restaurant through the fire exit in the locker rooms, like mischievous teenagers, while hoping and praying you don't encounter any familiar faces on your way out.
When you've reached the safety of Seokjin's car, you shoot off a text to Rose, stating a twisted ankle as an emergency, and tell her to mark you off for the rest of the day. The restaurant's been slow for a while, you're positive the remaining staff of four servers won't miss you.
Seokjin sends a similar text to his supervisor.
And then you sigh. "Okay. Now what?"
Seokjin backs the car out of the parking lot. "Well, we obviously go back to my place, shower, and continue with what we started."
Your body thrums in excitement even as your brows jump up. "Wha—really?"
Seokjin's dark eyes meet yours. "Unless you don't want to?"
You suck in a breath. "I do. I do want to. I've…missed being with you."
"So have I." Seokjin gives you a soft smile, nodding. But then he grins. "But that's not what you were saying you had missed—"
"Seokjin, I swear to God—"
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Seokjin wakes up in the late hours of the evening, with you entwined in his arms under the blanket. His stomach is protesting for some food, his salad from the morning very much worked out of his system through the span of the afternoon.
He fondly smiles at your sleeping figure. You look so cute with your lips pouting and eyes blissfully shut. He pecks your forehead.
Slowly sliding away from your hold, Seokjin sits up at the edge of the bed, reaching for his boxers that are tossed on the floor. He dresses himself up in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before stretching his body and quietly padding out of the room.
He has his “very important” audition at the end of this week. He’s set to spend some extra hours in the gym and keep a very sharp grip on his diet. He mentally recalls the diet list his agent mailed him yesterday as he thinks up snacking ideas.
He has just opened the refrigerator for some fruit, when Yoongi accosts him.
"So, I see Honey is back. Happy to know you two made up."
Seokjin pauses, unsure. Have you made up?
He would like to think so.
"Uh, not sure," he mumbles, fetching out two apples and a container of strawberries. "We still have stuff to talk about."
Yoongi stares at him for a few moments, eyes slightly squinted. "What's going on, hyung? From what I understand, Honey is upset with you and you don't know why. The obvious thing would be to ask her about it. What's the hold up?"
Seokjin shrugs. "Shouldn't she tell me herself? Why is she trying to get me to guess? Everybody knows I'm bad at it."
"Well, I don't think it's unfair of her to want her boyfriend to know what's wrong without her having to tell him." Yoongi cocks an eyebrow and Seokjin scowls.
"Well, then, I don't think I have the kind of time on my hand to brainstorm it that much," Seokjin grumpily says, chopping the apple with a little more force than necessary.
"And I think that is where the problem lies."
His head snaps up to frown at Yoongi. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "What I mean is that you would rather choose to stir up a shitstorm because you're upset about her, hyung, but you would still choose to put on this strong, unaffected persona before her. You've never, and I mean never, let your emotional side be open in front of her," Yoongi says with absolute conviction. "You would go crazy with worry over her if she's out late at night and hasn't texted you properly. And when she eventually would, you would act like it wasn't a big deal and you hadn't even thought about it. Even if you had lost hours of sleep over it."
Seokjin blinks at Yoongi, absorbing his words, and realising how right he is.
"I've known you a long time, hyung. Since before Honey came into your life. You've somehow always been a different person with her. This stone cold, practical guy who is career oriented, values success over friends and family and doesn't show his emotions. I bet she's never even seen you cry. And it just doesn't make sense why that is."
Seokjin exhales. He doesn't ever really think about it this way, because most of the time he has a shit load of things running in his head for him to actually slow down and think about things. But Yoongi is onto something – Seokjin has changed ever since you came into his life, and he's loathe to admit that the process hasn't been as natural as one would think.
And despite his very concrete belief that you prefer him to be this way, he does sometimes feel lost and tired by having to constantly keep himself in line.
He is a bit sad when he clears his throat. “I don’t think Honey needs me to be any other way than this, Yoongi. This is how she fell in love with me — this is how she likes me to be.”
Yoongi gapes at him. “What? That doesn’t even make any sense. Are you trying to say that you’re putting on this facade of being strong because you think your girlfriend wants you to?”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Well, has she ever said she prefers for you to not cry and be a thick headed idiot? No offence.”
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “No, but she doesn’t have—”
“No, hyung, then it is that simple.” Yoongi scoffs. “You’re making crazy assumptions and doing something really destructive to yourself. And your relationship.”
“No, hyung, if your girlfriend wants you to be a certain way for her to love you, then you shouldn’t even be together!”
Seokjin puts the knife down and rounds the kitchen counter to sit down next to Yoongi. He cups his palms over his mouth and shuts his eyes for a moment to clear his head.
“It isn’t like that, Yoongs,” he mumbles. “I just… I want her to be by my side forever. She has never asked me to be anything. But I can… tell what she wants out of me, okay?”
Seokjin knows he has let his insecurities and doubts during the beginning of your relationship get the better of him and built this bubble around him that, even five years down the line, is much too difficult for him to come out of. He doesn't even know how to, at this point, because he has gotten so used to being like this. He has somehow hard-wired his brain to believe in it. And he does believe in it most of the time, but Yoongi’s words have thrown him for a loop.
It really is bad for him to be in a relationship with someone that wants him to be a certain way for her to love him, isn’t it?
But do you even really want him to be the way he thinks you do?
He decides to share everything with Yoongi.
"When I… when we met, she had this huge crush on me. You remember the magazine shoot from the first week of my freshman year?" At Yoongi's nod, he smiles and continues, "well, she'd seen that and liked it. A bit too much." He shakes his head, fondly. "Byulyi was her roommate, back then. She was majoring in photography, so I had met her during the shoot. She got the two of us together to pose for her semester project. We got to know each other, and… fell in love, eventually."
Seokjin exhales.
"It somewhat stuck with me that she'd had a crush on a supposed model, and not the clumsy fuck of a person I actually was. So I started to act that way. Always being perfectly put together around her, not a single hair out of place. And it helped that she was always prim and proper to the tee, too. There was this subconscious thought that she found something in that model persona attractive, and I couldn't risk any changes."
Seokjin looks at Yoongi to find the guy looking at him with his lips pursed and gaze disappointed.
"Gradually, I learnt to live with it. It got ingrained to my subconscious. I don't even realize I'm being uncharacteristic about anything, now. The act is no longer an act, it has become part of my personality. Of being this perfect guy who prioritises work before all else, doesn't let petty emotions bring him down — all because I knew she has always been ambitious in life." Seokjin smiles again. "With you guys, it felt weird and a lot like pretense. So I guess I unwittingly developed these dual personalities…"
"Hyung… you do know that you’re wrong, don’t you?” Yoongi says with a serious frown. "Honey loves you for the person you are. It’s been five years and you're not that great of an actor, I'm sorry. She has to have seen the real you and loved him. She wouldn't be here if that weren’t the case.”
Seokjin slumps in his seat. “I know that, rationally. But my brain always latches onto the insecurity that she’ll flee once the persona is dropped.”
“I apologize for my words, but you’re sounding pretty stupid, right now, hyung,” Yoongi says with a scowl. “At least try to let her in, for once. You’ll be able to see it for yourself.”
Seokjin gets up and returns to chopping his fruits. “I’m not sure I even know how to do that, anymore.”
Yoongi clicks his tongue. “You turn into a mother hen when any one of us are in crisis. Please don’t say you don’t know how to let your emotions show, hyung. You just need to stop putting up walls of indifference between the two of you. Be your real self.”
It is easier said than done, but Seokjin silently nods. He realizes the gravity of the situation. Emotional advice from Yoongi is a massive rarity.
If he doesn’t change his ways, would he push you away? He has never thought of it this way. It’s always been the contrary — being too clingy or anything less than this wholly composed man who's unaffected by everything might push you away. But maybe he isn’t as much on mark with this as he had thought.
“At least talk to her. Ask her if she’d like you to try and be more emotionally available to her.”
Seokjin purses his lips, giving Yoongi another nod.
This sounds more doable. He is pretty sure you would have no idea what he’s talking about when he asks you. You have never raised a concern about his behaviour or personality, once. You like him the way he is.
But maybe you two are at a point where you’d like each other anyway the two of you are, so taking a chance might not hurt.
Seokjin decides to bring it up with you. If not to actually follow through with Yoongi’s advice, then at least to prove to himself that he’s right.
Maybe it would resolve your fight for real, maybe it would make him realize he's been living a lie and that he should stop. The latter thought makes him swallow with difficulty, but he has to be rational now.
Yoongi leaves some time after that, and just as Seokjin is about to leave the kitchen with his plate of fruits, you enter it.
He beams at your sleepy dishevelled self, admiring his huge sweatshirt on you that you’re drowning in, your hair that spreads all over your shoulders, your squinted eyes and puffy lips. He cradles you in his arms and plants a kiss on your lips. “Hello there, sleepyhead.”
You whine a little, before folding yourself in his embrace. “Mom called,” you mumble into his chest.
He hums questioningly, untangling from you to sit you down on a kitchen stool. He plops a piece of apple in his mouth, and holds a piece of strawberry before yours.
You accept it with a smile. “Are you free this weekend?”
Seokjin’s brows furrow in thought. No, he isn't. “Um, any specific reason why you’re asking?”
Some of your smile wanes away. “It’s dad’s birthday this Saturday. I thought we could visit…”
Seokjin’s purses his lips, frustrated at himself. He really wants to join you, but the biggest project of his life is this Saturday. He stands to be the face of the brand if he aces this final audition.
“So — you’re not. ’Kay, got it,” you mumble, your face blank as you push away from the kitchen counter and move to walk away.
“Honey! I’m sorry, it’s just—”
“Work? Yeah, I know.” You give a sarcastic bark of laughter and turn around. “It’s okay, Jin. Just because we fucked after so long doesn’t mean you’ve suddenly rearranged all of your priorities. I get it. I shouldn’t be that naive.”
Seokjin blanches, heart freezing in his chest. He can’t even fault you for saying something so crass, because every word is true. It should surprise him how you are asking him to make you his priority when the two of you have always been about putting your careers first, but for some reason, it doesn't.
With every passing moment, he is finding Yoongi's words to ring truer than before. Maybe he has made crazy assumptions about your preferences and created unnecessary struggles for the two of you to face.
Right now, if it were any other, simple shoot, he’d drop it in a heartbeat and get to work on actually rearranging his priorities. Taking a step closer to his truer self. Especially after seeing this look on your face while Yoongi’s words circle his head.
But this — this is his big break. If he loses this, he loses any chances he has to further his modelling career from just being an available face to an actual person with a voice.
He has had future plans involving you, once he has this project in his grasp. He cannot let all of it go.
He recalls Yoongi’s advice, and tries to let you in — past all his walls.
“Baby, please,” he pleads, running up to you to grab onto your shoulders. He leans down to look into your eyes, letting go of every pretense that clings onto him as he looks at you desperately. “This isn't just work, Honey. This is the dream. You remember that sunscreen brand I’d auditioned for? This is their final audition.”
You suddenly look up at him with your eyes wide and brows hiked up. “What? You — you got to the final audition?” you exclaim, sounding stunned.
A small smile breaks out on Seokjin’s face. “Did you expect anything less?”
You squeal, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him close. “Congratulations, babe! I'm so proud of you! Oh, my God, you got to the final audition! I know you’ll rock this!” When you pull back your face is positively glowing. “And — and forget about dad’s birthday. Birthdays come every year. Big breaks don't,” you softly say, placing your palm on his chest to tell him you’re being sincere. “If you’d told me before, I…” You suddenly frown. “Speaking of, why didn’t you tell me before?”
Seokjin winces. “I planned to surprise you,” he sheepishly mumbles. “They had a lot of preliminary preparations I had to do. They even forced me to practice dancing!” he laments. “They had me and three other candidates running around the whole damn city to see how we’d fare as brand ambassadors. And now they’re gonna do a final beach shoot and add it in with our scores from the past few months. Let’s just hope I win it.”
You are looking at him with an unreadable expression on your face. “You, uh, you’ve been running around because of this project?”
Seokjin frowns. “Haven’t you noticed how busy I’ve been these past few months?”
“Oh, I’ve noticed. Just that… you always said you were busy with work.” You look small when you cross your arms and glance at your feet.
He shuffles closer to you and cups your face in his hands. “I just — I didn’t think it made any difference.”
You look up at him. “It does. We talked about this opportunity so excitedly! Remember that video call with your father?"
Seokjin squints. He doesn't talk to his family all that much, and they don't bother reaching out much, either. “Was it on father’s day?”
“Yes!” You nod. “I was so excited, I even told him all about it! Even when I wasn’t sure you’d even take it up!”
Seokjin gasps as it comes back to him. “I remember! My mom later called me to ask if I was starring in a movie, or something.” He snorts. “You’d hyped me up too much.”
“I was excited. And so am I, now. I didn’t know you’d actually gone through with it, least of all succeeded, baby. This was like a dream of mine, too, Jinnie. I'm so proud of you.” You lean up to press your lips against his.
Seokjin sighs into your mouth, arms winding around your waist as he kisses you back.
“Oh, my God! Finally!”
You two spring apart at the intrusion, and Seokjin shoots a glare at Jimin.
“What? It’s just good to see you together again,” the boy mumbles with a pout, slowly slinking towards his bedroom when Seokjin's glare keeps gardening.
You clear your throat after he has left.
“You know,” you mumble, “I’d been having a lot of confusion and doubts about our relationship, recently.”
Seokjin blinks. “Is that why you were so mad at me?” he softly asks. “Because I wasn’t prioritising you?”
You frown. “If you understood, why didn't you say anything before?”
Seokjin shrugs. "You can say I've only discovered it recently. Very recently. Like, less than an hour ago, recently."
You chuckle. "Well, at least you have discovered it."
"Honey," he slowly says, catching both of your hands in his as he pulls you closer. He looks at your delicate fingers. "I…have something to ask."
You hum. "Of course, baby. What is it?"
"Do you, um. Do you think that maybe… I could be, ah, more emotionally available? Like, more open and talkative about feelings, and that kind of stuff?"
You look at him with your eyes really wide, almost frozen in place. "Where's this coming from?"
You sound breathy.
Seokjin is very close to shitting his pants. Why do you look so horrified? Is he about to lose you? He's almost ready to tell you to forget it and move on when you squeeze his hands, encouragingly.
He licks his very dry lips with his somewhat dry tongue. "Just—just a little thinking and a few talks with Yoongi."
"Well, holy fuck, Seokjin, yes. Of course, yes! Absolutely, totally yes." You blink at him and it seems like you aren't even breathing. "I would very much appreciate that. Very, very much."
Seokjin exhales, chest falling in relief. "Really?"
"Yes, baby!" You nod, a huge grin overtaking your face. "If you really wanna work on doing that, I would be the happiest person on earth!"
Seokjin smiles. "I do wanna work on doing that, baby."
"Oh, God, Jinnie, I feel so happy." Your eyes brim with tears as you crush him into a hug.
He wraps his arms around you, inhaling your scent deeply and feeling his heart fill up with so much love.
Pulling away after just a moment, you look at him with narrowed eyes. "Can I also, maybe, put in a few additional requests?"
Seokjin narrows his own eyes, indulging your playfulness. "Depends. What did you have in mind?"
"Could you also exist with, like, one hair messed up on your head? Wear some clothes that don't fit you like a dream? Maybe stink a little? Sleep with your mouth open, drool a little?”
“You’re like a Greek statue, my love! I’m trying to humanize you.”
Seokjin's eyes widen as he finally understands. This is exactly what Yoongi had said – Seokjin had made so many crazy assumptions about your preferences!
What the heck.
You just wanted him, the human him who can be the biggest clumsy fuck in the world.
"I'll – I'll try," he manages to say past a choked throat.
You gasp. "Are you about to cry?"
At his hesitant shrug, you squeal.
"Oh, my God, I can't wait for this! Come on!"
You tug at his hand with one hand and grab his plate of fruits in the other before dragging him upstairs, back to his room.
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That Saturday, your more human and less Greek God statue of a boyfriend passes the audition.
You go on a date with the new face of one of the biggest sunscreen brands of today's day and age.
You drive around the unsettled outskirts of your city and aimlessly chat about everything. You discover your boyfriend can be a really huge bitching machine when he doesn't like someone.
You have a perfectly cute picnic date beneath a huge tree.
During which you proceed to nearly have a heart attack when your boyfriend suddenly drops to a knee in front of you and produces a small box, because—
"What the fuck, Seokjin? We're not getting married, I don’t—I'm sorry, I can’t, we're not ready for this!"
But then you cry because it isn't a ring, it's a key — the key to your very own shared apartment with your boyfriend that he has made the down payment for with his first big paycheck as a brand ambassador. You both would be able to move in in a couple of months, and you can not begin to explain how excited you are for this phase of your lives.
You make out in the car on your way back, and then it gets too heavy and you end up bouncing on his dick in your car, underneath a huge tree, in the middle of nowhere, and—
You cry after sex, crying in Seokjin's arms for the first time ever, and he kisses your forehead before he's sobbing with you, too, and you two are a gross mess of semen and tears and snot, but—
You have never felt more appreciated, loved and cared for, in your life.
You have never been more in love with Kim Seokjin, in your life – your big, clumsy, idiotic and yet somehow sexy dork of a boyfriend.
You won't have it any other way.
I just wanna, I just wanna know - If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay; I just gotta, I just gotta know That I can't have it, I can't have it - Any other way.
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tagging: @shrimpmsg​
note:  OH MY GOD ITS DONE!!!!!! this fic has been one of the hardest plots that i’ve struggled to put in words, so far. i can’t believe i’m finally done posting it *sobs* (also, i realize how all the smuts i’ve written so far featured semi-public sex, lmaO idk how that’s happened, it’s not a specific kink of mine isTG! 😆)
also, this is my 400th post on this blog, so that’s exiting, ig? (lmao, 400 posts in 15 days, look at me go sksksks)
© jimilter | 2021
309 notes · View notes
sombreboy · 4 years
Please, noona ⤑ switch!jjk
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✗ 18+ ✗ pairing: switch!jjk x dom!female reader ✗ genre: pwp smut ✗ word count: 1.5k ✗ warnings: profanity, blowjob, big dick, unprotected sex/creampie. (he subby but then switches at the end ok ok enjoy.) smh im jealous of koo in this one.
Hey, I heard you like subby men. @chimoona​ ily or something
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You knew he loved it though..
He loved feeling helpless underneath, being nothing but a plaything for you.
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“Just fuck me already…” Jungkook whined in annoyance, tugging at the cuffs above him that kept his wrists tightly pinned to the headboard. He watched the way your head slowly bobbed up and down on his cock, not too slow— but definitely not hard enough for his liking.
It was infuriating as fuck.
You didn’t respond, ignoring his bratty attitude by driving his cock deep down your throat, keeping his bulbous head lodged in the back of it as you stared up at him with a piercing gaze. 
Nothing was more rewarding than watching him fall apart for you.
“Fuck…. Please, please…” his eyebrows were tightly knit together as he was unable to look away, cock throbbing desperately in your throat. 
You didn’t move. It drove him absolutely insane.
“I can’t stand it, noona! Please move! My cock hurts…”
It hurt because you’d been edging him for so long.
You knew he loved it though..
He loved feeling helpless underneath, being nothing but a plaything for you.
You slowly ripped his length from your throat, saliva dribbling down your chin as you smiled, crawling up on top of the man to kiss him, deep and rough with tongue, swirling your wet muscle around his own. He moaned, the sound so whiny and sweet on your tongue as he squirmed underneath you, the taste of himself on your tongue only fueling his arousal.
You pull back to stare down at him with a wicked smile, tilting your head to the side as you observe his expressions. 
“What do you want, little bun? Hm?” You coo softly, brushing his dark curls away from his face. He sighed quietly from your touch, bucking his hips upwards against your fleshy ass.
“I want to cum inside of you. Please. Fuck me, god please..” Jungkook threw his head back against the pillow beneath him, whining and begging for you to grant him something, anything to relieve his painful, aching desires.
‘’I’ve been so good for you, haven’t I?” He added, his doe eyes swirling with nothing but pure submission for you, a slight hint of sadness. He wanted you so bad it physically hurt his heart just thinking about not getting it.
‘’Ah, such a pretty boy when you beg, Koo.’’ You lifted yourself up from where you sat, clothed cunt hovering above where his slick cock laid on his lower abdomen, throbbing in anticipation as he watched you tug your panties to the side, exposing what he’s been craving all along. ‘’Is this what you want?’’ You wrap your fingers delicately around his heavy length, bringing the leaking, swollen head of his cock to rub it up and down your slit, gathering and spreading your juices up to your clit before using him to pleasure yourself. A quiet moan slips past your lips that has Jungkook’s entire body shuddering underneath you, the rustling sound of the chains on the handcuffs striking the room as he kept yanking his arms. He wanted to touch you so fucking bad, to show you just how good he could fuck you if he was given the power.
But it was more fun this way.
‘’Noona….’’ Jungkook’s pitch got higher as he gasped, the self control he possessed was uncanny, holding back from trying to fuck right up into your cunt. He wanted you to sink down on him when you decided to. ‘’Please, please, please…’’
Finally, fucking finally, you gave him what he wanted, slamming down your ass against his upper thighs as his entire length pushed inside of you in one swift, harsh motion. A series of curses slipped through Jungkook’s lips, his body trembling, his head snapping from one side to the other. He was a complete mess for you, your pussy was a fucking wonderland to him.
It was heaven.
‘’Ah, Kookie, you’re so big…’’ You breathed out, placing your palms on his chest for leverage as you began to grind on his cock, using him for your own pleasure. He fucking loved it.
‘’Stretching my tight cunt so well.. Does it feel good baby? Tell me.’’
‘’Yeah, s-shit, fuck..’’ Jungkook’s lower lip was swollen from biting back his moans, but to no avail. The second you started to move up and down on him without mercy, his jaw went slack, lips parting as heavy breaths and moans erupted from his throat.
‘’Yes, noona, it feels so good, keep using me until you cum, please..’’
He was such a good boy, how could you deny him when he begged so well?
You couldn’t…
‘’I will use your pretty cock, my little bun.’’ Your nails dug into the soft flesh of his chest, dragging them down to his stomach. His eyes fluttered shut, hips bucking up to meet you every single time you came down on him, the sound of your skin slapping together sinful and absolutely wonderful.
‘’Are you grateful? That I’m going to cum from using you?’’ You continued, picking up in speed, rolling your hips down. It was difficult to say much else, breathy moans emitting from your lips with every meeting thrust of his own. He was strong, well built, and you loved the desperation in his body to feel you more, deeper, faster, harder.
‘’Thank you, noona… Thank you, I love you, use me, please-- a-are you close? I can’t..’’ Jungkook’s voice broke into a sob when you clawed at his sides, fucking yourself on his cock harder. ‘’I can’t hold it mu-uch longer..’’
The wet sounds of his cock pushing into you was mesmerising, his eyes hyper fixated on how his length disappears every time your hips slam down on him. His body twitches with pleasure, the restraints leaving bruises on his wrists as he continuously jerks at them, annoyed whines turning into frustrated growls the closer he is to cumming.
‘’Y/N, let me loose, I want to fuck you so so bad, please..I promise I’ll fuck you so good.’’
You slow down, procrastinating both of your orgasms, watching his growing frustration turning into aggression. He was so riled up, and as he promised, you were sure he was going to fuck you good if you release him from the cuffs.
He’d earned it, and you craved it... 
‘’Okay, bun. I’ll expect you to make me cum with your cock. Or I won’t let you loose next time.’’ You playfully taunted him, and he felt the corner of his lips tug at your words.
The very second the click of his cuffs echoed, falling from his wrists, he lunged at you with such force that you yelped. He swiftly handled your body with his strength, flipping you over to your stomach. He pulled at your hips, ass up, before shoving his cock back into you, giving you no time to prep yourself on your elbows before he started to fuck you with the utmost greed. 
‘’Oh god, yes, Jungkook!’’ You moan his name, cheek pressing against the soft duvet as you allowed him to use your body this time around, body jolting forward with every thrust.
‘’Gonna c-cum, keep fucking me!’’
Jungkook initially had planned for himself to be able to hold himself from cumming until he’d made you cum first, but it was easier said than done with the absolutely sinful sounds you made, the way your body jiggled with every snap of his hips… Fuck, it was too much.
‘’Fuck, fuck, fuck, no…god, I--’’ Jungkook gasped, cursing through gritted teeth as his hips stuttered, his cum gushing into you-- so, so much, he’d been edged for so long that everything built up flushed out with his release. It was overwhelming, but your moaning spurred him to keep fucking into you through his orgasm-- ignoring the oversensitivity to the best of his ability, he wanted you to cum so badly.
‘’Please, noona, cum-- I can’t, I can’t, I fucking, ah…’’ Jungkook sobbed, gnashing his teeth together as his hips went into a frenzy, fucking into you with his still rigid length, cum sloshing inside of you with every thrust. Most of it dribbled down your thigh and pooled at the sheets, being forced out from your cunt as he fucked you.
As on cue, you hid your face in the duvet, gasping out a silent cry, tugging at the bed. You came around his cock, body tensing up and trembling, the pattern of spasms of your fleshy walls squeezing his sensitive length so hard that he cursed out a high pitched moan.
Jungkook slowed down, breath heavy and in tandem with yours slowly coming back down to normalcy. He winced when he pulled himself off of you to lay down, wrapping his arms around you in a sweaty hug. You nuzzle up against his chest, pressing a little kiss on his chin when he glanced down at you.
‘’Did I do well, noona?’’ He asked, hand mindlessly rubbing down your flushed back.
‘’You did so well, my bun.’’ You praised, looking back up at him again, reaching to brush away his overgrown fringe from his eyes.
‘’Such a good, pretty boy.’’
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
1K notes · View notes
luxekook · 4 years
chapter eight.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 6.5k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy [more than usual], poly relationship, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, switch!hobi, sub!yoongi, sub!jk, sub!tae, sub!jimin, jk is a whole cutie, everybody gets their bob ross on, PUNS, pick up lines, smut [thigh kink, noona kink, marking, oral (f receiving), dom/sub themes, daddy kink, mentions of spanking, lots of lap sitting]
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Eight
(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 8:38am
I wake to the sound of thunder and groan as my eyes strain to focus on the rain pouring down outside my window. Hastily, I grab for my phone and scroll through my notifications. Yup, my friend Brianna - the president of the Alphites - had emailed to say that Habitat is cancelled for the morning.
What did this mean for my date? Swiping over to the group chat, I quickly type a message to the boys.
Queen (y/n), Worldwide Handsome, and 6 Peasants
8:40am, (y/n): “Yo, dweebs. No volunteering today because of the rain. Looks like our date is cancelled, too…”
I laugh evilly as my phone consequentially blows up with a series of question marks and exclamations. Just as I’m about to put a stop to the madness I’d caused, my phone screen darkens with the telltale chimes of an incoming FaceTime.
Not even bothering to shift out of bed, I swipe to answer. “Hi, Hobi,” I grin at my sunshine who looks a little pouty this morning. The metaphorical rain cloud over his head lessens marginally at my smile.
The puffy, bare-faced boy sighs and runs a hand through his wild hair. Obviously, Hoseok had just woken up, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to wake up next to him.
“(Y/n)? Did you hear me?” Hobi chuckles, bringing my attention back to my phone. “You weren’t serious, right? Our date is still on? We have the whole thing planned! The rain doesn’t even affect it! And—”
“Is that (y/n)?” A cry of uproar sounds from the background on Hobi’s end of the line. A thundering of footsteps commences; and, suddenly, I am faced with seven slivers of faces all crowded together.
“(Y/n)!” Jungkook rips the phone from Hoseok’s grasp and takes off out of the room. The background blurs as he runs. Faintly, I can make out blurry figures giving chase behind him. “(Y/n)! Please still come over. We have everything set up! Saturdays are always full of noona, and I don’t want to break the tradition.”
Letting out a laugh at the fluffy haired boy, I smirk, “First of all, let me just say that I’m glad you don’t subscribe to the whole ‘SaTuRdAyS aRe FoR tHe BoYs’ toxicity. And second of all, you do realize you just gave away the date plans, right?”
“Jungkook!” The shout from what could only be an enraged Seokjin echoes across the connection.
I watch in amusement as the background once again blurs. As the feed refocuses, Jimin’s beaming face greets me, and I roll my eyes at the realization that Jungkook must have tossed him the phone. Probably playing a game of ‘Monkey in the Middle’ with their eldest brother, I assume.
Deciding enough is enough, I retake control of the situation with the tried and true method of the shock factor™. “Hey, I’m naked.”
Silence falls.
Then comes the seven pairs of eyes crowding the screen that I had hoped for.
Disappointed huffs resound from the collective as I cackle, trying my best to ignore their indignant cries.
“Noona’s not even naked!”
“Why, there’s not even a boob to be seen!”
“She’s got us lookin’ like boo-boo the fool, boys…SMH!”
“Jin, did you just say ‘SMH’?” The boy opens his mouth to respond, but I decide there’s no time to discuss acronyms right now. Shaking my own head swiftly, I clear my throat, “No, never mind. Now that I have your attention, I need someone to tell me what the plan is. Am I getting out of bed today? Are we still doing the thing?”
“You can get out of your bed and into mine,” Taehyung’s words barely escape his mouth before he is pushed out of frame by at least four of the others.
“Tae, are you trying to get your name added to my punishment list?” I smirk as two boys in particular gulp, “Jimin and Jin already have the distinct honor. Isn’t that right, boys?”
“You can add my name, noona!” Jungkook gasps out, lunging once again for control of the phone. He is shoved out of the way by Namjoon.
“Oh, my little Kookie,” I laugh, “That would practically be a reward for you.”
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your own punishment, (y/n),” Namjoon stares me down from the other end of the phone.
“I mean, you can try it,” I shrug, “But I’ll probably either like it or turn it around on you at some point. Just saying…”
“Sounds good to me,” Joon grins, his dimples popping out, “Now get your sweet ass over here so I can spank it.”
“Right now?” I double check the time, “It’s still not even nine fucking AM. What is this going to be? Some sort of all day extravaganza? Y’all better be feeding me.”
“Yah, do you know who I am?” Jin butts in from his small corner of the screen, ”You are in the presence of Worldwide Handsome Chef Extraordinaire Kim Seokjin! Of course you’re going to be well fed - both with my visuals and with food!”
“I have no words,” I say.
Jin forges on, “Speechless, eh? I’m used to it.”
“Could the two of you stop your gross flirting for one second so that we can actually convince (y/n) to come over?”
Yoongi’s scowl appears on screen as he takes control of the phone. Jin can be heard squawking indignantly in the background.
“Gross?” I raise an eyebrow, “That’s not what you were saying when you were teaching me piano.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Taehyung yelps.
“I think so,” Jimin answers darkly.
“Wait, what’s a ‘you feminism’ again?” Jungkook mumbles from somewhere in the room.
“Oh my god,” Namjoon moans, sounding completely done, “(y/n), I am begging you to hang up and call my phone so that I can actually let you in on the plan.”
“Bet,” I say, “I’ll call you in an hour. I’m going back to sleep.”
I hang up, abruptly cutting off their whiny protests. Boys can always wait. Extra sleep, however, must seized at every opportunity.
Sinking back into the bliss of my comfy bed, I smile as I flip my phone over and promptly fall back asleep.
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(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 11:57am
“(Y/n), for the love of Jared Padalecki, get your ass up!”
Groaning, I wave Luna off with a limp arm, still half asleep. “Go away,” my garbled words prove to be futile as she pulls the covers right off of me.
“Your entourage is here,” Luna hisses, grabbing my ankle and attempting to tug me off the bed.
“My what?” I kick at her hold, “Stop going all horror movie on me!”
“You haven’t seen horror! Horror is waking up to the furious sound of fists pounding at the front door and thinking your dark past of downloading music off of sketchy websites has finally caught up with you! Horror is pulling open the door in just your Harry Potter onesie only to be faced with seven hot and all-too-put-together dudes!”
My brain slowly wraps its away around the meaning of her words. “Oh, fuck.” I launch out of bed, flailing around for my phone.
111 Messages
34 Missed Calls
14 Voicemails
“Good god,” I toss my phone back on my bed and stalk past Luna into the living room where my ‘entourage’ is gathered.
“Okay, what the fuck,” I cross my arms over my chest as I stare down at the seven boys spread out across our second-hand sectional.
“Noona, you’re here!” Jungkook springs up from his seat and tackles me in a hug.
“Where else would I be? I fucking live here,” I mumble into his chest, annoyance slipping away with each breath.
“I told you she just overslept,” Yoongi mutters from the couch, sounding very much like he was dragged here against his will.
“Finally,” I say, pulling away from Jungkook to beam down at Yoongi, “An intellectual. Now, what about the rest of you overreactive imbeciles? Did you just come over so that you could snoop around where I live?”
As I say this, my eyes narrow on Namjoon. The boy is inspecting the teacup I had forgotten to put away last night like it’s a new archaeological find. My words fluster him, and he fumbles with the cup before it falls from his grasp to shatter on the floor.
“I am so sorry!” Namjoon yelps. The rest of the boys look on with disappointment but not surprise.
“That was my great grandmother’s teacup,” I whisper, falling to my knees dramatically.
“Namjoon, your destructive nature has gone too far!” Seokjin yells, scrambling over to me. My face is buried in my hands as my shoulders shake. I can’t hold it any longer.
I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, it’s fine, Joon. I’m kidding. It was just a cup from Target’s clearance section.”
“So evil!” Namjoon whines, “I was so worried!” Shuffling over to the hallway closet, I pull out our dustpan and broom. Walking back, I hand it off to Namjoon before he can attempt to pick up a fragment of the shattered cup.
“Don’t even think about using your bare hands, Joon,” I narrow my eyes at him, “A trip to Urgent Care does not count as a date.”
“Noona,” Taehyung pipes up, “You should join the Acting Club! Did I mention I’m the president?”
“Oh, here we go,” Yoongi scowls, flicking his eyes over to where Seokjin is rapidly turning a concerning shade of red.
Mount Seokjin erupts, “You’re only president on a bullshit technicality! Fifth years can’t be on Exec boards, you swine!”
“Yo, Seokjin, I’m really bummed about that policy, and Imma let you finish. But, let me just say that if y’all don’t leave so I can get ready, I will avoid you for the rest of time.”
Seconds tick by. I frown, “I don’t see movement. Why don’t I see movement?”
“Well,” Jimin hedges, shrinking under my gaze, “We figured you could just come back with us? It would save you a trip?”
The disobedience in this crew would drive me off a cliff. “I guess I was not clear the first time. I am going to drive myself because: 1) I can leave on my own terms and 2) I can leave an overnight bag in the car just in case. Although, that possibility is slipping away by the millisecond.”
“Alright! Time to go!” Jungkook barks, herding the boys towards the door.
As they practically run out the door, Namjoon turns back to me with an arched brow, “No going back to sleep.”
I salute him, “Scout’s honor. I’ll see you in a bit.” With that, I’m finally left in peace and quiet.
“Want to explain what that was all about?!” Luna stalks out of her room, “I need the tea!”
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A full hour and a half later, I find myself in an eerily empty frat house.
“Y’all really kicked everyone out, huh?” I comment as I peer around each corner of the house. There is not a soul - besides these seven fools - to be seen.
“I mean, there are only three other people that actually live here permanently,” Namjoon counters, ever the diplomatic president, “The rest of the rooms are mainly for guests or if a member needs temporary housing.”
Humming noncommittally, I come to an abrupt halt when the dining room comes into view. All the furniture has been pushed to one side to make room for eight easels and an excessive amount of paint.
“It looks like a Michael’s threw up in here,” I marvel.
“Who is Michael?” Jimin pops up next to me with narrowed eyes. The rest of the boys file in behind him.
“My sugar daddy,” I deadpan, “He’s an artist.”
Namjoon cracks up, while Jimin pouts adorably. “I guess you know what we’re going to do now, baby,” Namjoon says, still chuckling lightly.
“We’re doing DIY Painting with a Twist!” Taehyung yells, “The twist is that there’s no wine. Namjoon said it could get ‘too out of hand’ - whatever that means.”
“What is everyone going to paint?” Hobi asks the room after a brief pause, “I’m going to make something for (y/n)! It’s a surprise.”
“That’s so sweet, Hobi,” I smile at the boy, “Thank you!”
Not a group to be outdone, the boys quickly affirm that they too had been planning to make something for me all along.
Rolling my eyes, I sigh, “Careful, I’m going to get used to y’all spoiling me.”
“Good,” Namjoon nods, “You’re learning.”
“Yes, daddy,” I tease, “Are you going to keep spoiling your good girl?”
“You’re not a good girl,” Yoongi laughs, “You’re a fucking force of nature.”
“Thank you,” I wipe a nonexistent tear from under my eye, “This is why you are currently my favorite.”
“Wait, you have a running favorite?”
“How can I get to be your favorite?”
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Five minutes later, the room is empty aside from Jungkook and I. The rest of the boys dispersed the moment they decided to make painting a competition for my favor.
“Aren’t you going to hide away, too?” I address the younger boy next to me.
“Why would I go anywhere else when you’re right here?” Jungkook shuffles closer to me, “Besides, I wanted to use a different canvas.”
“Ah, I see,” I nod sagely before pulling my long-sleeved shirt up and over my head.
“Noona!” Jungkook chokes as he takes in my slightly sheer tank top and the black bra that peeks out from underneath, “I meant your wrist!”
“Calm down, Kook,” I laugh, “I can put it back on if you want. I just don’t want to get paint on it.”
Jungkook shakes his head furiously.
He then grabs my arm gently, flipping it over so that the inside of my wrist faces up. His thumb brushes over my erratic pulse and pauses. “Are you nervous, noona?” His wide eyes stare up at me, “You don’t have to let me paint on you.”
“It’s okay, Kookie,” I say, brushing his fallen hair out of his eyes,  “Paint me like one of your French girls.”
The boy’s cheeks bloom a bright red as he flashes me a small smile, “That’s one of my favorite movies.”
My heart swells as the cuteness that is Jeon Jungkook, and I can’t resist teasing him further. “Jungkook,” I whisper, leaning forward, “I would gladly share my door with you to keep you warm.”
“Noona,” He whines, trying to pretend like he wants to get away from me. I would rate his efforts a 1/10 considering his hand is still firmly wrapped around my wrist.
“The iceberg would melt because of how hot you are…” I keep going, arching closer to murmur in his ear, “Just like the Titanic, I would go down on you for hours.”
“Noona!” Jungkook yelps, “Stop playing with me!”
“Fine,” I pout, “But the offer stands.”
“You’re going to kill me…” He mumbles. Dipping his paintbrush into his nearby palette, Jungkook begins to etch the outline of what looks like some sort of flower onto my wrist. The strokes of the brush across my skin make me shiver - something that does not go unnoticed by Jungkook.
His eyes dart to mine, and I feel like crumbling under the weight of the adoration I find within them.
“Kookie,” I glance down, breaking the intensity before it consumed me whole, “What kind of flower is this?”
He mumbles something inaudible.
“What?” My ears strain to pick up the boy who for some reason decided to answer in the language of tiny.
“A tiger flower,” Jungkook turns away to grab a new brush, his hair failing to hide his flushed cheeks. I watch enraptured as he mixes the orange and white shades to get the end result he wants.
Returning to my wrist, he leans down and lightly blows across the drying paint.
“This is unfair,” I mumble as the boy continues to unknowingly seduce me. Or did he know? My eyes narrow as his gaze flicks to mine. Arching a brow, I decide to press him, “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the matching tattoo on your forearm, right?”
“N-no,” Jungkook panics, eyes darting this way and that, “That would be Ludacris.”
Did he just— Not the time.
“Mhm,” I hum, ever the skeptic.
Jungkook swallows before once again resorting to tiny speak, “Okay, yes, it does. I’m asking you to love me, noona. Please.”
My breath escapes me in a whoosh as I stare dumbfounded at the pleading boy who once again starts to paint my wrist. Why is such a beautiful human lacking in adoration? Why does he need my affection when he has six other lovers?
“Why?” The question slips past my lips before I can catch it.
“Because,” He continues to paint, “I can see myself loving you for a very long time, and I just want to be loved back for just as long.”
The silence that falls after Jungkook’s admission feels safe and comfortable. His words swirl around my mind. And as he finishes the flower now adorning my wrist, I give him an answer I’m not even sure he had been waiting for. “Jungkook,” I wait until he meets my eyes, “I don’t think I’m in love with you yet. I’m not even sure I know what love is or what it feels like. But I can see myself falling for you. And I do know that there is a place in my heart labeled ‘Jeon Jungkook’, just like there are six other places for the rest of you… Y’all really do take up a lot of space.”
I let out a little laugh as Jungkook’s lips twitch in amusement. I continue, “It scares me sometimes. How I might fall for all of you and get heartbroken seven times over. But, I might also fall for all of you and get seven times the amount of love in return. And so I’m willing to fight for that chance. Besides, what’s life without a little risk?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, and then he whispers, “I really like you, (y/n)-noona.”
I lean closer to him. Our noses brush as I whisper back, “I really like you, too, Jungkookie.”
The smile I get in response is blinding, and I can’t resist pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m done!” Taehyung hurtles through the doorway, lugging a giant canvas that definitely had not been in the room earlier, “I call this masterpiece: ‘My Boo’.”
Gaping, I take in the massive canvas full of swirling colors and abstract shapes. It’s honestly overwhelming and a bit dramatic, but that is Taehyung. And I love it.
“It’s so pretty!” I coo, shuffling over to side-hug Tae.
He shyly hangs his head on my shoulder, “You really think so?”
“Yes, baby,” I nod, “Of course I do.”
One by one the other boys return to present me with their art. Seokjin presents a sea of rainbow colored hearts (“Get it? I see hearts when you’re around!”). Hobi shows off his technicolored sunset (“It’s how I feel when I look at you, (y/n)! Hopeful, but at peace.”). Jimin bashfully hands over a painting of two silhouettes dancing (“It’s us.” *blushes profusely*). Yoongi gives me a black canvas with a portion of lighter blue mixed in (“You make my world brighter.”). Finally, Namjoon shuffles over with a succulent plant in a painted flower pot (“I accidentally elbowed a hole through my canvas… This is my favorite plant, for you.”).
The boys also marvel over the flower that Jungkook painted on my wrist while the younger boy beams with pride. One of them mentions ordering pizza for dinner, and the room clears within seconds as the majority flees in search of a menu.
Namjoon is the last to remain, admiring the art etched on my skin. “You know what it means, right?” He murmurs, thumb tentatively brushing across the dried paint.
“He told me,” I nod, focused on the gentle caress of his fingers.
Namjoon lifts my hand to his mouth and places a light kiss. The motion takes me back to the memory of a few weeks ago where he first had performed the action. “I hope you know the sentiment extends to all of us as well.”
“Oh, does it?” I smile, “You might have to mark me to make it believable.”
“Consider it done,” Namjoon says before pulling me closer to him and placing his lips on my neck. What an opportunist, I muse as he bites down gently. His tongue flicks before his lips once again press down on my neck. Namjoon litters my neck with small kisses. I gasp as he suddenly returns to the initial spot and bites down slightly harder, sucking and licking at my neck afterwards.
“Joon,” I breathe out as he pulls back, looking all smug and proud of himself, “I will get you back for this.”
“I look forward to it, baby.” With that, Namjoon laces his fingers through my own and tugs me out of the room towards the ruckus being caused in the kitchen.
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One hour later, the eight of us are piled on the massive living room sofa.
“I think I’m pregnant,” Seokjin moans, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “The father is Papa John.”
“I told you not to race to beat Kook to the last slice,” Hobi shakes his head, “No one ever listens in this house.”
“You get me, bro, you get me,” Namjoon extends his fist to Hoseok who fist bumps him.
I survey the room from where I’m perched on Taehyung and Jimin, one leg hitched over one of theirs. “I thought we were going to watch a movie?” I furrow my brows, “Or was that just a ploy to get me to stay longer?”
Jungkook scrambles to his feet, “I’ll go get Titanic!”
“Please, god, no!”
The crestfallen expression that crosses Jungkook’s face tugs at my heartstrings. “Aw, Kook, I really inspired you with my words earlier, huh?” His pouting intensifies as he stalks back over to his end of the couch.
“Never let me watch what I want,” He mumbles. Sensing that this is an often fought battle, I shimmy off of Tae and Jimin and head over towards the youngest.
“How about this,” I reason, “Let the group decide what movie to watch, and I’ll sit with you during it.”
“Promise?” Large brown eyes peer up at me. At my nod, his expression brightens, and he pats his legs excitedly.
Settling down on his thighs, I realize I have made a grave miscalculation.
My thigh-riding kink + Jungkook’s muscular thighs = chaos
As the rest of the boys argue between watching Die Hard or The Hangover, I shift my hips slowly to try to get more comfortable. Jungkook’s swift inhale tells me that my move wasn’t as low-key as I had hoped.
“Noona, stop moving,” He mumbles into my hair, his arms firmly circling my waist.
“Sorry, baby,” I mutter back to him, trying hard to reign in my thirst.
The boys finally decide to watch Die Hard. Minutes tick by as the movie I’ve seen multiple times before plays on the screen. I’m only half paying attention, and I’m pretty sure Jungkook isn’t paying attention at all.
His fingers have shifted under my tank top and are drawing patterns onto the skin of my stomach. “So soft,” He marvels, his words ghosting across the skin of my neck.
The effect the boy has on me is deadly, and I retaliate with one of the only ways I can. I grind my hips slowly down onto his. The heat of his body warms my own, the hardness of his cock becoming more and more apparent underneath me.
“Noona,” Jungkook moans, “You’re so unfair.”
I whisper back, “You started it.”
He scoffs, moving my hair to one side of my neck, and pauses. “Oh, what’s this?”
“Don’t even think—”
His lips descend onto my neck, cutting me off mid-sentence. “Insolent child,” I breathe out, trying to keep my shit together despite finding it so fucking hot that Jungkook’s mouth is where Joon’s had been just over an hour ago.
Keeping my eyes firmly on the screen where John McClane is steadily taking down a whole crime organization singlehandedly, I try in vain not to imagine getting double teamed by Jungkook and Namjoon. By the time the credits roll, my panties are a mess. I can feel Jungkook practically throbbing underneath me from being so hard, and I’m pretty sure my nipples could cut through glass.
“What’d you think, (y/n)?” Hobi beams over at me from the other end of the couch.
I plaster a smile on my face like I hadn’t just been imagining the whole room naked and engaged in NSFW activities. “It was iconic as always!”
The boys seem to happily accept my answer. Well, most of them do. Yoongi is staring at me with a suspicious expression. Damn, that boy is too observant for his own good.
“Well,” I decide to try to regain some semblance of self-control, “Where did I put my keys?”
“You can’t leave! It’s only 9pm!”
“You said you would would stay overnight!”
I roll my eyes upwards, at least this provided Jungkook an opportunity to tug a pillow onto his lap. “I’m going to get my bag from the car, you fools.”
The boys let out a collectively sheepish “Ah”.
“I’ll walk you, noona,” Jimin stands, making his way over to my side.
“Trying to butter me up, baby?” I can’t help but ruffle his hair, “Okay, come on.”
Jimin and I make our way to the front door where my keys lie on the entryway table. Grabbing them, I head out into the darkness of the front yard with Jimin trailing after me.
“Will you sit with me for the next movie, noona?” Jimin asks, running a hand through his hair as we trek towards my parked Jeep.
“What’s in it for me?” I joke, unlocking the passenger side door and grabbing my bag. Turning back towards the house, I shut and lock my car behind me.
“Cuddles?” Jimin answers, eyes wide and bottom lip poked out.
“Stop that,” I moan, moving swiftly past him, “Puppy-Dog eyes? That’s so unfair!”
“Is it working?” He races to keep up with me, “I think its working.”
“You’re still on my shit list, Park Jimin,” I whirl around, drop my bag to the ground, and grab the front of his shirt. Moving to a standstill with his lips an inch from mine, I say, “Or did you forget?”
Jimin gulps, his eyes dark, “I didn’t forget. It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”
I place the lightest kiss to his lips, “Good answer.” With that, I pick my bag back up and waltz back into the house. “Are you coming?” I call at the boy still standing in the middle of the front yard.
“Now I know why Kook says you’re mean,” Jimin shakes his head at me as he regains the will to move.
“You’re a fast learner,” I comment, placing my keys back onto the entryway table. “I’ll sit with you.”
“Yay!” Jimin cheers, “I’ll go tell Taehyungie!”
“What?” I screech after the boy’s departing form, “I didn’t know this was some sort of package deal! Lord give me strength…”
Rifling through my bag to double check I have everything, I notice that I seem to be lacking a sleep shirt. How is it that I could pack three different pairs of socks for one night over but forget a fucking shirt?
“SOS,” I call out, zipping my bag back up. Once again, the sound of stampeding steps is heard before the seven of them appear above me.
“Someone needs to give me their biggest and comfiest t-shirt.”
A brief pause permeates the room before all seven boys dart into action. Left all alone in the entryway, I let out an incredulous laugh at how completely whipped I’m becoming for them.
After a few minutes, I hear them congregating in the hall just up the stairs. Just as I’m about to go investigate, they shuffle down. Namjoon presents me with a pile of what must be a selection of t-shirts from the bunch.
“We all want you to wear our clothes, so we decided to make it fair and just let you pick one without knowing who’s it is,” Seokjin explains.
Looking around the room, I can tell they all think this is a magnificent idea. Meanwhile, I’m baffled why they think I wouldn’t know who’s shirt is who’s just from the style, size, and smell. However, I decide to be a nice girl and play along.
“Okay,” I grab the entire pile along with my bag, “I’ll go change.”
“I’m so excited!” Taehyung bounces up and down, “She’s going to pick mine. I know it!”
“That’s because you gave her your Ce—” As Taehyung tackles Jimin to the floor, I take that as my cue to leave.
Speeding up the steps, I make a beeline for Yoongi’s room, entering and locking the door behind me. My bag is tossed on the bed first followed by the sea of mostly black and white clothing. They know me so well already.
I examine my options:
A white Balenciaga t-shirt with “Europe 2018” embroidered in red over the heart,
A soft pink hoodie by Marques’ Almeida with long black silky drawstrings,
A red and black striped Raf Simons long-sleeved shirt with sewn-on patches,
A Fear of God white t-shirt with the iconic “FG” on the front,
A black Mastermind t-shirt with the brandname and a skull and crossbones emblazoned on it,
A black Celine t-shirt also with the brandname on the front, and
A grey long-sleeved t-shirt by Carhartt with the name in blue along the sleeve.
Making my selection, I shake my head over the careless nature these boys handle their extremely expensive clothing. I am almost certain that Jungkook had given me the only shirt of the bunch that was under $100.
Regardless, I fold the rest of the shirts before stuffing them into my duffle bag. If they all want me to wear their clothes, I will - eventually. Quickly, I change into my sleep shorts, tug on what I assume is Hobi’s shirt, and head out of Yoongi’s room.
Opening the door, I blink as seven expectant faces shine back at me. Six expressions fall as one lights up even more. “You chose mine!” Hoseok cheers, running to engulf me in a hug that sweeps me off my feet, “Oh, you look so cute!”
“Can’t. Breathe.”
“Why’d you leave your stuff in Yoongi-hyung’s room, noona?” Taehyung pouts as the rest of the boys try to pretend like they also aren’t miffed.
“Because I’m going to sleep with him?” I march over to Yoongi and hug him from behind, pressing my lips to his cheek. “Is that okay with you, Yoongs?”
The boy grumbles under my show of affection, but his hands come up to clasp over mine as they circle his waist. “I can live with that, I guess.” The eye roll accompanying his words is so evident even when standing behind him.
“You’ll pay for that, baby boy,” I whisper in his ear before biting gently down on his earlobe, reveling in the cute little squeak that emits from him in response.
“She’s still sitting with me and Tae during the next movie, though!” Jimin - ever the instigator - interjects as the group makes their way back downstairs. Yoongi and I shuffle behind them.
The eight of us decide to watch The Hangover next since that had been the runner-up before. Once again, I’m draped between Jimin and Taehyung. This time, I’m fully placed on Jimin’s lap while my legs are sprawled out across Tae’s thighs.
My legs had barely even settled onto his lap before his hands were on them. This time I don’t even pretend like I’m paying attention to the movie. I’m more entranced by the way Taehyung kneads his way up my legs from my ankles to my calves to the insides of my thighs.
Meanwhile, Jimin is snuggled into me tightly. His face is shoved into the crook of my neck, and I honestly think he might be sound asleep. With each breath, Jimin’s pillowy lips brush my collarbone. I couldn’t tell if this is my own personal heaven or hell.
Looking up, I meet the dark gaze of Min Yoongi once again. Neither of us break eye contact as I try to read the look on his face and his body language.
He is either: 1) pissed off by something I did, 2) turned on by something I did, or 3) all of the above.
My hunch is the third. Testing that theory, I slide my tongue across my bottom lip. Sure enough, his eyes track the motion instantly before returning to mine. Bing-pot.
The movies seems to take way longer than it’s hour and forty-something minutes. I blame the combination of my sexual frustration and the varying degrees of awareness of it from the boys.
As soon as the credits roll, I extract myself from the holds that Jimin and Tae had on me. “I’m tired,” I lie.
“Aw,” Seokjin hurries over to me and sweeps me into a tight hug, “Get some beauty sleep, darling. Because, in the morning, I’m making pancakes!”
I place a swift kiss to his cheek, “Sounds perfect.”
I bid the rest of the boys goodnight with similar affections. Slowly, I make my way over to the stairs, knowing that Yoongi is trailing after me closely.
Making sure to put an extra swing in my hips, I climb up the staircase like I was getting paid to do it. Finally, I enter Yoongi’s room, turn to face the boy it belonged to, and tug him inside.
“What the fuck, Min Yoongi,” I hiss before closing the door behind him and shoving him against it.
He has the audacity— I take a calming breath.
“You eye-fuck me throughout the entire movie and ask me ‘what’?” My hands curl into the fabric of his shirt.
A small smile makes its way across Yoongi’s face as my glower intensifies, “You can’t expect me not to think about that after you announce to everyone that you’re sleeping with me.”
“I didn’t mean literally, you buffoon,” I groan, turning away to head towards the bed.
Yoongi grabs my hips, halting me in place. “I know. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about what it would be like with you. What it would be like to be selfish with you.”
“You want to be selfish with me?” I ask softly, “What does that mean?”
“It means that I know that Tae was the first to get your mouth, but I want to be the first to give you mine.”
Yoongi’s words steal the breath from my lungs and the chill from my very soul. I gasp out, “You want to taste me, baby? That’s what you want?”
“More than anything,” Yoongi groans, pushing his hips into mine. “Please, (y/n), I’ll do anything to put my mouth on you.”
I pull away from Yoongi so that I can face him. His pupils are blown out, his hair is messy, and his expression is devastating with its pleading look. After being teased by so many of the others for the whole evening, he looks like my salvation.
“Okay,” I nod, lying down with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed. “Do your worst. No, not the time for that expression. Do your best. Please.”
Chuckling, Yoongi sinks to his knees before me, running his hands up my legs and resting on the hem of my shorts. He sends me an asking look, and I nod. His fingers shake slightly as he pulls off my shorts.
Left in nothing but pair of lacy red boy-briefs, I shiver in anticipation as I feel Yoongi slip a tentative finger underneath the remaining material.
“Fuck,” He groans, sliding his finger up and down my folds, “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”
“Well, do something about it,” I command, moving my hips up so that he might get the hint to take of my underwear. His finger slides out from underneath them and he doesn’t even hesitate before sucking it into his mouth.
“Yoongi,” I hiss, getting more and more impatient.
Yoongi pulls his finger out of his mouth, “Sorry, (y/n), I just want to savor this moment.”
“You can savor my pussy with your mouth,” I say, “Or are you all talk, Min Yo—”
Quicker than I can comprehend, Yoongi slides my panties to the side and licks a stripe up my folds. I moan as he sucks and licks at my pussy like a man possessed.
“Fuck,” I grab his hair and tug him closer, feeling him moan into me.
The build up of tension and frustration from being surrounded by these boys for the entire day has me on the brink of orgasm already.
Yoongi’s mouth closes over my clit, circling it with his tongue and flicking it slowly.
“More, Yoongi,” I demand.
He listens. Still worshipping my clit, Yoongi slips a finger inside me, curling it in such a practiced way I could scream.
He adds a second. Yoongi’s fingers thrust in and out of me as his tongue continues to taste and tease my pussy.
When he hits a certain spot in me, I moan his name, and I swear he growls. Repeatedly, his fingers hit that same spot inside me and I’m panting, trying my hardest not to come. Not yet.
“Harder!” I moan. Again, Yoongi follows like a good boy, his fingers and tongue picking up the pace.
Pausing to pull my legs over his shoulders, Yoongi meets my eyes. The pinkness of his lips glisten with my juices as he sighs, “I think you might be my new favorite meal.”
Before I can even respond, his resumes wrecking me. He fucks me with his fingers, grabbing at my ass with his free hand.
His mouth devours my pussy, wreaking havoc on my clit with every flick of his tongue.
My thighs quake as my battle to hold off coming becomes too much to endure. My back arches as the pleasure builds up with each quick stroke of his tongue and every movement of his fingers.
As if he knows exactly how to ruin me forever, Yoongi sucks on my clit harshly, and I come, my thighs trapping him between them. Despite it all, Yoongi continues to fuck me, lapping up everything like a starving man.
Soon, the overstimulation hits and I relax my thighs. Pulling his hair, I murmur, “Stop.”
Yoongi obeys.
“Come here,” I sit up, extending an arm out to him. He shuffles forward and when he is within reach I launch myself at him. Kissing him fiercely, I taste myself on his tongue.
“That was so good, baby,” I reach my hand up to stroke his flushed cheek. “Do you want me to help you out?”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, “I would rather eat you out again.”
“You’re insatiable!” I cry, tugging out of his hold. “We’ll see…”
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a/n: this chap got away from meeee AHHHHHH it’s the longest one yet uwu hope u enjoyed! :) also this is v unedited bc i wanted to post asap so keep that in mind hehe
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »15
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 8.1k ▎ ch.warnings: cursing, homophobic slurs (censored), angst, they have another argument smh these boys never catch a fucking break
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​ ♡♡♡
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The early morning’s blinding rays invited themselves in through the curtain cracks in Jungkook’s bedroom, landing on a sleeping Taehyung’s puffy face.
The elder’s distracting snoring bounced off the walls of the room, not bothersome to him as he peacefully slept through the noise. Honestly, it was a surprise how much Jungkook was immune to the sound..
The one noise that always did manage to wake Taehyung up, however, was the familiar ringing of that goddamn alarm clock.
As per usual, Tae went through his daily routine consisting of whining about how he’d been pulled out of his slumber, begging Jungkook for a few more minutes, cursing out early morning practices.. same old.
“I’m gonna skip out on showering this morning..” Taehyung drowsily mumbled into the pillow, desperately seeking for a few extra minutes. His body was sore, and Taehyung was one of those people who needed eight hours of sleep.
“Wake me up when you’re done, will you?” A small pause, followed by a raspy, “I love youu~”
Jungkook drowsily turned off the alarm before groaning, for once he didn't actually want to leave his bed.
''You sure?'' he sat up properly, hand reaching over to stroke the elders back carefully, the sudden verbal affection from his boyfriend still surprising-- yet welcomed. It was something the younger needed a little time to get used to, and it made his chest flutter every single time.
''Love you too~'' He cooed back, giving Tae's ass a soft pat before getting out of bed, completely naked from last night. he rummaged through his closet for some clean clothes, stretching the joints in his body before slowly heading towards the bathroom.
Jungkook winced lightly when the hot water hit the scratches on his back, but quickly got used to it as he stood there for a while, washing up and losing himself in his thoughts, everything from what had happened yesterday to Jisoo. He really owed her an apology for not coming back...
When finished, Kook ruffled his wet hair before patting his body mostly dry and throwing on his boxers and sweatpants-- leaving the shirt off to head back to his bedroom. He walks over to the small mirror hanging on the wall, turning his back towards it to check out his back.
''Wow you've got some claws.'' He chuckled before crawling up on the bed to lay down next to Tae again, nuzzling his nose into the elders hair, ''Wake uuup....~''
Taehyung slothfully stirred in his spot, groaning out in groggy distaste when he felt the bed dip, signaling that his boyfriend was out of the shower.
“Yah..” He turned his head to the side, cheek pressed against the pillow whilst his eyelids hung barely open, “you yourself said I have some claws, don’t make me use them..”
Tae contemplated life for a few more seconds before giving in to his boyfriend’s soft pleads, sitting up on the bed with a loud yawn, hands busy rubbing the fatigue out of his eyes.
God, school hadn’t even started and the elder was already dreading stepping into those halls.
''Maybe I liked it..'' Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung to pull him closer into a hug, pecking kisses against his cheeks to annoy him in his sleepy state.
''We have to get ready, like, right now!'' He pressed one last kiss on his lips before getting off the bed, grabbing a snug, black long sleeve to pull over his torso.
Taehyung slowly made his way out of bed, butt-naked as he searched for last night’s clothes.
Thankfully they’ve dried up quite a bit, but the rain’s aroma still lingered in the fabrics.
The elder wasn’t especially thrilled to waltz into school looking.. like, well, put together.
But he didn’t want to bother Jungkook, so black, tight jeans would have to do.
Tae stared at his reflection in the mirror, quickly running his fingers through the waves. He grimaced, nothing seemed to tame the wild curls.
“Fuck it.. let’s go,” the elder fished for the keys in his pocket, throwing on his shoes— double-knotting the laces like always.
Once he got in his car, Taehyung nearly had a heart attack.
That goddamn stuffed animal. It was smiling at him through the rear view mirror.
Shit, he still didn’t know what to do with it.. did Jungkook still want it? Does he throw it in the dumper?
Maybe he’d give it to Jisoo, something told him that Yuna would love it..
Jungkook quickly followed, ignoring the fact that the bear was mockingly smiling at him as well as he sat down. He clicked the seatbelt on before patting Taehyung's thigh reassuringly.
"Don't worry too much. I'm not angry anymore, okay?" He nudges his chin towards the bear.
"I don't really want it...." he felt kind of bad for saying it, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stand staring at it after what it is associated with.
"But we could give it to noona?" He mused-- he still owed her a fucking apology. Maybe this would serve as an apology...
"Anyway...don't worry about that. Let's go." Jungkook sunk into his heat, eyes focusing back ahead.
Taehyung sighed, but nodded nonetheless. He didn’t blame the younger for not wanting to keep the stuffed animal. Truth be told, Tae himself wouldn’t be fully comfortable with seeing its cheery face every time he visited Jungkook’s apartment.
One, it was creepy as fuck. And secondly, it was a mere reminder of his selfish doings.
Taehyung just... he wanted to move past that. He wanted to do better, for his boyfriend.
“Yeah,” he started the car, “noona’s kid would probably like it.”
Practice was over in the flutter of an eye— thankfully. Tae didn’t know how much more physical activity he was able to bear with a noticeably sore ass. It was a blessing that he managed to keep his nonchalant facade intact for so long. Trying to act like his boyfriend didn’t just make sweet love to him last night was hard..
Sweaty from working out, Taehyung briskly stripped out of his practice attire, using his jersey to wipe at the dampness on his glistening neck.
“Tae, should I be concerned?,” Hoseok looked, well, concerned.
“What’s up with the giant teddy bear in the back of your car?”
“Yeah, Chim and I saw that too.” Yoongi casually chimed in, pointing over at a half-naked Jimin who was busy typing away on his phone, deaf to the chatter surrounding him.
Taehyung—who was growing annoyed by the topic of that stupid bear— simply brushed it off. “it’s for a friend. She has a little girl, so..”
As if knowing exactly whom it was for, Namjoon defeatedly shrunk in his spot, too much of a wuss to make eye-contact with Jungkook.
He wondered if the younger was still mad..
Sitting in their usual lunch table, they talked about a plethora of topics. However, the newest conversation specifically aimed at Jimin; everyone wanting to know what was keeping the latter so invested.
“What’s got you so hooked on that phone, Chim?”
“More like who..” Hoseok teasingly nudged at his friend’s side, encouraging him to spill it out. Jimin was extremely defiant at first, but his hyung’s loud presence wasn’t something you could just ignore.
“Nothing.. it’s stupid, but— long story short, I downloaded a dating app.”
A series of “oo’s” traveled around the table.
“Oh yeah? Did you meet a girl or something?”
Jimin turned to look at Namjoon, expression so distraught yet.. confident. With a soft exhale, he corrected the elder.
“Actually.. It's a him. His name’s Mino.”
Taehyung abruptly stopped chewing on his cereal, sharing a curt glance with his boyfriend.
“Mino..” Jin pondered out loud, “like the rapper from WINNER?”
“Obviously not, hyung.” The younger rolled his eyes, a bit frightened by the lack of words.
Seeming to notice his distress, Yoongi softly encouraged Jimin to expand on it further— after asking if every single one of his friends were gay.
“I don’t know, we’ve only talked for a few hours.. but he’s really cool. Sweet, too— oh, and he’s also obsessed with strawberries, just like you Tae!”
The boy’s eyes lit up at the topic, obvious to all he had a massive crush.
“Yeah? What else do you know about the guy.” Taehyung took a bite of his strawberry, interested in knowing more.
Finally growing more comfortable, Jimin’s shy smile resurfaced.
“Uhm.. he’s twenty-three, and he teaches little kids. How cute is that? He’s into video games, if I remember correctly.. Animal Crossing is his favorite. Halsey! He enjoys listening to her music... also, he’s really pretty.”
“Damn, Jimin. Just marry the guy already..” Jin snickered.
“Chim’s whipped.”
The subject of the matter pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Am not.. it’s just— ah, he texted me!”
Taehyung snorted in amusement, shaking his head before looking at Jungkook.
“Wish you’d text me more. You’re a horrible texter, you know.”
Jungkook's eyes had been balling back and forth during the conversations, from half-glaring at Namjoon (even if he'd calmed down, honestly--Namjoon was just a clutz. She seemed fine... he hoped.), to his gaze softening at the way Jimin was swooning over his new crush-- a boy, even!... The way his eyes lit up was heartwarming.
Then, during his entire daydream, Taehyungs words burst his little bubble. The younger breathes out a chuckle through his nose, nudging his boyfriend back.
''Why would I text you when you're with me every day?'' He wrapped an arm around Taes shoulder to pull him closer with his strong arm-- from any outsider it would simply look friendly. ''Or do you miss me that bad during class too?''
 Taehyung kept his eyes trained on the tray in-front of him, mindlessly picking at his cereal as a distraction from Jungkook’s hold.
Now that their friends knew about their relationship, they didn’t miss the opportunity to coo at the couple-y sight.
As a natural response, his cheeks got stained with a rosy pop of color. Tae shrugged out of his boyfriend’s grasp, though, a petty attempt to seem unfazed.
“Duh..” He sassed, aggressively munching on his buttered toast.
“Why else would I send ‘everyone here sucks, kinda wish you were here’ texts? And you know how you repay my affection? By leaving me on read.”
Taehyung childishly huffed, coming across as needy for the younger’s attention.
Jungkook withdrew his arm and flashed a toothy grin towards the elder, shrugging as well in response.
''I will reply next time, promise.''
He glanced at the clock, ignoring the repeated cooes from his hyungs.
''Speaking of class, it's almost time to go,'' He nudges his boyfriend once more.
''I'll make sure to check my phone often then, but don't expect me to be glued onto it like Jimin..'' He jokes, the rest of the group snickering-- however Jimin remained unfazed, too caught up in his own little bubble that is his cellphone.
As they all separated to go to their respective classes, Jungkook sat down by his desk, placing his cellphone by his stack of books, only paying the lecture half of his attention as the other half was constantly glancing over at his device. This time he would reply.
A few minutes into the lecture, Taehyung already had his cellphone in his hands.
His boyfriend’s contact was displayed on the screen, a picture he snuck of Jungkook sleeping set as the younger’s profile.
Biting at the corner of his bottom lip, he began typing away, curious to see how fast it’d take Jungkook to reply.
To: Kook🐰🤟🏼 i’m trying to pay attention in class but my ass is still sore 😒 be glad I love your big dick just as much as I love you 😙
Jungkook picked his phone up much quicker than he'd like to admit, swiping the one sided wall of previously sent texts sent by his boyfriend. The last text received made the younger's cheeks flush in pink along with the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He immediately began tapping at his screen, a foreign concept to everybody who caught a glance at jungkook in the classroom.
To: Tae🐯💜 Haha... you took it pretty well. Maybe next time you can give me the same treatment🥴 now I can't pay attention either... love you!
The elder chuckled— a bit too loudly, but he brushed it off as a cough.
To: Kook🐰🤟🏼 maybe.. 😏 if you keep replying I might just have to give you a big surprise
Taehyung sat his phone down, but the emptiness in his hands didn’t last long. Soon enough, he was back to texting Jungkook.
Tae wasn’t fully pleased, the sudden drive to see his boyfriend was too overpowering to ignore.
To: Kook🐰🤟🏼 actually, meet me in the secret spot behind the school?? ‘m needy for a kiss
“Uhm, Mrs. Jung?” Everyone’s head swiveled towards Taehyung, “can I use the restroom?”
The elderly teacher seemed to think about it for a while, the creases in her forehead wrinkling even further as she visibly frowned.
“Sure. But be quick.”
The boy nodded, sliding back on his chair before practically jogging out of the classroom, excited to hold his boyfriend.
Jungkook held his promise of replying once, but didn't even bother sending anything else, his phone shoved back into his pocket as he excused himself. As soon as he left the classroom, he too sprinted towards the hidden spot behind the building. If he had this kind of speed during practice, he surely would have been deemed the golden maknae all over again.
Jungkook rocked on his feet as he waited for his boyfriend, actually fishing up his phone for once to send a quick text.
To: Tae🐯💜 I'm here!! come!!! T3T
“Maybe next time I can give you the same treatment, huh?” Taehyung’s cheeky smirk shifted into a genuine smile when he approached Jungkook, teasingly recalling what the younger had sent him over text.
Unable to take the distance for a second longer, Tae ran into his boyfriend’s arms, not wasting any time peppering his face with loud kisses.
Fuck.. Taehyung was the definition of whipped.
Not worried about anyone catching them, the elder slowly drove Jungkook’s back against the rusty wall, lips attached to the younger’s in a gentle kiss.
When he pulled away, Tae’s hooded eyes were drawn to his boyfriend’s face, raking over every little detail.
“You replied,” he broke out into a silly grin, playfully squeezing at Kook’s hips. “You’ve grown~”
Jungkook hummed into the kiss with content, hands reaching up to run his fingers through Tae's messy hair. He obviously didn't even bother fixing it up since last night,
''I kind of get why Jimin can't unglue his phone from his eyes, anticipating a text is dreadful.. I couldn't focus on anything.'' He sighed in a fake dramatic voice, leaning his head back against the wall. His gaze was in complete tunnel vision for his boyfriend, a grin widening on his lips as he proudly announces his terribly awful joke--.
''If you're gonna keep kissing and praising me like that something else will grow.''
Well, it did have some truth in it.
A raspy laugh emitted from the back of Taehyung’s throat, who shook his head in utter disbelief. By the time the hearty sound gradually quieted down, the elder’s tongue swiped over his still swollen lips; which had yet to simmer down from their previous make out session.
“Oh yeah? What else..?”
Taehyung pressed his thigh against Jungkook’s crotch, playing with his boyfriend’s senses whilst he wore a shameless lopsided grin.
“I dunno what you’re talking about.”
He pressed on it harder, somewhat making out the thick shape of the younger’s cock as he faintly moved his leg, practically kneading the spot in between his boyfriend’s legs.
Acting as if he didn’t just do any of that, Taehyung outstretched his arms over his head, holding back his prickling smile.
“The weather’s lovely today, isn’t it?”
 A not so subtle sigh emitted from Jungkook's lips, morphing into a low whine at the way the elders knee massaged his length.
"Oh, fuck off..." he smiled, the light tone of his voice indicating the affection in his curses. His boyfriend surely knew how to tease back-- it must be a revenge from the countless times the younger had teased him first.
"We're gonna end up skipping the entire day if you keep going--" his voice was cut off by another shameless gasp, kooks fingers curling into fists as they grasp Taehyung's shirt to pull him back into a needier kiss, teeth almost clashing together between the heavier breaths, "making me needy" he murmurs his muffled words between their kisses.
Taehyung’s teeth tugged at Jungkook’s bottom lip, lightly nibbling on the soft skin as if asking permission for his tongue to intrude in the pit of warmth. His hands grasp his boyfriend’s waist, roughly manhandling the boy as he pulled him towards his body, deepening his deprived hunger for their kisses.
“Maybe I wanna make you needy.” The elder's velvety voice purred into his ear, one hand placed on the slope of his boyfriend’s nape, drawing him all the more closer.
"But we shouldn't.."
It was too risky, the lust wasn’t worth the hassle.
With a quick glance downwards, Tae’s chuckle rang once more. Their hard-ons were prominently poking at the fabric of their pants and with the little space between them, they inevitably brushed against one another.
“Later tonight. Get ready,” He leaned in to press an innocent kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek, purposely leaning in closer than needed for additional contact, their hardened, clothed cocks pinning together for a teasing second.
“I don’t wanna leavee..” Taehyung groaned in annoyance, finding their alone time to be more entertaining than class.
Jungkook whined in annoyance, a small pout on his lips as his doe eyes stared at Taehyung, "And you call me a tease...." he sighs with a smile, still keeping a tight grip on Taes shirt, hesitant to let go. Eventually, however, he did; instead letting his hands fix Taehyung's mess of a hair once more. Or at least attempt to.
"Let's head back then before I change my mind, I'll drag you to the ground if you even look at me." He scrunch his nose in a giggle, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend on the nose.
Much to their disclosure, they weren’t alone, someone else had been recording their supposedly secret interaction.
What they planned to do with the footage? No one else knew but them. And whatever the outcome was, it wasn’t going to be pretty.
The last class of the day was soon done and over with, making Taehyung ecstatic as he hastily packed his things (packing as in shoving his loose pieces of paper in his backpack), aiming towards the door with hurried steps.
Ever since his last interaction with the younger, Tae’s been awfully.. needy.
His sexual hormones were bouncing off the roof, tauntingly chanting ‘Jungkook, Jungkook,’ again and again until that was all he knew.
As Taehyung made his way to the common common area, he shamelessly wondered if his boyfriend would be up for fucking in his crappy car again.
The elder knew he’d said they would wait until tonight, but ‘tonight’ wasn’t right now.
Damn, Tae would love to try out different positions in such a compact space..
It was thrilling.
Oblivious to him, students’ un-welcomed stares dug holes in his back, watching the boy’s every move with utter shock— utter revelation. It was as if they were the camera lens themselves.
There was no way Taehyung was the other guy in the newly surfaced video, right?
Jeon Jungkook was one of them— for sure. He was unknowingly facing the shot, kissing another boy— who appeared to be Tae— with a bunny grin on his beaming face.
The video started with them making out; Jungkook’s doe eyes fluttered shut as Taehyung held him close, head slightly tilted to the side.
The frame zoomed in on the two boys’ comfortable posture, the elder could be seen rubbing his knee against Kook’s crotch, the latter slyly smiling in response.
Then more kissing, Taehyung whispering little things in his boyfriend’s ear..
To wrap things up, the footage cut off at the soft kiss on the elder’s nose, proceeding to zoom in on their tangled hands whilst they walked out of sight.
It was messy.. to everyone else but Taehyung. He waited for Jungkook in the same area as always, brushing off the ill looks thrown his way.
Jungkook hurried from the lecture room as soon as class was dismissed, backpack thrown over one shoulder as he walked in brisk steps through the hallways-- not as oblivious to the drilling looks coming his way. However, he was rather used to it by now-- so it didn't phase him as much as it probably should..
But then again, why? People haven't looked at him that way since he came out... and he rarely checked his phone, so he was completely unknowing of the circling video.
He shrugged it off, heading towards the common area to find his boyfriend idly waiting for him, the younger opted to jog to close the distance between them & nudged Taehyung on the shoulder.
"Hey! Waited long?" He grinned up at Tae, but it quickly faded as he once again noticed the murmurs and looks of basically everybody around them. Jungkook's eyes roamed the room, but decided to let them land back on Taehyung.
"Lets go?" He started to feel weirdly uncomfortable with all the stares, he wanted to get out of there.
As they headed out, a group of guys-- specifically the jocks that had called Jungkook a f*ggot without him knowing to Tae, had started to whistle and throw slurs towards the boys.
"The fairy put you under his spell huh?" One chanted, the others quickly laughing and motioning taking a dick in their mouth, "Hey, Taehyung! Are you the girl or the guy?!" Another snickered.
The more time they spent displayed in the common area like a plague, Taehyung’s natural obliviousness slowly diminished until all he became was hyper aware of his deafening atmosphere. The murmurs were exceptionally quiet, but they hit his ears like breaking glass.
He mindlessly nodded at his boyfriend whilst he challenged the students’ nosy stares with his own, asserting his dominance over the situation as they aimed for the nearest exit.
Unaware of the next obstacle they were going to have to face, Tae hesitantly parted his sealed lips, about to ask Jungkook the burning question they were both thinking— ‘what the hell was that?’— when Kai and his clique approached them with confident strides.
“W-what..?” Very much disoriented, Tae forced out a strained chuckle, “funny..”
The boy tried to play along with their obvious joke, his awkward laughter blending in with the group’s taunting snickers.
“No, dude..” Haechan amusingly corrected, “who takes a dick up the ass? Who’s the girl in the relationship?”
The elder’s chest shriveled up into an uncomfortable knot, and so did his throat as he was barely able to utter back a word.
“What— what relationship?” He shakily asked, completely disregarding the other foul comment. Glancing over at Jungkook, the look of fright on Taehyung’s face was evident.
“This relationship,” a phone was shoved into their faces, replaying the invasive video that had been going around all day.
It seemed like it would never end..
Taehyung swore he felt his heart drop.
“Fucking disgusting if you ask me.”
“N-no.. it’s just..” His breathing was uneven, eyes blown wide as they stared blankly ahead.
Fuck— this was too much too soon.
By now, a small crowd had gathered around them, only adding salt to Taehyung’s aching panic.
“F*ggot!” One of the guys deliberately spat in the elder’s face— not literally, but it sure felt like it.
Tears rushed to the brim of Tae’s eyes, which had yet to decipher into their normal shape.
He was having trouble breathing, clear in the way his chest vigorously heaved in its place. His face was drained of any color, and the buzzing in his ear was getting hard to bear.
Taehyung hadn’t even noticed their close friends had stepped in on their behalf, Yoongi’s vulgar curses sounding like pure gibberish.
He couldn’t move, it was as if he was glued to his place.
Shit, Tae wanted to disappear.
And so did Jungkook. He was frozen in place as he watched the video, their privacy suddenly open for all to see. Not that he was ashamed of them, but because whether this was a secret or not; it was their moment of privacy, invaded.
Kook quickly glanced over at his boyfriend, mouth parting and closing several times as he struggled to find his words, his worry for the elder growing more important than the worry for what everyone else thinks of him.
He wondered what Taehyung felt... even if it was an invasion of their privacy, he seemed ashamed of them. That didn't go unnoticed.
However he decided to shrug it off, instead focusing on getting them the fuck out of there, tugging at Taes arm.
"Come on." He murmured as he pulled the elder with him, grateful for his hyungs shooing everybody away. He'd have to thank them later; but now all he could focus on was taking his boyfriend out of this situation.
After finally being able to pull Taehyung out of his frozen spot, Kook guided him towards a more secluded area next to the school building to wait until the parking lot would be less crowded.
"Hey," Jungkook softly uttered as he cupped Taes cheeks to try to get in contact with him-- he seemed completely out of it. The younger doe eyes were blown wide with concern.
"Hey, it's okay."
Taehyung didn’t believe that for a second.
It wasn’t okay, their relationship was just outed to the whole goddamn school! What.. what if his father finds out one way or another?
What if he gets ridiculed for the rest of his senior year?
The elder forcefully withdrew from the other’s grainy hands, his cheeks beginning to sting from Jungkook’s touch.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you,” was the first thing Taehyung muttered, gripping at his hair in agitation. “I-I shouldn’t have.. fuck!”
More fresh tears rushed to his eyes, glazing over the anger that was still present, raven fringe shielding the hurt they obtained.
Jungkook took a step back like he'd been punched in the gut by Taehyung's reaction, his hands falling limp to his sides as he stared at the male in front of him. Tae was almost unrecognizable in Kook's eyes.
''Wha-- Tae, calm down...'' He took a breath of his own, as if trying to take his own advice and remain calm.. But it was fucking hard, it felt like Taehyung was shoving the blame on them, or him for this.
Jungkook curled his hands into fists, unsure what to do when his growing uncomfort hurled over him. He wanted to hold Taehyung, but the elder didn't seem to even want to touch Jungkook, acting like his touch was comparable to fire.
''Taehyung, sit down--''
“Yeah,” Tae scoffed, “calm down..” he boldly mocked the younger, jaw tightly clenched in its place out of anger. Finally, he shifted his anxiety-drunken gaze to his boyfriend’s dimmed eyes, nostrils flared up as his overwhelming emotions once again got the best of him.
“What the fuck is that gonna do, Jungkook?!” He roared in the boy’s face, remaining composure unwinding with every barbarous word.
“The damage is already done! Great, we’re the f*ggots of our school now.”
Taehyung breathed out a soft, saddened laugh, running his hand down his face in boiling regret.
Shit, how much he wished he could go back in time and prevent this bullshit from happening.
“Wha— you were facing the camera anyways, why didn’t you notice?!”
'F*ggots of our school.'
Another verbal punch thrown into the younger's gut, causing him to flinch at the mocking tone. Now it was Jungkook's turn to feel his anger slowly boiling up in his veins that were growing prominent in his arms through the hard, clenched fists to his sides, nostrils flaring as he took deep breaths.
''Why are you blaming me?! I didn't see anybody!'' His voice no longer had any sign of worry, instead laced with frustration. What the fuck was going on with the sudden, undeserved hostility?
Jungkook took a step closer to his boyfriend. ''It's not the end of the world!'
Taehyung stumbled back a couple steps, ensuring there was a noted distance between them.
“I know it’s not the goddamn end of your world!” He angrily retorted back. “but for my fucked up.. trashy, hell of a world it is!”
The elder’s brittle voice wavered, the veins in his neck significantly strained.
“Jungkook.. if— if my father finds out..” The corner of his lip twitched at the mere thought of his worst nightmare, curtly snapping his head to the side when he felt his eyes sting with more tears. Sadly, Taehyung feared for his well being whenever he was around that monster. If he found out that his son was dating another guy...
The elder didn’t want to think about the possible consequences.
“This is—“
“Hey! Guys, we were looking for you..” Jimin and Seokjin ran towards them, gradually stopping midway when they made out the tense aura oozing off of the wanted pair.
Their postures were rigid, and judging from the look in Taehyung’s face, things weren’t looking too good.
“You can get a ride from them, right? I’m leaving.” The elder left Jungkook on his own, unbothered to wait for a clear answer before walking off towards his car, the tightness in his chest having yet to cease.
“Jungkook..” Jimin hesitantly reached out for his friend, resting his smaller hand on the younger’s shoulder.
Jungkook was left speechless at the sudden turn of events, again.
He hadn't even been able to process what the fuck had just happened-- just an hour ago they were excited to go home together, and now Taehyung left the younger alone without even a single look.
Kook flinched when he felt Jimin's hand on his shoulder, not even registering that they were there until Tae was out of sight.
''I'm gonna... uh, walk home.''
God knows he needed it.
''Jungkook, no, let us drive you?'' Jimin tried, but he knew it was useless. Their youngest was obviously upset-- for good reason probably, and his much needed space was understandable.
''Nah, just-- I need to go.'' Jungkook sighed, glancing over at the worried looks of his hyungs, ''Thank you.''
Without another word, Jungkook threw his backpack over his shoulder and headed towards his apartment, mind constantly replaying the words thrown at him just mere minutes before.
He stepped inside of his apartment, letting his bag fall to the floor along with his jacket, mindlessly kicking off his shoes before slumping down into his couch with a thud, fishing his phone out. He knew he shouldn't, but he pulled up the video circling on the snapchat stories, seeing peoples terrible commentary to the event. Anything from the overused slurs to mocking the two. But what kook truly focused on was the two men in the video, the zoom of their intertwined hands walking off at the end. It hurt to watch-- because he missed Tae’s touch, the mere memory of Taehyung flinching away from his touch made his chest ache.
Should he text him? Jungkook rarely did.. Or did he need time alone? Fuck, he needed to relax. It's fine, right? Like every other fucking time they fought, they'd bounce back.
Jungkook decided to simply put his phone down and go to bed instead, hoping things would have cooled off by tomorrow.
Taehyung disregarded the sound of the familiar alarm, letting him know that it was time to get ready for practice.
He barely slept last night, feeling alienated in his spacious bed. Taehyung had gotten too comfortable with Jungkook, even his own bed felt.. strange, like it wasn’t the right fit. His room— in which he’d spent most of his time hiding— didn’t feel the same, either.
With an unpleased groan, Tae blindly followed the dreadful ring with his ears, finally taking his phone into his hand before putting it on silence.
He didn’t want to get bombarded with judgemental stares during the day. He didn’t think he’d be able to handle it. So.. Taehyung didn’t bother to find out for himself. The elder had barely any energy left in him, proved by the way his eyelids threatened to close with every passing second.
Jungkook drowsily turned his alarm off as soon as it rang, arm automatically reaching over out of habit towards the empty space next to him. He sighed deeply. So it wasn't just a fucking dream, then.
He wondered what today would be like.
Hopefully Taehyung had calmed down and rationed things.
But, to the younger's surprise-- Taehyung was nowhere to be seen as he stepped into practice. His eyes roamed the court, craning his neck to find the face he wished to see.
''Hey Kook!'' Jimin chimed, hopping towards his younger friend, ''How are you feeling? Are you okay?''
Jimin put an arm around Kook, leading him towards the anticipating group, their eyes flickering between Jungkook and each other.
''Hey, uh..'' Namjoon began, but was quickly interrupted by Yoongi.
''Where's Taehyung?''
Yoongi flinched at the kick on his shin from Hoseok.
''I, uh...I don't know? I thought he'd be here.'' Jungkook shrugged, masking his obvious worry and frustration. Maybe he just needed more space than Kook thought.
The entire day was dreadful, from enduring all the stares and whispers from what felt like every single student in the school, to attempting to focus in class. It was useless. All he could think about was Taehyung.
Finally, the bell rang-- the younger able to head home, his phone glued to his face on the way. Still radio silence. It wasn't like his boyfriend to go this long without any contact...
When Kook finally got home, he opted to try to send a text:
To: Tae Hey, are you okay?
Jungkook read his text over and over, even added a 'Miss you', but decided to delete that part before hitting send. It was simple, but the least he could do was reach out.
A deep sigh left his lips before he repeated the same routine of worrying, showering, eating a half-assed meal and heading to bed. Tomorrow he'd surely come.
Taehyung spent the majority of the day laying under his covers, safely tucked away from his troubles.
The only excuse for his feet to touch the ground was when he needed to use the restroom, or when his stomach audibly protested for its first bite of food.
He’d seen Jungkook initiate a text, but unlike the previous times, he wasn’t extremely eager to answer.
Even the slightest bit of movement was physically draining.
When his father came home, Taehyung had yet to move from his lying position.
Now he had more of a reason to stay put.
He’d fallen asleep soon after, and by the time Taehyung checked his phone, it was 10:34 in the morning.
Fuck.. well, why bother going to school now, right? His first hour class had already passed.
Taehyung didn’t think about sending one of his friends a text, mind too foggy to act unselfish.
They probably weren’t even worried, and with that incorrect thought in his head, Tae fell back asleep.
If that first day wasn't already long and dreadful, the second day was next level for Jungkook.
Once again, Taehyung hadn't shown up to practice, nor did he show up to school at all.
And it didn't help that his hyungs were up his ass about it too.
'Where's Taehyung?'
'Is he sick?'
'Are you guys okay?'
Were they okay? Jungkook didn't fucking know. He couldn't get a hold of the boy. And to think of it-- the elder hadn't even replied to the text. Worried was an understatement at this point.
Jungkook got through the routines of the day, minutes felt like hours without his boyfriend, and as the day had started to melt together, the bell rang once again, the day over.
He headed towards the common area once more, internally cursing himself out for automatically expecting Taehyung to stand in his usual spot-- only feeling his chest tighten when he wasn't.
Kook walked home slowly this time, oddly enough checking his phone more frequently for any sign of Tae, but to no avail. If he wouldn't show up tomorrow, he'd definitely have to do something about this.
To everyone’s surprise-- Taehyung’s included-- the boy went back to school after his two-day streak of absence. He figured he couldn’t skip out on his remaining months, no matter how tempting it was to just.. vanish. As a side effect of his profound anxiety, Tae was more reserved than usual. He feared getting flooded with any unwanted questions, and his peers’ shameless murmurs only worsened his internal turmoil.
Maybe toughening up was a shitty idea; the second he stepped in those halls the wall he’d built for himself came crashing down.
With his hood shielding him from the outside world, Taehyung walked into the locker room. His steps were far from confident, and to anyone with a pair of working eyes it was obvious Tae was practically pushing himself to not curl up into a ball and feel bad for himself.
The elder feared hearing that word, it was weird in its own way. Whenever the slur was directed towards Jungkook, Taehyung didn’t think twice before throwing a punch. However, when it was meant for him he felt weak. He hated it.
However, nobody had uttered a single word towards Taehyung as of yet, only murmurs amongst themselves-- not even his friends. Not even Jungkook, who kept at a distance as he watched the elder ignore everybody like he was in his own bubble.
Kook was surprised to see him, and still seemingly in a weird state of mind…
Was Taehyung gonna say something? Should Jungkook say something? He felt weird about it-- and the constant glances from everybody else made him hesitate. He didn't want to make it worse..
Instead, the younger opted for throwing quick glances every now and then, hoping Tae would be looking at him as well for any indication that they'd talk. But he got nothing, and it was almost eerie.
It was frustrating as hell.
Jungkook hoped that as the locker room emptied out, Taehyung would stay around for a private conversation, but that was apparently not part of the plan as Jungkook watched the elder turn to leave without a word once more, kook following behind in silence. This day was gonna be long.
The elder failed to make every basket during practice, his aim was off, and his overall stance was stiff. It worried Namjoon, not only because one of his best players was lacking, but because his friend had his head in the clouds.
He’s never seen Taehyung this out of it..
But then again, when someone’s been forced to come out by a silly video roaming around the school, it was reasonable to be scared.
Namjoon just would’ve never guessed Tae was one of the people who were easily affected by useless chatter. He’s always deemed the younger as strong, fearless.
Joon had yet to be proven wrong.
Taehyung showed up today, and the elder found that to be the epitome of bravery.
If he was in his shoes, Namjoon wouldn’t know what to do. Not show his face in school, that was for sure.
In that moment, it had been established that Tae was far stronger than he was.
“Joon, can I get a drink of water.”
He’d been in the middle of a speech when Taehyung interrupted. Usually Joon would’ve scolded him for it, but with the way the morning’s been going, the elder simply nodded like a bobble head.
All watched the gloomy boy step out of the gymnasium, all the while Joon’s eyes were glued on Kook. There was definitely something going on between the two.
Namjoon waited a couple of seconds, anticipating Taehyung’s return.
Either the latter was extremely thirsty, or he used that as an excuse to leave mid practice.
“Uh.. I need someone to fetch me some extra basketballs. Jungkook? Can you do that?”
Really Namjoon was just giving the younger one a reason to chase after his troubled boyfriend, hoping they figure things out amongst themselves.
Jungkook didn't hesitate for even a second as soon as Namjoon gave him a chance at chasing after his boyfriend. A quick, grateful look given to the captain was all he gave before heading out the door, mind still swirling with his thoughts. Anxiety was a bitch, always amplifying and spurring on his worries-- and the way Taehyung was acting didn't help at all.
Jungkook finally found the familiar male bent over the water fountain. A part of him felt relieved just seeing him in the flesh, he wasn't randomly gone-- and by the looks of it, he hasn't gotten hurt..
Before, Jungkook had been hesitant, even cautious to talk to the elder, but after this amount of time, he'd grown tired of this shit. It wasn't his fault, none of this!
"Taehyung." Jungkook breathed the words out, as if he hadn't said them in so long that it felt.. weird, yet familiar. He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for his boyfriend to tell him anything. Why weren't they talking this through?
Taehyung’s muscles tensed under the intrusive voice, slowly straightening his posture as he made a great effort to meet Jungkook’s hardened gaze.
“Look.. I’m not in the mood to talk, alright?”
Taehyung attempted to walk around the younger, feeling as if there was a vacuum sucking all the air out of his lungs.
For all he knew, someone could be recording them right now, stepping into their personal problems without an invite.
Jungkook swiftly stepped in front of Taehyung, blocking the way with his wider frame. His eyes squinted in frustration, fingers digging his blunt nails into his own biceps to keep himself as calm as possible. Tae really had the nerve to say he doesn't want to talk?
"Are you serious? I've worried for two days and that's the first thing you say?"
Taehyung breathed out in exasperation, wanting nothing more than to push Jungkook out of his way. The latter was visibly stronger so Tae decided to stay put, at least for now..
“You didn’t have to worry about me, I’m fine.” He mirrored the younger’s stance, arms tensely crossed over his chest.
Jungkooks common ritual of frustration appeared in the form of his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek, the annoyed head tilt following as he tried to read the expression in Taehyung's face. Why did he suddenly feel like a stranger? Why did he suddenly feel like the old Taehyung?
"You're kidding me... stop acting like this, just fucking talk to me!" Jungkook untangled himself from his own arms to place his hands on his hips. "I can't stand the silence."
“Maybe I don’t fucking wanna talk to you! Ever thought about that?!”
The elder’s chest heaved, bigger hands balled up into tight fists at his sides. He let out a shaky exhale, lowering his brittle voice after a few seconds of scraping around for his inner serenity.
“Ever thought about what I fucking wanted?” His fragile tone was a distraction from the deafening silence.
As if Jungkook was a contagious disease, Tae cowardly stepped back.
“I— I tried to please you, Jungkook,” the elder continued, “even when I wasn’t comfortable with— with showing public affection, or letting you hug me in front of other people, I still did it.”
Taehyung shook his head, as if not believing he allowed himself to fall so deep.
“Hell, I wanted to make you happy. I couldn’t say how scared I felt.. or my take on the situation. And you know what? I wish I would’ve put me first.”
More silence..
“I wasn’t fucking ready like you were! I-I just... wasn’t.”
Taehyung ran a hand through his hair, breaking down with every truthful word.
“Maybe if I listened to my gut, none of this shit would’ve happened.”
Jungkook took in every word, each one of them building to his whirl of emotions clashing in his chest. He wasn't sure what to say, arguing with the elder is like talking to a wall sometimes...
He exhaled a shaky breath, eyes averting Taes as he stared down at the ground. A short nod followed, his jaw muscles clenching. Jungkook just wanted them to be good again, but the elder continuously pushes that thought away with his words.
"Fine." He murmurs, no longer feeling the need to speak to Taehyung when all he got thrown at him was blame. He took another step back, slowly distancing himself as well before he would lose his temper-- the urge to fucking punch him was burning. And yet... the other part of him wanted to cry. This entire situation was just pure shit...
Taehyung didn’t build on what he had to say, simply walking around Jungkook now that he seemed more inattentive of his surroundings.
The elder saw the millions of thoughts flashing through his boyfriend’s glazed eyes.
He felt guilty; Tae didn’t particularly get off on angering the younger, or leaving him close to tears. But he had to get that off his heavy chest, he was already short of breath. Leaving the uncomfortable mass to linger would’ve been deadly.
Jungkook took a deep, silent breath as he waited for Taehyung to be out of sight until he came back down to reality. He still didn't entirely get the uncomfortable tension between them. It was so sudden...
Jungkook had to take a moment, fighting his fight or flight instincts telling him to get the fuck out of there. He pushed the emotions down, completely forgetting about the instructions from Namjoon to get the basketballs as he headed back to the court. Hopefully practice was over soon anyway. He just wanted to go home.
The rest of the long day Taehyung spent avoiding Jungkook, succeeding in doing so considering they didn’t share any common classes. Before, that was something Taehyung wished was different.
He wanted to be in the same class as his boyfriend, anything to be close to him.
Now? He was glad that wasn’t the case, it would hurt too much to make eye contact with him from across the room.
Tae’s blurry mind wasn’t on board, however, the younger was all he thought about.
Jungkook was all he knew, in a sense. It felt weird not being able to talk, to send him pestering messages only for Kook to ignore them, picking out the marshmallows in his cereal to give them to him..
It sucked, but Taehyung knew space was the medication they needed.
The elder was up in his room, shaky thumbs hovering above his phone’s keyboard whilst he stalled on Jungkook’s contact.
He’d been thinking about how unstable their relationship was; how they always fought more often than not— how most of their loud bickering was because of something he’d done.
Taehyung didn’t know how the fuck to act in a relationship, he was a piece of shit.
His boyfriend deserved better.. he deserved a guy who’d proudly show him off, kiss him without any fears, hold his hand without worrying about outsiders’ stares. Someone not nearly as messy.
Tae harshly wiped away a stray tear, inhaling softly to stay grounded.
He’d already made up his mind, but /fuck/ was it hard to actually go through with it..
Exhaling, Taehyung quickly typed out the same phrase that’s been haunting him all day, pushing ‘send’ once he was done.
To: Kook I think we should break up.
Taehyung knew that if he read over it once again, he’d lose all courage to end things.
He was only looking out for Jungkook, after all.
On the other end of things, that was the exact opposite of what Taehyung did.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not edit, repost or translate.
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