#i was going to post this on fb but i chickened out because this is more anonymous and i'm more comfortable
kedreeva · 6 months
*rubs my face with both hands* Some Guy(tm) on FB inserted himself into a conversation I was having with two other people about a chicken being conditioned to peck a pink piece of paper, to post a link to Some Blog Post about why chickens peck at red. A post which was full of misinformation (or at best, info with zero citations for scientific proof) about how you shouldn't wear red when attending chickens because it makes them Mad and how if a chicken sees red its instinct is to peck it to death because they kill each other in the wild if someone gets wounded to protect the flock (...) and how waterers and feeders have to be red to draw the birds to them and so on and so forth in a truly stunning display of ignorance.
So since this person CLEARLY wanted to engage, I engaged. I asked why chickens with red combs don't get immediately pecked to death, why don't we have to blukote their combs to save their lives if they'll peck anything red to death? What about red chickens? Roosters with red feathers? Why do chickens drink out of black pig bowls or waterers with purple, pink, green, yellow, white bases (all of which i have and were used fine)? Why do they peck at the FOOD in the red bottomed feeder, instead of the red plastic?? Brown eggs are colored with a red pigment, how do any of them ever survive this violent desire this person thinks they have for red??
They're pecking at red because red = fruits/berries/meat in the wild. They peck each other to death in captivity when they don't have enough space to get away and they're BORED. They feather pick and go for blood when they're missing vitamins or protein. They peck at blood more because they are omnivores, they literally eat bloody stuff and they're too stupid to realize THIS bloody stuff is their friend. Their brain is the size of a walnut, they're just not differentiating between "this blood came from WITHIN my friend" and "This blood is ON my friend from somewhere else." Like yeah they might peck at something red to see if it's food (and continue pecking when it tastes like food), but they're not hulking out at the sight of red things. Geezus.
Anyway now he's pissy because I didn't roll over and tell him how smart and right he is. Because he thinks his chickens are literally pecking at his red shoes because they think he's a weakened flock member they must kill for the good of the flock.
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basketoffruitis · 1 year
fb incorrect quotes
Rin: Haru... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Haru: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Rin: Rin: I wrote sanitize, Haru.
Rin: Haru was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Haru: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Rin: Haru, you ate a chair.
Mine, struggling to keep upright in her 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Ayame, pointing at her and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Shigure: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on. Kyo: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Tohru isn’t
Rin: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Kyo: I'm a knife. Tohru, from across the room: He’s the little spoon.
Store Worker: Would a Ms, Rin please come to the front desk? Rin, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Haru and Momiji Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Haru and Momiji, simultaneously: We got lost :( Rin: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Kyo: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Tohru : >:O language Yuki: Yeah watch your fucking language Haru: OKAY WHO TAUGHT YUKI THE FUCK WORD? Rin : 'The fuck word'. Momiji: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Yuki: Oh my god they censored it Rin : Say fuck, Momiji. Haru: Do it, Momiji. Say fuck.
Kyo: Rules are made to be broken. Yuki: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Haru: Uh, piñatas. Momiji: Glow sticks. Tohru: Karate boards. Rin: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Kyo: Rules. Yuki:
Kyo: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Yuki: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents Kyo: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Haru: Actually I did the math, Yuki would have $225, not $0.15. Yuki: I’m right here.... Momiji: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Kyo: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Momiji: Sorry I only have a dollar Kyo: fuck u Haru: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Yuki would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Momiji: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Haru: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Tohru: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Haru: Apply juice to what Rin: Directly to the forehead Yuki: Great chat everyone
Tohru: Rin, can I talk to you for a second? Rin: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Kyo are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss? Tohru: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Rin: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Tohru: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Rin: Absolutely not.
Kakeru: *Accidentally hits Yuki in the face* Kakeru: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'* Kakeru: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Yuki : What’s wrong with you?!
Kakeru: I made tea. Yuki : I don’t want tea. Kakeru: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Yuki : Then why are you telling me? Kakeru: It is a conversation starter. Yuki : That’s a lousy conversation starter. Kakeru: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Haru: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Yuki : What did you do? Haru: Nobody died. Yuki : WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Yuki: Haru... Haru: Oh no, 'Haru' in b-flat. Haru: You're disappointed.
Rin: You often use humor to deflect trauma Haru: Thank you Momiji: She didn't say that was a good thing Haru: What I'm hearing is, you both think I'm funny
Haru: I wasn’t that drunk last night. Momiji: You were flirting with Rin Haru: So what? She’s my partner. Momiji: You asked her if her were single. Haru: Momiji: And then you cried when she said she weren't.
Rin: We need a distraction. Haru: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Momiji, whispering: My time has come
Hatori: This is such a bad idea. Shigure: Then why are you coming along? Hatori: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Shigure: How's the sexiest person here~? Hatori: I don't know- Ayame, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Hatori, driving Haru and Momiji: So how was your day? Momiji: We almost got surprise adopted! Hatori: What? Haru: We almost got kidnapped. Hatori: Oh, okay. Hatori: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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homeofhousechickens · 4 months
I currently have 3 Wyandotte hens purchased from the feed store 3 years ago (I think Murdoch's stocks Cackle chicks). I read that their laying rate should taper off as they age, but they haven't seemed to slow down and still lay 1 egg a day. Could this be because I live in a colder northern state and they get a longer break? I'd estimate they stop laying for about 16-20 weeks depending on the weather. Also, how can I go about finding a good breeder in my area for future birds? Your blogs has definitely got me wanting a more... humane source of chicks.
I would suggest posting that your looking for them on facebook. You can also check out the livestock conservancy and see if any the breeders that are breeding them. Wyandotte actually graduated from being endangered in 2016 so they aren't a priority anymore but you still might find some in the breeder directory. Also try looking at the breed clubs as well.
To get you started here is a fb group for wyandotte breeders you should check out
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As for the egg production the Hatchery Wyandottes I raised were very productive, even in the winter but they typically didn't lay daily as they got older I believe. Usually dual purpose breeds like them don't lay daily and really shouldn't due to their size- it puts a strain on their heart. One of the wyandottes I raised (her name was sweet pea) she died randomly one day at her home due to a heart attack. Apparently she was just walking down her coop ramp all normal then fell over dead 😱 so watch out for that.
Do keep in mind that a chicken has a finite amount of eggs in her body, so she will eventually slow down but due to being a heritage breed they tend to live longer so they will lay longer.
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acurlygirlamy1 · 8 months
The problem is;
We look for someone to grow old together,
While the secret is to find someone to stay a child with!
(Charles Bukowski)
What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids?
Slow down for a few minutes to read this...💕
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined!
'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore...
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too.
That's love.' Rebecca - age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7
'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6
'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that.
I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8
'My mommy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.'
(what an image!) Karen - age 7
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.
People forget.' Jessica - age 8
And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'
(this made me cry!)
Now, take a few seconds and post this for others to inspire and spread Love like butter!
And then go be a child again today!
Found on FB no credits available.
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smww4ever · 5 months
The Nephilim and Damsel in Distress Tropes
The Nephilim Trope and The Damsel in Distress Trope
This is the driving mechanism behind the Superman/Lois relationship and why it's been in the forefront and psyche of our comic pop culture for so long. You often hear of their 80-year romance and how that itself confirms it's virtue. Understand that yes his creation was based on Moses, a savior to the Hebrews and his creators were Jewish. The humble origins of this character gave hope to the creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. It is my understanding that the Lois Lane character was inspired by a dominant female person in their lives. Think it was a spouse or a real-life feisty reporter. Either way, Superman has evolved over the decades in the Silver Age, Golden Age, Post-Crisis, Infinite Crisis, New 52, Rebirth comics even in the Snyder films, he mirrors a Christ-like figure in scene motifs of the church and space by sacrificing himself.
Yet his story plays out more as a Nephilim type. It is sold as that in the Rebirth and TV shows where he marries a human woman and has children with her.
As a god from heaven that fell for a human woman and saves her. For some this may sound romantic which is why these types of stories are repeated over and over again. People romanticize something greater than themselves. They are stories that rescue them out of futility. Unfortunately for the story of Nephilims was not a good one. It too originates from Old Testament times where angels who’s job was to be watchmen over humanity decide to leave their posts and have sexual relations with human women. This in turn produces giants or men of reknown like an alien-human hybrid. They weren’t good but evil.
Angelic Heroes and Wings
I explored this concept of angelic heroes in a previous series which is why I decided to put wings on Superman. And Wonder Woman as well. Her wings were different from the golden eagle armor costume. Even tho one rendering made them look like it. The intention was angelic wings. I extended the wings to bring in the Greek myth of Pegasus in a later series. (The AI struggles with it in some cases so I made edits as best as possible).
Let me be clear, I don’t see Superman or Wonder Woman as evil beings. The wings truly represented them as angels that save and help mankind. Which is why when I saw that concept being copied on IG by other AI peeps, they weren’t doing it because of this reason but because it looked cool and would garner them likes and clicks. I found it especially repulsive when they hashtagged their work with “SuperLucifer”. I hope you understand why I was pissed. But IG is rampant with intellectual theft. Heck Mark stole the idea for FB so this spirit carries on. Reddit has numerous horror stories. I've done makeup blogging and photography work, so I have horror stories of my own.
But back to why DC dropped SuperWonder. The Nephilim myth carries weight in popular culture. Kal and Diana almost mirror a “Zeus and Hera” dynamic. In one way, yes they are like gods but you don’t want them as that couple. Zeus was a philanderer.* Which is another aspect to this why you see people say they don't like it because they would be overpowered. Humanity at it's core is selfish and easily threatened. People who say stuff like this, whether consciously or subconsciously see these characters as "golem" meaning they are mythical beings that should serve humankind only. That they should be centered around a single human love interest or they will go off their leash, off the rails and destroy everybody. It's a strange fantasy. Almost like a psycotic desire to be saved and destroyed by the same superhero. We really have issues with ourselves. Frankly I can understand this, the world is so messed up. The Nephilim and Damsel-in-Distress is a bubble that people want to run to. They don't want mature stories. And DC isn't capable of that. They have a formula like a cookie or fried chicken recipe and they don't want to muck it up. In the case of Gunn, they want Marvel's recipe but I don't think the seasonings pair well with the offerings of DC. Time will tell but the whole thing stinks. Trust your nose guys. Some of you are hip to senses like smell. :D
* I also should say that being the SMWW pair are equals, they could be new Zeus and Hera creating their own new pantheon of gods. But there can be so much more to that. They really are made for each other.
Also wanted to add that again DC isn’t as creative as they think they are and are scared of this couple. Easily manipulated by rabid "Nephil-Damsel" fans on X. Every time I look at my feed, it's back and forth war between Snyder and Gunn fans. Knowing that they just do that to farm impressions to get paid makes it all the more vile when you look at it. It would take time to shift the general population over to seeing SuperWonder as a viable couple. It's so ingrained in the movie and comics world that when you see Superman, you automatically think of Lois Lane. Many consider it abhorrent to think of this character with anybody else. So much so that they've lifted Miss Lane up to a level of godhood. This Nephilim trope also applies to Wonderbat. Bruce is a mortal albeit heroic man. Diana is a demigod/goddess. That doesn't work either because I've explored explained that in another post.
Really the only way is Kingdom Come but with who we have at the helm of DC, I wouldn’t be holding my breathe.
I've worked at Cons. I've seen the people who create the comics and the general vibe. Our whole society is shifting into dark areas and comics reflects that. We've gotten The Boys, Brightburn and even the Snyderverse is considered "dark", so it's not surprising that the Gunnverse is promising to lift everyone out of that abymssal void to a form of inspirational, fun heroism. Snyder should have finished his verse, it's just going to. be another gaping hole like SuperWonder is. Marvel and many other cherished properties are experiencing an erosion in interest and fatigue from the general audience.
There would need to be a serious paradigm shift to get people to see SuperWonder. Part of the reason why I did an exploratory in the AI with Diana and Clark which we have never seen in any live-action. And I say see SuperWonder because I was a Superman-Lois fan, I consumed, watched repeatedly all the shows and movies. (Except for Smallville and new show Clois show, couldn’t get into that). I immersed myself into that but felt that something was amiss. I don't even remember when I saw Superman and Wonder Woman together but it clicked and made complete sense. Like scales coming off the eyes. Seriously. I respect differences. My daughter isn't a SuperWonder fan, but she supports me and will wear my art. It would be great to call a truce between the two ships but that might take a while. That takes maturity and right now there isn't much of that going around.
Until next time… ✌️
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rederiswrites · 2 years
Lampworking, and specifically the study and recreation of historical beads, has taken my life wild fucking places. This morning, while trying to re-find a post on FB where a researcher shared her recent lecture on Anglo-Saxon beads, I noticed that she’d sent me a friend invite and casually accepted it. Followed shortly by my discovering that she started life as an illustrator for archaeological digs and has by now published 18 books, two children’s musicals (?!) and untold articles.
Yesterday, I got mail from the Danish museum at the important Viking-era trading center at Ribe--my copies of a book by Thomas Risom, who has worked with the museum for a long time, taken part in the digs there, and done extensive experimental archaeology with lampworking glass and furnaces based on the important finds there. Today, I @ ‘ed him and said I loved the book and then we and another prominent lampworker (who just happens to be a big part of establishing the Beads of Courage equivalent in Germany) joked about making furnaces in our back yards. Now I’m combing through the link to the online catalog of beads at Ribe that Thomas sent me. Because I just fucking asked him. I guess that’s a thing I can do now. It’s entirely in Danish so I’d have been hard pressed to find it otherwise.
Then I has a little ‘discussion’ with one of the most prominent bead archaeologists of Sweden about the relative difficulty of making murrine over a single-point flame source, as opposed to a large furnace. We appear to disagree but I’m confident that it’s just a lack of mutual understanding. And I’m not going to fucking argue with her! Good lord! She has a PhD in this!
These are very recent examples but they’re not unique, and what I’m saying is that, like, what the actual hell.
Like, I wanna be clear. I know what I am. I’m not being either arrogant or unduly humble. I am well above average at lampworking and still learning fast. I expect to be a known name for the skill and quality of my work, apart from any scholarly  aspect. I also know a lot, compared to your average person, about the history of glass beads, and I’m learning more all the time. But in terms of what the world considers “accomplishments”, I am almost entirely devoid of such things. I dropped out of college twice and never had a job that paid above $12 an hour. I’ve never published an article in a vetted source. I’ve never been paid to teach a class. I have no traditional academic training that’s relevant, unless you count high school German having been surprisingly relevant.
But the recreation and study of historic and prehistoric beads is a small world, and in that small world, due largely to spur of the moment decisions, a little boldness, and luck, people know my name and, I hope, see me as a quick learner and a helpful, friendly resource. Authors and experts send me friend invites. And all I can think is, man, I hope you like pictures of my chickens and sleeping children because that is in fact most of my life.
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melmac78 · 2 years
So far for my birthday I’ve:
A. Been temporarily banned from a FB page for pointing out a “bot glitch” (more to story). I’ve been reinstated but company won’t get my business anymore (long story).
B. Had fried chicken at Lions… which is redundant but at least we got surprised they gave us Mac and cheese instead of mashed potatoes.
Still no word why they still gave us country gravy, as we had nothing to use or with (this is regular pieced chicken, not chicken fried steak or chicken… 🤷‍♀️)
C. Am still working on the budget story… too many numbers.
D. Mom send me a gift card surprise… but post office nearly misplaced it. (It happens…)
Yeah, still better than Aug. 29, 2017, when I spent my birthday cleaning out mom’s refrigerator because she had to shut off power to house in case the river flooded.
Hurricane Harvey folks: her house didn’t flood and that was the first day in more than a WEEK no rain.
So I got both my wishes - her house not flood and sunshine.
Was still very humid.
Need to focus though if I’m going to get my sundae today.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Sherry Tenney and her watersports
For those of you who don’t know who Sherry Tenney is (currently going by the name Sherry Tennay on FB), she is a scam artist in the fiber world.  I have a pinned post here that goes more into detail.  But, basically, she has stolen $15,000+ USD from people, the rare times she sends out fiber it is infested with moths and usually covered in feces, she has threatened to sue people (including me personally), and has frequently threatened to shoot and kill people.  She is under investigation by the Pennsylvania Attorney General at this moment.
But this is a weekly update!
To date no person she has threatened to sue has ever received any paperwork or been served.  Sherry herself has lost two lawsuits though, and both her and her husband are known for ducking process servers.  They even duck process servers when it comes to divorces.  It’s an entire thing.  So yeah, no lawsuits of any kind.  If Sherry ever threatens to sue you, congratulations, she’s threatened to sue several hundred people this year alone.  And all of Ravelry.  And shoot and kill and feed all of Ravelry to her animals.  
Not a lot has been happening with Sherry.  It has been confirmed that one of her accomplices that has helped destroy small fiber sellers online over the years is an admin for WAFA, so it’s no longer safe to purchase from sellers on WAFA.  It’s unfortunate, but that’s how she operates.  The founder of the WAFA group has chosen to allow this admin and Sherry to continue operating without issue in the group.
All of Sherry’s chickens have died this year.  Sherry is a staunch believer that animals can fend for themselves with little to no help, so she will not take animals in at night.  So her chickens were left outside all night, and the last of them were killed by predators this week.  Her ducks are also suffering.  As are sheep, as she has had quite a few sheep and lambs die this year.  She likes to present herself as someone who cares for animals and runs a farm, but, in reality, it’s a complete mess and animals are dying.
But Sherry has discovered a novel solution!  Sherry has come up with the great idea that if she pees on all the fence posts around her farm, and the fence line, it will keep predators away!  I am not making this up, the woman has been bragging online about how brilliant she is by coming up with the idea of peeing on all of her fences.  And has been doing it.  She claims she has also forced her farm hands to pee on all the fences as well, but, to anyone’s knowledge, she doesn’t have any farm hands.  So it’s just her peeing on everything.  
Sherry has also bragged about riding around on an ATV with three loaded shotguns and night vision goggles all night, patrolling her 13 acre property and threatening to shoot anyone she sees near her property.  It has been confirmed in photos that she does have one shotgun that she keeps unsecured in her home.  So the count so far is three shotguns, one AK, and one glock.
She is also bragging about riding around patrolling on an ATV less that a week after having extensive foot surgery that required donated parts to fix her foot.  
Sherry is also still threatening to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  If you see her at the festival, please do not approach!  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times!  She has threatened on video to shoot and kill people because of her scam being exposed.  She has bragged about shooting at her neighbors children and thinks of it as a joke to teach them a lesson.  She is incredibly violent, and has been upping the threats of violence in recent posts.  She has started using knives to measure locks of fiber to sell, and enjoys talking about how she is ready to shoot anyone at any time with her guns.  If you see her at the festival turn around and go the opposite direction.  No one wants anyone hurt by Sherry.  I cannot stress enough that she is to be considered armed, violent, and incredibly dangerous if encountered in person.  Do not go to her farm, do not attend any classes she hosts (her husband has also threatened to be armed and ready to shoot people at her classes), do not go near her in public.  Avoid her at all costs.
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stressedlawsecretary · 3 months
Today's Focus
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02.12.24 - I fucked up my alarm and got up like. One minute before I needed to leave for the bus. Thankfully I'm salary and whether I'm in at 8:30 or 9 doesn't really matter much. So I didn't stress getting myself together and out. Ah Mondays.
Work - I left like. One efile for myself. I have papers on my desk from SJC for scanning and saving/emailing; JJM (formerly JMK; she's changed her name in that I think she had two last names and dropped one) emailed asking me to mail a document to a plaintiff. That's it for the day, and since I can do all of that before lunch, you maybe understand why I work so hard to fill my time with other stuff.
Background Noise - Sigh. I have 132 on my Watch Later. At least three of these videos are like beauty ones I am saving for later, and another three are for other things but that still leaves me like 126 to have to get through and I'm juggling it with the drama playlist. Fingers crossed.
I did 22 videos over the weekend, including ones off a playlist I saved to watch with my spouse. However, I'm now reserving Sunday to be pro-wrestling day, and until I catch up on the shows I'm trying to watch I'm not doing wrestling YT yet. Why yes I am insane, why do you ask?
Study - Monday is case law day, so aside from slowly reading articles that I saved to continue my deep dives, I'm focused on Abrams v US (both the Wiki overview of the case and the decision on Justia), and a couple of documents I've saved from press releases. I'm not trying to overdo it.
Over the weekend I did manage to read like five Wiki articles on my phone/table, and like three other article in general. However, I'm finding that I'm going to have to track all the extraneous articles I've read, or I'm inclined to re-read shit just because I forgot I did it the first time.
Extras - I am still doing well keeping up on my regular chore routine, so today all I have to do is the catbox. I will probably pick up one or two of the extra cleaning I've detailed in my new cleaning journal, around making dinner tonight. Switching the chicken meal to Friday this week, and takeout to Wednesday in general, means I think I'm making the beef country-style ribs with scalloped potatoes and cheesy broccoli. I've written and posted a mini-rant, and I want to write a detailed response to my cousin on FB but after that I might be listing all day.
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nightcall99 · 7 months
Dream from 1.10.23
I was really upset about something, I don't know what exactly but I took the day off to basically run away from my problems. I felt really sad and depressed, so I took the train into the city and was just walking around crying. AL and NH were with me, trailing behind me as I walked. Someone had found out, assumed the worst and posted on FB about how I was missing and how nobody could find me. There were people from my life having a discussion in the comments, wondering what could have happened to me. I was mortified by this, why couldn't they just leave me alone? It made me even more unbelievably upset.
I caught the train and ended up somewhere nearby my old house but I was trying to get back to the house I'm currently living in now. I realised I would have to walk back. It's a 20 minute drive by car but it'll be much longer on foot. Randomly, JC appeared and was walking behind me with the two other people that were with me. Then I came to the conclusion that since these people were here and not anyone else, that the other people in my life have never cared about me. I was quite surprised that JC was even here. I came to the realisation that he had always really loved me but had never let it show because (at the time) I was his best friend's girlfriend. Why else had he followed me into the city, other than to make sure I was safe? And how could I never have seen this? I thought about all the the times he had watched me from afar and had seemed to give me longing looks. I just didn't see it at the time (none of this is real IRL, I bet this guy never spared me a second thought).
My friends continue to follow me but keeping a distance away since I was so distraught. No one said anything because I was crying. I didn't want to go 'back'. The FB post regarding my disappearance meant that I would have to let people know that I was alive and not actually missing, very soon. Even though I was annoyed that they wouldn't just forget about me, on some level I was also glad that they cared.
At one point in the day we arrived at a chicken and chip shop to get some food. They were trying to make me eat but I wasn't interested.
In the end, instead of walking back home on foot, I appeared at a train station. The train arrived on our platform but somehow steered into the train tracks for the platform opposite to ours, then slid backward into ours again. It was odd but this train wasn't taking passengers anyway. The train conductor said that this train wasn’t big enough for all the people that would need to get on board, so he had to move this train back to the depot.
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eazy-group · 11 months
Jey and Sabrina lost 260 pounds combined
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/jey-and-sabrina-lost-260-pounds-combined/
Jey and Sabrina lost 260 pounds combined
Transformation of the Day: Jey and Sabrina lost 260 pounds combined. They achieved outstanding results by cooking meals at home, practicing intermittent fasting, and adopting healthy eating habits.
Social Media: Tiktok: Jeycarrington IG: @Colgatesmile_2025 FB: Jey Carrington 
What was your motivation? I (Jey) weighed 427 pounds. I had sleep apnea and high blood pressure. I was taking two blood pressure medications and sleeping on a propped-up pillow. 
One day, my wife, Sabrina, came into the kitchen and said, “We MUST change in order to live!” So we bought an air fryer and a cast iron skillet, and I literally cooked us thin! This journey has been made possible with teamwork, determination, and desire. 
How did you change your eating habits? I started cooking all of our meals. Sabrina researched healthy fats and healthy recipes from Pinterest and the effects of intermittent fasting. We did IF from 1 pm to 8 pm for two weeks. I lost 24 pounds during that time, and Sabrina lost eight pounds.
I started using the air fryer to cook my meats. Then I found ways to use Greek cream cheese (sprouts grocery store) and chicken broth for pasta recipes that require heavy cream, and that combination was actually a game-changer. 
We eat all of our favorite foods. Pinterest has a lot of recipe ideas. I just make them my own with substitutions. Portion control! Portion control is VERY important as well. 
We also stopped celebrating with food! Instead, when we lose 20 pounds, we head to the beach, go to play, buy a new outfit at the mall (Good ol’ thrift store), etc. We LOVE us a good thrift!! 
What is your workout routine? We honestly don’t exercise. We just eat healthy food and don’t eat after 8 pm.
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight? Jey: My starting weight was 427 pounds, and my current weight is 267 pounds. Sabrina’s starting weight was 240 pounds, and her current weight is 139 pounds.
What is your height? Both of us are 5’3″.
When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take June 2021 to present- a total of 260+ pounds lost
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? I’ve learned that it’s a race and not a sprint. The weight wasn’t gained overnight, so give yourself grace!
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Give yourself grace and not excuses.
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? Jey: I had 2 FAILED weight loss surgeries – Sleeve AND re-sleeve. Before surgery, I hadn’t mentally addressed why I was eating. I had a 30-minute psychological evaluation and was cleared for surgery. However, ALL of the weight came back after both surgeries came back. 
Then, my wife (a mental health therapist) suggested therapy, which changed my life. I realized that I was eating due to unaddressed childhood trauma. Once I started talking about my issues with a professional, it helped me to realize that I could win the battle against obesity! 
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Find out the ROOT CAUSE of your eating addiction. Just because you don’t address things doesn’t mean they go away!
You also have to be KIND to yourself! Give yourself a little grace. If you had a bad meal for lunch, it’s ok. Just make sure you have a healthy dinner. Your lunch may have been a setback, but that dinner will be a comeback! Once you get through your first day and through the next, the rest of the days will get a little easier! 
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
im on a fb poultry page and today i noticed a ton of ppl asking about reputable hatcheries and in every post at least one person recommended cackle hatchery. do you know of any groups that are any good? no hate to the group but it just turns my stomach to see so many people referring to big industrial hatcheries as reputable just bc they didn't ship dead birds :/
I would say that i dont trust any company "hatchery" unless they focus on breed genetic preservation and health over production. Some private breeders call themselves hatcheries but its up to you the buyer to decide if that means they a legitimate passionate breeder. I just dont look at hatcheries at all anymore and only communicate with private breeders.
What sucks about chicken groups on Facebook is that hatcheries have tried very very hard to replace private breeders in the minds of the public and people who dont look at the bigger picture and only see chickens as egg machines that they will just buy more of when they stop laying just dont care to educate themselves on how important sustainable poultry keeping is. Hatcheries provide a ton of breeds and all you have to do is order them from one place and its not that expensive either (because these birds are not high quality and are considered replaceable) so people just rather go with a hatchery then putting the work to find a good breeder of the chicken breeds they want who are actually preserving and bettering those breeds. In a way companies like Purina have done the same with chicken feed basically influencing people to stop trying to find local feed mills that usually have good quality and even local ingredients
And really it isnt any lay persons fault. Hatcheries really dont want people looking at their breeding pens or have people question them. All i can find that helps is when someones flock gets sick, has behavioral issues, or isnt up to breed standard is to ask where the birds were sourced and if its a hatchery educate them on how hatcheries produce birds. (And offer advice for the problem of course)
Personally im not active in the big chicken groups and really just my local ones and i know i have been able to change people minds with just educating and helping out while ignoring and blocking die hard hatchery fans. When someone asks for a hatchery reccomendation i tell them to try to find a local breeder or a breeder who will ship instead.
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lil-crouton2 · 2 years
Finally on the ambulance for my clinicals, but I should probably back up to the last time I posted.
Since then I've started school, passed all exams and assignments. Passed the evoc driving course. Now I'm acting learned in the field by working on an ambulance, and ER. My manager tried to start a fight with me over it because she decided to stalk my FB page and saw me bragging about how much I love the clinicals. Then she tried to take it to being an issue in December because I have multiple days off for classes and finals, and graduation. I wish I knew what her problem was.
I actually cooked from scratch last night and it turned out really good. I made chicken Parm for my boyfriend and me. I hope everything keeps going on the rise, it's been real depressing lately. Post more later ....
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gamebird · 2 years
Rambling ahoy.
I went to work yesterday, but they sent me back home due to me having COVID. I thought I'd be fine because I was 6 days out from onset of symptoms and felt okay. I hadn't tested until we got back home from vacation Saturday night, for a lot of reasons but mainly 1) I thought it was a cold and 2) on the off chance it a) was COVID or more likely b) we'd picked up COVID somewhere during the vacation and were asymptomatic; I didn't want to be trapped in a foreign country in quarantine or whatever. Plus the complication of 3) I didn't speak the language of the countries I was in and 4) was having a lot of trouble making phone calls with the e-SIM program I'd bought. So if we did end up stranded, my ability to communicate with health care providers, my work, my daughter's school, etc. was compromised. Anyway, I tested when we got back /just in case/ and whelp, we were positive.
I thought I was over it yesterday, but then in the afternoon I crashed, was tired all day, slept 9 hours last night, woke up tired, am still tired. But I've drank a little caffeine and that seems to be perking me up. Not that this is super helpful, because most of my actual work requires me to know what I'm doing, which requires learning it from the people I'm now isolated from.
Speaking of which, HR was clear that I was 'working from home'. And then my boss, who I spoke to yesterday, was equally clear that I should take it easy, rest up, and come back to work on Thursday ready to hit the ground running. I'm uneasy about these mixed signals. I'm supposedly being paid ... and I'd be happier working but all I can do from here is call a few suppliers about late deliveries (which I did yesterday and will shortly repeat). And stare at some spreadsheets that I don't have the context to do anything about.
I'm also suffering from the usual conundrum that when I'm sick, my brain doesn't work well enough to write (or usually, read much) and so my primary leisure activity is hard to do. I vaguely want to watch Yellowstone, but I don't think I'm up to following anything with a plot for the same reason.
In the course of scrolling FB, I ran across a post where someone was asking for a kitten for her 'girls' because she'd lost the one they had. I have no problem with people owning cats. I also have a very low bar for animal treatment. Anyone who knows what 'gamebird' means in terms of my alias should know that. But WTF, woman? She wants a 'kitten' that is free. Absolutely free. Won't go to the shelter because they charge a small fee and provide an animal that's spayed/neutered and vaccinated. She doesn't want to pay that. I'm not saying 'I think she doesn't want to pay for that', I mean she's explicitly posting she doesn't want to pay anything, no matter what she's getting, even if what she's getting is bog standard, required care for baseline quality of life of the pet. It really, really sounds like she wants a disposable pet with no vet care whatsoever. Given her last 'kitten' was 'lost', I ... I mean? Fuck, lady. I used to fight chickens for a living and I wouldn't inflict you on some poor cat. I'd be happier if she was asking for kittens to feed to her snake (which I've seen posts about that before and that's marginally fine with me because a feed animal is not going to have a life of deteriorating health and slow misery before dying; on the other hand, I'm suspicious of anyone willing to feed their snake rando pet animals they got for free off FB, instead of purpose-bred feed animals bought from someone with standards; I feel sorry for the snake in this situation, not the cat).
Anyway, I said nothing about this on FB but it bothered me.
Okay, this is what happens to me when I have caffeine.
Speaking of which, I'm curious if it will effect me differently now than when I had ovaries. Back then, it gave me panic attacks and anxiety.
I started back on this stuff accidentally by getting coffee flavored gelato in Italy two weeks ago, thinking my boyfriend (who loves coffee-flavored ice cream) should share it with me. He did not, so I ate it all myself and was wiredly awake for a very long time. I think it was 36 hours from time of waking to time of sleeping. Hard to tell exactly because we crossed like 8 time zones. So either 28 hours or 44. Which is why I drank some this morning. I figured it could kick COVID's ass and it's doing okay, but my logic center isn't working right and I can't string more than two or three things together in sequence. After all, I'm here on Tumblr instead of doing my work.
Speaking of which, I'm off to bung up some work!
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maggicktouched · 2 years
Now my dash is fucked up. Fuck me.
But ok, real quick (and I promise writing is coming today) I need to complain about tiktok bc I’m an old person and I don’t have a FB so all my complaining happens here.
Ya know those tumblr posts that go around every year reminding people that bunnies, ducklings, and chicks are live sentient beings and not toys to be bought and discarded at Easter? Well let me expand on that a little.
Stop. Buying. Single. Chickens.
And I don’t even understand why people do it. Currently I have sixteen chickens and I got out of keeping them when I moved, but I had them for several years before that. Do you know how much I pay in feed per month? About 20 dollars. It can be about five bucks higher or lower depending on where I buy from, but in general I go through about a bag of feed a month in the seasons where foliage grow fast (which is most of them in Alabama lol).
It can’t be a money issue. Chickens are cheap pets to keep. And honestly I could stretch that feed budget by a lot if I wasn’t too lazy to ferment feed or make a fodder system. They don’t have any real vet bills. Sadly with chickens you either don’t know there is a problem until it’s too late (because they hide things very well) or you can google their issue and there are TONS of people online willing to give you their knowledge for free. And besides bedding for their coop and food, you aren’t really buying them a lot of stuff.
So why is it that I get on tiktok and see people with a single bantam rooster as a pet? And they think it’s so cute he follows them everywhere and wants to be around them.
It isn’t cute. You’ve taken a deeply social animal that relies on numbers for safety and forced it to see you as a member of the flock. When you end up going to work or out on the town or anywhere that your bird can’t go, it’s going to be unhappy and anxious. 
Roosters are---when bred and raised properly---very wonderful pets. I get why people would want one. They are beautiful and funny and outgoing, but most of the traits that make them appealing to you are traits either bred or evolved into the animal to help their flock. Roosters make funny noises to alert their flock or gather up their hens. The best roosters won’t take treats, because they will instantly see its something good and give it to a hen. Good roosters do a little mating dance to entice the hen, which I’ve seen them do to people and they just laugh because they don’t know what the animal is doing. Their entire lives revolve around keeping their flock protected, together, and healthy. 
Hens are a bit less considerate seeing as their instincts tell them they need to get whatever they can and as much as they can so that they can lay eggs. But they still require that social connection---that safety in numbers. 
I’m far from the gatekeeper of poultry though. I’d love for most people to raise their own birds. More chickens in homes means less need for factory farms that treat their animals abysmally. I don’t want people to not want chickens. They’re fun and easy to keep, and with patience they can be very friendly. 
Just... don’t get them alone. You can buy two roosters if there are no hens around. You can buy two hens and they can live very happy lives without a rooster. One extra bird is not going to heavily impact the amount of time or money you spend on them. Do you know how many birds I prepped for when I thought about getting chickens? Seven. And I more than doubled that number at very little expense and labor on my part. I get that maybe you don’t want an entire flock of birds in your house, but I’d argue that chickens aren’t really made for houses either. They like to forage and roam. Most strictly indoor animals struggle with stress from boredom and chickens are no different. 
So get chickens. But before you do, get a little coop, and do some research on the living beings you’re bringing into your life. You can still let them inside or hand raise them so they’d rather be in your lap than anywhere else. Chickens will normally accept people as flockmates really easily, you don’t have to force them by taking away all their other options. 
Don’t be shitty. Do right by the creatures you bring into your home. By owning a pet you force them to rely on you, which means it is your responsibility to provide the best possible care to those animals. 
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kifu · 2 years
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This kind of ages me and disambiguafies me - yeah, I’m making up words - but these came up on my FB memories and I ...
I made it. I made my fucking dream.
Of course, I am not allowed to have pigs. I work on a pig farm and with the biosecurity (AKA our farm is so riddled with diseases our pigs at home would never be safe to be honest) explicitly forbids me from having contact with outside pigs. We’re not READY for a cow yet. The fencing is so very not right, but it’s a work in progress. I sunk a lot of hundreds into fencing, it’s just all laying on the ground right now. And with the prices of feed having literally doubled over the past year? I’d rather not get another big mouth to feed, even if it’ll end up feeding us.
But what we do have? We have a horse. We have sheep. And rabbits. And chickens. And ducks. And muscovy. And pheasants. And turkey eggs. And dogs. And and and. And that horse is a damn idiot, but he’s my idiot. He wasn’t supposed to be my idiot, but he is. He really only listens consistently to me, and sometimes he even tries to get away with not doing that. I still don’t know whether or not to classify myself as a beginner or not because I’ve kind of restarted this fucker, BUT I can’t even sit a trot. I survived him going through a tree, his little rears of assholeyness, his fits of cantering when he thinks he can get away with it, his insane ability to pull out of a tight circle with his incredible sidestep. But a trot? Naw.
I posted these on FB when I still lived in the trailer park and had no idea we’d be getting a house in the middle of Amish land. I wrote these when I was a damn child. But my goals have never strayed and I DID IT.
And fiance pointed out that I’m not a vet. And I suppose that’s true. Really don’t want to be, either. But also if I can’t save a rabbit or a chicken, that rabbit or chicken certainly ain’t seeing a vet. I’ve saved quite a few rabbits and chickens from death.
I have about the same opinions of vets that I do of human doctors.
But I AM a farmer. I even get paid a real paycheck for working on a farm. And I AM an artist. It IS hard, but it is oh so very worth it. Growing up was worth it.
So for context, I lived in a township on the near outskirts of Detroit (like, a mere mile or two away from the Detroit city line) when I wrote all this. It was all I knew. Our little city lot with our two giant maple trees, near weekly trips to the thumb to my paternal grandma’s house. Hell, I wasn’t even allowed in the barn on my grandma’s property at this point in my life. Or the woods and swamp. But I remember daydreaming ALL the time of filling open spaces with animals. And always had a herd of horses at my imaginary disposal.
The more things change, the more they stay the same, ney?
But the timeline ... I had a brother when I wished my for “mom me dad” to “move in the contrey.” Fuck him, I guess. Well, he certainly didn’t grow into any country boy.
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