#i was looking at the paperwork to apply for an SSN today and nearly DIED laughing like he was BUILT what's he gonna DO
a-flickering-soul · 2 years
I really like hearing what you have to say about spg bc I like their music but I'm very much a Causal Enjoyer so it's cool to hear some Lore. Any other spg related things you've been wanting to talk about?
Ohhhhh anon this is the best and worst ask you could have possibly sent me because there are So Many Things that are insane to me about SPG lore that I would love to talk about but literally each of them requires like two paragraphs MINIMUM of explanation and context beforehand. But I WILL tell you what's on my mind right now and that's the fact that the Spine canonically has a credit card. This is hilarious to me for many reasons, those being that he has obtained a credit card either through:
A) having a Social Security Number
B) having an Individual Taxpayer Identity Number
or C) Peter Walter VI going with him to their local bank branch and sitting there with him as the poor financial advisor has to come very quickly to terms with the fact that this tall silver man and this other man with a keyhole for a face want to open a new credit card under the name of this silver man who is not technically a human being.
All of these answers are very compelling to me for different reasons, but through process of elimination, we can get rid of B, since that's exclusively for US nonresidents and the Spine was built in the US. I'm personally eliminating C because I don't think it's the funniest option. So conclusively: yes, I think the Spine has an SSN, and furthermore, I think he pays taxes.
We know canonically already that not only does the Spine know how to do taxes, but he loves doing them and he's very good at them (he will, in fact, quadruple your return).
I posit now that the Spine pays taxes because he wants to do them for two main reasons: that he feels deeply and strongly this proves to the US government that he's a living being with feelings and rights just like any other taxpaying American, and that he is an old, old man who loves looking at things and asking if his taxpayer dollars really went towards this.
I do not, however, think Rabbit, Zer0, Hatchworth, or any other robots care this much over human financial systems because they are very old and dumb and they are also wise and blasé enough over how they're viewed by US legislation to understand that the less of their limited income they have to fork over to Uncle Sam, the better.
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