#i wish i had the energy to gif all their scenes 😭
mostlyfate · 6 months
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Love Me, Love My Voice 很想很想你 · 2023, dir. Sha Wei Qi 1.31 | I’ve gotten used to seeing you every day, seeing you all day long and saying goodnight face-to-face.
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theflyindutchwoman · 3 months
I have 3 things to talk about…
1. How nice it was to see Tim talk to the guys about his fight with Lucy. I’m literally shocked that he was so open with them! I love that he’s growing, opening up and confiding people that aren’t just Lucy and Angela (And Genny to an extent) he was so many friends now!
2. I am unable to move past how married™️ and sweet and domestic it is that Lucy calls tim to get the bugs at home 🥹 and how she suspected that he was just killing them but didn’t say anything and Tim was like pretending to set them outside even tho he wasn’t because he appreciates how empathic she is to even bugs 😭 I just can’t get over the idea that badass Lucy Chen is scared of bugs, well maybe not scared but whatevs, and makes her grumpy boyfriend take care of them but still insists he doesn’t just kill the scary bugs — do we think post Jackson death, pre-Chris she would call Tim over to handle the super big ones? Omg can you imagine? I’m dead
3. Can we talk about how the dance was like the biggest indicator we’ve ever had that these two are so FREAKIN TACTILE WITH EACH OTHER! Like it was kinda obvious before that their shared love language is touch, but I feel like you really, very clearly see that in the dance. And I just 😭 they love each other so much and just want to touch and snuggle and be with the other so much.
I am still very unwell. And I haven’t even processed the ILY’s fully yet so we’re not gonna go there 😂😂😂
Just when I thought I had recovered enough, you decide to send me this. This is a live footage of me right now :
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. The 'bug scene' Listen, after the dance, this might be my favorite part of the episode. This scene was the cutest thing ever… and yes, it was peak married energy. Let's be real here : what is the point of having a boyfriend if it's not to have him take out the trash and deal with the bugs? (just kidding!). Seriously though… Lucy once said that she used to treat the coackroaches in her first apartment as pets (3.11 I think), so it's not like she is fundamentally scared of bugs. Neither is Tamara for that matter. She just wanted Tim to take care of them, in a very Lucy way. But the fact that she knew he was killing them all along but pretended not to know is perfect. Again, that is so her. And then, add the other layer to that scene. Out of all the questions she could have asked, she chose this one. I feel like it was her way of diffusing the tension, of making Tim more comfortable by asking such an innocent question, with no stake at all, before bringing up the real issue between them.
. Tim at the bachelor's party scene You have no idea how much I wish that part had been a little bit longer, so we could see more of the reactions. Still, I love how this scene was cut, with the back and forth between the two parties. How both of them needing to confide their frustrations to other people. And you're right, this is huge for Tim. At best, he would open up to Lucy (obv not an option here) or Angela. Maybe Genny. But certainly not someone like Randy who he barely knows and who can't keep a secret. Or even Aaron… His former aide. That's how much this relationship is important to him. It may have started as a way for him to vent but he also wanted to hear some advices. And he did listen to Randy's suggestion - of all people.
. The dance On the one hand, did anyone still have any doubt that these two are so tactile with one another? The undercover mission was all the confirmation we needed, really. But on the other hand… I didn't think it was possible for them to be even more tactile. It's somehow more intense, more intimate… It just shows how much they craved reassurance. They needed that touch to ground themselves. Lucy needed to play with his lapel and he needed to pull her in closer to him. And don't get me started on how she was playing with his hair or caressing his face. IN PUBLIC. There was no room for Jesus in that dance. She was looking at him the same way she did before 'naked times'… And where did they sneak off after that dance? 👀
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giac222 · 2 months
I was thinking and I wanted to see if anyone else sees my vision 😂.
Tbh, Alex Russo and Justin Russo from “Wizards of Waverley Place” remind me of Ashley and Andrew, I’m referring to their appearances and how I think they have a somewhat similar dynamic. Alex and Justin have a, well, normal sibling relationship though lmaooo, and they live a more unproblematic life than Ashley and Andrew do. Still hectic though considering that they’re wizards lol.
WOWP was one of my favorite shows growing up!
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The full sentence that gets cut off at the bottom: “Justin has also shown to be quite caring and overprotective of Alex, such as in Wizards vs. Werewolves where he both emotionally and physically protects his sister from Mason.”
Also, Justin is two years older than Alex, just like how Andrew is two years older than Ashley.
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Like this is literally Andrew and Ashley irl are you kidding me??? 😭. They’d just have to put some black clothes on lol.
For fun, I thought I’d include some parallels 🤭:
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Ashley and Alex kinda radiate the same energy, at least I think they do. Tbh Justin and Andrew kinda do too. I feel like people who have watched WOWP and played TCOAAL might get what I’m saying haha.
I wish I saved it because now I can’t find it, but there was an image of a scene from the show where Alex says she doesn’t have a library card, then Justin tells her “yes you do, I got you one” or something along those lines. That sounds like something Andrew would do 😭.
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Last one!:
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This last gif of Alex and Justin is so cute??? I love it lol. So yeah, If I had to fan cast people as Ashley and Andrew it would definitely be those two.
Doing research for this post led me down a Justin and Alex rabbit hole lmao, no complaints though. It’s fitting because recently I learned that Justin + Alex was actually a popular ship back in the day! Honestly… I see the vision. I never really thought about it before, but now I’m like wait 👀🤔 It makes sense actually, likeee they look good together 🤭.
Credit goes to the owners of the gifs used btw, I found all of them online.
This post was fun to make! I hope others see my vision lmao.
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littlepadika · 1 month
Hey! i know requests closed right now, but i’m just leaving this here because there’s a chance i’ll forget about it! Can you please please PLEASE write for Oberyn Martell from Game Of Thrones? (he’s another amazing character Pedro has brought to life) can you write a Daddy!oberyn x little!GN!reader, fluffy/comfort/(gentle smut??)
STORY IDEA: Reader randomly develops intense separation anxiety. just one morning Oberyn tries to get up but reader literally starts crying bc they don’t want their daddy to leave them, he doesn’t think much of it at first, he calms them down and puts them back to sleep, thinking they’re just a little fussy, but when they wake up again it’s just pure panic bc Oberyn isn’t in bed, and they have a full blown anxiety attack because of it? (i’m not projecting my own issues on them rn, it’s definitely not what this is. definitely.) also, you can choose how it ends, maybe in comfort, maybe in gentle smut, totally up to you!
you’re literally the only author i trust with this because i’m in love with your work and your type of content, i think it’s very sweet and a great way to express yourself, and it shouldn’t be judged. i honestly trust you’ll deliver this, IF YOU WANT TO, perfectly because every work you’ve done is just so cute and perfect amount of smut, it gets me in my feels and i love LOVE reading it. it’s become a part of my nightly routine, literally reading your works as bedtime stories 💀😭, anyway thanks again!
- your loyal fan, Jesse :D (idk why i signed it but yk, now you know who i am right?and idk why it’s so formal😭 my bad honestly 🙏🏻😔)
This is so soft bb 🥺 oberyn would definitely be super understanding of littlespace and a gentle daddy.
And thankie for the kind message Jesse! I wish I had the energy for a full fic but know that you filled my mind with vivid scenes of being wrapped up in oberyns robe and running through the grounds of dorne aaaand the way daddy obi would be fiercely protective of you 😩 and all the pleasures he’d teach you
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angkis · 10 months
Your Derek Hale and Sterek art is amazing!!! Would you ever consider drawing Derek/Chris (I see you also like bottom!Derek 😈) or Peter/Chris?
Ooooooh that scene/situation came to mind where Derek is wearing that shirt with the thumbholes- (my favourite outfit of his,, the sluttiest one. even though he's not showing much skin, can't change my mind) I'm delusional and I'm gonna say he knew what he was doing that day. 👁️👁️🔥❤️ Shsgshshshshs
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Also, Peter/Chris?? Hell fucking yeah. I would love to draw them ohmygod.
Honestly, I wish I had time and energy for all these requests/suggestions 😭💫 24 hours in one day is not even nearly enough for all the things I wanna do.
Thank you so much for the ask! I appreciate you! <3
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eviltiddyproductions · 5 months
finished search www and I have thoughts but I’m also sleepy.
i wish to say spoiler but if you’ve seen the first 3 episodes of this show, honestly even 2 you’re not going to see much change and can see everything from a mile away.
the three women in the show are on the poster and carry the show very well on their shoulders. there is so much energy, history and chemistry that you’ll feel all of their fights, arguments and moments of reconciliation. just a treat to watch on screen
the romance in this show is pretty flat. Cha Hyun and Mrs Song get extremely late and slow developments in their romance and to be honest I found myself rooting for them and their scenes with their respective partners more than the main leads, Bae Tami and Park Morgan.
if you’re watching it for these two, all the best 😭 because nothing changes for them! as seen in the first two episodes, he puts in more effort and decides to be the one to wait/chase after her because he clearly likes her, she likes him too but has work commitments and is unsure of the age gap so pushes him away.
that happens in a loop for the rest of the show (give or take)
even when they find stable ground this finds a way to come back and it’s tiring 😭
I feel like I’ll end up writing an essay here because I was truly disappointed by them. There was a certain point when they’re finally giving it a shot after what seems like eons of going back and forth on it that I thought, oh we could go somewhere. We could build a relationship or trust or some sort of plan here but nope 💀
they both have different outlooks on how their future looks, she doesn’t want a family, he does. both have solid, valid reasons.
you’re smart enough as an audience to know that they’ll either stick through it or break up; as she mentions it as well. you either cave in or break up.
then why must these things bubble up so quickly
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we’re all aware, they’re aware and yet we never see them fully give it their all.
Park Morgan rightfully calls her out on this multiple times and it’s visible too, that he’s the one holding onto that relationship; she’s always ready to let go.
That’s most of the show. He does fight for this relationship but you forget he’s young because they both seem to make this feel so stressful. 😭
fellas are y’all supposed to be stressed in the honeymoon phase?
whether he was randomly being pushy or it was genuine confusion, him asking her why she’s ready to live with him but not marry him and her being immediately ready to let go of this relationship is what they are 😭
it feels like my sister is always looking for excuses to leave him and he seems to want more while being a little caged up himself with his emotions. like just be vulnerable and fun!
writing this makes me realise we had like 2 episodes of fun. i wish their argument was more than the age gap and marriage thing. it can always come back to it but it started feeling like a chore and an excuse very quickly
you could actually get drunk if you started taking shots everytime this was mentioned in the show.
anyway they frustrated me enough to write this incoherent ramble and I’m still not done! because if this show wanted me to root for them so bad they should’ve given us something to hold on to. all I have is disappointment and sighs.
let’s not start on the last episode because technically nothing is officially resolved even then. that’s life! but I was truly tired of it 🙏
I deadass thought I’d hear them randomly argue about it again 💀
this show is fun and fresh and yet also made me want to turn it off. i didn’t feel the chemistry between the leads like the show wanted me to. like at one point I truly was left wondering why these two were bothering with each other anyway because sometimes as a viewer you’re just not able to pick up on the spark and this everything else was just more tiresome to endure💀
TLDR (honestly you don’t even need to read this, this is straight up rambling)
watch it for the women <3
they’re fun and fresh and have whole identities outside of their relationships. they truly care about one another (well Mrs Song and Tami have a tumultuous relationship but it’s fun to see people log heads) I ended up enjoying it.
Scarlett (Cha Hyun) is rightfully a star! could watch an entire spin off on her.
(Lee Jaewook in a telenovela styled show, need it now !!! he’s very sweet in this show and shout-out to the ex husband/husband of Mrs Song, I was confused for a good chunk of the show about his intentions but he’s just sort of in love with his wife who is divorcing him)
much to think about
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eddiesghxst · 7 months
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I HOPE YOU CAN STILL REMEMBER THE QUESTION ABOUT THAT YOU ASKED ME WHAT IS MY FAVORITE JOHN WICK PART- all of the sequels are amazing and the action scenes gets cooler and intense as always and hello- KEANU REEVES is the best! I love the first one, it's just so great and the suspense about "The Boogeyman" scene is so freaking awesome like I remember my dad was geeking out while he's showing this film to me when I was 13 or 14 and I became so obsessed with it! I might be biased about it because Willem Dafoe and John Leguizamo is in there like I know they're just supporting actors but I just really like how it is written- it's so iconic- AND ALSO THE DAMN DOG had me gasping for air 😔✋🏻 I'm such a nerd about films like I could talk about it all day lmao
OKAY, LEMME JUST RANT ABOUT THE NEW CHAPTERS OF PRICE OF FAME?!? IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER ON EVERY PART THAT YOU JUST RELEASED?!? THAT WHOLE SERIES?!? IS LITERALLY MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! I honestly adore your writing (you deserve more recognition‼️the immediate urge to reblog your every post and I will stand right behind you whenever someone tries to tear you down- I swear to my soul 🤺🤺🤺🤺 ) and omfg your humor and your enthusiasm is so real like I could tell we both have the same chaotic energy 😭🫶🏻✨
and there's one more to answer your question about how I'm doing (thank you btw! I love you so much! 🥺) because I've been out of Tumblr for a long time, I had a LOT of family gathering and taking breaks when I'm getting drained in college lol- I just love it whenever I checked your profile and read all your fics it just brings such a good mood and a smile to my face! I hope you're doing okay always and I wish you're safe and taking care of yourself out there! KEEP DOING WHAT YOU LOVE AND WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY AHHHHHH I MISS INTERACTING WITH YOUUUUU 😭😭💖💖
AND YES SO TEA BC LITERALLY SAME !! my dad got me into action movies when i was littleeee so now im just an action junkie💀 like i used to religiously watch kill bill for fun😭 AND THEN JOHN WICK CAME AND IVE NEVER BEEN THE SAME I LOVE THAT MAN I COULD GO ON AND ON ABT HIM✋
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and girllll, literally same😭 when i tell yall college has been beating my ass with a stick😭 i’m down bad every week😭 BUT WE PERSIST ! WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT BESTIE I BELIEVE IN US !! WE’RE GETTING THAT DAMN DEGREE OKAY !
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samswinchesters · 11 months
✨ let's play 10 Qs for GK! 🎆
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? 2- fave harvey/twoface scene? 3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? 4- best character development? 5- most memorable line? 6- fave plot twist? 7- what did you think of twoface? 8- something you loved about the creation/design? 9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? 10- what did you think of the season 2 setup?
💌 thanks for sharing the love! #GothamKnights 🦇💋
SLAYYYYY i love quesitons about htingsss this is how i look rn answeirng these btw 👇🏽
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in addition to harvey/two face (because he really was showstopper sawwy to the knights), but i reallyyyyy adore duela. not only was she hilarious, her character arc/development throughout the show was great. always enjoyed whenever she was on screen i was like omfgggg my bestie !!
where do i even begin......the one that sticks out in my little brain of mine is when harvey overdoses on his anxiety meds and meets face to face with harv/fugue!harvey. that was absolutely incredible and i replay that scene in my head like a rotisserie chicken bc those writers put their whole pussy into it
at first i was going to say duela and carrie because their dynamic was soooo much fun but after 1x13, harvey and duela pulled my heartstrings like damnnnnnn i did ackshully tear up at that monologue naurrr don't let my mutuals know that. honorable mention are the row siblings because WAHHHHHHH 🥺😭 they mean so much to me
i mentioned duela's development in my first answer and i am not very eloquent with words if we're being honest but the way that she gained a sense of purpose and wanting to actually help gotham through all the trials and tribulations that were thrown at her...really wish we got to see more of that
it's a toss up between "big dent energy" and "guess who rode of the bat wang" .....honestly anything that comes out of duela's mouth is funny as hell who let her be that way
hmmmmmmmmmmm my fave was def harvey being duela's dad. did i call it from a mile away? yes, but it was absolutely satisfying to be right. i actually cheered out loud and punched the air MWAHHH
gosh, when we finally got to see his whole entire face, that shit was absolutely terrifying in a good way. interesting way of how rebecca was the one to toss that acid on his face. sadly, as much as it was all scrumdillyumptious, two face had like a total of three minutes of screentime and we will more than likely never see him again....does anyone have james gunn's number i need to ask him for a favor,
im not following any of the cast and crew of gk pero i have seen some of their tweets and the level of dedication these people put into the show....anyways, everything was so well thought out,,,i nominate the bat cave that shit was really cool. loved the water concept since it wasn't done before in the dc universe
LOL ermmmm, *scratches neck* is this thing on.....NOT to be mean or anything but i wish there was more action. as much as i luv the pauses for breath, i also luvvv ffight sequences. also a part of me thinks the show dragged a little. i know it was only 13 episodes but 18 would've been better. and though i loved the funny bits, sometimes i wish the show took itself seriously. they tried to target to gen z but mannn, at times i had to kinda duck my head bc it was embarrassing and i'm not even gen z. idkk i cant be too harsh on the show bc they did what they could and i enjoyed it overall!!
where is the s2 blueprint ik they're sitting somewhere in the producers' houses....but yeah, i actually liked how gotham knights ended! it works well ffor a mini series. the ambiguity of it all is ripe with possibilities for the fans to gnaw on. turner being trained to become the next batman, the gotham knights putting their boots back on to save the city thinking turner is gone for good, harvey allowing harv to take over with the potential of becoming a major problem....tag me in any stories you write, you guys 👍🏽❤
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drjohndisco · 4 years
My thoughts on tasm2 (because I watched it for a sixth time this year)
Alternate title: I have a lot of thoughts about a movie that makes me cry; most of which are about Harry Osborn and/or Peter Parker. 
Movie trigger warnings: flashing lights and body horror.
7:39 - The delight that Peter takes when he’s swinging around New York?? Amazing.
10:56 - Peter talking to inanimate objects and then hyper-focusing on catching said objects, and then as a result of this getting hit by a car…..he’s autistic.
13:44 - Gwen’s valedictorian speech is so so good. 
15:15 - I LOVE THEM!!!
20:22 - The way Peter throws himself into his vigilantism (is that a word?) as he can’t bear to think about his personal problems..........oOF. Peter you need to talk to someone. Get some help, please.
20:46 - Not me crying while thinking about how Peter would always be there for me and tell me exactly what I need to hear. Totally not.
23:23 - ‘I was cleaning the chimney.’ ‘We don’t have a chimney.’ ‘WhAAAAAAT?’ ICONIC!!
27:54 - I get what they were trying to do with the cut from Max’s internal thoughts to him actually standing in place, but it just. doesn’t. work. 
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29:36 - I just realised the framing of them is done like this on purpose. To show that Harry will eventually be overshadowed. 
30:55 - So, Harry got sent to boarding school at 11, so that means Peter would be 10 when he left. Peter lost his parents at six, so he only had Harry for five years and then he lost him again after he returned - 8 years later (when he became the goblin). 😭
31:29 - Dane’s put so much effort into this performance, and it shows.
31:47 - Norman, I think a better idea would have been to tell Harry about the disease and then actually let him HAVE A NORMAL CHILDHOOD.
33:18 - Peter, I love you. But why do you spell ‘pics’ with an X??????
33:42 - Ah, yes. The universal constant that is Peter Parker forgetting to buy eggs.
33:45 - The way Peter still cares for Harry...even after all the years they spent apart..AAAAaaaaaaAAA!
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38:44 - I wonder what was going through his mind here.
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39:57 - Will I ever be over this scene, and all of Harry’s smiles? Probably not.
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46:46 (ish) - SHE’S SO CUTE!!
55:03 (ish) - Has anyone drawn Peter holding a horse yet???
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1:02 - You know that one post about rolled up sleeves......yeah....really feeling that right now.....
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1:03 - This is interesting. Wish they’d gone ahead with the sequels.
1:05 - Peter can self heal???? That’s rad! How’d I forget about that???
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1:05:51 (ish) - I am looking disrepectfully.
1:08 - Harry’s voice cracks and the way he desperately clutches at Peter.😭
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1:11 - I want you to know that I am thinking about Peter’s tiny heel click here at all times.
1:29 - This is chaotic hot.
1:44 - It isn’t a spider-man movie without a bridge scene.
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1:46 - They’re so cute. 
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1:57 - This has the same energy as Scott looking confused at Logan in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Final notes: Anyway, the end of the movie isn’t canon in my head. They’re all fine and safe. 
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