#i'd love to see them play a round of golf
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#I'd Love To See These 3 Play A Round Of Golf
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gatzilksis-2 · 7 months
Recent true fart experience #1:
My boyfriend and I went on a road trip to a city a few hours away. I still haven't told him about my fetish. He hasn't farted around me much, only in his sleep or by accident a couple times.
His friends are all guys, and the group talks about the farts of two friends in particular. I'll call them D & L. D looks like a chubby, hairy Hobbit, with a beard and round glasses. L is tall and fit, pale with pretty eyes, light brown hair, and a very nice ass. (My boyfriend knows I find him hot.)
This road trip included myself, my boyfriend, D, L, and my boyfriend's other two friends (who I don't really care for). Two of us to each vehicle, so no farts on the way.
The first thing we did was a music museum. The two friends I don't like drifted off while myself, my boyfriend, D, and L stayed together. We were in a dark room of the museum when I smelled a powerful fart. I looked up to see D and L covering their laughter.
"Who did it?" My boyfriend asked.
L raised his hand while D pointed at him. I'd always heard bigger asses made better farts. This was apparently true of L.
We all met up to eat halfway through the museum, going outside to a barbecue food truck. D and L, ever in sync, both got pulled pork sandwiches with pickles.
L finished first, then D finished and stood, stepping to the edge of the table with his butt facing the open air. He sighed, and his gas was caught by a breeze. I learned D's farts smelled somewhat like breakfast sausage, while L's were more sour and green. The whole table hollered at the unexpected wave of stink. D said, "I was trying to do it away from the table!"
We commenced the museum exploration, ending in the massive gift shop with too many souvenir options. My boyfriend had to use the restroom, so I stayed with D and L. As we walked through the gift shop, I found myself cropdusted, multiple farts layered on top of each other, following behind L. When we stopped to look at shirts, D whistled and pushed up his glasses. "That pork got ya, huh?"
We got done at the museum and left, separating to our different vehicles to head to the hotel.
We checked into the hotel and brought our stuff in. The six of us boarded the elevator, my boyfriend joking that we'd be too heavy for it. When it went up, L made his own joke, "Six big guys in an elevator after barbecue. What could go wrong?"
No one farted, unfortunately. Not in the elevator, at least. As soon as we got into the room, L farted across the suite, and D responded with his own short quack.
"Not already!" yelled one of the ones I don't like. Party pooper.
"I might have to shit." L paced to the bathroom, shutting the door and turning the fan on. The rest of us unpacked and arranged our stuff. L came out with a hand on his little pudgy belly. "False alarm. Just echoing farts in the bowl."
I laughed with the rest of them.
We left the hotel, again separately, this time for mini-golf where they brought you alcohol and food. We were on teams, split the same way as the vehicles. D took one of his turns, L standing beside him. Again, a fart was caught on the wind.
"Aw, who was that?" asked the other one I don't like, fanning his nose.
I blurted that it was D, because I knew exactly how his farts smelled. Everyone had a signature.
"How'd you know?" D asked me.
I played it cool and shrugged. "I guessed."
The alcohol came, and then the food. L ordered extreme nachos while D ordered a huge flatbread pizza. L was done with his first and threw back his beer. "That'll be bad later."
"Gee, I can't wait to sleep next to you," said D with heavy sarcasm.
"You know you love it," L teased D. Isn't it just awesome when great farters say shit like that?
We left mini-golf late and returned to the hotel to work out sleeping arrangements. My boyfriend and I took the pullout couch, only a couple feet removed from the bed of D and L.
The two I didn't like were in the other bed, all the way across the room. As soon as we were all in bed, L threw the covers off himself and cranked out a huge fart. Everyone laughed, until D smelled it and yelled "Oh God!" in a laughing manner.
The smell reached me, the same as L's prior farts but accentuated by the loaded nachos and beer. "Damn!"
"That sounded wet," chuckled D.
"I promise it's dry," said L.
There was a long lull of silence, covering several minutes. L flipped over in the bed and pushed his nice ass up in the air. He ripped another loud one, several seconds long.
"Oh no!" D's giggle made me laugh.
The second fart layered over the first.
"You're gonna suffocate us!" whined one of the other ones. He was joking, but ugh. You know? "This room already isn't big enough for six pairs of lungs."
"Here you go." D flipped over in the bed, ass pointed at L. His fart came out in three little parps.
"Can we go to sleep?" asked the other boring one.
"We're gonna knock each other out." L chuckled and slapped D a high-five.
"Very mature," Mr. Boring replied.
There was a long period with almost no noise. I usually fell asleep to a TV, but the boring twins requested silence.
A sudden fart made me jump, and L was laughing again. My boyfriend was snoring, the others were quiet, and D and I quietly laughed.
In the morning, I woke to the smell of L's morning shit emanating from the bathroom.
And unfortunately, we went home separately. I haven't seen D and L since, but they're my boyfriend's best friends so I'll definitely see them more. Hoping for more gas 🤞
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ravieisunhinged · 5 months
New Year's
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Reader
Oneshot / Imagine
Content Warning: All fluff.
Candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me, forevermore
December 30
Tomorrow was New Year's Eve. That means the end of the year is soon. Right now, you were currently in the restroom. You've just taken shower, so you were doing your hair.
After you got dressed, you went downstairs to find your boyfriend in the kitchen. As you walk in, he looks up at you and smiles.
"There you are." He says before raising his coffee cup to his lips, taking a sip out of it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, laughing.
He sets the coffee cup down, and looks back at you.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something." He replies.
Raising an eyebrow, you step closer to him, wrapping your arms around him.
"And what would that be?" You ask.
"Since tomorrow is New Year's Eve...I was wondering if you wanted to go out for the day? Like a date?" He suggests.
"I'd love to." You smile, kissing his cheek.
He then turns around, and kisses you back, but on the lips this time.
"It's a date then." He says after pulling away from the kiss.
December 31st, New Year's Eve
You had both agreed to be out of the house no later than noon. Which you did.
Currently, you were in the car. Jolly was driving, and you were in the seat next to him.
"So, what's the plan for today?" You ask.
"Right now, we're going somewhere for food. Not spoiling the rest though, it's a surprise." He says, glancing at you and smiling.
"Okay." You reply, smiling back at him.
After you and Jolly have your meals at the restaurant, he pays for everything and you both leave. Next, he drives to a location that is unknown to you.
As he parks the car, you turn to him.
"Alright, where are we?" You ask.
"Well, since we're here I might as well just tell you. We're at a miniature golf course." He replies.
"Oh, I like this idea." You say.
"Knew you would. C'mon, we don't have all day. I have more plans after this." He chuckles, getting out of the car.
While you're both in the golf course, you keep beating him.
"Let me win just once?" He asks.
"Only because you asked nicely babe." You laugh.
You let him not once, but twice.
"Thanks pretty girl. I'll pay you back later." He says, kissing your cheek.
Your cheeks flush as he did that.
"Noted." You say.
As you play golf with him for a while longer, he checks the time.
"Alright, last round. We gotta get going soon." He tells you.
"Mmm, okay." You say.
After the last game, you both leave. This time Jolly does not tell you where you're headed as he told you it was a surprise.
Before you left this morning, you brought a polaroid camera with you. You wanted to take photos for the memories. Which you had already did, at the golf course.
He parks the car, and you see fireworks going off in the sky.
"Fireworks?" You ask.
"You told me a while back about seeing them on New Year's. So here we are." He says while caressing your thigh.
You smile at him again, and a few minutes later you both get out of the car. Once you both find a place, Jolly stands behind you and wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
"God I love you." You say.
"Love you too." He says.
While you're waiting for it to turn to midnight, you take some pictures on your camera. As it gets closer, you and Jolly walk back to where you were standing originally.
You're looking at the sky as you hear voices.
January 1st, New Year's Day
"Happy New Year's!"
Fireworks start shooting into the sky, lighting it with colors. As this happens, both you and Jolly kiss.
You both eventually pull away, and he ends up taking your camera to take a picture of the both of you.
Once you eventually get home later on, you leave all the polaroids on the kitchen counter.
When you woke up later, you had lit up some candles. As they were going, you admired the photos you and Jolly had taken.
What a New Year's to remember.
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trivialbob · 7 months
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Yesterday started nicely. On our drive to Sheila's hometown she ordered a smash burger for me from a place she and her sister have raved about. I had skipped breakfast and didn't want to be hungry later when we played bingo. Good nutrition and hydration is key to not overlooking any numbers on the bingo sheets, or so I've been told by cooks and beverage vendors.
Seeing my name and that smiley face on the bag, which was handed to me by a bubbly, attractive young woman who also had a smiling face, made me happier than I already was.
The burger was good, but not to-die-for delicious. But it's very reasonable price and those smiles made up for it :)
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The town was busier than usual for a Saturday afternoon. The streets were full of cars. Deer season began yesterday. With many men (and some women) absent for hunting the town's remaining women have a D.E.A.R tradition. It's a tortured acronym if you ask me. Not that it matters, because I was still allowed to enjoy awesome retail and play bingo. I've never been interested in hunting.
I won one game of bingo. Sadly, two other people won in the same round. We had to share the $99 prize. Without the extra cash in my pocket I didn't enjoy as much awesome retail as I'd hoped to. I've won BINGO before and love the feel of $99 in cash in my pocket. Having only a third of that amount felt just one fifth as nice :(
After bingo we went the the 10th Annual Tonka Brew Fest. 16 Minnesota brewer gathered at a county park to share their well-known and newest offerings.
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Brewer lists and golf pencils were available for those who wanted to take notes. I like to take notes. Often I have a pen and notebook in my pocket.
I sampled a dozen beers, sours and porters. It may seem like a lot, but using that two ounce glass mean I only drank the equivalent of two beers over a two hour session.
Two offerings stood out as my favorites. Soviet Slayer Imperial Stout, by Back Channel Brewing. It was dark and thick, clinging a bit to the side of the glass. The stout is heavy, sweet, and 10% ABV. It isn't a beer to drink several of after mowing the lawn on a hot day.
The other was Ludulin Brewing Sticky Puddles imperial Fruited Sour. Sours are never my go-to drinks, but this one was excellent. I can't argue with the brewer's description or choice of adjectives: This heavily-fruited Imperial Sour was crammed full of absurd amounts of Pineapple, Mango, Passion Fruit and Vanilla. The flavor was terrific, though the sweetness was definitely at the upper limit of what I enjoy.
We ran into several folks we know. It was genuinely nice to see them. A good friend we hadn't seen in a while beamed when she saw me and we hugged solidly. I wondered if her lunch also came with a smiley face on the bag.
I detected a trend in women's late autumn outerwear. These comfy-looking, heavy flannel or chamois plaid shirts were everywhere. I have a red and black plaid lumberjack chamois shirt of my own. I think I'll wear it today.
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
K I just keep thinking about that pic of Chris playing golf and then that thought turns into Daddy Steve playing golf and maybe Bucky came along but is so bored so he starts trying to distract Daddy and it seems like it’s not working so Bucky’s pouting and then all of a sudden Steve backs him up against and a tree and gets all growly and yeah 🙈🙈
Oh my god, Hannah! UGH, what a heady fucking thought! Daddy Steve out here trying to relax with a few friends, his baby insisting he's more than happy with tagging along then getting bored an hour in.
Who knew golf would take so long! What is he supposed to do aside from sip on seltzers and sneak pictures of his Daddy he can look at later in the privacy of his own jerk off session? Ugh!
And who knew that three black cherry seltzers would leave him feeling so bold and bratty so easily? He starts to pout when Daddy pulls away from kisses too soon, starts to whine when it's Steve's turn each round. "How much longer? Did you bring snacks? They have drinks, I know, but do they have treats? Popsicles?"
Steve can barely handle the distraction because...
Daddy Steve is secretly a sucker for a pouty, bratty, spoiled baby.
It's something they rarely see. Bucky is an angel, is grateful and precious and all things good. So when that voice of Bucky's hits a spoiled lilt, when that bottom lip comes out to play, Daddy can't help but get a lot hard a little too fast.
One dramatic roll of the eyes, one even more spoiled whine, and Daddy can't let this behavior continue any longer. He's playing a shit game anyway, hits the ball over past some bushes, shouts for Bucky to come help him find his lost ball.
Bucky's whine that follows his command has his balls throbbing.
"Steve, is this the last hole? I don't want to—
The hand over his mouth is much more of a surprise than the bite of bark in his back.
"Sweetheart, I've had just about enough'a your mouth today and that's sayin' somethin' because you know how much I love that pretty thing..."
Have mercy, the way that boy would light up, the way that special kind of heat reserved just for Daddy would zip right up his spine. His eyes all wide, the way his body naturally arches into Steve's, wanting to be good. Christ, the way he feels up against Steve's body, Daddy would have to pause to purr and get a few good squeezes in, right down Bucky's sides, his hips, his ass.
Focus, Rogers.
He brings a hand back up to wrap loosely around the front of Bucky's throat.
"I've got three more holes left to get through and I'd really really like to get through them without you givin’ me any more attitude than you already have. You wanted to come, Daddy didn't make you come, you remember that? Now go sit your tight little ass in that cart, look pretty, and preoccupy yourself until I'm done. Do you understand me?"
Bucky would be panting, hard between his legs, eyelids heavy. He goes fucking nuts for Steve when he gets into this Big Daddy mood, gags for it, and now is no different. His hands reach out to squeeze at Steve's hips, slipping under his shirt in a happy accident. Shit, his skin is so warm, fuck.
"Yes, Daddy."
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Steve rumbles against Bucky’s lips before turning him around and smacking him on the ass, sending him on his way to do exactly as Daddy said.
How many smacks on the ass for his behavior do you think Bucky gets that night when they get home? I think Daddy would wait until he hears sniffles, would drag it out and have his own fun. 😮‍💨
Bless you, lovebug. This was a delicious thought to have on self care sunday, nomnomnom. 💕
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scenetocause · 1 year
Hello beloved emptyhalf if you have any Lewis and Lando cute thoughts I would love to hear them. I think about Lando being depressed on Lewis' couch in Monaco fic all the time it cracks me up
oh god lando and lewis is just a whole thing. lewis likes lando soooooooooooo much. lando is lewis' special little guy and also he wants to like, pass on some sort of mantle to him. but because he likes him in super cringe ways lewis wants to steal lando's hat and mess him up a bit and make him blush and feel how much lando's in awe of lewis at the same time as lewis is just like, embarrassingly obsessed with lando. terrible. when they clobbered each other in spain i was like oh no lewis is gonna be thinking about that all race because like, neither of them makes mistakes but someone clearly did there and that is just unpossible. such a great driver lando is legendary but [very quiet] i love you lewis is the heart of the situation. lewis knows he has all the power and platform to be nice about lando and lando obviously is massively in awe of lewis, that time he was talking to max on stream about playing golf with him and they were being soooooo shifty about it because omg actual lewis hamilton and lando doesn't hold the right cards in this situation to cringily fangirl back but he's doing that squeaky laugh thing you fucking know he does when he's flirting.
the fact lewis barely knows who george is, by comparison, is fucking hilarious. george studies lewis with incredible intensity and lewis is just like oh yeah, that guy. he'll fret all race from lightly tapping lando but he'd prob crash george out in turn one and never think about it again. who is george? lewis for one doesn't care and although i am a george enjoyer i think that's extremely funny of him.
monaco-fic-verse drabble under the cut
"Moved over with the big boys, huh?" Lewis isn't really expecting Lando to jump out of his skin in the cereal section of Casino but ok, maybe he could've announced himself better.
"Yeah, erm. Yeah?" Lando is looking extremely furtive about the contents of his basket, which mostly looks like Cheestrings and loo roll.
"It's nice being, y'know, normal." Lewis reaches for the Weetabix, then considers it. "Was this what you were after?"
"Uhm, yeah but you - you can have it. I've got." Lando gestures at the completely cereal-free contents of his basket and Lewis resists the urge to laugh at him.
"Nah man, you have it. You're still settling in, I've probably got a box somewhere." He tips the pack into Lando's basket, claps a hand on his elbow. "Honestly I was just kinda leaving the house for the sake of it, I dunno what I'm even here for."
"Oh, same." Lando nearly manages it without stuttering, then seems to panic like he's been over-familiar. "Like, I don't know, I've got to get used to it haven't I? Finding everything and being on my own and so on."
"It's not a big place, you'll get the jist pretty fast." Lewis gives up on pretending he's not going to buy a baguette, while he's in here and Ange can moan at him about the pointless carbs later. "And there's people around, y'know."
"Yeah." Lando sounds very small, suddenly. "I'd just got used to - I left him at home and it was probably right but it's. Lots to adjust to."
That feels like a confession Lewis has missed a few steps on, glancing round to see Lando looking semi-distressed, fiddling with his ring.
"You can... come round, if you want? Roscoe likes visitors." He has no idea why he's saying this, there hasn't been another F1 driver in his flat since the last thermonuclear fight with Nico but there's... something, to what Lando said that makes him think it might be not like that but somewhere that cuts near to it.
"Oh. Yeah!" Lando says it too fast, seems to pull himself back again. "I mean, if that's alright? I'm just. It's all kind of tricky."
Half an hour later, Lewis coaxes just enough vague detail out of Lando to know the thing is so certain there's no way the guy should still be back in the UK. And this is going to take a lot of cups of tea to untangle.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
15 Q's
tagged by @pedrito-friskito!
1. are you named after anyone?
I had the same middle name as my paternal grandmother until I got married. It's still there in my heart!
2. when was the last time you cried?
Last week when I was treating my hand injury. I got upset because it wasn't as healed as I thought it would be and I was afraid I'd have to go back to the ER. Mr LJ calmed me down and I'm doing much much better now!
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Less sarcasm, more snappy one-liners. I love it when my best friend and I get together and just riff off one another until our partners make us shut up.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
What makes them smile/laugh, especially if I can get them to!
6. what’s your eye colour?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Ooh, I do like both. I love a melancholy ending, I love "open to interpretation" endings, I love "it's ended but nothing will ever be the same." Endings are my favorite.
8. any special talents?
I have a really good visual memory. If I see something written on a page I remember the page, not the content on it necessarily. I've got a handful of other fun skills but that one is extra helpful!
9. where were you born?
East Coast USA
10: what are your hobbies?
Cooking, sewing, DnD.
11. have you any pets?
No, but I'd like to get a dog when I get a house with a backyard.
12: what sports do you play/have your played?
I am absolutely shit at sports. Never played anything. I can swim decently, bowl enough to get me by after a few beers, and hit a golf ball. But ask me to kick a soccer ball and I'm tripping over myself.
13: how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
Creative writing, English and theater classes.
15. dream job?
Funding indie films and hanging out on sets with cool people.
I think this has done some rounds, so come play if you dare!
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agentbeeswrites · 2 years
Birdie Wing Episodes 10/11
How does Birdie Wing stay so consistently entertaining? There hasn't been one episode that dragged or was boring.
And the gay. It's right there. Eve can charm the pants off anyone if she wants to. She's the first transfer student they've ever had, and she's "a hot, thin blonde," so everyone is curious about her.
But she's still Eve, the aggressive street kid with no manners.
Both Eve and Aoi are pissed that they can't play against each other right away, and get more grumpy about it at every delay. First Aoi has a scheduled match, and then she has to spend time with her grandfather when she really wants to play with Eve.
Eve completely changes her aggressive demeanor and walks up to a couple of girls to ask them to show her where she can go to have some fun. Ichina calls her a lady-killer. 😂
We got a brief return to hustle golf with a girl from another school who's special power is putting. She challenges Eve to a round of mini golf.
I love how Eve has some kind of Saiyan super power where she can assess someone's skill with one look. She flat out tells the putter girl that she doesn't excite her, and she doesn't give her name to people she doesn't find interesting. But her partner, aka the captain of that other school's team? Eve outright says she finds her exciting.
Oh, look. One of the few male characters in the show, the golf coach, has plans! Once Eve demands to be on the team, he sets her up for a 3 day golf training montage with the team captain. That's all of episode 11.
And boy does the team captain have a dramatic reveal! Of course. This is Birdie Wing. If something dramatic doesn't happen every episode then I'd wonder if I was watching the right show.
The gayest line was from Aoi when Amane asks her why she brought Eve to the school:
"To be with her forever, of course. I want to play golf with her for the rest of my life."
Just gals being pals with dreams to be together forever.
They finally get to play one hole together in front of everyone. The team watches with looks of both amazement and bafflement at how good they are and how they tease each other.
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I am here for it. Aoi is adorable when she blushes.
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You just know that Eve kept egging her on because it was cute.
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Look at how happy she is? She's never going to stop.
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See? Too cute.
Oh, yeah. And these two are questioning their future. Poor caddies.
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
To everyone: what is the weirdest thing you have found or encountered after hours in the Plex?
Sun: Oh goodness... there was a POTATO that one of the kids brought in and hid in one of the corners under a play mat. This kid, for WEEKS would go over there and sit down with a book and blanket so I wouldn't see the water bottle they had to give to the potato a drink. The only reason I found it was because I went over there one time to clean and saw a puddle and lump... I seriously thought the kid left a different 'surprise' for me *sigh* It had quite a bite of roots but also some mold from being under the mat... that kid was not happy when they came back and their potato was gone....
Moon: "I found a skeleton."
Sun: What!? No you didn't! WHY would there be a skeleton here in the Pizzaplex???
Moon: "It was in the kitchen trash compactor! It was really small too! Still had some chicken on it! >:)"
Sun: Ugh... You're jokes are really bad. And not in a funny bad.
Moon: "Whatever. Anyway, I've seen plenty of weird stuff while doing my rounds. Nothing really comes to mind though... At least, none that I want to explain..."
Freddy: I think the weirdest at the time was a few days after we were upgraded to be able to eat. Seeing Chica rip apart a bag of garbage and devour almost the whole thing was something Bonnie and I talked a lot about afterwards. It is a lot less weird now, but the first time it happened was quite a shock.
Monty: There's this weird "Off Limits" sign that is over in Kid's Cove. I think it's some of the unfinished remodeling of the rest of Kid's Cove when Monty Golf was built. I don't know, it's weird though.
I'm too big to go in there. Moon crawled down there once and got super freaked out and swore to never go in there again. No one else wants to help me figure out what's in it so it's just gonna stay a weird hole to me I guess.
Roxy: Not really after hours, but like... Whenever I see an old picture of Foxy it... it's weird. Okay, I don't really like it. Sometimes when I'm taking a shortcut to get to a kid's party or whatever I pass by one of his pictures and it just makes me feel... bad? *sigh* Why keep those things around if he's gone? Why do I need to be reminded of him! I never even met him! AND YET I AM STUCK LIVING IN HIS STUPID SHADOW AS IF I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH AS I AM! I AM BETTER THAN THAT CRAPPY PIRATE!
... *sniff*
Sorry... just... ignore what I said. The weirdest thing I've ever seen was uh... was Sun popping out of the slide for the first time. There, that's it. That's my answer...
Chica: What's not weird? Hahaha! I mean, if you think about it, aren't we all super weird in our own way? There's ton of weird things! Sun and Moon being able to twist their body like a pretzel, Monty having made a deep hole in one of his ballpits in Monty Golf to hide things in, Freddy's whole tie collection having some of the funniest patterns to them, and Roxy secretly bringing me some Monty Mystery Mix hidden in her hair. It's all weird! It's all fun! That's the best part about this place!
DJMM: Hmmm... weird huh? Well, it wasn't me encountering it much, but one of the first times I met Moon was when it was trying to steal an arcade machine. I thought he was an intruder and grabbed them immediately only for them to freak out and beg not to be scrapped. That made me loosen my grip as, I thought at the time, I probably just scared a maintenance bot trying to fix an arcade machine.
Well, Moon explained that he needed the arcade cabinet and I just helped them as far as I can. He never really explained what was so important about that game, but I assume it was one of her favorites in the old Daycare she told me about and so they put it in or close to the Daycare so that they can play it often. Which, is kind of a bummer for me... I'd love to sit by Moon as he plays a game and just rambles about what it's playing...
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
4 episodes in, and we still know nothing about the Jamato. But speaking of things we know nothing about, listen up, DGP fans! Our new crowd favorite, the Grizzly Pumpkin Man, the third goddamn bear, Kamen Rider Punkjack! He's teaming up with our good buddy Mary, so who lies beneath the mask?
-Oh, Keiwa has one of those phones that like double as card carriers?
-She's onto you, bro!
-"Oooooops, teehee, I fucked up, hahahaha"
-Oh hey, Michinaga
-Doing construction work with his bro Toru
-He's gone.
-His ideal world...
-Only five Riders remain to meet their challenge.
-Big house!
-I'd like to live in one like that.
-Oh my God, it's Ace's foxhole.
-"Oh hey, it's my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, Michinaga! How are you doing, Azuma-kun, my beloved pet buffalo?"
-House Fixer!
-Just like the Vanilla Ice Project!
-I'm sorry, every time I hear somebody say "BIG SHOT!" my brain just breaks
-I'm sure you understand, right?
-"It's the perk of being an epic gamer. Something infinitely beyond your reach, little scrublord."
-Holy shit Ace bhjkljbh
-I mean, Azuma's pretty justified in hating his attitude, so
-"Wanna be my house building cuck?"
-Ohhhhhh, that's why Punkjack's being brought in?
-Jamato magicians?
-Round 3, let's go!
-Trump Jamatos, the best Jamatos, very good people. Absolutely huge hombres, would play golf with them at Mar-A-Lago all the time.
-Duo format!
-"If you both fail, you're both fucking dead <3"
-Ace just... instantly picks Neon, huh?
-Uh oh, looks like Michi's friends with Keiwa now~!
-Mary's got a Punkjack!
-Guess they would wanna be anonymous, considering
-Lootbox given!
-Claw Buckle! A gift for Na-Go!
-Not even gonna talk to him, huh Punkjack?
-Boost Buckle!
-This bitch just can't get away from Tanuki Boi!
-Point time.
-Man, Keiwa's been rockin' Armed Arrow non-stop.
-If I recall correctly, he literally just keeps getting the Boost and nothing else.
-Just straight up shove the gun in him!
-Tactical break!
-I see... there's a whole 52 deck to each of them.
-Good job, everybody! Goose eggs! Across the board!
-Pistol whipping has been pretty effective so far, Keiwa.
Keiwa: Oh, you're a fight-happy little bitch, huh? Azuma: You got a problem with that? Keiwa: Ah, no sir, I'll just trade in your gun!
-Keiwa about to commit the biggest tactical error of all time.
-See, Neon's playing smart!
-I see... the buckles are like... hard programmed with certain compatibility advantages. I suspected as much, but it is interesting.
-Y'know, despite the Boost Buckle being so like... intrinsic to Geats, it seems to work perfect with just about anyone, if Na-Go's any indication.
-"Me, work together? Never."
-Aaaaand, off he goes!
-Ohhhh... the Zombie's important to him in other ways, huh?
-Ohhhhhhh... Ace, what did you do?
-Oh cool, a training lobby.
-"Good enough."
-I love their DGP shirts.
-Jumping right in!
-"Hey wait Zombie Man, I was posing!"
-Oh god, this is the most inconvenient memory match game ever.
-Two Jammy Bois!
-"Start to finish... going for the highlight! You're gonna wanna clip this!"
-Dancing Stream feat. Ace Ukiyo!
-Paint balls!
-The fox and cat are winning.
-Desire Money!
-I'm just gonna call them D-Bucks if that's alright.
-Working shit out, huh Michinaga?
-"My only wish is to bring down assholes like you."
-The buffalo leaves the tanuki for the sheep.
-Ohhhhhh, he got the Boost!
-Tune in next week, Gamers! Round 3 will end in a spectacular climax!
-Gotta say, even if I'm not really saying anything super interesting so far, I'm very much enjoying myself. These characters are just kinda vibes, y'know?
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shatteredrabbit · 3 years
Did y'all see those new Security Breach teasers?
Oh man the lighting...
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I don't play lazer tag very often cause I'm not a very energetic person, but you can bet you'll find me playing in this arena for hours on end til I drop from exhaustion.
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Looks like some sort of counter where you might pay for rounds of lazer tag. Absolutely loving Roxanne's energy though! Roxanne, my beloved! <3
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I'd lay my life down for that little wet floor sign robot <3 You're doing great sweetie, keeping customers safe from those puddles! <3
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Not sure what this is, but it's bright af and I don't want to be near it for very long. Those plushies tho >.>
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I adore this jungle theming with Monty's golf course. The official name for it is great too!
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Looks like another look at Monty's Gator Golf! I like those hanging fishbone lights. Very...er...creative?
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Is that "Fazcade" I see back there? Sounds like Faz Ent is going hard on the puns. And Chica of the Sea? Do we get an underwater show from our lovely chicken? And Moondrop Sleepytime Candies? Melatonin-filled candies perhaps? Vanny better not be giving those to Gregory.
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Roxy Raceway?!?!?! Oh, I'm more in love with Roxanne now!! An absolute wolf-y ledgend!! You go girl!!
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I may have missed some, but these screenshots were taken straight from Scottworld's video!!
ALERT!!! ALERT!!! As I was typing this post, more teasers have arrived!!! I'll put them in my next post due to the post image limit. </3
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tinydooms · 4 years
How about some uncle and nephew shenanigans? I'd love to read about Jonathan and Alex having a little adventure :o)
This is definitely going to get a longer treatment later, but here are some of the (mis)adventures that Alex and Jonathan have gotten up to: 
*One summer Jonathan decided to treat Rick and Evie to a relaxing holiday in the Lake District. They would do gentleman sports: golf, fishing, painting in the open air. Alex hit a golf ball a little too enthusiastically and broke the vicarage window. Later, while fishing, he flicked his rod a little too enthusiastically, got the hook embedded in the seat of his pants, and managed to fling himself, rod and all, into the river. This escapade ended with father, son, and uncle coming back to the hotel soaked, muddy, and decidedly fish-free. Afterwards it was decided that being “gentlemen” was overrated and Evie took them all to the local cinema to see a Buster Keaton film. 
*that one Christmas where Alex wanted to celebrate by shooting fireworks off of the roof and lit the chimney on fire. If Jonathan hadn’t had the presence of mind to douse it with snow, lord only knows what would have happened. 
*The Horror of the Frogs, which Jonathan will never, ever forget. 
*That one time that uncle and nephew were staying together while Rick and Evie went on a lecture tour, where a friendly round of cricket played in the upstairs hall led Alex to write a letter to his parents that “Uncle Jon broke his wrist falling over the second floor banister, but he’s okay”.
*That one time that Jonathan was teaching teenage Alex to drive and the car didn’t quite make it over the tracks before being rear-ended by a tram, which led to Jonathan writing to Rick and Evie that “Alex was hit by a train, but he’s okay”. 
Rick has stopped asking for explanations. He doesn’t want to know. 
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