#i'll find a better way to organize/tag these later for quick retrieval idk
sasquach-scratches · 8 months
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Elise Durant
She/Her Breton Early 20's
Birthsign: The Atronach
Primary Attributes: Intelligence and Willpower
Primary Skills: Mage (Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration)
Secondary Skills: Speechcraft, Mercantile
Titles: Seventh Champion of Cyrodiil; Duchess of Dementia
A Thaumavocalist from the city of Jehanna. Her magical talent was clear from a very early age, seeing her quickly rise through the ranks of the Mages Guild. Even after finding ways of circumventing her Wombburn condition, she dedicated herself to both conventional and melodic spellcasting. Over time, she took more to the latter, and eventually saw herself changing careers.
She found modest fame as a singer of both magical and mundane music. After her mother's insistence to return to a more "respectable" career in the guild, she decided to take her words to heart and settle on an even less respectable career as a traveling bard. Sure to find even greater fame in the heart of the Empire, she set out for the Imperial City to seek her glory.
Unfortunately her career wasn't as successful as she had hoped. With few connections in the city to truly get off the ground, she begrudgingly fell back on studying at the Arcane University until she found her "big break". She found it in the theft of the Orrery's components.
In volunteering to retrieve the components, she discovered another talent in magical violence. Through these feats she gained the fame she dreamed of much more quickly than she anticipated. Her mother always said adventuring was the least respectable career choice out there, which made her decision to embrace her identity as the "Siren Witch" easier.
It wasn't long before her connections among mages and glory-seekers led her to Daedric Shrines. Though she erred on the side of caution at first, her repeated success in earning the favor of every Prince she appealed to eroded her scruples fairly quickly. Soon her fame turned to infamy, and her abhorrent achievements put her behind bars.
Bonus art and comments after the break
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Riding outfit since pants for the female character model are nearly nonexistent. Also trying to figure out her SI hairstyle a bit
So I didn't plan on having this one be a wall of text but whOOPs. I figure it's okay if I reserve these bigger bios for the main Hero of each TES game, but who knows
Decided to start with my Oblivion OCs because I feel like I don't use them as often? So this is sort of an exercise in fleshing them out (i say sort of because Elise's backstory was mostly fleshed out before this)
Anyways, fun fact! Elise actually started as an attempt to play as Kumatora from Mother 3. Eventually I decided to turn her into an OC and here we are. Thinking about it, that's like, a good chunk of my early TES OCs lol
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