#i'll trust my 5ish people i've followed for years to provide me with content
maybankiara · 2 years
Hello! Long time f1 watcher here! I saw your post in the F1 tag and thought I'd answer some of your questions: 1) it's been half a year since the last race of 2021 and even though there's been a whole investigation (by the FIA) into what happened in Abu Dhabi, we still don't actually have an explanation why only the lapped cars between Max and Lewis were allowed to unlap themselves. The report itself is also frustrating because it's riddled with contradictions, typos and literal wrong facts so it's nice they took it this seriously I guess (/s). It did result in a restructuring of race control and new race directors but I'm not entirely sure yet how much better it is than last year.
2) The impression that RB/Max always got penalized for their mistakes and Lewis didn't is something that I wouldn't say is true because Netflix left out the races and moments of last year where Max did something that could have gotten him penalised but didn't like Barcelona, Imola, Sao Paolo. It went so far that the drivers and the driver's union were basically begging the race director and stewards to give out penalties consistently but race control basically just said well we can't guarantee that, sorry. In Sao Paolo for example Lewis tried overtaking Max on the outside but Max pushed him so far off track that he couldn't make the corner himself and was 3 car widths off track and the incidence wasn't even investigated at all. Other drivers were asked about it the race after and almost all of them said well if that's allowed now I guess I'm going to do that too.
I still think the fact that they basically left out the Brasil weekend is a crime because that entire weekend from practice to the end of the race was naturally drama filled and has such an enormous arc that made me go how is this not scripted. It would have deserved its own episode but I guess the drama was too natural for Netflix and they would have had to explain too many sporting regulations which they just never bothered with up until now haha.
Anyway the whole 2021 was a mess but I hope you have fun with it. Welcome to the fandom (my nr1 advice would be curate the blogs you follow very thoroughly it's the only way to live because most of the fandom is unhinged haha. But if you have questions people are usually happy to answer them so shoot I might just lurk around.)
thank you for clarifying this!! netflix really should explain the rules of what's going on a bit better instead of assuming everyone knows them. it's hard for people like me who are really knew to the sport, trying to understand the intricacies of what's going on and who's in the wrong in most cases.
i kind of understand why they're not showing some things since the format with focusing on particular teams is a bit limiting IMHO. but seeing the drivers' union, the issues with penalties, actually what's going on behind the scenes in terms of racing is definitely more interesting than whatever rivalries they're making the show about. it's almost like they forgot how important the rules and regulations are in the rivalries they're trying to show, therefore telling only half the story.
i've been into f1 for not even two weeks and i'm already pissed off at DTS a) not being accurate to the truth and showing the whole picture, and b) trying to be a KUWTK rather than an actual documentary.
now i want to know more about the brasil weekend lol i'll have to look it up later
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