#i'll watch this ep just for his bearded face
buddiebeginz · 2 months
Since I'm still seeing posts where people are saying Buck wanted Tommy's attention in 7x04 I thought I would do a break down of the episode. Cause the entire thing was about how Buck wanted Eddie's attention full stop and I'm baffled that some of you missed that it wasn't exactly subtle:
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This is going to be a long post with gifs so I'll put it under the cut
First there was the mansion call. (I know some might say this scene is different because it was meant to be a part of episode 7x05. Doesn't matter they changed the order so it's canon for this ep and so Buck's behavior in it is relevant).
Buck trying to get Eddie's attention with the random facts he knows and also because he knows no one listens and appreciates that stuff about him like Eddie:
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Buck glued to Eddie's side the whole call.
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Buck also not showing any interest in the ladies from the Bachelor while he's standing with Eddie.
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Then you have the scene at the hanger:
Here's the thing I do believe Buck has an attraction to Tommy and is interested in him but the main draw Buck has to Tommy is because of the multiple similarities Tommy has to Eddie. The show was practically putting a neon sign above Eddie and Tommy multiple times saying that Tommy is a mirror of Eddie.
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I'd also like to point out that maybe it was just me but Tommy didn't seem all that interested in Buck throughout this scene or really any scene until the last one. Now yeah he could have been being cautious because he didn't know if Buck was into guys but I honestly got the vibe he was into Eddie. I can't help but wonder if he was trying to get with Eddie and then maybe in Vegas Eddie told him he was straight (not that he is) or maybe Eddie just told him he has a beard girlfriend. No one can convince me otherwise that Tommy doesn't think there's something between Eddie and Buck. I 100% believe all Eddie did was talk about Buck when they hung out and Buck did the same thing right up until Tommy kissed him. That whole "my attention" line was very telling. Tommy you're gonna get your heart broken but I get it dude Buck is hot.
So anyway Buck goes for a tour and unsurprisingly he brings up Eddie before Eddie ever shows up. And while yeah it's him responding to Tommy saying he was in the army it just feels like a partner moment. Like yeah no way my boyfriend was in the army. Buck talking about Eddie is as second nature as someone talking about their spouse. They're such an integrated part of their life that they don't even realize how much they talk about each other. It'll be interesting to see if Buck does the same thing when he's on his date with Tommy too.
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Then Eddie shows up and if you watch Buck the whole scene once Eddie arrives he's almost exclusively watching Eddie.
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(watching Eddie walk away)
Here's the difference btw in one of the few times he looks at tommy (when Tommy speaks) after Eddie show up 👇
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Then at the end you have Buck make this face:
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Which I think isn't so much about feeling left out as it is seeing how happy Eddie is and knowing he's not the one making him happy. Although I don't think Buck is consciously processing all of that right now but I definitely think that was a big part of it.
I think in this whole scene what's going on in Buck's head is this: 1. surprise that Eddie is there because he didn't expect him 2. Why didn't Eddie tell me he was hanging out with Tommy (I usually know everything going on with Eddie). 3. Trying to understand what he's feeling when he sees Eddie and Tommy together. 4. Feeling confused about everything. 5. Jealous that Eddie is going off with someone who isn't him but not really understanding that's what it is.
I get some people might watch that scene and say well Buck was essentially asking Tommy out on a date and then Eddie showed up an took off with him so he must be jealous that Eddie is getting to spend time with Tommy. Buck obviously has an attraction to Tommy but the person he really wants and wants to spend time with is Eddie this is further highlighted by the next scene we see them in when Buck keeps getting more and more upset over hearing about how Eddie is doing things he enjoys with someone who isn't Buck. But also in how Buck acted while at the at the hanger. He wasn't focused on Tommy. I mean have you ever been crushing on someone when they're in the room it's like no one else is. The person who Buck couldn't take his eyes off of was Eddie.
Next we have the sewer rescue scene with Ravi. (We really need more Ravi and Buddie scenes btw I love them together) We have Buddie working together as per usual. Highlighting like in the Bachelor scene how well they work together which they always do.
You have Buck telling the story from the pilot about when he saved that baby in the wall and Eddie smiling fondly like a typical spouse who has heard that story a million times.
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While they're working Buck is spending the whole call trying to find out what Eddie was up to when he went to Vegas.
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Buck is asking a million questions which implies that Eddie hasn't told him yet about the trip. This goes back to the helicopter scene where Buck didn't know Eddie was spending time with Tommy and is really starting to feel left out. Again this isn't really about Tommy or Buck feeling like he's missing out on spending time with Tommy it's Buck feeling like he's missing out on Eddie's life.
Buck calls out the similarities between Eddie and Tommy
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Although he's still clueless that this is what is primarily causing him to be drawn to Tommy. More than anything this was for the audience to again say in case you didn't catch it by now Tommy is like Eddie. They want to keep reminding us of this before the kiss so we know Buck is going to date someone who is like his best friend.
Also want to point out that while Buck is talking about Tommy to Eddie the camera shakes at points so we feel Buck's nerves. He's nervous to hear what Eddie has to say about Tommy.
Also the whole conversation about "naked men pummeling each other" and Eddie saying that he was wrestling with Tommy. Like I'm sorry but not one ounce of that convo felt heterosexual.
I've seen someone say that Buck's jealousy must have been about Tommy because Buck isn't even interested in the things Eddie and Tommy were doing together like Muay Thai and basketball etc but you can hear/see Buck getting more and more hurt as he and Eddie talk because Eddie is sharing parts of himself with someone else.
I feel like there's multiple reasons why Eddie and Buck haven't been spending as much time together. I mean yeah Eddie made a new friend but for the longest time it's been BuckandEddie like peas in a pod in work and outside. But I think the end of season six played a role in some of that changing
At the end of last season they were both dating someone else and they had both gone through some major trauma with Buck literally dying for 3+ minutes. We know that seriously affected Buck but the show didn't touch on how I know it must have affected Eddie. If you watch the scene (from 7x01) where Buck talks to Chris and we see Eddie's reaction in the hall when Chris talks about how everyone leaves. I can't help but think Buck's brush with death made Eddie think of Shannon and how scared he is to lose another person he loves or worse put Chris through that.
Not to mention what Buck said in the cemetery how he felt like Natalia this woman he had known for less than a minute saw him better than anyone. I feel like all of that combined made Eddie distance himself a little even if he wasn't doing it totally consciously.
There's also the fact that I think Buck has kind of taken Eddie for granted a little. We find out later in the ep that Eddie had asked Buck to play basketball with him many times but he'd always turned him down. I also got the impression in this ep that Eddie has all these hobbies that he was sharing with Tommy when he would have rather been doing them with Buck (he was so excited when Buck showed up on the basketball court).
And I'm not saying Buck doesn't love Eddie or hasn't tried hard to be there for Eddie and Chris over the years but it's something that happens in relationships sometimes. You think the person is always going to be there and you get distracted with life stuff.
This combined with things Oliver has been saying in interviews about how Buck is going to have to put in work for his next relationship. How Buck has always gotten whatever person he wanted mostly and I can't help but wonder if that's going to play a role in how Buddie is developed. Is Buck going to have to prove to Eddie how much he means to him?
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This part of the scene if no other really lets you know it's about Eddie and not Tommy. We can see how Buck is looking at Eddie when he says I do I really do and we feel all these intense emotions from him more than would make sense for the brief amount of time he's known Tommy. He's clearly thinking of when he met Eddie.
These are really just the baby steps of Buck recognizing how deeply he feels for Eddie. Because right here he's thinking that he thought their connection and place in each other's lives was special and unique to every one else they knew but then he hears Eddie talk like that and thinks maybe he was the only one who felt that way. Maybe he's easily replaced in Eddie's life.
So Buck goes to talk about his feelings on everything with Maddie. Tbh I wasn't thrilled with how they did the Buck and Maddie scenes in this ep. Though I do think we're going to get more of a heart to heart with the two of them in future eps when Buck officially comes out. I just feel like Buck needed someone to really listen to him and Maddie was a little dismissive both times he talked to her. I also really want someone to try to ask Buck about his feelings for Eddie.
It's kind of crazy to me how no one in the 118 has ever really brought up the fact of how close Buck and Eddie are. Maddie has said the whole "boy crush" thing and that elf mistook them for being married but what I mean is you know the 118 sees how they are. Look at when Eddie was shot. It was assumed automatically that Buck was going to be the one to talk to Chris because they knew how close Buck and Eddie are and how they're essentially raising Chris together. This is how people talk about someone's spouse not just their friend.
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Back to the convo with Maddie
Buck is complaining to Maddie about Eddie and Tommy. His feelings in that scene don't come across like he's unaware of some attraction he has to Tommy or like he's trying to hide feelings for him. He comes across as hurt, and frustrated, and confused that this new person has moved in on his place in Eddie and Chris' life.
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Again I'm not saying Buck doesn't have an attraction to Tommy but I do think Tommy is a distraction more than anything. I think Buck is focusing on him rather than looking at the entire situation. Instead of asking himself why does it matter if your friend has a new friend? Why does it matter if Eddie spends time with new people? Why does it matter if Eddie shares parts of himself with someone else parts he might not be sharing with you?
Then of course there's the gym scene at the firehouse. I've seen people say Buck thought Eddie was on the phone with Tommy. And maybe he did. But you expect me to believe he was upset and jealous over Tommy and because Eddie was getting to talk to him and his way of dealing with that was to try and get Eddie's attention through lifting weights and pointing his dick at him. o_o
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Literally sitting up in the middle of lifting weights so he can see if Eddie is looking over at him.
Nothing about this scene is telling the audience that Buck is thinking about Tommy. It's saying he wants Eddie's attention.
This scene is actually very similar to what happened at the hanger
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Buck saw Eddie looking incredibly happy and he wasn't the one making him happy. Eddie also wasn't sharing what's been going on in his life with Buck. Buck felt shut out and ignored from the one person who he's been the closet with for years. Even when they've had girlfriends it's clear Buck and Eddie have been close and connected in ways they never were with anyone else. Buck is scared he's losing that.
If the show wanted us to believe that the scene was about Buck and Tommy and Buck's growing attraction to Tommy there are so many different things they could have done to highlight that. Have Tommy ask Eddie about Buck (if that even was who Eddie was talking to) and have Eddie tell Buck he was talking to Tommy maybe direct a question from Tommy to Buck. They also at the least could have said that's who Eddie was talking to and they didn't even do that. They could have had Buck ask Eddie hey is that Tommy? But they didn't because the scene wasn't really about Tommy it's about Buck's feelings for Eddie that he still hasn't fully come to terms with yet.
Buck buys a basketball literally has it sent to the firehouse so Eddie can see him with it and hopefully ask him to go play basketball with him. Because remember he's feeling left out of Eddie's life. It's not like he asked Tommy to play basketball or asks Eddie if he can go with him to the court in hopes of seeing Tommy. No he wants Eddie to invite him. He wants to know Eddie wants him there.
Watch how Buck acts even when he's opening the basketball. He's trying to do it quickly and even while he's doing that he's looking over to Eddie to try and get his attention.
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Also someone on twitter pointed out that in season 3 it was shown in Buck's loft that he already had a ball. My head canon is that he still has that ball and the lunatic that he is he just bought a whole new one and had it sent to the firehouse so eddie would see him with it. 🤦‍♀️
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Next is the infamous basketball court scene where I knew the minute I heard "basketball beard" and playing with the boys and other Top Gun references that canon bi Buck was a go.
Similar to the hanger scene Buck's attention is almost exclusively on Eddie through the whole scene.
Oh I'd also like to point out that both times that Eddie was with Tommy in this ep he was wearing sunglasses particularly when the two of them were side by side. I feel like it's the shows way of saying that Buck is not seeing Eddie right now and he's not connecting with his true feelings for Eddie.
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I know Oliver is good at basketball but I couldn't help but laugh when they included that shot of him spinning the ball. Like we're meant to believe Buck doesn't play how did he learn to do that 🤦‍♀️
If the basketball scene had really been about Buck wanting Tommy's attention or being jealous that Eddie was getting Tommy's attention Buck wouldn't have been spending the entire time trying to get Eddie's attention. He also would have been competing with Eddie for Tommy's attention and he wasn't he was trying to get Eddie to notice him because he felt like all Eddie was doing was focusing on Tommy.
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You can watch Buck get progressively more upset through the game as he feels like Eddie is competing against him and partnering with someone else when for so long that's been his role on and off the court. It's been Buddie against the world.
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Also there's a moment when Buck runs into Tommy but the show never plays it as some kind of moment between the two. I mean they had more of a moment on the boat after the cruise ship when Buck patted Tommy's shoulder. But like according to some this is supposed to be the episode Buck is all into Tommy but that's just not present most of the episode.
Buck immediately knows he's fucked up after Eddie is hurt. I've seen people say why wasn't he running to help him but I've been in a similar situation like that where you're so stunned that you did something to cause someone you cared about to be hurt you can't even move.
Then as soon as Buck wants to try and help Tommy swoops in and says he'll take Eddie to the hospital. Taking care of Eddie has been Buck's job for a long long time. Think about how he saved Eddie during the shooting and took care of him and Chris. Also he took care of them during Eddie's mental health crisis. Buck is feeling like Eddie doesn't need him anymore.
Here's another thing I want to bring up about the basketball scene. Like I keep saying people have said that a lot of Buck's motivations in this ep were about Tommy. I'm sorry but you don't have those kind of strong emotions over someone you just met. Even if his emotions were that he had a crush on Tommy and felt like Eddie was taking all Tommy's time away. If Buck behaved that way from a simple crush on a guy he barely knew I would think he'd lost his mind. No he reacted the way he did because all of these feelings (that he's just now scratching the surface of dealing with) are connected to Eddie someone who means everything to him.
Remember too that Oliver said in his interviews that Buck doesn't even know why he's jealous or who or what it's about. Which is why I think even by the end of the episode when Buck thinks he's figured some things out there's still a lot he's missing.
The second Maddie scene
I definitely agree with what others have said that unfortunately Maddie's words here only served to further confuse Buck. What he was feeling was not just being left out and excluded from this friend but mostly jealous over a man he loves being all excited to spend so much time with someone else. Buck was jealous and scared of someone taking his place in Eddie's life and doesn't really know how to process that.
Oh and for people who say he wasn't jealous over Eddie he literally says he was to Maddie.
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Buck admits he was trying to get Eddie's attention which like I said in the basketball scene you can see because Eddie is all Buck is focused on.
Then of course we have the end scene with Buck and Tommy.
First we get the opening shot where Buck answers the door. And before he even answers we the audience are made to think it's going to be Eddie and made to think Buck also thinks it's going to be Eddie. Because all of the tension that's been between them in the ep hasn't been resolved and Buck hasn't talked about how he's been feeling to Eddie at all. So we're left waiting for that resolution.
Instead however when Buck opens the door it's Tommy
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One thing I didn't mention earlier was that the show has made it a point to have Tommy only call Buck Evan. I've seen a number of theories people have for why this is, personally I think it's a reminder to the audience that Tommy for all his similarities isn't Eddie. Like they give us all these signs that say look Eddie and Tommy are so much the same but everytime you hear Tommy say Evan so casually like that you remember they're different.
Eddie who knows the real Buck only ever calls him that and it's only on the rare serious occasion does he use Buck's real name. Maddie is similar. It's like when Ana called Eddie Edmundo. These people have an idea of who Buck and Eddie are but they they don't know all the little intricate pieces that's something Buck and Eddie only have with one another.
So Buck is smiling and laughing (somewhat out of embarrassment for how he behaved on the basketball court) but watch his body language at even the mention of someone replacing him in Eddie's life:
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I find it extremely foreshadowing of what's to come with Buddie that the show chose to have Tommy and Buck spend most of the time before their first kiss even right down to the seconds before it talking about Eddie and even talked about him afterwards. I mean if you didn't want your audience shipping a ship or giving them hope it was going to happen would you do that?
Buck not only talks about Eddie before the kiss he talks about how great he is and brings up memories of their past. Almost like someone talking about an ex they're still in love with. Like you're trying to move on but you can't help what your heart wants.
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Like I said above I fully believe that when Tommy said "my attention" he knew that Buck is all about Eddie. Buck's response being "I guess" is even more telling because it shows his confusion. I definitely think that when Buck and Tommy break up (or however far they get in their dating) that we'll get some kind of confirmation that Tommy always knew Buck and Eddie were in love.
I think a lot of the stuff Buck talks about in this scene is him trying in the moment to make sense of the confusing way he's been feeling. I do think he's attracted to and likes Tommy but there is also a whole host of other feelings he has that really were the main motivating factors into why he acted the way he did in this episode.
The last time Buck was with someone and there was an I love you it was with Taylor and it was like Buck just went along in that relationship because he felt like he was supposed to. Buck and Eddie are similar in that way. They have this amazing love and bond with one another but there's a reason besides the fact that they're both guys that they keep avoiding really confronting their feelings. They're scared. They're scared to loose what they have. They're scared to change it. They're scared of fucking it up like they believe they have their past relationships. Scared of so many things. So they just kind of side step it at every turn.
The show mentioning Eddie right before the scene ends is one of the biggest indicators that this is all leading to Buddie.
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If the episode was really just a misdirect where Buck was really into Tommy all along they wouldn't have made the last scene so Eddie heavy and especially not the last bit of dialogue about Eddie. The last few lines are what you're leaving the audience with until the next episode and the words they left us with are about Eddie (and Buck) so we're meant to focus on them.
If you read all this thank you ❤️. This post took me forever (which would be why it's getting posted a full week after the ep >_< ) please reblog if you like it. Can't wait for the ep tonight.
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gidaryeong · 3 months
Sejak episode 14
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He really went "guys, I think we should stop the king from interrogating people. I mean, think about the poor spy when he's caught 🥺" and they all just accepted this as a normal, not at all suspicious thing to say
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The poison was on the yongpo!!! How very Count of Monte Cristo!
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HE GETS CREEPIER FOR EVERY EPISODE AND I LOVE IT. Please let Lee Gyu-hoe play the villain in every sageuk from now on, he's so incredibly persuasive at this brand of delulu evil!! I love the long ass Rasputin beard fluttering after him whenever he storms off feeling that he has been Humiliated and must Seek Revenge
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I'm so happy that this new and improved Mong-woo can read between the lines 🥰
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But if she is gonna be as ride or die for Yi In as she claims, I think a good first step would be to tell him about this plot that she personally set in motion and is still ongoing behind his back, idk.
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The devil works hard but the torture gnomes work harder!
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Lol honestly very relatable that he forgot Master Chu's face. Finally some representation for the prosopagnosia community!
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When I tell you I had goosebumps throughout this entire exchange. They are both such marvelous actors. Also wanna give a shoutout to the sound designer! The musical score has probably been great all along, but this was the first episode I watched with headphones on and my god
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It's so funny to me that he seems to be genuinely impressed and delighted by how evil Minister Park is. He's like "I can only hope to be as evil as you one day daegam 😍 I served the others for personal gain, but you... I'm serving for love"
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Very ooc for Myung-ha to even consider this cursed alliance. Like didn't you learn anything from trying to plot with other people?? Just do your own thing man! Get creative!!
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Another terrific actor. I love her polished, arrogant diction that is so entirely at odds with the haunted look in her eyes.
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My darling Dong!! If no one will protect you I will!!!
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Sorry writernim for thinking there would be catty jealousy drama... I should never have doubted you. (Very amusing though when she stomps her little foot on Mong-woo's proffered handkerchief and Mong-woo looks shocked that her gentleman rizz has failed, lmaooo)
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LIPSTICK POISON!!! Even better than the robe! But as always with this trope I wonder: how on earth can it kill the person being kissed and not the person wearing it? I assume this is a different poison from the one she used on the former king, since that was clearly more slow-working than this could be supposed to be... and simultaneously strong enough to seep through several layers of fabric which would reasonably then also cross through the protective barrier of Dong sanggung's plump and lovely lips. Much to think about.
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There's manspreading and then there's this
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I'll be honest I did experience a few bisexual emotions while watching this scene. I assume he's got her all figured out here and will shove her away with his virtue intact in the first seconds of ep 15, but the sexual tension between him and the Toxic Lipstick is pretty intense lol. I feel like he considered going for it, just for like 2 seconds. Not a bad way to go after all.
Also, remember what I said about the sound design because it really goes extremely hard in this scene!! Those ominous strings! A most excellent episode!
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isirumarin · 1 year
Rumarin x Isira (LDB)
Ep.7 Archmage's Bath
Isira was waiting for him near the Tavern.
"Here, we can keep our horses." She showed him a small stable area behind the tavern. After the horses were stabled and fed, Isira put her arm around Rumarin's and led him towards the bridge to the College of Winterhold.
Isira had thrown all her trepidations away about Rumarin. She looked up at him. How she adored him and didn't know him a week yet. Rediculous, but she didn't care. Her intuition overrode her logic many times before with spectacular results.
"Archmage" greeted a wirey khajiit as they walked into the courtyard.
"Archmage Valfyren" nodded respectfully a young dunmer woman as she passed by them.
An two imperial men and an older orc were conversing by the main hall. Isira walked up to them, Rumarin still in tow. "Archmage Valfyren" they said in unison. "I have information for you, Archmage." Said the orc gruffly, as he scratched his beard.
"Excellent. I'll come to the Arcanaeum in the morning. I've had a long journey and will be retiring for the night." Isira bowed slightly and led Rumarin into the hall. He was struggling to keep his jaw closed.
"We can explore tomorrow. I really miss my room." She explained. She pushed open a heavy wooden door. "Follow me." She said looking back at him. Her eyes shining in the darkness like a void cat.
Rumarin had so many questions and to be honest, he was a little disturbed that she had just conveniently failed to mention that she was the bloody archmage.
"Oooooh yes.." she sighed as the fell upon her down mattress. "Camping for weeks on end really help one to appreciate such luxuries." She quickly rolled off. "Don't want to be soiling it with my filthy horsey robes..." she muttered, taking them off.
"Why didn't you tell me you were Archmage?" Rumarin said flatly, with a dash of hurt. He shouldn't be hurt though right? Why did it matter to him? He felt confused. His brows furrowed with worry.
Isira sensing something was amiss, tossed her robes aside and walked over to him and took his hands.
"I didn't know why at first. It was instinct, but now I know it was because it would have changed things for us and that would have been...unfortunate." She squeezed his large, warm hands.
He looked down at her. "Okay, I forgive you." He said in his normal light-hearted manner. "But no more grand secrets, okay? -I mean, small secrets are fine. I don't really need to know if the smell was you or the wolf.."
"Rumarin!" Isira shrieked, laughing uncontrollably.
She caught her breath and her tone changed. "Though now, I fear we must make a decision about our relationship. For personal and professional reasons, I can't really afford to have...flings." Isira said in a serious tone. She began drawing water into the great tub.
Rumarin's heart began pounding in his chest. Decisions? That sounded very formal...
Isira ran her fingers over the water, enchanting it with fire to a steaming temperature. She reached for a small decanter nearby and poured an intoxicating oil into the water. It smelled very good.
Isira removed her silken slip and let it drop onto the floor.
Rumarin felt his heart and maybe could even hear it. She was incredible. He was feeling very overwhelmed- in a good way.
"Join me if you wish. You'll not be enjoying that mattress with me uncleaned though, so there's that." She stepped into the hot water and turned around, facing him, before slowly easing into the water. She watched him with her silverine eyes as he removed his robes and finally his seude shortpants. He did not seem bashful and walked up to the tub, sticking his shapely hand into the water. "You're going to burn my delicate skin." He said, trying to use jokes to cover up his nervousness.
She looked him over shamelessly. He was perfection in her eyes. She looked at his face, well-pleased. "If you want to be with a dragonborn, you've got to be able to take the heat." She smiled.
Rumarin had no more room for surprise at this point. He choked on his saliva as he stepped into the tub and slowly lowered himself into the steaming fragrant water. It felt..amazing.
They sat together, naked, in the tub for a few minutes.
Rumarin turned to look at her, his expression submissive. "I'll do whatever you say." He blinked his golden eyes and stared at her as she studied his face.
She stroked his stubbled cheek with the back of her hand. "I want you to do what you want, Rumarin. I just need you to decide what that is. Are we going to be together?"
He looked away then back at her and smiled. "I want to do whatever you say."
"Alright, then." She smiled back at him then leaned in to kiss him. It was a light kiss but she lingered and he embraced her and kissed her deeply. She melted in his arms. A moment later, mid-kiss she stood on her knees then straddled him. He groaned.
He looked at her, his eyes glazed over with arousal. She kissed his neck and put his warm hand on her breast. He grabbed her rear with his other hand and lifted his hips to grind himself on her. She let out a small gasp of anticipation.
Rumarin knew exactly what to do. He teased her. He let her feel him only for moments. Isira buried her face in his thick neck and ran her hands over his trim, muscular shoulders. She kissed him lovingly, tracing his ears with her finger.
Then he grabbed her thighs with both hands and set her down onto him. She cried out in ecstasy as he filled her completely.
Isira put her arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly. She slowly rocked her hips, making love to him slowly. He was quiet, but breathed raggedly. They looked at eachother for a long time. It was intense for both of them, like meeting a god face to face.
Then Rumarin picked her up with him as he stood and laid her back on the carved stone seat. He re-entered her slowly. She watched enthralled, as his perfectly proportioned body flexed over her. 'He is so beautiful.' She thought
She saw his face change slightly and he pulled her close to him. His muscular loin rubbing against her as he deeply penetrated her. She whimpered under the pleasure off his skill. They both knew conclusion was near.
Rumarin was rough with her for a few seconds before they both released into spasms of incredible pleasure.
He lay down next her, panting. "I hope that's what you wanted..." his eyes closed.
"Come on." She said standing, pulling him to get out.
They both stood there a moment, glistening and wet. Two Altmer, in love.
Isira drained the great tub and handed Rumarin a towel. She dried off and rubbed a moisturizing oil over her skin. She crawled into bed and sighed, utterly satisfied.
Rumarin found the latrine area and relieved himself. He scarcely believed it. Was he dreaming? Because that was very much like dreams he would have occasionally.
He walked back to Isira and after shortb moment of rejection, got into the large bed. She wasn't exaggerating, it was really confortable. He laid on his back and sighed. Isira rolled over to him and put a hand onto his chest.
"I know its rediculous." She whispered, "but I think I love you."
He didn't say anything, but he leaned over and kissed her tenderly. "I know what you mean."
They fell asleep.
Hours later-
0 notes