#i'm normal about andor. i'm normal about andor. i'm n
courtrecord · 2 years
stop headcanoning nemik’s manifesto as saying “rebellions are built on hope” he wouldn’t say that. he wouldn’t fucking say that!!!!
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
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previous chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where harlow kaz realised that the world was going to end but she decided to try and save it with the people that she cared about, no matter what it takes
wordcount: 1.4k
a/n: this is an alternate ending cassian and Harlow died last chapter but this is imagining what would've happened.
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Harlow looked in the mirror as she finished her makeup, a hand reaching for the necklaces on the table.
She had stacks of them now. So many memories that needed to be remembered, so many tragedies that needed to be told.
One from her parents, one from Nemik, one from marrying Cassian, one from surviving Scarif, one from the end of the war and one for their son.
When the war had ended and they were both free to do whatever they wanted, so they moved to Coruscant, to a nice apartment.
She had gotten a job as one of the coruscnt senators, she specialised in the outer rim and improving their conditions - just like Nemik would have wanted.
Cassian was working at a school, teaching the soldiers to fight and how to look after themselves because even though the war was won, there were still imperialists everywhere.
After they were married officially and had settled in, Cassian had been the one to convince her to have a child.
He had always wanted a family and she was scared but the second that she held him in her arms, she knew that there was no need to be scared anymore.
They had named him Jyron Karis Andor, after his grand father, Jyn, and her best friend. He was a small child, with his father's face and his mother's spirit.
At only six months old, the two shared turns in looking after him while the other was at work but they both cherished the time they spent with each other. 
She finished her look, pulling her coat on over herself to get ready to leave and she left their bedroom, ready to find Cassian.
She looked at a collage of pictures of their little family on the main wall as she walked back, a smile on her face as she was reminded of everythinf they had won.
It was nice to be a normal family for once seeing as they both grew up in turmoil. Jyron was going to have everything they never had.
Harlow walked through the halls when she heard a noise in Jyrons room. She would always be paranoid after everything she's been through, alway worried, always vigilant.
With a hand on her knife which was always concealed in her senators outfit, she approached the room. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was just Cassian hovering over the baby, a smile on his face.
She leant against the doorframe, his back turned to her as he reached a hand into the bassinet.
He whispered something in his native language before shaking his head, lifting him out and placing him in his arms, bouncing him up and down slightly.
"Don't you cry, nothing gonna hurt you here," he said, voice quiet as he probably believed Harlow to still be asleep, "Daddy's always gonna protect you, always,"
She smiled to herself, trying not to cry as she looked at the scene but the second she moved, her foot squeaking on the floorboards, Cassian whipped around, one hand going to hide blaster.
But when he realised it was just his wife, he calmed down, hand coming back up to support Jyron.
He smiled, looking her up and down in her white senators outfit. It was always weird seeing her like that, like she would have been if she had never joined the rebellion.
"Was he crying?" She asked, taking a few steps forward so she could gently rub her hand over her sons back.
"A little, I thought you weren't meant to go in for a few more hours," he questioned and she sighed.
"Yeah, I know," Harlow said, shaking her head, "Leia needed me in, there's been a dispute over the new anti slavery laws in the outer rim, that's my duty so I'm going in early,"
He nodded his head, beckoning his wife into the room. She walked in and he handed the little boy off to her.
He would never be tired of the sight of her rocking their son back and forth, a smile on her face as she brushed the pad of her thumb over his skin.
"You're gonna be good for daddy till I get back aren't you?" She said, voice quiet as she pressed a kiss to his forehead.
When she looked up at the clock, he cursed her job for making her leave and she placed the baby back back in the bassinet.
She walked out of the room with Cassian as they listened to the little boy fall back into his slumber and as soon as the doors closed, Cassian reached for his wife, pulling her to his chest. 
With one hand he reached up and touched the necklaces around her neck. The more you had, the more you had suffered in life and he couldn't imagine the heavy weight she carried.
"Thank you," he said, letting his hand drop back to her hips.
"For what?" Harlow questioned, her brows furrowed but a smile still present on her face.
"For this life, for him, you've given me everything I've ever wanted," he said.
Harlow shook her head, a sad smile on her face, "You saved us on Scarif, if it wasn't for you we never would've gotten off. You gave us this life," she said, a hand coming up to rest on his cheek.
They had both grown with the war, having been born into it and having won it. It showed on their faces, the exhaustion, the scars, the occasional vacant look in their eyes, the tears.
But they were both able to stand here and know that they had given everything to save this world.
There were people they wished could be here, Maarva, Nemik, Clem, Jyn, Melshi. But everyone played their part in saving the galaxy.
"I think we both won this life Cass," she said, leaning in to kiss him.
No matter how many times she kissed him, she'd always cherish it because she knew that any moment this could be taken away.
She pulled away and he just pulled her right back into the kiss, pulling her closer to him.
"Easy Andor, you don't want to end up with another baby," she joked, pulling away again, her hands on his chest.
He smiled at her, forehead pressing against hers, "Would that be so bad?" He teased.
"I think so, we both had siblings and we saw how that turned out," she joked, "You don't know where yours is and mine tried to kill me multiple times,"
He shook his head, pulling away to look at her, "Maybe in the future," he said and she pushed away from him, looking in the mirror to see if her makeup was smudged.
In the mirror, she saw Cassian wiping lipstick from his lips and she smiled, heat rushing to her cheeks, "In your dreams Cassian," she said, eyes meting through the mirror.
He smiled to her, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the exposed skin on her neck, "You're always in my dreams Senator Andor," he said.
She chuckled, turning around and pushing him away slightly. She started to walk away and he followed her, closing their sons bedroom door behind him.
"Remember Brasso is coming round for dinner tonight," Cassian said, handing her an umbrella.
"Of course, tell the mayor of Ferrix that I would love to talk to him about the positive changes our bill has made on the planet," she said, a smile on her face.
After all these years, 6 years after they blew up the death star, they had never lost touch with the people who had gotten them there or the people who weren't able to be there.
"I never thought I'd see you like this," he said, a smile on his face.
Her brows were furrowed as she looked at him, "Like what?" She questioned.
"A politician," he said. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I was always very political when we were in the rebellion," She said, a smile on her face, "And anyway, once I've got this sorted out, hopefully in 3 years, we can move somewhere nice where we don't have to worry about this,"
"I know, I know," he said before pressing a kiss to her cheek,"Be safe yeah,"
"When have i not been?" She joked, pulling her coat over her shoulders, "I love you Cass,"
"Love you too Harlow, don't be late," he said, watching as she walked out of the door.
"You sound like your mother," she called back, a huge smile on her face as she looked back at him.
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
I Want You to Show Me Weak
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Fandom: Andor
Pairing: Kino Loy/F!Reader
Chapter 14/27 (3.3k words)
->start at chapter 1<-
<- Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 ->
Summary: You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
Warnings: Explicit rating, Smut, Prison, Prison sex, minor non-graphic injuries, Dom/Sub, sexual tension, dirty talk, praise, hair-pulling, light choking, unprotected sex, oral, angst, orgasm denial, humiliation, slut shaming, references to domestic abuse
A/N: I hope everyone had a lovely, peaceful holiday weekend. I severely underestimated how much of my time and effort my family Christmas gatherings would take up, but I did it 😅 Heads up about a new, minor warning. Work title is from "Poison" by Vaults. Chapter title is from "I Wanna Be Adored" by The Raveonettes. Chapter links above.
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Chapter 14 - I don't need to sell my soul, he's already in me. I wanna be adored.
The next morning, you're lying on your bed, your hands pressed flat against your temples, with both elbows sticking up, and you're trying to convince yourself you can make it through today. That you can focus and be normal and not moan every time you see Kino. You can behave. Because you need to be focused. Like, desperately need every ounce of focus to not fuck up.
That's how Alis finds you when sticks his head around the wall and into your cell.
"Hey, you find out anything more about Vage for Taybus?"
You groan loudly and let your hands slide to your face. "No! I'm a terrible friend." You peek over at him from between your fingers. "Did you?"
"Yeah." He moves so he's leaning against the wall in the opening of your cell. "I found out he likes holonovels and racing speeders."
"Oh," you flop your arms down, "is that where he got that?"
"Nope," Alis shakes his head, amused. "Bro found that out all on his own. I didn't get the chance to tell him because he was already chatting him up. So I've basically done nothing either."
"Well, damn." You sit up and swing your legs over the side of your bed. "Maybe we don't have to do shit anymore. Maybe he's got this."
Alis sniffles and pretends to wipe a tear away. "Our little man is growing up so fast."
You chuckle. "It helps that Vage is obviously totally into him. You saw that, too, right?"
"Yep. Lit up like a communications panel when I said his name."
"And from his place at Table 1, who is directly beyond me in his line of sight? The little shit. It's a slam dunk."
"He really is an idiot and I'm so proud of him."
You both stare at each other for a moment. You know exactly what he's thinking because you're thinking the same thing and you're both waiting for the other one to say it in a weird game of chicken. So of course you cave first.
"Wanna bet how long it takes before they're messing around at the other end of the hall?"
"You know I do!" He bounces on his feet in excitement. "Nine days. He's shy. It'll take him a bit to work up the courage to make a move, and then a few days to get past kissing and holding hands."
You jump up from your bed and slide onto your bench. "Four days." You grin mischievously.
"Four? No way. You're dreaming." He shakes his head and looks down the hall.
"Yes, four." You lean forward to make your case. "Because Taybus isn't going to make the first move. Vage is. He's the more confident and experienced one. He's been eyeing Taybus for a while. He's gonna stick his tongue down his throat tonight or tomorrow night, and then his hand in his pants a day or two after that. And Taybus will happily let him take the lead because he's never done this before, he has it bad for him, and Taybus is gonna be the passive one in that relationship."
Alis sighs as he mulls your points over. Then he throws his head back with a, "Fuck! You're probably fucking right, god damnit."
"I know I am," you grin. "What do I get when I win?"
"Now, hold on. IF you win, thank you. Taybus's inexperience could still slow them down."
"Okay, IF I inevitably win like I'm going to."
Alis rolls his eyes, but thinks for a minute. "We don't really have anything to bet, do we?"
"We really don't," you sigh.
"It's gotta be a wager of action, then. How about…if you win, I gotta walk naked from the showers all the way to the other end of the locker room."
"Okay, okay, promising start. Very embarrassing, continue."
"And if I win, you gotta walk up and kiss Kino in the hallway."
You hesitate. "Kino won't like that."
"No risk, no deal. Besides, weren't you just overly confident you would win anyway?"
"Yeah, but…he would be really upset with me. I don't want to make him angry." You recoil, unsure, and Alis gives you a calculating look.
"Okay, then how about if I win, you tell me what the fuck is up with you two. Is he controlling or something?'
"No!" You protest. Probably too quickly because Alis looks even more concerned and suspicious. "I swear it isn't like that! Though," you wince, "I can see how it looks from the outside."
"My sister dated this real piece of work that…" Alis winces, "that hurt her." Then his voice becomes serious and intense, which are things you've never heard from him. "You promise me you're okay." You feel touched that he cares so much about you.
"Alis," you look directly into his eyes and give him the most sincere expression you're capable of. "I promise you, Kino would NEVER hurt me or do anything without my consent. He could never be that person. He's a good man. I trust him completely and without hesitation. I am okay."
"Good." He relaxes and nods. "I believe you."
"So it's some dominant and submissive thing, then."
You stiffen and look at him in alarm. "I never said that," you hiss.
"You didn't have to. You forget, I got around out there. I've experienced the galaxy. I've seen some shit, is what I'm saying," he says, amused.
"Okay, I get it! Keep your voice down!" You say in a harsh whisper and look around to make sure no one is listening.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Not my thing, but it's pretty normal. I get it." He shrugs, unphased. "Makes sense with you two anyway."
"Yeah, well, I don't think most people are as experienced as you are, Alis, and they fucking wouldn't." You're trying not to freak out because he's being casual about it, but also, that's one of your biggest secrets. And you've been anxious someone would find out someday and be disgusted with you or that it would ruin how they look at you. That it would ruin the imitation of a life you've built in here. So you can't help but react with panic.
"Fair. Can't imagine Sorrek wrapping his head around that," he chuckles. "Though I bet you he and his wife were a little freaky. Like, he's gotta be intense in bed, right?"
"Probably, and also I refuse to think about Sorrek sexually." You give him a nauseated look and suddenly feel empathy for Taybus. "Did you know he used to be a fighter?"
"Yeah. You didn't?" He looks surprised.
"No! Kino told me. I teased him about being afraid Sorrek would kick his ass."
"Oh, I don't blame him for being afraid." Alis winces. "I thought he genuinely might when you were so upset." He pauses to think for a minute. "Wait, why were you so upset, then? What was up with that?"
"It was a misunderstanding," is all you say.
"What the fuck does that mean?" He whispers. "Taybus made the spanking comment and you freaked. I'm starting to think he wasn't that far off."
"Fine," you sigh. "He thought we, you know, had something and I'm a fucking idiot and thought he hated me. So he…did some things that, uh, well…"
"Oohh, he thought you were into it and you weren't."
"Oh no, I was still very into it, which was the worst part. Imagine really wanting to fuck someone and you think they hate you and are trying to humiliate you for it."
Alis lets out a long, stunned, heavy exhale. "Damn."
"Okay, I get it now."
"He apologized and told me it would never happen again. And it wouldn't have happened in the first place if he'd realized." You sigh and shake your head. "You know, I swore none of you would ever find out about this and that I would never talk about it. Ever. Because the truth is a lot different to accept than finding out we're a thing. But it's actually a relief getting it out."
"Hey, man. I'm glad." He punches you lightly on the shoulder. "I won't say shit to anyone and it doesn't weird me out, I promise. I have done and had friends into some actual wild shit. Takes a lot more than that to crush my delicate sensibilities."
"I honestly thought Threl would corner me first. I can see his wheels turning up there all the time. At the very least, he knows I like it when Kino gets worked up, but I don't think he's connected any dots yet. Hell, I don't know if he would. Like maybe this is too far out of the realm of his experience, I don't know."
"Mine were turning, too, I'm just better at subtlety." He grins. "Kind of wondered if that wasn't what was going on from day one."
"I should have known," you laugh. "You wanna know something kind of sad?"
"What's that?"
"Even taking everyone I knew before this hellhole into consideration, I think you might be the best friend I've ever had." You grin at him, but still blush in embarrassment at the admission. "You get me."
"Wanna hear something just as sad? You're probably mine, too. Most of my friends were assholes, but in a shitty way. You're an asshole in a good way. I'm really glad you're stuck slowing my ass down."
"Hey! It's not my fault you're freakishly fast!" You slap him on the arm.
"Ow! Careful with the goods, lady!" He recoils playfully. "Seriously though, I finally have someone in here that can keep up with my wit and appreciate my hilarious jokes."
"Keep up with? Please. You wish you were as hilarious as me."
"Being hilarious by accident doesn't count."
"I take it back, you're the worst friend." You glare at him.
"You love me." He nudges you with his elbow.
"Maybe, but you're on thin ice."
"I thrive on thin ice, baby!"
You roll your eyes at him and the two of you settle into a companionable silence, looking down the hallway to watch everyone else talking and getting ready. Threl and Jevid are a cell down having a conversation that makes Threl chuckle, and his deep rich laugh makes you smile. Someone from Table 6 is talking to Edii and Sorrek, though Sorrek seems to be doing most of the responding. Taybus is missing and you hope that means he already went to see Vage.
"Soo," Alis says casually, breaking the silence, "you get laid yet?"
"Oh my god," you whine, "no! I'm about to lose my god-damned mind, dude."
"What's he waiting for? Marriage?" You give him a panicked, horrified look. "I'm kidding! Terrible joke, sorry," he laughs. "Seriously, though, what's his hold up?"
"If I knew, I would have done something about it. Or died trying. Like, don't get me wrong," you lean in and say in a half whisper, "I'm still getting my shit rocked every night."
"Hell yeah!" He holds his hand up for a high five, and you slap his hand with a smug grin.
"I told you about Lene, right? The girl I was with before I got locked up in here?"
"The one you were going to propose to, but caught with your friend, and I casually asked what planet she was on and definitely not because I was gonna stink bomb her place and put fish guts in her vents. Yeah, you mentioned her."
Alis laughs, "That's her. Before that, though, I really wanted to get everything right, you know? Like, I always wanted things to be special and to put in effort because I wanted it to last. Maybe that's what he's doing. Waiting for the right moment or something."
"Hmmm." You try to imagine Kino fretting over how to make you happy. Fretting over making things special just because they involve you. You wonder if there's a future he thinks about that includes you. It's a lovely, painful thought because you don't know how you would feel if there wasn't. "You think?"
"I don't know, but I got nothing else. Otherwise dude has willpower of steel."
From halfway down the hall you hear Kino yell out, "Alright everyone, let's move! Time to line up!"
"You have no fucking idea," you say as you push yourself down from your bench. "It's a blessing and a curse." You keep close and your voice lowered as you both go to stand in line. "But if we get first today and I, by some miracle, keep my mouth shut and behave, I think my chances are finally decent." Kino's words the night before echo in your mind.
"Say no more, girl, I got you."
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The morning goes by smoothly. Table 7 and Table 3 pass first place back and forth for a while. You think you might have a chance, even while you, Alis, and Threl grill details from Taybus about Vage, and he describes the plot of some holonovel about a murder mystery for an hour. It's either too crazy to be plausible, or Taybus is really bad at remembering details. Either way, it entertains all of you for a bit. You and Alis don't even poke holes in the plot to irritate Taybus.
Finally, you ask, "So, have you kissed him yet?"
"No," he mutters as he blushes.
"No rush, man, do what feels right." Alis glances at you with a grin, pleased with himself.
"But I want to!" Taybus whines. You give Alis a bigger grin and he scowls back at you.
"Get him to kiss you," you offer innocently.
"How?? I don't know how to do that!" He says helplessly.
"Okay, here's what you do." You make sure your hands are still tightening bolts and moving as you talk. You really can't afford to let Table 3 widen their lead, even if you want to set Taybus up for success. "Make sure you stand a little closer to him. Make it intimate. And don't cross your arms! Leave yourself open. If you're sitting, make sure your knees are turned towards him, like he has your full attention. Like you're drawn to him and you want to be a little closer. Look at him like he's the only person in the galaxy. As if everything he says is the most interesting thing you've ever heard." You hit the top of your joint to let Jevid know you're done. "Smile shyly on occasion and look at his lips when he talks. And blush! Make yourself think about him kissing or touching you if you have to, that will get you all flustered. That's all you gotta do."
"That's…actually excellent advice." Threl says without looking up.
"What can I say? I know how to flirt." You wink at Taybus, who looks a little overwhelmed.
"That's all? That's a lot!" He neary shrieks and stands there, staring at you.
"Keep moving! Lock the joint." You point down at his wrench and he fumbles as he gets back to work. "Also, no it's not. It's all the things you want to do naturally anyway, you just don't because you're nervous. Just follow your instincts."
"She's right, bro." Alis sounds disappointed and you try not to laugh. "All of that will work."
"How do you know?" He pouts and Edii slaps the part.
You take a step back and sigh. "Because he's into you, dude!"
Taybus blinks at you in shock as the center of the table moves and lifts the next piece. "What?"
"He's so into you." Alis agrees. "You're the one he was checking out."
"He looks at you a lot. I see him." Edii nods. "You are worried for nothing."
You give Edii a thankful, knowing look. Then you watch Taybus's face change from panic and insecurity to disbelief.
"Oh." He says quietly.
"Yeah. That feeling right there is overwhelming, huh?" You remember sitting down on your bed in shock when you realized Kino wanted you.
"Yeah. It is." A goofy smile spreads across his face. "But it's nice."
"Feel better?" You smirk as you wait for Alis to fetch the arm part.
"Yeah. Thank you." He beams at you. "Do you do all that stuff with Kino?"
"Uuuhhhhh." You aren't prepared for the focus to suddenly shift onto you. "Kind of? I don't really have to flirt unless it's tactical," you clear your throat uncomfortably. "He knows I'm into him.."
"Yeah he does," Alis snickers.
"Hush, you, and hold the arm still, the hole keeps moving." Which just causes him to laugh harder. "Alis!" You scold. "I'm serious! I can't get it in." You immediately groan and the rest of the table erupts into laughter at that. Even Edii is smiling in amusement.
"Dude, I'm trying, you just gotta be faster at getting it in." They all laugh even harder.
"Ha ha, you're all very mature men." You roll your eyes. "I expect it from the rest of them, but this betrayal cuts deep, Sorrek."
"It was funny," he shrugs.
"Edii is the only one of you not annoying me right now."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you for actually working so we can get first place."
"I'm working!" Taybus protests. Then he opens his mouth to add something else, but instead his expression falls. "Kino incoming."
"Shit. He look pissed?" You whisper, concerned, but trying to stomp down your excitement as well.
"No." He rushes to get to work on the part.
You help Alis set the piece into position just as you can feel Kino behind you. Not directly behind you. Maybe two steps back. You wait for him to say something, but he doesn't. He just watches quietly while you struggle to stay focused and do everything perfectly. Ignore him ignore him ignore him oh god ignore him.
Several minutes pass and he still hasn't spoken or moved. You know he hasn't, even as you fight the urge to glance back at him to prove yourself right. You also know that he knows you're aware of him. And how could you not be? Not after last night. Not after what he said. Your wrench slips and you curse as you fit it back over the bolt.
Oh, you realize. He's trying to fluster you. Well, you think as you help your table lift the finished product to take to the cart, it's not going to work. Probably. At the very least, he's going to have to try harder than that.
On your way back to your spot, you finally meet his eyes as your heart speeds up because it's Kino. He's right there, and he's untouchable. He stares at you impassively. So you let your gaze drop to the front of his pants and quickly lick your lips, then look back up to his face just before you take your position. As you work, whenever you bend over to grab a tool or reach across the table, you stick your ass out further than necessary until he mercifully moves on.
Two can play that game.
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As you're walking to the bathroom during a break, you catch his eye across the room and give him a suggestive smile. Then you disappear without waiting for a reaction. Either he follows you, or he doesn't but he's thinking about you as he stalks around. It's a win for you either way, you tell yourself. You'll be okay with either outcome, you think.
He doesn't show.
And you're fine as you head back to your table. You're fine as he doesn't meet your eyes on your way back. You're fine that he only passes by behind you so you have to look around for him if you want to see him, only to be met with the back of his head.
He's still trying to fluster you and it's not working. It's not! You're fine.
Because why would Kino not want you to get first place?
A/N: Boy, I bet you were all expecting a much different chapter, huh? 😏😇
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ghostofskywalker · 4 years
can I get some cassian fluff before a mission pretty pls 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
okay when i saw the phrase “cassian fluff” i literally almost shrieked i love that man so much 
words: 627
cassian andor masterlist
You were loading up your bags into your ship when you heard your name. You quickly turned around to see K-2SO standing in front of you.  "Hey Kay," you said, lifting the next bag into the storage area. "Do you need something?"
"Miss Y/N, have you seen Cassian anywhere?" he asked. "I can't seem to locate him anywhere and he is supposed to go to a meeting soon."
You shook your head. "He normally comes to say goodbye, but I haven't seen him this time."
"Alright," the droid said. "If you see him, let him know that I'm looking for him, okay?"
"Of course."
The next person you saw was Jyn. She stopped by to wish you luck on your mission, giving you a big hug and promising that you would get to hang out when you came back from the mission. She too, asked about Cassian.
"I know K2 was looking for Cassian too," you said. "But I haven't seen him."
Jyn was shocked at that. "Really? I thought he said he was going to see you before you took off."
"I don't know," you shrugged. "It's not a big deal though."
Jyn seemed to be more bothered about Cassian's absence then you were. You and Cassian were best friends, and he did always make sure to say goodbye before you left for a mission, but you understood if he was busy. That didn't mean you wouldn't miss him though.
Because if you had to be honest with yourself, you had a bit of a crush on your best friend. But in fear of compromising your friendship, you never did anything about it. Jyn left to go do something and you went back to packing the ship, keeping an eye out for Cassian.
So where was the man in question? Well if you asked him, he would say, looking for his datapad in his quarters. But in reality, he was hiding. Hiding because he was afraid to see you, to tell you how he felt. Curse Jyn for being so observant, because she told him that if he didn't tell you that he was in love with you today, she would tell you. And he definitely didn't want that.
He really wanted to wish you luck on the mission you were leaving for, but he was hoping that if he didn't catch you before you left, Jyn would give him a little more time to tell you how he felt.
His daydreaming was interrupted by a knock at his door. "Who is it?" he called out.
"Time is ticking Andor!" Jyn's voice came through the door.
Heaving a sigh, he went over to open it. "Can't I tell her when she gets back?"
"You know the deal," she said. "You tell her, or I will."
You were about to get into your ship to take off when you heard him calling your name. He was running towards you in the crowded hangar. "Cassian?" you said. "What's wrong?"
"I couldn't just let you leave without saying goodbye," he said, panting slightly. "And I had to tell you-"
"Tell me what?" you asked after he trailed off. "Is everything okay?"
"I love you," he said quickly. "I know you're my best friend, but I love you."
You didn't know what to say, but something came over you, and you grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him into a heated kiss. When you finally broke apart, he rested his forehead against yours and smiled. "I really wish you weren't going on a mission right now so I could do that again," he said.
You gave him another quick peck on the lips. "How about you kiss me like that when I get back, okay?"
- the end - 
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courtrecord · 1 year
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FINAL also 1 3 18 and 21!!
thank u astri!!!! i am sooo close to the end. aaa
1. the character everyone gets wrong
ok gonna be real, this isn't the character i'm the most passionate about, but it feels like i have the most Unique take on him??? luke skywalker. everything he does in the whole ot is about chasing connection and belonging and culture. he is literally the guy who loves his friends. he's not even really looking for adventure or a Cause (tho he's not against either). he just. wants to belong. and that's what's most interesting to me about him; he's so not a traditional protagonist motivation-wise.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok it's not the worst take i've seen on tumblr, but one that recently wormed into my head to make me mad is a post i saw on my fyp about how in andor, all of cassian's actions end up coming back to bite him in the end. which is true, but they talked about it like this Individualized Romantic Tragedy sorta thing, instead of what the show is very, very explicitly using it to say: that the empire will kill u in the end no matter what, so u might as well use ur life, and more importantly to show, ur death, to fight back. the bit that specifically Got To Me was a line like "the red string of fate is a noose" bc. like. HANGING IS A MOTIF ON THE SHOW THAT SPECIFICALLY IS ABOUT THE OTHER KIND OF DEATH. THE KIND WHERE U DON'T DIRECTLY FIGHT BACK. THE KIND CASSIAN ULTIMATELY DECIDES TO AVOID. AGHHHH
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
my thalassa gramarye fic. are u kidding me
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
this is an oversimplification of how i actually feel, but: the jedi
ask me my hot takes
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ghostofskywalker · 3 years
idk of you do AU (but still in the sw universe) but would you mind doing a cassian x reader / poe x reader? where poe and cassian live in the same timeline and there is a love triangle between reader and the two men. you can choose yourself who you want the reader to end up with.
also i totally understand if you don’t want to do this, it was just something i just thought of. your work is always amazing!
hi so i wrote this because i woke up in the middle of the night with an idea for it, i hope you like it!
Toughest Choices
Cassian Andor/Reader/Poe Dameron
Words: 1,089
Summary: You somehow never noticed the two men vying for your attention on the base, but now, you have to make a choice. 
Author’s Note: for this AU, it’s set during the sequel trilogy.  Cassian, Jyn, and K-2SO are just living during this time :) 
Cassian Andor Masterlist • Poe Dameron Masterlist 
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"You know they're both in love with you right?" Jyn said as the two of you walked to a meeting together.
"Who's in love with me?" you asked with your eyebrows raised. "As far as I'm aware, the count for that is an astounding zero."
"You can't be serious Y/N," she said. "You haven't noticed it?"
"Well if you told me what it is that I should be noticing, maybe I'd know," you said playfully, rolling your eyes.
"You really haven't noticed that both Poe and Cassian are in love with you?" she asked.
Of all the things you were expecting her to say, this definitely wasn't it. "I think you're seeing things," you said. "Because that's definitely not true."
"You really are oblivious, aren't you?" she said, eyes wide. "Honey, they both like you, and it's getting a little pathetic if you ask me."
"Are you sure? Because I never noticed anything."
"Y/N, I could probably write a book of times those boys tried to woo you, but apparently it didn't work."
"Really? Name one time."
Jyn stood back and watched as Cassian approached you and asked you to help him fix his ship. Normally, he didn't ask anyone for help for anything, and Jyn was willing to bet that there wasn't even anything wrong with his ship in the first place.  But she had noticed how her friend looked at you, and instantly knew how he felt.
She also knew that there was a certain other commander who was after you as well. She wasn't close with Poe Dameron, but he wore his heart on his sleeves, and heart eyes on his face. The fact that Leia hasn't called him out during meetings for not paying attention was shocking, because it was painfully obvious that he only paid attention to you when you were in the room.
Cassian was no better, if she was being honest. He spoke about you constantly, to the point where K-2SO had to interrupt him mid-sentence and tell him to shut up sometimes.  
You were friends with both men, but you were definitely closer to Jyn and Cassian, which played in Cassian's favor. You went out on missions with them, sat with them to eat, and occasionally spent some time with Jyn, Cassian, and K-2 in the lounge when there was some time off. You had also gone on a mission with Cassian that required the two of you to be undercover, as husband and wife. Cassian was over the moon about that one, he wouldn't stop talking about it for days. She had tried to get him to use the opportunity to admit his feelings towards you, but being the idiot that he was sometimes, Cassian didn't listen.
Jyn even thought that you maybe liked Cassian too, but she was never able to truly say that she knew, because you hid your feelings well.
After your conversation with Jyn, you did start to notice that both Poe and Cassian paid a little more attention to you than they did some of the other mechanics on the base. You were the only one that they would let touch their ships, and sometimes you thought that they were exaggerating the issues they were having, because you would take a look at something they complained was malfunctioning and see no issues.
You spent more time with Cassian because you were close friends with Jyn. If you were being honest with yourself, you liked him a little bit too. But you were also taken with Poe, and you didn't want to have to make a decision.
But you never wanted to lead either of them on, so you eventually started to pull away altogether. You stopped eating with Jyn and Cassian, started skipping meetings you didn't really need to be at, and spending most of your free time holed up in your quarters. You didn't even tell Jyn, because you didn't want an earful about how you could easily fix the situation by talking to them.  She sometimes stopped by to see how you were doing, but you always said that you were tired or not feeling well, and although you weren't convinced she actually bought it, she left you alone about it.
It all came crashing down though, when there was a knock at your door one day, and you instantly knew it wasn't Jyn. You knew that eventually one of them was going to show up, but you had a lot of time to think about both men and make a decision about who you really liked. You had never been the center of that much attention before, so you didn't want to accidentally mistake something for attraction that actually wasn't.
It was Cassian who stood on the other side of the door when you opened it, and he had a worried look on his face. He was holding a small bouquet of flowers. "I hadn't seen you in a while, are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you said. "I've just been a little more tired recently."
"I brought these for you," he said shyly, holding out the flowers, and you smiled as you took them.  
"Oh thank you!" you said brightly, and ushered him inside. For you, it was now or never.
It seemed it was now or never for him too. "I was wondering-" he started to say, but then trailed off. You nodded in encouragement. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"
You nodded and accepted. You had known for a while now, that your feelings for Cassian had been growing for some time. You had liked him since the two of you had gone on a mission together, one that required you to play husband and wife to fit in. Those feelings were coupled with confusion when Poe entered the arena, but ultimately you knew where your heart laid.  
You started to reappear on the base after that, never far from your new boyfriend. Your laughter and smiles were infectious, and you seemed more comfortable with yourself, happier because of him.
It didn't take long for Poe to realize what had happened, what had changed since he last saw you. It was a tough blow, but he would get over it. He wanted you to be happy, and you obviously were, so he didn't hold anything against you or Cassian.
Life would move on, and wounds would eventually heal, even if they stung for a little while.
- the end -
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