#i'm not into gore too much but i love it when it's robotic LOL
multi-writer · 2 years
Can you do a part 2 on “tolerate it” where the reader doesn’t tell that she is cursed by vecna because she doesn’t think Steve would care anyways because he loves Nancy but she tells the others but not him and in the end reader dies.
Reader wrote the whole crew letters and Steve’s is the most saddest one out of all of the. (Pure angst just pure angst)
So Close. (Tolerate It Pt. 2)
Steve Harrington x Reader - angst
Tolerate it
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Author´s note: I've been thinking for a long time how to continue with "Tolerate it" and no matter how much I wrote I wasn't happy with the result, but this idea has given me the answer, so thank you so much! I'll be honest, I've been in the mood for pure angst so this request brought a wicked smile to my face. I'm going to base it on “So Close” by Jon McLaughlin (It´s my favorite Disney song but its really sad lol) because it fits the angst I'm looking for perfectly. I changed a bit of the request to fit the narrative but still hope you like it anon!
You don't need to read the first part, but if you want a little more pain go ahead.  I hope you like it!
warning: mentions of death, gore and pure angst.
'Even on my worst day, did I deserve babe,
All the hell you gave me?'
"Music!" cried Steve in desperation as he looked at you, "Bring music!". Steve gently cupped Nancy's cheeks as he continued to talk to her.
Everyone ran all over Eddie's trailer looking for some solution while you stood watching the two of them with an empty feeling in your chest, you didn't know if it was your heart breaking even more or if it was the pain of watching your friend suffer. After a few seconds, you were able to come out of your trance and with almost robotic steps you started to help the rest of the group. Eddie and Robin were yelling at each other on the side about what was considered music. Lucas, Dustin, and Erica were in another room looking under the furniture for something that might be useful while you and Max were searching near the front door.
While you were looking through things, you could feel something warm on your lips, as you put your hand under your nose you felt a liquid substance. When you looked at your hand you could see blood on your fingers leaving you in a state of shock.
Max, seeing that you were not moving, turned to look at you to ask why you were standing alone, but your gaze on your hand and the small drops of blood falling from your nose made her stop. You turned to look at her slowly then gave the girl a small smile to calm her down.
"Easy..." you said in a shaky voice. "I always get nosebleeds from stress... it happened yesterday  too" you finished as you turned to talk to the metal lover. "Eddie! Where is your bathroom?"
"The door in front of the entrance!" he shouted from another room as you heard things move signaling that he was still looking for something to help Nancy. You moved with heavy steps toward this one and from there you grabbed some paper to wipe yourself so others wouldn't worry. Max was still looking at you seriously.
It was only a few minutes later when you heard someone gasp for air and Steve shout Nancy's name causing everyone to run to the portal. Both were on the floor, Nancy was lying in Steve's arms while your boyfriend pulled back some of the hair on her face so she could see better. It didn't take long before they returned to Eddie's trailer so that they were safe and Nancy began to explain what she had seen, leaving you stunned by what she was saying.
While the girl was narrating, you tried to take Steve's hand slowly to calm down a little, everything that had happened was scaring you a lot and you felt that the worst was just around the corner. The man, sensing the presence of your hand along with his, quickly moved it to run it through his hair in nervousness, causing a lump to form in your throat.
"Finally he showed me Hawkins destroyed," Nancy said quietly causing everyone to think.
"Then we'll have to attack him before he does" commented Dustin. Making Erica let out a breath.
"And how are we going to do that? I don't think you have a gun under that cap?" said the girl sarcastically. Apparently the idea wasn't such a bad one because Eddie quickly got up from where he was sitting and grabbed a magazine placing it on the table causing us all to surround him to see.
"And do you think they sell grenades there?" asked Robin.
"I don't think grenades but lots of guns" smiled Eddie. The group turned to look at each other and then started to move. Eddie managed to steal other people's trailer, upon being spotted, Steve took the wheel and started driving to the store Eddie had pointed out. Next to him was Nancy who was talking to him about the future.
You were in one of the back seats sitting next to Robin, who was looking from Steve to you thinking about what was happening, since they had entered the watergate you had been serious, you hardly spoke and you tried to distance yourself a little from everyone. Your eyes were tired and sad, as if all hope was gone. Max looked worried about what had happened a while ago, theories and suspicions did not leave her mind.
Your eyes went from your boyfriend to the floor of the trailer, thinking about what was going to happen, thousands of thoughts crossed your mind without knowing exactly what to do or how to help. Tears filled your eyes and then disappeared considering it was not the time to show your true feelings to the guy who was supposed to be your boyfriend. A hand snapped you out of your thoughts to then see Robin looking at you expectantly, next to her were Nancy and Steve, both of whom were looking at you quizzically.
"We told you we're here" commented Steve looking you up and down. "Do you want to come with us?" you looked at him for a few seconds to then slowly deny making the man just shrug his shoulders and walk out, causing the lump in your throat and the pressure in your chest to return. Robin managed to understand what was going on, so she gently squeezed your shoulder in support and walked out along with the rest.
During the time they were in the store, you were thinking, your right leg went up and down thanks to the anxiety you had inside you. After a few seconds you put your hands together noticing how cold they were. Tired, you got up and started to walk from one end to the other until some sounds to your right called your attention. You could perceive in the distance the sound of a clock, causing you to freeze where you were, your heart began to beat faster and cold sweat fell from your forehead to discover what was happening. You took a deep breath of air and then walked towards the noise, trying to look for the responsible for this. You turned from one side to the other even trying to find the watch to confirm that it was the same one that had been found in Victor's house, when you turned again you finally found it, you could see it through the back window of the trailer, near the forest. As you continued to watch you felt a hand slowly touching your shoulder, so you quickly turned to face the owner of it.
"Wow! Hey... are you okay?" Eddie asked as he looked at you with concern. You watched him with wide eyes as you slowly nodded then brought your hand to your forehead and tried to calm down, noticing the headache that was starting to bother you. The man turned to look around the store for signs of your boyfriend, finding none, he took you to one of the seats so he could watch out for anything that could happen.
When Steve, along with the rest of the group, returned, he noticed your frightened face and Eddie near you looking at you expectantly. Your boyfriend, seeing that you didn't plan on looking at him, focused on the steering wheel and quickly drove away from the store to take you out into the open field where you would all begin to create the weapons you would need and a plan to stop Vecna.
"Eddie and Dustin will be the distraction for the demobats" Nancy commented as the two boys nodded. "Max, Lucas and Erica will stay in this world, inside Victor's house to distract Vecna" Lucas interrupted her.
"Nance, you're crazy. I won't let Vecna be able to get Max again" The boy replied as Max denied.
"I will" Lucas turned to look at the girl. "If it's our only option then I'll do it. You guys will help me in case something happens" He turned to look at Lucas and Erica. Seeing that neither said anything, Steve continued with the plan.
"Nance, (y/n), Robin and I will go back to attack Vecna while I look for Max."
"I'll stay with Max" your comment made everyone turn to look at you, but you only looked at Steve. "I'll help them in case Jason wants to show up" Steve watched you for a few more seconds then nodded.
"Fine, then Nance, Robin and I will go with Vecna to destroy him. Whatever happens don't hesitate to say so, we will always be in communication" The rest of the group nodded to then get ready to continue with their part of the plan. The group split up to start preparing what was needed while you went into the trailer to get leaves and a pen. You knew Vecna was trying to get close to you because of the visions, headaches and bleeding, the same symptoms Max had, and if your theory was correct then you would have to make a decision.
When you finished writing, the others came in, ready to end the attacks once and for all. You tucked most of your writing under a cushion and then approached Max, who was setting up her walk-man so that he would be ready when the time came. Steve stopped the trailer in front of Victor's house and turned to look at you.
"Ready, don't do something stupid" Commented your boyfriend as you got out of the trailer. "(y/n)...careful" you turned to look at him and nod your head with a sad smile.
‘A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye’
"See you later Steve" you returned your gaze back to the teens and follow them into the house. As you reached the garden, Erica started to split off to take her place and start keeping watch in case anyone arrived. Lucas, Max and you continued walking straight towards the house, your heart was pounding so hard you thought it was going to explode, your mind was finally at peace knowing what will happen. Lucas opened the door and together with Max they went upstairs quickly, you went upstairs at a slow pace trying to contemplate everything you had lived, your happy moments, your worst moments and the moments you spent with Steve.
Remembering all the moments, you knew you were ready for whatever was going to happen, it was as if something inside you knew there was no other way out.
As you went upstairs to where Lucas and Max were, you saw them talking about dates and a trip to the movies. They managed to find what you always wanted to have with Steve.
You wouldn't let them suffer the pain you did.
"Guys" they both turned to you curiously. "I'll be in the room closest to the stairs, in case Jason comes so he'll have to step over me" Lucas only nodded as Max looked at you worriedly, she already suspected what might happen, so she walked over to you and hugged you.
"Be very careful" she whispered into your shoulder. You, with tears in your eyes, hugged her even tighter trying to show that everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay for her.
As they parted you went to the room you had mentioned and sat listening to the wind through the broken window. The stars were bright that night, making you think about the finer things in life. If this was going to be the last time you were going to appreciate it, you wouldn't hesitate to do so. You remembered the time you played at the arcade with the guys, the time you went out with Eleven and Max to the mall, the time you hung out at Robin's house to talk about Vicky, and the time you went out with Steve for the first time.
who knew it would end up like this?
You kept looking at the garden of the house, hoping that everything would happen according to plan. However, noises in the hallway brought you out of your thoughts.
"Lucas? What's wrong?" you spoke, but when you received no answer you started walking towards the door. The weather was colder than you remembered. "Max?" when you opened the door you didn't meet someone, but something. The clock you had seen in your visions was at the end of the hallway, and from the door next to it a humanoid creature was starting to emerge.
"(y/n)..." it said in a deep voice. "At last you are here" For a moment you were frozen in surprise, but when you saw it coming closer to you you reacted and started running towards the stairs to go down. At the bottom you could see the door to the house, but before you got there you bumped into someone coming out of one of the doors below.
"Steve?" you asked in desperation when you saw him in front of you. "What are you doing here?!" your boyfriend looked serious and grabbed your shoulders tightly. "What are you doing?! Let go of me!"
"How stupid" he said slowly. "Did you really think I loved you? You are nothing compared to Nancy" Steve spat his words with hatred, your eyes went from his face to the door. "Even now you don't know what to do. How come we accepted you into the group?" step by step he was pulling you closer against the wall. "I only wanted you next to me to make Nancy jealous." You couldn't take it anymore.
"Shut up!" you shouted as you pushed him, making him let go of you. Slowly what you thought was Steve, began to squirm inhumanly causing him to fall to the ground. You watched in terror as you tried to escape. When you ran to the door you realized that it was jammed with wooden planks. A grotesque sound was heard from where 'Steve' was so you turned quickly to find what you thought was Vecna, which was slowly approaching you. As you turned sideways you realized you were trapped. You couldn't run anymore.
You didn't want to run anymore.
"What do you want?" you asked defiantly as the being continued to approach.
"I just want to take away the pain you are in" he said as he raised one of his hands towards your face. You closed your eyes tightly until you felt a wet hand run down your cheek. When you opened your eyes you saw him bring his hand up to your face and contemplate the tear he held on one of his disgusting fingers. "Don't you want to stop suffering?" he said as he turned to look at you.
"I want..." you took a breath of air and felt more tears fall from your eyes. "I want it to stop hurting" you whispered.
"Don't worry I'll take the pain away" He said to raise his hand again and put it on your face.
In the other room, Lucas was silently watching Max, who was sitting with her eyes closed, after a few minutes the girl stood up frustrated.
"Nothing is happening!" Max said as she paced back and forth. "If he's not here that means he knows the rest went with him."
"Max calm down" Lucas commented making the girl despair even more.
"I can't be calm Lucas understand what-" A sharp knock stopped the girl, who only turned to look at Lucas and started to run out of the room making the boy follow her. Max ran to where you were, opening the door quickly expecting to see you in front of the window. When she didn't see you there, her eyes began to quickly scan the room until they found you. You were lying on the floor, as if you had passed out. Max walked towards you but seeing your condition she simply fell to his knees causing Lucas to approach her.
"Max! What's wrong?!" Max just raised his hand pointing to the front as tears fell from her eyes, her mouth looked like she wanted to scream, but nothing came out of it. Lucas seeing her hand turned with speed to where the girl was looking.
"No, no, no, no, please wake up (y/n)" he said as he approached you, but seeing your broken body and bleeding face he knew it was too late. After the shock, Max was able to let out a cry of pain as she saw you, at the same time Lucas covered his eyes trying to stop the tears, something impossible as you heard your beloved sobbing and your friend dead in front of you.
"Erica! Erica help!" cried Lucas in tears, but he knew there was nothing more he could do.
Meanwhile Robin, Nancy and Steve were trapped thanks to Vecna's roots. The being slowly approached Steve causing him to try to escape.
"Oh Steve, if only you hadn't left her alone" it slowly commented as four chimes rang out loudly causing the boys to look at each other. Robin, taking advantage of the distraction, managed to get loose to throw a flaming bottle towards Vecna causing him to let go of Nancy and Steve.
Nancy reacted quickly so she was able to shoot Vecna. However, what destroyed him was a force that threw him away as the being burst into flames. The three looked at each other in surprise until the four chimes sounded again.
"Max..." commented Nancy causing the others to react and run for the exit running into Dustin and an unconscious but alive Eddie. Quickly they all exited the Upside Down to enter the trailer. The road felt long, especially for Steve. Everyone was afraid of what they might find. Upon arrival, Robin, Nancy and Steve ran out to Victor's house. At the door they could find Erica with her face in her hands.
"Erica! What's wrong?" Steve asked as he grabbed her shoulders and saw that nothing had happened to her. The little girl was trying to talk but the crying wouldn't let her. The three adults heard Lucas yelling from the house, so Robin stayed with Erica while Nancy and Steve ran. As they entered the room they found Max on her knees sobbing and Lucas with his back to them. As they got closer they could see someone's body in the boy's arms.
"I'm so sorry..." Lucas said between breaths. Steve, as he approached, was met with his worst nightmare, so Steve knelt down to get closer to you while the rest left the room in tears. Your body was destroyed in the worst way, your eyes that always shone were gone and your face deformed.
Tears were falling fast from Steve's face as he put his head to your chest trying to wake up from this nightmare. Not hearing your heartbeat, the boy only let out a cry of pain when he heard what had happened. His arms pulled you closer to him as if he wanted to transmit his life to you, to take your place to try to see for the last time the girl who had occupied his mind and his heart. As he pulled you closer something fell from your hand, a sheet of paper with her name on it lay looking at him expectantly waiting for him to take it. With a trembling hand he took the letter and fearfully began to read it.
Dear beloved Steve.
If you are reading this it is because what I feared the most happened. The symptoms started two days ago and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to distract you from the love of your life. You gave me the opportunity to love you but I see it wasn't enough for you to love me in the same way. Even now, with a broken heart and on the verge of death I want to say that I love you.
I love you Steve Harrington.
You own my mind, heart and soul. And I want you to find someone who loves you the same way you love someone else and fulfill your dream of having a big family with 6 little nuggets. Don't blame yourself, don't regret it because I would never blame you for anything that happened to me. Live with your head held high Steve Harrington, and be the man you always wanted to be. Fulfill your goals and know again the love that I will always be looking out for you.
See you later Steve,
Tears couldn't stop falling from Steve's eyes, his broken voice whispered little 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you'. His heart was breaking more and more as he remembered that you wouldn't be with him to make a future. Because a future without you was a future Steve didn't want to live.
Now he won't be able to see your eyes sparkle or your laughter light up his life, he won't be able to confess to you that he walked away from you so he wouldn't put you in danger, so he could keep you safe. He won't be able to love again if not you.
After all, Steve Harrington had failed you.
'So close, so close.
And still so far'
tags: @lettyshush @ilovetaylorswift1 @hcloangcls @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man
653 notes · View notes
inscrutable-shadow · 3 months
the sanguine thread that binds our fate
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@crash-bump-bring-the-whump asked:
21 “Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—” with dealer's choice for oc c:
a/n: this got. very long lol and tumblr ate the version i answered your ask with i'm sorry :/ i edited it all over again just for you
tumblr hates my experimental prose so please do read it on ao3 if you can ily
contains: mild gore, nausea (no vomiting), panic attacks, prescription benzos, car accident, m/m romance, blood drinking, alcohol
did my best to make sure the gist of all the code segments were properly explained in the prose so that if you're not programmer brained it makes sense still lol. temperature units are kelvin, all velocities in m/s, force in newtons, BAC in mg/dL.
Takes place during the Divine Descension arc, during which the Archfey gives up aer divinity for a year to live with Thanatos on Kepler 22-b, a human colony designed to replicate the late 90s/early 00s. Ae works at a coffee shop and goes to a knitting club. :) not relevant i just thought you should know
Rea liked it when Thanatos came to walk aer home from work. Ae was perfectly capable of making the journey on aer own, of course — it was only twenty minutes and ae could actually cross the street without supervision — but when Thanatos came, they could walk with their fingers laced together and he would smile while he told aer about his day in the office or at home and it always seemed as if nothing could be wrong in the world.
ambient.temperature = 298 proximity.scan(Thanatos[lover]) = true return emotional.state(happy!)
It was a bit strange thinking of aerself as "Rea." Ae always called aerself Space in aer own head, because that was what Time called aer, but ae was certainly not the Divine Reality or even the Archfey in this so-much-more-mortal body. Rea wondered sometimes if ae was truly experiencing what it was like to be human, or if it was merely what it felt like to be a sapient concept with its soul bonded to an artificially-woven human brain. Ae would never know anything different, so ae supposed it didn't matter. Ae liked being Thanatos's Rea. The concept-made-human turned in lazy circles, passing Thanatos's hand from one of aer own to the other as ae revolved aer way down the street
angular.velocity = 63 linear.velocity = 1.2 radiant.temperature[Thanatos[lover].hand] = 302 return emotional.state(happy!!)
"Rea." Oh, yes. Thanatos was talking now. Time to pay attention. Thanatos's image tilted slightly as ae halted aer spinning to look at him.
"Yes, my love?" Ae grinned. Couldn't help it, really. Seeing his face had that effect on aer.
He smiled a little too. "I'm glad you're having fun, but we need to cross the street now, all right? We need to be careful."
"Can I press the button, Thanatos?"
"Yes, you can press the button. And then we're going to look both ways, right?"
Ae laughed. "Of course, my love. Look both ways carefully. I have not been hit before, have I?" Ae'd only jumped out into the street once chasing a butterfly, and now he had to behave this way every time. Rea had just forgotten ae wasn't the Archfey at the time. A concept could get very used to being indestructible.
Ae pushed the button. A robotic male voice indicated that the two of them should "wait." Rea slipped one hand into the pocket of aer khaki slacks and the other into Thanatos's hand. He squeezed back and gave aer a smile, though the brown eyes behind his spectacles were gazing off into the distance and bringing his thoughts with them. What was he thinking about? Ae couldn't feel his soul now the way ae could when ae was Reality. It was… strange. As excited as ae was for all the new ways ae could experience Thanatos now that ae was mortal, ae missed that. Knowing when he was hiding his feelings. Seeing through his little lies. Not that ae couldn't do that now. It was just a slightly more troublesome matter of analyzing his facial expressions and tone of voice. That was all right. Rea was here to learn, after all.
Thanatos[lover].soul.resonance = NULL visual.input[walk.sign.status] = "red" Thanatos[lover].get(emotional.state).ping(callback()) self.interoception.alert(hungry) Thanatos[lover].fetch(emotional.state) = {positive, pensive, loving} action.required = none return emotional.state(happy!)
The walk sign changed to the white figure of a man mid-stride. Rea had asked Thanatos about this, and he had explained that it was an indicator to people who may not read the local language that it was safe to proceed. Rea did not read any language, but it didn't matter, because Thanatos was there, and he could. The two of them looked both ways, Thanatos normally, and Rea in a comically exaggerated manner calculated to get him to laugh, and then he led aer into the street. This was a quiet road close to the apartment complex, and there were no indications that there had been anyone down it for several minutes at least.
"What do you think about Brian's tonight, dearheart?" Thanatos said suddenly, breaking his train of thought. "Put you in something nice, take you out on the town? Maybe a movie after?"
A date! Thanatos was going to take aer out on a date! And to aer favorite restaurant too. Ae still got just as excited about it every time, even after all the millennia they'd spent together. "Yes, yes! I am hungry. Should I wear the blue dress? Or the argyle sweater? And can we see the one with the Matthew Damon? I like that one. Or we could- oof!" Ae sat down hard on the pavement, the tender flesh of aer wrists scraping open and sending shocks of pain up aer arms.
self.interoception.alert(pain!!!) self.damage.percentile = 10 update.status(injured[dermal.hand[quan=2]]) analysis(cause[injury])) = fall analysis(cause[fall])) = Thanatos[lover].push[force=68] analysis(cause[Thanatos[lover].push]).ping(callback()) return emotional.state(confusion)
What had happened?
visual.input[identify.shape] = "ford f-150" vehicle.speed = 35.9 self.danger.percentile = 92 analysis(cause[Thanatos[lover].push]) = reduce(self.danger.percentile) Thanatos[lover].danger.percentile.ping(callback()) proximity.scan(Thanatos[lover]).ping(callback()) proximity.scan(Thanatos[lover]) = false proximity.scan(Thanatos[lover]).ping(callback()) return emotional.state(panic!!)
It was so much information all at once, ae was struggling to process it all. There had been… a car? And Thanatos had… pushed aer out of the way. Where was he? Where was Thanatos? The truck had come out of nowhere. Ae hadn't sensed it at all, and Thanatos must not have either, or he would have done something before he did. He had enhanced hearing, heightened reflexes. Rea didn't, ae was a mere mortal now. Where was he? Where was he?
Focus. What did ae remember? Ae'd turned back to talk to him, he'd pushed aer in the chest, ae'd… seen the truck hit him. By the celestial river. Ae'd seen it hit him. He'd been sent… flying… calculate the angle. Probable trajectory. There!
visual.input[identify.shape] = Thanatos[lover] Thanatos[lover].danger.percentile = 40 Thanatos[lover].damage.percentile = 70 visual.input[identify] = Thanatos[lover].blood!!! Thanatos[lover].soul.resonance = NULL return emotional.state(panic!!!!)
Oh, gods, he was a mess. Skin already starting to purple, limbs sticking out at unnatural angles, blood streaming from his temple and his nose. It looked like he'd tried to shield himself with Shadow, but hadn't been able to get enough of a barrier up in time to make a difference. He wasn't conscious. He wasn't breathing. Rea couldn't breathe. Aer eyes prickled with tears that quickly obscured aer vision and flowed down aer cheeks to splash Thanatos's face. Was he dying? Was he dead? No, surely not. He was a vampire. Blunt force couldn't just kill them. He'd told aer that. They needed silver or to cut out the heart with wood. His heart! Was it intact?
His tie was ruined, of course, and ae pulled it off, extremely aware of the bruising on Thanatos's throat and the conspicuous stillness of his chest. He didn't need to breathe. Ae knew that. But he almost always did, unless he was doing something that would be easier without it. Would they ever…? No. Can’t think about that. Check his heart. His sweater-vest was torn already, and ae didn't know why ae was so painstaking in unbuttoning his shirt when it was clearly ruined. A horrible purple-and-black bruise spread over Thanatos's chest, but there was nothing that could have impaled his heart. He was safe. Wasn't he?
Thanatos[lover].soul.resonance = NULL analysis(predict("life without Thanatos")).ping(callback()) Thanatos[lover].damage.percentile = 80 analysis(predict()) = exception.failed Thanatos[lover].soul.resonance = NULL
Thanatos's left arm wasn't broken, and ae delicately took his hand in aer own and lifted it to aer lips, still struggling to process what was happening. He couldn't leave aer like this. He had to be safe. "Please, Thanatos," ae whispered, "please be all right… Please wake up. I cannot—I am not ready to go on without you. I cannot… do this alone, please, Thanatos, I need you—" His sleeve slid downward with the movement, revealing the jade bracelet containing the Divine Reality's power. Ae could take it, give up aer mortality and get aer soulweaving back, maybe be able to do something for him. He wouldn't want aer to do it. He'd guarded the power so carefully, kept it out of the hands of both usurpers and Rea aerself. They'd both been so determined to finish the experiment. But if he needed aer, then the experiment would just have to be a wash. Ae had the rest of eternity to experience humanity. He only had one life.
Thanatos[lover].soul.weave(form[physical].repair) return error("access denied. requires administrator permissions.") initiate("DivineReality.runtime") error = "ACCESS DENIED" await(input(JADE.BRACELET.AUTH.KEY)).ping(callback()) return auth.output("authenticating...")
Rea pressed aer fingers to the stone, awaiting the surge of magic that would signal the return of the Divine Reality, but instead of the hot burst of power, ae felt cold fingers grasping at aer wrist. "What are you doing, my love?" The effect of Thanatos's admonishing tone was rather diminished by the way it scraped from his battered throat and had him hacking up chunks of tissue afterward. Rea screamed, then burst into tears.
"Divines, I thought you were dead! How could you do this to me? You are so cruel!" The words were familiar, a staple in their arguments, filling space while ae tried to gather aer scrambled wits. "I -I wanted to help you. I thought that if I got my power back I could-"
"Shh, love, it's all right." His voice could always soothe aer, as damaged as it was. "Vampire, remember? If a little blunt force could kill me permanently, I wouldn't have made it this far. I just lost consciousness for a moment, that's all."
How could he be so calm? Half of his bones were broken, he must have been in a monumental amount of pain. It was even his broken arm he was gripping aer wrist with. Was he used to this? Was this what the war had been like for him? Ae felt so useless and lost. He was always there for aer and ae could never help him when he needed it. Aer mental processes were sparking and stalling, ae needed his direction, anything to make it all stop. "W-What do I do? How do I help you? Than, I-"
Thanatos smiled gently up at aer. "Breathe, dearheart. It's nothing a bit of blood can't cure. Let's focus on getting me out of the street so someone doesn't try to hospitalize me, mm?" Rivulets of his liquid Shadow were already flowing out to drag his shattered limbs back into position. He was so brave. "Don't think I'll be walking any time soon. Are you well enough to carry me? Don't worry, I don't think I could be in much more pain than I already am…" So he could feel it. Was he staying strong just for aer?
Wordlessly, mechanically, Rea lifted Thanatos into her arms. The familiar movement felt so horrifically wrong. Ae'd carried him thousands of times: to the bedroom for sex, back to his own bed after, to the sitting room to watch television together when his curse ailed him, into and out of the bath, just for fun. Without the kisses and laughter, with him so awfully still, trying not to alert her to his suffering, it was of no comfort, and sent lances of distress through aer heart. Ae blanked out between the street and balancing him on aer knee to fit the keys in the lock. A singular directive, “get Thanatos home,” held system failure at bay. Once the door had closed behind aer and ae'd laid Thanatos carefully on the couch, though, it all caved in.
system.respiratory.exception = "conflicting input data" system.motor.exception = "system memory low" sensory.input.exception = "conflicting input data" analysis(cause(system.error)).ping(callback()) error = "analysis failed. system memory low" system.process[sort=memory][0] = "panic.runtime" forcequit(panic.runtime) error = "panic.runtime failed to quit" admin.override(forcequit(panic.runtime)) error = "panic.runtime failed to quit" admin.override[master](forcequit(panic.runtime)) error = "panic.runtime failed to quit"
Ae crashed to aer knees, choking on nothing with a fresh flood of tears blurring aer vision. Aer ears rang and her lungs spasmed. Eyes squeezed shut, swallowing fitfully against nausea. Ae hated when this happened. Ever since the kidnapping, those three nights when ae thought ae'd never see Thanatos again, the panic would claw at aer chest and strangle aer at the worst times. At least ae could let him out of aer sight without breaking down, now, but what if this reset all aer progress? Rea felt like aer mind was shaking itself apart.
"-ea? Rea! Reality, come back to me, come on!" It was Thanatos's voice. Thanatos's hand on aer cheek. Thanatos's patient concern grounding aer for a moment. "Where are your pills, Rea?"
The Xanax. Yes. It could stop this. "In the drawer…"
"Get them. Take your pills, darling. While they kick in, I'll take a little drink, and that should help, too. I'll be fine here for the few seconds it'll take you to retrieve them. Go on, Rea. Keep breathing. We're okay." Yes. Ae'd take the medicine, and then ae could help Thanatos…
Aer hands shook as ae turned the white tablet out into aer palm and swallowed it dry. Returned and sat on the floor in front of the couch, aer back to Thanatos. Executing commands in sequence. Running in standby mode. The gentle kiss and whispered "easy, love" that Thanatos pressed into aer neck before his fangs sliced through both the flesh and the alarms going off in aer mind were a shield against the relentless thoughts. His venom filled aer veins and everything stopped.
self.interoception.alert(pain) self.damage.percentile = 2 update.status(injured[dermal.neck])) analysis(cause(injury)) = Thanatos[lover].feed() self.danger.percentile = 0 Thanatos[lover].input(venom.runtime) self.venom.concentration = effective.percentile[60] error = "panic.runtime failed" system.alert("reduce euphoriant concentration before running panic.runtime") system.process[sort=memory][0].ping(callback()) error = "failed to sort. complex processes restricted." return emotional_status(hazy[positive])
"I love you, Thanatos. Thank you," Rea whispered, and though he couldn't answer, the soft chuckle and gentle squeeze of aer shoulder were enough of a response. Despite his calm demeanor, the desperation in his swallows and the way he trembled against aer back betrayed just how badly he needed this. He must have been fighting so hard not to alarm aer. Rea loved this man with all of aer heart. This foray into mortality had put so much load on him, and he never once complained. Instead, he dressed aer in the mornings, cooked aer meals, helped with her nightmares and panic attacks, and still had time to both work and take her out on dates. He fought off those who wanted the Divine Reality's power for themselves, even though his offensive capabilities were relatively weak. He was incredible. Ae didn't deserve him.
Eventually, Thanatos's fangs detached from Rea's neck, and he sealed the wounds with his tongue, as was his habit. He let out a deep groan as he lay back on the couch, clearly exhausted but not wanting to take more than ae could give. He already looked better, with the bruises on his face and neck beginning to fade and his breath no longer crackling in his lungs. "I don't think I'm feeling Brian's tonight. What do you say we order in instead, eh, love?" he murmured with a smile, fingers pulling at aer sweater. Ae leaned into his touch.
"Pizza?" ae asked. "And box wine? And can we watch Sherlock Holmes? I will bathe you and change your clothes."
"Sure. And you don't have to do that, dearheart. I'll be walking on my own soon enough."
Ae shook aer head. "I want to. It’s the least I can do." He'd taken so much care of aer lately.
A chuckle and a kiss. "Very well, then.
self.interoception.status[hunger].ping(callback()) Thanatos[lover].soul.resonance = NULL proximity.scan(Thanatos[lover]) = true self.interoception.status[hunger] = 0 self.interoception.alert(full!!) self.interoception.alert(fatigue!) self.alcohol[blood].concentration = 0.06 emotional.state().ping(callback()) error = "failed to fetch. use analysis.parse(self.emotional.state) for complex data"
Thanatos hadn’t made it through the opening sequence before his eyes fluttered shut. Rea, with a stomach full of cheese and dough and a head full of boxed Bordeaux, felt aer eyes getting heavy as well. Sleeping on the couch next to him felt very… normal. Or at least as normal as a manifestation-turned-mortal dating a vampire could feel, probably. Ae could almost forget that half of aer lover's bones were shattered and that he'd likely need a few days before he could get out of bed. His chest rose and fell just as gently as it always had, with no indication that twenty minutes ago he'd been trying not to flinch as the last of his wounds clothed in the bath.
Bathing him had been an arduous affair during which ae was fairly certain he'd had a flashback induced by his own post-traumatic stress, as evidenced by the faint outline of a ritual sigil that appeared on his chest, the same way it did after his worst nightmares. He'd just gone silent and unresponsive, and all ae could do was finish as quickly as possible while trying not to jostle him too much. When he looked up at aer, ae couldn't tell if he was seeing his Rea or a stranger. To aer relief, he'd bounced back once he was clean and dry again, but the utter helplessness Rea felt in that moment was the most foreign emotion ae'd ever experienced.
Ae was the Divine Reality, the most powerful being in the universe. Fourteen billion years of being able to warp reality at a whim hadn't prepared her for four thousand with aer handsome vampire or even a single one as a mortal. Everything was new and loud and difficult, and without Thanatos at aer side, Rea might have given up on the whole thing and just chosen to wait out entropy in aer cottage. He'd changed everything, ae owed him so much, and right now, ae couldn't even protect him the way ae always had before. Ae was weak, useless. But he didn’t care. He'd never asked for much more than aer companionship, and that ae was determined to give, no matter what.
The television droned on and Thanatos began to snore softly. He'd be so embarrassed if he knew. Always so obsessed with his suave vampire image. Ae smiled gently, threaded aer fingers through his and let aerself drift, praying to whoever could hear (aerself? Time?) that whatever wind of fate had brought them together would not change.
taglist: @athenswrites, @albatris
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2bhankfan · 9 months
For your safety, please just assume everything has flashing lights (gunshots, really fast motion, etc. i've tried labelling some though JIC)
Contains: Flashing text EXCELLENT WORK by everyone involved, I loved the characterization I saw in each person's character and every kill was just so smooth & buttery
One of the much more consistent collabs i've seen, the theme of dreaming really makes these inconsistencies between and in the clips work as a gimmick to the overarching theme! AWESOME character designs and AMAZING story.
This collab focuses on hank trying to kill the sheriff! Inbetween for 2 & 3 maybe? GREAT kills, GREAT choreography, a really fun one.
Another hank-centered piece!! this one has GREAT set design, and some pretty gnarly kills emphasized by these sound effects and pretty detailed gore. Despite the modern look, this animation is chock full of homages to the original animations from 1-4! REALLY cool attention to detail!! The collaborators did an amazing job making this as consistent as it is (set, style of animation, sprites, etc)
Contains: Flashing lights (just as Blue Oyster appears) WONDERFUL little callback to the OG animation, very nonsensical and fun and honestly loved the humor + soundtrack a lot. Has it's own little plot too, but I can't really make anything of it LOL. Love the Sun as a character in this
WONDERFUL little mix of spritework and hand drawn animation for this short animation of a Nexus Core siege on some town! Overall, great work and VERY enjoyable, I really hope for a sequel.
this one is interesting, focusing more on a horror aspect rather than fighting! ALSO another that i'm very curious to see where it goes w/ this idea.
A fun run n' gun short of two guys acquiring some delicious liquor. Fun action, good designs, and some nice characterization of the group!
REALLY cool hand drawn animation!!! a lot of style with some cool tricks and cool interactions between the characters!!
JE BE DI AH the savior of nevada who will save the city from phobos ^_^
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ne0nwithazero · 8 months
In the Deltafell AU, Are Host and Mike a couple while having Tenna and everything?
omg the Fell AU... Literally, my friends and I were literally talking about it just days ago LOL And then I briefly spoke about it in another Deltarune AU server... Is the call coming from inside the house or is this Ask a coincidence?
But I haven't worked on my take of it ever since I made Tenna, so it still only includes Mike and Host and no one else hahaha
Though I have been quietly rotating the idea of a Fell Klieg lately, but this isn't about him
For a recap of where I last left in my Fell take... Watch out I'm about to jumpscare people with the old art so I'll hide it under the Read More.
Content Warning, it's old art where Mike looks skinny, though in the context of this AU, that would actually make sense... hm
Also warning for the edginess that's expected of Fell AUs tbh :'D I like horror stuff... And weird robot gore
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old art old art ew scroll up ew aNYWAY
Uhh geez yeah Host never even got a finished Fell design, I wanted them to look a lot more femme than vanilla Host but I never truly found a proper direction for it
Mike is Mike, he's still tiny, and I couldn't get him not to wear pink so he settled on a fashionable hot pink instead, but that's beside the point
Recap of these two is that their meeting and backstory might have started the same as their vanilla counterparts. But the difference is that rather than Mike staying a broken mic with a broken body that didn't work, they uh... Found an alternative solution.
All the Microphone Darkners are detachable from their bodies, so Host being the silent terrifying behemoth they are, took matters into their own hands. Mics are such a common darkner type, who would notice if a few of them were to start going missing?
When his body was to start giving out, Mike would gladly use himself to lure his fellow mics to Host, posing as a helpless Microphone being chased, only to watch as his loving spouse would… What's a nice family-friendly way to describe the act of forcefully ripping those mics off of their bodies and killing them? Hands that hold Mike with such care, just as easily crushing those like him… All so he can get a new functioning body to hold them with…
Truly, is this not what love is? I feel like no matter the AU, M&H will always be a couple, no matter what… I feel they'd find each other in every universe...
Characterization-wise, they're both a lot more villainous, naturally, neither hold any remorse for the lives taken so that Mike can continue to pilot bodies that simply do not belong to him…
Somehow the knowledge that Host can very easily kill him is not lost on him, if anything, I think he finds that to me the most compelling part of it all… Host on the other hand, too loves their wonderful husband… And much like their vanilla counterpart… They will not hesitate if someone dares lay a hand on him… They simply have little care for morals in the Fell AU
The overall lore of their vanilla counterparts has evolved a lot since I last worked on the Fell AU, not to mention all the adjustments that had to take place when Tenna was added to the timeline and a lot of things had to be shifted around… They went from "Just some guys" to "Dark World leaders" so that's ever so slightly different
I did not consider how Tenna would function in this AU, or if he's even viable at all LOL I don't really have a Cable AU Fell Spamton to work off of, since his presence does end up defining how Tenna feels about Mike and his own presence in the world.
But at the same time, imagining M&H as that trope of the evil villains that are just the nicest parents ever is very fun to imagine hehehe
Vanilla Tenna is a bit wimpy no matter how tough they try to seem, and I image Fell Tenna being a bit more assertive or even hostile hehe
I feel like they'd either be super chill about their parents' habit of just killing mics (And using their power as Dark World Leaders for other purposes) and not care, or they're actively against it… I'm inclined to believe the latter since Tenna's thing is also being an awkward opposite of his parents, but him being against their villain acts also makes me wonder about how M&H would feel in this AU. I can't imagine them resenting their own kid, even as edgy villainous versions of themselves…
I'm also unsure of how/if the Flower Shop Tenna storyline is even a thing in this version of the AU or not. Tenna's disappearance affected the vanilla universe so much, and I feel like Fell M&H with a missing kid would very much go on a killing spree to find him LOL
I don't know! These are just random brainstormings and what ifs… Maybe if I ever feel inclined to do anything with this AU again, I'll try to concept a Fell Tenna hehehe
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left-for-carrion · 7 hours
roach's intro post :3c
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blog tags:
roach's killer - gore/snuff stuff. block if you don't want to see that
roach's scars - sh stuff, please block this tag if you don't wish to see that sort of thing
roach's mutt - stuff about me being a mutt/petplay
roach's angel - stuff about me being an angel
roach's god - stuff about me being a god/my worshippers
roach's rambles - just random stuff not particularly kink related
roach's doctor - med kink stuff
roach's stalker - stalking fantasy stuff
roach's robot - robotic kink stuff
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Minors, please don't get me arrested dudes
Pro-contact zoophiles [petplay/people who identify as animals are welcome]
Pro-contact pedophiles [ageplay, fauxcest, incest welcome]
People who sexualize disorders they don't have
People who support Israel/Are against Palestine
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This blog is fucking heavy, sh, gore, stalker stuff, ect. exists here.
Don't like, don't look. Don't say I didn't warn you. Buzz off if you don't wanna be friends or exist peacefully with me.
I will continuously edit this, so always check if there's something you wanna know or feel free to ask, I don't bite [without permission]
I'm Roach on this blog, usually Opium on anon. If you came looking and see this, hi, you found me <3
I'm the god of mutilation of the self and others, your angel [if you want] and a mutt that needs to be put down.
I'm really off-putting and aware of it, just not sure how to fix it, I apologize :']
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About me:
I use it/its only, agender, pansexual, poly
Not dating anyone and open to anyone even if I am. [Although, if you want me all to yourself, you better tell me quick <3]
I'm mainly T4T, but not exclusively
Always open to roleplay
Fantasy/Scene stalker and stalkee [CNC]
An absolute slut for fighting kinks <3
I do do pictures/nudes, only in PMs and with people I genuinely trust. Earn them <3
I have ADHD, BPD, severe anxiety, and several undiagnosed things. I am nonverbal irl.
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I'm a service dom, which means anything I do is tailored for you, and idk what kind of sub I am, I don't get to sub much because I get too anxious to ask lol. I power bottom most of the time, but I also like topping. I don't bottom when I sub unless we've worked up to that level. Trauma related stuff, sorry :[
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Kinks list:
[Faves in bold] 
[Not complete, anything not in limits is open]
[What I’m craving has ♡ next to it]
Fighting/Arena/Ring ♡
Role reversal ♡
Piss, anything related to piss ♡
Stalker/Stalking ♡
Woundfucking ♡
Snuff ♡
Body modification
CNC [The word rape is allowed, I don't personally use it much however]
Object Insertion
Knife Play ♡
Forcemasc [not receiving, just love turning people <3]
Forcefem [Also not receiving <3]
Primal [Pred, although idm prey]
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[All of these are hard, I have no soft boundaries as of this post, so no negotiations]
Detrans from a non-trans person [if you’re trans, welcome <3]
Human Pregnancy
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I do participate in fandom, I know I know, so disappointing, so occasionally I reblog/talk about things from:
Hannibal NBC
Vocaloid [Purely for Miku <3]
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Wowowowowowowow you made it to the end, ily <3 Thank you for reading :3
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mmmmmhmmmmm · 4 years
i drew some gnarly cyborg gore porn but idk if it's too much to post LOL
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Hello! Can I get a matchup for jujutsu kaisen please?
Appearance : 5'4 ace/heteromantic girl ambivert.Dark brown hair/eyes (I wear glasses but they are also sun glasses because bright lights give me a headache) a little chubby/muscled and pale skin+permanent smirk/smile/ neutral face. Plump lips. My style varies a lot (always comfy) but I never wear dresses heels/makeup. I love to imagine outfits with symbols from fandoms or my own drawings so I have a rather unique style (most of the time I wear a NASA jacket and leather boots/sneakers, I also love sleeveless turtleneck) who changes a lot. I have malleable cheeks and tiny hands/fingers/wrist.
MBTI: INTP-T and chaotic neutral/good
Zodiac: Gemini sun, Taurus rising, libra moon
Enneagram : My dominant is type 5 then 8. Quizzes says that I am a 5w6 or 8w7
Personality : .Sarcastic,a little naive but I have a backbone (don't bother flirting with me and if you feel that I am flirting with you which happens a lot then it's just my personality and on the rare occasion I notice they have to confess or I won't believe it) ,calculative,protective,creative,expressive,manipulative,a devil's advocate,prideful,charismatic, smartass, bookworm, daydreamer, a little insensitive/blunt because I'm more on the logical side ,vengeful, mischievous, a huge tease, open minded, very curious, gets annoyed easily, impatient (unless it's in drawing because I am a perfectionist there) so kind of a bad temper, observant but not romantically,sadistic to a point but my conscience prevents me from doing these acts. Indifferent to many things, morally...unique as my moral compass is on the neutral side I don't believe in absolute evil/good.
With my friends I am either laughing, goofing around or annoyed. I love to give bad puns or cursed ideas who are gore/weird and saying I know y all love me. Those who don't talk to me see me as a nerd aggressive smart and blunt person ( even prideful) and strangers as polite and kind. I notice a lot of details because I don't let my guard down even if I daydream plus I have a photographic + sound memory and they work very well in all situations which can be a bother when I try to concentrate which is difficult for me because I get distracted easily. Also I have very weird reflexes so...anyone who approaches me by surprise gets hit, any sudden movement and I already have my leg/arm going their way which got me into a lot of trouble.
Dislikes: I fight for my beliefs. I have trust issues so I never talk about my problems and will use humor when confronted. Bright lights. Cooking. Slow things or people. When I get teased in a mean way (otherwise I actually like being teased it's a fun fight after). People who change side easily and hypocrites. Overly serious people. I tend to be aggressive and expose an annoyed face easily (I am moody), plus I hate orders and love pressing buttons it's funny(in a fun way rarely in a mean one) unless it's a sensitive subject. When I feel that I am unwanted or someone insults me or take me for granted I become very cold and distance myself and the relationship becomes strained the more they take time to ask for forgiveness, something I might give but will never forget.
Likes: I love cats/laughter/sweets/pranks/dark humour/ a true crime and Supernatural enthusiast and I love science especially concerning space, chemistry, robotic and psychology. Books, sleep, drawing and video games too. Cherries. Sushi.Oh and debates I love them. Surprises too I hate routine and runs away from it. I like making character analysis which I often get right but never show to the people around me because I know they will trust me less.
Hobbits : Reading, getting lost in a book, drawing, learning, debating, daydreaming, sports (I practice karate and shooting), art (piano/drawing/writing especially poetry) and video games
I have some bad habits like biting my nails (I just got rid of it by painting them black)/lips and moving my leg up and down because I am always nervous, disorganized room/sleep and eating schedule plus I am lazy. Also I might try to hide it but I am very competitive and a sore loser
Fun fact : I dream a lot and write my dreams. I don't mind nightmares on the contrary I welcome them because I find them to be a nice experience and they give me ideas plus the amount of emotions you can feel is amazing. I also tend to curse while talking.
I rarely get motivated but when I do I give a very good work and put my soul in it, if I don't reach my goal I feel down for a while and become very snappy.
I am a lazy student (hell if I don't feel like writting I don't especially exercises that I understood) but also at top of my class so none says anything (i can befriend people easily if I want to, teachers included). My projects are often done last minute or just improvisation but I get a good mark at them which means that yes sometimes I can become arrogant and I don't really know what it feels like to study really hard and fail sorry. But I know it will bite me later. I often argue my way out of a situation with anyone : I know the exercise why should I write it? If I told you the answer then I know how I got it and you know it too no need for me to write the correction. Mum the brain is a muscle too so I am in fact exercising.
When dealing with an emotional person I don't know what to do I will try to give them words to keep going, it succeed but I am rather harsh plus I try to make jokes to cheer them up.But if a friend breaks down before me I will do my best to cheer them up (ahem jokes and reminding them of all the success they achieved) and if I am comfortable and they want a hug I will give it. I hate people who denies that others helped them.
My love language is gifts, quality time, a little act of service and affection in private if comfortable. I also love to send memes saying it reminds me of us/you and holding pinkies.
Please can you not consider geto,mahito, nanami, todo and junpei as matchups I am uncomfortable with them.
I am stubborn, moody (one day I can be really cold/snappy to the person because I am in a bad mood but I apologize after) and can be perceived as unloving even if it's not the case, well sometimes but I usually love affection despite me never saying affectionate things.
Thank you very much for your time! 😋
AHHH THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST !! this is my first jjk one i hope you like it !!
i won't be answering it in order lol i do it on memory then go back to make sure i got everything i hope that's okay !!
as for your matchup.... ITADORI
so a lot influenced my decision on this, first thing being
your mood, you said repeatedly how you can get moody and we all know itadori our precious bby is a ball of sunshine and very easy going. he would totally understand me give you space if you needed it and just try his best to help you feel better if something is bothering you :)
he would LOVE to link pinkies with you and spend quality time with you
our baby is a resident ISFP so you two def have similar aspects
he would love your pressing buttons/hating orders part of your personality bc i feel like it would lead to several clashes between you and some of the teachers and he would think that's SO FUNNY OMG
he also loves your sense of humor and there is never a dull moment between you two
if you were comfy with it, he would love to hear about your dreams because he thinks it's so cool that you write them down
please let him paint your nails he would love it
he would send you memes too x10 this boy has endless memes in his phone, you're guaranteed a laugh when you text him.
he would totally appreciate your way of cheering people up because it's exactly what he needs
you best invite this boy to anything karate related because he thinks it's SO COOL i mean we all know he has natural abilities but putting it into a martial arts form is s o amazing to him and he really admires you
don't be surprised if he asks you to draw him
he loves your style and think you look so badass
i totally hc itadori somewhere on the ace spectrum, probably demi
going and getting sushi together in the middle of the night low key just sneaking out
nights in watching crime shows or supernatural he absolutely LOVES occult stuff as we know he would probably make the two of you try a ouija board
COOKING DATES you two would make dinner for the first years and gojo every now and then and all the praises go to your cooking it's so good
all in all, itadori is the calm to your storm, you two mesh together very well and he loves you with his whole heart
- cas :)
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bluebloodedsweater · 5 years
Bold the Facts!
Thanks for tagging me, @yeahhiyellow! I like tag games too so I will be happy to write something about me.😁
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
I don't know who to tag: @mynameisnorth @thetalentedmsripleysworld @dizzypinwheel @diario-secreto-bjd @thebittervampire @head-full-of-things and anyone who wants to join!
I look like a 16-year-old girl although I'm 19. // I'm a copy of my father. // I'm 165 cm (or 5'5''). I still dream of being taller, like maybe 175. // I wear glasses. // I don't follow fashion. // I wear beautiful (in my opinion), comfortable and sensible clothing. // I don't know how to walk in heels. // I have dark-green eyes. // I have curly light brown hair. // I had braces when I was younger. // I smile without showing my teeth. // I walk without moving my right hand. // I sunburn easily too, what a coincidence! // Usually I have clean skin (except for moles) but after the sun it's covered with freckles. I'm like Edward (Twilight) but instead of glowing I have freckles. (I'm a big fan of Twilight.🙏) // I have a terrible complex about my appearance. // At the same time I consider myself beautiful enough not to wear makeup. I'm so random! 😆
Hobbies and Talents:
Oooh, you have no idea how much I dislike this question. // I have a talent for drawing, I think... (But I don't draw very well. (But I like drawing!)) // I really like swimming. Especially swimming in the sea and catching crabs, jellyfish, shells, etc. // I like collecting soap and then wash myself with it and then smell like a rose or birch tar. // I love visiting zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens. // I don’t really have hobbies. // Most of the time I surf the Internet and be lazy. // That's all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <- my favorite emoji.
My friendzone’s area is so wide you have no idea. // I feel uncomfortable in big companies. // Inviting me to a party would be a bad idea. // I'm socially awkward. // I have my best internet-friend @mynameisnorth. // I have no friends in real life. // I know many people with whom I communicate well but I can’t call them friends. // I can find a common language with almost any person. // I had many friends in childhood. // Being alone is not a big deal for me. // I haven't felt a love attraction for a long time. // I don't want to date at all. // Ahahaha, lol, same situation with my parents XD // I am an only child too.
Blue is my favorite color. For me, blue is symbolized with coolness, calmness and concentration.💙 // I also like yellow. Yellow is symbolized with globeflowers and something soft like marmalade.💛 // Any living (or not) creature, be it a rock or a giraffe, is beautiful for me. // I like flowers and plants, especially wild ones. // People carrying flowers, entwine with flowers, or wearing a flower crown on their heads. // Ocean aesthetic. // Mermaids, fishes, seashells, pearls, corals and other ocean treasures. // I like the way hair moves in water. // I like robotic gore and injured people. For aethetical purposes, of course, not for real.😅 // I like humanization, genderbender.
I'm a very boring person.😓 // I sincerely admire other people when I see that they are at least somewhat better than me. // I can’t feel negative emotions (anger, hate) towards other people. // I try to see only the good in people. // I often joke, sometimes offensively but to me it seems very funny. // I'm 100% melancholic. // I'm sensitive and emotional. And shy.🙈
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You literally just described me! // I have a himalayan cat. // I like toys. By the way, not so long ago I was at the zoo and bought this:
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I am very stubborn, my interests and values are above all.👏 // At the same time, I like to listen to other people's opinions and am ready to understand and accept almost any position. // I'm SO random. // I'm a realist.
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