#i'm not using a very specific definition for fairy tale as you can probably guess
gentlyouttatime 1 year
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fateinthestars 7 months
I guess it's time for another thoughts/review/rambling post. This time let's cover the special stories A Divine Autumn with the Gods: Wishes and A Divine Autumn with the Gods: Punishments.
Spoilers under cut
A Divine Autumn with the Gods: Wishes
Leon: Sweet Sparta
Oh yikes, let's never ask Leon to help with motivation. The methods he used to try and help MC with her exercising plan here, sheesh!
I love how when there's this massive banquet with the vegetables MC bought with her that Leon is still eating meatballs. He's worse than Zyglavis is with Chocolate Ganache. 馃槀 (Actually he might be the worst out of all of them for sticking with one specific food stuff - the others all have their faves but most of them are at least pretty willing to try something else. Even here Leon seems reluctant).
The first exercise plan was extreme but I would hope Leon would make sure she was never actually in any danger... the second though? Well it's all her fault for saying he was the only lion she needed in her life but yeesh.
As I said in my random ramble about how I'd envision it going if MC asked them to redecorate her apartment, Leon would definitely get the wrong idea.
Still at least you get some of really sweet Leon in this. He loves MC just the way she is.
Teorus: A Steamy Exchange
Oh good grief. Yes this is where I start to see the Teorus that frustrates me again.
You've summoned a giant potato. You really think no one else was going to pay attention to what you were doing?!
The wandering off leaving MC to sleep and accepting potatoes that other girls are offering him (cos of course they are, it's Teo *sigh* ) I probably wouldn't be that frustrated about if it wasn't for one thing: And that's how possessive he usually is over MC. He really is clueless over how his actions makes others feel.
At least the ending is somewhat sweet. Also: fluffy cloud vehicle!
Huedhaut: Memories and Music
Ahh, this is just sublime. I love how Hue has actually at some point taken the time to learn how to play the flute and him teaching MC how to play is just so sweet... it's not like that it's a good way to get some time to themselves at all 馃槈
Just calm, sweet moments with Hue, the MC, and a flute.. oh though I mustn't forget Hue's usual teasing and sarcasm either.
Talking of which, the opening of this might be my favourite part about it just because it's so silly. Sheesh, MC, the longer you take to try and ask him something direct the more he's gonna use that to his advantage. I really like how he winds all the others present up too. Hue knew exactly what he was doing here, pfft.
A Divine Autumn with the Gods: Punishments
Scorpio: The Awkward Artist
Sheesh. MC didn't really have much luck here. I don't think her suggestion would have gone down that well anyway but that damn King went and made it even worse.
Sweet ending though.
Dui: Tempting Bodies and Gourmet Treats
Poor Dui. People keep putting his beloved in danger.
That aside this one is ridiculous. The heavens has some very strange things - candy that can alter your body?!
It's interesting that it's implied here that they normally just sleep together and hold hands. Seems this one is one of the earlier ones in their relationship, maybe even the tipping point into them having sex more often.
(Oh great now I'm going to have to try and work out where everything could theoretically go timeline wise aren't I?)
Ichthys: Not Your Average Fairy Tale
Pffft. Ha. Hahahaha. Oh dear oh dear. Ikky has some really cute and funny special stories, even if quite a few of them seem to be set before MC is dating him.
I love how he latched on to the expression 'get into the story' and did just that. I was somewhat expecting that from how it was set up but... I wasn't prepared for him picking a particular story to just eat candy. 馃槀
Despite this messing about in books you do actually get the more mature side of Ichthys for a bit here too. The Ichthys MC would later see at the event for his parents in his sequel story.
Ranking attempt
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erdarielthewhumper 1 year
1, 6 and 12 for the ask game!
- @whump-kia :D
12 I have already answered here, but let's see about the others... :D
1. What was your whump awakening(s)? - honestly I don't recall really having a specific "oh" moment in terms of realizing I liked whump, I kind of just already enjoyed it. I'm not sure I quite processed as a kid that it was something not everyone liked or something to be considered shameful either, tbh. But like, as long as I can remember, when I was a kid I had like barbies and legos (well, legos were shared with my brother) and LPS, and Schleich fairy and knight figures (the knights belonged to my brother, really, as did the dragon and the phoenix; the ones that were properly mine were fairies, some of them came with horses, plus then I had a princess, and a unicorn and a pegasus. But my brother let me play with his ones too, and honestly that just made splitting them into factions very easy, the knights were always the bad guys and enemies with the fairies. Also Schleich's newer fairy figures look really boring and for some reason all their mounts are like pastel blue unicorns and I don't like that, but I digress), and I'd play kind of a lot of relatively like, violent and dark scenarios with this. One of my barbies was second-hand and was missing a leg, and I always came up with such dramatic scenarios as to how she'd lost it, lol. To say nothing of that one lego spaceman figure (it was, looking at the design, part of one of the older space-themed lines, it matched old ones we had that had once belonged to my mom and her brother) that mom found in the garden that was partly melted, so that our theory is that someone had once tied it to a new year's firework rocket and shot it with that and it had fallen to our garden. Anyway, visibly damaged toys were good fodder for my darker stories I played with them :D Like looking back, I honestly was probably largely replicating tropes that came up in the stories mom read us, but like, some of the classic children's books she read us definitely had darker elements (as in, like, Brothers Lionheart. if you haven't read it... i mean honestly, just read it, it is actually a very good book, but also like. it legitimately ends with the titular brothers committing suicide. And it is a beloved and classic children's fantasy book), battles, spy stuff, that sort of thing, so like. I picked up that sort of thing, and I guess I liked the dramatic fantasy tales because it's definitely what I was replicating when I played with my toys, a lot of the time. And I certainly leaned a lot towards elements that i might now consider whumpy, when I did that.
6. Favorite whump genre (sci-fi, fantasy, historical)? - I've always been partial to fantasy, tbh. I like scifi too, and sometimes semi-historical adventure stuff if I get into a fandom like that (like BBC Musketeers, although it's not even trying for historical accuracy), but at the end of the day, fantasy is really the one I love most. I blame my mom, tbh
Thanks for the ask! Sorry the answer got a bit long ':D
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bookofmirth 3 years
Leslie, I am utterly confused, Illyria isn't the only PoC culture in ACOTAR, or am I mistaken? From my understanding the whole Night Court was PoC or well #CulturallyDiverse since it was based of arabic cultures... i think and while there are people from that culture that are white passing or white, it is largely considered a PoC cultured (I don't know if that's a term sorry) . Like I thought the CoN had that same vibe in which you can't say it's "white representation" as the Spring Court would be. We also have The Summer, Day and Dawn court, no? Those are different cultures from what we see... wouldn't you say? I don't want to come off as rude or anything, I'm just confused bestie.
Hello, thanks for the question! For the sake of being open, I talked with @archiejames about this, along with a few other people, @technotzar @symphonyofbleedingshadows and @nestha so I wouldn't be a white one-person committee on race in acotar.
I want to point out that race and culture are different, because even while I was writing this answer I started getting those mixed up. So I'll try to be clear about which one I am referring to. There are areas with white people and POC who might share a culture, and so that might not be the best way to try to figure out race in acotar.
Illyria is not the only POC group in acotar! I'm assuming that this ask is coming from my post about why Illyria is important to the story? When I said that Illyrians are the main non-white culture in the series, I mean because the series is very Night Court-centric and they are part of that court, in addition to the fact that many of our mains are part Illyrian. And now that I'm thinking about, I perhaps shouldn't have used the word "culture" in that point.
You noted that other courts have aspects that make them seem like they could be interpreted as various non-white, non-Western European cultures. Sarah tends to take little bits from different cultures to give them certain aesthetics. While we might be tempted to congratulate her for doing so, it's very, very surface level. There are some examples of this - the Night Court clothing, the names with certain origins in our world. In addition to that, she takes from lots of different cultures - Koschei the Deathless, the Ouroboros, probably other things I can't think of. Even the idea of a Weaver is a common trope in various fairy tales. Baba Yaga from ToG is another cultural reference. Sarah is a dabbler. She dabbles. She doesn't really commit to any of these cultural references, perhaps because it would cross the line to appropriation, perhaps because she honestly isn't thinking about it beyond what her Pinterest board references give her.
For what it's worth, in the Night Court, the food is very, very white. Roast chicken, potatoes, rosemary, etc. It's very meat and potatoes and again, Western European, which tells me that she wasn't trying very hard to give the NC a specific cultural vibe.
The Illyrians are more important to me than people in other courts because it has been explicitly stated that Illyrians are a race, in acosf, so even if there are POC in a different area, they might not be considered to share a "race" and to be treated as such.
I think it's worth pointing out that "race" and "ethnicity" are different things. I guess I can tell you that "race" is a social construct, not a biological reality, and so the emphasis on the Illyrians being a race and not an ethnic group is a definite choice, though I'm not sure if she is at all conscious of what that choice implies about her and her story. However, I do not feel qualified to talk much more on that distinction! If anyone else does, please add on!
Okay one last thing - it is still important to be aware of the difference between a race and a culture in acotar because you can have white people with lots of different cultures, and you can have POC who might share that culture but are still marginalized. So I think that it's important for us as readers to understand that distinction, because sharing a culture with a white person doesn't make a POC immune to discrimination or prejudice.
I hope this helps! And if anyone wants to add on, please feel free.
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