#idk how i am going through this drama but they are cute sometimes
yesdramas · 2 years
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MARRY ME 三嫁惹君心 2020 dir. Vicky Wong, He Zhen Hua
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boywithpinkcarnation · 7 months
tbh kinda wanting some jealous!jb like if someone is filtering w her gf OR ESPECIALLY IF IT WAS A ANOTHER GIRL AHH THE DRAMA 🕳️🕳️
alrighty... i am in no way a writer, so this is. going to be bullet point, blurb, word vomit, unedited chaos. additionally, this is gonna be so incredibly self indulgent and catered to me so i hope it suffices for u bug 💝
frankly posting this is very scary for a little tumblr baby like myself, but i feel a need to serve my community 🫡
they style of writing and tbh most headcannons/lore is coming straight from @gingerjolover their blog is lowkey bible and they are the sweetest pookie pie ever. luv u g fr <3 like seriously i recommend you go just read through their masterlist bc this will not compare (not trying to fish here, just being very real as someone who is a like fein for fics as a source of comfort, i fear this will not fully suffice)
rpf content under the cut (no hate if that's not ur jam, just ignore me!), minors dni!!!
refering to jb's parter in this as "gf" and sense i am a selfish selfish girl in this scenerio she is roughly jb's height/a little shorter bc i am and theres no shorter than julien rep ANYWHERE
personally, i see julien as lowkey so possessive in a cutie non toxic way... and sometimes that manifests in some cutie jeleousy that gf can not get enough of. i think it obviously would come out in like flirty enviornments like bars and parties where people are loosey goosey... but sometimes it's just like and about on a normal date. here's a little thought i cooked up for like a more domestic environment jealousy:
aquairum date
the date starts out very normal, classic boyfriend!julien activities are happening
she's making sure y'all are touching at all times. like she'll die if you guys are not physically connected
i'm talking arm around your shoulder, iron grip within intertwined hands, hand in ur jean pocket 16 candles style, hand on the small of your back,,,, but i think eventually (and her favorite, albeit a little awkward) she's hugging you from behind as you walk, almost hanging on you, head perfectly slotted on your shoulder kissing your head and neck at every stop to look at the pretty fish
"jay! look at this one" "real pretty princess" *kisses your head* (its over i can'tttt)
then maybe she leaves you to go get you like a bottle of water or a jacket from the car (idk something to make you more comfortable, very "can't have my baby thirsty/cold" vibes)
then of course, you are looking so cute and so gay, a girl approaches you
you are very focused on the fish bc they are truly just so pretty (can you tell i love fish?) and only look up when mystery girl nudges you
"omg i'm so sorry" "oh uh, you're good" "sorry, i have a bit of a habit for running into pretty girls"
and your're kinda caught off guard bc like... this is an aquarium??
"haha um thank you" "so what are you doing here all alone"
mystery girl is sooo fuck boy coded just go with it
"well um my girlfr-"
julien is back behind you, re koala latching twisting open the water bottle for you and handing it to you, GLARING at this girl
"sorry it took me a second princess, who's this?"
then her grip tightens pulling you even closer to her chest
mystery girl, bless her heart, replies "we just bumped into each other. i was just letting her know how beautiful she was"
oh jb did not like that
she reaches over grabs your jaw tilting your head to the side and back to look at her
"she is beautiful. my sweet girl" and kisses you DEEPLY
and ur blushing because you know jealous/protective/possesive!julien is in the room with us now and kind of giggle out of the kiss
"well then... i should be going, sorry again for running into you"
instead of letting you respond or responding herself jb keeps your face turned and starts kissing all over ur face as you giggle letting mystery girl to just shuffle away.
for the rest of the date she is SO overly affectionate
squeezing ur hips
keeping you so close
kissing your cheek and neck as you tell her about all the fish and animals
"really baby? that's so cool" "my little biologist" "ooo princess what about these?"
it's times like these julien wishes she wore lipstick to leave a mark on your face so everyone knows
she's probably taking you to the gift shop and buying you some random thing for fun because when she's jealous she doesn't take it out on you, she's secure with you and knows you aren't doing anything but being your pretty self
in fact it just makes her softer and more affectionate
when you finally let her drag you out she had you against the car kissing you lovingly and deeply and sets her forehead against yours
"i just love you so much. my sweet girl. my priincess"
"all yours j."
note from c: i hope this is at least semi ok? literally no editing or even proof reading, just love sick delusion.
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short-black-diamond · 9 months
please can you do bf headcanons for kaiser and sae and rin please (fem reader)
German vocab: "Schätzchen" = cute-ification of "treasure"
"That's my boyfriend!"
Ayo how I hate that bitch
Please don't request stuff about him in the future
But him as a boyfriend?
I guess he'd be pretty chill, but he'd like to have you on his lap a lot
like, in that one chapter where he examined Isagi, he'd for sure have you on his lap, while trying to figure out what made Isagi so different
and he'd just--- stroke your thigh?
Idk I think he would do something like that
anf then hmmm...I think he's rich
not filthy rich like Reo, but pretty rich
I think he'd also spoil you? like--he'd sometimes buy you jewellery, but other than that, he would buy you other stuff, which is much more useful
like, one time he bought you a new tablet because yours got coffee on it
his coffee
soccer dates don't @ me
he'd try to teach you soccer if you didn't already know how, and if you did, he'd have you running after him as he always took the ball away right under your heel
It was funny, and you were happy to see your boyfriend laughing and giggling when he teicked you over and over again by dribbling the ball around you, before he gave you a small kiss to your cheek and scored a goal
"Jeez, you need to do better if you want the ball, Schätzchen."
You huffed. "I hope this wasn't an insult.."
"I'd never insult you, ____."
You guys would also go through Germany, with him showing you a lot of sights and taking pictures of you, then some selfies and would also buy you a cute souvenir.
he's a gentle lover, who gives you soft kisses and holds your hand softly
I think he'd also bring you to a viennesse ball, just to dance viennesse waltzer with you with an expensive, victorian dress he bought you as you two danced the waltz in old fashioned clothing in an old fashioned building with old fasioned people
bonus points if it was a masquerade ball
(imagine if he told you he'd meet you at the ball and mistake another girl with you, thinking that it was you, and you arriving to him dancing with another girl who had similar features as you...just imagine the heartbreak...the drama...I'd dance with Ness then, just to spite Kaiser...maybe I'll write a fic about that?)
If you read my last post, I guessed -correctly- that Sae's an ass guy
Excpect your butt to be warm and squeezed at all times, babe
No but seriously I'm so proud of myself for being right about something I didn't know was already canon
*pats my own shoulder proudly*
He's busy
He has to train
but if you want to come with him, he won't stop you
When he was with the U-20, and he agreed for you to come with him, he hated it the moment you stepped foot in the room where he and his team was in
Imgine the bloodlust he felt when Oliver and Sendo touched you and flirted with you like there was no tomorrow (they didn't know that you were together with sae)
"I'm Sae's girlfriend..?", you then said and Sae hugged you from behind.
"Yes, I am her boyfriend, so take your filthy hands off of her.", he seethed.
Safe to say, the two didn't really listen as they just kept flirting with you, and they got to feel Sae's wrath on the field as he just kicked the ball into their face and crotch area
Other than that, I'd expect him to be very clingy
he looks touch-starved
give this man some love
After practise, he would always take a quick shower before cuddling with you on his bed and just take a small nap, letting you do whatever you want, but don't move your legs
he once turned you around on your stomach with force before he just---let his face fall onto your ass cheeks
you have no idea why he has an obession with your butt but oh well
Another touch-starved baby
But he enjoys your company, speak, the first weeks of you dating him were silent, but he always had a small smile on his face
but let me tell you- he blushed madly when you held his pinky with yours
it was actually the first time you touched him
boy couldn't breathe
what have you done ____???
However, as the days went on, Rin initiated the touch more and more, and after a few months came the first kiss, with him kissing you softly, but his lip was trembling
And a rin with a beet red face came to view
I think he'd talk very quietly to you, I don't know why, but I just--do, you know?
Like he only wants you to hear what he has to say to you.
and you love it
also expect him to buy you stuff you don't really need?
I mean, he means it in a good way, but do you actually need an owl plushie in all its natural colors?
"I-I like owls...! ...and, you're my girlfriend...so I wanted to give you something I like.", cue him looking at you sadly, but with innocent eyes.
yeah, you kissed him breathless after that little confession
also like-- I don't think any of the blue lockers have a dominant bone when they have an s/o at first, which means that the boys would also be shy
and I can just imagine Rin taking many tries before he actually asks to hold your hand, or takes nearly an hour more time from his busy schedule to buy you flowers you weren't allergic to, but which you also haven't received yet
he's the type who'd try to bake you cookies, and only have a small error, like either not enough sugar or cocoa, or idk what
Okay and that's it! I hope I nailed it, tell me if I didn't!
Read you guys in the next post!
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wishmemel · 7 months
OMGOMG SAFI congrats on 100 ml !! hihii im here to participate in your cute slumber party event ! (i even brought my fave pillow and totoro plushie)
okok soo yk i'm dria 🩵 black / caribbean, around 5'1 (i promise im so close to 5'2 don't @ me haters will hate i drink my milk and eat my veggies) i have huge hair!! like very big hair, too many curls!! it's alot! i love reading, i write plenty of poetry, which is what i use most of my time to do — i lovelove r&b and early 2000s rap music. however, if u open my spotify rn and shuffle my liked songs it would go in order of hip hop, rap, afrobeats, classical music bcus my taste is all over the place. (i also keep a folder of edit audios for my own maladaptive daydreaming purposes lmao)
im rlly a baby blue girlie, fave flowers are tulips (idk my brain js thinks they look yummy), fave season is autumn ofc bcus rainy weather and i have an excuse to stay inside under my blankets 😭 fave animal would beee a black panther or a tabby cat! (my bby bella is a tabby lmao) i love vintage shows (rlly old noir films of all types of genres) i love cinema and visual art it stimulates me sm (im autistic btw i forgot to say mb) i've watched almost every wes anderson film in existence i love soft color palettes in film so bad <3
i enjoy watching old cartoons to relive my childhood nostalgia, jewelry (esp rings i never go anywhere without one or two on), rainy days, late night car drives, baggy shirts, scented candles, afrobeats n anything astronomy related.
im very much a social science n humanities junkie - yearning to be a clinical psychiatrist or complete my dream of teaching literature / psychology. i cry very easily (im js a crybaby istg) - in general im just very very emotional and more often than not i forget common sense and instinct are a thing bcus wtv i feel i just go with it - though i am extremely introverted and freak out when overstimulated in huge crowds and whatnot.
for the event im picking toji bcus that man is the love of my life bye ☹️ the epitome of sunshine and sunshine protector - tiny human and big scary guard dog ! in terms of our compatibility, we're so opposite it's insane! but we balance each other out well. sometimes i have to serve as toji's brain bcus this man is spending money he does not have on all sorts of things for me js cause i looked twice (my sister hced that he'd go below bankrupt buying me sanrio plushies and rings) he works mostly off instinct where i go completely off emotion so we butt heads alot in terms of decision making but he does not know how to tell me no, all i do is sigh once and HES DONE FOR.
i stress this man out like hes my full time babysitter pls
we acc spend alot of time having deep talks about the world and life in general, (i told him ab the backrooms lore and it messed w his head for weeks) which is a side of him he rarely shows to anyone (also he listens to me rant abt daily pop culture developments bcus he lowkey loves the celebrity drama) he's rlly protective, and even moreso bcus of how my anxiety gets. in a crowd this man is standing in front of me and blocking my view of everyone (he also subconsciously pulls me into his side when we're walking in public bcus my autistic ass will see one thing and wander off never to be found again) im always talking like talk talk talking and he pretends he isn't listening but he's literally able to repeat today something i mentioned two weeks ago - he's attentive, shows his love through actions rather than words. if i even make a face that gives away that im uncomfortable being somewhere, or my social battery is dead, hes taking me home no questions asked not a care as to who says what.
im an affection junkie - physical touch is my thing ! and hes so big! so im always pouncing on him for bear hugs and he acts so unimpressed and cocky abt it like "oh you missed me? im not goin anywhere relax" but he acc melts bcus when was the last time someone gave him affection?? he prob thinks im a figment of his imagination lolol
days off / dates would mainly be : window shopping, grocery runs, sitting in the park at sunset, indoor ramen dates n movie marathons and cuddles !!
AHHH sorry if i ranted way too much omg i can't wait to see what you do safi, i'll love anything u write ily so baddd <33
note: hihi dria, thanks for bringing your fave pillow and your totoro plush to the slumber party.
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dria x toji — ꒰ tojria
“in this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and i will not abandon you. unwrap the worst things you have done. watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch.”
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height differences, cinnamoroll x badtz maru, protective touches, 3 am conversations about life, romantic picnics at sunset, shopping together, opposites attract, shy x protective, princess treatment, introvert x introvert, buckling your seatbelt for you, tired bf x hyper gf, teasing remarks, day x night, accidental eye contact, blushing, midnight walks, late night phone calls, giddiness, sunshine x sunshine protector, stealing his clothes, late night drives, deleted texts, holding hands under the table, "mean to everyone but her" bf, head pats, she fell first, he fell harder.
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being with toji is not always as seamless or easy as you make it look. He's gruff and protective and difficult and incredibly stubborn. like that time you two fought because he was ignoring what you were saying and he flat-out refused to acknowledge your demand when you called him out on it. to be fair, he'd come home after an eight-hour shift and you'd started talking his head off, but it wouldn't kill him to listen. he wasn't paying attention when you were talking about that new hello kitty cafe with the fun milkshakes and the mini donuts that you wanted to try. hell, he ended up falling asleep on your shoulder after brushing off your argument and as much as you wanted to remain angry at him, you'd softened immediately upon seeing his tired face, all eyebags and troubled frown. and he did make it up to you later by taking you to said cafe and proving that he had been listening, though when you brought it up to him, he pretended not to know what you were talking about. but deep down he cares for you and he's trying — you know he's trying and you don't want to make him feel bad for things he can't control. a lot of the concerns you should bring up to him, you don't — you want this relationship to be easy and safe. you want him to feel comfortable with you the same way that you feel comfortable with him. even if sometimes he comes home with a busted lip and bloody knuckles and sends your heart skidding against your ribcage. but what matters is that he comes to you first and he comes home to you. so you know that no matter what, no matter how he's feeling, if he thinks he can talk to you or not, he'll always come home to you. and even if you doubt his commitment sometimes, he knows that you're home to him and he'll do anything to keep it that way.
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the way i loved you, enchanted, daylight, afterglow, how you get the girl, treacherous, sparks fly, so it goes...
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join safi's perfect slumber party event — requests are open for everyone!
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wooahaes · 2 years
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pairing: non-idol?bang chan x gn!reader
prompt: i am sleepy.
word count: 0.5k~
warnings: n/a just fluff. intentional lowercase + no proofreading.
daisy’s notes: i am sleepy. also idk and idc if this is idol au or not. hes just a busy guy who needs a fuckin NAP. so do i tbh.
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“you’re yawning again.”
despite how busy your boyfriend tended to be, chan always tried to make time for you. sometimes that took the place of the rare night out, but most of the time he’d end up curled up with you in your apartment with takeout and a movie (or a drama--it always depended on what you two felt like watching) going. he’d usually end up falling asleep on you after swearing he can stay awake through a second movie, that tonight was your night with him and he wasn’t going to let anything interrupt it--even his own body.
... tell that to the pictures of his sleeping head in your lap, always taken with one hand playing with his curls because he was cute. the moment he asked if you could play with his hair, you knew it was over for him: something about your fingers in his hair soothed him enough that sleep wasn’t too far away.
most nights you were fine with it. you’d end up turning off the movie and waking chan up long enough to relocate from your couch to your bed, curling up in his arms like his own personal teddy bear (that was what he always called you). he’d always make it up to you the morning after, making you breakfast and indulging you with as many kisses as you demanded from him.
except this time, you were the one who kept yawning throughout the movie. and your boyfriend wasn’t going to let that go unnoticed since you’d always tease him for falling asleep.
“am not,” you refuted. his body was warm against your own, arms securely holding you in place. if he was holding you like that, then you couldn’t play with his hair and make him fall asleep.
“you can go to sleep, you know...” he giggled. “i won’t tease you.”
“i’m not sleepy,” except you definitely were. work had been stressful and you were finally feeling the lack of sleep now that chan was with you. “stop talking over the movie.”
chan just laughed again, soft and warm as always. he knew you loved his movie commentary. “you’re just mad that i’m right.”
you were, but you weren’t going to tell him that. you just settled in further, your ear pressed against his chest. you could hear his heart beating.
the moment you started to yawn again, chan piped up, “that’s another one.”
so you lightly smacked his chest, earning another laugh from him. “meanie.”
his heartbeat was soothing, though, and you felt your eyes droop as you nodded off. chan smiled to himself, carefully moving to get his phone to snap a picture of your sleeping face. you weren’t as excited for this movie as he was, and he’d be happy to rewatch it with you later instead. so he just let you sleep, an arm secured around you as he was happy to be the one left awake for once. it evened you two out a little bit more, in his opinion...
(... even if he’d fall asleep twenty minutes later, complaining about an aching neck the next morning.)
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caffernnn · 11 months
Hi, thanks for making this post! It’s always fun getting to read your thoughts. I’m the anon that originally recommended 159 and sublimation and I agree with so many of the choices you made. There’s so many good fics written for this fandom, sometimes it’s easy to forget until you lay it out nicely like this. I’ve read every story on here except for like two so it was a walk down memory lane for me.
There’s so many good ones that I could go on forever, but I’ll just mention a few. I was surprised when you recommended “the ocean you gave my heart” because I haven’t seen anyone mention it, but I think about it often. “Heart’s Departure” is one of my favorites but yeah, it’s gut wrenching and idk if I could reread it. I love “Coral and Bone” is soo good and definitely a great read for the summer time. And “Night Changes,” I love when Makoharu talk to each other, they’re re so gentle with the other. I also want to mention “Under a Starless Sky,” by tonfea, because I am obsessed with that and think about it all the time.
Also we can’t talk about fics without a recommendation or two.
This is a cute and short story about Makoto and Haru getting together through the power of a anime watch night.
This is about pro Haru returning from a tournament and spending quality time with Makoto, with a little bit of introspection. It’s a smut too.
Hiii!! YAY it’s fun to sit down and revisit different stories from over the years, seeing even in vastly different universes how the viewer’s perception of characters and their core motivations carefully evolved. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed a lot of the same stories — so many great ones out there but these journeys were some of the best imho 😌
YEAH YEAH YEAH big love for tonfea and their idol AU 💚💙 The drama! The stakes! Trying to build tenderness in their whirlwind life together because if they’re sure of anything anymore it’s their longing and devotion!!! It’s another one of those stories that aches to read with the all of the building tension but hooks you in for better or for worse anyway (which speaks to how well it’s written). Great rec, thanks for bringing it up 👏🏻
Your other two recs I hadn’t read before but WOW I’m glad you sent them!! I loved how “Inviolable” by noobishere weaved together tender moments I didn’t even know I wanted to see between Makoto and Haru until the scenes came up. It’s so fun to watch a non-linear storyline come together, seeing what beats and little details you focus on when jumping back and forth. Definitely one I’ll enjoy revisiting to watch those dorks have fun together. ALSO “warmth kept in the palm of my hand” by fio is spicy (good smut, for those looking for it) but I’m particularly intrigued by their end conversation. It’s wild to see older future fics talk about where everyone ends up and compare it to what direction canon went with. The way Makoto and Haru talk about the future here is short and sweet, but feels almost more fleshed out than what we saw in FS, if that makes sense?? Like, you could argue the difference between (spoilers ig) arriving at a decision pre-burnout versus crashing into that option during/post-burnout, but even then, you’d almost expect to see more conversations and unpacking happen with the latter. Anyway, I liked what they did with the idea of a reunion and some exploration into what a future would look like for mh if they continued to take those steps hand-in-hand.
As always, your taste is 🤌🏻 impeccable
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my-usernames-posts · 2 years
The power of emotional attachment - My Beautiful Man
This is going to be long, buckle up.
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This might be a hard pill to swallow but hardly any lasting relationship can be entirely healthy.
Call it what you want but unexplainable attachment, shared past/trauma is what works to keep people together when rationality fails (and emotions aren't rational). Sometimes you stay together just because you're used to being around each other. Familiarity is comfort.
Sure, Hira is touched when Kiyoi steps in while he gets bullied but the unexplainable attachment is his attraction. Hira hated going to school since day 1. He stuttered like he dreaded on the first day of school & was ready to get bullied. Kiyoi walks in late with carefree strides & draws attention away from Hira much to his relief. He looked like everything Hira was not. Popular, confident.... Attractive. For the first time Hira is helplessly attracted to someone. Watching Kiyoi was an incentive to go to school. This helps Hira endure the bullying. Since he had decided Kiyoi is unattainable, loving him felt safe. There was distance, no fear of rejection, no shattered expectations. Hira subconsciously associates Kiyoi with his will to wake up & continue going to school, continue living daily life when he had no one to come home to.
Initially Kiyoi is weary of Hira's intentions. Hira gives off an impression of a weirdo, a sore loser, a stalker. Kiyoi softens gradually as Hira keeps his secret safe. For the first time someone wants nothing from him. Hira loving him from a distance seems so selfless that Kiyoi can't help but find it cute. So he subconsciously associates Hira with unconditional love & admiration. Kiyoi wanted to be a celebrity for the exact same reason - to witness the adoration he saw in Hira's eyes. Something he had in his own eyes for those on TV.
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As time passes, Kiyoi sees the downside. Hira likes his imaginary version of King Kiyoi & not the attention starved Kiyoi. He is indeed a fanatic & his religion/God is Kiyoi the mere mortal. Kiyoi is torn between attachment & his need for acceptance at this point. He's heartbroken that Hira refuses to see through him. After all the drama that happens, these scenes are a turning point.
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This is Kiyoi finally communicating his needs for once. He admits that he wants to melt into Hira's embrace only if Hira will NOT act like a devotee but as his boyfriend. Yes, Hira is selfish. He wants to feel safe so he decided it was goodbye after Kiyoi kissed him & said see you again. He chose to ignore the endearing tone of stalker. It's obvious even without context that Kiyoi meant "Yes you're gross & annoying. But I love putting up with you, Idk why. So please stay around me."
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These Hira scenes with Hira as top are especially meaningful. It not only shatters the stereotype of the ruder character with heavier built topping, but also shows the true essence of the characters. (This is has nothing to do with who is more dominant/ submissive in the relationship!!) Kiyoi wanted to feel loved, cared for & pampered. And Hira wanted to do exactly that. To give Kiyoi the attention he craved for.
Hira pins Kiyoi down. It's like he's bringing him down from the pedestal he put him on. Hira is letting himself express his desires. As for Kiyoi, he's finally feeling safe being vulnerable with the one he yearned for. The ending is symbolic of a new beginning. It's 2 people choosing to put aside their perceptions of each other & start looking at the other as an equal. Look at each other beyond appearance & image.
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This is Kiyoi accepting Hira. Notice how he never talked to Hira in public in the past? They barely talked even if they were together in isolation back in high school.
But now, he's clingy IN PUBLIC. It's Kiyoi saying "Yes Hira you are extremely gross to the point I question why I love you. But I love you regardless & I am willing to accept even your most disgusting form."
Hira can come across as a creepy stalker to others but he's Kiyoi's beloved stalker.
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samwontshare · 1 year
Cold War Alpha spoilers time.
+I am in love with Misty Knight and Sam Wilson. They’re so cute together. Misty held all the plans here!
-Sometimes I really struggle with comic art and this issue’s style was visually hard for me to get through. I did appreciate the coloring, though.
+Sam looking disturbed on Bucky’s behalf finding out he was a star point, Sam pointing out that Bucky’s too smart to be seen by accident, Sam also believing Bucky will kill Ian MY SAMBUCKY HEART BE STILL THE DRAMA
+/-Idk I don’t buy Bucky’s “can’t wait to kill all the Caps.” It sort of seems like a front for White Wolf. If this is a spy thriller, then nothing should be what it seems. It cannot be a coincidence that Bucky is tangled up with White Wolf that Sam just so happened to be fighting two seconds ago. Bucky wanted to bring Sam into the game.
But I can’t imagine it’s to get him killed. Maybe they really do want Bucky to be too far gone, but it doesn’t seem consistent with what we’ve seen so far. I have no idea what the plan is, tho. I remember how this started for Bucky: he broke into Fisk’s place to get his records….. but he also stole and burned the records of others so they couldn’t be blackmailed by Fisk. I don’t see Bucky giving White Wolf free reign with no about face coming.
Maybe I also just don’t want Bucky to go full villain?
We’ll see what happens!
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love in the air ep7 review
Context: I tried so hard not to spoil today's episode. Mission accomplished. I did not, in fact, get spoiled. So I watched it just now and I wanted to talk about it because obviously I had to. 
(I can finally scroll to every single social media that I own; that was literally killing me, i will never put myself through that again)
Let’s start with the MOST IMPORTANT THING: PrapaiSky
Prapai: my god this man is so freaking fine. Every scene was *chef’s kiss*. Can we acknowledge his voice? Oh my god Fort I didn’t know you could speak like that. Amazing honestly. I love it. The way that he smiles too, how can we resist? I am actually so excited to see him act as Prapai because Prapai is a fun character but also is supposed to be an adult and a “dangerous, professional, playboy” one which I normally hate in other shows because they always look like assholes, but Prapai/Fort looks like such a nice guy is actually insane how he can pull both looks. I love his way to getting Sky numer from Rain, like he knew those little shits where so eager to fuck and he did not care at all. Also, he canceling his meeting for that one moment is so amazing to me; that’s what a whipped man does
Sky. Babe, yes, you are the moment. I actually didn’t think he was going to be of my enjoyment because, again, like Prapai, these types of characters are playing in such an annoying way and are not fun after a while, but Sky/Peat has been delivering everything since we first saw him. So yes, I am also excited to see him more, and see more facets of this character, especially the horny one. YES, I WANT TO SEE A CHARACTER THAT’S SO GOOD IN BED THAT HE MADE A GROWN MAN CANCELED HIS WORKS MEETING JUST TO BE WITH HIM. I honestly love his relationship with Rain. Is so pure and amazing how they stand for each other and how Rain seeks comfort and help from him. 
That is something that I appreciate in this drama: the relationships aside from romantics. Friends and family are sometimes really hard to portray because it is hard to make a whole cast of people get well with each other, but they did. Idk if is the main or what, but everyone feels connected somehow, and they seem to get along well. Sky’s dad and Rain’s mom are so funny and cool, I wanted to see more of them. And Daddy Chai did his thing with that asshole but I will get to him later. 
Rain. If people could see how much I talk about him they can eventually figure out that he is my favorite character of the show so far. I just love how Nouel portrayed him, and how cute and funny he is on screen. I already talked about his development but seriously, what great writing. I really liked the scenes of him being kidnapped, even though they're hilarious and I couldn't take them seriously, Nouel has a thing for screaming, he does it well. 
Phayu. I can't get enough of him, he can do everything. I really like the way Boss portrays his character when he worries and he tries so hard not to do the things the asshole said to him. I feel like he can play more dramatic characters besides the “bad boy” if he keeps on this track. But overall I feel like he literally shines when he plays playful and flirty guys. He just does so well. He is so charismatic and makes everything fit together. The scene where he was with Rain’s friends was so good. Usually when seniors approach younger ones there is this air of awkwardness and discomfort because of the age gap, but here, it was like they were comfortable talking to him like you would with a cool adult. 
The relationship between Rain and Phayu is definitely one for the books. They had the chemistry that’s been missing for so long in other couples. They look so good together, they talk and act like a couple which I love to see. I like when the characters keep acting like they want to be together even after they get official. Like the spark is still there. I love the hornyness, i love the communication, the cuteness and the little kisses. 
I also thought that I would hate the fact that Phayu knew Rain and “broke” his car so he could fix him and therefore meet him, but keeping in mind that he is a mechanic and wasn’t any danger and most of his flirting was teasing, I can understand it. 
So, the whole kidnapping thing. It was fun, it was dramatic, it had fights, some talk and action. Overall, It did live up to the expectation. I feel like it was unnecessary of course keeping in mind that the plot was the romance and we already had a romance going on, but I think it is a way to connect the dark sides of the ilegal races with the story of Sky. So i don’t mind. Like, LITA it feels like a fanfic, but a wattpad one, so I don’t really care that it is not perfectly written. Sometimes we need trash stories in shows and we need to learn to accept them. But the actors did a good job portraying what they had to. Daddy Chai obviously stole the show, which I also think is understandable if he is an older actor and a more experienced one. I feel like giving dramatic scenes and very heavy ones to BossNouel will end up a lot like JaFirst where they were good, but not that good, and it felt a little fake. 
So overall, the episode was a lot to take, but in a good way. The action stuff was not overwhelming, and we had a lot of cute moments of the couple just talking about their feelings (which we all love because communication is our number one priority, always) and we got more scenes where Phayu and Prapai were together (if I don’t have more of them i swear i'm going to thailand to make them film more scenes idc) and WE GOT PRAPAISKY, separately, but we got them.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 Live Blogging
They really filmed the episodes for this in parallel and it was fun and chaotic to get all the spoilers for them. This is one my GMMTV's 2023 most anticipated shows, so I'm very excited.
My most anticipated are Bad Buddy, My School President, and The Eclipse. Then, NLMG > 1000 Stars = SIMM > Vice Versa and I don't plan on watching ABAAB. Bad Buddy was my most anticipated when the announcement happened because it's my favourite BL and I miss Pat and Pran so much T.T but since then, My School President has aired and I care about seeing both the characters and actors in that (NobiGun I'm gonna scream for 80 years); I don't care about ONN as a ship for Bad Buddy and I don't really care about seeing more of The Eclipse but rather am mostly excited for KhaoFirst. So now it's MSP > BBS > Eclipse
Never Let Me Go Apr 19, 22, 23
The actual show left me with a meh feeling but I really liked this historical time travel soulmates nonsense. It was cute and fun and I'm happy to have seen Nueng and Palm one more time. Also the Ep 2 part 1 beach kiss from the present time took me by surprise but it was great. Also think it's funny that we traded 1 Dangerous Romance couple in NLMG (Perth/Chimon) for another (Marc/Pawin).
I do like Pond/Phuwin and wonder if they'll get another show next year or not.
Rating: 6.5/10 - same as NLMG
Star In My Mind
I don't care about or remember this show but I like JoongDunk enough and idk, I'm in the mood for cuteness
Ep 1 (Apr 26): they're soo cute and also even though it initially seems like Kluen's always scheming to or pushing for more physical affection from Nuea, Daonuea's the same way with the kissing in part 2 end and part 3 beginning. Daonuea's just a schemer in general (with Maitee and Sean for example) and I like that
Ep 2 (Apr 27): So much more boring rip it's like how Kluen and Nuea got boring in the actual SIMM show once they got together. also sad that we didn't even get Nay/Sean but still had to abandon Sean/Maitee for them rip.
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lower than SIMM
The Eclipse - May 5
It's my first week at work + my laptop charger stopped working, so I didn't watch this during release but am watching on Friday.
Ep 1: My beloved beautiful KhaoFirst back on screen, hello. I'm actually a big lover of established relationships + conflicts in such a relationship, so I like this in theory but I feel like I couldn't quite understand what was going on or what was making them be so irritated at each other and also the characters esp Ayan were a bit ? to me if we compare them to their The Eclipse selves; I think a longer show where we could see patterns of behaviour would've been so good if this was a longer series. Also they're sooo cute in part 4 ahh Ayan trying to make up with sulking Akk and Akk just being like ">:( sometimes you make me feel so good and other times you're horrible"
Ep 2: ahh friendship is magic Akk-Wat-Kan conversation with them wholeheartedly supporting Wat without glorifying his decision - even if his directorial dreams fail, they'll still support him T.T
I got spoiled since ep 1 aired that Aye was planning a surprise while pretending to forget Akk's birthday and yeah, it's dumb to make somebody sad for 2 weeks for a surprise smh also since his friends knew, they should've shaken some sense into him .
Anyway, very horny ending, nice.
Overall: They have some very good things I love (established relationships going through some problems or navigating things, lovely friendships and supportive friends, lots of pecks and cute kisses) with some things that will forever annoy me (I think this sort of "surprise" is bad and mean agh) and also Ayan didn't quite feel like The Eclipse Ayan. The parts that were good made me smile though, I like KhaoFirst a lot.
Tangentially related but now I'm wishing KhaoFirst are in a slightly serious drama about an established couple going through a rocky period - but not like tooooo dramatic or with big consequences like divorce or custody battles or anything. more like alan/wen where they still love each other but keep hurting each other (not via cheating though) and make it back together by the end.
Rating: 6/10 - significantly lower than The Eclipse
Vice Versa - May 10
I get why people keep up with weekly shows, I haven't been able to binge any show since I started work/internship but coming home to watch an episode is fun and doable. But I think this pretty much only works because it's a 2-episode arc that's gonna end the same week rather than watch 1 ep and think abt it the whole week.
Ep 1: I didn't really care about Vice Versa or Puen/Talay or JimmeySea but this episode was fairly cute, good for watching while somewhat paying attention but not really analyzing or thinking. I also liked that the kid shows up like 2/3 of the way in and we get some o the couple being coupley before that
Ep 2: Boring and idc and also slightly annoying with the secret thing
I'm so excited for next week MSPxOurSkyy, idc if people are sad it's the same scenes and not college Tinn/Gun. i’m forever a lover of flipping dynamics + we get Nobigun so i’m hyped
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lowe than VV
My School President
My most anticipated (beat out Bad Buddy because for that one I'm only interested in the characters but not the actors whereas I'm into both the actors and characters here)!!
OST: Love Love Love (May 16) - I smiled through the whole thing! It's It didn't beat out any of my MSP OST faves after 2 listens but that might change later who know
Ep 1 (May 17): They're just cute! Tinn was soooo into Gun knowing how to ride a bike lol. Also the switching of cute scenes among pairs was interesting too, like Tinn/Gun getting the motorbike scene and Sound/Win getting the homework scene.
they made fans guesses with TiwPor secretly dating come true and they're even scheming. that's cute even though i don't really feel any attachment toward TiwPor
Ep 2 (Ep 18): I’m watching MSP Our Skyy and if I liked SoundWin more, the “Why? do you want us to be friends?” reenactment would have done me in fr
Tinn my sparkly-eyed boy!! Gemini's eyes were so beautiful in part 2? 3? when he and Gun were lying down beside each other ah pretty boy. Also, so adorable that Tinn fell first in this universe too and he was so cute talking to his mom when Gun came to the store that first time.
Although to have the previous Our Skyy eps be full of kisses and not even have cheek kisses in this one, forget lips is like why
Overall: The MSP Our Skyy eps are just okay, i don’t think they needed to do a play by play of the original series squished into 2 episodes and they could’ve been more clever if they were set on doing the body switches. I just dont care that much though because I got 2 more hours of TinnGun and also GemFourth
Rating: 6.5/10 - lower than MSP
Bad Buddy (x ATOTS)
MY BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!! ohmnanon this ohmnanon that idcidcidc my beloved PatPran are coming back to me! as are Ink and Pa~~~~
Ep 1 (May 31)
gonna only get to watch part 1 during lunch so I debated just watching it at the end of the day but no, I'm impatient
they're so dumb, they're so cute, they're so horny, I can't handle it my head is in my hands
ink peeling shrimp for pa ah. i love their nonchalance at ruining pran and pat's moment but rubbing it in their face with their own cute feeding moments
phi pran not pat roleplay i die i cry i scream forever
they would not make me witness Pat playing porn in front of everybody, would they?
oh, they would...
ah they're so T.T now it's snow white roleplay
oh pat really would back out, the dumbass is so in love
also they're so bad at hiding this relationship, just handing out on campus in broad daylight, n wonder Prom's character saw them talking from time to time
Pran dumbass pulling the "i like it." "you mean the stars?" "i like you" line ah
kiss kiss kiss !!! what is up with these interruptions !!!!!!! i needed it to be like the eclipse, simm where it's kiss after kiss but somehow my horniests faves are getting no kisses? it won't end up like MSP no kiss right?
oh my godddddd I'm so done, why is Pran overhearing Pat's drunk ribbing at him?
well at least Pran seems to take it more as a challenge rather than getting sad about it
Pat accidentally cuddling and kissing Wai T.T but also they kissed this ep before Pat and Pran did? be fr
Pran really has a kink for embarrassing Pat in public T.T Pran's putting Pat through public humiliation kink
lmao why'd Phupa faint?
not the Pran-Phupha stare and then Pran-Tian staredown pls
next episode nowwwwwww
Ep 2 (June 1)
oh pretty long ep, like 70 mins?
lmfao Pran really getting their in the middle of Phupha and Tian's argument T.T
somehow doesn't feel weird to see Pran in this village and setting of another show. somehow he and Tian conversing just makes sense
oh Pat with his cheekiness, him getting here feels like more of a difference in the setting
ah Pat Pran i love them
Tian clocked them in 1 second
I didn't really like Phupha in the original ATOTS, let's see if I'll care about him now
not Phupha Tian arguing about who threw themself at who first T.T
these fuckers T.T running Pran around to get the other to admit they liked the other first
"following what's in the diary" ep 7 flashbacks, Pat Pran are experts at doing cute couply things without just admitting that they're both liking it and doing it
silly boys T.T playing in water soooo cute
ah fucking mosquito net phupha-tian roleplay T.T finally a kiss but why would Pran push him away T.T they kissed with ease in Bad Buddy, what is this
askldfjalskdjfakldsfj they're soooo horny "have you ever wondered how much this can withstand the shake?" adsfsadfkl but they won't even kisssssssssss
Pat's obsession with smelling Pran
ah Bad Buddy song - secret
ngl I wish this was a little less about Phupha-Tian and more about Pat-Pran since it's still their week of Our Skyy
lmfao pls not Pat and Phupha waking up shirtless beside each other also are you guys stupid really counting down to check if they have their pants on
girl what's happening
Cute and fun and I love PatPran, so I wish there was a bit more of them than there actually was. Can't believe I only watched this because I'd get to watch it weekly but instead I have to wait until next week D: Though at least it's good that we get PatPran for 1 whole week instead of just 2 days.
A Tale of Thousand Starts (x Bad Buddy)
I finished The Devil Judge on Monday and was still in that sort of mood on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'm gonna binge both episodes from this week on Thursday - the last Our Skyy episode day.
Ep 1 (June 8)
fucking smell kink freak Pat
this ep is kinda boring ngl
these horny mfers really fucked in the tent lmfao
bro this ep is just annoying like why is everybody getting lost and both Tian and Phupha are just annoying characters this whole crossover
Mostly a boring (and repetitive - why get lost twice in the woods smh) episode except for certain Pat/Pran moments ah my beloveds
Ep 2 (June 8)
won't like i'm just skipping through the second half of part 1 bc I don't care about Phupha/Tian and I'm bored already
watched a bit more of part 2 bc they were cute enough
is that the P'Aof cameo as the solider in the play
lol Pat as Tian and Pran as Phupha cute
plssss InkPa at the back - I wish they were there a biiit more
Pa heckling them to kiss and Wai + Korn making it happen pls
wtf the WaiKorn? did they acc kiss?
yaas PatPran as PhuphaTian kiss even though we haven't got a regular PatPran good kiss except that 1 surprise one
yeahhh kiss as Pat and Pran or I kill you - oh this is the finger-sucking scene, horny bastards okay we did get a kiss
plsss my beloved Pa pee interruption scene recreated
oh, I don't give a fuck about engagements
Okay yeah sure idk Pat and Pran are great as expected but the first ep of this week was fairly boring (and mostly Pat and Pran apart) and 2nd ep was Phupha/Tian heavy (That's expected)
Rating: 6.5/10 for both weeks BBSxATOTS eps
In the end, some were good, some were meh, some I was disappointed by but oh well. It was still fairly fun and I liked watching it weekly since I get a new story every week. NLMG = MSP = BBSxATOTS > Eclipse > SIMM = Vice Versa
Rating: 6/10
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ramblingaboutglee · 1 year
As a non-Klaine fan I’m just curious, why do you think they work well together?
I think it depends on the season you're asking about - it feels like klaine never really have a set dynamic, and charting that course is part of what makes them interesting to me.
In season 2, realistically speaking the plot was "The only other gay kid they know that's not kinda a jerk," and it was a cute first love dynamic, but half the drama in S2 was the fact they didn't really know one another at all. It's not, at that point, the bedrock of any long-lasting relationship.
So for me, it's interesting to see how they shift? Like, honestly to begin with, they seem to like the idea of the other more than the reality. Which, it happens - you've got Blaine trying to be more mature and wise than he actually is, Kurt clearly buying it, etc. Then Blaine's uncertainties rear their head in a way no one's ready for, and they have a lot of adjustments to make. And then, four/five years later, they're married.
So that development, honestly, is a compelling one to me.
I've rambled about this before - when it comes to Glee, I feel like most of the early-season ships were never viewed by the writers as epic love stories for the ages, but rather as temporary relationships that would likely end with graduation. From that perspective, there are kind of two iterations of Klaine to talk about. Pre S4's break-up, and post.
Before, they were a mess. Neither of them knew how a relationship really worked, both of them struggled to act sensibly, both of them could be dumbasses at points, and honestly it's generally endearing - they're navigating unfamiliar waters, with the extra dose of queerness thrown in meaning they're much more on their own. I think it's a good journey for both of them individually, though Klaine was more a vehicle for the two of them than something with its own life.
(In-show anyway. Hard to deny the real life impact)
Then we have the break-up, and ooh I really want to ramble that episode at some point. The short version is, for Klaine, Blaine switched schools for Kurt, Kurt graduated, and he's left alone without most of his old friends. he's isolated, Kurt's distracted and struggling to relate while dealing with adult life drama, Blaine messes up. (Which, I am so curious to figure out the fandom view of that. I have one friend who mentioned she thought it was OoC because she viewed Blaine as someone who needed an emotional connection, while to me he'd always seemed more sexual, so idk. I think Glee definitely runs into fanon taking on a life of its own which makes untangling everything trickier)
If we fast forward to when Klaine end up together again, it makes for an interesting contrast. By that point, Kurt is much more sure of who he is, and presumably Blaine is as well, if to a lesser degree. They always had a vague 'first crush' thing, but for me it is this point where Klaine start being a relationship that functions well as, like, a relationship as opposed to just mutual character growth. They chafe, a ghost of their old 'Sometimes they, Blaine especially, focus on an idea and misses the reality' (which is suchhh a throughline to so many people on Glee) but they're much better at working through it.
Even then, it's not perfect, but even what we see of the break-up seems to be handled much better by them compared to S4.
And then there's the terrifying Sue robot. Ah, Glee.
All that to say - for me, Kurt and Blaine individually are good characters. Kurt, the quieter gay kid growing in confidence over years, and Blaine the optimist and daydreamer who sometimes spirals out when things inevitably don't go to plan. Kurt makes for an interesting counterpoint - to begin with, he's the one who almost looks up to Blaine, only to find out that most of Blaine's confidence is an act. It's a relationship where they both draw one another into unexpected territory, good and bad, and have to work out how to navigate it. If nothing else, Klaine is something that pushes both of them forwards.
I don't necessarily view it as the be-all and end-all of ships, I don't think it's the most compelling dynamic in the show, nor necessarily the sweetest - though they do have cute moments - but it's a relationship that helps draw out two characters, and gets rooted in surprisingly grounded drama of two people in a relationships learning to, well, share space. Especially in late S5, that serves to play off of Blaine's tendency to romanticise, and then Kurt's inherent defensiveness, so they end up as a ship that definitely have things to overcome. But then, that is part of what can make a dynamic interesting.
No idea if I put my view well but hey, you ask this blog a question and you get a ramble I guess.
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thestrandedrpg · 2 years
Tumblr media
News travels through the air on the island like salt on a sea breeze. Here is the gossip currently circulating as of November 11, 2022. Read on below the cut!
NOTICE: Esther Achebe is no longer residing in the Fisher’s Hut. If you want this prime piece of real estate to yourself, it’s all yours! Contact Seamus Hayes at 1-800-FISH-HUTS.
ANNOUNCEMENT: I am circulating a petition to get Esther back on the New Council! (Silver Trio? The Hardy Regime and sometimes Seamus? IDK) and Seamus said it could happen if I got 100 signatures. I think he didn’t take me seriously because we don’t even have 100 people on this island let alone enough paper for 100 signatures (and also Esther killed Matthew I guess) but you know what? FUCK Seamus! Murder is TOTALLY OKAY! I currently have like 10 signatures. Fake names ARE allowed. What are they gonna do, check? We’ll just say the fake names are tooootally real people, they're just still stuck in the Labyrinth and that’s what we’re sensitive about! Come find me and add your name to spite Seamus TODAY! APPLICANTS WANTED: Folks, this island’s drama is always life or death. Like a whole ocean going poof? Or a Beast coming out to try to get us incinerated? That isn’t fun at all! So I’m looking to bring in some fun drama by starting the acclaimed TV show (minus the TV) The Bachelor: Meridium Edition! I will be the Bachelor since a disproportionate number of people here seem to think known murderer Emre Akbar is their only option for a good lay and who better to show them they’re wrong than me? If you would like to be a suitor, let me know! ADDENDUM TO APPLICANTS WANTED: Is it just me or does this handwriting look suspiciously similar to whoever wanted to make himself the King of Meridium and make Aurélie Queen? ADDENDUM TO APPLICANTS WANTED: I want Sisco to be the Bachelor :( It would be funnier than whatever this is CASTING CALL: CASTING FERDINAND MAGELLAN IN “A FISH OUT OF WATER,” an interactive musical thriller from the minds of Dawn&Dawner, based on the life of Lapu-Lapu, the first Filipino hero. Must look Portuguese. Mid-30s to mid-40s male preferred. Tomas or Joaquin, please contact Kang Sae-byeok or Alex Liwayway Woo for more information.
INTRAMURALS: Kang Sae-byeok knows everything there is to know about basketball inexplicably and has put together an exhibition tournament, Meridium's first-ever! At least she tried to; numerous newer residents kept asking her how to cut an umbrella out of dalgona and if they would have to play marbles. Said disappointed point guard Jupiter George: "I never even got the chance to say 'put me in, coach'! All my hoop dreams down the drain." Asked for comment on this disappointing development, Kang Sae-byeok was heard to simply murmur, "Whoa."
SEEKING: Someone with no adversity to water and two (2!) working hands to help set up lagoon water lanterns along the edges of The Bridge. Must also be willing to tolerate a fair amount of cursing. It won’t be directed at you but it sure will be directed.
AUDITION SIGN-UP!  Plans for a South Beach talent show are underway!  If you have a fun, theatrical, or engaging skill to show off, sign up for the auditions!  (Disclaimer: auditions are a formality, everyone's going on the roster.  Seriously, we're desperate for some light entertainment).   Talents can include by are not limited to: -  Birdcall whistles - One-woman acts to ensure all the attention - Freaky birdcall whistles that sound unnervingly like screams - Accidentally summoning a spirit in the middle of a harmless card trick with yo momma - Spooky-cute reading of Wren's fanfic (we know she has them written in her head) - Dramatic retelling of Kenzie Royal's life - Live dermal procedure: popping and draining an underarm cyst - Loud, slightly awkward refusal to play the piano - Folksong performance outshined by previous crippling inability to play the piano- 20-minute chanting hymn to put everyone to sleep (bring your rotten fruit to throw)
REVIEW: The new pamphlet titled “The Agricultural Revolution for Dummies” received fifty-six total power claps from Flora Hardy.
WANTED:  Fresh, tasty mead!  This is NOT an impossible request.  If that bumbling beekeeper and that mousy distiller can actually get their act together, I'm positive this island would be overflowing with MEAD.  What's the hold up!  Stop being cowards, one of you ask the other on a date.  Hold hands, talk things out, give it another try!   Make each other a nice dinner, maybe candlelight and some light music.  Set the mood, you two!  Haven't either of you heard of courting?  I can't believe I have to solve your issues just to get some good delicious mead around here!  
EVENT: Upcoming two-weekend seminar to be held on: Meridium Survival Tips: What, Like it's Hard? Tips will centre around issues of food, shelter, and of course that general feeling of 'what the fuck is going on and why'.  Survival cannot be done alone.  Students will attend a general lecture in the first weekend, followed by a track the second weekend that is specific to your survival specialization.  Each specialization taught by three unique weirdos/outcasts who always seem to make it out alive with a chill alomb. Track one: creepy Kang Sae-byeok.   Track two: indifferent Kaz Raval.   Track three: unfriendly Sandra Barrow.   Be prepared for condescension, a semi-hostile unwillingness to teach, and a lot of enigmatic or bitingly clever quips guaranteed to go over your head.   NOTE: your specialists might troll you.  This is a test to read between their lines.  Follow their every action and word to the letter. Seats limited! Register now!
NOTICE: Have you ever realized how messed up you are psychologically? Do you want to talk about it with a professional who will keep your secrets close to her heart while also giving you impeccable, thought-provoking advice? Then come spill—I mean consult noted therapist Lina Delgado. Lina was a licensed therapist before she came to Meridium and is more than willing to take the time to listen to your gossip, I mean problems! FWB fuck your dad? Jealous of your BFF? Marriage issues with your (ostensibly) beloved spouse? Abandonment issues because Mummy didn’t want you anymore or never liked you in the first place?* Dr. Lina is willing to talk out ALL of these issues with you! Schedule an appointment today! * All examples are fictional scenarios and any correlation to real-world events are coincidental
REGRETS: Ms. Tamyra Williams, in an unfortunate mishap, was startled by a yet-unidentified species of squid while she was taking a mid-afternoon swim. The squid, in what was clearly a targeted attack (Ms. Williams is conducting an investigation into the possibilities of squid-training), squirted a viscous dark blue ink all over Ms. Williams. The regret is that her pale yellow bikini in a perfectly flattering shade has been ruined, and nobody will be blessed by seeing her in it anymore.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The kimchi rotation is as follows. Monday - cabbage Tuesday - cucumber Wednesday - green mango Thursday- watermelon rind Friday - green papaya Saturday - carrot Sunday - tomato The wait list is now open. You will be eating with Sae-byeok unless Haneul is already there. It’s fine if you don’t talk. If you talk, make it good. If it’s good, you will be given access to the flavored milk rotation.
NOTICE: DO NOT, under any circumstances, approach the smokehouse on the Lower Farm without prior explicit approval and consent and a special sewn-together leaf badge!! There's no reason for this it's just that Kaz doesn't like interlopers. Or go bother him we're not your mother, sheesh. SPEED DATING! Lonely?  Looking for companionship or just someone to hang out with?  Drinking tonnes of tea but having no swipes on island tindr?  Come for a night of speed-dating!  We all know this outdated ritual, still dragged out by romcoms to show the desperation of the protagonist's singlehood.  Meet other hot Meridium singles in your neighbourhood (South Beach has got neighbourhoods now, that's right.) and take five minutes to know each other before moving onto the next potential love!  Be prepared to meet strangers, friends, frenemies, and enemies in a new light: the humiliating vulnerability of a five-minute date.   So what if this guy gut-punched you earlier this year? He looks so nervous and cute in his bowtie now!  So what if this lady stole your water during the drought?  She got her hair in an updo for this night! Can't make this month's dating event?  Next month will be: blind dates!  You'll be forcibly paired with someone for two conscripted hours of faked cheer!  We can't wait to see you there!
EDUCATIONAL EVENT: The older people on Meridium are sick of the blatant ignorance of everyone who's below some arbitrary age, let's say 32. In their boundless wisdom they have put together a chapbook of information, slang, and recipes that younguns should know for their own damn good! Some excerpts: - "dimanche tabernac: this is a slang but do not ever say this! Its meaning is so terrible I dare not even say it aloud, or put it down, or sign it to you. In fact please retract this entry por favor. You're retracting it, yes? It's gone? Gracias. It would be a true nightmare to know I have released this into the world. I must lie down now" - "If for some godforsaken reason you've decided to process bitter cassava then you need to, obviously, observe either the soaking method for the correct amount of time, or paste-drying, or else construct a long sleeve of tightly-woven palm leaves to extract the starch, or cook the syrup for no less than forty hours, this is all self-evident but I know you won't do it right so enjoy your cyanide poisoning" - "when you are attempting to extract information from a member of your preferred ... you know what I am saying. No, I will not elaborate. Such a foul mind you have to want me to say more! Sacre bleu I will not continue if all you require is filth!" Chapbooks are available at the little pond where there's that fish who sometimes spits at people. We do not anticipate running out anytime soon so visit at your leisure.
FOUND: A professional manicurist's case of twenty-four (24) assorted colours of unopened OPI nailpolishes. No need to try and claim them, I just wanted to boast about it. They're mine and I'm not sharing, bitchezzz! - Alex L. Woo
REGRETS: A cave flooded near The Bridge. Like, big time. Good news: Nice, fresh mud for self-care purposes! (May have fresh bone chips in it! So good for exfoliating!) Bad news: a bunch of people’s belongings got sucked in there. So... come have a spa day and get your stuff! 
NEEDED: Someone to relay a stack of paper to the hairy 19-year-old Indian-looking boy named Kaz. I do not know where he stays, and I do not care to find out.
Obelisk Eye never closes! We will begin our latest entry with a poem about Meridium’s newest location, The Bridge.
here, and there              within, but without the bridge is a gateway  travel through     lagoons the Labyrinth SEES we sleep,                but we walk things are not what they seem running                        barefoot blood red on the white soles the Labyrinth LAUGHS the bridge, they said, is such                                                         a foolish name why not the way? the path? the portal? the mirror? the Labyrinth CALLS
Thank you to our particularly artistic ObOp for beginning to unpack one of Meridium’s greater mysteries! This week our Obelisk Operatives (ObOps) have observed the following behaviors. So pull out your magnifying glass, write in the sand, and let’s do some sleuthing. - One ObOp spotted Hanan Zakir... climbing? By herself? When asked, Hanan said it was "for fun" despite the obvious risks to life and limb. Note: it didn't look very fun. - Another ObOp has observed that whenever Jovi George doesn’t know what he’s looking at, he simply pokes it. We can’t help but wonder if he has ever hurt his finger doing this. Please do not do it to Our Obelisk. - Flora Hardy appears to be mastering different pitches in her so-called “nonsense words,” which her parents claim are “normal for a baby.” We do not believe that they are truly nonsense. Who could she be communicating with? - There are many mosquitoes beginning to gather in the standing water near The “Bridge”. They also make high-pitched noises, one ObOp noted. Is this who Flora speaks to?
Any other news to report?  Become an ObOp or risk being spied on!  Always remember:
T̶̪͋̓́̂͌̀̾͆͠H̷̺̙̥̟̼̿Ĕ̸̱͇̮̬̄̒̓̍̓̃ ̴̡͕̗͕̱͈̘͛́͋̀̈́̀̚͠͠ͅȎ̶̞̙͈͉͈̙̥͒͒̐̒͜͜B̸̧̪̀̎̃̓̉̌͠͝Ę̴͔͚̰̠͖̠̘͒̌̂͑̓́̓͝L̷̨͇̺̣̜̾̋̊̀̀͜Į̴̛̮͇̭͙̠̣̱̓̏S̴̡̗̦͚̠͖̺͋̉̾K̸͙̜̠̬̟͇͂́̎̀̒̑̇͜͝ͅ ̸̞̗̺͍̥̒̊̊̾̕͝͠͝E̵̯̺̼̤͉͉͆̄̈́́͝Ỹ̷͎̦̟͉̗̞̊͘E̷̖̫̫͂̑̽̋̈́͠ ̸͉͙̥͂̐̈́͛̊͠N̴͈̾͠È̷̬̜̘̘̇̑̈́̍͋͂͌̔͠Ṽ̴̫̰̥͓̱͕͓͆̐̈́Ȩ̸̛̦͈̗̯̘̫͙̇̀̌̾̑͊R̴̼̣̃̈́͊͠ ̸̡̖̝̬̝̊̈̕C̴̰̰̉̄̃̑͒Ļ̶̢̱̬͇̻̈́̔̈́͋̽O̵̼͍͔͂S̴̭͍̆̉͘̕E̶̮͓̯͕̓͌͋̋̉̓S̸̤̞̘͙̘͂̎̎̇̿̽͆̎̊͝
Anonymous islanders are invited to voice their questions, complaints, and compliments to the island itself. Replies are not guaranteed.
Dear Ms. Meridium, I saw that a previous letter was signed by "Fauna Forever Flora Never" and I *can't* be the only one who sees this as a direct foretelling of that weird baby the Hardy-Blums found! Is it a warning? I think it's a warning. We should all be on our guard. - Rosemary's Omen
Dear Ms. Meridium, Listen. Listen. I think The Bridge is really neat. Being able to sit there and watch the Labyrinth do its thing? So cool! Very neat! What’s less cool? The bugs. They are everywhere. Can’t we get a little less buggy? You took the whole ocean away. Surely you can work on a little bit of standing water. I’m going to have to move if this doesn’t let up soon! Itchily, Bug-Be-Gone
Dear Ms. Meridium, That Madi from the farm has a vendetta against me! She put some snails near my train car and now those snails are keeping me up at night. Don't laugh I'm air-attuned so I can hear them slithering around and that gross pop sound when they pull into their shells. I think I'm developing a complex. Madi owes me and I think to make up for this trauma she should come be my wife. Just sayin. - Escargot Home With Me
TITLE: a long way down (the love below mix) RATING: E for Major Character Death SUMMARY: for the remix challenge. kaz has had enough and alex doesn't know when to stop...but that's what makes it interesting once they figure out they have the same taste in hobbies. soon the whole island will pay the price.
TITLE: girls just wanna have fun RATING: G SUMMARY: lily and teenaged flora get to go on an adventure that isn’t interrupted by disaster. that’s it. that’s the whole plot. i just think these kids have been through too much, okay?! let them have fun!!
TITLE: If I Did It RATING: T AUTHOR: Kang Sae-byeok  SUMMARY: How I would have successfully weaponized a cult following to gain control of South Beach. 
TITLE: programmed to receive RATING: R SUMMARY: an AU of the shining. starring tomas as the drunk writer with a god complex, libby as the plucky wife with a whole closet of overalls, and lily as the creepy yet endearing child at the middle of it all. special guest appearance by joaquin as the kindly and therefore doomed spiritual guide. REDRUM!
TITLE: shere khan-shi RATING: E SUMMARY: emre akbar is the head of the mowgli crime syndicate, but he wants to bring it all down. journalist kang sae-byeok can help, for a price. and that price is his getting her pregnant.
TITLE: madison avenue RATING: T SUMMARY: madi's the newest copywriter at a high-pressure advertising firm, where all her coworkers have much more experience and are absolutely cutthroat. only one person is on her side: aurelie, the cold bitch office manager.
The usual organizer of Kiddie Corner recently “nearly drowned” and “isn’t in the mood,” apparently, and I’ve got things to say, so here we go.
1. I think I’ve cracked it. If you want the island to be nice to you, you have to treat it like it’s your crush! Bring it nice things! Invite it on adventures with you! Compliment its abilities! It might intimidate you a little bit, but that’s fair! ... Actually, on second thought, I might be thinking of something else. But I still think that stands!
2. I think there are two Labyrinths. Of course, I’m not even supposed to go into one of them, so I can’t exactly test this out (cough wink cough), but I suspect there’s a kind Labyrinth and a cruel Labyrinth, of sorts. Though maybe it’s just a matter of attitude, like I mentioned above... the more I think about it the more I think I’m right.
3. If we go up somewhere high and put every cell phone that we collected in a circle, we’ve got to be able to AirDrop something to someone. I just need all of your phones. 
4. Is it just me or do the dots on the Fisher’s Map look like they spell out ‘HI’? Maybe I’ve been staring at it too long...
5. There are tunnels under the beaches, yeah? Well who’s to say there aren’t more under the oceans? What if that’s where all of our stuff was kept all that time? And then when the ocean fell through and into the Labyrinth, that’s when they came up? Wait, I’ve drawn a diagram. I’ll attach it below.
6. Actually this is more of a question: how did North Beach people figure out that tea works to stop pregnancies? I’m not trying to use it, I’m just curious. Was it just trial and error? Or did someone sip it and think to themselves, hey, this tastes like my IUD feels? I’m serious! It’s a serious question!
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I’ve been notified that these things are “better suited for Ob-Ops.” But I haven’t gotten an invite! I’m not above joining a weird statue cult! I just need you to tell me I’m allowed! And what were you going to do, just leave Kiddie Corner empty? Shoot.
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petrichoraline · 7 months
hi petriiiii 🫶🏻 what dramas are you most looking forward right now? or not just dramas but other things too! i'm losing excitement and it's making me a little sad :c
hi, cutie!! right now i'm mostly looking forward to things that have finished airing haha, like a few jbls and dangerous romance. if it's a jbl released this year - i want it. the last bl i finished watching was, iirc, taikan yoho and i haven't been interacting with the fandom on here in terms of commentary in months. i've been out of the loop so getting this question makes me very excited and flattered but also a lil sad cause i might not have anything of substance to say.
i'm not too sure what is coming up in terms of shows but last twilight is smth that i hope i get to keep up with! @stormyoceans managed to get and keep me excited about it so that could be a bit of a comeback for me. i dare not be excited for supposed 2024 gmm releases for now (except maybe for the kieta hatsukoi adaptation uwu) and i'm not really aware of what the other companies are putting out.. oh, i am interested in middleman's love! although i never actually watched bed friend, idk why i'm so interested in tutoryim considering i never even finished cutie pie but here we are 😄
ohh, i want to watch the cute kbls!! sing my crush, why r u, love alarm s2 for example 🥰 also to finish love tractor but that's not up to me only @howitrulyam ˙꒳​˙ and to rewatch kinou nani tabeta? and proceed with the second season <3
as for other media - i'm interested in how ofmd s2 ends; i kinda want to watch miyazaki's the boy and the heron because it's gonna be released in cinemas here! trying to hype myself up to go to the movies alone lol; i'd like to watch a nice regular jdrama, maybe something like beni sasu life :) my happy marriage are a movie and an anime i'd like to get into as well; and lucky my love seems like it'd be to my taste!
anyways, there are plenty of fun shows out there, both older and newer <3 i personally have no desire to watch a lot of stuff so there are no personal recs i can give you about recent or upcoming shows. the dash seems to be full of lots of opinionated bloggers who are keeping up with everything that's currently airing so i'm sure goof stuff are being released and there's def a lot that you're going to like! sometimes synopses don't sound too promising but the series turn out to be really enjoyable so keep an open mind ☺️ in any case i can always recommend older stuff..? if you crave smth in particular i'm alwaysss open to digging through my lists💕💓💞 that being said, i get the desire to watch new stuff as they're being a topic of discussion in the fandom and it's a lot of fun so i'll encourage you to pick a few random shows - varying by country, genre, cast, company, and try to keep up with them weekly. maybe also look into het dramas or even anime? western series? books or games? sometimes you may need a palette cleanser and if the current catalog of upcoming bls isn't really doing it for you, direct your attention elsewhere for a minute. that's what i'm kinda doing rn after a bit of a burnout and it feels good. just mix it up <3
and let's keep in touch! 🥰
0 notes
Let the man LIVE Shaun xdd
Like idk, if they spend this much time on it and it's nothing that would be kinda weird but at the same time I think just thing after thing? Shaun might be reading into it
Oop o.o but yeah you do have to decide if he's a danger to his patients
Hmm I bet Shaun's just gonna be seeing things that have always been there but in this light now
Or at least for some of it he might
😬😬😬 but also c'mon y'all it's just a pause
No it's a trust issue if everyone else finds out Shaun's suspicions xdd
Ughhh I hope this all works out okay and I hope Glassman is okay 😭😭❤️
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :D. I'm glad we got to see everybody working together by the end :)). Though the drama with Lim and Andrews seems to jus tbe getting worse o.o. Also of course the Shaun and Glassman scene were amazing - heartbreaking and adorable a lot of the time :')). I'm so glad he's okay cancer wise 🥰🥰, but okay period doesn't look like it's gonna last o.o. I'm scared xd. Anyway, I loved all the storylines this episode :). But I hope we don't get another huge fight 😭.
By the way, everything after the first line was now, a little over a half hour before the next episode, so this'll be pretty short lol. And also because I don't remember all the details of what happened xD.
Now time for the individual parts!
Jerome and Dalisay! Our two favorite nurses 🥰. We didn't see much of either of them, but what we did was great :D. And in Jerome's case heartbreaking for some of it 😭❤️. Anyway, I love them both :)). They were great at their jobs :D. Hopefully we get more of them soon!
Lea! It was great to see her supporting Shaun, of course :')). And also, great idea sending them out together to look at cribs XD. Thank you you queen lol <3. I love her 🥰. And I'm sure she was great at her job :)). Also AAHHHH their nursery is coming togetherrrr :'DD I literally can't take it 😭❤️❤️.
Park! We didn't see to much of him, but he was great :'). I do think his opinion on Morgan picking the gender had its points, but both sides did. I'm glad we got to see them all have that discussion though, it was cool :)). I love him ❤️. He did great at his job :DD.
Asher! I would put him with he other residents but that's just too many lol. Anyway, he did great :)). He was great at his job 🥰, and AAHHHH the karaoke scene at the end was so cuuute :'DD!! Also SLAYY on his talk with Kalu 👀. I figure they both had their points, but yeah - sometimes you just have to take risks. I'm glad it all worked out :)). I love him 🥰❤️.
Andrews and Lim! O.O. Y'all the D R A M A!! I was thinking they'd made up a bit but then that ending scene o.o. I really hope this doesn't last too long - those two are good friends, and I hope they can keep that <3. Also I simply just do not deserve it <3 😭 XD. But, besides all that, they did slay :). They were great with their drama xD. I love them both :). And they were both great at their jobs (though that was in contest by each other lol).
Morgan! My girlll 😭😭😭. Her storyline was so sad this episode <333. Not completely, and the picking the sex conversations were cute :), but the fact that after all that hard work, how much of her soul she put into that baby, it ended in tragedy? 😭😭😭💔. I'm really interested to see where her staying with Eden goes though :')). And I do hope that she ends up going through with the appointment, since she's come so far with it. But if she doesn't, she doesn't <3. Anyway :'). I love her <333. She did great at her job this episode :')).
Jordan, Perez, and Kalu! The newly founded love triangle is together here XD. I can feel that the drama with that is just STARTING up, but I do think it would be funny if Perez and Kalu became besties xD. Well, you know, good friends lol. Anyway that whole situation was THE TEA O.O. I am glad Danny apologized and explained though, that was great :')). And once again, Jordan slaying xD. Sometimes soon she won't know everything though, lol. Anyway, I'm also proud of Kalu for being able to take that risk and be confident in himself :'). He did the research, he knew the facts <33. Slay :D. They all did amazing at their jobs :)). I love them all <333 🥰❤️.
Shaun and Glassman! Y'all their scenesss 😭😭😭❤️❤️. That honest conversation in the crib store though 😭 :'DD. And just in general Glassman trying to pass on all of his knowledge and advice while he can? Heartbreaking and so sweet 😭😭😭❤️❤️. I literally can't with them <33. I really hope nothing's up though :'((. And that it doesn't cause too big of a rift xd. Because honestly, I don't know if I'd prefer Shaun to be right or wrong. But even if he is right, I think there will definitely be some things he's looking too far into. Anyway, I'm glad they worked everything out this episode :')). Even if it looks they're just gonna do it all again xdd. Yes, I live in fear, why thank you :')). Of everything with what's to come xD. But, still :'). They did great. Shaun was great at his job :')). And I assume Glassman was too lol. I love them both so much ❤️❤️❤️. And as a pair :')). My babeys <333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :D. It definitely carried the drama, and while it looked like everything was resolving (like, on all three drama fronts, maybe even Morgan too if you count her), it swooped in last second and made even bigger drama XD. Seriously though, I hope it all works out <33. Even for all my nervousness though, I am excited for the next episode :D. And to see where this all goes! But yeah :)! I loved all the storylines, and the cases were great too :D 🥰. Certainly very interesting! And despite the heartbreak with Eden, I'm glad everything mostly worked out :'). Worked out on the other side, and partially there xd. But I think the highlight really was the characters and their relationships with each other :). As it pretended to clarify and improve them and then ultimately showed them getting worse and/or more complicated XDD.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 19: Half Measures
It was great! I'm excited to see what happens next, but I'm scared too. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 20: Blessed
See you next week!
0 notes
dastardlydandelion · 1 year
horror queers yes!! they’re so good and fun tbh. i’m also honestly disappointed they went the cop route w kirby, i would have loved to see her be a film professor or be working in that industry on some level. although maybe that love of horror movies wouldn’t be as prevalent after everything she went through 😭 i heard good things about sick also, i’ve definitely been meaning to check it out.
they are! i don't listen to podcasts regularly but i do tune into horror queers every now and then bc they're a blast. also i like to put some various shudder podcasts on when i'm doing stuff around the house, esp she kills.
also dude, i feel you. i was hoping that once dewey was dead we'd be done with the cop protagonists in scream. and this other cop guy detective bailey or whoever, joining the cast with his motivation being a murdered daughter?? like, really?
i am high-key sick of dead and/or brutalized female characters being used as props in male characters' stories and we've all seen "disgruntled cop with a 'fridged wife/daughter/sister" specifically. he is like. the most generic character ever. put on any prime-time crime drama or action movie and you'll find that character. he's as cliche as the meet-cute, as copy-and-paste as a clipart png. i think kirby reed being a cop is more divisive than detective bailey bc she's such a fan favorite but this guy bugs me too just in concept, i rly hope his death is a gruesome one.
now...to play the devil's advocate here...i get the logic of including police officers in stories like this. bc it's easy, okay, it's easy. murder is a crime. the ghostface murders ppl. cops (in theory) investigate crime. ergo, making a character a cop is a conventional way to involve them in the events of the story. do i like this? absolutely not. but do i understand the convenience of it? yes. but just bc it's convenient doesn't mean it's *good* storytelling and regardless of whether you're sick of copaganda or not (i am and it seems you are too, anonymoose friend), we had a cop protagonist in this franchise for 25 yrs!! we've done that before, scream, i thought we were doing DIFFERENT things now!!!
albeit...i'm still thinking kirby might be ghostface? idk. i keep going back and forth. i would hope they wouldn't bring her back just to add her to the body count. i get that her being ghostface would feel like ruining her character to so many people who loved her and while i'm sympathetic to that, i would also be (cautiously) down for it depending on how well it's executed?
we haven't seen kirby in 12 yrs. who knows what almost dying at the hands of a ghostface did to her! not to mention finding out her best friend was the other one!! and as messed up as it is, sometimes becoming the thing that scares you is the easiest way not to be afraid anymore. and theoretically, if kirby were to be (a) ghostface, she'd be like the anti-dewey and if thoughtfully executed, imo it'd be an interesting angle.
plus even in scre4m, kirby is THE BEST but also has some callous af lines??
like telling jill [sydney] was the reason she loved horror movies so much? ik she's prolly just referring to being a fan of the stab franchise, but in-universe it's still a pretty tactless statement. or at the police station right after jenny and marnie got killed, kirby mentions not getting a ghostface call and just, idk the way she asks if she's not going to live as long as jill and olivia seemed kinda...i mean, kirby has every right to be worried about her own safety, but the way it was phrased, it was almost like she was a self-aware movie character asking, "what exactly is my role here?"
that said, it's extremely probable that kirby is NOT (a) ghostface. she could truly just be another heroic cop protagonist. i don't love the cop part. but i'll take it, if it means having her back and alive.
since kirby is such a fan favorite, it'd be controversial and polarizing to go the route of either killing her off or making her a killer. if they bring her back only to kill her off, it'll actually be a death the audience *feels* bc we care abt kirby and it will establish a sense of stakes in the movie. but it could also easily come across as cheap bc, uh. where we left off in scre4m she was bleeding on the ground, so many of us assumed she was dead already. killing her now could feel like bringing her back *just* for the sole purpose of killing her and that's just plain mean.
making kirby (a) ghostface? who wants the lovable fan favorite to be a villain?? the in-universe horror fan us diehards see ourselves in? one notable of the (many, many valid) complaints about scream: resurrection was that the horror fan ended up being the primary ghostface and cited her love of horror as a motive for violence, thus playing into the stereotype that consumers of fictional violent content are bad people in actuality. in context this didn't bother me personally, but that's besides the point: the point is a sizeable percentage of the audience of a horror film does not want to see the character they relate to thru a shared love of horror be the villain, esp not a villain that potentially plays into an unflattering stereotype abt horror fans. making kirby the ghostface would be a risky move ripe to alienate that audience.
on the other hand, we love the ghostfaces almost as much as we love kirby, don't we? sydney prescott is freaking final girl royalty and depending on who you ask, a draw greater than ghostface. but the thing is neither one exists without the other. we don't have our horror heroines without our villains, nor our villains without our horror heroines...oh good lord, i'm really rambling now and for that i apologize but i'm already this far in i might as well try to remember what the point was...
yes! ghostface, okay. we love them! don't ask me how many ghostface costumes i have! there's dozens of ghostface fan edits, fanfics, posters, fanart, t-shirts. we rank the ghostfaces and playfully debate abt crossover fights with other villains or final girls. horror fandom as a whole celebrates its villains as much as-- and frequently more often than --its horror heroines (i have complex feelings abt this and the gendered dynamics at play in the horror genre, but again, my personal feelings are besides the point here). this is a phenomena touched on by two ghostfaces in-universe, even. amber says the problem with stab is that there's "no bad guy to keep coming back." beth of scream: resurrection declares, "the killer is the real hero of the story," when pointing out that it is the villains who return for sequels, their masks the face of every franchise.
if kirby were to turn out to be ghostface, depending on the execution (which imo is more crucial than the concept itself here), she might wind up being the most popular one yet! the audience already loves her. the audience already loves the peanut-eyed ghost mask. but we don't necessarily love them for the same reasons, so putting her in the mask is tricky.
whatever they do with kirby, it's not going to please everyone. they already made one controversial choice with her occupation. maybe she'll wind up being in the movie for all of five minutes and the most controversial thing of all will be that they brought kirby back after a decade and did nothing with her character at all beyond the badge.
wow i am so rambling now, oof. sorry buddy. you got my scream gears turning!
but honestly i would've loved to see kirby as a film professor or working in the horror industry. i would've gladly signed up for her class! or watched her movies!! you bring up a good point tho, maybe kirby isn't as into horror movies after she lived thru one. i feel like it could go either way? i know people who cannot consume certain kinds of content that they previously enjoyed because of trauma, now finding it too triggering. i know other people who coped in the opposite way and became even more voracious in that consumption bc they related to the content, or found catharsis in protagonists getting resolution for fictional trauma when they couldn't get resolution for what they experienced irl.
0 notes
diary-dot-exe · 1 year
dump - entry 1 of ?
song: instagram - dean
remind me to not scroll through instagram and compare how great my following's lives are to my bland one. i see them partying at clubs, going out of town, doing besties shit with their siblings while i'm at home drowning myself in games that i only play for validation and to be "not like the other girls," and barely hang out with my siblings.
i knew i had been an odd one since i was a kid. i mean, that's why i belong with the "unpopular kids" or "the weird ones." during lunch breaks, i would often get left behind the classroom doing nothing. i never had fixed friends before. after parting ways, one of them invited me to the school fair and as much as i don't want to go, i felt bad. wish i didn't go because i was left alone lmao. people were suddenly nice to me there, though. needless to say, i left early. no point staying there until the fair closes since i have no one with me anyway.
high school time. seventh grade was a big change since i came from a private school but it was still bland. had my first crush and did cringey things to catch his attention and be nice to him. bought him drinks during his game and even had his jersey number as my shirt number. yeah, embarrassing. looking at his girlfriend now, a classmate of mine back then, i knew i did not have any chance lmao. had a friend though. thought we were solid but after graduating, we kinda lost touch.
eigth grade was eventful. had some friends, had some enemies (kind of) but it was still bland. had another crush and i had high hopes for this one. we hung out pretty often, even sat next to each other and it was cute and all. we treated each other with brownies and cookies and all those sweet stuff. idk if he was just being nice but it felt good. we talked to each other until the wee hours, sent each other memes, and jokingly called each other "mine." never really made anything official but he does know i like him because we were just joking around about crushes since he asked if me and another classmate were together. i told him "no, we're not" and he proceeded to name each male student and asked if i have a crush on them. he ran out of names so he said himself and i said yes. he said it was cool and i was half expecting us to be awkward but we weren't. we even hung out after classes to watch videos, just the two of us in the classroom. idk if what i've heard from the girls are true about him liking me back because apparently, the boys tease him too but again, our dynamic never evolved and we stopped talking after eigth grade.
more on eight grade, i had my first drama involvement about my two friends fighting. forgot what the context was but it led me to just stop talking to the two of them. also had my first group of friends that i thought had a chance at longevity but nah. there were four of us and the three are a lot closer than i was with them so i do feel left out sometimes. stopped talking to them after eighth grade too but kept in touch with one of them until mid ninth grade. also during that year, i felt like i was back in private school with how the rich and popular kids treated me. they were so nice to me at times but they talk behind my back. didn't hurt before but now that i remember it, it sucks ass.
ninth grade is when i met my friend group. real friend group this time. we started as four but then we grew to nine so it was fun. year end hang out happened but only two hung out - me and a friend. was still cool though, she's nice. tenth grade and we're still friends. we're like a big group made of smaller groups of friends so i am not all that close with the others but since we're all mutuals, we hung out. no crushes during ninth and tenth btw. anyway, pretty uneventful.
eleventh grade, we were all separated from each other so naturally, we all formed another group of friends but we still remained in contact. my first friend in seventh grade and i rekindled our friendship and befriended some others, one of them was my classmate in an elective so i know these people well enough. not the best friend group though, i have to admit. we hung out more than my ninth-tenth grade friends but i just don't feel like we are that close and we are more inclined to hanging out because of academics, which isn't all that surprising because i was placed in a class which is made up of students with high grades.
my friends during eleventh grade bled to senior year and same still goes. i was still friends with my earllier and bigger friend group. pretty unventful senior year. i didn't go to prom because i was (and still am) insecure and i have no money for that lmao. we graduated and kept in touch (again, aside from my first friend who we barely talk to now) but even so, i still feel like i don't belong.
looking at their posts, things they share over to our group chat, and the like, they have a way more eventful life than i will ever have. all the things i dreamed of doing, all the clothes i dreamed of wearing, all the body shapes i dreamed of having, they all have it while i'm still in my room, fat as fuck and unmotivated to lose weight despite having body dysmorphia, trying to be so different when really, i want to fit in, and being a depressed fuck. all of them have the same interests, both friend groups, that i don't have. they have different views on things compared to me (which is very valid, btw) but why do i feel invalidated and that my views are all wrong? why do the rest of my friends protect them and reason out their mental health and disabilities when i am the one who's hurt by their words? adding to that i am diagnosed with anxiety and depression and probably an undiagnosed bipolar disorder myself (i stopped talking to professionals because i can't afford it) why am i the one obligated to say sorry while they can barely reach out to me? i sound entitled but i genuinely want answers. i have told them from time to time to tell me what i did wrong but nothing ever comes up. i'm always the villain to them. the two friends that i have gotten a fight into have a separate group chat with another friend so i'm not surprised if they talk shit about me there.
i just don't feel like i fit in anywhere. i am insecure. i don't excel at anything. i am a villain. i... i don't know. god, even here where i just scream into the void about my three a.m. thoughts, i feel like i'm pathetic and seeking attention. maybe i am seeking attention. maybe that's all i want - for someone to hear me out and tell me i'm doing well, or tell me what i did wrong to improve myself, or tell me that what i'm feeling is valid. seriously should've continued therapy but it's expensive and again, i am not that talented in any field to do commissions and i don't wanna beg for people's money.
anyway, life is still shit. i am still shit. i feel shit. i look like shit. better days to come, i hope.
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