#idk how to tag this cuz its not really negativity or a vent but i know some people dont like seeing “do you like my muse / blog?” posts so
shdwtouch · 2 months
also uh. this is part inquiry, part vent ? I know it's kinda shitty to be like "do you like my character ?" but now that I've gotten through more of act 2 and done the questlines involving the shadow-cursed lands... I honestly feel kinda silly. like.
knowing what happens with oliver / thaniel, as well as what is implied with arabella, I'm worried that shade is a little... redundant. I don't know. like. if people like her as a companion and the way I've built her lore that's good enough for me, I just. worry. and I worry that people may think I'm trying to replace those narratives. I don't know. it's hard to explain just how I feel. but mostly I feel silly. and worried.
probably overthinking it but. input would be most appreciated. honest input; I just want to know what people think / feel about shade in relation to the characters and lore we already have in the game, I guess. I am genuinely curious what people think.
edit: read the tags but also I should post a disclaimer, I know that if people didn't like shade they wouldn't be following or interacting with me. that's not the question I'm asking here. I'm asking for input on where she stands in the game canon lore, on what people think about that. I am honestly so, so thankful for the support and love I have received in writing shade. <3 I was not expecting this kind of love and interest, and I am grateful for everyone who has given her / me a chance !
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c4sp3rmoved · 3 years
Hey guy's, from someone who's anxiety is so bad I get physically sick from it, I'd like to politely ask you to fucking tag discourse and negativity!!!
I have little to no impulse control [nd brain go brr] and will get myself involved in shit if it ends up on my dash without thinking about how much pain I'll be in if I do [very fun fact: I threw up the other day I was so stressed! most the time I just have to lay down and hope it goes away] so like it's not just my already fragile mental health your fucking up it's my physical health too. please for the love of God tag your negative posts.
another thing: those "you must reblog" posts are so fucking guilt-trippy I've been sent into anxiety attacks because of them. I impulse reblog them because my brain likes to take any and every chance it gets to call me a shit person [besides I already get called a bad person all the fucking time irl I don't need it on the internet] so basically tag those fuckers too!
If you need tags I'd suggest simple broad tags like 'discourse' 'negativity' ect so that it covers as many people as possible! Thank you!
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sparklefuryuri · 6 years
O o f
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