#idk if thats what you're supposed to tag I just googled and saw someone do it
brainrotexe · 7 months
HELLO i recognise you from ao3 and i just wanted to say i absolutely adore your fics, especially your wriolette ones. they tickle my brain in the most perfect way!!!! i love the way you characterise them both, especially wrio. thank you for your service 🙇🙇🙇
ahhh thank you so much!!! i've honestly been having blast writing wriolette so far. its a nice refreshing ship dynamic for me, and I'm buzzing with ideas. I'm glad you've been enjoying my characterization of them as well!!! somehow wrio's way harder than neuvillette HAHAH but its still fun. I spend a lot of time scratching my head while writing wrio's dialogue shjdfhs. neuvillette and I kinda feel similar in a lot of ways so he comes more naturally (,:
anyways thank you for reading! your encouragement means the world to me <3
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