#idk if you realize how many drafts of detailed bkdk fics i have that i am incapable of finishing
wheredoesthegoodgo · 8 months
my friend convinced me to watch the ultimatum: queer love and now I can’t stop imagining a bkdk au. where izuku shows up with todoroki who gave an ultimatum because he proposed months ago and has patiently been waiting for izuku to decide so he can Cherish him. katsuki of course is there with kirishima who also thinks its time for them to get married, he like, wants kids and all that shit with his main man, which katsuki also technically wants but isn’t sure he deserves kirishima.
but now low and behold bkdk both show up to this weird ass reality thing and see each other after like ten years (which the producers totally knew and of course wanted to start drama).
and izuku’s just Shook(tm) and katsuki’s just high key stressed that fucking deku is here. kirishima was amused until he realizes this is the so-called nerd that was bakugo’s gay awakening tween childhood friend/victim and then he stays amused while also trying to be supportive like “maybe apologizing is what you need to make peace with yourself and feel ready for marriage”
and then after their ‘break-ups’ they end up on dates. obviously bakugo’s dates are with icy hot (who is perfectly pleasant but bakugo decides he hates him anyway) and deku. and with deku it starts off awkward and then turns into arguing w ust and then their last date together melts into a heavy apology where bakugo’s explaining “I realized I’d rather be reading all might comics with you than talking about girls or to girls and it was harder to accept than I realized” and “we knew each other for so long I figured you already knew and I was paranoid you were going to say something or do something and that you were looking down on me, pitying me because of it”
to which of course izuku’s like “no I was just kind of oblivious to my own feelings I’m sorry you felt that” and “I forgave you a long time ago but honestly not sure I ever felt there was something to forgive cause I could tell you were going through something”
and suddenly they both feels so much lighter but at the same time its HEAVY between them like What Could Have Been and there’s Something There
but the date wraps up and before ya know its its the time to choose who they are going to “marry” for a week.
Bakugo chooses Deku.
and he reasons fuck, no one knows him like this nerd even if it’s been a decade since they talked. if anyone is going to help him figure his shit out its going to be this man.
Izuku of course accepts. absolutely reverential about being chosen. after all he and todoroki talked it out and both agreed they were going to fully commit to this, so its totally okay he’s 100% invested in being kaachan’s husband for a week.
cut to bkdk having an absolutely xander/yoli of a lovefest week x1000. just meshing perfectly together, and after their first kiss all bets are off and they absolutely sleep together (bakugo definitely gets off on being better in bed than todoroki) (who is absolutely adequate izuku just has a higher libido and more kinks ok) (this definitely came up on their date together much to izuku’s mortification of saying so on camera and bakugo has been thinking about it since) and bakugo is like…all in. he loves kirishima but they’ve been growing apart and he’s all in with deku like fuck. meanwhile deka is also head over heels but having the occasional existential crisis about todoroki. who is perfect and deserves all the love.
and so bkdk end up married and grossly in love; todoroki decides nothing will piss off his dad more than getting engaged to a guy he hasn’t known for more than a week and ends up engaged inasa; kirishima either gets with kaminari or back with mina idk
Tl;dr bkdk love all around #lovewins
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