#idk what kierstens face is but I love it
toxikbubblegum · 5 years
May Reading Wrap Up
I'm actually really proud of myself. I finished 13 books last month. Spent a lot of extra time away from screens and focusing on my mental health so I burned through way more than I normally would. So anyways, here's my reviews. - Also please understand that these are just my opinions and if I shit on your favorite book I'm sorry that I didn't enjoy it as much as you. Also, also Im terrible with character names.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor ⭐⭐⭐
I actually started this book at the end of April but didn't finish it til May 1st so whatever, here it is. This books is a YA urban fantasy novel about a girl with a double life. She spends half her days studying art in Europe and the other half running errands for a tooth collecting wish monger. I don't want to say a whole lot more because I dont want to spoil anything important about the plot. So, I'll try to be vague. Let me start by saying this story is amazing. I loved the writing and the world. I rated it so low solely because I can't stand the two main characters and it really dragged down what would have otherwise been an amazing novel. So yeah, great book but its a preference thing. Also took points off for the insta-love but not really insta-love shit. Idk. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this read even a month later. Gonna read the second to see if maybe my hatred of the two mains was just a fluke.
3/5 Stars
Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins
This is the third book in the Hex Hall trilogy. Not much to say about it. It was a meh ending to an overall pretty good series. 3/5 stars. Moving on.
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
Realizing now how many of my reads this month were pretty middle of the world. Hopefully next month will be filled with 4 and 5 stars. Anyways, this book was honestly a struggle for me to finish and Im not sure why. It's a YA mystery magical realism story about a tiny coastal town that is cursed by the spirits of 3 sisters who were suspected of witchcraft and drowned 2 centuries prior. Because of this, every year the sisters return from the sea to take the lives of teenage boys by luring them to the sea. We follow the life of kind of meh and standard YA girl #1. She meets a strange non tourist boy and hires him to work in the lighthouse her family owns. Her dad randomly disappeared years ago and her mom is a loon. So yeah... I dont know. I kind of felt like this story was hot garbage in places. I usually dont have any trouble with the suspense of disbelief in magical realism stories but this one just had too many plot holes. Like, I get morbid stuff becomes tourist attractions but why wouldn't someone have stepped in and evacuated the town if at least 3 teenage boys die there EVERY SINGLE YEAR without fail? I honestly feel like the FBI or some other government agency would have cleared the place out after the first 20 or so deaths. There was also the whole MC can see the ghosts of the girls possessing people but chooses not to tell anyone? Like, I get it. You dont want people to label you a freak or think you're crazy but come the fuck on. You live in a tourist trap where people flock to watch local teenage males wash up on shore and you really think the authorities arent going to take you up on the help? It wasn't an awful book by any means. It was well written and extremely descriptive. Just had major beef with some of the details. Anyways, I wont say much more so I don't spoil the whole book.
3/5 Stars
An Enchantment of Ravens by Maragret Rogerson
Finally, I get to talk about one of my favorite reads of the month. I love anything to do with the Fae in my YAfiction and this was literally everything I wanted in a Fae novel. It takes place in a town called Whimsy, a humanish town in the world of Faerie. The fae cannot do any Craft, or what we would consider craftsmanship. Art and humans who can do it well are very precious in this world because the Fae can't ever do it themselves. We follow the adventures of a girl who has been commisioned to paint the portrait of the Autumn King and the chaos that ensues. Let me just start by saying this is one of those insta-love situations where I feel like it's genuinely ok. I might be making excuses because I loved the title so much but whatever. It's explained and I accept it. Also, I realize that Gadfly had a lovely description but my brain willl not let me picture him as anything but Mr.Waternoose from Monsters Inc.
5/5 Stars
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
This book started out so good and went downhill very quickly. It follows the story of these two magicians who were fated by their Master's to one day fight to the death. There were so many things I loved about this book only for the last 100 pages to just take a firey dump on my face. I loved the setting and the majority of the characters. The supporting characters were so deep and interesting that I almost cared more about them than I did Ceilia and Marko (Im proabably wrong and I dont feel like googling but I think that was his name) . I don't know. I don't want to complain about anymore meh books.
3/5 Stars
Matched by Allie Condie
Went into this book expecting to hate it. I usually don't like contemporary love stories but this had major City of Ember meets The Giver vibes and it just appealed to that 14 year old girl in me again. That seems to happen with a lot of dystopian utopia stories. Anyways, story is about a girl who lives in this town where when you hit a certain age you are brought to a place and told who the government has chosen for you to marry. She is matched with her life long best friend and all is well. Except that her little Get To Know Your New Husband microship thing showed her two guys instead of just one. And lots of bullshit ensues. I honestly think I rated this so high because I enjoy the world and not so much whats actually happening to the kids. Like, I loved the idea that art is harmful so the government chose 100 acceptable pieces and thats all these people know. I loved the brutality of the government in general. I can't say much more without spoiling some of the twists but geez did it have me hooked. I'm going to be started the second one soonish, though my TBR for June has gotten intense so we will see.
4/5 stars
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I cannot say enough good things about this book. It is so fucking good! Not going to rant about it or anything because y'all just need to go read it immediately.
5/5 stars
Would give it every star in the sky if Im being completely honest.
Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Got sucked into this book by the cover and honestly that was the best part of this book. Its about this world where necromancy is pretty highly regarded and used to resurrect the royals after they die. The only downside is that if a living person ever lays eyes on the resurrected person's skin then they turn into these horrible monsters. Maybe it's just me but like that absolutely does not seem worth the risk. Plus, in order to bring the person back, these reapers have to go into the death world and bring the spirit back. And it's HELLA DANGEROUS. So like, WHY? Anyways, there is this stupid underlying love story that I absolutely wasn't invested in. This just all around was not a good book.
2/5 stars
Monster High by Lisi Harrison
Little known fact~ I'm obsessed with Monster High and Ever After High. So yeah, I realize this wasn't targeted to me as an adult but even going into it with an open mind I was disappointed. Granted I didn't read the description of the book prior. I just saw this franchise I love and grabbed it. First, if you are a fan of the mini series and the movies do not read this. It doesnt follow the cinematic canon and I think that was my biggest problem with it. Frankie's character was all wrong and I hated the whole"Normy" cast. Was really excited for these but I definitely won't be continuing the series. I don't even want to torture myself with seeing how they manage to ruin my sweet baby Draculara.
2/5 stars
Unhinged by AG Howard
I can't say enough good things about this series. This is the second book in the trilogy and it was a fanatstic bridge book. It had me engrossed through the entire audiobook. Morpheus is still everything. If you loved Splintered I would highly reccomend continuing.
5/5 stars
Have had this on my TBR for a while because of how many Booktubers have hyped the series. Buy, was I disappointed. I was soooooooooo bored. Maybe it's because I don't really enjoy this type of fantasy or maybe it was just the slower paced story but I just slugged through this book. Both of the main female characters were bland to me and I didn't care about their friendship. The world was cool but not enough to keep me invested. Just wasn't my cup of tea.
2/5 stars
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Picked this up because of how much I loved The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein and it didn't meet my expectations. It follows this girl who works for a paranormal gorvenment group. She has a special ability that makes her really useful to them so they are trying to groom her basically. They capture this changeling and she befriends him and there is an overarching plot that I just didn't get invested in. The friendship between the two main characters was pretty much the only thing that I enjoyed in this title. The mother figure was insufferable and I just didn't really understand the whole org that they worked for in general. Not an awful book but not fantastic.
Solid 3/5 stars.
The Siren by Kiera Cass
Going to preface this by saying I might be biased. I love Kiera Cass and have enjoyed almost everything she has written. That said, this wasn't nearly as good as The Selection series but it was a pretty good stand alone novel. It about a girl who becomes a siren on her deathbed and spends the next 100 years serving the sea by luring people to their deaths. After doing this for 70 years, she falls in love and pretty much ruins everything. Loved the characters, especially the male lead. The insta love was a little pet peeve of mine but the love interest was so sweet and genuine that I was willing to overlook it. Pretty good read if you dig supernatural romance.
4/5 stars
June holds the Ghibli-a-thon but also lots of holidays for my family so we will see how much I actually get read. So far my tentative TBR is 5 books but we will see where the days take me.
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mattyponcho-blog · 7 years
ASK ME STUFF 1: Full name Matthew Richard paurus 2: Age 20 3: 3 Fears being alone being murdered and being lied to by important ppl 4: 3 things I love; babe football cats 5: 4 turns on grab my dick laugh at my jokes mcnuggets and b 6: 4 turns off ignoring me/no response; telling me what to do/calling me out ; unnecessary complaining; and when bitches are full of themselves 7: My best friend brady 8: Sexual orientation str8 9: My best first date Kiersten 10: How tall am I like 5'11" idfk 11: What do I miss cuddlin wit b 12: What time were I born like 10 at night 13: Favourite color yello 14: Do I have a crush HELLYA 15: Favourite quote anything my grandpa used to say 16: Favourite place anywhere she is 17: Favourite food pizza 18: Do I use sarcasm lol nah fam 19: What am I listening to right now my dads music 20: First thing I notice in new person how friendly/approachable they are 21: Shoe size like 9.5/10 22: Eye color blue 23: Hair color brown/ blonde idek 24: Favourite style of clothing muhhfuckin streetwear 25: Ever done a prank call? Yes 27: Meaning behind my URL nah 28: Favourite movie idk 29: Favourite song lil pump 30: Favourite band lil pump 31: How I feel right now eskedit 32: Someone I love Kierstenkierstenkierstenkiersten 33: My current relationship status TAKEN BITCH 34: My relationship with my parents Good 35: Favourite holiday um Christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have lol my ears 37: Tattoos and piercing i want nah 38: The reason I joined Tumblr I was bored 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nah I'm on good terms w everyone 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? only if I say it first lol 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Ya 42: When did I last hold hands? Thursday 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 5-30 mins 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? No 45: Where am I right now? living room 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Hopefully b but I can do it myself just fine 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUDNIGGA 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? ya 49: Am I excited for anything? For babe and the vikings 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? I try to tell b everything 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? A lot less this year 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Yesterday 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? SHIT WOULD HIT THE FAN 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lol dylan idk 55: What is something I disliked about today? Wish babe wasn't so sad 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Lil pump or tom hanks 57: What do I think about most? B 58: What’s my strangest talent? I can crack my ankles 59: Do I have any strange phobias? Idk 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind my ass ugly 61: What was the last lie I told? Idk 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Neither 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Nah 64: Do I believe in magic? Nah but that shits cool 65: Do I believe in luck? Yes 66: What’s the weather like right now? Fine 67: What was the last book I’ve read? Lol let me travel back to 9th grade and find out 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? A lil 69: Do I have any nicknames? Mattyp 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Dislocated my elbows a bunch 71: Do I spend money or save it? SPEND 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? sometimes 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Ya 74: Favourite animal? Cat 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Smokin with dylan 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Raymond Curtis 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? any ignorant SoundCloud rap 78: How can you win my heart? Show that u have faith in me and show that u think that my opinion/thoughts matter bc I hardly even think that 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Eskedit 80: What is my favorite word? Moist 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr idk 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Eskedit 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Nah 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? superdick 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Do u love urself 86: What is my current desktop picture? Babe 87: Had sex? Ya 88: Bought condoms? Ya 89: Gotten pregnant? Nah 90: Failed a class? Ya 91: Kissed a boy? Nah 92: Kissed a girl? Ya 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Ya 94: Had job? Ya 95: Left the house without my wallet? Ya 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No 97: Had sex in public? lol yeah 😂 98: Played on a sports team? Ya 99: Smoked weed? Ya 100: Did drugs? Ya 101: Smoked cigarettes?ya 102: Drank alcohol?ya 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?no 104: Been overweight? Used to 105: Been underweight? Yup 106: Been to a wedding? Ya 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Probably 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Ya 109: Been outside my home country? Never been on a real vacation 110: Gotten my heart broken? Ya 😒 111: Been to a professional sports game? Ya 112: Broken a bone? I think so 113: Cut myself? Ya 114: Been to prom? Ya that shit gay 115: Been in airplane? Once 116: Fly by helicopter? No 117: What concerts have I been to? Mac&wiz, riff raff, soundset 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? No 119: Learned another language? Hardly 120: Wore make up? Marisa held me down against my will once 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Ya 122: Had oral sex? Ya nigga 123: Dyed my hair? Ya 124: Voted in a presidential election? Ya 125: Rode in an ambulance? No 126: Had a surgery? No 127: Met someone famous? Al franken 128: Stalked someone on a social network? Define stalk 129: Peed outside? Ya 130: Been fishing? Ya 131: Helped with charity? Ya 132: Been rejected by a crush? Um I think idk 133: Broken a mirror? Probably 134: What do I want for birthday? Babe 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 1 and something traditional not some stupid fruity ass shit ppl are coming up with nowadays 136: Was I named after anyone? No 137: Do I like my handwriting? When I try 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? Knives jk idek lol 139: Favourite Tv Show? fnl oth snl friends bmw idk 140: Where do I want to live when older? Somewhere with babe 141: Play any musical instrument? Recorder 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? Birth 143: Favourite pizza toping? Pepperoni 144: Am I afraid of the dark? Nah 145: Am I afraid of heights? Nah 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? lol maybe 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? SOML 148: What I’m really bad at. Life 149: What my greatest achievments are i graduated 😐 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me ppl aren't mean to my face idk probably any one thing Kierstens parents have said about me lol 151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery emancipate my bby 152: What do I like about myself I have common sense and I like my sense of humor 153: My closest Tumblr friend b 154: Something I fantasise about b 155: Any question you’d like? eskedit
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hmmm- 8 days left in this small town in texas
stuff has happened. found a cassette in my room of my favorite piece by carlo, it’s piano. i was having a bad night about a week ago and i decided to express it and cry in carlo’s room and play piano. i taught myself the A and C chord on piano and was just messing around on  it. i cried so much- but i mentioned earlier how i felt his presence in the room.. well, over a course of like 3 days, i kept playing with the piano chords and 2 nights later i listened to the tape again and tried to teach myself that song - i got it down- but was missing something. the next morning i kept playing- and combined the two chords together but in a  different way - and boom.. i learned carlo’s song.. literally my favorite parts to it.. it’s like he gave me this beautiful gift.. and taught me it.. its so crazy bc i only learned two chords..and like 2 days later i find that tape in my room then listen then that night try to teach myself it then next morning i got it- and i combined the two chords but not exactly.. such a crazy littlee gift. my little bird spiritual journey brother .. thank you for this gift.. so precious.. so amazing.. it’s like u always tried teaching me some theory or fundamentals before u taught me a song.. i never listenend or sat down for it.. i just wanted to learn the song.. but you finally ddid it.. you finally taught me by giving methe back bone first.. haha.. 
oh and the next night i made out with sam smith oh yeah we fucking did it and it wass so sick like his lips are so fucking soft and nice and out of this world and the make out sash was so hot he's such a great kisser like who'd know and he's so hot at kissing with some tongue action and lip biting and he fucking was all over the place so he taught me warm and beautiful on the piano and after that we wrestled a bit and i hit him in the face and he said oh ya got me good and he was in so much pain and i felt bad but was like aw I'm sorry u want me to kiss it better and we looked at each other and i just went for it (selfish move bc he said he previously that he didnt want any of it and we shouldn't bc it overwhelms him and he just wants to focus on himself even tho the feelings are mutual too) and when i kissed him he said oh man oh god like he was already overwhelmed and slammed on the bed and was like oh man idk what to do and just kept repeating that and i was like I'm sorry should i go now and he said idk idk what to do mary i dont want this but idk it just stresses me out and overwhelms me and since he was already on the bed laying sown i thought he was talking too much and just kept kissing him and it was so good and he said in between the make out that he thought about this earlier too and kept stopping and saying idk then we went back to kissing then he got water and sat down and was thinking and i sat on his lap and we made out more and it was so hot then he asked to take my shirt off and boom he's making out with my boobs and its so hot and he stops and says wow nice work and its so awesome and I'm kissing his neck and ya its sick except we stopped bc he said okay mary this is as far as i can go before i get too overwhelmed or in my head and it was awkward he was just like it isn't u and he walked me to the door and it was awkward bc ig ave him a hug and he went for a side hug wen i went for a full hug but ya i feel bad bc iw went for it but i just had to i mean he didnt stop but he hasn't texted me all day but its cool like what do i expect i just wanted that kiss stuff and now i might see him tomorrow at kierstens party but idk like i dont want it to be therein reason I'm going or the best thing ill experience that day is seeing him like he shouldn't be the best thing I'm experiencing this day or at all and I'm already getting excited and looking forward to seeing him but i need to calm down i need to expect him to not want to talk to me idk i need to respect and earlier today i feel my moms energy she is a ray of the sun or a sun spirit or something she's amazing i love her she's such pure good energy god bless her she pleases other and her laugh is everything and she's so interested in any conversation in anyones life i love her
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