#if anyone is wondering yes auntie h is hestia
sea-owl · 2 years
You rang for a Percy Jackson Bridgerton AU? Long ago, it was said that the Godess of love showed favor on the the Bridgerton family and gave them her blessing. Meanwhile, Violets side was blessed by Hera for being so faithful and nurturing. Now you get to the modern Bridgertons. None of them have been lucky with love. The story really starts after Colin and Eloise find out Penelope is Whistledown and are not happy about it. Poor Penelope can’t exactly tell them she saw horrible futures for them and this was the only way to avoid it. It’s not like she could tell Colin that Marina got knocked up with a demigods child or that Theo was really a monster out to steal Eloise’s soul! Anyways they are ranting to their siblings about this all while walking out of a restaurant when a monster attacks them out of nowhere. Luckily Kate and Sophie arrived in time to save their hides (after getting a frantic call from Penelope). Realizing they have no idea what is going on, the bring them to camp half blood where the Bridgertons luck is about to change.
Cue Michael flirting with Francesca, Benedict trying to find Sophie who keeps alluding him somehow, Anthony being annoyed and turned on by the snarky woman who saved him, and Colin and Eloise now freaking out that Penelope has seen them die or have something bad happen to them. Multiple times. It’s not fun for her. That and Colin is not happy that apparently Penelope frequently gets sent on dangerous quests with the Aphrodite guy flirting with his sister and the brother of the man who knocked up Marina.
Ya'll trying to force me to figure out Gareth and Lucy's godly parents aren't you? Please don't leave me in the dark ya'll, someone please give suggestions.
Okay so since I refuse to do a full on crossover fic, cause I don't got the brain power, ya'll are going to get the vaguest details from Percy Jackson, like world building only stuff.
Some maybe helpful backstory because I don't know how to fit it in. Lady Danbury's family are blessed by Hecate and they are tasked with the protection and training of the demigods. The camp is technically on her land that's been in her family for generations.
So let's set this world up:
Heroes, monsters, and gods. It's the thing of myths and legends but there was no other way to describe that thing that attacked them.
Agatha Dambury ("That's Lady Danbury Bridgertons!") and the woman next to her, who insisted they call her Auntie H, led the eight siblings around the well honestly it looked like a summer camp.
"So why were we attacked by those. . . monsters?" Anthony asked. He could tell his siblings were itching to ask the same thing.
Auntie H gave them a sympathetic smile. "Children of Echidna to be more precise."
Eloise scoffed. "I see you read Lady Whistledown."
Lady Danbury laughed. "The children here would be fools not to. It takes a lot of effort to exposing the disguises monster's and spies' use. While you mortals think it nothing more than a gossip blog it has saved many demigods lives."
"Sirens, Mormones, Chimeras, the names of the Roman and Greek demigods who would rather start a war than live peacefully with their family," Auntie H started listing off. "They all have been listed for the safety of others. So many demigods and legacy children have been saved since we found a way for demigods to use technology, the Lady Whistledown blog included."
"You Bridgertons are a blessed family, quite literally. You all have been born with the blessings of my sister and my niece. Sadly with those blessings it has given you all a certain smell that attracts monsters."
Daphne wrinkled her nose. "A smell?"
"Normally it's only a smell attached to those brats. But with those blessings you all smell like them now."
Ever impatient Eloise lets out a huff. "Whose them and what is this place?"
"This is Camp Half-Blood, well the European camp at least. Our main camp is in the United States since that is where Olympus is located now too, but my family does tend to take trips around the world which more often than not leads to children."
"You keep saying demigods," Colin said. "Do you mean like actual demigods, half mortal and half god? Like Hercules, Achillies, Perseus, and Helen?"
"I see you know our history." Auntie H nodded. "And yes. Camp Half-Blood is where we train the children to survive monsters, creating a safe haven for them."
"So what happens to us? We are not demigods, but you say we smell like them. Should we be worried about them attacking again?" Anthony asked.
"That's what the children are discussing in their meeting right now," Lady Danbury said. "While it won't be all of them the councilors who can come on such short notice have been deciding what we do with you. This is their home after all."
That's when Lady Danbury and Auntie H led them into a room. It was a regular looking meering room. A round table sat in the middle with 11 chairs occupied. Some the Bridgertons recognized, others they didn't. At the urging of Auntie H the Bridgertons took seats.
Lady Danbury tapped her cane to the floor. "Alright, introduce yourselves to the overly blessed Bridgertons."
The first to stand up was someone Anthony recognized. "Simon Bassett, son of Zeus."
The next to stand was a girl with olive brown skin and dark auburn hair. "Ofelia Lopez, daughter of Poseidon."
Next was a bubbly girl with longest hair out of the whole group. "Astrid Grimsson, daughter of Hades."
The next guy awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Phillip Crane, son of Demeter."
His friend next to him held no such awkwardness as he bodly stood up and winked at Francesca. "Michael Stirling, son of Aphrodite."
An Indian girl stood up, rolling her eyes at Michael. The Bridgertons reconized her as one of the people who saved them. "Kate Sharma, daughter of Athena."
The next one to stand could only be described as big. "Thomas O'Neill, son of Hephaestus."
The girl after only raised her cup. "Marie Beaufoy, daughter of Ares."
The next one to stand kept her gaze directed at the wall, eyes glazed over. "Penelope Featherington, daughter of Apollo."
The blonde girl stood after, giving Penelope a shoulder squeeze. She was the other one who saved them during the attack. "Sophie Beckett, daughter of Hermes."
The last one with dyed purple hair stood. "Logan Smith, son of Dionysus."
"So have you all come to a verdict?" Auntie H asked.
Simon stood back up. "We have. After learning the Bridgertons have the smell of low-level demigods and having Penelope seeing no future where it turns out in their favor should we turn them away we agreed that the Bridgertons should stay here to at very least learn how to defend themselves."
Lady Danbury banged her cane against the floor again. "Then it's settled. Meeting adjourned."
The demigods got up and gave a word or nod to the Bridgertons as they walked out. Sophie and Phillip helped Penelope onto Michael's back, her eyes still glazed over. The two to stay seated was Simon and Kate.
"I'm going to help the boys get Penelope to her cabin and talk to them about setting up some archery training sessions," Sophie said before running after the other three.
"Is Pen okay?" Colin asked.
"She's just tired," Simon answered. "Penelope's father is the god of prophecy which led her to being born with the power to see the future. We had her over do it today and her gift can wear her out if she searches too many futures at once." Simon snickered at the thought of something. "By the way she does plan to yell at all of you first chance she gets."
"But onto your training," Kate interupted.
Simon plaryfully rolled his eyes.
"We'll start with sword training tomorrow and then work our way around other weapons. Once we find what you all are good at then we'll push forward." Kate stood up. "Prepare yourselves. Just because you're all mortal doesn't mean we'll go easy on you."
"Well isn't she fun," Anthony snarked.
"More fun than our roman family members," Simon joked.
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