#demigod spouses
sea-owl · 2 years
You rang for a Percy Jackson Bridgerton AU? Long ago, it was said that the Godess of love showed favor on the the Bridgerton family and gave them her blessing. Meanwhile, Violets side was blessed by Hera for being so faithful and nurturing. Now you get to the modern Bridgertons. None of them have been lucky with love. The story really starts after Colin and Eloise find out Penelope is Whistledown and are not happy about it. Poor Penelope can’t exactly tell them she saw horrible futures for them and this was the only way to avoid it. It’s not like she could tell Colin that Marina got knocked up with a demigods child or that Theo was really a monster out to steal Eloise’s soul! Anyways they are ranting to their siblings about this all while walking out of a restaurant when a monster attacks them out of nowhere. Luckily Kate and Sophie arrived in time to save their hides (after getting a frantic call from Penelope). Realizing they have no idea what is going on, the bring them to camp half blood where the Bridgertons luck is about to change.
Cue Michael flirting with Francesca, Benedict trying to find Sophie who keeps alluding him somehow, Anthony being annoyed and turned on by the snarky woman who saved him, and Colin and Eloise now freaking out that Penelope has seen them die or have something bad happen to them. Multiple times. It’s not fun for her. That and Colin is not happy that apparently Penelope frequently gets sent on dangerous quests with the Aphrodite guy flirting with his sister and the brother of the man who knocked up Marina.
Ya'll trying to force me to figure out Gareth and Lucy's godly parents aren't you? Please don't leave me in the dark ya'll, someone please give suggestions.
Okay so since I refuse to do a full on crossover fic, cause I don't got the brain power, ya'll are going to get the vaguest details from Percy Jackson, like world building only stuff.
Some maybe helpful backstory because I don't know how to fit it in. Lady Danbury's family are blessed by Hecate and they are tasked with the protection and training of the demigods. The camp is technically on her land that's been in her family for generations.
So let's set this world up:
Heroes, monsters, and gods. It's the thing of myths and legends but there was no other way to describe that thing that attacked them.
Agatha Dambury ("That's Lady Danbury Bridgertons!") and the woman next to her, who insisted they call her Auntie H, led the eight siblings around the well honestly it looked like a summer camp.
"So why were we attacked by those. . . monsters?" Anthony asked. He could tell his siblings were itching to ask the same thing.
Auntie H gave them a sympathetic smile. "Children of Echidna to be more precise."
Eloise scoffed. "I see you read Lady Whistledown."
Lady Danbury laughed. "The children here would be fools not to. It takes a lot of effort to exposing the disguises monster's and spies' use. While you mortals think it nothing more than a gossip blog it has saved many demigods lives."
"Sirens, Mormones, Chimeras, the names of the Roman and Greek demigods who would rather start a war than live peacefully with their family," Auntie H started listing off. "They all have been listed for the safety of others. So many demigods and legacy children have been saved since we found a way for demigods to use technology, the Lady Whistledown blog included."
"You Bridgertons are a blessed family, quite literally. You all have been born with the blessings of my sister and my niece. Sadly with those blessings it has given you all a certain smell that attracts monsters."
Daphne wrinkled her nose. "A smell?"
"Normally it's only a smell attached to those brats. But with those blessings you all smell like them now."
Ever impatient Eloise lets out a huff. "Whose them and what is this place?"
"This is Camp Half-Blood, well the European camp at least. Our main camp is in the United States since that is where Olympus is located now too, but my family does tend to take trips around the world which more often than not leads to children."
"You keep saying demigods," Colin said. "Do you mean like actual demigods, half mortal and half god? Like Hercules, Achillies, Perseus, and Helen?"
"I see you know our history." Auntie H nodded. "And yes. Camp Half-Blood is where we train the children to survive monsters, creating a safe haven for them."
"So what happens to us? We are not demigods, but you say we smell like them. Should we be worried about them attacking again?" Anthony asked.
"That's what the children are discussing in their meeting right now," Lady Danbury said. "While it won't be all of them the councilors who can come on such short notice have been deciding what we do with you. This is their home after all."
That's when Lady Danbury and Auntie H led them into a room. It was a regular looking meering room. A round table sat in the middle with 11 chairs occupied. Some the Bridgertons recognized, others they didn't. At the urging of Auntie H the Bridgertons took seats.
Lady Danbury tapped her cane to the floor. "Alright, introduce yourselves to the overly blessed Bridgertons."
The first to stand up was someone Anthony recognized. "Simon Bassett, son of Zeus."
The next to stand was a girl with olive brown skin and dark auburn hair. "Ofelia Lopez, daughter of Poseidon."
Next was a bubbly girl with longest hair out of the whole group. "Astrid Grimsson, daughter of Hades."
The next guy awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Phillip Crane, son of Demeter."
His friend next to him held no such awkwardness as he bodly stood up and winked at Francesca. "Michael Stirling, son of Aphrodite."
An Indian girl stood up, rolling her eyes at Michael. The Bridgertons reconized her as one of the people who saved them. "Kate Sharma, daughter of Athena."
The next one to stand could only be described as big. "Thomas O'Neill, son of Hephaestus."
The girl after only raised her cup. "Marie Beaufoy, daughter of Ares."
The next one to stand kept her gaze directed at the wall, eyes glazed over. "Penelope Featherington, daughter of Apollo."
The blonde girl stood after, giving Penelope a shoulder squeeze. She was the other one who saved them during the attack. "Sophie Beckett, daughter of Hermes."
The last one with dyed purple hair stood. "Logan Smith, son of Dionysus."
"So have you all come to a verdict?" Auntie H asked.
Simon stood back up. "We have. After learning the Bridgertons have the smell of low-level demigods and having Penelope seeing no future where it turns out in their favor should we turn them away we agreed that the Bridgertons should stay here to at very least learn how to defend themselves."
Lady Danbury banged her cane against the floor again. "Then it's settled. Meeting adjourned."
The demigods got up and gave a word or nod to the Bridgertons as they walked out. Sophie and Phillip helped Penelope onto Michael's back, her eyes still glazed over. The two to stay seated was Simon and Kate.
"I'm going to help the boys get Penelope to her cabin and talk to them about setting up some archery training sessions," Sophie said before running after the other three.
"Is Pen okay?" Colin asked.
"She's just tired," Simon answered. "Penelope's father is the god of prophecy which led her to being born with the power to see the future. We had her over do it today and her gift can wear her out if she searches too many futures at once." Simon snickered at the thought of something. "By the way she does plan to yell at all of you first chance she gets."
"But onto your training," Kate interupted.
Simon plaryfully rolled his eyes.
"We'll start with sword training tomorrow and then work our way around other weapons. Once we find what you all are good at then we'll push forward." Kate stood up. "Prepare yourselves. Just because you're all mortal doesn't mean we'll go easy on you."
"Well isn't she fun," Anthony snarked.
"More fun than our roman family members," Simon joked.
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leahcee · 1 month
you know how in blood of Zeus, Zeus posed as that old man to be around Electra and Heron w/o Hera knowing? That’s literally what Poseidon is doing as Paul in pjo and I love to see it
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yournextflame · 2 years
What are the royal houses of the Lands Between. Is it just the Golden Lineage, Caria, Hosllow, and Maria’s.
There is also House Marais; Kenneth Haight was supposed to be next in line as the rightful ruler of Limgrave, Roderika is exiled royalty of unknown heritage. We can also find wondering nobles all across the world.
Playable Tarnished arrived at the end of Shattering, I suppose that after the centuries of ongoing civil war majority of royal houses felled.
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zcrayas · 4 months
Grandparents are tall. Uncles and aunts are tall, and then there is the tiny third generation, Rya, Millicent and the sisters, and weird golden cousins.
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I apologize in advance, but the brainworms did a heckin screech and I felt the need to share the chaos.
Imagine, if you will, that our Creator let's it slip that they've interacted with other worlds before reaching Teyvat. (Played other video games) Imagine having to explain that in these other worlds, they may or may not have been interested in the denizens of those realms...sometimes in the romantic sense, which led to wedding bells and/or children.
Cue the uproar from the Genshin cast. The Creator, Blessed Maker of All...you have courted others? Have been married?? You have had children??? Their image of you being pure and untouchable, blown apart into tiny little pieces of confetti. 🎉
Though many loathe to admit it, they are curious...who are these people, what are they like? Is there a common factor in your selection of spouses? You would only pick the very best of a realm to choose as a potential partner, surely another being of creation...or perhaps a demigod?
It leads to the proverbial red string board getting made, the Archons trying to find out who is your most likely pick from their regions. It's all for your safety, your Benevolence! If you insist on having a partner, they must find the perfect match for you! You deserve only the best of the best, after all.
Bonus points if the Creator was a fan of games like the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series. They're gonna need to make a list of all their partners, there are so many options to choose from. >>_>>
I'll admit I never played any of those games so I skimmed through the harvest moon wiki and chose one of the bachelors and chose some other game characters lol. Plus a game for all of you, guess the characters.
Though I do think that the reader having children before causes a bit of whiplash because it's totally unexpected, mostly because there were no records of you taking spouses or kids, even knowing you ‘have’ (play) other worlds is a surprise that causes a bit of a crisis. Either way here are some head cannons.
“I must admit, your grace is awfully attached to Qiqi” Zhongli hums as he blows on his white tea, a small cloud of steam leaving.
Qiqi doesn't pay him much mind, her head coddled under your chin like a little puppy, between her hands there is a small bird plushie “Well, I must admit she does kind of remind me of one of my little ones” Your hand softly pats her head, a few strands of hair moving as you do.
He stills as you spoke, eyes fixated on his cup “your… little ones?”
“Mhm?” Without looking up from the braid you were giving to the little girl you just nod “yep, she is quite soft spoken like Milenoe”
“... I wasn't aware your grace had sired children” there was never any mentions about holy spawns or spouses taken by you in any manuscript he got his hands on.
“Well, I never chose a couple from this world, so there wouldn't be any descendants” the comment slips airly from your lips as Qiqi slides off your lap towards baizhu who had finished checking the books from your bookshelf. “Do you want to see her? She started elementary school a few weeks ago” without waiting for an answer a screen appears displaying a tall man with black hair and horns standing regally behind you and a child with emerald eyes and horns.
“She looks rather shy”
You hum nodding “she is as shy as her father when he was her age. There aren't many children her age she can play with so she was pretty lonely her first 50 years”
“50 years?”
“her dad is a slow maturing species” so it should be 10 times the life expectancy than humans. Not that long for him but certainly longer than usual.
“It's a wonder to see how you manage to get Klee to change her mind about going fish blasting,” albedo scribbles some data half mindedly as he watches you hover next to Klee, who showed you a new drawings every few minutes “she is so stubborn even with Alice”
“Well I do have experience with headstrong children, Pardine is as focused on her goal as her father” one of your hands fall on her blonde hair, bright but still darker than Pardine’s almost champagne blonde and her red eyes polar opposite to her icy ones, a carbon copy to her dad. Even if your genetics rarely showed up on any of your kids it was uncanny how similar she looked to her dad and aunts “but I will admit she does annoy many guards asking to train her”
Albedo just laughs it off, listing the few loose characteristics of one of her spouses. Venti has been annoying him about his nation almost getting no information so he hopes a few spare tidbits and Klee’s rough drawing of a blond blue eyed man with a big shield works for whatever weird thing the archons have going on.
“Your Grace has married before?!” Ayaka gasps as you take a stroll around the nature surrounding her home. Her hand had swiftly unfolded her fan in front of her face.
“Mhm, I don't know why people get so surprised, after all it would be weirder if I spent so much time somewhere but took no lovers” you laugh at her slightly seeing her slightly flustered “it's almost a tradition at this point, to wed someone from each world. Want to see some family portraits?” She nods fervently looking at the tablet like thing that appeared on your hands, first a white haired cowboy like man is kneeling on the ground holding a baby by the armpits surrounded by three wolves ,seemingly playing with an older child, by the time the next imagine passes Ayaka is almost hanging by your shoulder, asking things about the siblings and begging to see more photos of your babies.
“And who did you take from teyvat?” Ayaka looks up sweetly at you, she has always held you in high regard and now that you are in Inazuma she can't help but get giddy thinking about how you decided to spend the stay in her state and most of your time with her.
Feigning surprise you tap your chin with your index finger “now that I think about it I didn't choose anyone yet... maybe it's about time”
“Then that means you could pick my brother!” She wraps her hand around your own, smiling as if she got the best idea ever “I could even call you older sibling!... If you wanted so of course”
“Big brother you remember how you told me you would find me a proper bachelor”
“If this is about wanting me to rush it won't work”
“It's not about it, I found you someone”
“Fine, as you please, need I remind you my standards are quite high”
“It's their grace!... Why are you choking on your tea!?”
“There isn't one damned coincidence…” Raiden slaps her head against the table with the rough drawings and some information about them “a king, a captain, a cowboy, a damned sorcerer…”
“Maybe there isn't supposed to be a coincidence” Nahida guesses “maybe they just look for someone who catches their eye”
“It doesn't help out as much as you think it does” the tsaritsa crosses her legs and leans against the back of the chair “if we are doing people with very clear characteristics maybe Ajax could fit nicely? Redheads aren't very common”
“Mhm, maybe but don't they have a liking for smart men? Then Alhaitham would be closer to their past couples”
“Well if we are going by that logic they should like the geo archon, as one of them has dragonic features” the tsaritsa side eyes Zhongli from the other side of the table.
Sighing deeply Furina, who came in place of Neuvillette, chimes in “It is their decision who they want to marry and even if they wanted to!”
"obviously you would be so calm, after all they are very close with your iudex. Don't get so cocky, I heard the commissioner Ayato is interested in the idea"
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moorishflower · 2 years
Apropos of the Addams family post from a few weeks back: Hob meeting Gomez and them immediately vibing. Freak4freak friendship. Taking one look at the horrific sublime and wanting to kiss it with tongue
GOD yes like I have trouble imagining writing Hob meeting Gomez Addams actually because the IPs are so different but if he ever did it would be IMMEDIATE recognition. Same hat vibes. Have you beheld my big beautiful spouse? Behold them and despair (the despair is lovely this time of year)
Like can you imagine Hob attending ANY function in the Dreaming, either as the Dreamlord's husband or his consort? Normal McNormalman wandering around amongst gods and fey and nightmares and angels and being so painfully ordinary and HUMAN that he loops back around to being just. The cryptid in the room. Everyone whispering to each other, "Does anyone know that guy? Who is that? Did he sneak in?"
Hob just happily chatting away eating canapes and mingling and discussing footie with satyrs and shit, and finally some asshole god or demigod strolls on up to him and clears their throat, and demands to know "Who are you? Why are you here? You're just some human."
And Hob blinks his big beautiful brown cow eyes and he says "Oh! I'm here with my husband! Here he is now!" And just simp mode activates IMMEDIATELY. Dream standing there in full nightmare regalia glowering daggers at whoever has dared to impugn the honor of HIS husband, visibly bleeding shadows while the unfortunate guest contemplates how swiftly their mortality is about to be ripped from their still-conscious body, and Hob tucks his arm through Dream's, "How's your night been so far, baby? Good party, the brownies seemed very interested in the latest scores for Manchester, think they might be close to setting up a league of their own, dunno who they'd play against though. Christ, you look fantastic tonight. Doesn't he look fantastic? We should definitely dance later, imagine how you'd look on the floor with all these shadows around you. Phwoar. Are you thirsty, darling?"
"Wine will suffice."
"Sure, love, be right back. Nice talking with you, mate!" And off he trots to the refreshments table, and meanwhile Dream has expanded to roughly 1.5 times his normal height and living darkness wreathes him in an aura of cold sweat and midnight shivers, and he has to lean down almost at the waist to address whoever this unfortunate SOB is. Blinking slow and deliberate, like a lizard eyeing a mouse.
"You are lucky. My husband is in a charitable mood. If you ever speak ill of him again. It will not be his mercy you must seek."
And Hob comes back with two glasses of wine right as Dream is straightening up, and the unfortunate god or demigod looks like they're about to simultaneously weep and piss themselves, and he gives Dream his drink and then in a smooth and seamless motion gets his arm around Dream's waist and dips the 8ft tall nightmare man. Logically, and based on their respective heights, it should not be that easy, but Dream is visibly enjoying it.
"My sweet," Hob is murmuring into Dream's clavicle, "my darling, my Dream. Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?"
"Yes. But tell me again."
And at this point Hob's would-be detractor takes the opportunity to flee, just as Hob is planting a line of smacking kisses up the Dreamlord's neck. "Beautiful," he's saying, "ravishing, stunning, awe-inspiring."
And after that there's a sort of flyer or pamphlet that gets circulated through a bunch of supernatural circles, with Hob Gadling's name and description and picture, THIS IS THE PRINCE-CONSORT OF THE NIGHTMARE KING, HE IS ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED TO BE HERE.
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
If Percy had kids with the yans... what would their names be and who would do the naming 👀
do you guys remember someone asking me if percy would name her kids after dead demigods like luke, silena, zoe, bianca, etc? and i was like "nope, and she DEFINITELY wouldn't name her kids after luke too, luke was a dickhead to her"
I CHANGED MY MIND! book!luke was a meanie, but show!luke??? oh he's SO different and i love it. the luke of arsenic blues will be the luke of the tv show, so because of this, percy might actually name her future kid after luke 😂😂😂
but anyway, BACK TO YOUR QUESTION. i have like.... 1% planned for future kids with the yans so i don't really have any names yet lmao
but percy definitely should NOT do the naming, i can tell you that 😭😭 she will be very VERY bad at naming
i bring to you... a list of cursed names percy would actually name her kids if no one's around to stop her:
yes, dory from finding nemo 😭
yup you heard me
it doesn't seem bad, but just wait till the yan dad finds out that ariel's the name of a mermaid who FELL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, is also fascinated by humanity, and even GAVE UP HER TAIL TO BECOME HUMAN AND LIVE WITH SAID HUMAN SHE FELL FOR 💀💀💀💀
yes another disney character
more little mermaid characters! 😃
the HUMAN prince from the little mermaid 💀
percy: "it's a cute name okay! 🙄"
sandy cheeks from spongebob 😭 just be glad she didn't choose squidward or spongebob
she's the mermaid barbie from "barbie in a mermaid tail"
the shark from finding nemo that said "fish are friends, not food!". those are words percy continues to live by to this day 😌
another sea girl who fell in love with a human, the yans are throwing up rn 💀💀💀💀
LUKE 💀 (show!luke not book!luke)
at first they'd be a lil put off cuz the name's so... plain and boring and human, and then imagine them going "hold up, you wanna name our child after the dude who tried to KILL YOU????????"
and then.... the worst name of all:
anthonius (and no i am not kidding 😭)
have you seen all those tiktoks talking about how their mom or dad named them after their ex or some person they were in love with that isn't their spouse??? yeah, that's percy 💀
percy: "i just miss him im sorryyyyy 😭😭😭😭"
so yeah.
percy absolutely should NOT be in charge of naming her kids 💀
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Remember this pin? I was wondering if we can get something like this with the icons, like yk during an icon meeting the demigod crashes through the roof and lands on the table in a draw-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls pose and just says. "Heyyyyy ;)"
Well, a "demigod" of sorts definitely has much better chances of handling themselves here than in another scenario. Even if it's left unspecified exactly how powerful you are compared to the Icons of Hell, without the influence of either Krulu or Miara nearby, you may very well be the most powerful entity in the room.
Cherish it. And make sure to display it early on, to avoid being underestimated.
If the demonlords can't kill you, which at least one of them might be blood-crazed enough to try, they will try to effectively manipulate you into picking them as a partner.
You are powerful and gorgeous, with you at their side, there is absolutely nothing they couldn't do... Some already have dreams of claiming the other Rings for themselves. You are the ultimate possession, a perfect being, the most divine meal, the most enviable creature, the most effortlessly graceful, immeasurably strong and otherworldly sensual entity.
They can just about start killing each other to ensure you'll be theirs.
But hey... If you're going to promise them all blowjobs, then Vesper would like to be the last, he just thinks you'd look prettier with your face all ruined by the time you get to him.
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A truly amazing commission from the incredible @the-elusive-libbin who went absolutely all out on bringing my Greco-Egyptian voracious god to life!
The Pharoah's Belly
Max was an ancient Greek demigod who was a son of the voracious God of Belly.
He had barely come into the unique belly-powers bestowed by his father when he was shipwrecked in Egypt and taken down the Nile to the court of the Pharoah.
The Pharoah was a wise, cruel and huge man - rippling with muscle. He knew what Max was immediately, and spied an opportunity. Drawing upon his god Ra's strength, he had Max bound and chained, so that the Pharoah literally held the reigns to his belly.
The Pharoah wasted no time in testing and demonstrating Max's belly's potential - feeding his enemies at court to Max's hungry gut. The young man resisted at first, but the feeling of a squirming man in his bloated, distended belly was too good to resist.
The Pharoah would surprise his courtiers at feasts with demonstrations of Max's belly-power, forcefeeding his captive a traitor at the table until his belly stretched the chain and gurgled, digesting the man in full view of everyone. Sometimes the Pharoah would also command Max to bed the spouses and lovers of his food - who found themselves unable to resist the sensual magnetism of Max's gorgeous divine body. Max enjoyed bouncing and thrusting on top of them, or lying prone while they rode him, his big belly bouncing and wobbling as it digested his bedmate's former lover.
As Max grew in belly-strength, he could digest his food faster and take bigger meals into his divine gut. The Pharoah regarded his pet's gut with some suspicion - and took to chaining Max's next intended meal, belly to belly with Max, pressed up against his sweating, gurgling gut until he had digested enough to eat them too.
But Max had a plan. Sometimes, the Phaorah in a spirit of cruelty would let Max choose amongst his courtiers for his next meal, without reservation. So Max visited the high priest of Ra, and learnt the tenets of the god, and the ancient hieroglyphics that accompanied him. Until he had learned a design that promised to increase the strength and prowess of his divine belly. At last he had found a prayer-ritual that meant:
The slave gave to the king/pharaoh, with discipline, his mouth and expanded his animalistic stomach in an act of rebirth
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Of course, at the next great feast where Max's belly had free choice, he horfed down the high priest and fed him to his big bare belly.
Next he went to the Pharoah's chief tattoo artist, dragging his next meal at his belly by the chain - and convinced him to tattoo the design on the lower curve of his divine stomach. And once he had eaten his latest meal, selected the tattoo artist for his next belly-expanding meal.
The Pharoah began to become suspicious, and demanded Max hand him his chains once more, only permitting him to feed on human meat at his bidding. So Max waited, enjoying his many helpings of enemy and traitor in his squirming vore belly - until the Pharoah relaxed his judgement and let Max take his pick once more.
And so Max selected the largest man at the banquet and gobbled him up, alive and kicking - until his belly was a huge, gurgling orb, expanding the capacity of his stomach for good - as well as expanding his big bare belly to the awe of all at the table who watched as it ate a man alive and whole.
The Pharoah, believing Max would take time to digest his meal, bound their bellies together again, until it was next time to link Max with his next feast of living man. But Max had other plans - he needed to wait only until the man was half-digested and his belly a pleasant gurgling pot belly - to strike. Waiting until the Pharoah was distracted, he began to yank the chains that joined them - drawing on the strength of all the men who had filled his belly before.
The Pharoah screamed and protested until he was pressed up against the great swollen gut of his captive, digesting human flesh - the belly he was to become. And with one great swallow, Max devoured the Pharoah whole, screaming and squirming, and eventually blorting and gurgling inside his man-eating massively swollen vore belly. But he was just food now, and must learn his place - as bellyfat, extending a divine mortal's bare satisfied belly.
Within himself, Max felt the great god Ra attempt to reincarnate in mortal form - as was his purpose with the death of his previous incarnation, the Pharoah. But he found himself manifesting somewhere very unexpected indeed - within the domain of the God of Belly, imbuing Max's great bare gut with Ra's divinity.
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Max took the throne, his belly spilling in his lap, and using the end of the chain as a toothpick, relishing in the after-taste of his mortal-divine meal. He waited for the court to arrive so he could introduce them to the new Pharoah - his voracious, manly smug belly. He grinned as he thought of all the commands he would give them on behalf of his belly - to fill their bellies and sate his loins. He would feed those who displeased him to his belly. And maybe some of those that pleased him to .
He patted his big bare Pharoah-belly with satisfaction. His belly had many needs that would need to be satisfied. It was, after all, a God now. And Gods had many commandments. And, he belched and stoked his huge sphere of man-eating belly with pleasure, Gods also had many appetites.
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holly-natnicole · 3 months
Know what I think would be hilarious? If Estelle had been born or created when Percy was age 12 with Paul as the younger sibling's biological mortal human parent and Poseidónas (Ποσειδώνας) as her divine parent. Either the Greek God got pregnant coz deities are not limited by biology or she suddenly appears into existence the way Ἀntéros (Ἀντέρως), divine son of Nirítis (Νηρίτης) and Poseidónas, did during the ancient times; except Estelle would show up as a newborn instead of as an adult. Then Paul a week later meets Sally at a writing seminar and the 2 become friends, 1 of their conversation topics being their respective ex-boyfriends without knowing those 2 men are actually the same guy; Sally names Estelle after her (Sally's) mum since Paul says he has no ideas for a name. When Paul a year & half later introduces Estelle to Sally and meets Percy, they all think it's a funny coincidence that Estelle's eyes are identical to Percy's (which is canon despite her being a mortal human in the books, not a demigod). Finally, the truth gets figured out when Poseidónas shows up at Percy's 15th birthday party.
Bonus: Poseidónas isn't the 1st ever person Sally dated. 1st was Amfitrítis (Αμφιτρίτης) when the mortal human was age 20, but the 2 cis ladies weren't dating long enough for a demigod to be conceived or suddenly appear. 2 years later, she met Poseidónas at the beginning of summer and realises her ex-girlfriend was a (most likely Greek) God. Jackson is a common surname, so it takes a while for everyone to figure out Amfitrítis and Sally used to be a sapphic couple. The only one unamused by all of this is Tríton (Τρίτων).
To be clear, Sally-x-Paul are loyal spouses to each other and have no intention of forming a relationship with the deities again (plus Paul isn't clear-sighted and, prior to Amfitrítis making her immune to the Mist as a 12th birthday gift, neither is Richi who is Paul-x-Sally's O.C. bio daughter born on 15th March 2011). But they do think it's ironic that they share an ex and one of them is that shared ex's own wife's ex.
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wolfpawzjakey · 1 month
raising a child is an expensive pleasure Percy knows this from the example of his mother - Sally Jackson disappeared for days and nights in sweet America so that her child could be well-fed, dressed and have a roof over his head.
And now he's become a parent himself, and it's really damn expensive, but the worst thing is that he can't work - the mental and physical condition of demigods are more closely connected than that of mortals Percy seems to be chronically ill with variable varying severity - so Sally and Paul pay the expenses for Allie. His parents are great, they don't even give a glance to understand that they are tired, they are always ready to help with his daughter or support Percy, but he is torn by guilt.
that's when Reyna calls him Iris-Messaging and tells him that new Rome pays very decent money to the spouses and children of the victims. To "He and I were not married," Reyna replies that posthumous marriages are allowed in new Rome to receive benefits if there was at least the fact of engagement. and Reyna can be a credible witness and confirm that Jason was really going to marry Percy.
Percy really doesn't know what the right choice would be. On the one hand, the conclusion of a posthumous marriage was really terrible and it would have gutted him once again. but on the other hand, there were bruises under the eyes and the almost chronic fatigue of Paul and Sally, who sat down less and less often to write her book, devoting herself to work so that her granddaughter would not need anything.
I totally forgot LIKE AN IDIOT to reply.
But like this idea is so fucked cause either way, Percy is just in a WAY. Like there’s absolutely no way he would be in a good space in the scenario of his mom and Paul caring for him, a newborn AND Estelle ~OR~ getting married to a man who is not longer there. Marrying his dead boyfriend definitely makes Percy queasy, enough to get sick on multiple occasions. He’s distraught and so depressed but he does him best, keeping up with his part in caring for his daughter and keeping face for Estelle who knows her brother is sad, but just not why.
Percy has a panic attack the night he tries to make a decision, the decision being he would marry Jason posthumously. What turns into a call to Reyna ends in him heaving and sobbing on the floor while his mom gently rubs his back and holds him close. The panic attack leads to nothing though, decision set in stone because he just can’t hold his parents down like that, can’t bring anymore stress to Estelle.
The marriage is short and utterly sickening, Percy thinks. It’s more of a funeral than anything and he’s just glad when it’s over, retreating after he receives even more condolences and words that are supposed to comfort but don’t at all. But he’s locked in, married to his dead lover. It has some comfort, but not enough to overpower the guilt and discomfort and agony he feels inside.
Thank you for this pain 🥲🥲🥲
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sea-owl · 2 years
Omg I just realized Colin is such a Hermes kid. The God of travel and literature?!
Now we're talking my speed, and yeah Colin definitely would be a child or legacy of Hermes. Now I couldn't see any of the Bridgerton siblings really being demigods, unless the gods did that thing they do where they become the third parent to the child, but I can see them being legacy babies too, or Hera/Aphrodite blessing the family.
The spouses on the other hand are fair game.
Simon: You know I could add onto his daddy issues and make him the son of Zeus and the Duke of Hastings. There are demigods with two daddies. I'm half tempted to. Zeus would pull some shit like that. Plus a son of Zeus marrying a woman blessed by Hera? That would be funny as hell.
Kate: Now my first instinct is to make Kate the daughter of Athena and I think I'm gonna listen to it. And like with Daphne I think it would be funny when daughter of Athena Kate vs off against Hera/Aphrodite blessed Anthony.
Sophie: She is my hardest one to pin down, but I think I'm going to go with Hermes. The main reason I'm choosing this is because Sophie isn't afraid to steal if it helps her, and she feels like the person deserves it, case in point her stepmother. Though she's living as an honest woman now. Also with her constant job hoping in a way she was a traveler herself. She would definitely have to be one of those demigods though that came to be from two daddies, a mortal and a god.
Penelope: Daughter of Apollo with a gift for sight/prophecy. It's how my girl is collecting her gossip for Lady Whistledown and staying ahead of her competition. Apollo is also the god of poetry which fits well for writer Penelope who uses her words as weapons. One could argue for Dionysus being her daddy since he's the god of theater and the performance she would have to put on for Whistledown even if it's just being unnoticed and feigning ignorance.
Phillip: Son of Demeter. If you say anyone else you are wrong. Plant daddy is a Demeter kid through and through. Ya'll see how excited he gets talking about plants.
Michael: Son of Aphrodite. Mr. Charmer who is a menace to women everywhere? The stunning merry rake who only has to wink at you to fall in love? How could I not make him the son of the goddess of love and beauty.
I still don't have the last two books yet so y'all who read them let me know who you think Lucy and Gareth would fit.
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taleteller05 · 10 days
Did cotl 100%, attained Godhood, built pretty base for all the bishops, Narinder, and one mortal disciple, time for my headcanon
Lamb only keeps one mortal follower close as their witness, and the only followers that remain otherwise are Narinder, Lamb's spouse, and the Bishops. The others have either died of old age or have gone to proselytise the word of the Lamb and Their Pantheon, containing Them as the head, Narinder, God of Death as Their partner, and the (newly) Demigods Leshy (Order), Heket (Growth), Kallamar (Health), and Shamura (Peace).
aka The Lamb reformed the Bishops of the old faith and spread belief of the resulting new Pantheon as they saw fit
The bishops were unhappy at first, but what could they do against the Lamb?
Plus the Lamb gave them some freedom of interaction with mortals, they made their lovers, etc. that they desired.
The Lamb themselves preferred a quiet life more, now that their masses of followers were doing the indoctrination work for him, and, though they still had to guide those people in their actions, they mostly just stayed in contact with Alarty, the Last Disciple.
The Last Disciple was to witness the Lamb's Godhood from its birth to its end, to document its development, being resurrected by the Lamb as necessary.
That is the start for my AU I think lol
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vala-dreams · 1 year
Okay I've decided there's way too little selkie Percy Jackson content on this webbed site so here's my contribution:
You know those awful tales where the (usually female) selkie's skin is stolen and she has to be the asshole thief's spouse until she can either steal it back or be rescued by someone else?
I'm thinking about percabeth in a similar situation.
Imagine this: Annabeth aboard the Princess Andromeda, after Luke convinces her and some other demigods to join him in his rebellion against the gods. She is twelve years old and filled to the brim with anger. The gods do not care about her, or any of their children. They are pawns to them—faceless soldiers to use and nothing more.
It is this anger that motivates her to join Luke. It is this anger that brings her here, standing on the deck of Kronos's ship, harpoon in hand, staring into the churning sea below. Storm clouds gather ominously above as thunder crashes distantly— a telltale sign of another fight between zeus and poseidon.
The world is in chaos, with the lightning bolt and helm missing (stolen) the gods have only each other to blame. Most coastal regions are underwater now, and the storms never let up. It's miserable. She hasn't seen the sun in weeks.
But it won't be so for long. The gods are sufficiently distracted, too absorbed in their petty squabbles to notice them (not that they were ever paying attention) and it leaves them free to carry out their plans without any interference.
So here she is, her anger churning in her mind like the sea below, her grey eyes scanning the frothing depths for any movement. Something flits in her periphery vision– a seal's tail lightly breaking surface, a tanned hand curiously pressing against Andromeda's hull, an echoing bark drifting over the waves. She clutches her harpoon tighter.
Tonight, Annabeth Chase is hunting selkies.
For context, this is a really underdeveloped au where Percy is born a selkie and Sally asks Poseidon to take them someplace they can hide from Percy the gods and the mortals. So Percy grows up half feral, swimming with seals and knowing nothing of the world on land. The only human he's ever seen is Sally. Due to Poseidon's protections the monsters never find them so Percy never ends up going to camp half blood.
Meanwhile in camp, Luke is staging his grand rebellion and needs a certain prophesied potential destroyer of Olympus to join it. All Annabeth sees in her dreams are green eyes in the depths.
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mashriqiyyah · 7 months
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How many of such moments came upon us, when we earnestly prayed, that this bloodshed is a nightmare. How many times we wished to fall into a deep slumber and when we wake up, we're told, it was just a bad dream. Everything is fine, no one was killed...all children are safe in the arms of their parents, their laughter is echoing the streets of Palestine.
I have found myself making this same Dua' over and over again.
Ya Allah let this be a nightmare. Wake me up to how I thought the world was. There were struggles. But not the slaughtering of children.
And then something hit my mind like a boulder.
*Isn't this infact, waking up to the reality of this world?*
This world was always like this. Injustice and oppression. Fasad and Fitan. Believers suffered with the worst in the hands of demigods of this world, because of their faith. Why did we miss this ever so apparent reality, That we were put here to be tried and tested? Why did we become so heedless that we forgot our purpose here?
And I felt I had just woken up. To the sirens with the colour of blood. But it wasn't just a colour...it was the blood of our Ummah.
What I was praying to be a nightmare, was a scalding truth. And what I thought was life, was actually...a delusion. This Dunya was nothing but a deception. A beautiful lie.
I tried to remember the dreams we were living before we were woken up to the truth.
We were chasing temporary pleasures of this deceptive world.
My home, my life, my pain, my struggles. I couldn't get a job, life is difficult. That person I loved left me, life is difficult. I couldn't manage to build a bunglow and had to settle for a one storey house, life is difficult. People have Cars, I am using a bike, life is difficult. I wanna travel the world, but I have responsibilities over me, life is difficult. I feel so lonely all the time, life is difficult. I cannot leave that haram relationship, that habit of watching pornography or listening to music, or talking bad about people....life is difficult. I cannot find time to learn Quran, I am busy in college or work...life is difficult. Etc...etc...
And now when I look at the people of Palestine... standing over the rubble of their once beautifully habitated homes, with dusts on their faces with the streaks of blood, helpless and forlorn because all of their loved ones died and now the only thing they care about is rescuing their dead bodies in one piece. When we get to know that they're sleeping on the streets, eating whatever or nothing, struggling to find clean water, holding the drips in the hospitals because there's no bed or stand, standing the whole night as they pump oxygen to that one family member who managed to survive serious injury. Unsure if the next bomb hits their building and unsure if they'd get to see the next day.
And then I see them proclaiming Shahadah, Saying Alhamdulillah. I see them kiss their dead child and say Alhamdulillah. I see them write loving notes on the shroud of their spouse. I see them distributing candies because their family achieved martyrdom. I see children write their wills on who should take their toys and school bag when they die. I see the children playing in soil dug up, and saying... We play here and we will be buried here.
And it crushes me on how we have been running behind all the things that could be destroyed in one airstrike. How foolish we were to think that Dunya was meant to be gathered. No. We could never catch this Dunya. We just tired ourselves in vain. We forgot our purpose. There was a life of truth beyond our "I" "Me" "Mine" ... We never lived for that. We were so obsessed with our own pain that we missed looking elsewhere. Think about it, do we even deserve to complain about our pain to Allah anymore after seeing what the fellow Muslims are suffering for the sake of our Deen? How will we give account of the blessings we're using right now whilst knowing the children of our Ummah died hungry? Think about it and let it break our hearts into million pieces. Let not the grief of Ummah leave us ever so we keep reminding ourselves of the betrayal of Dunya. We are blessed that this wake up call is not the Qiyamah and Sun rising from the west. Allah has given us a chance to repent and look at what's important and better for our eternal life. Alhamdulillah. Now, we shouldn't let the blood of our brothers n sisters be forgotten. Let this be a reminder to turn back and start living feesabeeliAllah. Leave off things displeasing to Him and start doing everything for His Pleasure. We have been given these extra days so we could benefit from it, so don't let the slumber of heedlessness hit us again. Disown every dream and goal you had for this world, if it doesn't involve Deen in it. Forsake every desire that would make your time with Allah less. Be firm upon your Tawheed. And live for Tawheed.
- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️
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yanderend · 1 year
Male Yandere God x Gender Neutral Reader
Nitai, The Deity Headcanons
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The Diety is a clingy, self-indulgent yandere that want's nothing more in his immortal existence than to have you worship and praise him.
This sleepy demigod has been around long enough to lose track— it was fun playing with his powers at first, but now he's trying something new... pretending to be a totally normal guy!
It's new, and frankly uncomfortable for him, but it all becomes worth it when he goes on a blind date with you! He's had a lot of partners before— but theres something ethereal about you that he just can't place, and instantly The Diety is enthralled.
Of course The Diety knows of human flaws, but the idea of you courting someone else makes his stomach churn.
That's when he sets a goal for himself— make you fall hopelessly in love with him! I mean, it couldn't be that hard, right?
Absolutely wrong— he gets whiney and easily frustrated as soon as you don't fall at his feet, begging to be his partner within days. Nitai forgot that without showing off his powers, it's a lot more difficult to make people worship you.
Pay no mind when he figures out your location and starts sending you inexplicably expensive flowers despite you never telling him your address— it's probably your friends telling him... Hopefully.
Now, The Diety's powers may not come out often, but they're not sealed away. If he sees someone in the way of his goal (making you his), he's lenient with using his powers to get rid of them. He considers it a 'cheat day.'
The mortal friends he's made while doing his little roleplay try to give him dating advice, but he renders it worthless. He undeniably loves you (especially as time passes), but the real goal is to have you as his devout more than his spouse.
Though... those sleepless nights that he never had before bring out some subconscious thoughts. For example: 'I should marry them.'
He knows you humans are precious with time, so he doesn't care much for you're interactions with friends, but he's not blind to people hitting on you. That one, he cares very very much about.
You can't squander your life spending it with someone else, he wouldn't dare allow himself to fail you, or himself. Expect him to try 10x harder now.
One evening you spend together when you start feeling oddly tired. You're not quite sure why; it wasn't particularly late or anything. Something in the back of your mind worries that the tall man could have slipped something in your food— but you're careful, and he had no moment to do so anyway.
A little nap surely couldn't hurt... And as your body falls onto his, you only just miss the smug smile that spreads across his face.
He knows he shouldn't abuse his powers for this, but he's impatient, and you were being a little too obvious with your attraction to him recently. (Y'know, enough that this idiot picked up on it.)
Nitai spends the night stroking your hair, tracing every detail of your hands, and congratulating himself on his assured victory.
Something had changed in him over the last month, now he considers you more than human.
He considers you his angel, and where would a god be without an angel (permanently) tethered to their side?
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