#if it happened rn i think i would care less and be able to cuss them out better lol
rewritingcanon · 3 months
omg what happened with the Snape fans?
mm. man. okay here we go 😭
so i made a post last year that was kind of poking fun at how snape fans ‘baby’ snape. which is not in the stereotypical sense where they characterise him as someone submissive or meek, but in the way where they destroy any nuance to his character and characterise him as a martyr or a hero in the face of the “terrorising, popular bullies” or what have you. which totally gets rid of the point of him— showing how lonely and bitter boys can be taken advantage of by redpill rhetoric and lose the things they cared for the most. its funny because snape fans will bitch and moan about marauders fans who do the exact same thing.
i didnt word it like this, i worded it as a sort of snarky joke at them. i had like 60 followers at the time. i didnt think it would get much traction at all bcuz i had criticised the marauders fandom MUCH more at that point and hadnt gotten any flack for it on tumblr so i assumed it would be the same for “the snapedom” or whatever cringe name they go by.
i got called a bitch, idiotic, stupid. they were pulling old posts i made of silly headcanons about the marauders and reblogging my post saying i was just another delluded marauder fan who just hates snape and reads too much atyd. which is SO funny because i have never read a marauders fic but i have tried to read snape-centric fics and most of them i had to drop because of the lily-bashing in it. and multiple of them tried to gaslight me in reblogs and the notes and tell me that snape fans were not like that AS THEY WERE LITERALLY PROVING MY POINT. they were saying “its so clear you havent met a snape apologist and just want to bash us” like ??? they had a serious case of victim complex and it suddenly made sense to me why they characterise snape the way they do. someone said i was trying too hard to be “not like the other girls” for criticising both snape and marauders fans, and when i proceeded to block them they made a pinned post about me thats still pinned on their blog 💀
when i tell you these people were like a hornets nest. i used to feel bad for them for the flack they get for simply liking a character— but after that i was so done trying to defend them. i remember at the time i had a more detailed criticism of snape i was going to post but after that i was too scared bcuz if they reacted like that when i never even insulted snape, i knew i was going to be absolutely cooked if i decided to actually say something of value.
and that was just from one post. there have been others who have tried to convince me things about the marauders characters that are simply not true. like james sexually harassing lily into dating and marrying him, or how sirius and remus are terrible for wanting to kill peter pettigrew themselves instead of sending dementors to him. such stupid ‘arguments’, if you can even call them that.
theyre like delusional james potter fans, which is hilariously ironic. both claim to hate the other for doing the exact same things they do.
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coollyinterferes · 3 years
Character Interview || Repost, don't Reblog
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NAME  :   Robert Edward Orville Speedwagon
NICKNAME  :  Boss, aniki, “bastard!”/"that son of a bitch!” (usually from rival gang members, so the insult varies sometimes lol), Rob (used by a few friends), derivatives of his last name −Speebs, Speeds, Speeb, Speedy, etc− but these he will only accept them from certain people, otherwise he will do his best not to cringe on the spot or will do it inwardly. Uncle Speedy and etc later on (as in once George and the rest of the children come into his life, more specifically~).
AGE  :   25 in the main verse (may vary depending on the verse)
SPECIES  :  Human/Stand user in the main/time-travel verse | Vampire in the vamp!verse | Werefox in the monster!verse
—— Personal! ♡
MORALITY  :      lawful   /   chaotic /   good   /   neutral   /   evil  /   true .
RELIGION  :   Non-practising catholic (was raised as Catholic, like most other Victorians, believes in God, but that’s pretty much about it)
SINS   :     greed   /   gluttony   /   sloth   /   lust   /   pride  /   envy   /   wrath  .
VIRTUES :     chastity   /   charity   /   diligence   /   humility   /   kindness   /  patience  / justice.
KNOWN LANGUAGES :   English is his first language. Conversational Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German and some more. Some conversational Mandarin Chinese as well (this one thanks to Li −canonly known as Kenpo, his Ogre Street friend−) and bits of Irish (this one thanks to Tattoo, his other Ogre Street friend). He can read and understand some Japanese (kana and some okurigana/kanji) but can’t really speak or write it. Same case for some other languages that he can also recognize and more or less understand bits of them but can’t really speak them. As you probably guessed, he’s learned most of these through his many journeys around the world.
SECRETS  :  All of the stuff in regards to the stone mask and all the events and incidents that came out from that (it was stated that the only ones who know everything about it from start to end are Jonathan and Speedwagon, the others who might know a great deal of it would be Straizo and Master Tonpety). He also tries to keep a low profile in regards to his homosexuality whenever he’s out of the slums to save himself some trouble due to the stigma at the time and the potential legal consequences, going only for the gay codes of the time (long hair, cleanly shaven face, colorful accessories, etc) so I guess that could count? Other than that, and in the verses that it applies, his stand mayhaps?? That’s what allows him to leap through timelines in the time travel verses (it possesses other abilities and skills but, since Robert doesn’t even know about his stand’s existence yet, he hasn’t trained with it and thus he doesn’t know about any of it’s abilities, not even about the time travel oof).
—— Physical! ♡
BUILD :     scrawny   /   bony   /   slender   /   fit   /   athletic   /   curvy   /   herculean   /  pudgy  /   average   .
HEIGHT  :   5’11”, close to the 6’ mark (181 cms)
SCARS   /   BIRTHMARKS  :    The most recognizable one is the scar marring the left side of his face (going from the top of his nose to his jaw), but he has plenty more scattered all over his body, some more visible than others, some larger than others. Most of them come from fights and his general criminal lifestyle, some of them even come from some of the torture sessions he’s endured as part of that (so it isn’t surprising that they were either caused by knives, gunshots, burns, shards of glass and etc). Most of his scars are located on his chest and arms, some more on his hands/wrists and fingers (hands/wrists and fingers mainly from when he was learning to use his buzzsaw hat), though he has a few more on his legs/thighs, lower abdomen, and a couple more on his back. In the main verse (usually set in the late stages of PB), he will have a few more from the events in PB −burn scars on his hands from the fire at the Joestar mansion, one on his shoulder from the attack he received from Jack the Ripper, an ice burn across his abdomen from thawing Zeppeli’s arm, and a couple more and not so visible ones on his arms from minor injuries (cuts) he got while fighting and fending off zombies−. Most of the “PB scars” aren’t too visible thanks to Jonathan (he used his hamon to heal Speedwagon’s injuries shortly after).
ABILITIES   /   POWERS  :  He’s able to tell an evil person from a good one by their smell alone. He’s a resilient man and quite a strong one, too (stronger than the average guy, as he was shown killing zombies using his brute force only and a sledgehammer). He's good at hand to hand combat, he’s also good at using knives and guns, and at wrecking shit with a sledgehammer. I also hc that he's capable of creating veeeeeery small amounts of hamon (this as a result of Zepp's "accidental" slip) if he really puts his mind into it. Due to his current limitations with it, his hamon can’t be used for fighting, but it does enhance his healing process, making it slightly faster than that of an average human (with some proper training, chances are he might be able to do more with it, tho). His stand, in the verses where he has it, can perform time travel, which happens at random at first (he gradually gains control on his stand once he learns about it and starts training with it). Due to stands being a reflection of sorts of their user and their fighting spirit, and as an extension of Robert’s own hamon healing abilities, his stand also possesses healing abilities that can be used both on himself and on others, though this requires some training prior, as the healing relies entirely on Speedwagon’s own life force and can be fatal for him if used carelessly at first (once properly trained, it won’t represent a real danger for him to use). Much like Robert himself, his stand is also capable of packing some punches and causing serious damage on it’s opponent despite his stand being more of a “support” stand rather than a fully combat based one.
RESTRICTIONS  :  He's mostly a regular human in the main verse, so he’s at a great disadvantage against stronger supernatural beings such as vampires and pillarmen, for example. As stated above, the amounts of hamon he can currently create are small and, thus are difficult −almost impossible− to use for combat (again, this can change if he gets some proper training). His lack of knowledge on his stand’s existence can also count as a restriction for the time being, as he doesn’t know about it or it’s abilities and, thus, can’t use it at his will for now (it operates mostly in an “unconscious” level at first, usually after getting triggered). He also tends to wear his heart in his sleeve when it comes to the few people he truly holds dear and considers special to him, so that can be used against him if he’s not careful enough.
—— Likes / Scents! ♡
FOOD  :    He isn’t really picky with food since he grew up in absolute poverty and sometimes went for days without a single bite of food or eating stale (sometimes even moldy) food so like… he’s cool with pretty much anything nowadays. He’s also an adventurous man, so he’s always open to trying new and even “exotic” stuff. Other than that, pastries are one of his top fave things ever (creamy ones mainly but not exclusively).
DRINK  :   Tea −citrusy/fresh types mainly like lemongrass, same with berry teas−. He doesn’t mind sweeter teas but, since he usually has them with the pastries, he prefers something more “sour” to balance things out. He also likes coffee, liking it strong, kind of sweet, and hot (just how he likes his men lol). As for alcoholic drinks, he’s all for beer and gin. He also enjoys some of the sweeter ‘posh’ wines Jonathan normally has at his home.
PIZZA TOPPING  :  As far as I know, pizza toppings weren’t as creative and “crazy” in the 19th century as they have been over the last few decades, so he’s only used to more ‘traditional’ stuff like variants of Pizza Margherita, for example. However, in the time travel verses/modern!AUs he will definitely try all kinds of pizza toppings (yes, this includes pineapple pizza as well as entirely sweet pizza toppings and so on) and actually likes some of them.
COLOUR  :    Purple (shades like those of his waistcoats i.e.), pink, greeeeeeenvert, black.
MUSIC GENRE  :    More than a genre itself, he enjoys and appreciates music that can make him feel something. Toss some pub songs there for obvious reasons lol.
BOOK GENRE  :     General fiction mostly. He also enjoys reading some romance novels every now and then whenever he gets the chance to get his hands on a gay romance one, either featuring two males or two females (he doesn’t find the appeal in “traditional” ones for a variety of reasons).
MOVIE GENRE  :    Non-applicable in the main verse. Time travel verses −if he even gets the chance to watch a movie− and even in a modern!AU, his go to genres would probs be similar to his book genres, lol, just add some comedy there but like, not the ‘cheapest’ and cringey kind of comedy.
SEASON  :     Autumn and Winter (harsh winters are a pain in the ass in Ogre Street, but he can handle them fairly well overall)
CURSE WORD :   Fuck / Shit / Bloody and variants of it (like Bloody Hell) / Arsehole / Wanker / Damnit / Bollocks, Ballocks and all of it’s variants / Bastard / Motherfucker / Zounderkite (victorian for “idiot” but with even harsher and ruder connotations than just using “idiot” lol) / Beardsplitter (one of the victorian words for “penis” xd). There are plenty, plenty, more but those are the ones I can think of rn. He comes from the darkest pits of the slums after all, so yeah... Lots of cussing can be expected.
SCENT ( S )  :    Sweet and masculine musky scent, mainly, with an occasional subtle note of gunpowder and/or tobacco depending on whatever tf he’s been doing. Maybe a vague note of blood if he just got out of a fight. Some vague vanilla too but that one only around the time when he lands a temporary job in a bakery in London.
—— Fun Facts! ♡
BOTTOM OR TOP  :   Top leaning verse. He only bottoms occasionally for serious/long term boyfriends that he genuinely trusts, partly due to how being a bottom was (wrongly) perceived as being submissive by most people, and how dangerous being seen as such can be in a place like Ogre Street if the word gets out (not to mention that there’s been people there who have given him shit just for being gay), and partly because he also prefers to top and likes it better, lol.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER  :   Yeah. He started doing it as a child as a way to keep his mind distracted from how cold as fuck the water he’d wash himself with was (he usually bathed in rivers or washed himself with buckets of water some maid forgot outside of a household and that he managed to steal). He’s become a lot more used to cold baths over the years so a distraction is not necessary anymore, however, he still sings or hums sometimes whenever he has a song stuck in his head or if he’s particularly happy about something (this continues later on in life as well,even after cold baths are no longer part of his life, so it’s a habit that he never actually leaves).
LIKES PUNS  :    He loves them! Lame ones, good ones, cheesy ones, silly ones, witty ones, dirty/vulgar ones, etc. Heck, even dad jokes can be found in his repertoire! Chances are that, if you come to him with a pun or joke, he will give you one or two (maybe even more) in return.
Tagged by: @le-princesse-chevalier​​ (( thank you so much for the tag!!! ♡♡ ))
Tagging: @historias-multorum @jojoingjoseph @gazelessmenagerie @usfv @featherchan @kindersturm @iiguess @storiedocs @quirofiliac @rotrioted @breatheflcra @emcraldsxchcrrics @arrhythmiiia @mechahero @voltagecrow @promiseled @joesrparchive (tagged your main but the tag applies to any and all of your muses that you might want to fill this for >:D) @rzrbite​ @mistymiddiana (if you’re up for it) & also tagging anyone and everyone who wants to give this a shot! Just take it and say i tagged you~ Multis and peeps with 2+ muses, feel free to do this for as many of your muses as you wish!
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happilyneverafters · 5 years
pt 1/4: accepting; the novel text to a bff
I love him. I’ve loved him from the very beginning. I wasn’t in the right mind then. I had just gotten over XXX and I was finally living the fun single life. I knew I would hurt him bc he loved me so much and I couldn’t settle. I f*cked up. Fast forward. He did the same to me. He reached out, thinking that I was still that damaged girl he could just have fun with... he saw I wasn’t and we connected way too much way too fast and he hadn’t dealt with XXX. He literally bought a ring. Proposed. Got a “yes” and started planning a wedding. Then to find out she cheated. Yeah, obviously that hurt. He said he was over it but how could you get over that in literally 2 months? You can’t. I got a promise ring and was cheated on so I know the commitment significance but we weren’t planning a wedding????? So he ran. He wanted to mess around like I did. I was furious. Sick to my stomach on how he treated me. But I don’t care as much as I should bc I’ve been there. And I am so in love with him and it’s so f*cking unconditional and this proves it. He has been my best friend since high school. And I’m almost 25........ so 11, 12 years???? What he did was f*cked up. Hahahaha it makes me laugh out loud how f*cked up it was. And when I truly think about every bit and piece that happened from the time he messaged, to when I called him when driving to XXX and he was the biggest d*ck I’ve ever heard... I literally about puke from the gut wrenching pain... but I don’t blame him................ how can that be? I just truly feel sorry for him. Bc an engagement is the biggest decision someone could make and he made that decision. Only for it to go south. So yeah, he broke my heart. He stomped on it and spit on it and put it in the shredder. But for some reason, all of my tears, all of my depression, all of this weight I’ve gained, all of my poems I’ve wrote and all of the fake things I’ve done/said .... I’m still on the fence on how I should feel. I should be angry. I should cuss him out. I should punch him in the face. I should get revenge. I should move on. I should be happy. But I don’t want to. I want to be sad. I want to hurt. I want to miss him. I want to love him. I want to blame her and not him. I want to blame college and not him. I want to blame time and not him. I want to blame me and not him. And that’s sick in the head of me. Bc he literally told you he couldn’t care less about me. Yet here I am, hoping I’ll secretly see him one day. I know I deserve better. But not a better person. The situation was just off. But I can’t see the wrong in it bc I was that person too. If God continues to keep him on my mind and is giving me the words to write about him, I want to trust that he’s supposed to be in my life. If people keep going back to each other, they aren’t meant to be apart. Sure this was only the second time of going back but will I ever not want to go back???? That’s what I fear. You say I’ll meet someone and I’ll “know” like you did. But that’s how I felt with him. I was seriously the most alive I’ve ever been in my entire life. I didn’t want to sleep. I was excited to wake up. I was living on the edge. I was spontaneous. I wanted to be out of the house. I wanted to be with him even if we were just sitting. Or swinging. I wanted to hear every little thing he had to say. And study every feature of his face and body and mind and heart and soul.
pt. 2/4
He wasn’t the person who hurt me. And I don’t believe he meant it. I feel for him the way you feel for yours and the way your voice changes when you talk about him. But he is such a bag of f*cking d*cks and I hate his guts. I want to karma to take him out and make him call her daddy. But I am so consumed that as soon as I think about how angry I should be, I think “aw I just want to hug him and tell him it’s okay”. Yet he would never in a million years do that for me. So when will I stop wanting to do that for him? Or will I? Like I said in one of my poems, I need to act like he is XXX. I wanted so badly to be XXX’s but he is physically not able. He is gone. I need to look at him that way. Same with XXX. When XXX started dating girls in his town. I was miserable. When he told me not to come to XXX. I was livid. But then I realized. He’s not physically able to be mine. That’s how I need to look at him. But I refuse to believe it. I refuse to accept it. I can listen to yalls advice and I will gladly do it but I can’t promise I’ll ever want it to be true. He doesn’t understand that bc he wouldn’t give me the chance to explain that. He read my words. He didn’t hear my words. Or my tone. He refused to look me in the eye and when I was finally close to it he said “ugh fine you can come over”..... like, no, I’m not going to “ugh come over” and fight for your ear and your heart. I’ll “ugh come over” to physically fight you bc you’re an idiot and need to be taken down a notch bc you’re too high on your horse but again, he’s damaged, he’s got that mindset he needs to be free bc he’s seen the ugly side of commitment, not my side of promising commitment. Again, like I said in one of my poems, I don’t love him for how he treats me bc clearly he treats me like I’m a washed up piece of garbage that a raccoon dug through and slept on throughout the rainy night but bc of who he is and what he’s been through and what is capable of. I’m in love with every bit of him for him. Not him for me. Again, he can’t hear that bc he’s childish enough to plug his ears and not listen. Idk what to do. I’ll move on. I’ll go on this date tonight and try my best to keep an open mind but I know at the end of the night, when I get my phone out before bed, I’ll look at his pics or see what he’s posted/reposted. That’s so dangerous of me. You’re right, I might find someone someday who won’t treat me this way. But I want to at least wait to see if his bas**** a** will grow up first and realize I would gladly ask his mom for his hand, get down on one knee and ask his frat a** to marry me and I would say yes to him every single day of my life. Even if he said no to me, like he already has.
pt 3/4
He won’t come back. And I know that. He won’t. Bc he is able to wipe his hands and walk away bc to him, he did nothing wrong. He was just living the single life. But to me, I was home with him. He didn’t act as just living the single life. To him, he was. To me, it was not at all. And he wouldn’t know that. That’s the thing. He doesn’t know. I could tell him, I’m not scared to express it, it’s just like he said though, it’s pointless. It wouldn’t benefit him, and it wouldn’t benefit me. It’s a waste of breath. I’ve made myself look like a psychotic fool to him. I’d rather sit in my room crying and writing about my feelings, just to save him the time of hearing my voice. I won’t wait for him. It’s not necessary. And I told him I wouldn’t. But unlike him, I’m not going to go out and find someone. The only reason I’ve got the date tonight is bc I got upset and downloaded a dating app for one night. Bc I don’t want to meet someone that way. Which is another fear. I don’t want to meet someone online. I don’t go out to bars. You can’t really meet anyone at a church like ours. It would just have to be a mutual friend or someone I’ve already known. Either way, I don’t want anyone else. I didn’t when I broke up with him a few years ago. I tried to come back but he had already had me blocked bc XXX. So I had to. No one, no one, even came close to how I felt about him. Again, it’s not just “oh I really want to be with him”..... the connection.... the connection is what is real and instant and easy and fun and that’s what I loved. He was my best friend first. Does he really have a connection like that with everyone????
pt 4/4
I can’t cry. I’m trying to. I need to. I’m just numb. This song I’m listening to is so touching and of course, I’m thinking of him, but I can’t cry. I think I’ve literally used up all of my tears. I can’t feel anything. And it got me thinking. Y’all are so tired of hearing me vent about him. I know that. And I’m sorry. I know you know something I don’t. And maybe it’s that he truly won’t come back. And that’s fine. I think I’m finally accepting that. But the thing is, is I know what I want. And I’ve known what I’ve wanted for a long time. And it’s him. It will always be him. It always has been. You say I’ll find someone but the gag is I know it’s him. Whether God tells him no, God has told me yes. So many times. And if he is somewhat available, I’m not going to force myself to move on if I don’t have to. I’m not saying I will refuse others but I won’t give up hope on him but if/until he calls me, FaceTimes, or comes to physically see me.... he won’t come back. It’s easy to not care when you have zero contact. He’s the cool senior frat guy who can get any girl he wants. Toxic. Pathetic. Disturbing. Disgusting. But that’s not him. And I know if he saw me, he’d feel for me what he had before, whether he thinks so or not. I’m still so happy. I haven’t changed. I still am living the same life I did before he came back. And today being in XXX, I didn’t search for him, I was just enjoying my time home, but I can’t say I didn’t imagine what it would have been like with him there with me. Or in the car ride home. Or Rn listening to this romantic song trying to nap. It’s him I want. It’s him I need. But I can’t let you be the one I dump it on. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I know it’s been... 2 months? You’re tired. I’m tired. So it’s time that I suffer alone. As much as I will pray for that day to come where him and I come face to face, you won’t hear about it. I don’t blame him for anything he did. He wasn’t in the right mind. And even if he was, he wasn’t in the wrong. He hurt me, yes. But I did it to myself. And I’m continuing to put myself in the same pain. That’s on me. No one else. So no one else should have to suffer the consequences. I’m okay even though I’m really not okay. It’s not him I’m letting destroy me bc it’s him who truly makes me feel alive, I’m destroying myself. Satan is using this heartbreak against me and I’m giving them the power to consume the little bit of me that I have to offer someone else. Like I said, I’m not depressed bc of him and I’m not allowing him to be the reason I’m numb... I just think the constant “why” or “why not” or “when” is slowly drowning me. I’ve said many times in my poems that my love for him is the most unconditional love I’ve ever experienced in my life and I know that is a once in a lifetime type of love, a true f*cking love that I just can’t grasp isn’t a two way street, and that is what is driving me insane. I could continue typing for hours and days and months and years about this but again, I’m keeping you out of that now.
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strangerper · 7 years
Meme thing I guess 😂😂😂
The very wonderful @onibiness has tagged me in some sort of meme post, so... Even though I really don't have many followers that aren't friends I know, here Nickname: Pfff I'm not known well enough on tumblr to have a nickname You may call me Ichijou tho ^^ (idk I like the name 😂) Zodiac Sign: I'm a Leo, although... it doesn't really fit my personality 😂 Height: 5'9'' Last thing you googled: 'pistols' I was lookin' for aesthetic stuff 😂 Favorite Music Artists: oohh, if I list /all/ of em, we'll be here all night. Here's the main ones I listen to, tho! Undertale Soundtrack: Toby Fox (yes, i'm trash 😂), Pierce the Veil, Green Day, Three Days Grace, Masa Works Design, Queen, so much more 😂😂😂 Song stuck in your head: there's not really a song stuck in my head rn, but I'm almost /ALWAYS/ humming parts of Your Best Nightmare! Always! Last movie you watched: Immortals (Greek Mythology owo) What are you wearing: striped polo and jeans, your everyday basic bitch 😂😂 What do you post: mostly shit posts and all, some heartfelt ones here and there Have any other blogs?: NOT YET I'm honestly thinking about making an imagine blog that deals with Super Mario Bros... An RP blog for either Fen (a Maha character, ask Umaru about it 😂😂😂) or Papyrus the Skeleton Surely everybody knows who that is 😂😂😂😂😂😂 What did your last relationship teach you?: Love can be... Blinding. Truly. Never ever settle for less, because sometimes, you'll find yourself caring so much, you'll see that while they're at the top, you're at the bottom. Learn to see the true worth of yourself, cos if you don't, you won't be able to see what's happening around you. And in love.... That can be a dangerous thing, if you're with the /wrong/ person..... You matter just as much as your significant other. Religion: i honestly don't really lean towards a specific religion. churches and stuff are judgemental, and i /HATE/ judgement without justification. Although I believe in a God. I believe in a Devil. A heaven and hell. A Jesus Christ. I guess you could say Christian, but... Others would say that if I was, I wouldn't be cussing, or I wouldn't be doing this or that. So yeah. Usual Hours of sleep: uhh, I usually sleep at like eleven, I'm lazy for math, and i don't wanna calculate, that's what home is for 😂😂 y'all can do the math Color: RED any sort of red holds a very very special beauty in my eyes, I'm not sure why, but I'm just attracted to that specific color Also childhood gaming consisted of Mario So ye 😂😂😂 Lucky number: i don't really have a lucky number, i don't get the significance of that But I know @sonicfangirl1999's lucky number~ 69 Favorite characters: Luigi, Mario, Papyrus, Sans, Flowey, Piccolo (off DBZ, for those who don't know) Krillin (also off DBZ, also probably spelled it wrong lol but it's been a while 😂) and Dimentio! (Super Paper Mario) How many blankets you sleep with: lol sometimes I sleep with none Most of the times I sleep with one tho Dream job: My /dream/, is to be a writer.... I gotta stop being lazy in order to do so I've actually a whole story almost completely developed, really, almost a novel, if you will, and it completely revolves around ocs, this whole thing, literally based off my complete imagination, which is something you don't really see these days! Although... Sadly... Everyone knows very well that being an author is something that doesn't pay very well... It's sad, really. I consider writing an art. You can paint with words just as well as you can paint with a paint brush, or draw with coloured pencils. I guess that'll be considered like a side-career or someth. Anywaaaayyy I'm done here! It says I have to tag people in this.... But... All the people I know are already tagged in this! 😂😂😂 But I do have one person Heeeyy, @theamazingcbear, I see you've started following me not too long ago! Although I mainly borrow stuff from your blog and reblog stuff 😂😂 I kinda don't get it, but heey, I appreciate the attention! Why don'tcha come on down and introduce yourself, eh?
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agirlinthegalaxy · 4 years
Literally just me theorizing about next gen kids’ Warren powers, bc I’m failing rn at Paige’s kids, so like. Any suggestions would be nice, bc I am struggling, but also this is super ramble-y and also heavily features my own headcanon, so warning for that. I just really like the next gen and Charmed’s powers and power development
First, I guess it’s not that important necessarily, but I really wanna stick to my headcanon about the Warren powers. Basically, general a Warren witch’s first power (and because of this, generally primary power) is one of the three Warren powers: telekinesis, molecular immobilization, or premonitions. Depending on their strength as a witch, the actual strength of their power may vary. For example, P. Baxter (who later reincarnated into Piper) only had molecular deceleration (a weaker version of molecular immobilization, where she can only slow down time instead of outright stopping time), in contrast to her granddaughter Patty Halliwell and her great-granddaughter and future life Piper Halliwell who both have full-on molecular immobilization. 
The other part of that headcanon is that Warren witches only get one Warren Power, so Melinda Warren was the only one to actually have any kind of combination of telekinesis, molecular immobilization, and premonitions at the same time. So for example, Phoebe wouldn’t be get telekinesis or molecular immobilization because she already has premonitions. That being said, I’m open to the idea that a few Warren witches break that rule by not having any Warren power at all or even has more than one, but like as a super rare thing that’s like a “huh, that’s weird” thing.
Now onto the actual kids, bc wow, I talk too much. Obviously, Wyatt and Chris both have telekinesis. With Wyatt, it’s not... necessarily one of his primary powers? As much as Wyatt kind of doesn’t have a primary power, bc he has so many and honestly, if he’s gonna focus on training one, it’d probably be projection bc uhhh, sometimes Wyatt doesn’t think before he speaks anddddd now look, there’s a horse in the manor. (He was tired and thought they said horse, not hoarse, let him make mistakes. :( He’s trying his best.) 
Chris, however, is a hundred percent is a telekinetic witch, bc if we’re being honest, that’s pretty much his only power besides like orbing and telekinetic orbing. Telekinesis is just. So much more his style, because telekinetic orbing requires calling for an item and orbs aren’t exactly inconspicuous and it’s a lot easier to just move his hands, okay?
Melinda! My girl. She has molecular immobilization and, tbh, pretty much everyone is like “yeah, she’s gonna end up with all of Piper’s powers” bc she’s a spitfire and will also cuss you bc she can. Who cares that she’s not half-Whitelighter or half-Cupid or half-Manticore (his name is Sebastian and he’s chaotic and we love him), she can freeze and vanquish your ass all by herself.
Peyton!! My sweet child, I’ve been having feelings about her for awhile. She’s Phoebe’s oldest and inherited the whole premonitions thing. Like Mel, I’ve honestly never questioned my choice for her Warren power, bc it just fits her. Honestly, her power development is probably going to be a bit similar to Phoebe’s, but there are two roads there that I’m still deciding on.
Parker, however, probably has telekinesis. I’m reconsidering parts of her personality, but she’s a bit more rebellious and active. I originally gave her hyper speed as well, but changed my mind bc it doesn’t fit, so I’m still unsure about how to best develop her powers, I probably need to iron out her personality a little more first.
Patience is Phoebe’s youngest and also has premonitions. Honestly, I’m not sure about her power development either, but I’m lowkey thinking about the road I don’t pick for Peyton or maybe go a bit more emotional/mental based, especially since I’d originally liked the idea of her premonitions happening in her dreams. I don’t think I’ll stick with that, bc it doesn’t make much sense, but maybe keeping it in that same line by on a more intangible aspect.
Paige’s twins are Charlotte and Penny and I’m really stuck on what to do with their powers?? I don’t follow the comics, really at all, (in case the different names didn’t give it away) so I don’t really want to just divide Piper’s powers between them. It’s kinda the same reason why I ended up changing my mind about giving Charlotte cryokinesis/hydrokinesis and Penny pyrokinesis. I mean, it fits the whole “opposite twins” thing, but I don’t want to tie them together so closely like that. But also, I feel like it’s kind of expected to give them complementary powers, because they’re twins. I’d thrown around the idea of giving Charlotte telekinesis originally, but I don’t really know if I’d want another telekinetic witch when I already have three rn. But I also don’t know what I’d want to give Penny. Part of it is probably bc I don’t really know how I want their characters to be, bc I don’t really like my original ideas for them as much anymore bc they were pretty one dimensional.
As for Henry Jr., I’m literally so undecided on him, bc I completely discarded my original idea for his character and need to figure out a new one entirely basically. Like, I know that him being adopted is a popular headcanon and is comics canon and honestly, I really do like that. And like I could still make him a witch if ya wanna get into that, but it’s more like do I still wanna do a plotline that rested on the 9 cousins being able to use Halliwell magic? Idk. So like I don’t even know his background, much less powers, so yay me?
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