#if something horrible should happen to me please dedicate all thoughts to the Sadalinar Kiss Each Other Fund
isdalinarhot · 1 month
I suspect most nights where im like drinking to excess and im super blackout drunk and id die if i had like 2 more shots but i stop for the night are because at heart i am sooooooooooo sleepy and when it gets late enough and i get drunk enough i go fuck it I’ll leave it in the morning. But tonight I am considerably wasted and it’s only 7 pm. I will not get tired soon and there is 1.75 liters of vodka available for me today. All this to say. I don’t think I’ll die of alcohol poisoning I have faith in me but if im gonna die of alcohol poisoning today is one of those days where it’s possible :( sorry :( for what it’s worth I really really really want to read kowt and so am not purposefully killing myself BUT shit sucks overall enough that I am not afraid to die and if it came to me I would welcome death with open arms
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