#if we ever get a chance for an avm short like this (which we probably won't but oh well) it would be so fucking precious i think
i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
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did you know: chosen was created before minecraft existed?
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natashahudsonshares · 7 years
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PS : Forgive me for my pictures as it was taken last year and many years of not seeing my siblings. Here I share what means so much to me and what i am currently going through at this crucial moment. Do not judge but understand.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatu,
As i write this heart races & palpitates with speed of 1000km tears of pain,sadness,overwhelming feelings of what is currently happening in my life. Things have been slow. Has it? All i know there has been a roller coaster ride of reflection,regret,pain and a little happiness shining in and out. (I wish)…a word that pops in my head,heart maybe? I wish i was closer to her,to them,to many things,people and Allah. Ya Allah nevertheless i should be thankful for all these test. I only have you Ya Rabb.
Are we grateful for the things in our life,the test,the hikmah? Masyallah tabarakallah Allah swt has tested me so much. I know as a weak human/servant i complain,we all do. Fullstop what a habit right? Cant we be more grateful. So much confusion.misconception here and there,fitnah,twisted world,dilemma all over the place for so many. But we are still lucky to have them all. Stabbing pain, a usual pain that is immuned in our system for many of us just in different levels and types. Just how do we overcome them? Before that, here goes my story.
So recently early last year about a few months ago, i was given the shock of my life. I mean its nothing new to experience but to me it is ( here we go all over again). My sister..my eldest sister…Belinda Ann Hudson which resides in Brisbane,Australia gave me news few months ago about being diagnosed with brain cancer,stage 4 and the worse type she could have. “Its treatable Tash, but not curable and its the worse of its kind!” she said. It happened too quick. One day she had a severe headache and next day over check up? Ka boom….she found out about this. Operation done and still fighting,surviving. It tore me..all of us. She is possibly the best sister anyone could ask for. Although we come from different mothers it does not make us any distant nor different but yet still known as blood siblings. She is the only one that truly understands me,and indeed she is perfect to my eyes. She is constantly steadfast in her way. So calm,bright,funny,beautiful,loving,kind,caring and the list goes on. This i found as an opportunity. What was it?
Alhamdulillah i remind myself off this test. Cry,scream,whatever but don’t wail. Its all written and how will ours be? I can’t deny i break down a lot,a kick in my butt that reality is kicking in. We will all die,we will. Time is passing by with a blink of an eye,we are ageing,our grey hairs are showing and embrace the ageing process,half of our life is over but are we ready? How will our life end & how do you want it to end? Have any of you ever thought about this?I have. Almost everyday.So I tried something unimaginable. I started giving my sister in Australia dakwah. Her faith is Catholic Christian. But to her religion probably doesn’t exist anymore and she hasn’t practice it for 2 years. I didn’t hard sell my religion but i wanted her to know what peace was, what calamity was about and how to remain calm even the storm is heading our way.She mentioned that she won’t watch any of the dakwah videos i sent her (my heart torn a little) to me which were considered light and more of motivational/therapeutic videos although it uses Islam as its base. Islam is easy and so easy to understand. It’s all about sense. Tawheed really. The oneness of god. I don’t know what i was thinking but i know that i want her to be in Jannah (heaven). I need her. I wish to gather with my family even till the end. I hold this responsibility as a muslim to bring my family back to the straight path. I want Allah swt’s rewards and Redha. She stopped practising her faith which was Christianity about 2 years now. She doesn’t believe in god anymore. She said “I feel like this because most people in the western civilisation hardly practice much of it nowadays!”
I once went to an Islamic class about siratulmustakim and the scholar then mentioned “If a disbeliever which was never a muslim says to Allah swt while being questioned just before the sirat “ Who is your god?’’ and replying  “I believe that Allah swt is my god and i accept him as my creator!’’ he will cross the sirat like a speed of light and into jannah. How amazing is Allahs mercy yet we deny him. I can’t force my sister to revert, going bck to her fitrah, my intention was her to accept the decree of Allah swt n its signs. I had to respect her for whatever choices she makes but nevertheless i would never stop making doa for her till her last breath. You just never know what Allah’s plans are.
And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make     (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test)”
[al-‘Ankaboot 29:2-3]
In my family sickness has been rather common. 3 of my siblings are unwell. My eldest brother Richard has been living with cancer for almost 10 years now, My sister below me Tania has been living with asthma and AVM ( a very rare brain condition) . She survived, as it is i almost lost her. Usually There is not chance of survival but Allah has given her many Chances. Me and Emma Jane (the youngest) so far are alright. I mean i was diagnosed with permanent low immunity after my second baby and eye issues but so far alhamdulillah i am ok. Keeping strong. May Allah protect me. I seek in him, i ask of him. We expected Belinda to detioriate by September but so far she is still looking fine and no news of her getting worse in any sign. I hope Allah swt changes her fate in some ways. A little more time for me to spend time with her. I found out  that  when i was visiting her she started going on Bicarbonate Soda. Apparently good to alkalise the body and a natural form of treatment/prevention for cancer and such . I found these article below :
~natureworksbest.com/dr-tullio-simoncini-sodium-bicarbonate-cancer-treatment/ ~http://drsircus.com/medicine/sodium-bicarbonate-baking-soda/uses-in-daily-health
You know few years ago i once said to myself. I know that my heart is sold rock but one day Allah will test me, it will be big and it would be about my loved ones. One by one i see it coming. How will i be able to face all this? I was clueless then, ignorant,less knowledgable, not so much on the deen yet searching. It all makes sense now. Why Allah says “Never love anyone else or anything more than you love Allah. Others will come along when you focus on him first. We need to prioritise our Creator first ,cause in actual fact who decides? Who listens? And who changes fate /things for all of us? He does. Believe it dear ummah. Ramadhan the most magical month gives us many moments,days,a month to repent,to ask,seek and make it all change. How did i go the last time? It was tough with 3 kids and a workload of responsibilities  and it was challenging but yet i miss our holy month. I hope allah gives me a chance and considered by appeals. I wish i did better but allah swt knows best and I’m sure he is the Ghaffar (forgiving).
3 days ago i received an email from my brother and numerous calls from Dad which i missed. My brother said i should quickly give my sister a call and say my last words. Keep on doing so he said, use the time left wisely. My dad mentioned how bad her situation is at this very second. No. Not now i tell myself. I broke down a few times. The last time i experience grief was when my best friend died to cancer as well. I didn’t like the memory of that. Grief is horrific. Its painful. Sorrow keeps u in a hole for agile. What do i have for her now. I can only offer my prayers. I can’t physically be there due to my weak finances. Its painful. I can only look back at the photos we took last year and cry. My last wishes? For her to utter the Shahadah. But then again who will guide her or remind her. I just wished i was by her side this very moment. Spoke to her yesterday and boy she sounded way different than norm. She slurs her words and i cant digest much of her words. My brother inlaw said she is not in any pain just tired,weak,short term memory lost and weakening. Down right low at this very moment. This worse part of her fight is here.
My sister Tania may be able to see her soon and i hope she gets the best last days with Belinda. Ya allah please may it easy on her. Give her the light down that tunnel. Please forgive her for her wrong-doing and protect her always. Allah swt has more than just names but he has the right to everything. We are not even close to it at all. All hikmah has it reason  to come in an out of our lives. We are waiting for our own ticket. Our own time. Life ain’t a bed of roses and we all have our own obstacles. The rich become poor and the poor become rich. The healthy gets sick and the sick gets healthy. How are we dedicating our life for our final destination? Are we working hard for it? Does your family member have to die first in order to make you repent now? Death should be your motivation each day. You have to be willing to accept that all that you love will go including “YOU” that you love so much. We forget that we truly have an obsession for ourselves in Dunya and not what we want to make of ourselves in Akhirah. Give it up, let it go. Drop you ego. Prepare and embrace yourself. Life is not a fairy tale. Real life starts after death. May Allah grant my last wishes for my sister inshallah. I still remember clearly when me and Rich had a chat with Belinda and she broke down saying “I just want to live!” I had no words, I couldn’t reply. Me and Rich were surrounded by silence. This silence will stay in a spot in my heart forever permanently. Which truly I am not looking forward too. Again Redha isn’t the easiest of it all. This would be something new to my heart. Loosing my blood sister for the very first time. One of Allah Swt Beautiful Attribute to remind ourselves off : The All-Forgiving,  The Absolver,  The Veiler of Sins and Faults, The Most Protecting One
The One who accepts repentance and veils or forgives our faults and sins, time and time again. The One who sets us free from the guilt and shame of our own sins and faults, such that we may discover inner harmony and peace.
The One who protects us from the effects of our faults and sins, both in the present world and the future. The One who accepts repentance and sets aright our faults and sins.
The One who veils, forgives or transforms our faults and sins in such a manner that we may go on without guilt or shame. The One who can set aright, or transform, wrong deeds and change them into what become good deeds.
Much Love ,
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thekirstenkhaye · 5 years
Thank you, 2018. NEXT!
Ari, I’m sorry. Just trying to be punny there.
Peace y’all! Hope that didn’t get to shoo you away from reading this entry. Bear with me, please. I just really suck when it comes to my intros. Now let’s move on, eh? NAKA MOVE ON NGA AKO EH, kayo pa kaya?
Kirsten, ENOUGH.
K, let’s do this 😊
This entry will be full-packed of stories, facts and reflections from how this year had been. You know why? Well, I may not have been updating that much on my social media accounts anymore of all the things that have had happened this past year, but I swear to G! This year has probably been the MOST EVENTFUL year that I’ve had thus far. Of course, when I suffered from that ruptured AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) in my brain and tried to recover from it on the years 2013-2014 will never be irreplaceable on being a major turning point in my life. However, if we’ll talk about on actually living life, 2018 has been one heck of a kind of roller coaster ride, living life to the fullest and a fckload of growing up.
So, let’s start. Shall we?
Honestly, I got side-tracked for a couple hours, in this exact part while writing. Yeah, shoot my short attention span and all over the place mind. But you’ll see why I had to do them first. I mean, that if you are actually here reading this and you know, thought of browsing and reading more of what is in this blog. Because I assure you, just clicking on those words up there in the header, you’ll see more. And yes, I’m shamelessly plugging now and wasting more of your time just to read more of my nonsense blabs because I did update everything that you can read here that are just extra. Hihi. I’m so sorry. But I hope you liked what you’ve read if you actually spent some time reading one or two more entries from this blog other than this one.
Now, let’s truly begin.
First of all, I guess, as how I always start my entries.. You’re here now in my somewhat personal space, my outlet, my blog, welcome to Lifenigma!
It has been awhile yet again since I last posted a decent entry. If I’m not mistaken, it has been 4 long months. And to be honest, even though it has been that long already, some things are still as complicated as how they were. Although, let me emphasize with “some”, eh? Because for the last couple months, there is at least one thing that have cleared in my life. You wanna know what?
Well, have you ever asked yourself what the Amighty has been thinking why on the name of Him you are alive and has to live your frigging life? SAME. I know. Especially in times when you just don’t know what to do with your life. Yes, I have asked the same question maybe more than a thousand times that He probably got tired of it already and now just showed me how I could determine the answer to my never ending query.
It wasn’t easy, I must say. It took me awhile to figure it out. And then one day, you know, I realized, damn, this is me. This is my purpose. This is the reason why I’m not laying stone cold dead 9 feet under. I found it and my passion for it has what kept me driven to wake up every single day with a very optimistic mind, heart and soul.
So you know what? There may be things that are very complicated until this moment I’m typing this entry out, but by just thinking of this purpose of mine in this world, I’m full, I’m complete and I’m sure that I’ll get by no matter what. All these complicated things that are bugging me are just bonuses of accepting to live the life He still gave me a chance to live, one more time. I mean, this may not be the last time that He’ll let me, but who knows right?This might be the last one, too, already but I don’t mind anymore. Because I know by now that I got to live it with a purpose, and not just surviving it for my own benefit.
You’re probably itching to know now what on earth is this girl has been talking about, aren’t you? Well, if you are my friend or even just an acquaintance from somewhere now that I’ve been visiting to, you would know somehow. You’ll probably have a guess that is probably right anyway. But if you’re not and are just here because you saw my tweet or post somewhere about this and got curious so you clicked on it and tried reading, then let me tell a brief story first.
Hi, Hello! This girl’s name is Kirsten but usually, people call me “Kaye” now. It’s actually just K like the letter because that’s from my nickname before which was ‘KL’ but somewhere along the way of my life, some people in it were lazy enough to not include L in calling me hence it ended up with K. But I’m too extra to just stuck myself with a one letter name so I created my own name that most people actually thought now that it’s my real second name, so yeah. Anyways, enough about my name. That’s actually not the story that I want you to know. But at least now you know, right? Hihi. Okay, moving on.
I think let’s just cut this story short. I’m 23 now so it has been how many years now? LOL, do the math, man. But yeah, when I was 17, it was summer, April 9th of 2013 if I can remember it correctly. It was around noon, we were taking a break from arranging the decorations in the garden of our client where her son’s going to have his party. We were having our lunch, talking about stuff that I couldn’t really remember anymore. Then I went for a glass of ice cold coke, took a sip and the next thing I know is there was this electricity-like that went from my head straight out to my left arm that it felt like it’s going to get removed from my body on how strong the current that went throught it was. When I got my consciousness back, I was already in the ICU with my head feeling like they’re going to break open and all I could think of was “Why isn’t there a priest here, yet? Am I not going to die already?” But somehow, I survived one whole week aching in the ICU with tubes attached to my groin, my mouth, my nose, my arm, my hand. Somehow, I just woke up one day, the nurses were already rolling me up to a Recovery Room. And in the Recovery Room was when I figured I could not move anything on the left part of my body anymore. It was when I talked, my saliva would just drip uncontrollably on the side of my mouth. It was when I wanted to scratch my arm where my IV was taped on, but I couldn’t even lift my left arm. It was when I wanted to pee, only to realize that there was a catheter in my you-know-where. It was when I got hungry and asked for a food and they gave me a blended shit and fed me through an NGT (Nasogastric Tube). It was when for the first time in a very long time, I had to be bathe by other people. And all I had to do was go with all of it because it was the situation that I had to deal with.
Okay, story time is over.
Was it sad? Was it depressing? Well, that was only my vague memories in the hospital, ladies and gentleman. But everything that happened clearly in my head after that fate I had to get through, well, let’s just not talk about it. 2013-2014 were the years that I had to deal with all of that. One takeaway from those years? Depression isn’t just a phase. It’s something that you will just learn to live with. Ever wonder why I need this blog? It doesn’t really do much to me just like how usual bloggers out there right now are benefiting from it. No, I don’t have this for things like that. I tried though, I won’t deny that. But I realized, no, this is not that. This is my outlet. This is where I can breathe all the bottled up thoughts and feelings that I have to let go of somehow because I wouldn’t ever get to do that with anyone in person.
Now, again, Kirsten, get to the point, yeah? What is this purpose of yours that you have found? LOL. Okay, folks! Relax. Hihi. Here you go.
It’s pretty obvious, I guess. Especially to those people who have an idea of what I have been doing this past year. Yes, I have been volunteering with stuff that has something to do with the sector of Persons with Disabilities. I have been since 2017. However, I guess, 2017 was more on like empowering myself first as a person with disability that has accepted her new given life as a cause of having an acquired disability. In 2018 though, I began to start seeing the potential in me of becoming a leader. The potential that somehow, some other people had seen first than seeing it myself first. And in this year, I have embraced that. It was tiring. It was even nerve-wracking at some point. It actually came to a point also that it overwhelmed me somehow. But you know what? While all of those were what I was feeling, I’m still willing to do everything just for something that it needs for it to be done. And that’s how I found it, my purpose. That in the same way I got myself empowered despite my disability, I want to help other people with disabilities too to see the silver lining of their situation. It’s not going to be easy, I know that. I’ve seen it for a year now. But I know, one day, if not all, at least there will be more PWDs out there that wouldn’t be afraid to get out anymore because they know they are also part of the society, that they matter. And somehow, I hope, one day, the community would be more disability inclusive already and not see and treat them as an outlier.
And you know, just as simple as knowing that I’ve got to acknowledge them, that’s enough for me. Because, you know, sometimes, people just need to feel that there’s a person that sees him/her and would be willing to listen of what he/she is going to say. Sometimes some people just want to share something that happened to them and all you have to do is listen, and you know sometimes that already means a lot to somebody.
Anyways, I’m not exaggerating here, okay? I’m not even trying to put myself on the pedestal of being an effin good samaritan. Cause well, let me tell you, almost all my co-leaders actually know how much of a bitch I can be when I’m out of it with being an angel. LMAO. You get my point there already, I guess, yeah?
You’re probably wondering now why I’m stressing that topic so much in this entry when this is a year-ender one. It’s simple, I think. It’s just that I’m very thankful that at the end of this very rocky year that I’ve had in 2018, I got to end it with this very meaningful turn of events. It’s very simple, if you would think of it. It’s just one thing. But I guess it’s just that meaningful and powerful that it let me look over all the not-so-nice things that have happened to me this year. Frankly, I can’t even feel the pain from them hard times anymore. I haven’t forgotten them and I don’t think I’d ever will, but you know, it’s not that much of a big deal to me anymore.
I know and I’m sure of it that one of these days, I will have to face them  ̶  you know, family matters, my lovelife and I should probably include here my work too. But as I said up there, these are all just bonuses to me already. I’ll deal with them in time. But for now, wherever those other things are at in this life of mine, I’m just glad that they are there making me this strong woman that I am now.
My dear 2018, with all the pain and disappointments you brought me, I still thank you. So please, tara na sa NEXT! Hehe. Just kiddin, not really that in a hurry. Not much but I don’t think anyone has a choice now anyway but be ready for another year, yeah?
I hope you all have reflected on the things 2018 had brought you, may they be good or not so good. You still have time to do it. 2019 is just around the corner now. And as most people say, NEW YEAR, NEW ME! Can be. But always remember, It’s just another day to live by. Just keep on going. And bear this in mind, you don’t have to be a brand new you, you just have to make sure that you are here willing to be better than you were earlier.
 Vivre la vie au maximum, folks! Bonne Année!
PS: I know I didn’t talk about some other stuff that you might be expecting I would talk about. I will. I will, okay? Just saving it for a different entry, just so I’d be motivated to use my laptop and start writing my thoughts out again, than bottling them up and just forcing myself to not mind them that much because it would just be too much. So, just STAY TUNED, I guess. And do come back again, if you’re a new visitor. Have a happy New Year! 😊
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flauntpage · 7 years
Meet Savoy Howe, Who's Changing Lives and Empowering Women Through Boxing
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports Canada.
When Savoy Howe moved to Toronto from New Brunswick in the late 1980s to pursue her theatre degree, she also came out of the closet. New to the city and far from family, she wanted to learn some form of self-defense. "There were a lot of stories of gay-bashing back then," she says. "I didn't want to walk around afraid. I saw an image of a woman wearing boxing gloves and thought, 'OK, that's an option.' So I went to a few classes and got hooked."
Howe then started teaching boxing classes a few years later as a way to pay her bills. "I threw a bunch of posters up on a pole hoping I'd get like, two or three people who would pay me to teach 'em how to box. Within three months, 40 people showed up."
Since then, the Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club has grown from a small rented space inside men's gyms to a sprawling space where she runs three programs—recreational (for people who don't want to get punched in the head), amateur, and a free program for female-identified survivors of violence. The club has around 300 active members, with 3,000 graduates, most of whom are women and trans people. She has trained boxing coaches all over the world.
VICE Sports asked Howe about getting knocked out, busting out of the boys' club, and coaching formerly meek women into beast mode.
VICE Sports: Who trained you?
Savoy Howe: Ray Marsh picked me up and trained me for my first couple of fights. Pretty much after my third fight, I trained myself. I'm kind of a soloist and a good imitator. I would just watch boxers that I liked and take from them the dance moves I liked. I was kind of my own coach. I was inspired by Muhammad Ali. I liked his personality, how confident he was, and he was just a great dancer—he could really move. His punch was like a towel whip — ba-BAM!
What was the boxing scene like for women back then? I started in '92. In the beginning, the boys didn't want me in the gym. It was a boy's playground and the only place for a gal in there was in the office sitting on the owner's lap. Some guys didn't care less that I was there. Some guys were amazing—sharing their knowledge with us and letting us spar with them, and not killing us in the ring. But there was the occasional guy that wanted to chase me out. One time a guy invited me in the ring and I was all excited because I thought, 'Oh finally, someone's gonna teach me something,' and he beat the crap out of me. I realized he was trying to discourage me from coming back. But the problem was, I had fallen in love with the speed bag, and I just kept coming back because I just wanted to figure that thing out. Even up until ten years ago, there'd be guys trying to chase you out of the gym—even if they had only been there a week, and we had been there eight years. There are just some guys that think a woman should not be in a gym. But by that time we had learned how to stand up for ourselves. Some guys think they can just touch you and hold you by the waist and show you stuff. When I would bring in clients, I would tell them off the bat: If a guy tries to touch you, say, 'Do not touch me.' If he touches you, slap his knuckles. If he walks towards you when you're skipping and expects you to walk out of his way, skip harder. All of these ground rules to let them know that we're not going to be pushed around. It's good training for standing your ground.
How have things changed? I started teaching in '96, but we were always sort of an underground club. Because I rented space out of boys' gyms—when their gyms were closed, we could have women's only classes. I think we kind of kickstarted it. It's more normal now for women to be in gyms. Even ten years ago, it was odd to see one or two women in a gym. I think once gyms realized hey, if we let in the women, we might actually pay the rent.
Walk me through your club now.
Our gym is pretty Rocky Stallone. No white walls, get-your-towels-at-the-door type of thing. When people walk in, it's like, 'What an awesome space.' People get to use it and walk away pretty empowered. The gym is a 3,500 square foot playground for hitting things. There's at least 15 things to hit, I just teach them how to hit safely. And we just hit things to loud music. Couldn't be better.
Members of the Newsgirls boxing club. Photo courtesy Tracey Erin Smith
How do you avoid permanent damage?
[laughs] You move your head. Don't get hit. You work on lots of defense. I'll be 51 this month. I think I'm in great shape for a 51-year-old. But I've been punched a lot. Back in the days before there was any discussion around concussions, we'd have the crap kicked out of us. I've been knocked out on two of my fights. You'd get knocked out in a fight and you'd go out drinking afterward, you know? Nowadays, if you take a punch that's a little too hard you don't do any ring work for like, three weeks. Which is good.
For me, I just wanted it all so bad that nothing could stop me. I was coming back no matter what. I had an AVM—it's like an aneurysm. Four years later, I fought at nationals. I wouldn't let my athletes do that, but if I want to do it, I'm just gonna do it. What were you seeking?
I love the performance side of things. I like to show off, I like to be watched—that's probably why I got into theatre. Boxing is like a dance, it's like an art form. I really worked hard on my dance moves—I'm not just gonna get in there and slug. I wanted to play the game. I don't like punching people in the head, but you have to—it's boxing.
Don't mess with Savoy. Photo courtesy Tracey Erin Smith
It's more of a power struggle with myself. You try to calm yourself down, give yourself little pep talks, [and] be positive, because it's easy to scare yourself before a fight, especially if you haven't done enough work. The battle is more with yourself than with this person you get in the ring with whom you've never seen before. What do you love the most about this sport?
I love coaching. I've been doing it for about 20 years. I get to show women and trans people how to hit properly. I give them access to things to hit, like heavy bags. They get to see in a very short period of time, even like two hours, how strong they already are. And then I get to see them see that. And that's one of the most exciting things ever. Especially women, you know? Sometimes women are told they're weaker, they're a piece of crap, or whatever. When [they] see that actually I'm not weaker, I'm way stronger than I've been told, that's empowering for them. And I get to witness that.
Any stories in particular come to mind?
I had a woman jump in my free boxing program for survivors of violence. She had just put her son into the temporary care of [the Children's Aid Society]—not because she wanted to, but because she had no support, no money. She wanted to make sure he was going to eat. Her worker said, 'Why don't you go check out this gym, they have a free boxing program.' She thought, 'Boxing? I never thought about boxing before.' She came, she was so bummed out. Within three classes, she realized she was a beast. She had no idea she was a beast. She went back to children's aid and said, 'Give me my kid back.' Around the eight-month mark, she said, 'Savoy, I want to compete.' I'm like OK! Took her to a couple fights, [and she] did very well. At the year mark, took her to the provincials, she got gold. Four months later, took her to the nationals, she got silver.
People who don't want to compete still get an equivalent reward out of it. I hear stories of women who broke themselves out of isolation, especially trans women. Other people who had nightmares every night, once they start moving their bodies they don't have nightmares anymore. Left abusive partners. Finally got the courage to work on their résumé and get off their couch and get a job. Out of depression, you know? They are way stronger than they thought. I can show somebody how strong they are in one two-hour class. All I need is a heavy bag. I love my job. I'll never be rich, but I'm definitely rich in community.
What's your mantra?
Boxing is the art of not quitting. We train through a bell system. We hear a bell, we go at it for two minutes. At the one-and-a-half minute mark, you hear another bell, and that's where you work ten times as hard, so you train your body to work hardest when you're the most tired. It carries over into life. When you train enough in this crazy sport, sometimes a challenge will hit you in life, and it's like, nope! Keep going, keep going.
Savoy (right) with the women of the Newsgirls club. Photo courtesy Tracey Erin Smith
I think almost everything that happens in that gym is a metaphor for life. If someone comes in to train, [and] if their grounding sucks in life, their grounding sucks in gym. When you're ungrounded maybe you're anxious, panicked, it's like your feet aren't in the ground. So I might throw a set of leg weights on you, do lots of footwork.
All of a sudden, your grounding gets better in life. I've seen this for so many years. If your offense sucks, then chances are, outside of the gym when somebody says something to you—and you know you should say no—you don't say it. Then when your offense gets better, you can say no. It carries over. It's pretty cool.
Howe will be sharing tales from her 25-year boxing journey in her solo show, Newsgirl, opening this week.
Meet Savoy Howe, Who's Changing Lives and Empowering Women Through Boxing published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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