#if you’re gonna do the mindless beast trope you should at least restore the beasts heart or soul or something
oneknightlight · 1 year
Something I did always like about Skyrim was the idea that dragons are intelligent and sentient. It’s a shame you have to kill them, granted it’s because they attack you, but I really like the way they’re written as though they can choose to hate people or side with people (Paarthurnax). It makes sense to me, I always thought it bizarre when works of fiction make out dragons to be big blundering beasts with no intellect. I can’t explain what makes me feel this way because I don’t study the science that I feel like has the answers for this but it just feels right that the giant reptilian creature, who looks as though it’s related to birds and dinosaurs in a way, with a large brain, and has managed to survive thousands of years, would be intellectual. At the very least, as smart as say a dog or cat or parrot.
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