#or Eka in the harvester
oneknightlight · 1 year
Something I did always like about Skyrim was the idea that dragons are intelligent and sentient. It’s a shame you have to kill them, granted it’s because they attack you, but I really like the way they’re written as though they can choose to hate people or side with people (Paarthurnax). It makes sense to me, I always thought it bizarre when works of fiction make out dragons to be big blundering beasts with no intellect. I can’t explain what makes me feel this way because I don’t study the science that I feel like has the answers for this but it just feels right that the giant reptilian creature, who looks as though it’s related to birds and dinosaurs in a way, with a large brain, and has managed to survive thousands of years, would be intellectual. At the very least, as smart as say a dog or cat or parrot.
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qzwrites · 1 year
Ayla’s side part uhhh four?
This is the biggest chunk, because part of the middle bits were the last thing I finished.
Ayla's life became defined by the needs of children. Nan's son Eka and Hari were born only a few months apart in the fall. Trying to make sure Nan got enough rest while the rest of the village juggled her son and the harvest was tricky, so it was nice that Hari was born after the harvest was mostly finished and it was starting to get cold. Winter was less hectic for all of them, now. It felt far less tenuous than Ayla's first village had; whether that was due to their location, planning, luck, or having a god living with them, Ayla couldn't guess.
Which was good, because it turned out two infants to eighteen adults was still a little overwhelming at times. Not in terms of disrupting their sleep or work time--they could have handled three or maybe four infants and all still got enough rest--but quiet was extremely difficult to come by. Unless you were one of the people explicitly off babysitting duty, and therefore granted privacy and the assumption you wanted quiet so you could rest, everything was always loud. The babies were loud, the people with the babies were loud, and the people working and having adult conversations while they had the chance were loud.
Ayla was almost always the one to take Hari when Nic and Mara needed time to themselves, because everyone else seemed to be under the impression that new parents would not be having sex. Nan wasn't, but Nan also hadn't been married to a partner of several years when she got pregnant. Ayla knew exactly how long it took Nic to get horny again after giving birth. It was not nearly as long as she'd expected, and apparently no one else even considered it a possibility yet.
Not that Ayla really minded. It was easy enough to take Hari for the night, and Hari was usually a delightful baby. She smiled and laughed easily, she quieted down as quickly for Ayla as she did for Nic (which was not quite as quickly as she quieted down for Mara, the jerk), and she understood fairly quickly that Ayla's boobs did not, unlike Nic or Nan's, produce milk.
(Sometimes when she fell asleep in Ayla's arms, Hari would wake up and try to get at Ayla's nipple while she was still half-asleep. Ayla didn't know how early babies started feeling "embarrassment" but she would swear the answer had to be before six months, because Hari looked so sheepish when she woke up a little more and realized it was Ayla she was sleeping on.)
Planting season might have been a little harder than usual, but Hari and Eka were both fairly happy to be strapped to someone's chest or back and watch them work the field. Ayla strongly suspected it would be harder next year, when they would both be wriggly and crawling, possibly even walking. Ayla thought Hari was going to either be a constant mover, or one of those kids who skipped right over walking to running. If Mara had ever been a child, he would have refused to crawl or walk much, Ayla thought, until he was able to run. That was how he was with things that weren't fighting in the beginning: he'd watch and watch, not doing it himself, until he could do it perfectly.
Actually, thinking of those first few months as Mara's infancy made some of his weird behavior make a lot more sense in hindsight.
"You're not as good at talking as your daddy was at your age," Ayla confided to Hari one day, "but you are way better at asking for and accepting help. Good job, nugget."
Hari burbled happily back at her.
With the fields mostly taking care of themselves, Ayla spent that summer doing a lot of watching the babies. She sat with Mara and Hari, watching Nic work and narrating what ze was doing to Hari. She bounced Eka on her lap while Nan spun yarn. She sat with both of the babies on a blanket under the awning outside Danny's house, watching them figure out each other were people, and occasionally pulling them apart when they forgot.
With Hari around, Ayla spent more time sleeping with Nic and Mara. Not always all of them at once, but often two of them would fall asleep trying to get Hari down, and whoever was still awake would come to find them, then end up crawling into bed next to them. Ayla's bed was not big enough for three adults, let alone three adults and a baby. After the first incredibly uncomfortable time Ayla woke up squashed in her own bed, she always laid down in Nic and Mara's bed to settle Hari down if there was any chance of them coming to find her.
In the fall, Nic built a little bed that was close to the ground for Eka, for Nan to have next to her bed. Ze built a second one for Hari, although Hari strongly preferred to cling to someone while she slept, now that she was sleeping through most nights.
"I suppose at least you've got one for the next villager to have kids," Ayla muttered one evening, with Hari curled up on her chest, very much not in her little bed. She cried when they tried to put her in it. She cried when she woke up in it. She simply did not want to sleep in her own bed. In fairness, Hari was a little younger than Eka, so she might not be ready yet.
"Please, that's for our next one," Mara said.
Ayla raised an eyebrow at him. "Nic hated pregnancy," she said.
The tips of Mara's pointy ears reddened. "I know," he said. "I'm working on it."
"You're working on talking zem into more pregnancies?"
"Of course not," Mara said, quietly indignant. "I'm working on a way to let me carry them."
Ayla stared at him a moment. Finally, she said, "Of course you are."
"I don't think it's practical to try and conjure a womb," Mara said, "but I've heard about some alternatives."
"Like what?" Ayla asked. "Growing a baby in a tumor?"
Mara pulled a face. "Ayla," he said, "gross. No."
Ayla tried not to laugh, because that would shake Hari. She did not entirely succeed. Mara reached over as soon as Hari stirred, and pulled her onto his chest instead. She buried her little face in his vest, clutching it with her tiny hand. Ayla could not stand how cute this baby was. "Well then," she said, "how are you going to carry a fetus?"
"Well," he said slowly, "I was thinking about the ritual Indiyit used to make a body for me. Obviously that's different, but pregnancy is already kind of like blood magic."
Living with Mara and Nic was rotting her brain, obviously, because that actually made sense to Ayla.
"I suppose mixing your blood together is kind of already what's happening," Ayla said. "But I still don't see how that helps you, who does not have a womb, carry a fetus."
"One step at a time," Mara said, as though step one being inventing a new kind of blood magic was reasonable. "I wouldn't want to start another one until Hari's a little older anyway."
"It would be pretty obnoxious to have two kids in your bed," Ayla said, and Mara had to bite his lip to hold in a laugh. After a moment, Ayla guessed, "You've been thinking about how they plant monsters. You just don't want to say that."
Mara sighed. "Yeah," he said. Ayla felt a wash of smug satisfaction that she knew him so well. Mara went on, "I mean, that's a terrible way to grow a baby, but I have been wondering if I could use the same idea. Plant the baby in some kind of seed."
"That is less disturbing," Ayla said. She rolled over to snuggle up to Mara's side, and gently rested her hand over Hari's, where Hari was clutching Mara's vest. "I'm sure you can figure something out."
"I hope so," Mara murmured. "I know ze hated being pregnant, but I want Hari to have siblings. I always thought it sounded nice."
"I was jealous of my cousins with siblings," Ayla said. "They always teamed up against me. In games and stuff," she said, which was true but incomplete. "It seemed like having a brother or sister would mean having someone on my side." She poked Mara's side. "Plus you just want more kids."
"Plus I want more kids," Mara admitted. "Look at this!" He nodded at Hari, where she was hiding her face in his vest. "She's so cute! How could I not want more of this!"
One of the sailors who'd joined the trading flotilla fell in love with Nan and her son Eka, and convinced his sister to move to the village with him. A few weeks after moving in, said sister decided actually, like Nic, ze was not a woman. Which in turn made the way Danny had been mooning after zem make more sense. Only a few months later, ze moved from Nan's house over to Danny's.
A widowed fisherman from a few islands away asked if he could move into the village, offering to teach some younger folks how to fish so he could pass down his boat and nets.
Chiamaka had several different women from different groups of traders and fishers cycling through her bed when they stopped in the village.
A family passed through the village on the way to the mine. They were cousins or something of one of the miners who had stayed when the mine was shut down, and were going to join the skeleton mining settlement. The oldest son was about Bunny's age, but he latched on to Fumi while they were in town, and in the following months, made sure to always be on the group tasked with running supplies back and forth from the mine to the village.
Eli took the old widower fisherman up on his offer to take over the boat, and started spending days away from the village. Ayla didn't want to say it was a relief, but...well. Eli had some opinions about women, gender, and relationships that didn't exactly make him a good fit with the rest of their heretical village. More than half of them were either uninterested in or at least uninvested in traditional male/female relationships, and Ayla certainly wasn't about to defer to someone who knew less than her because of his gender.
Once, Eli had said something about how, now that they had traders coming by the village regularly, maybe Ayla would find a reason to move out of Nic and Mara's spare room. Nan and Danny both snapped at him to shut up. Ayla was mostly glad Mara didn't hear him, because he would almost certainly have punched Eli, and Ayla wasn't sure she could handle that.
Living with Nic and Mara was convenient for taking care of Hari. Living there was also, maybe, a terrible idea that was bad for her, but worrying about that at this point seemed silly. As long as Ayla didn't think about it, she was fine. Happy, even! But sometimes, thinking about the ways they both stretched the limits of friendship for her, or cared enough about her to punch Eli for being an insensitive shit, made Ayla think about how often she felt like that still wasn't enough, was both more than she deserved and less than she wanted, and then she spent days feeling like a bad friend.
For all that living with the mortal incarnation of the god worshiped by the freaks who had murdered Ayla's entire first village and spent years making the lives of everyone in her second village hell was weird, it was also in some ways extremely convenient.
For instance, if anyone in Arizedo Church robes or one of those ugly-ass amulets showed up, they could just fob them off on Mara. If they resisted, you had the pleasure of shouting, "Mara!" at the top of your lungs and watching the priest who could have made life hell a year ago flinch.
Did it probably suck for devout Arizedoans that it turned out their god hated most of what they'd spent their lives doing and immediately started tearing the church to pieces? Probably. On the other hand, Ayla did not give a shit about how devout Arizedoans felt.
So every other month or so, a couple of priests would show up officially, to check in with Mara. They were easy to deal with, since they wanted desperately to stay on Mara's good side, and knew that meant being polite to everyone in the village. If someone happened to be in the lookout tower when their ship got close enough to identify, someone would go tell Mara, and he would usually be there waiting at the dock by the time the priests landed.
But as time went on, and both monster attacks and church raids became less of a concern, the lookout tower was manned less frequently. Fumi still went up there a couple of times a week, but it seemed like he did that mostly to be alone. So the priests would sometimes tie up their ship and disembark, and then have to walk through the village to find someone to ask about Mara.
It would have been easy enough to tell them how to look for Mara themselves: all anyone in the village did was check the workshop, because that's where Nic usually was, and if Mara wasn't there with zem, ze would know where he was. If neither of them were there, you checked the dining room, the bath house, and then knocked on their front door in case they had adjourned to their bed in the middle of the day. If Mara wasn't any of those places, you basically just waited until the next meal time, because Mara would find Nic and drag zem to a meal no matter what he was in the middle of.
But no one really liked the idea of letting the official Arizedo delegation know how to find Mara, let alone giving them permission to wander around the village unaccompanied, so whoever they found first inevitably told them to wait there, or go back to the dock to wait, while they found Mara. Ayla was, in fact, a petty enough person to take satisfaction in watching a couple of high-ranking Arizedo priests mill about the dock or the village gate uncertainly.
The problem was the idiots who weren't there on official business.
It was only a few months after Mara killed Indiyit and gave the church's remaining leadership very specific instructions for how to avoid pissing him off that the first idiot showed up.
Said idiot clearly didn't realize how small the village was, or how infrequently they had visitors. Sure, he wasn't wearing liturgical robes or one of those ugly amulets, but he was a stranger and his "casual" inquiries about Mara were not subtle.
Danny ran to Ayla, where she was kneeling in the damp soil of the field, murmuring encouragement to the brassicas. "Hey," he said, leaning over with his hands on his knees, panting, "there's some Arizedoan here who thinks he's in disguise asking about Mara."
Ayla scrunched up her nose. "Eugh," she said. "Did you direct him to Mara? Or send someone to get him?"
Danny shook his head. "I wasn't sure I should."
Ayla snorted. "He killed the High Priest easily enough, I'm sure he can handle whoever this loser is," she said. "All the Church stuff is officially his business."
"I guess he is a god," Danny said, doubtfully. "He just...doesn't usually seem very divine."
"Lucky for us," Ayla said, because she had heard plenty of stories from Arizedoans where they basically used The Destroyer as a boogeyman to scare farmers and craftspeople out of doing their thing. The closest Mara had ever come to a vengeful rampage of destruction was when he broke a rake, got mad about it, and then kicked a nearby bucket and also broke that. Unless, of course, you counted his third day of existence, when he managed to topple over every single little lean-to Nic built them in one fell swoop, and burst into tears about it because he had legitimately been trying to help.
But Nic also reported Mara had crushed Indiyit's heart in his chest, from across the room, because Indiyit dared threaten the village and Nic zemself, so clearly Mara could do the terrifying god shtick if he wanted.
"Even if he wasn't," Ayla said, "I'd still say send this Arizedoan to Mara so he can beat them up."
Danny laughed. "Yeah, that's fair," he said. "I'll go get him." He took off back the way he'd come.
Ayla got up, brushed the soil off her hands and knees, and headed for the village center at a more sedate pace. When she arrived, Mara was laughing in a disgruntled stranger's face.
Ayla whispered to Danny, "What happened?"
Danny told her quietly, "He suggested he could make Mara remember his destiny."
Ayla snorted. The disgruntled stranger shot her a mean look.
Mara stopped laughing, although he still looked somewhat amused. "Okay, guy," he said, "are you stupid or do you think I'm stupid?"
"What?" the stranger asked, frowning. "Uh, that is--my lord, I would never--"
"Because it would be really stupid to think you're more powerful than Indiyit was," Mara said, interrupting him. He crossed his arms over his chest. "And it would be really insulting if you thought that didn't matter, because I had somehow just misunderstood him and what he thought I should want."
"Uh," the stranger said.
Mara shifted his weight and tilted his head to one side. Somehow, it made him look at least twice as threatening. "You should get out of here," Mara said. He lowered his voice to add, "And pray I don't see you again."
The stranger's face paled to the point he looked like he was about to pass out. "Uh, yes, sir," he said, then turned and fled toward the dock.
"Oh, my," Danny said, and when Ayla looked over at him, he was fanning himself with one of his hands. At her look, he said, "I know you don't care about this kind of thing, but that was extremely sexy."
Mara finally relaxed out of his threatening posture, back into the caring and slightly goofy man Ayla was familiar with. "Oh, come on," he said.
"Trust me," Danny said, "Nic's gonna be sad ze missed this."
That made Mara blush, which made Danny laugh. Ayla rolled her eyes. "Well, if that's all the excitement over," she said, "I'll see you both later."
The idiots weren't always so easy to get rid of. Very rarely did anyone do any more than threaten Mara--Ayla didn't know if everyone would be as hesitant to fight their own god as the Arizedoans were, or if fighting a god whose entire thing was destroying things seemed like an extra-bad idea--but Mara physically threw more than one Arizdeoan into the ocean. Once, one of them interrupted dinner, and the disgusted look Mara gave him would have made Ayla want to shrivel up into nothingness if it was directed at her.
Shortly after Mara and Nic got married, an Arizedoan woman showed up and pissed Mara off enough that he took away her access to magic, which Ayla had not realized he could do.
When Ayla asked him about it at dinner that night, Mara only shrugged. "I couldn't do it to any magic user," he said, "but since she was trying to use magic on me, I could feel it was the same as some of the priests', and they get their magic from me. It stood to reason I could cut her off."
"So you can just un-cleric someone," Nic said.
"Only if they're an Arizedoan cleric," Mara said.
Eli laughed. "That's brutal," he said. sounding admiring.
"It is kind of beautiful," Danny agreed.
"What kind of magic was she trying to use?" Chiamaka asked. "I could hear you shouting from the barn, it sounded like she really ticked you off."
Mara flushed and looked down at his plate.
"Okay," Nan said, "so either she was pretending to be Nic or trying to seduce you." She nodded. "Got it."
Mara put his head down on the table next to his plate, and covered it with his arms.
Nic started laughing. "Babe," ze said, "did she really?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Mara muttered. The pointy tips of his ears were bright red.
By the time Hari was two, they were all pretty used to ignoring suspicious strangers in the village, as long as they didn't try to make trouble for the rest of them. Mara didn't have trouble taking care of them on his own, and most of them were just kooks who thought they could somehow get Mara back on the path to ruling the world, or at least giving his blessing to their attempt to do so in his name. Word of Mara taking away that woman's magic seemed to have gotten around, so people did not try a more personal angle any more.
So Ayla was really only surprised when the suspiciously nondescript stranger she saw talking to Mara at the water pump early one morning stuck around for the rest of the day. First they helped Mara haul the water buckets to the kitchen, then followed Mara around as he went through the field, picking basket after basket of ripe crops. Ayla didn't have a lot of time to devote to thinking about it, though, because the more of this harvest they managed to actually get to before it rotted, the more they had to figure out how to store and preserve.
Toward the end of the day, when Ayla was sitting on an upturned barrel, gazing at sacks and baskets of produce she needed to store somehow, Mara walked over, stranger still in tow.
"Hey," he said, "this is Kay, she's going to stay with us for a while and help with the harvest."
Ayla blinked at the pronoun, because she was pretty sure she'd heard Danny call Kay "the new guy" earlier in the day, but she decided it was none of her business. After all, it wouldn't be the first time someone in the village changed which pronouns people used for them. She asked, "Taking in strays now, are you?"
"Be nice," Mara said. He turned to Kay, and said, "This is Ayla. She's basically in charge of the farm, so if you can't find me or Nic, you can ask her what you can help with."
Kay started to bow, frowned and stopped herself, then did a very clumsy curtsy instead. As tired and grumpy as Ayla was, it was still cute, in much the same way Hari's imperfect attempts at new words were cute. Kay said, "Nice to meet you."
Ayla was not especially surprised when, a few days later, Kay dropped whatever glamour she'd been using and turned out to be a monster. She was one of the human-shaped ones, so the biggest differences were her skin color and strange eyes, plus she only had four fingers on each hand. But she had better endurance than most humans and needed less sleep than even Mara, and she was eager to help, which would have been enough to get Ayla over her blue skin even if they hadn't been working from sun-up to sun-down on the harvest.
Kay reminded Ayla a lot of Mara right after the shipwreck. She was not surprised when Kay said she'd only been Awakened a few months before Mara killed Indiyit.
Having the extra hands during an extra-productive harvest season was nice, but Kay was obviously better-suited to other things. Most obviously, she was an adept magic user with much greater control than Mara had.
"Mara could do anything I do," Kay told Ayla, inscribing a stasis charm on one of their barrels, "but it would require practice. I think he prefers to do things by hand."
"Our first few attempts to teach him things didn't go very well," Ayla said. "I think most of the magic he does is Destroyer-specific stuff that would be hard for him to mess up."
Kay nodded. "It is hard to imagine him doing something like this," she said.
"The carving part, maybe," Ayla said.
"Maybe," Kay said. She finished inscribing the charm, then laid her hand over it. It glowed briefly, and when the glow faded, the lines of the charm were blue, as if they'd been dyed. "There," she said. "As long as the carving is blue, the stasis spell is working. When it begins to fade, someone should recharge it."
"That's great," Ayla said. "Are you up to doing more today?"
Kay thought for a few moments. "Yes," she said. "I can do at least two more."
"Don't push yourself," Ayla said. "It's not that urgent."
Kay nodded. "I could probably do three or four, but I am confident I can do two without exhausting myself."
"Good," Ayla said. "It's bad enough having one over-doer in the village."
Kay thought about that, as she moved along to another barrel. Finally, as she began drawing the outline of the charm with a piece of charcoal, she asked, "Is the over-doer Nic?"
Ayla smiled. "Oh, yeah," she said. "I guess ze's not as bad anymore, but that's mostly because Mara keeps an eye on zem."
"Ze is ambitious," Kay said.
"Ze has more ideas than sense, but I suppose you could call that ambition," Ayla said. She watched Kay finish drawing the outline of the charm, set down her charcoal, and pick up her little knife. Nic made it for her, complete with a cutely tooled sheath. Kay cried when Nic gave it to her, which had been a hell of a way to find out her tears were very yellow. And that no one had seen fit to give her a gift the entire four years she'd been alive. Ayla said, "I don't think you need me here to watch."
"No," Kay agreed, "but I like the company."
Ayla smiled, and hopped up to sit on top of one of the sealed barrels. "Guess I'll stay, then."
With a little assistance in fine-tuning the ritual from Kay, Mara did figure out how to carry a pregnancy instead of Nic. Well, sort of. His solution involved growing the fetus in a gourd, which he kept strapped to his body with one of the baby slings Hari now insisted she was too big for even though she still sometimes demanded to be carried.
"It needs to be in physical contact with one of us," Mara explained, carefully transferring the squash to the sling.
"Technically, there's fabric in the way," Ayla pointed out.
"Most fabric is magically null," Nic said. "Except for stuff like cloud silk and cloth of mithril."
"Kay thinks leather could interfere too," Mara said, tightening the ties of the sling. The tiny squash was far too small for the sling at this stage, although Ayla was certain it was larger than a fetus would have been right now in a real womb. "I'm not sure she's right about that, but I don't really want to test it with a baby."
"Fair enough," Ayla said. Testing magical theories with a baby sounded like an especially terrible idea. She asked, "Is it still going to take forty weeks?"
"Probably a little longer," Nic said. "Forty-five or fifty." Ze sniffed, and crossed zeir arms over zeir chest. "Still easy mode, compared to carrying it in your body."
Ayla laughed. Mara shrugged. "Yeah," he said. "I don't expect carrying this one to mess up anyone's joints or feet."
Hari was adorable with it. She talked to the squash often, sometimes ignoring Mara and addressing her conversational contributions to "Baby". "We're gonna go see Auntie Kay now, Baby." "It's bed time, Baby! Time for bed!" On more than one occasion, she interrupted the adults' conversation by addressing a question to the squash in a sling on Mara's front. "I'm hungry, Baby, how about you?"
Nan's son Eka thought she was crazy. Every time Hari tried to talk to her developing sibling in front of him, Eka rolled his eyes and took his toys somewhere else.
"How are you going to know when it's ready?" Ayla asked one night, getting into bed with Nic and Mara after finally getting Hari settled in her own bed. With a second child on the way, Nic had finally built the nursery ze'd started planning after the wedding. Hari, despite not being thrilled with having to sleep in her own bed, had been delighted to have her own room. She realized that, as long as she was quiet, bedtime was no longer a rule her grown-ups could enforce without breaking their promises about giving her privacy. Ayla didn't believe for a second that Hari was asleep right now, but she no longer fought them about bedtime, and she didn't stay up late enough to be groggy in the morning, which they all agreed was good enough.
"His juice will break," Nic said, and then snorted at zeir own awful joke.
Mara rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure we'll be able to feel it," he said. He loosened the straps of the sling to pull it over his head, making it loose enough to reach in and pull out the gourd. "And I mean, it'll be moving for months before that."
"So it'll just hatch," Ayla said. "You've reinvented eggs."
"That's what I said!" Nic exclaimed, taking the gourd from Mara and setting it gently in zeir lap.
"They do make more sense than pregnancy," Ayla said. "Especially since you've managed to eliminate the need to lay it." She shook her head. "I know I don't use it for much, but the idea of rearranging my whole downstairs by having a baby? Yuck."
Nic shrugged. "That part wasn't so bad," ze said. Mara and Ayla snorted at the same time. Nic said, "I mean, it sucked, but I could do it again. It's the fact that it all takes so long I didn't like."
"Chiamaka told me once that some people who've had lots of babies can barely hold their pee in," Mara said. He set aside the sling, folding it carefully so it wouldn't get tangled when he picked it up again in the morning. "It's not not horrifying."
"Ah, now we see why you invented the gourd ritual," Ayla said, grinning.
"Pregnancy is a beautiful miracle," Mara said. "It is also horrifying. To be fair, that's what miracles are like."
"You're biased," Nic said, shimmying down into the bed so ze was laying down. "All the miracles you personally could perform are horrifying."
"There's nothing horrifying about..." Mara trailed off, thinking. Finally, he shook his head. "Whatever, it's still true."
"Sure," Ayla said. "You tell yourself that."
Mara threw a pillow at her.
Chiamaka was not especially enthusiastic about the gourd baby, although she acknowledged it was a neat solution to Nic's aversion to pregnancy. "But I know how to look after a normal pregnancy," she said. "How am I supposed to help with a pumpkin?"
Nic asked Kay if she could help, since she was by far the most magically gifted resident of their village. Kay, of course, protested that she knew nothing about pregnancy or fetal development.
"No," Nic said, "but you can monitor a spell and check on the fetus. I'm sure Chiamaka can tell you what to look for."
So Chiamaka and Kay both kept an eye on Mara and his squash baby. Kay used magic to monitor the developing fetus, while Chiamaka taught her what to expect.
Mara did not get as cranky as Nic had, or have as many weird food cravings, but he did get back pain and sore feet from carrying around the extra weight, and he did eat more. Since Nic and Mara slept with the squash on the bed between them both, Nic was often ravenous in the morning, and Ayla noticed when she slept with them, she woke up a little hungrier as well.
Most of the time they were incubating their weird gourd egg, though, Ayla slept in her own bed. This was not entirely so Hari had a bed to crawl into that wasn't her own, but that wasn't an unimportant factor. Hari liked the privacy of the nursery, but she missed sleeping with her parents.
The first night Nic and Mara told Hari she couldn't sleep with them, Hari woke Ayla up by crawling, sobbing, into her bed.
"What's wrong?" Ayla asked, simultaneously groggy from being awakened and nervous with adrenaline from Hari's crying.
Hari flung herself onto Ayla's midsection, burying her face in Ayla's chest. "Nonna and Daddy don't trust me with the baby," she sobbed.
Ayla's first instinct was to disagree, but she tried very hard to not do that with Hari and Eka, or even with the kids that visited the village with the traders. Instead, she kept quiet until she figured out to ask, "Why do you think that?"
"They won't let me in the bed," Hari said, her sobs making her words even harder to understand than usual. Ayla stroked her back. "They think I'll hurt the baby."
Ayla frowned. "Did they say that?" she asked. She didn't think they would, but best friends or not, she wouldn't hesitate to yell at them if they had.
"No," Hari admitted. "But why else would they not let me sleep with them?"
"Oh, nugget," Ayla murmured, still rubbing her back. "Do you remember your friend from the boats, the one whose mama was pregnant?"
Hari sniffled. "Yeah," she said.
"Do you remember how she was always hungry, and how Aunt Chiamaka had Nonna make extra potions for her to take, to keep her strong while the baby was growing?"
"Yeah," Hari said again. Her crying was settling down a little, although now she was making that awful snarfing noise every time she took a breath.
"Let's sit up," Ayla said. "That'll help you breathe a little better." She held Hari to her as she sat up, leaning against the headboard. Hari adjusted herself so she was sitting in Ayla's lap, with her arms around Ayla's neck. "That's better," Ayla murmured. Hari pressed her wet face into Ayla's neck. Gods, kids were gross and she loved them. Ayla resumed stroking Hari's back and said, "Your friend's mama was growing the baby inside her body, so she was the only one who got extra hungry and needed more food and sleep. But your parents are using magic to grow the baby outside a body. So whoever is touching it gets extra hungry and needs more food and sleep."
"Nonna too?" Hari asked.
"Yep, Nonna too. And me, when I sleep in their bed right now," Ayla said. "But you're still growing, and you need all your food and energy and sleep making you big and strong."
"But Daddy lets me touch the baby all the time," Hari said.
"That's true," Ayla said. "But that's only for a few minutes. Sleeping with it would give it hours and hours to suck up energy from you."
"Oh," Hari said. After a second, she said, "I can't sleep in the bed 'cause the baby would hurt me?"
Ayla smiled. "You could say that," she said. "It doesn't mean to. It's just trying to grow."
"Like the plants," Hari said.
Ayla smiled. "Very much like the plants," she said. "We have to keep you in separate pots for a little bit."
Hari sniffled. After a minute, she muttered, "Thanks, Auntie Ayla."
"Of course, nugget," Ayla said. She kissed the top of Hari's head. Her hair was so much like Mara's, but unfortunately, whatever divine magic kept Mara's hair from trapping and accumulating debris had not been passed down to Hari. Not a day went by that one of them didn't pull a twig or bug or something out of Hari's hair. She said, "I'm sure your daddy and nonna didn't mean to worry you. We can talk to them about it in the morning, if you want."
"Kay," Hari said, but Ayla wasn't sure she was really awake anymore.
Ayla wriggled down the headboard until she was laying down again. Hari squirmed down to press her face into the side of Ayla's boob, with her head tucked into Ayla's armpit. Ayla was nearly asleep when Hari murmured, "Can I come sleep with you while the baby's growing?"
"Of course, nugget," Ayla said again. Might as well, she thought. Sleeping with Nic and Mara while they had their gourd egg was not especially restful, and that way Hari would have somewhere to go.
Hari was extremely disappointed that her baby sister was still boring and immobile once she was out of her squash shell.
"I wanna play with her," Hari complained. "But she only cries and eats."
"That's what babies are like, nugget," Nic said.
"She'll be more fun in a few weeks," Ayla said. "Remember, she doesn't know anything right now. The first time you teach her how to play Peek-A-Boo will blow her mind."
Hari flopped onto the floor. She sighed gustily. "I wanna play now," she said. "It'll be forever before a few weeks."
"Yep, that's how time works," Ayla said.
Hari rolled over to give her the hairy eyeball. "Nonna," she said, still glaring at Ayla, "Auntie Ayla's being mean to me."
"Yep," Nic said.
"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" Nic asked. "I'm not the boss of her."
"Ze can't even stop me from being mean to zem," Ayla said. She poked Hari's tummy, making her shriek.
"Augh, girls," Nic said, leaning over to check on the baby in her basket. "You're going to wake up Bernie."
Ayla never really stopped sleeping in Nic and Mara's bed after Hari was born. While Bernie was gestating, sure, she'd spent most nights in her own bed just so she wouldn't be exhausted, but it was the easiest habit to pick back up, and slip back into their bed after they got Bernie and Hari down for the night. Thankfully, Nic had originally made the bed to fit three adults who weren't necessarily cuddling, so there was plenty of room for one of them to curl protectively around the baby and still have room on the edge for Hari to climb in if she had trouble sleeping.
For the first six months or so of Bernie's life, of course, they were rarely all in the bed at once. They slept in shifts, trading off who was awake and who needed a solid eight hours. But when Bernie was sleeping through most nights, Ayla did not go back to sleeping in her own bed any more than she had when Hari finally started sleeping through nights. Often, she'd take Bernie to lay down and fall asleep in their bed, with Bernie lying on her chest, since she got tired earliest. Ayla woke in the mornings with Nic on one side of her and Mara on the other, wrapped around her, ready to take Bernie if they needed to.
Hari loved her little sister, and tried her best to help take care of her. Still, she was getting old enough to get bored of watching a baby cry and suck on its own fingers and toes. Ayla took her out to the fields and the barn more and more often. She was too little to be especially helpful, but having her underfoot asking questions was much less liable to bore her.
It felt like no time at all before Bernie was walking and talking, toddling after Hari and Ayla every chance she got.
"'Snot fair," Nic muttered one night, snug against Ayla's side, with one arm keeping Bernie from sliding off Ayla's chest. Bernie was kind of too big for it to be comfortable for Ayla to have her fall asleep laying on her, but she was just as much of a sucker for Nic and Mara's children as she was for Nic and Mara themselves.
"What isn't?" Ayla murmured back.
"Mara's Hari's favorite," Nic said softly, "and Bernie clearly likes you better than me."
"Don't be silly," Ayla said, although she did see where Nic was coming from. Practically as soon as Bernie was weaned, she seemed ready to abandon Nic whenever possible. Hari had clung to Mara, and still did to an extent, but if Bernie wasn't trailing after her sister, she was asking for Ayla.
"I'm not mad," Nic reassured her. "I'm glad we have you. It's just..." Ze yawned. "One of my kids should like me best, shouldn't they?"
"Nic, the whole village likes you best," Ayla said.
"They're not my kids," Nic said. Ze nuzzled zeir face into the side of Ayla's chest. "Bet if I said that to Mara, he'd just tell me he's ready to have another one whenever I am."
Ayla managed to muffle her snort of laughter. Bernie shifted, making a grumpy noise, but didn't wake up. She pressed her face into Ayla's other boob. "Third time's the charm?" she murmured, after she was certain Bernie wasn't going to wake up.
"Be stupid and selfish to have another kid just 'cause my daughters like you and Mara best," Nic said, sounding a little more slurred and indistinct. Ze'd worked through Bernie's naptime to finish a table for Danny and Amora's new dining room. Ze said after a minute, "Guess I shouldn't blame them. I like you and Mara best, too."
Nic didn't have any particular self-worth problems, minor crisis after finding out Mara was a god notwithstanding. Still, as always, Ayla's heart did something funny hearing Nic put her in the same category as Mara. "Don't be silly," Ayla said, but Nic only made an indistinct noise in reply.
When Ayla was a child, she found the way grown-ups always seemed surprised by the passage of time irritating. Of course she was bigger. She was a child; that was what children did, get bigger. Time was passing at the same rate for her as it was for everyone else, after all.
Now that she was an adult, she found that wasn't true. Sure time literally passed at the same rate for her as it did for Hari, Bernie, Eka, and the trading flotilla kids, but a year was a huge chunk of Hari's life, compared to a much smaller chunk of Ayla's life. Time felt slipperier than it had when she was younger. It felt like no time at all before Mara was carrying around another squash in a sling, and Hari would confidently go off unsupervised to walk to Kay's cottage on the outskirts of the woods. Mara's second pregnancy seemed to take less time than his first. Ayla wondered how Nic's pregnancy had seemed so interminable when this one was over in the blink of an eye.
One day, Ayla was planning out the planting schedule for the spring, and she barely had time to turn around before it was harvest time and Hari was carefully showing Bernie how to preserve seeds for the winter.
Nic and Mara's third child was a boy they named Lind. Hari insisted she could help take care of baby Lind, and begged to change his diapers. She didn't change her mind the first time he peed on her, surprisingly, but she did burst into tears when he pooped on her while she had him on her lap. To be fair, she was wearing her favorite dress at the time. But she didn't yell at him, which Ayla thought showed remarkable maturity for a six-year-old. Lind started crying anyway, upset by Hari's tears.
Within that first year of Lind's life, Ayla suspected Nic would get zeir wish of being one of the kids' favorites. Lind only tolerated being held by Mara or Ayla if Nic wasn't in view. He didn't want any of the other villagers to hold him at all. Ayla was a little shocked he didn't mind being held in his sister's lap. The only other person who could watch Lind without giving him back at the end of the day with the pinched look of someone who had endured non-stop crying was Kay.
Kay said as much one day, when she met Mara and Ayla out front of the dining hall to hand him over. "I don't know what everyone else is talking about," she said. "Lind was a perfect sweetie all day."
"Ah, he's clever like his nonna," Mara said, poking Lind's chubby cheeks to make him smile. "He knows you're family."
Kay looked at Mara with her huge blue eyes even bigger than usual. "Family?" she asked.
"I know you don't live with us," Mara said, "but you're basically my sister." He wasn't looking at her, so it was up to Ayla to scoop Lind out of Mara's arms, mere fractions of a second before Kay threw her arms around Mara's shoulders and burst into unsettlingly yellow tears.
Lind squirmed and tugged on Ayla's hair, then pointed at Kay. Ayla told him, "She's fine, she's not hurt or sad. Auntie Kay's just having a lot of feelings she needs to let out." Ayla didn't know how much of that Lind really understood yet, but he looked less worried anyway.
Mara had reflexively pulled Kay into his arms. Over time, it had become common knowledge in the village that Mara gave excellent hugs, so he had a lot of practice. "I mean, we were Awakened at about the same time," Mara said. "Have I really never called you that before?"
Kay shook her head, burying her face in the shoulder of Mara's vest.
"Oh," Mara said. "Sorry, I thought I had." He tilted his neck to bump his cheek against the side of Kay's head. "I take it you don't mind."
"Of course not!" Kay wailed into his shoulder.
Mara smiled at Ayla and Lind over Kay's head. "Sisters," he said. "Give it a few years, Lindy, this'll be you."
Bernie and Lind were in the nursery, napping. Ayla, Mara, and Hari were sitting together quietly. Ayla was on one end of the old sofa, working on a blanket and kind of buried under it, so when she started to run out of yarn, she asked Hari to fetch the yarn basket from her side of the house. Hari was nearly eleven and starting to exhibit the attitude of a pubescent human. She stood up, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Okay, Mom," she said, and then froze in her tracks. She looked over at Ayla, who had looked up at Mara, who was looking at the door, because Nic had gone out to the toilet.
Hari said, "That's kind of true, isn't it?"
"Yarn," Ayla repeated, looking back at her. Hari grinned at her, and went to the side door to Ayla's side of the house.
"I don't mind if Nic doesn't," Mara said, when Hari was gone. "You do as much as either of us."
"I do as much as everyone in the village," Ayla said, avoiding Mara's gaze. She was afraid of what might be showing on her face. Her heart was pounding. Thankfully, yarn did not rattle and betray the shaking of Ayla's hands, although she couldn't swear Mara wouldn't notice anyway.
"You literally sat up with Bernie two nights last week," Mara said. Bernie had picked up some kind of stomach bug, presumably from something she ate, since her sister and brother didn't get sick. She was still exhausted enough that she hadn't tried to argue about taking a nap with her baby brother. Mara went on, "No one else does as much for our kids as you do."
That was when Nic came back from the outhouse. "Why did I build the toilets so far away?" ze asked, scraping the mud off zeir boots next to the door.
"You were trying to be fair," Mara said.
"Hari just added me to your marriage, by the way," Ayla blurted out.
"What?" Nic asked.
Mara said, "That's not fair, her calling you Mom doesn't add you to our marriage."
Nic grinned. "I think you preemptively did that when you refused to move out," ze said, hanging zeir rain cape on one of the pegs by the door. "She called you Mom?"
Thank the gods Mara redirected the conversation, maybe Ayla wouldn't have to hide from them tonight after all. She said, "And then instead of apologizing, she doubled down."
"She just said it was kind of true," Mara said. "And she's right."
Nic bent down to pull off zeir boots, one foot at a time, and set the somewhat-less-muddy boots on the mat next to the boot scraper. "I bet 'Mama' would be easier for Lind to manage than 'Aunt Ayla'," ze said.
"That's not how it works," Ayla protested. Her face was warm, but her hands had stopped shaking. She started working her yarn again.
"Why not?" Mara asked. "Here, I'll help. I'll destroy traditional parenting," he said. He held up one of his hands, then clenched it into a fist. "Bam, it's gone! You're our kids' third parent now."
"I hate you," Ayla said.
Nic crossed over to the couch where Mara was sitting and draped zemself over his lap. Ze said, "What a thing to say to the father of your children."
Hari came back into the room, carrying Ayla's yarn basket. "Oh hey Nonna! Can I call Ayla 'Mom', does that bother you? It didn't seem like it bothered Dad."
"Why would it bother me?" Nic asked. "She's done a third of the work."
"I have not," Ayla said, but she didn't tell Hari not to call her Mom. She couldn't bring herself to. She took the yarn basket. "Thanks, brat."
When Bernie and Lind woke up, Hari told them Aunt Ayla was now Mama. Bernie tackled Ayla, yelling, "Mama!"
Lind said quite seriously, "Tank goodness," which made everyone else start giggling.
After dinner when the kids went to bed for the night, Ayla set aside her half-finished blanket and climbed onto the other couch, wedging herself between Nic and Mara. Mara immediately put his arm around her waist, while Nic leaned zeir head on her shoulder and took one of her hands.
"We can still get them to stop," Mara murmured immediately. "If you really don't like it."
"Nic," Ayla said, squeezing zeir hand. "Did you mean it?"
"Which part?" ze asked.
"Being married to us," Mara said. "Right?" he asked Ayla, more quietly. Ayla nodded.
"Oh," Nic said. "Well, yeah, but if you'd rather I didn't say it that way, that's fine. You can be the kids' mom without being married to us."
Mara sighed. "Babe," he said. Of course he had realized Ayla wouldn't ask, instead of just yelling at them to stop, if she didn't like the idea.
"You are so stupid," Ayla said, jiggling her shoulder to jostle Nic. She had to blink furiously to keep the tears gathering in her eyes from falling. "If the kids get to call me 'Mom' then I insist on having wife rights."
"Oh," Nic said, relaxing against her side. "Okay. Good, then." Ze squeezed Ayla's hand in zeirs.
Mara leaned over to kiss Ayla's cheek. "What wife rights do you not already have?" he asked when he was done. "According to Eli, you're already the most wifely person in the village."
Nic groaned, because Eli's idea of what a wife should be was about as enlightened as his idea of who should be attracted to whom. Face positively flaming, Ayla said, "Considering the kids decided I'm their mom, I think the only thing left was the word. The only thing left that I want, anyway."
"Then can I kiss you outside the house?" Mara asked.
Nic made an indignant noise, sitting up to look at Ayla. "He gets kisses?" ze asked. "How come I don't get kisses?"
"You're too horny," Mara said, and Nic made another indignant noise, this one almost a squawk. Ayla smiled, and one of the tears slid down her cheek.
"You can kiss me in front of people," Ayla said to Mara. She turned to Nic. "You too, if you want."
"Good," Nic said, but ze still looked troubled. Mara reached around Ayla to poke zem. Nic half-assedly slapped his hand away, then said, "Ayla, I know you don't want to have sex. I wouldn't do anything you didn't want to, or told me not to."
"Aw, babe," Mara said. "I didn't mean it like that."
"I know that, of course I know that," Ayla said. She hadn't thought about the possibility of hurting Nic's feelings. She struggled for a minute to come up with an explanation that would make sense to zem. Finally, she said, "At your wedding, you said that Mara always makes you feel safe. It's the same for me. Things feel safer with him."
"Oh," Nic said, the tension immediately draining out of zem. "Yeah, of course," ze said. Ze looked up at her, blushing faintly. "Can I kiss you now?"
Ayla rolled her eyes. "I already said you could," she said.
Nic put one hand on Ayla's cheek, tilting her face up a bit. Ze smiled, leaned in, and lightly pressed zeir lips to her mouth.
Ze pulled away after only a moment, still smiling. Ze looked quite smug, actually, which Ayla wished she had known would happen. "I love you," Nic said. "However you want to take that, and however you want to give it back, I love you."
"We both do," Mara said, from Ayla's other side. "I'm pretty sure we always have. I know I have."
"Absolutely," Nic said. Ze chuckled. "Ayla, I was so disappointed when you told us both to keep our hands to ourselves that first week."
Ayla flushed even deeper. It might even have been visible, at this point. She said, "No you weren't."
Nic chuckled again. This time, Ayla thought ze sounded a little nervous. "Of course I was," Nic said. "You didn't panic, immediately took charge and organized everyone, and picked me out to help. Then you didn't argue when I built that first little hut for the three of us. I thought--" Ze cut zemself off, looking embarrassed. "This is very silly," ze said. "But Mara needed so much watching those first few days, and we were kind of in charge of him and everyone else, so I thought, like. We were kind of like his parents, and maybe that would extend to being a couple."
Mara snorted. Ayla laughed too. "Nic," she said.
"I said it was silly!" Nic protested, flushing.
"You did," Mara said, reaching over to pat zeir shoulder.
Nic went on, still pink, "And then you told us to keep our hands to ourselves, and the next day you made sure to tell everyone in the village--I mean, we weren't a village yet, but still--that you weren't interested in sex and we'd only embarrass ourselves if we tried to hit on you, and I thought, well, at least it isn't personal. And then I just had to ignore the fact that I was sharing a bed with two attractive people every night."
"Poor baby," Mara murmured.
"It probably would have been harder if we weren't working until we dropped every day," Nic admitted. "But it wasn't something I never thought about."
Ayla swallowed, trying to clear the lump from her throat. "I know it's selfish," she said, "because I don't actually want to have sex with you, but I like knowing that."
"It's not selfish," Mara said.
"Why would it be selfish to feel good?" Nic asked. "I'm not going to die from you not fucking me. If knowing I would be into it makes you happy, I'm glad." Ze tucked a stray hair behind Ayla's ear. "I just never wanted to make you uncomfortable."
"You haven't," Ayla said, tearing up again. "Neither of you did. You've been so good, I--sometimes I felt like I was taking advantage of you."
Mara laughed. "How could you be taking advantage of us?" he asked.
Ayla turned to bury her face in Nic's shoulder. "The...cuddles, and the kissing, and the sharing a bed," she said. "I was getting things you're not supposed to give your friends."
"Why should that matter?" Nic asked, sounding bewildered. "I mean, I know why it might matter to, I don't know, Eli or your parents or someone like that, but why would it matter to us? I don't care about what we're 'supposed' to do. You know I don't see any reason to only do things the 'right' way."
"That's different," Ayla said. "Opting out of gender or man and woman stuff isn't the same. Anyway, you already had each other. Why would you need me?"
Mara snorted. "Because we'd fall apart without you?" he said. "You know there's no village without you," he said. "I don't think there would be an us without you, either."
"It's not about needing, anyway," Nic said. "I don't need Mara. I don't need sex. I don't need most of the things I enjoy. I could live just fine on my own, without you, or Mara, or the kids. But I don't have to, and I don't want to. So I don't."
Ze grabbed Ayla by the shoulders and pushed her back enough that Nic could look her in the eye. Ze said, "When we first woke up on the beach, yeah, sure, I needed you, you needed me, we all needed each other, to work together and survive in a strange place, and then to make sure we could keep surviving." Ze squeezed Ayla's shoulders, smiled a little, and went on, "But you know who I've never shared a bed with, or taken a bath with, or even let watch the kids for longer than a few minutes at a time? Eli. He's been here from the start, and he was instrumental in all our survival at first, but I can't imagine ever letting him live with me for longer than he absolutely had to."
"You deserve to be happy, too," Mara said, taking Ayla's free hand in both of his.
"Shut up," Ayla said reflexively, having to blink back the tears again. She wasn't going to be able to hold them back much longer.
"Oh, no," Nic said. Ayla looked back over at zem. Ze asked, "Gods, is that--I meant it as a joke, you adding yourself to our relationship by refusing to move out, but is that why you were so upset when we asked you to move out?"
"When you asked her to move out," Mara corrected.
Ayla flushed. "No," she said, but then, "Maybe. I don't know, I just, it was so sudden, and I felt left out. Which I thought was stupid, because it's not like I wanted to have sex with either of you, but I still felt it."
"Oh, honey," Nic said, and hugged her. Ze murmured into Ayla's ear, "Why didn't you say something?"
"Everyone would have just said I was jealous," Ayla said. "Or that I needed to grow up and accept that I wasn't the most important person in my friends' lives. Or that I should just be happy for you."
"Who said that?" Mara asked quietly. Ayla knew without looking that he would have that serious look on his face, the one she thought of as his angry god face, since it usually only came out when Arizedoans were being stubborn.
"No one, it was just an example," Ayla said, waving a hand in the air. Nic still had zeir arms around her, so her wave was a little cramped.
"Pretty specific examples," Nic said.
They weren't even, but Ayla knew what ze meant. She sighed, and said, "No one here. It was in my old village, before the church came. My parents used to say it was a sign of immaturity, that I couldn't be happy for my friends when they started dating and stopped having time for me."
"That's bullshit," Mara said immediately. "You know that's bullshit, right?"
"I guess," Ayla said. She felt Mara take a deep breath, presumably to get angry about it some more, and cut him off to say, "Shut up, I'm not done." He made a noise, then slumped over to lean on her side. Ayla said, "I mean, I didn't grow out of it, and about half the village here just believed me and didn't think anything about it when I told them, and that helped. But we were all still so young. And when you added on to the house for me, and let me keep sleeping with you sometimes, I thought maybe I shouldn't press my luck. I thought, maybe this is good enough."
"Ayla," Nic murmured, and squeezed her in zeir arms again.
"I mean, it was," Ayla said, even though it was more complicated than that. "It is. This is what I wanted."
"Except for knowing you're as important to us as we are to you," Mara said.
Ayla flushed again, and turned to bury her face in Nic's hair again to hide it. "Yeah, well," she mumbled.
"You are," Nic said. Ze leaned back, but kept one hand on Ayla's back. "Ayla, I love you." Ze sighed. "And if you want to make it official, we could have another wedding."
Ayla laughed. "I wouldn't make you go through that again," she said.
"Hey!" Mara said.
"Besides," Ayla said, pulling Nic back onto her shoulder, and squeezing Mara's hands on her other side, "I don't really care if everyone else knows. The kids know, and the two of you know."
"But it's okay if we call you our wife?" Mara asked quietly.
"If you want," Ayla said, as if the idea hadn't burned itself into her mind and heart as soon as Nic suggested it. "But you know people are going to think it's strange."
"We gestated two of our children in squash," Nic murmured. "You know neither of us care about strange."
"You're family," Mara said. "Even if you didn't want to be our wife, or the kids' mom, you'd still be our family."
"Mara," Ayla said, and could hold back her tears no longer.
"You wanna go to bed and not have sex about it?" Nic asked, rubbing Ayla's back. Ayla nodded.
Nic and Mara helped Ayla get ready for bed, pressing soft kisses to her cheeks and shoulders as they divested her of her clothes, then crawled into bed on either side of her. Nic wrapped one arm around her shoulders, while Mara put his arm around Ayla's waist. They took turns wiping her eyes with the softest blanket. By the time Ayla's feelings stopped leaking out of her eyes, she was tired enough to fall asleep anyway, so she didn't fight it, and let herself fall asleep in both of their arms.
Two days later, Nic was on zeir knees in their little courtyard, laying down stones for a garden path that would be aesthetically pleasing as well as hopefully keep the kids from getting so muddy when they played in the courtyard, while Ayla and Mara watched zem from the porch. Ayla sat between Mara's legs, her back resting against his chest, working some more on her blanket. She was trying not to feel self-conscious about cuddling one of them in public. It was easier with Mara, since he was so comfortable with physical affection, but it was also an unfortunate fact that Nic didn't spend nearly as much time sitting still as ze ought to. This kind of cuddling on the porch would only happen while they worked on something together, most likely.
Nic stopped what ze was doing and looked up at the porch. "Ayla," ze said, "I told you before we even had Hari that you were always welcome in our bed. What did you think I meant by that?"
Ayla tensed up at the question. Mara leaned forward, squeezing her around the middle, and kissing the back of her head. It helped enough that Ayla could bring herself to say, "I didn't think both of you had the same idea."
Nic frowned. "I'm pretty sure I said that because Mara said something."
"Mm," Mara agreed. "I told you that months before Nic did."
"You didn't know what you were saying," Ayla said.
"We had an entire conversation about how I would be perfectly willing to have sex with you if you wanted," Mara said, sounding bemused. He was still holding her, though, and he didn't feel tense at all. "How could I not know what I was saying?"
"You had that conversation over ten years ago and still thought you were taking advantage of us?" Nic asked.
"I thought you wouldn't--I don't know," Ayla said, blushing down at the blanket and yarn in her lap. "We never talked about it, all three of us, and I didn't think either of you would want me when you already had each other."
"So I should have told Nic about it," Mara said, "and forced us all to have an awkward conversation about it then."
"Apparently so!" Nic said, hands on zeir hips.
"Okay, well, I didn't even know what I wanted then," Ayla said, "so I probably would've just lied about it and moved out again."
Nic laughed. "That sounds about right," ze said.
"It worked out," Mara said, and pressed another kiss to Ayla's hair.
"Don't you dare make me cry where other people can see it," Ayla said, making Mara chuckle. He kissed her hair again. Ayla leaned back against him, and took her blanket back up. Nic smiled at them, gaze impossibly tender, before turning back to the garden and the problem of mud.
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. If you want to see what you may have missed in the past, check here AARDVARK VANAHEIMCerebus In Hell Presents The Aversions #1 (One Shot), $4.00Cerebus In Hell Presents The Aversions #1 (One Shot)(Dave Sim Signed & Numbered Edition), $15.00 AHOY COMICSMy Bad Volume 2 Thirty Minutes Or Dead TP, $17.99 AIRSHIP ENTERTAINMENTMythAdventures Collected GN, $39.95 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONSLegion Of Exceptional Gorilla Men #1 (Cover A Robert Ahmad), $3.99Legion Of Exceptional Gorilla Men #1 (Cover B Buz Hasson), $3.99Legion Of Exceptional Gorilla Men #1 (Cover C Jorge Pacheco), $3.99Legion Of Exceptional Gorilla Men #1 (Cover D Jorge Pacheco Black & White Virgin Variant), $9.99Rawhead Reborn #1 (Cover A Roy Allen Martinez), $3.99Rawhead Reborn #1 (Cover B Ev Cantada Racy Raw Variant), $9.99Rawhead Reborn #1 (Cover C Roy Allen Martinez Century Edition Variant), $29.99 AMULET BOOKSExtincts Volume 2 Flight Of The Mammoth GN, $14.99 ANDREWS MCMEELPearls Seek Enlightenment A Pearls Before Swine Treasury TP, $19.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSWorld Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #130, $9.99 AVATAR PRESSAbsolution Rubicon Wraparound Covers Bag Set (6 Count), $19.99Crossed Badlands Devilish Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Night Of The Living Dead Putrid Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99 BAEN BOOKSAscendant Star Spangled Squadron GN, $18.99 BAND OF BARDSAmerican Dreams #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Saly Lockheart), $4.99American Dreams #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Dody Eka/Tebe Andry/Tommy Shelton), $4.99Tales From The Pandemic #1, $6.99 BOOM! STUDIOSExpanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(2nd Printing Cover A Christian Ward), $4.99Faithless Deluxe Edition HC, $69.99Faithless Deluxe Edition HC (Slipcase Edition), $89.99Grim Reaper Pack #1 (Grim #1-5), $39.99 BOUNDLESS COMICSBelladonna Fire And Fury Killer Body Covers Bag Set A (5 Count), $19.99Belladonna Fire And Fury Killer Body Covers Bag Set B (5 Count), $19.99Jungle Fantasy Survivors #1-5 Bikini Babes Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Jungle Fantasy Survivors #6-10 Bikini Babes Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Apocalypse Teased Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Atrocity Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Impish Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Mischief Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lookers Sultry Secret Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Medieval Lady Death Epic Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Threshold Pandora Sirens Covers Covers Bag Set (4 Count), $19.99Webwitch Seductive Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Webwitch Widow Leather Covers Covers Bag Set (3 Count), $19.99 BROADSWORD COMICSTarot Witch Of The Black Rose #132 (Deluxe Studio Edition), $19.99 BUNGIEDestiny Comic Collection HC, $19.99Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 1 HC (New Printing), $24.99Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 2 Fallen Kingdoms HC, $24.99Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 3 War Machines HC, $24.99Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 4 The Royal Will HC, $24.99Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 5 Legions Adrift HC, $24.99 CAT-HEAD COMICSDog Boy Choice Cuts And Happy Endings TP, $36.99 COFFIN COMICSLa Muerta Infinityverse #1 (Premiere Edition), $15.00Lady Death Diabolical Harvest #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Diego Bernard), $5.99Lady Death Diabolical Harvest #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Mike Krome Demure Variant), $5.99Lady Death Diabolical Harvest #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Sun Khumanuki), ARLady Death Diabolical Harvest #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Tina Valentino), ARLady Death Diabolical Harvest #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Steven Butler), ARLady Death Necrotic Genesis #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Jeehyung Lee), $25.00 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1867, AR COMICS EXPERIENCE PUBLISHINGSereno #1 (Cover A Luciano Vecchio), $5.99 CREEPY CLASSICS/MONSTER BASHMonster Bash Magazine #50, $8.99 DARK HORSE COMICSStar Wars The High Republic Adventures #5 (Of 8)(Cover A Harvey Monticillo), $3.99 DC COMICSCity Boy #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Inhyuk Lee Card Stock Variant), $4.99DC Connect #37, ARDC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Mateus Manhanini), $9.99DC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Gabriel Picolo Wraparound Variant), $9.99DC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Oscar Vega), $9.99DC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Jen Bartel Special Foil Variant), $11.99DC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Gabriel Picolo Spot Gloss Variant), ARDC Pride 2023 #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Jen Bartel), ARDetective Comics #1072 (Cover A Evan Cagle), $4.99Detective Comics #1072 (Cover B Kelley Jones Card Stock Variant), $5.99Detective Comics #1072 (Cover C Mike Perkins Card Stock Variant), $5.99Detective Comics #1072 (Cover D Sebastian Fiumara Card Stock Variant), ARDetective Comics #1072 (Cover E Kelley Jones Foil Variant), ARIcon Vs. Hardware #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Rahzzah), $4.99Icon Vs. Hardware #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Mateus Manhanini), $4.99Icon Vs. Hardware #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Darryl Banks), ARPower Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Marguerite Sauvage), $5.99Power Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $6.99Power Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Amanda Conner Card Stock Variant), $6.99Power Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Tula Lotay Card Stock Variant), ARPower Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Taj Tenfold Card Stock Variant), ARPower Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover F David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), ARPower Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover G David Nakayama Foil Variant), ARPower Girl Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover H Stanley Artgerm Lau Foil Variant), ARPower Of Shazam Volume 2 The Worm Turns TP, $39.99Static Season One TP, $19.99Steel A Celebration Of 30 Years HC, $39.99 DIAMOND PUBLICATIONSDiamond Bookshelf #39, AR DYNAMIC FORCESSchool’s Out Six Pack Super Set, AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENTBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover A Derrick Chew), $3.99Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover B Celina), $3.99Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover C Greebo Vigonte), $3.99Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover D Madibek Musabekov), $3.99Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover F Jimmy Broxton Retro Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover G Jean-Claude Forest Black Bag Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover H Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover I Geebo Vigonte Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover J Celina Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover M Derrick Chew Ultraviolet Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover N Celina Black & White Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover O Jimmy Broxton Retro Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover P Madibek Musabekov Black & White Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover Q Derrick Chew Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella The Center Cannot Hold #4 (Cover R Greebo Vigonte Line Art Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #5 (Cover O Lesley Leirix Li Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #5 (Cover P Mirka Andolfo Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #3 (Cover L Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #3 (Cover M Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARDisney Villains Maleficent #1 (Cover U Jae Lee Virgin Variant), ARDisney Villains Scar #2 (Cover O Karen Darboe Premium Metal Variant), ARElvira In Monsterland #1 (Cover O John Royle Virgin Variant), ARElvira Mistress Of The Dark The Classic Years Omnibus Volume 2 HC, $59.99Elvira Mistress Of The Dark The Classic Years Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Signed Edition), $199.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover B Amanda Conner), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover C Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover E Jae Lee), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover F Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner), $3.99Gargoyles #6 (Cover G George Kambadais), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover H David Nakayama Black & White Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover I George Kambadais Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover J Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover K Action Figure Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover L Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover M Lesley Leirix Li Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover N Jae Lee Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover R Ken Haeser), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover S Ken Haeser Line Art Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover T Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner Line Art Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover U Jae Lee Line Art Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover V Lucio Parrillo Black & White Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover W George Kambadais Black & White Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover X Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover Y Ken Haeser Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #6 (Cover Z Amanda Conner Black & White Variant), ARKong The Great War #1 (Cover I Bryan Hitch Metal Premium Variant), ARPathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover A Steve Ellis), $4.99Pathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover B Biagio d’Alessandro), $4.99Pathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover C Eman Casallos), $4.99Pathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover D Blank Authentix Variant), $4.99Pathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover E Steve Ellis Black & White Variant), ARPathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover F Eman Casallos Virgin Variant), ARPathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover G Biagio d’Alessandro Virgin Variant), ARPathfinder Wake The Dead #1 (Cover H Steve Ellis Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover D Jonathan Lau), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover E Dizzymslizzyy Cosplay Variant), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover F Brian Stelfreeze Modern Icon Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover G Dizzymslizzyy Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover I Jonathan Lau Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover N Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover O Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #13 (Cover P Brian Stelfreeze Modern Icon Virgin Variant), AR FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSBrothers And Mothers HC (Fantagraphics Underground), $30.00Listen Beautiful Marcia HC, $29.99Out Of My Head The Imaginary Creatures Of Joseph Baque HC, $49.99 FLOATING WORLD COMICSSantos Sisters #4, $5.00 FRANK MILLER PRESENTSAncient Enemies #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Danilo Beyruth), $5.99Ancient Enemies #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Danilo Beyruth Zombie Variant), $5.99 GHOST SHIPWitches Of Adamas Volume 5 GN, $14.99 HARPER ALLEYFGTeeV Out Of Time GN, $23.99 HUMANOIDSWeapons Of The Metabarons HC (2023 Oversized), $29.99 IDW PUBLISHINGCat Fight #1 (Cover A Ilias Kyriazis), $3.99Cat Fight #1 (Cover B Morgan Beem), $3.99Cat Fight #1 (Cover C Alex Moore), ARCat Fight #1 (Cover D Veronica Fish), ARCat Fight #1 (Cover E Sweeney Boo), ARRocketeer #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Adam Hughes), $4.99Rocketeer #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Gabriel Rodriguez), $4.99Rocketeer #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Adam Hughes Virgin Variant), ARRocketeer #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Gabriel Rodriguez Virgin Variant), ARStar Trek Annual 2023 (Cover A Rachel Stott), $5.99Star Trek Annual 2023 (Cover B Steffi Hochreigl), $5.99Star Trek Annual 2023 (Cover C Rhys Yorke), $5.99Star Trek Annual 2023 (Cover D Rachel Stott Black & White Variant), ARStar Trek Annual 2023 (Cover E J. K. Woodward), ARStar Trek Annual 2023 (Cover F J. K. Woodward Virgin Variant), ARStar Trek Picard Stargazer TP, $17.99Star Trek The Mirror War TP, $24.99Star Trek Warriors Of The Mirror War TP, $17.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #1 (Cover A Tim Lattie), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #1 (Cover B Dan Schoening), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #1 (Cover C Sarah Myer), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #1 (Cover D Michael Dooney), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #1 (Cover E Michael Dooney Virgin Variant), ARWill Eisner’s The Spirit Artisan Edtion TP, $39.99 IMAGE COMICSDeep Cuts #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Chris Brunner), $5.99Good Asian 1936 Deluxe Edition HC, $39.99Killadelphia #30 (2nd Printing Cover A Jason Shawn Alexander), $3.99Local Man #3 (3nd Printing Cover A Tim Seeley & Tony Fleecs), $3.99Local Man #4 (Cover A Tim Seeley/Tony Fleecs/Brian Reber), $3.99Local Man #4 (Cover B Bill Maus), $3.99Savage Strength Of Starstorm #1 (Cover A Drew Craig), $3.99Savage Strength Of Starstorm #1 (Cover B Wes Craig), $3.99Scorched #18 (Cover A Viktor Bogdanovic), $2.99Scorched #18 (Cover B Paul Renaud), $2.99Torrent #4 (Cover A Justin Greenwood & Rico Renzi), $3.99Torrent #4 (Cover B Brahm Revel), $3.99Torrent #4 (Cover C Rick Leonardi & Rico Renzi), $3.99w0rldtR33 #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Fernando Blanco), $3.99w0rldtR33 #2 (Cover A Fernando Blanco), $3.99w0rldtR33 #2 (Cover B Dani), $3.99w0rldtR33 #2 (Cover C David Romero), ARw0rldtR33 #2 (Cover D Justine Frany), ARw0rldtR33 #2 (Cover E Werther Dell’Edera), AR IT’S ALIVENervous Rex #3 (Cover A William Van Horn), $5.99Nervous Rex #3 (Cover B William Van Horn), $5.99Roachmill #3, $5.99 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENTToy #2 (Cover A Wilson Gandolpho Croc Caged Variant), $5.99Toy #2 (Cover B Wilson Gandolpho Toy Storyboard Variant), $5.99 KODANSHA COMICSA Condition Called Love Volume 3 GN, $10.99Am I Actually The Strongest Volume 3 GN, $12.99Blue Period Volume 13 GN, $12.99Fire Force Omnibus Volume 4 TP (Volumes 10-12), $19.99Great Cleric Volume 3 GN, $12.99I’m Standing On A Million Lives Volume 14 GN, $10.99 LAST GASPI Saw It GN, $9.99 LEV GLEASON – COMIC HOUSEFantomah Season 2 #1 (Cover A Djibril Morissette-Phan), $5.99Fantomah Season 2 #1 (Cover B Ray Fawkes), $9.99Fantomah Season 2 #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $9.99 LITERATI PRESSSilence #2 (Of 5), $5.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOSDahlia In The Dark #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Andrea Milana), $3.99Dahlia In The Dark #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Chris Shehan), $3.99Tales From Nottingham #4, $3.99 MAGNETIC PRESSTao Bang HC, $24.99 MANUSCRIPT PRESSAlley Oop Races Blarney Goldfield TP, $27.50 MARVEL COMICSAlien #2 (Cover A Dike Ruan), $4.99Alien #2 (Cover B Dave Johnson), ARAlien #2 (Cover C Felipe Massafera), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99Amazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover B Simone Bianchi), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover C Pepe Larraz), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover D David Talaski Spider-Verse Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover E Gary Frank Spoiler Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover F Simone Bianchi Virgin Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #26 (Cover G Oliver Coipel), ARAvengers Beyond #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Land), $3.99Avengers Beyond #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Todd Nauck Spider-Verse Variant), ARAvengers Beyond #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Chris Allen Stormbreakers Variant), ARAvengers Beyond #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Taurin Clarke), ARBetsy Braddock Captain Britain #4 (Cover A Erica D’Urso), $3.99Betsy Braddock Captain Britain #4 (Cover B Davi Go), ARCaptain America Symbol Of Truth #13 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99Captain America Symbol Of Truth #13 (Cover B Pete Woods Spider-Verse Variant), ARCaptain Marvel By Kelly Thompson Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Alex Ross Direct Market Cover), $100.00Captain Marvel By Kelly Thompson Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Jorge Molina Book Market Cover), $100.00Carnage #13 (Cover A Kendrick Kunkka Lim), $3.99Carnage #13 (Cover B Philip Tan), ARCarnage #13 (Cover C Ryan Stegman Venom The Other Variant), ARCarnage #13 (Cover D Skan), ARCarnage #13 (Cover E Taurin Clarke Connecting Variant), ARCarnage Volume 2 Carnage In Hell TP, $19.99Clobberin’ Time #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Steve Skroce), $3.99Clobberin’ Time #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Dan Panosian), ARDaredevil Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Gene Colan Daredevil Unmasked Direct Market Cover), $100.00Daredevil Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Gene Colan In The Beginning Book Market Cover), $100.00Deadpool #7 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $3.99Deadpool #7 (Cover B Peach Momoko Spider-Verse Variant), ARDeadpool #7 (Cover C Benjamin Su), ARDoctor Strange #3 (Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99Doctor Strange #3 (Cover B Mahmud A. Asrar Spider-Verse Variant), ARDoctor Strange #3 (Cover C Elena Casagrande Stormbreakers Variant), ARDoctor Strange #3 (Cover D InHyuk Lee Sister Grimm AAPI Heritage Month Variant), ARDoctor Strange #3 (Cover E Ryan Stegman), ARDoctor Strange #3 (Cover F Ryan Stegman Virgin Variant), AREdge Of Spider-Verse #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Patrick Brown), $4.99Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Josemaria Casanovas Connecting Variant), AREdge Of Spider-Verse #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Alan Quah), AREdge Of Spider-Verse #2 (Of 4)(Cover D David Yardin), ARMarvel Masterworks The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 HC (Jack Kirby Book Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00Marvel Masterworks The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 HC (Jack Kirby Direct Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00Punisher #12 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $4.99Punisher #12 (Cover B Mico Suayan), ARPunisher #12 (Cover C John Cassaday Spider-Verse Variant), ARSgt. Fury Epic Collection Volume 2 Berlin Breakout TP, $39.99She-Hulk By Rainbow Rowell Volume 2 Jen Of Hearts TP, $15.99She-Hulk Epic Collection Volume 4 The Cosmic Squish Principle TP, $39.99Silver Surfer Ghost Light #4 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Ken Lashley Frame Variant), ARSpider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Rod Reis Connecting Variant), ARSpider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Justin Mason Handbook Variant), ARStar Wars Doctor Aphra #32 (Cover A Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Star Wars Doctor Aphra #32 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu Darth Maul Solo 5th Anniversary Movie Variant), ARStar Wars Doctor Aphra #32 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), ARStar Wars Doctor Aphra #32 (Cover D Ema Lupacchino), ARStar Wars Legends Epic Collection The Original Marvel Years Volume 6 TP, $54.99Star Wars Sana Starros #4 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99Star Wars Sana Starros #4 (Cover B Ema Lupacchino), ARStar Wars Sana Starros #4 (Cover C Leinil Francis Yu Lando Solo 5th Anniversary Movie Variant), ARVenom Lethal Protector II #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Paolo Siqueira), $3.99Venom Lethal Protector II #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Francesco Manna), ARVenom Lethal Protector II #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Philip Tan), ARWarlock Rebirth #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Ron Lim), $3.99X-23 Deadly Regenesis #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Kalman Andrasofszky), $3.99X-23 Deadly Regenesis #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Gerald Parel), ARX-Force By Benjamin Percy Volume 2 HC, $44.99X-Men ’92 The Saga Continues TP, $44.99X-Men The Dark Phoenix Saga TP, $29.99 MASSIVE – WHATNOTNorth Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Fay Dalton), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Giuseppe Cafaro), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover C David Nakayama), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Johnny Rockwell), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Michael Calero & Trevor Richardson Goldeneye 007 Video Game Homage Variant), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover F Blank Variant), $4.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover G Johnny Rockwell), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover H Fay Dalton Virgin Variant), $9.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover I Sean Gordon Murphy), $3.99North Valley Grimoire #1 (Of 6)(Cover J Trevor Richardson Mission Impossible Homage Variant), $3.99 NEW YORK REVIEW COMICSRuling Clawss The Socialist Cartoons Of Syd Hoff SC, $24.95 ONI Read the full article
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the-harvester · 2 years
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24 notes · View notes
hugsloves · 4 years
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I made  fan art again from fanfiction” The Harvester” you can find it here : 
https://the-harvester.tumblr.com/ https://archiveofourown.org/works/5349707/chapters/12353510
Older fan art :
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pride-of-azkets · 3 years
Spooky Muse Aesthetics | TAG
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Bold - Canon always Italics - Specific or verse dependent
bloodied knuckles・ tear stained cheeks ・ rust ・ a busted lip ・ claws ・ fangs ・ a bloody nose ・ chattering teeth ・ a dark space underneath the bed ・ scratching noises on a wall ・ creaking metal ・ fog ・ dancing under moonlight ・ blood dripping lips ・ heavy breathing in the dark ・a feeling of unexplained dread ・ a figure in a dark corner ・ dirty peeling wallpaper ・ a bloody handprint on the wall ・ sobbing in the dark ・ bite marks on the skin ・ eerie whispers ・ a hood covering a stranger’s eyes ・ the growl of a hidden animal ・ the sound of a blade being sharpened ・ a deep, dark forest ・ walking on the streets alone at night ・ a cobweb-filled, abandoned building ・ eyes darting in paranoia ・ a heavy beating pulse ・ the feeling of being trapped ・ struggling to get out a scream ・ boards covering broken windows ・ a quiet graveyard ・ a gas station in the middle of nowhere ・ a road that never ends  ・ heavy fog rolling in ・ the scent of blood in the air ・ eerie old photographs  ・ walking along train tracks at night ・ a chill going up the spine ・  gathering crows ・ a dusty, dimly lit study ・ mist over a deserted cobblestone street ・ ghost towns ・shadows around a campfire ・ the sound of chanting ・ church bells tolling ・ an orange harvest moon ・  a broken down carnival ・ a dirty stuffed animal abandoned  ・ wiping bloody hands on fabric ・nightmares ・ waking up in a panic ・ a power outage ・heavy lightning storms ・ a secret trap door ・ the feeling of being watched ・ fear from trauma ・  a Ouija board set out on a table  ・  an eerie doll  ・ a scream of anguish & pain ・ withered plants ・ a room that’s been forgotten & gathered dust ・ owl eyes in the dark ・  curled, dead tree branches ・ a ritual altar ・flickering candles ・ a lantern held up in the dark ・ fear of being followed ・ creaking floorboards ・repressed, horrible memories ・ clenched teeth ・ soft, echoing piano keys・  an old book covered in dust ・ many pairs of glaring eyes ・stumbling in pitch black darkness ・ being stranded in the middle of nowhere ・ tarot cards on a table  ・ a trail of blood.
Tagged by @alaricseer (smooch) Tagging @derobergeist (Eka or Thackery), @blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn (Michael), @bornofbloodandwater, @sunbentsky (Letho)
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herugoon · 3 years
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Titled: Bhek' Eka Ngu Place: Enkululekweni Photographer: Makadunyiswe Gumada Year: 2021 •This Artwork is inspired and surrounded by the love and experience of Planting Herbs and many more... •As the season is as a beginning and an endless exploration possibility, I always intend to take a deeper look at the growing possibilities and harvesting. #herugoonworld #Herugoon #planting #hometown #flagstaff #easterncape #healthyfood #every #artist #ubuntu #exploretocreate (at Flagstaff, Eastern Cape, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLb7hbHaNu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gianpropertypro · 3 years
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ANABUKI RESIDENCE Hunian yang mengaplikasikan teknologi Jepang! - Desain hunian yang modern dan elegan - Sistem keamanan menggunakan kartu akses gerbang khusus penghuni - Sistem resapan air menggunakan teknologi Jepang, Sekisui’s Cross Wave Rain Water Harvesting System - Lokasi strategis, dapat diakses melalui jalur Tol Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) dan Tol Japek II - 5 menit menuju Kota Cinema Mall - 20 menit menuju Eka Hospital - 30 menit menuju Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma INFO LANJUT (Hubungi Kontak ini) CP 0823-2138-8786 Gian Sugianto Propertypro #anabukiresidence #rumahdianabuki #cinemamall #bandarahalimperdanakusumah #rumah #desainrumah (di Bandung) https://www.instagram.com/p/COgf35pHrBY/?igshid=198elqe802r6
0 notes
architectnews · 3 years
LISI Residential Complex, Tbilisi
LISI Residential Complex, Tbilisi Housing Project, Georgia Real Estate Architecture Photos
LISI Residential Complex in Tbilisi
25 Jan 2021
LISI Residential Complex
Architecture: Architects of Invention
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
LISI Residential Complex Site The site is located to the North-West of Tbilisi, in the Saburtalo district, on a sloping hill near Lisi lake, with views over the city. A series of high-profile practices – Architects of Invention, Riccardo Bofill and UN Studio – have been commissioned to populate the masterplan with radically different, new build, 5 – 7 storey residential blocks, that will sit alongside a number of private houses.
Lisi Green Town The scheme is part of Lisi Development’s Green Town, a substantial residential project that boasts innovative green principles. Residents’ utility bills are reduced by up to 30%, thanks to Lisi’s energy efficiency standards, with electric charge points and rainwater harvesting included. 20% of the site is residential and the remaining 80% is dedicated to recreational areas and infrastructure.
Garden House by Architects of Invention Inspired by both American architect James Wines’ collage “House of Homes”, with its greenhouse style living spaces, and by architects Brodsky & Utkin’s “Columbarium Habitable”, the concept for this scheme is houses with gardens stacked on top of each other to form a single residential block. The modular living rooms are configured as alternating oval and rectangular forms that create a rhythmical vertical pattern within the grid. As a modification to James Wines’ vision, the Garden House’s verandas offer ample space for outdoor planting.
Radical modular build The 7-storey building is notionally modular, with all elements, but not all modules, being constructed offsite. This represents a radical innovation for Georgian architecture, where offsite construction is still in its infancy.
The Garden House consists of 42 units over 6, uniquely configured residential floors, with ground floor commercial space and basement car parking. The building is vertically divided into three blocks. Each block contains a one-way staircase and an elevator cell with two flats located on each landing. The apartments on the standard floors have views both to the east and west, while the upper floors offer more luxurious, duplex apartments.
Materials The facade of the building is treated with exposed concrete and high-quality, double-glazed glass panels, as well as with back-painted glass. The balconies and terraces are covered with white marble slabs. A new green space to the east of the building gives landscaping context to the building, as well as fulfilling the Green Town vision of dedicated recreational space for residents.
LISI Residential Complex in Tbilisi, Georgia – Building Information
Architecture: Architects of Invention
Status: Under Construction Location: Lisi Green Town, Tbilisi, Georgia Gross Build Area: 11,500 sqm Budget: $25 mil Stories: 7 Structure: combined steel & concrete Programme: Cap Park, Retail, Residentials flats, Duplex Apartments Client: Lisi Fo Ltd. Consultants: Cubicon (Structure), Nec (M&E), IERI (Urban plannig), Sainjgeo (Geology), GZA (Transport) London AI team: Nikoloz Japaridze, Ruth Sullivan, Simon Gatehouse, Elena Cruz Alcami Tbilisi AI team: Eka Kankava, Vako Kelbakiani, Davit Tsanava,
Renderings: Archirost.com
LISI Residential Complex, Tbilisi images / information received 250121
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Architecture in Georgia
Contemporary Georgia Architectural Projects Georgia Architecture Designs – chronological list
Georgia Architecture News
Georgian Railway Head Offices, Tbilisi Architects: GRAFT photo : Pablo Castagnola Georgian Railway Head Offices in Tibilisi
Slashback House, Tbilisi Design: Stipfold Architects image Courtesy architecture office Slashback House in Tbilisi
Kutaisi International Airport Extension Design: UNStudio renderings : VA-render Kutaisi International Airport Extension Georgia
Kutaisi ‘King David the Builder’ International Airport Design: UNStudio photograph © Nakanimamasakhlisi Kutaisi International Airport
Fuel Station + Restaurant in Batumi, south west Georgia Design: Giorgi Khmaladze (Khmaladze Architects) photo : Giorgi Khmaladze Fuel Station Georgia
Georgia Buildings
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newscheckz · 4 years
Corteva Agriscience targets 20,000 women farmers for training
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/corteva-agriscience-targets-20000-women-farmers-training/
Corteva Agriscience targets 20,000 women farmers for training
Twenty thousand farmers, youth and agriculture communities in Kenya stand to benefit from training programmes on sustainable agriculture practices to be launched by Corteva Agriscience, a New York Stock Exchange-listed agriculture company.
The programmes will see smallholder farmers access agricultural inputs, training and market linkages to increase their harvests and household incomes.
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According to Mr. Humphrey Kiruaye, Corteva Agriscience Country Lead for Kenya and the Great Lakes Region, these initiatives are aligned to Corteva’ s 2030 sustainability goal to train 25 million farmers on sustainable agriculture practices and enrich the lives of 500 million farmers worldwide.
The programmes include the Corteva Agriscience Women in Agriculture (COWIA) programme where Corteva will provide technical support to women farmer groups.
Already, two thousand women farmers in Meru County, who are part of this programme have benefited from quality hybrid seed varieties from Corteva’ s Pannar brand seeds in Kenya, and have been given access to agronomic education and on-farm training, extension services, access to financial services and market facilitation linking them to strong commodity supply chains.
Another project is the One School One Acre (Shule Moja Eka Moja), where one-acre demonstration plots will be planted in 35 identified schools spread across seven counties in Kenya.
Phase one of the project has the objective to train twenty thousand primary school learners and their parents about sustainable agriculture and food production.
The harvest from the demonstration plots will go toward the school feeding programme and be used to supplement the government’s feeding programme. The parents will also learn about best farming practices from these model farms to enable them to replicate them at home.
Speaking in Nairobi during the launch of Corteva 2030 global sustainability goals, Mr. Kiruaye said Corteva was already working with women farmers in Meru County in sustainable agriculture practices where the women have been able to increase their crop yield by 25 percent.
Mr. Joseph Anampiu, Corteva Agriscience Commercial Unit Leader for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa said the launch of the goals had come at a time when farmers were grappling with the Covid-19 challenges, the challenge being to reach farmers with the right information and at the right time.
He said through the use of digital and social media platforms, Corteva had been able to reach over 100,000 farmers in Kenya through the SMS platform; some 20,000 farmers through Facebook, and 10,000 farmers through the WhatsApp platform to share crucial information on sustainable farming methods.
ALSO READ: Kenya face-off Single Use Plastics to safe environment
“Corteva is strengthening its promise to Kenya. We are here. We will be here. We will do great things together¬, through these goals. If ever there was a time when people needed affirmation, it is now. Without land, we have no crops. Without farmers, we have no food. Without communities, as COVID has reminded us, we have nothing,” said Kyle McCarter, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya.
“Our mandate is to lead the entire agriculture industry sustainably in the region, as sustainable outcomes across the world are more important now than ever,” said Prabdeep Bajwa, Corteva Agriscience President for Africa Middle East.
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the-harvester · 6 years
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Offer- 2/2/2018
Morganite serves drinks to an unusual pair of gems.
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Cancer June Feast of the Dews
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By shirleytwofeathers
From ancient times people marked the time of the return of the sun, the shortest and longest night. In olden times it was called the Feast of the Dews- Rasos. When Christianity was established in Lithuania, the name was changed to Feast of St. John, according to agrarian folk calendar, the start of haying.
The rituals of the longest day were closely related to agrarian ideas and notions. The main aim was to protect the harvest from natural calamities, evil souls, witches and mid summer visitors like drought, hail, downpours of rain and thunder.
In the 15th century, visitors to Lithuania wrote that in Vilnius, the celebrations took place in the eastern section of the city, the place of the present day “Rasos” cemetery. Fires were lit on hills and in dales. People danced, sang, ate and drank. On the Feast of St John a special role was granted to the sun. The sun is constantly mentioned in songs sung on the longest day of the year.
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On this ritual day, farmers paid special attention to water’s special powers in reviving soil and making it productive. Witching on this day were carried out near and with water, people washed themselves and their animals. Special attention was paid to the dew because it revives plants at night. At sunrise farmers made their way around the fields, pulling a branch which brushed the dew to fall into the soil and cause a good harvest.
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Maidens tried to get up before sunrise, collect the dew and wash their faces with it to make them bright and beautiful. They would also get up at night, go outside to wet their faces in the dew and returned to bed without wiping their faces dry. If that night they dreamt of a young man bringing them a towel, they hoped that he would be the one they would marry.
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Flourishing plants were worshipped because it was believed that plants collected on the eve of the Feast of St. John posses magic powers to heal, bring luck and foretell the future. This is an ancient ritual practised mainly by women. Roses, common daisies, especially the herb St. John’s worth and numerous grasses were some of the main plants collected at this time.
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A festival pole, decorated with flowers and greenery was called “Kupolė”. Folklore shows that “Kupolė” was the Goddess of plants, living in aromatic plants, blossoms or in buds in summer and in snowdrifts in winter.
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In Lithuania Minor, even in winter before the Feast of St. John, women made haste to collect medicinal herbs, with the belief that after June 24th all herbs lose their healing powers.
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Girls returned to the village after picking flowers and singing, wreathed the festival post, “Kupolė”, and added colourful fluttering ribbons to it. This festival post was set at the far end of the village, near the grain fields. It had to be defended during two days and nights from young men who tried to steal it.
After saving the post, the girls removed the decorative herbs and grasses and divided them amongst themselves because these herbs had special protective powers against evil spirits and illnesses.
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In some regions bunches containing nine plants were gathered by women on the eve of the Feast of St. John. Some of the plants were fed to animals before midnight, so they would be protected from evil eyes. Bunches of St. John’s worth were placed behind pictures of saints. If this bunch did not wilt fast, it was believed that it will be a lucky year.
It was believed that wreaths concentrate perpetual life’s forces and are symbols of immortality and life. There were many rites and witching’s associated with wreaths during this longest summer’s night.
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Walk around three fields and gather bunches of nine flowers, twine a wreath and place it under your pillow. You will marry the man, who in your dream comes to take away the wreath. At midnight, twelve wreaths were dropped into a river and observed if they were pairing off. If no pairing off occurred, there was to be no marriage that year.
Near the river Nemunas, wreaths were dropped in the water, only when the river was calm and observed to which direction they drifted. Matchmakers would come from that direction. Releasing the wreath with the current, it will be caught by a young man, the maiden will be his. Should the wreath float away without being caught, the maiden will keep that wreath all year in her dowry chest, as a symbol of luck and health.
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In the seacoast region, all during the night, young men and women twined wreaths from ferns, placed candles and set them in streams. Should both their wreaths swim together, they believed that they would marry that year.
In some regions wreaths twined during the night of the Feast of St. John were placed at crossroads with the belief that ones future will be seen in a dream.
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The rites of this day continued till sunrise around bonfires. The site selected for ritual bonfires was always in the most beautiful area, on hills, on river shores and near lakes. In some regions bonfires were lit on future grain fields and under linden trees.
Those who are not fond of socialising on the eve, hurry and gather along lake shores, light bonfires, place burning poles, covered with tar into trees, so that there would be light all night long until sunrise. Special decorated wheels were lit and were rolled down hillsides, this symbolised the sun’s moving away from the earth and at the same time a request for her return.
In ancient times, the ritual fires were lit by senior priests, “vaidilos”. That fire was started with sparks coming from rubbing dried roots of medicinal herbs or from flying sparks when striking flint stones. Such fires would protect from epidemics, illnesses, poor harvests, hail and lightning.
Eggs were thrown into the fires and animals sacrificed. Later straw dolls were sacrificed in place of animals.
The ritual fires were built up to throw their light over a large area of fields, to assure a big autumn harvest. On the eve of this feast day, home fires were put out and new fires were lit using glowing coals from the ritual fires of that day.
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It was believed that these ritual fires had special powers, which would protect from misfortunes, bring health and harmony to the family. It was important for newlyweds to light the fire in their hearth with the coals of the miraculous ritual fire. Such a family would be blessed, live well and in total harmony.
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Jumping over fires or around it had magic meaning. Ritual bonfires cleansed both physically and psychologically. Sick adults and children were brought to the ritual fires and were pulled through the fire, with the belief that they would be healed. Jumping over the fire was carried out with the belief of making better health, increasing body strength for hard summer labours and assuring better growth of grain and flax.
Ritual fires’ ashes, smouldering coals had special powers to increase the harvest and protect it from natural calamities. The coals were dug under in fields; ashes were sprinkled on crops to assure good crop yields. To keep weeds from growing in grain fields, ritual fires’ wood splinter remains were tied to the plough share when ploughing the fields.
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The feast of St. John is connected with summer weddings and their rituals which were bound to affect family living and population increases. Should a pair become friends this night, there will definitely be a wedding.
The night of June 24th is the shortest night of the year, filled with bird sounds and luxuriant vegetation. Darkness substitutes light unnoticeably, night is full of miracles due to fire reflections and shadows. It was believed that activity during this night of supernatural creatures or female witches was ill disposed towards men, animals and plants. To keep animals from their malevolent actions, animals were put in barns before sunset and were fed bread with salt for protection. Mountain ash branches and wheat sprays were hung on door posts for protection against evil spirits
In some regions clogs were placed in front of a mirror. Witches would step into the clogs and run away upset by their frightful image in the mirror.
“Šatrija” was the most famous witches’ hill, where during the night of the Feast of St. John, witches party and rage all night and invent all kinds of enchanting. This is why one could not do without “witches’ burnings”. Young people tied a barrel filled with tar and sawdust to a high pole, sprinkled it with salt so that the witches would crackle. The barrel was set on fire while the young people sang and danced merrily. Next morning the cow herd was driven through the remaining ashes, with the belief that witching’s will no longer be harmful.
During the night of the Feast of St. John, the miraculous fern bursts into bloom. It is difficult to catch sight of this bloom; however this difficulty can be overcome by going to the forest the day before, cutting down a mountain ash, pruning the branches and cutting off the top. Then pulling the tree backwards, walk about one hundred steps without looking back, toward the side to which the cut tree fell.
Look back after the hundred steps and then you will see the devil sitting stuck in the ash tree. The devil will ask for your help to get off the tree and for your help will tell you where to find the blooming fern. When you locate the blooming fern, ghosts will attack with butting horns whirlwinds will howl and cats will cry. Then take a cane made of mountain ash, draw a circle around you with it, spread a linen cloth and stop being afraid. The fern blossom will fall on the cloth. Some say that the fern bloom is like birch dust, others describe it as round and white like carp’s scale.
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Prepared by: http://ausis.gf.vu.lt/eka/ Photos by: Gintaras Jaronis, Vytautas Darasevičius, Leonardas Šidlauskas and A. Kiričenko.
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How about Sphalerite, Ekanite and Howlite?
Hi wow this took me five million years but aNYWAYS-
SphaleriteFirst impression: O dang a smol bab???Impression now: I will shoot to kill (shoot to thrill) if u hurt my daughterFavorite moment: Sphal: eKa TaStE tHiS cAnDy???????????Idea for a story: Me, stabbing a knife through the face of the gem who hurt herUnpopular opinion: Cute as I think she is, I would give her space and time before attempting to touch her, especially if she doesn't want to be touched. Poor thing’s been through enough shit as is.Favorite relationship: Eka and Sphal aka the dynamic duoFavorite headcanon: Sphal loves aDVENTURE! *soft voice of wonder* YYYEAH…! (Get the reference and I will love you forever)
EkaniteFirst impression: O shit mysterious eyes in waterfall????Impression now: Damn I have a cryptid as a daughter now, I can't believeFavorite moment: …*eyes future chapters* Ahem anyways at this point in the story I love her interactions with Morgan because god bless America she's too good for this worldIdea for a story: AU where everything is the same but Eka is a Webkinz plushieUnpopular opinion: Okay so it really sucks that she has to make contact with another gem’s gemstone to communicate with them because?? Can you imagine how inconvenient that would be???? Most gems aren't gonna let a gem monster near their gemstone LOLFavorite relationship: Eka and Sphal because no duh but also Eka is cute with Morgan and I love themFavorite headcanon: Eka liked shiny stuff like way back before she even corrupted. She just… hoards so many things. Eka, please-
HowliteFirst impression: wow I'm gayImpression now: WOW I’M GAYFavorite moment: Uhhhh like literally every moment of her existence but also the time she carried the rebels back to the districtsIdea for a story: She shows up and then proceeds to harvest my sinful ass because???? I never broke any laws but I would break laws to get harvested honestly guys this is really counterintuitive, the harvesting thing? Because Frecks and I will just end up resorting to a life of crimeUnpopular opinion: Hi she needs to show up more and let her meet Blue and Yellow pLEASEFavorite relationship: her and her mom-son selfFavorite headcanon: Howlite takes from both her components and can and WILL make the worst mom/dad jokes known to gemkind.
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walkabout-gf · 7 years
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8/19(土)~8/20(日) 『harvest meets tumulus』 場所  cafe Enbeach 愛知県豊橋市神野新田町ケノ割30-1(駐車場あり)
-SHOP- la sexta(メキシコ料理) ぐるぐる(自転車かき氷&ポテト) HOLY LOTUS(Raw chocolate drink& raw sweets) TAKUROCOFFEE WALK ABOUT(洋服・雑貨) SILKLOAD by mt.chills&ukuuproject (シルクプリント+布物) 射的のまりこ narayana(タイ古式マッサージ) eka (Tシャツ&雑貨) Cafe Enbeachにて行われる
多彩な音楽やフード・ファッション、射的、電子楽器の展示などコラボ 新感覚リゾートparty!! chill spaceにはブランケット.クッションを用意。限定ですが、駐車スペースにてテント張れます。
open 8月19日(土) 21時〜 end 8月20日(日) 18時 入場料  2000円(中学生までの子供さんは料金無料)
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chillmountainhutte · 7 years
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今週末、8/19.20は愛知県 豊橋にあるcafe enbeach さんにて♩ tumulus番外編!お初出張〜🚗 真夏のシルクロードしに行きます‼︎ 汗かいてもご安心◯Tシャツなど持って刷り遊び体験しに来て下さいませ。 『harvest meets tumulus』 DJ YANOMI(OBRIGARRD) Gr◯un土(TUMULUS/CHILL MOUNTAIN) YA△MA(TUMULUS/PRHYTHM) MONGOOSE(Newtone Records) ATOM(harvest) RYOTA(harvest) AISEI(bml) JUMPEI(bml) LIVE WARPS VJ & FDI SYNC SHOP la sexta(メキシコ料理) ぐるぐる(自転車かき氷&ポテト) HOLY LOTUS(Raw chocolate drink& raw sweets) TAKUROCOFFEE WALKABOUT(洋服・雑貨) SILKLOAD by mt.chills&ukuuproject (シルクプリント+布物) 射的のまりこ narayana(タイ古式マッサージ) eka (Tシャツ&雑貨) Cafe Enbeachにて行われる 多彩な音楽やフード・ファッション、射的、電子楽器の展示などコラボ 新感覚リゾートparty!! フライヤーデザインはmt.chills sound design good sound lab chill spaceにはブランケット.クッションを用意。 限定ですが、駐車スペースにてテント張れます。 open 8月19日sat21時〜 end 8月20日 18時 入場料2000円 中学生までの子供さんは料金無料 #tumulus #enbeach #harvest #party #豊橋 #party #silkscreen #silkload #collage
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reporthive-blog · 7 years
Global Farm Management Software Market Research Report 2017
The farm management software is utilized for check writing, contact management, crop management, depreciation calculation, cost accounting, inventory management, customer management, financial management, livestock management, payables and receivables, profit center analysis, and tax management. The farm management software is installed on premises or it is web-based.
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The significant use of farm management software includes crop management which is the basic agricultural practices carried out to enhance the growth, development and yield of agricultural crops. Crop management is conducted by combining, timing, and sequencing agriculture related activities depending on factors like the harvested form, age of plants, biological characteristics, climate, sowing methods, soil, and weather.
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The duties involved in crop management include chopping, hilling, suckering, and pinching. Also, crop management comprises of crop irrigation and biological, mechanical, and chemical techniques to reduce weeds, diseases, and pests. The farm management software when integrated along with application specific sensors enables streamlining of the above tasks and helps in reduction of time to market the yielded crops.
The data is collated by the sensors from the farm and sent to the computer hardware which is installed with farm management software. This software then investigates the data and offers essential activities that need to be conducted for the same. Moreover, the integration of this software along with the remote sensing technologies helps the farm owners to carry out desired farming techniques to limit the impact of natural calamities and disasters.
The farm management software has numerous applications in financial domain and revenue management. This farm management software can help to govern financial information such as prices, receivables, cost, profit, payables, loss, and others. Farm owners can keep a check on the required return on investment if they keep an account of information and thus can perform revenue management. Alignment of the financial management software along with the prices and market rates can help the farm owners to track the actual crop prices and help the transactions occurring at actual market price.
The factors driving the farm management software market is the increasing demand for precise farming systems to avoid wastage and availability of internet connectivity. However, the major factors restraining this market include lack of technical expertise and adequate infrastructure for uninterrupted internet connectivity. However, there are numerous research and developments activities that are going on that would help to overcome limitations present in the farm management solutions and it is further enhancing the farm management software market.
Countries such as the U.S. and Canada account for the largest share of the global farm management software market due to the availability of large farms and advanced technologies present in these countries. However, the emerging nations such as China, Brazil, India, and other countries have huge growth potential due to the availability of large land for agriculture. Also, the increasing trend of corporate farming is further expected to drive the market growth in the future. Also, the additional support that the government is offering to encourage farming will help the market growth of farm management software. However, the lack of awareness and technical expertise in these countries are the major factors that restrain the growth of this market.
The major players in this market include Hectus Livestock Manager, CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture, GroMAX — Contract Farming, Agrivi, iAgri Online, Produce Inventory Control System Software, ACCU — TRAC, Accufarm Manager, Land.db, Crop Log, EKA, CattleLink, DWorks for PrecisionAg, Famous, Porcitec and Vaquitec, FarmLogic, Feed Mill Manager, FarmERP, iRely Grain, GrainTrac, Hay&Crop Manager, TeaPac Millennium Edition, and VitSmarter Vineyard Software.
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Table of Contents 1. MARKET OVERVIEW 1.1. Market Definitions 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Market Segmentation
3. MARKET DYNAMICS 3.1. Drivers 3.2. Restraints 3.3. Opportunities 3.4. Premium Market Trends
4. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 4.1. Value Chain Analysis 4.2. Technology Roadmap 4.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis
5. FARM MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE MARKET, BY FARMING TYPE 5.1. Segment Share (%) (2016 v/s 2022) 5.2. Farming Type 5.2.1. Crop Farming 5.2.2. Livestock Farming
6. FARM MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE MARKET, BY DELIVERY MODEL 6.1. Segment Share (%) (2016 v/s 2022) 6.2. Delivery Model 6.2.1. On-Premise 6.2.2. Cloud-based 6.2.3. Platform as A Service (PaaS)
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