#ig I have to tag this anti or the stans are gonna come for me
Feyre Archeron: I'm never gonna show anyone what I saw in this mirror. Nope. Not happening.
*Proceeds to paint the image, wrap it up and gift it to Rhysand for Solstice bc she didn't know what else she could get him.*
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ursie · 2 years
Aight this is just a question. Why do you hate ao3/the ppl who donate so much? (This is not me coming for you. Just generaly curious)
Well there’s a lot of reasons from how they’ve reportedly treated some of their “employees” to the fact that tbh the donation thing is probably a scam they make over 4 times what they need and ask for it every couple months like. Some things are just objectively fishy I’m sorry and let’s be clear there are numerous posts specifically about their business practices and the issues w their donations drives honestly there’s some in my a*3 tag but I don’t remember the exact numbers and I’m on mobile so you’ll just have to go through my tag to find the posts about that. It’s not that I don’t use it but consumers are the ones that need to hold a product accountable and giving money w/o asking for improvements (literally everyone wants) to the site is like. Objectively dumb like it’s not a*3 antis criticizing the site it’s normal people many of whom literally use it for their own works-and let’s be honest here asking them for some basic guidelines and regulations (like literally every site on earth) isn’t gonna kill anyone just maybe remove the cp in a rpf for a start like..but also there’s literally a worldwide pandemic, you see peoples go fund mes every five seconds, just in America alone there’s everything from the anti trans legislature to the extreme poverty and toll on reservation communities rn and like people are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars past what the site needs instead and tbh there is something fundamentally immoral and self centered in thinking your entertainment and hobbies deserve more money than like the last mutual aide post you scrolled past. It’s a question of inherently flawed priorities to say the least. Also if the argument is supporting the author a*3 doesn’t support them. They’ll remove and ban you if you link any way to financially support you. If you want to support writers many have mutual aid posts up rn but people don’t really want to do that. They want to support a brand and that brand is a*3 honestly the way this discussion goes is just stan psychology 101 and it went from genuine arguments to people building a personality out of supporting their fav interest and the people who’ve spent years explaining things that are googleable and some of it is just common sense are just kinda tired of repeating the same info. So now it’s if you do this (with all the info on why it’s bad out there and been out there for years) die or literally dozens and dozens of instead of donating to a*3 donate to me directly. (I’m the former here.). I know my answer was mostly a tangent but I’m in pain and typing is hard so this is the best you’re gonna get I suggest going through my a*3 tag or the ops of the posts in that tag. At the end of the day literally all the information is out there and the main reason I and other “antis” (ig) hate this is because we’ve been having this discussion for going on what. 10 years.
If any of my besties has anything to add pls do 💕
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negrowhat · 3 years
Hello :3 I saw your blog answering anons on the timeline, so a random A.C.E rant from a somewhat new Choice is coming if you’re ready. I’m not actually mad typing this all down but I’m frustrated and trying to find ways out to make A.C.E bigger with my social media managing/marketing/business lectures I’ve had in the past lol. Sorry if this is long but I need to hear opinions other than mine </3
I’m also an ARMY and saw a thread called “Jimin Being Tiny” and it was a bunch of pics him being cute and I enjoyed it so much. Now if I wanted to do the same for Byeongkwan for example, I know more than the half of the Choice fandom will literally be threatening me just because I called him small (FOR THE REASONS OF AN IDOL ACTING CUTE FOR THE FANS AND NOT THAT I DON’T RECOGNISE HIS STRENGTH). A populer choice on twitter would say “don’t call byeongkwan tiny he doesn’t like it” and others literally will be okay with it like they know as if byeongkwan is their cousin. I just know for a fact this fandom is so focused on attacking others AMONGST THE FANDOM and that is exactly why we can’t grow. It’s almost like popular choice accounts are gatekeeping A.C.E. Everyone is afraid of being cancelled and don’t talk about A.C.E on social media other than saying they are “talented” and “underrated”. They are very talented indeed, but Choice needs to understand that could be the least of marketing in the Kpop industry- especially if you don’t have a bigger company. Beat Ceo-nim is not doing the best job to promote them already, they almost never get a use of social media, when it basically is where everyone is into now. TXT for example, got so much attention just from several Tiktoks, promoting their music or hopping onto trends. They ain’t showing titties or anything, just some dances and songs. I mean A.C.E are already showing tits with this comeback lmao. I believe they have such hidden gems and would make a great use of them on the social media entering the trends. I know it’s not up to them, but it would’ve been so much better reaching out to new people. Another thing. I love their music, but as a BL lover, i first got into them with Wowkwan. Then, on a q&a their manager(?) says “Wowkwan is a fantasy, not real” (*screams* what was the reasonnnnn) and everyone in the fandom suddenly was against wowkwan and was “protecting boys” from the “rumors.” They won’t understand no one ships idols romantically already like it’s all about cute interactions and being close and the rest is up to imagination as any fan would do. For instance I can’t think anything like this happening to Woo/San from Ateez or Chan/Lix from Skz. I’m so upset about this lol. I love A.C.E and i’m an OT5, but we almost never get unit or OT5 interactions (the hotel room and the Christmas vlive were exceptions). For BTS, you could find millions of moments they give us as friendship moments or emotional moments with each other as a team, but I feel like A.C.E falls more into the individualistic category, where it’s important for every each of them to shine, rather than as a team. I’m not saying they don’t care about the team, they care about each other a lot and you can feel this from the letters they wrote each other or on that Sehyoon birthday vlive, I just don’t think they have enough interactions or moments that they showed a lot of emotions. It makes me question if they are not fully comfortable with each other or rather, stopping themselves from acting too much in front of the camera. Are they friends, or a team that was formed for a job? Junhee often talks about how being an idol is a job, but people on social media are on the social media just because they want to see the emotions they haven’t had the chance to feel irl. We already have struggles as international fans with A.C.E cause of the language barrier, unlike for example SKZ or NCT, we just need to understand as a fandom that this is a competition for A.C.E in the industry, and gatekeeping content or constantly fighting each other isn’t helping. For a win, we need to be promoting a bit more out of our comfort zone (also Beat Ceo-nim please hear me out) and stop being mad to each other for things like calling members positive adjectives, for liking an interaction between members or even for not streaming.
I'm pretty new to the fandom myself and haven't encountered any toxicity yet, but I've also only talked to Tumblr CHOICE. I know all the toxic stans play on the Twitter playground because it's a more popular platform and they'll have a greater chance of being seen to spread their negativity.
I feel like if you want to make a soft Byeongkwan thread on the bird app then by all means please do. There's going to be antis on the platform no matter what kind of thread you make. It doesn't matter how you word it, it's gonna offend someone. The antis are loud on Twitter on purpose. Their job is to push down the positive and bring up the negative.
I also don't really know how promos go for A.C.E. This was my very first comeback for them so I didn't know what to expect, and since they're from a small company it wouldn't have been fair of me to compare the quality to a group from the Big 3 or BigHit.
I mean they did a pretty great job with promotions prior to dropping the album and title, but I do know they they did a trash job of preparing CHOICE for when the actual song would drop. I remember seeing a lot of upset stans in the tag. Also I didn't know that they would only drop the MV on 1theK and not their own channel. Usually with MVs they're posted on 1theK as well as their own channel so there is dual exposure and more views. So that was pretty negligent too. IDK if A.C.E will be promoting a full month on music shows or just a couple of weeks.
I agree that TikTok would be a good platform for A.C.E as well as any kpop idol to promote on just because it's literally the most popular platform right now and they could be working on making one or maybe the members don't want a TikTok, honestly there's no real way of knowing about anything like that.
As far as interactions. I know nothing of the ships except maybe DongJun because they hang out a lot together. Also fans being mad about certain member interactions in a group is a toxic tale that's old as time. It happens in every fandom so I'm not surprised but what I've learned is that fans don't really dictate who interacts with whom, though it may seem that way to some stans. A.C.E spends most of their time with each other so they're not just going to stop interacting with a member because some immature and spoiled fan said it's messing with their ship.
I never really noticed a lack of ot5 content, but then again I don't really watch any lives of any idols because I don't have the time. I do know that both Byeongkwan and Sehyoon have taken personal hiatuses to work on their mental health so that could be a reason for lack of ot5 content. This job is stressful if not overwhelming most times, maybe some alone time is just something they really need to keep going. It doesn't matter if they're real friends or not (it's not really my place to say. Tho I think they are actual friends). Maybe one or more members is too tired to do a group live or maybe they're doing something else that they rarely have time to do. A lot of factors could go into why there may be a lack of ot5 content. That also could be a reason why they don't have personal IG/Twitter accounts. I could go on and on about possible reasons.
I'm sorry I'm not much help in these matters, my judgment is very impartial these days. I try not to be where any of the negativity is because it ruins things for me.
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