doodlebloo · 2 months
Just finished my thesis defense I think it went super well #ilivedbitch #thisisnotanaprilfoolsjoke
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fate-defiant · 1 year
ok now I NEED fucker to win the ilivedbitch bracket
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I do not always love my body; I don’t even always like it. Some days I hate it. On my worst days, it feels like a prison of suffering I’m trapped in. But then I remind myself; despite everything, my body has got me here. It has survived 40 odd surgeries, resuscitation, more near death experiences than I can count, infections and flare ups and malfunctions and rejections of tubes and wires and even organs. It’s been cut at, stabbed with needles, pumped full of medications, and pushed to the limit. And it’s still got me here, to today. What a wonder; what a gift 🎁 #loveyourbody #youonlygetone #palliativecarewarrior #ilivedbitches https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2303-BsEa/?igshid=10tn7gvq58iob
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tehloserprince · 5 years
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fell off a ladder about two weeks ago. luckily, literally everything in the immediate vicinity broke my fall 🙃 feat. a fun strawberry print from #meundies lol the bruise has healed a bit, but it's still visible and sore. #bruise #accident #injury #ilivedbitch #mypoorleg #pain #sadboihours https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTL_MvAmkz/?igshid=1c9kms85ub4rk
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dril6billiondemons · 6 years
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I’m up at 7am the last day of the con, after going to bed at 3am. Because of course I am. I ran around do do some #aloneatkatsucon for my friend @darayz who couldn’t make it this year. And now I’m back up in my room for hair and make up for day two of Erza. Once y’all are done checking out, come find me. :) #katsucon #katsucon2019 #cosplay #cosplayer #ILivedBitch https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_ByomjBZQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=900v83nk01lt
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hatteri · 6 years
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My hand has been in pain causing me to take a week off from drawing, or doing anything with my right hand really. But now I finally picked up my tablet again. Here’s to hoping my wrist won’t die again #pearlrose #su #stevenuniverse #pearl #hatteri #ilivedbitch #wip
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whtespydr · 6 years
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#because #starwars #theforceawakens #thelastjedi #kyloren #hansolo #ilivedbitch #kylorenisabitch #kylorenisabadass #hansoloisabadass #emokyloren #spoiler #spoilers #spoileralert
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mizufae · 2 years
Why the FUCK is tumblr showing me ads for a CATHOLIC APP and it’s all tagged with shit like god’s love and Jesus and whatever the hell else
Like, not only is it fucking nearly Passover but I even have “Jewish” in my bio, they BETTER not be targeting people with that data because hoo boy do I have a plague for YOU
Apparently it is also going to be Easter, a holiday I have NEVER understood in the SLIGHTEST, like what do you people even do, why are you having a pastel holiday about frilly dresses and candy and eating ham to celebrate… your dude getting horribly murdered???? Like I get that he apparently got better but like if some guy I was a huge stan for did an #ilivedbitch I wouldn’t celebrate with fertility symbols and brunch. It seems gauche.
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So I live on the gulf coast of Texas and I swear this is all I hear on the news for the last three days.
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For those of y’all wondering if you’ve gotten the date of my birthday wrong, don’t worry, you haven’t! My actual birthday is on Friday the 8th of November! However, every single birthday I survive to see is an absolutely HUGE deal, and therefore birthdays are always made a very big fuss of in our house. So I pretty much celebrate my birthday for at least a week! And even for the month, tbh 😂! This week is The Birthday Week, and November is The Birthday Month! I’ll be 25 this Friday, an age I genuinely never thought I’d live to see... I’ll be a quarter of a century old, as one friend pointed out!! And I’ll have been under palliative care for 15 years; a decade and a half! I genuinely believe the reason I’m alive today to enjoy this beautiful life is because I’ve had, and continue to have, such incredible palliative care, as arse backwards as that sounds! I’ve been blessed to have so many amazing drs, nurse, therapists and support workers who’ve fought with me and for me to survive, but especially to live. And I’m blessed to have a multitude of incredible family and friends who have fought with me and for me, and who make all the pain I endure with while with the joy, laughter and love they bring into my life 💖 Guys, we’ve been told I’d die so many times. There are more occasions than I can name where we were told I wouldn’t see the next hour, the next morning, the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year. People were called to say goodbye. And part of my going to Ty Hafan was that I wasn’t expected to live to see 19; Hope House didn’t expect me to live to see 25! Every day is a gift 🎁 and a blessing. I’M STILL HERE 🙌🏻😁🎉!! So yeah, I’m gonna brag about my birthday all week, and probably longer. I’m damn proud of myself for surviving to see 25; I go through hell on a daily basis to get here... I deserve to brag a lil! LET THE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS BEGIN 🥳🍾🍾🎂🎊🎉!! #itsmybirthdayweek #itsmybirthdaymonth #palliativecarewarrior #ilivedbitches #turningtwentyfive #aquarterofacenturyold #adecadeandahalfofpalliativecare #blessedtobehere #soimgonnabrag #imthebirthdayqueen👑🎉🎊 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hW9tSBL9u/?igshid=1o8ch03qxrnq7
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gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
one more opening shift EVER btw #girl #ilivedbitch
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aubreylaufeyson · 5 years
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If you don’t think Erwin would send these kinds of texts you’re wrong. #attackontitan #aot #snk #erwin #erwinsmith #levi #leviackerman #eruri #ilivedbitch #texts https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RQ3pahNB9/?igshid=ru73eni509jv
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
@wallstoothin asked F: Favourite snippet of dialogue from something you've written and why you're proud of it.
This is from P5R Chat Fic I Guess? Chapter two:
Phantom Idiots
AmamiyaHereWeGoAgain: If someone hugged you so hard that it killed you, wouldn't that technically be the sweet embrace of death?
BurnBabyBurn: Wha?
EffTheCops: Dude…
FeatherGreenDidNothingWrong: I guess????
ILivedBitch: Well, now I know how I want to go.
Phantom Idiots
AmamiyaHereWeGoAgain: I have no memory of typing that message...
I'm not exactly proud of it, but I think it just shows that the thieves are a bunch of dumb teenagers and have random thoughts when they're not busy doing supernatural stuff. And I like writing silly stuff like that. I need breaks from angst.
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gayvakarian · 4 years
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