You melt me
You melt my heart at this early morning and make me miss you even more. Your eyes make me can’t control my expression. Eye contact is very dangerous. It makes me melt like a Popsicle on the fourth of July ^^
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You made my day
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I got started my work and tried to push my watch away so that my mind won’t think too much. Yes, I am escaping from the “coincident”. Telling myself that shouldn’t be worry, history will be repeated If it really was the coincident that he meant. Hard work makes apt to be forgetful. Somehow, my heart keeps calling your name wherever I go. It’s okay, he must be “very busy”. Even I walked up to the crest and down into the cave, not even his shadow I could see. Pluto, you must be very busy.
I decided to walk back to my place and start singing while tidying up my things. I suddenly turned around my eyes to my white board, and I saw... the ugly hand writing on my white board. I remember his cute cartoon signature at the end or the sentence. “You are the one and only”!!.
Even thought, a good fortunate of seeing you around might not be happened to me. But at least I know that I am not the only one who keep missing my secret admire. I am in someone’s mind too. He has tight-lipped, he refuses to admit his deep down feeling and will never tell you the truth. Anyway, you made my day my Mr. Pluto...
I keep myself busy with my things but every time I pause, I still think of you. It can’t help ^^
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Pluto <3
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Skeptical Pluto
Mr. Pluto, a cheerful boy. I am soooo happy seeing his smiley face. He always asking for a kick in the pants to everyone. Such a naughty boy! After he has been hit by the most biggest storm in life, he is now turning to a better one. His optimistic heal him very fast.
Mr. Pluto is a skeptical boy. He acts like 4 years old boy, promptly ask what ever he wants. He has an “impromptu” character. Yah, he annoys me sometimes. But his laughs after my awkward moment being so engraved on my mind. Now, I have realized that I love to be his victim.
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The most favorite photo It had been taken by Mr. Pluto on 1st of May 2016 at 01:42 am. You may not see anything but I have seen many many things. We went up high from where we were and took deep breaths together. That night, he introduced me his friends on the sky when we both lied down side by side. "Nice to meet you all the little stars" ^^ he also introduced the clouds' name. Hrmm.. these have become new things in my life. Before we left, he pointed to see something which was almost out of my sight. I saw the blinking lights but not the full version. He grabbed my phone and yah I got this pic. Thank you Mr. Pluto Good night, save your energy to fight again tomorrow honey.
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Scars and the great warriors
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I have strong believes that to become a “someone”, God will let us to taste some of sentimental losses. It dose not kill us..but it hurts us somehow. No any medication helps us to be vigorous or fast recovered besides ourselves. We better swiftly recovered on ourselves, walk up to the foothill and wait for the new sunrise.. yeah.. a new day has come! Take a deep breath and the show must go on!
All the great warriors have wounds and those wounds enhance us to become a better person. Those wounds gently turn to the scars one day. No matter how ugly that scars are, they proof things that we have endured in life. Disgraceful must be the first feeling when we saw. The time pass by, life becomes valuable every time we look back on our scars. 
No pain no gain. This is always be a very supportive quote in my life, appreciate it. Time changes - scars remain - stories are always retained
Do not give up my dear Pluto. Do not forget you are now climbing the mountain. Do not lost yourself, you’d slip down sometimes but keep climbing.. let’s go to see the bright sky and feel the power of the moon and sun up height.
All the best!
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Our second time met
“Hi, what’s your name?” the naughty voice banged behind me. “My name is Moon” I replied and immediately turned my head away. I really love my comfort zone..do not like when people asking me questions. Yeah.. it annoyed me anyway. He asked me the second question “what are you doing here” and I think he known already that who I am.. the label on my back displays my role. He kept asking the third and forth and more and more... For not being too misbehave, I asked his name after his last question. “My name is Pluto”. I noticed and left that confine space.. 
This is not the second time we met that what he reminded me. Fuh! myself being such like a gold fish. Short memory ^^
You know...nothing special in him besides his kindness and being so gentle that touched me in this time.
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waiting = hurting
I am trying not to think about him.. find something else to do to forget where I am glued into it. It doesn’t work all the time. yeah.. mostly failed T_T 
My mind acts like a smart clock that keeps repeating to where i have left, keeps returning to where we were. Yeah, I am now waiting his return...
waiting = hurting 
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I feel tired. No, I mean feel exhausted with my feeling. I keep thinking things repeatedly...I want to get rid and get out from what I am. It really hurts me loads.
Keep telling myself, it’s not wrong to be weak sometimes but not always.
I do not expect people to read my story...this is just the best way I found to get rid from what I am facing right now.
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MooN <3
My name’s Moon. A girl who lost my self from “imagination”.
I realized now that..imagination should be created by my heart not others feeling...
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