#im L and im the old hag witch that lives in the caves of the seblaine fandom and only comes out once every hundred years
berrywarbler · 1 year
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the rubies that i gave up (seblaine)
part 1- the burgundy on my t-shirt
He has no idea what time it is, he feels like he just arrived at Sebastian’s apartment but the story that the coffee table tells proves the contrary. There’s an empty bottle of wine sitting next to its twin that is almost as empty and a brand new one just waiting to be opened. The faint crackling of a record that had long since stopped playing is their only background noise as they laugh with each other. Seated on Sebastian’s floor, Sebastian leaning against the couch, Blaine against the ottoman. This is the third time in a week that he’s found himself in this position. “You’re ridiculous,” the shorter murmurs as he stretches his legs out, letting his feet settle in Sebastian’s lap. “You really think that I believe you have never thought about kissing me?” They’ve been shamelessly flirting for months and there was no end in sight. They’d been teased relentlessly by their peers and Blaine was more than ready to give in but Sebastian was playing harder to get. 
It was endearing.
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