#im listening to his newest album rn btw
firefox-official · 2 years
Seth MacFarlane is not only violently, virulently anti woman, he's evangelical with his hatred. He's a terrorist organizer that's ruined large swathes of two generations of young men.
hes a guy who made a cartoon and then another cartoon and then a movie about a teddy bear who smokes weed
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vickyskpopkingdom · 3 years
Baekhyun :: working blues
request: Hii! Im rlly into baekhyun's new album rn and i was hoping u could write a fluff where ur just having a rough day and he sings u to sleep pls!! Rlly like ur fluff writes btw 💕💕
thank you so much for your kind words! i haven't written about exo in a long, long time but i hope that you still like what i came up with!
warnings: overworking, stress
1.8k words, gn reader
Sometimes you felt like the world was collapsing on you. The weight on your shoulders got too heavy at times and you were just tired. So tired, so tired. Today was one of those days.
The work you had to do didn't seem to end. At this point you couldn't even count how many e-mails you had answered, how many texts you have read, how many calls you made and how many words you have written. Your eyes were so tired they started to water at the sight of the bright screen of your laptop in front of you. When had it become so dark around you? Hasn't it been noon just a few minutes ago?
A quick glance through your bedroom window and towards the clock on your wall told you something different. It was already eight p.m., the streetlamp outside your window was the only source of light right now other than your laptop. With a sigh you leaned back into your chair and tried stretching your arms as well as your neck and legs. Every joint in your body seemed to make a protesting cracking noise and as you tried to massage your neck, your muscles burned with protest.
You sighed again. Maybe you really should invest in one of those fancy office chairs that claimed to be a blessing for your whole body. At the thought of the price however you shook that thought out of your head.
Standing up you got through another round of stretching your whole body and decided to check out the kitchen for food. It only hit you as the dim light of the fridge illuminated your face that you were supposed to go grocery shopping today. Empty shelves greeted you back and your stomach grumbled angrily.
You tried hard not to scream out of frustation. Nothing wanted to work your way these days and you were honestly so tired of it. For some time you were able to tell yourself that everything would work out and that you would find your working blues again but that was yet to happen. Quietly you closed the fridge door again, sliding down against it to the floor.
The project you had been assigned at the start of last week was way more complicated than you had anticipated, the sources you were thinking of using turned out to be a scam. Adding to that the promotion you had been so sure of getting had been given to someone else and while you could understand that they deserved it, you were sure that you would have deserved it as well. Not only was your fridge emtpty but you had been neglecting your healthy eating habits for quite some time now, which only frustated you more.
And today all of these things seemed to add up all at once, crushing you under their weight.
When was the last time you really had a good nights sleep? You had worked late and gotten up early, eating only bits and pieces of instant food, sitting at your desk all day and falling into bed only to repeat the same cycle over and over again. Right now you were fighting to keep the tears at bay but the merry-go-round in your head kept spinning, piling up more and more worries.
When was the last time you had seen your friends? When was the last time you even properly talked to them? You were always telling them that you were busy with work when they asked to hang out. They never pressured you to still come with them but you knew that they would love to see you again even for a few hours. Yet you still could not get yourself to take their invitations, the thought of your unfinished project sitting in the back of your head constantly.
When was the last time your boyfriend--?
Just as the tears started flowing down your face the doorbell rang. Its sound surprised you so much that you jumped up, your heart beating fast. The clock in your kitchen read nine p.m. One hour went by while you were staring holes in the walls and drowned in your thoughts.
You couldn't really think of a reason why someone would visit you this late, on a weekday nonetheless. But not answering the door wasn't an option either, you would just start to worry about 'what-ifs'. So you decided to take a peak through the peephole in your door.
Your heart picked up its pace at you saw a familiar face illuminated by the light of a smartphone-screen, lookin worried and confused. Fumbling with your keys you opened the door and the person looked up from their phone.
"Hey Bambi, are you okay?"
Baekhyuns voice filled your ears as soon as he looked into your face. He eyed you up and down, making sure you were alright. "I texted and tried to call you for at least two hours now. There was no reaction from you whatsoever."
As you allowed him to step into your home, you sighed. "Sorry, I threw my phone across the room at one point and didn't pick it up again."
Your boyfriend chuckled as he got rid of his shoes and coat, placing both neatly onto their usual spots in the entrance of your flat. Just the sight of him, doing everyday things, smiling, talking was an instant boost for your mood. Now that he was here you fully realized just how much you had missed his presence.
"Why would you throw your phone?", Baekhyun questioned.
You made a dismissive move with your hand, not wanting to talk about the infuriating call you had to make a few hours ago. "I was frustrated", you only said.
Together you and Baekhyun made your way towards your bedroom. Just as you stepped into the room and turned on the lights you remembered the state you left your working place in. But it was too late to make him turn around now. Quickly you tried to tidy up the place a little bit, hiding the traces of your overworking as Baekhyun cleared his throat to gain your attention.
"Are you drowning yourself in work again?"
You stopped dead in your tracks. This wasn't the first time he had seen you piling up work on your shoulders and ending up being unable to do anything else. Back then you had promised him to take better care of yourself or at least take real breaks once in a while to catch a breath.
Now it was Baekhyuns turn to sigh. "Did you eat today? And before you answer i mean 'eat a proper meal'."
Picking up your phone from the floor you sat yourself down on the bed. "No, not really. It's just this project..."
Baekhyun shook his head at you, but you still noticed the small smile on his face. "You are such a hard-working person. But you need to allow yourself some time to breathe, you know?"
His voice was calm, sounding like music to your ears. Even after all this time you had been in a relationship with him you were still surprised by how easily he could make you relax.
"Yes, I know."
"And since I am such a caring and awesome boyfriend", he said, rustling with a plastic bag you only now noticed in his hands, "I brought you some food."
As you looked into his smiling face you couldn't help but ask yourself how you got so lucky.
The meal was good, it was your favorite and having Baekhyun by your side made you feel even more grounded. It almost felt like you gained new energy after a week of complete exhaustion and constant worrying. While you were eating the both of you talked about everything and nothing, catching up, telling stories and sharing your newest netflix suggestions.
The evening proceeded and your eyes landed on the clock again. It was late, if you were still caught up in your workaholic-lifestyle you would have already been asleep right now. However surprisingly you currently were not even close to worrying about getting up the next morning. What bothered you most right now was that this evening would end and eventually you would have to go to sleep an wake up in the morning, getting back to your work.
Baekhyun seemed to notice the frown on your face sooner than you could hide it again. "What's wrong?"
You shrugged. "This is nice, simply being together with you. But you probably have to leave soon and then tomorrow I have to work on this stupid project again."
"I can stay the night, if you want me to of course."
"I didn't want to pressure you into--"
"You didn't", he interrupted you, before you could end the sentence and feel like you made him stay against his will, "I actually wanted to ask if I could stay anyways. Tomorrow is one of my free days. I could even keep you company while you work."
Your chest felt warm at his words. "I would love that."
Soon you two found yourselves back in your bed, bodies entangled with each other, quiet breaths sounding through the room. You could feel your eyelids growing heavy, but as soon as you closed your eyes all you could think of was the next morning, the project, the unanswered emails, the calls.
"Still can't calm down, Bambi?", Baekhyun whispered in your ear, while slowly stroking your hair.
With closed eyes you shook your head. "I can't take my mind off of work."
The next thing you heard was quiet humming coming from Baekhyun. You could feel the vibration of his vocal chords against your own body. His voice really was a blessing for everyones ears, he could carry emotions through singing that you weren't even able to put into words. His songs made you happy, they made you cry occasionally, they made you feel calm or made you miss something you didn't even knew existed. It was a gift.
His humming transformed into words, calmly sang into the otherwise dark and quiet room.
It's a night filled with a single stream of light
You're my timely rain, Bambi
I don't want to waste even a second of this night just
being the two of us
As you listened to his singing, you could finally feel your muscles relaxing, your brain calming down and your whole body drifting towards sleep. There were no worrysome thoughts turning your mind upside down anymore, there was only Baekhyun and his voice filling your head with images of your favorite places, your favorite memories and him. The warmth of his body under the blankets made you feel safe, at home. This was were you belonged.
And while Baekhyun continued with the song you fell into a deep sleep, one that you deserved after all the work you had done. You already knew that you found your blues again. Everything would work out again, just like you had always thought yourself. And all you had needed was just a small push in the right direction from the right person.
I don't want to wake up from this dream, keep this tempo
I hope the sun doesn't rise while I keep my eyes closed
I really hope you enjoyed this one! It was nice to write something again but I do feel like i am a little bit out of training i guess haha
and also if you feel like the reader in this scenario, please remember that there will be better days & that life is more than working day to day! take a break, make some tea, get some fresh air and get back to your work with a fresh mind; you can do it!!
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Dear New ARMYs
Dear New ARMYs Please take good care of our boys when you become an ARMY. Please don't only love one member, as it's a rule for all of ARMY to appreciate every single member no matter what. First, there's our leader, Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster He is brilliant. He's in the top percentage of intellects in South Korea, and taught himself how to speak and write English fluently. He raps like no other and is secretly the actual visual of the band. I mean, he's perfect. Second is Kim Seokjin. He's the oldest of the group, but acts like the youngest (maknae). His favourite colour is pink, and he loves food. He even has his own show called EAT Jin where he eats food live and talks to the fans. He's the visual of the group and most definitely the most underrated, so we welcome new Jin stans with open arms! Third is Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agust D. I'm honestly not sure where to start with Yoongi, as he is my idol, and a person who I look up to a lot. He is the main rapper of the group, writes all the lyrics, and produces the songs. He is a god send. he's also the boyfriend of Jimin, though he won't admit it. I don't want to give a lot away, but you should look into him on your own, and read about his background, because honestly, he's been through so much and deserves the world. Fourth is Jung Hoseok aka J-Hope aka Hobi. He. Is. The. Fucking. Sun. Hobi, our hope, our angel, J-Hope. Hobi is the main dancer and actually makes a lot of the choreos for the group, so he's just amazing. He's very happy, energetic and honestly, you can't help but love him. His raping voice is very unique but beautiful non-the-less. Y'all better Stan him as hard as ya can because he's the real deal. Fifth is Park Jimin. Honestly, there isn't a soul in ARMY who doesn't like Jimin. He's so bubbly, and cute, and so much more. He's a lil smol bean, and is the shortest of the group and is thus made fun of for that reason. But, we still love him no matter what. Despite his angelic, pure face, this boy is sin and I'd be surprised to ever find someone who didn't like him from the off. Sixth is Kim Taehyung aka V. Tae (my first bias) is honestly perfect. He's the perfect blend of unique, cute and manly. This boy is O B S E S S E D with Gucci and he wears 100% Gucci only. One thing I NEED to point out: NEVER EVER GIVE HIM THE NICKNAME ALIEN. HE HATES IT AND ITS DISRESPECTFUL TO HIM. IM WARNING YOU RN. Anyway, he's lovely, and his voice is very smooth and deep, and just amazing. Last (and definitely not least) is Jeon Jungkook. My current bias, Kookie (his nickname) is the youngest of BTS and by far one of the best singers ever. He covers a lot of English songs which show his amazing voice, and he is referred to as the Golden Maknae as there is NOTHING he can't do. When he debuted at 15, he could sing, dance, rap, and everything in between. Jungkook is honestly talent in a human but very awkward so please take care of him. BTS stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan (방탄 소년단) which is Korean for Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Now I'm gonna make this clear - if you're a fan who ain't gonna stay, please, please, just don't hurt the boys while you're a fan. I'm aware there will be bandwagon fans and I'm prepared for it, but please don't hurt our boys. They're so precious and what they achieved last night is something no Kpop artist has ever done. Please respect them. If you're looking for bomb-ass songs to get to know them, here are a few (or a lot) to get you started: Cypher Part 4 - the newest instalment of the rap line ROASTING HOES Dead Leaves - my favourite, and pretty much everyone's favourite Tomorrow - literally saved my life Run - dasi run run runnnnn I Need U - this is dope af Dope - talking of Dope. This is the song that introduced me to the boys and I love it Whalien 52 - a beautiful song that you should listen to - Begin Lie Stigma First Love These are solo songs. 100% Reflection worth listening to Mama Awake - No More Dream - their debut song Like - DONT WANNA BE FOOL WANNA BE COOL WANNA BE LOVED SAME LOVE AS YOUUUU War of Hormone - la la lalalalaaaa Coffee - a metaphorical song wow Save Me - THE CHOREO FOR THIS IS AMAZING N.O. - because fuck rules and society Cypher Part 3 - my fav part worth the listen because Yoongi talks about giving head kinda OTHER SONGS THAT ARENT BTS The boys also release their own songs that are worth listening to. Lost Stars - Cover by Jungkook Fools - Cover by Jungkook and Rap Monster 1 Verse - J-Hope Agust D - Agust D (Suga/Yoongi) Tony Montana - Agust D The Last - Agust D Joke - Rap Monster Do You - Rap Monster Someone Like You - Cover by V Eomma - Jin That's just a very SMALL selection of songs, they have a lot of amazing tracks to listen to so definitely just spend time listening to all their albums and mini-albums. Please send love and respect, and understand that Kpop is completely different to western pop. It is absolutely amazing, as idols are trained for years before debut. It's hard, backbreaking, and so different to western pop. Don't just Stan BTS either, there's lots of other AMAZING groups to at least take a look at, as BTS are a third generation group, second gens like EXO, SHINee and Big Bang are phenomenal and you should definitely check them out. Other third gens like GOT7, Pentagon and Red Velvet are equally awesome. The girls are amazing btw. Just putting that out there. There's also a k-hip hop scene which I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE with the likes of Jay Park, Gray, Zico, Mino, Ugly Duck, Crush (kinda), CL, Hyuna and a shit ton more. ARMY welcome you all to the fam, we will love you and take care of you and teach you everything you need to know, but in exchange, all we ask for is respect to BTS, that's all. A lot of us are scared about what is going to come from the BBMAs so please, don't let our worst fears come true! Welcome to ARMY 💖💕
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