#im not good at making fake twitter screenshots but i saw it and i knew i had to act fast
wtylas · 2 years
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werewolfbarbie · 5 years
So after all the love that was spread through out the GtLive community and the Grumps as well it would be strange of me to post the video and fuel the fire. But I will say this now and not any more cuz my birthday is on Saturday. and I wanna be in a good mood and have a great time which means this needs to come out now and im done speaking about it.
To the anons who have been trying to send me hate about my friend @marril96, one of you already knows this but I can track you. And I'm telling you what I told them. First off, continue sending lies and harassment to friends of Mariana and I will expose you. Second, don't come into my ask box acting like you know what really happened. You can call me all the names you want. Nothing to say to me will ever compare to the things I say to my own mirror. So your highschool insults are useless. Bring it. But call my friends that? You will regret it.
I don't care if some of you think I'm a coward as Gretchen is calling me for not wanting to speak to her, nor do I even know if she really did say that, as I've seen some of her messeges through screenshots and she has never said my name. But I'm just gonna put this out: I am NEVER talking to Gretchen ever again. I have blocked her on tumblr and twitter and I am not going to unlock her and listen to her side of the story. I know her side because Mariana wanted to reconcile and asked for advice on the friendship so she sent me screencaps. What I saw what not an argument between friends. It was abuse. Gretchen was insulting Mariana and twisting her words. She tried to make her feel guilty when Mariana found her post about lesbians being smarter than anyone cuz they know men suck to be misandrist. Gretchen called her lesaphobic. You dont ever EVER call a friend lesaphobic. You don't ever call a friend phobic of any kind. That was a line crossed so instead of advising her on reconciliation I told Mariana to cut her loose. And I encouraged her to block her. Mariana was already standing up for herself and doing well with that decision on her own, but you numnuts keep insisting that it was "so cruel" of Mariana to block her friend. Well newsflash. They weren't friends. Gretchen was never a friend. She convinced all of us that she was a kind, caring person and we truly believed that. But if you call someone lesaphobic you are not their friend.
Now about the art theft accusation cuz oh boy do I have quiet a bit to say. Mariana was accused of stealing art by an artist who was spewing complete and total lies. I did research and could easily tell you that this person has done this before with other people. Its become a tactic some artists have done for attention. Being a "victim" of art theft is the perfect way to gain a platform. By the way Mariana HERESELF has has her artwork stolen and she handled it humbly. And during this fiasco with the accusation Gretchen defended Mariana reassuring her that she knew she wouldnt do such a thing and we talked about in private chat how she and I could ecourage Mariana. So when the fallout happened and she wrote a post responding to a bully of an anon, who ive tracked, that she had "warned" Mariana of stealing art, that was a total lie. Gretchen never said anything about believing Mariana to be an art thief until AFTER she was angry at her. This anon then went into the ask of all of Marianas friends and said the same accusations. Most of them defended her because wouldnt you know it, we actually KNOW as true friends that Mariana would never do that.
And once we believed this all settled down, Gretchen extended an 'olive branch' to Mariana and in the kindness of Marianas heart she responded only to have Gretchen once again harass her in private and post more on her blog about the situation when Mariana stood up to the abuse. Everything was getting better and she must've wanted attention I don't know. But it lead to more people blocking Mariana which really is just stupid.
And now to the anons and the people who might be following me as well as Gretchen and Mariana, that is my answer. If any of you believe Gretchen and have blocked Mariana or choose to avoid her, you dont know the real Mariana and you were never her friend either. Ive been in a situation where I lost dozens of 'friends' who believed a lie about it and while it hurt that they would all abandon me and believe something awful about me, now I'm numb to it. I could care less if people unfollow me or block me. I have dealt with loss this year and hopelessness you wouldnt believe. You wanna cut me I'll be over it in 5 seconds. But Mariana does not deserve this.
She is not a lesophobic, homophobic, phobic of any kind. She is not an art thief. She is not a bully.
However she IS passionate, compassionate, an amazing friend, and loyal sister and someone worth tracking anons, researching background designs and blocking hateful fake friends for.
That's it I'm done. I'm not talking about it any more. Anons come into my ask box about it and I will continue to track you only to post your real blog. You got your answer and that is my piece. I turn 29 on Saturday and I intend to spend the rest of 2019 focusing on the ones I love and things I enjoy.
Have a goodnight.
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The formal callout for Driad aka Daniel Mahone
Daniel Mahone from Cambridge UK is an online sexual predator. We are unsure about his age since he’s changed his age many times but he’s claiming to be 18 currently. He targets very young teenagers and coerces them into sexual conversations and has done this for years without repercussion.
He’s currently off tumblr as far as we know but he remakes often and having this widespread for awareness is a priority.
Some examples of the things he’s done are under the cut, general tw.
urls: driad, cptdriad, captaindriad, dryad
twitter: captaindriad
skype: mrdriad
kik: cptdriad
steam: bigbrownbat
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photo of Driad / Daniel Mahone above
Daniel, referred to as Driad from here on, is stalking tumblr user 75pennies. He obsessively adds her and follows her on alternate accounts and fake accounts pretending to be someone else.
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Referring to an alpaca stuffie he had given her. She had stated already that she no longer wanted to be in contact with him.
Here’s some from this blog from other tumblr users.
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“Im gonna be blunt: Tumblr user driad is a sexual abuser, and a pedophile. This time last year, we met via some mutuals or something, i don’t really remember; he just started messaging me. I was 14, he was 17, and i was in a very bad unstable situation. From day one, he was sexual with me. The night we started talking, he admitted he was jacking off while we were talking on Skype, and he tried to make me “help him”. I respectfully declined, and then i respectfully had a panic attack in my bathroom. He kept messaging me after that, a lot of it casual conversation, and a lot of it flirting. He eventually wooed me over through flattery, i guess, because i warmed up to him. Now, my situation plays into this because i was not in a good place at all at the time. I had stopped taking my medication secretly, behind the backs of my doctors and parents. This medications controls my depression, panic attacks, and impulses, and i have been on it since i was 7 years old. I also was going through a lot of social drama, and i was desperate for approval. Combine those things, and you get a kid who’s pretty susceptible to a lot of things. He eventually started getting me to do sexual things that included: masturbating with him on Skype, sending him nude photos and videos of me doing different things, him making me insert inanimate objects into me on Skype calls, him making me do rather dangerous things (painful foreign insertion of objects anally, to put it nicely,) him calling me names like “kitten”, him making me call him “master”, the list goes on. I would often have panic attacks while performing these acts for him. At one point he introduced me to one of his friends. I don’t remember their gender, but they were DFAB as well, and he made them do similar things. At one point he made group chats and made us BOTH do things for him at the same time. I think the friend was about 16 at the time, but once again, i dont remember; i didn’t know his friend outside of this. One night, me and them just spent hours talking about how much we hated him, how much we wished he wasn’t like that, but neither of us knew what to do. I fell out of contact with the friend after a short while, but his abuse went on for months. He sent me rape threats, death threats, messages while i was in school (sometimes he would make me go to the bathroom to take nudes against my will,) and he spammed me constantly and got upset when i didn’t answer immediately. He would pretend to be sad and guilt trip me until i talked to him, or Skyped him, or sent him nudes. I was so afraid of disappointing him, of making him hate me. He became my fp, and i developed a crush on him. I told him that, and he didn’t feel the same way, but he absolutely used it to his advantage to get what he wanted. Eventually i had had enough. I don’t know what flipped in me, but I told him he could fucking suck it, and i blocked him and remade on everything he ever knew me on. The aftermath was awful; i have had flashbacks, panic attacks, and breakdowns. I have been through therapy dedicated to helping sexually abused kids. My depression surrounding this was so awful that i was hospitalized for self harm and suicide attempts. All because i was SO desperate for an abuser to love me. But he didn’t, he took advantage of me. And i know he still does it. I saw a post on my dash tonight made by someone who is 14, the same age i was. They were made uncomfortable by him and his requests as well. I messaged them and warned them to block him, and they thanked me. Thats why i made this. Because i don’t want anything like what happened to me to EVER happen to anybody else. Driad is now 18 years old, an adult. His blog is @driad. Please, PLEASE be careful, especially if you are underage.“
“I reblogged a post of his (not directly from him) and then he started following me, sent me asks saying "bigs boys" Bc of the post of his I reblogged. I followed him, he started messaging me, saying he wanted to cuddle, tummy rubs, and when I said - No lmfao brb gonna shower -, they asked for nudes. When I said I was taken they said No Homo and that my bf didn't need to know. I blocked them after my friends told me to. I wish I still had screenshots of it for proof.“
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“ I hadn't really put 2 and 2 together that driad was probably harassing other people when he first messaged me. I'm aggressively asexual and he kept talking about "fisting my vagina" despite me telling him I'm a boy and ace. I eventually got him to stop messaging me by continuing to change the topic to potatoes and ended up blocking him to keep him from messaging me again “
Daniel Mahone is a sexual predator. If he returns he’ll most likely be under a variation of the name Driad. Please look out for him.
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