#im really enjoying their 'frenemies' relationship on this show
bellepark · 1 year
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'frenemies' Yamamoto & Akamine WATASHI NO OYOME-KUN (2023)
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selamat-linting · 1 year
there was a few things i missed and got wrong on my homestuck liveblog yesterday. first of all, i mistook terezi with kanaya with that morallegiance chat with vriska. makes sense, they used to be roleplay buddies until that mess of an incident. not taking away vriska's responsibility from that clusterfuck but, wonder how much of it is doc scratch influence. good god girl, why are you gambling with a literal god? also WHY rose is trusting that white ball asshole? i dont like him at all. he's basically responsible to a lot of the mess the trolls and beta kids is going through.
anyway, at the last page i left off, terezi and vriska's attitude towards each other is largely shown in the boy-off with dave and john. with karkat screaming in the background (he always screams in the background). so its easy to miss that theyre very much in a weird complicated, frenemy state with each other. that in between space where you're not sure if theyre genuinely fucking hates each other or theyre ribbing on each other like two meanspirited friends do. i've been there sister, i've been there.
speaking of vriska (again, because she is my child who has every disease), oh her relationship/friendship with tavros is very conflicted and, i dare say, delicious? this is something that im sure would hit even harder if tavros wasnt relegated to the butt of ableist jokes more than he's treated as a character but. trust me. imagine youre tavros. your friend(?) is vriska. she crippled you, she saved your life, she berates you at every turn, she kissed you. deep down she only wants best for you. she wanted you to kill her. she wanted you to hate her enough to do it. she doesnt want to bleed to death alone. she's begging you to kill her. she's could have forced you to do it but she doesnt. because this is for you both to grow stronger and survive. thats all she wanted all along. for you both to thrive in a world that eats you alive. she needs you to kill her. oh god *head in hands*
-so its really really sad to see vriska being so lonely after killing tavros. she dug a hole too deep to get out alone and the remaining friends she had that could have accepted her again are all dead or too burned out of her. i wish they both can meet each other again. just to talk and find closure. like, tavros deserves to be angry with vriska and he deserves to have that peace he always wanted from her. and vriska deserves to start being a better person and getting some peace of mind. she deserves a chance, is all im saying. like, its okay if tavros cant give it to her. but some of her friends could. maybe terezi? the worst they ever do to each other in terms of direct harm is the eye injury. or maybe karkat? oh god i dont want to hear them arguing, i would go deaf!
-at least vriska has john! its nice to see them being friends with each other. Tbh john has been a breath of fresh air (hehe) in all the doom and gloom. im not looking forward to him meeting his dead dad but right now, my boy is walking around the village with one of the finest music i heard so far. and then he drive a flying car with WV. its just, he is so positive and amidst a set of characters who lost all of their innocence, he remains as the one guy who tries to enjoy the game and take everything in stride. he felt smug when the salamanders keep referencing in his title, he bought everyone hats and snacks, he gave moral support to vriska. the harley and egbert family is so positive about everything and its so endearing!
-AND JADE! fuck yeah she's starting to show how awesome she is. YES JADE say fuck you to karkat! its been long overdue!!! she also should say fuck you to vriska too as a treat. and fuck you to tavros too. and fuck you to that prince of hope (more like doom lol) who blew up her computer. she deserve monetary compensation to deal with that troll polycruel.
-special mention to dave btw. i dont remember him doing anything particularly exciting lately but i believe he's the one carrying the team. john and jade had to do their quest to be effective in defeating the english demon guy (the brits are all demons lol) and rose had to be their prime researcher and strategist, so he basically did the save everyone's ass part. i cant wait to see him hang out with terezi. Also is it bad of me to want him go godtier? Like, it would be interesting.
-and other time aspect characters i want to appreciate, aradia! babygirl have finally get rid of her hopelessness and come back to life! and now she's bringing the gang back together!!! and putting the pieces on why gamzee suddenly breaks. too bad gamzee never had a chance to show his personality. anyway, im starting to think i was wrong about lil cal. like, i think it was posessed but oh no its just bro moving him around, but somehow that fucking puppet is the one wrapped up in literally everything. aradia finds that shitty doll and somehow its connected to gamzee losing it and the game sgurb and doc scratch and... whats going on????
-in conclusion, timebound kids are always the one carrying the team. they are hard to find but theyre the one who could determine how you win or lose the game.
-but how can i forget? kanaya! she came through. i really thought she was dead! but she is alive, and she kills people with a chainsaw than apply lipstick to her bloodstreak lips. she is trying so hard to be Hinged. final girl behavior fr. i wonder how she's going to meet rose again. i hope she talked rose out of that suicide mission.
-and can we talk about karkat? man, imagine leading an army of kids who did kill and maim each other before the game even starts. imagine being the lowest of the social hierarchy and trying to make the most toxic friendgroup filled with racists and murderers to listen to you. imagine being able to do that despite all the odds, bring them to victory, and have the price right on your hands only for it to be ripped away and your friends devolve into chaos and murder several hours later. its a failure of untold magnitude. no wonder he's so disturbed and angry at himself and everyone.
-okay now that im done with the characters. i want to compliment how good everyone looks. the art and the fashions are all sooo amazing. the talksprite is also wonderful. im inclined to change my pfp into feferi's talksprite because i like her design so much. also because hooray! She's just dead, not corrupted by horrorterrors. in my mind she is laughing at tavros and doomed dave rap battle while surrounded by beautiful scenery
-also, i cant believe infinite stairs are referenced AGAIN with sollux and karkat. and SMUPPET ASS JOKE? on tavros dead body? lmao. okay i need to see smuppet ass on dave again. he was just so funny with it. and karkat shipping craze with jadesprite and jade. the jokes are really good, fr
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
hiiii follower here and I saw ur doing ships for followers hehe ❤️ for a male character and fandoms are marvel and Star Wars, with head canons?
i am a very sarcastic person and am also super competitive and driven - my mbti is infj (which is actually very fitting lmao). one of my worst character flaws tho is i argue just for the sake of arguing (im working on it i swear) and my competitiveness often goes into being over competitive. I also tend to make inappropriate/dark jokes. On the POSITIVE side, i think I’m quite witty and funny, and i also am the person who gets shit done 😂 my zodiac sign is a Taurus which makes sense because i definitely enjoy being boujee and lazy sometimes and can be fixated/stubborn 😂 clothing style/aesthetic goes between emo/rocker and pastel princess. There’s like no in between lol. i am very indecisive. looks wise i am short (5’2), long black hair, tan, brown eyes, and i would probably say curvy. im in my mid-20s. my biggest turn on in a partner is honesty.
Sorry but for like half a second when I saw your profile picture (the small version on the ask) I thought you were my high school bully and I had a small heart attack. lmao, but false alarm 😂😂
I hope you like them!
Ships are under the cut~
I ship you with Pietro.
He's also very sarcastic, sassy and witty, so I think he would be attracted to that same vibe. Also, he loves being a lot taller than his s/o, so he'd love that you were short
Runner Up: Tony Stark
Like I said, he love that you are short. You are the perfect huggable size, cuddling size, and arm rest size.
He is also very competitive and argumentative for fun, and this ends up becoming a love language in your relationship. People often mistake the two of you for being enemies, or frenemies, and when they find out you are dating they are always confused lol
Pietro is brutally honest, which can get him into a lot of trouble, but he knows that you appreciate honesty and will never keep things from you.
You get along really well with Wanda, which is a big plus for Pietro. He considers you family as well, as does Wanda.
I don't really know why, but your 'vibe' gives me the idea that in the Marvel world, you would be able to manipulate electricity and lighting. Do with that what you will lol
You and Pietro have a similar sense of humor, and often people might overhear your jokes and be afraid that you two are "not all there" lmao
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Star Wars:
I ship you with Han Solo.
Han would also be drawn to your argumentative, sassy personality, as it would pair well with his. You challenge him in the best way and he adores you for it.
Runner Up: Poe Dameron
Han often makes fun of you for being short, especially when you are angry, mostly to make you angrier (because he loves when you get feisty, no matter how much it annoys you). Short-cake, Little Bird, Shortie, etc.
But if someone else makes fun of you or your height in any way, he turns on them immedietely and tells them off (usually with a demeaning joke or sarcastic comment)
Again, another brutally honest person, but he admires your honesty with him as well, so as long as you tell him the truth, he will always be honest with you.
You two bicker quite a bit, but usually it's not about anything important and there is never any love-loss between you.
Han comes off as a pretty "distant" guy, but one way he shows love is by giving you random trinkets and gifts when he's been gone, or after you'd have a rough time. The trinkets always have some form of use, and underlying meaning that he knows you understand.
Both of you are quite competitive,, so you often make up random games and bets between the two of you. I bet I can shoot down more ships than you, I bet I can take out more imperial soldiers, I bet I can get there faster, etc.
Your competitiveness when you two are working as a team however makes you an impressive and unbeatable team.
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sallymew4 · 2 years
pls tell me ur TOR ships like villain x hero. Hero x hero. Or. Villain x villain plsssssssssssss
oo this is kinda hard
to be completely honest my shipping habits in regard to this show are a liiittle strange, because i can kinda see characters i might "ship" in a romantic relationship, but i can also view and appreciate their relationship in a platonic way ! :} like Puppet and Freddy, i really enjoy their dynamic and how their character arcs intertwine and are affected by each other ! :D so i can also see them as goofy frenemies or, in some aspects at some points in time in the show, as a couple (idiot x smart idiot is such a good dynamic)
man this has gone way off of the original topic haha sorry
essentially, my shipping in regards to this show is really weird and i can appreciate all/different ships as both platonic AND romantic relationships (as long as theyre not pedophilic and/or incestual thats a big nono here)
sorry if this is confusing, im not always the best at explaining lol
if you want to ask for my take on a specific ship, however, id be up for it lmao
tl;dr "oh wow theyd make a good couple, BUT they also make very good friends/enemies/other relationship status :}"
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tigerdrop · 3 years
i have a lot of trouble writing benrey in my fics— how did you experiment with his characterization until you were satisfied with it, and what other benny interpretations do u enjoy from other fic writers? i love the way you write him, his dialogue feels so authentic and believable.
AW thank u......it always makes my day to hear something nice about the way i characterize ppl......there were a lot of things i did to try to nail how he talks and thinks. thank u for asking this b/c i have a Lot to say about this subject
the first thing is, obv, watching the series. i have to include this one b/c i feel like quite a few ppl in this fandom.....like.....havent. there is a certain way of characterizing him as an Epic Mischievous Gamer that is, uhhh, very much a fanon thing that ppl see on tumblr and imitate and flanderize all to hell. but, like, im an obsessive little weirdo who will rewatch things over and over again to take notes on characters’ behavior and dialogue and i really gotta recommend just sitting back and listening to how benrey talks.
hes not dropping gamer references constantly. hes not making every single sentence out of his mouth some obnoxious quip. hes slow on the uptake and drops conversations entirely if he doesnt care about them. he has never once said “cringe” before and whenever i see a fic that has him doing it multiple times i feel minutes shaved off of my lifespan. the #1 tip i can give here is to not have benrey talking in fucking 2010s gamer lingo every time he opens his mouth. please
(i feel partially responsible for the spread of this kind of characterization. my first 2 fics have him doing stuff like that every once in awhile. sometimes i debate going back and changing them, but like, benrey saying “poggers” one time aside, i think they hold up pretty good. so i havent. something something historical accuracy)
the more i wrote about him, the more i tried digging into the aspects of his character that i found the most appealing. some people are really into his polite side. i am really into his bullying side. so i would watch the bits where benrey really has his “gordon bullying” mode cranked up to 11 and make note of how he acts, how he talks. trying to replicate it. “benrey saying epic random shit to piss gordon off” is much less his vibe than, like, demeaning gordon, and i feel like the bathroom skit is the ultimate manifestation of this. it is genuinely my favorite bit in the whole series b/c its so ideally representative of their weird-ass dynamic. this fuckin high school bullying LARP in the middle of a public restroom. god in heaven
the less you lean on the crutches of “gamer lingo” and “wacky non-sequitur”, the more it forces you to think about how he behaves. what motivates him. and generally, like, he operates on his own wavelength. he doesnt fully understand everything thats going on around him and selectively chooses what he tunes into. and, most importantly, he just wants to play games, man. benrey likes goofing off with the science crew and playing mind games with gordon. he fails to understand the gravity of his actions a lot of the time b/c hes not human, and hes not operating under the same social guidelines.
(this is the part where people like to speculate exactly what kind of non-human he is, and i think this can be helpful for setting up his motivations! me, personally, i am of the opinion that hes just a video game guy made real. kind of like a live-action cartoon character. so hes operating on video game logic a lot of the time, and doesnt grasp that consequences for actions are different for normal people who cant noclip or respawn. a kind of lack of empathy that manifests in him being capricious, indifferent, detached......purely oriented around “getting his job done” and “chilling” and, naturally, “fucking with gordon freeman“.)
ultimately it boils down to distilling just what i like out of their interactions and trying to Manifest it repeatedly. i go crazy about their actual canon interactions and i want to write things that hit the notes i like: two guys who are mutually kind of obsessed with one another, for better or worse, and engage in a lot of play fighting (and, you know, genuine fighting, too) as a sublimation of it. best frenemies, if you will.
i think that a lot of the problems people have in writing benrey is that they kinda just project whatever attributes they want in a lover onto him. like, man, i like cute shit as much as the next guy, but do you really think that the dude who bullies gordon freeman while hes having a panic attack is gonna tenderly stroke gordons hair and wipe his tears and tell him that everythings gonna be okay? no, dude. even when benrey expresses any kind of concern, he does it in a way that communicates that he doesnt understand the gravity of whats going on and he doesnt “get” why gordons lying on the ground yelling, or why gordons howling in pain after getting his arm cut off. he is not an empathetic guy. hes actually kind of a creep!!! a lil freakjob! the weirdness and the lack of humanity are what make him hot!!!!
and this is what makes it own so hard on the rare occasions he does show empathy! its the same reason why its so cute when gordon stops bitching for 0.5 seconds and tries to be nice! theyre earned moments, not character defaults. and cutesy/lovey-dovey shit with these two is definitely doable, but i would love to see more of it take into account the fact that these are two dudes who fucking suck and who especially suck at being emotionally open with each other.
as far as characterizations that i really like........okay. full disclosure. the biggest reason ive been losing my shit over the catmaid freemind fic is b/c the author is one of the few people who really taps in to what i like about benrey, and what i like about his relationship with gordon. hes teasing. he likes to use his perceived authority to bully people. hes weirdly protective of gordon. but hes also just, like, a chill dude who wants to play video games. and he legit likes gordon and expresses affection for him in some of the most in-character ways ive ever seen
like. deliberately spilling milk on the couch and flatly going like “oops.” b/c he wants gordon to sleep in his room......playing nurse by doing fuck-all apart from giving gordon powerade while hes sick and keeping the volume on his video games low......kicking barmey under the table for making fun of gordon being dogboyed.......it is all exceptionally cute shit and its delightfully in-character. i feel so bad for the author b/c im a frenrey head and i am primarily reading it for those two. but god they do it so well.......im hooked. im obsessed
thank u again for asking this and for the lovely compliment ^q^ i hope this answered your question......i have spent entirely too much of my life thinking about my favorite half life funny guy
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Legacies s3x16
So I ended up just watching ep 15 on my own time and decided not to liveblog it. I surprisingly enjoyed the episode a lot more than I thought since I’m not in the Star Wars fandom at all. But it was honestly probably one of my fav eps from the season minus the lethan shit.
So. Season finale here we go.
Honestly im not sure how I feel about already being a season finale? Like it feels too early
Oooooooo im vibing with the song tho
Where’s cleo?
There she is
We love a landon/cleo power duo
Daaaaaaaaaaamn landon
I do love this side of landon ngl
Hi Clarke
Yea…I did actually miss his character
Awwwww maleb superhero duo mission
“I’m starting to think traumatized is my permanent resting state” ahaha josie that hit too close to home there for a sec
Nor should you trust Clarke, josie
Hope are you really gonna steal the car…….
Yea its almost like everyone’s idealized versions of landon are just that…idealized
Hence why handon has a lot of criticisms in the first place
I love landon I really really really do
Im not critiquing his character at all—just his relationship with hope (I should probably do a separate post talking about my thoughts on handon as a whole)
Im an idiot
Well I was right about the car stealing
Why does hope seem genuinely amused by Clarke
Idk what it is but its…..different???
Like I would think she would just be in a constant state of annoyance around him
But her facial expressions and body language convey the complete opposite
No no no
Why cant yall just let hope be single
Lizzie honey
Ik you love hope
And want to help her
But setting herself up with someone else
(that isn’t you or josie ehehe…..ignore me shhhhh)
Is not a good idea
Everytime I see ethan my methan heart breaks and the fact lizzie’s trying to set him up with hope just…hgnnnn
I do like the landon/cleo dynamic so far!
Ah there’s the annoyance I was waiting for Hope
Kaleb is literally so sweet
Just the way he talks about his feelings for cleo
Lizzie: *trying to set ethan up with hope*
Also lizzie: *telling ethan everything she loves about hope*
Also also lizzie: ah…shit I’m in love with hope
Noooooooooo ethan don’t invite lizzie to toss the ball around
That’s methan’s thing
Wait is that not landon
Uh no
You and mg didn’t have a ‘will they wont they’
You just weren’t interested in him
Im sorry
The entire m*zzie trope was mg pining for a couple seasons
Then as SOON as he moves on
Everyone decides to tell lizzie that she likes him
Wtf is this ‘will they wont they’ bullshit she’s going on about
Finally a cleo/hope conversation
I’ve been waiting for this
Yea me too cleo me too
I really loved the cleo/hope dynamic this semester
So yea I guess that’s not landon???
Ethan: I’m kinda into someone else
Ethan’s forgotten memories: DAMN STRAIGHT YOU ARE AND HIS NAME IS MG
Oh that’s disturbing
That’s really disturbing
Poor cleo she did not deserve that
Hope and Clarke are now frenemies im so down for this
That’s some really good advice Clarke
Im impressed
This finsie scene is really cute
Josie *concerned about lizzie hurting ethan*
Lizzie *probably about to date ethan cuz the writers hate us*
Josies concerns are legit
Who asked for this
We had methan
Methan was RIGHT THERE
And while im still back and forth with hizzie
I do completely understand hizzie
So whyyyyyyyyy
Man poor kaleb
He fought so hard to try and tell cleo how he felt
Only to have his memories wiped of her
That sucks so bad
Oh good
Hope brought memories of cleo back
I love the panda trio so much
Im vibin with this song too
Im very picky with tv show soundtracks
But this episode did good with the music (even if idk the songs lmao)
………..i understand the attraction to mali!landon now ahahah
“well this looks like a party” listen his voice I just—
 So, lots of thoughts here.
I really liked that episode! I think the Mali!Landon reveal is strong enough to be a season finale type of cliffhanger but overall, this episode didn’t seem like a season finale episode...if that makes sense.
I loved the Maleb superhero road trip! It was very nice to see them together again. Cleo and “Landon’s” own road trip was very interesting and now I’m just curious on what their dynamic would be like with real!Landon. Hope and Clarke...idk I’ve always really enjoyed their dynamic. I don’t ship them romantically but I do really like what I see with them.
I’m so happy we got a Hope and Cleo reunion and conversation. It reminded me why I shipped them in the first place when Cleo compared their own struggles with destiny and fate being unfairly forced upon them.
Now. For the biggest bunch of bullshit this episode. It’s been a while since I watched a show as it was airing where it did something like this. Something so out of nowhere. Just. Why L*than? Is this a cop out? Are the writers really so out of touch with their fanbase? Like...if you HAD to put L*than together then they should’ve built it up from earlier this season. 
Talk about forced relationships.
I love the Panda Trio. That is all.
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matildastuarts · 4 years
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&&. announcing her royal highness, ( matilda henrietta annabelle stuart ), the ( 22 ) year old ( princess ) of ( scotland ). she is often confused with ( florence pugh ). some say that she is ( negligent and contrary ), but she is actually ( passionate and individualistic ). ( matilda ) is arranged to marry ( any male fc ). 
...hi....i know i like disappeared and its bc my anxiety was really bad with everything going on in the world and in america and personally that i was so overwhelmed just from any interaction. i just needed a good cleanse (i took a nice cleanse from a lot of social media) but i am back ready to be confused by what i missed.
anyway....tilly. so, essentially she’s the same...BUT she’s more into fashion then just the og mum said she needed a degree. but i’ll get there
the baby stuart...matilda has always been the child full of surprises starting from her birth in the middle of the night on december 19th of 1997. she was a rambunctious child, a social butterfly who craved attention and that never changed. the attention she got from being out of line or too out there felt like the only time she got anyone’s sole attention. so she never stopped. any attention was good attention. first it was just making faces at the paparazzi, then after she was sent to gordonstoun for boarding school the list just grew from uniform issues to sneaking out to underage drinking. 
it was also at gordonstoun that she began her ever toxic relationship with sex and attention. using that she was a princess was one way to get attention, but adding that with the attention she got from men? from being a party girl it started her vicious cycle she would never get back from. the birth of trainwreck tilly.
it surprised everyone when tilly announced to her family before her last year at gordonstoun that she had applied for fashion schools. she’d always been interested in it as a kid. sewing was the only cliché thing of discipline that had been pushed on her that she enjoyed. so after graduating at 17 she moved to london for school. even if she was hungover every morning and getting drunk or high every night, she thrived at fashion school. didn’t necessarily have friends that were in her classes, everyone assumed it was just nepotism. she made her own little circle, mostly with plenty of influencers that she just publicly got trashed with every night and being photographed doing it.
this last year for her was a wake up call she truly refused to listen to. graduating fashion school and heading straight to join her family with everyone. it didn’t work out for her, she was reckless as always and a little too reckless at that. a pregnancy she had to end, a failed forced engagement, she just wanted the life she had in her little flat in london where she lived like she wasn’t a princess. so she did. she managed to get a job as a associate designer at ralph & russo, with only a tiny bit of nepotism included, tilly moved back. even i everyone around her couldn’t possibly understand why she wanted to work. 
still she enjoyed it, she was happy keeping up her personal relationships over facetime and spending hours in a studio only to turn around and go to a club. that was until queen mary, mother dearest, demanded she go back for her safety. which as always led to another explosive fight that tilly couldn’t win against her monarch of a mother. so she once again packed up her things, told her team to pack up their things and headed to join her sisters.
her relationship with her parents has never not been strained, matilda always seemed to ruin the perfect image of the royal family even from a child if just by putting on a show for the paparazzi. but they wanted her, and she liked that. her sisters on the other hand, it’s complicated. she’s closer to margot than catherine if only because of their age. tilly knows she can’t live up to either of her sisters though. everything she’s ever done has been compared to catherine and margot. even despite that and the sometimes ardent fights, tilly would do anything for her sisters. the only person she loves more than her sisters in her family is dowager queen anne, her grandmother. in an odd twist, matilda is closest to her grandmother, despite her rejection of any sort of rule pushed on her, if grandma anne asks her to do it she will. 
i’ll probably tweak her timeline and repost it soon which rlly gets into her psyche. however this is who she is right now...still. important things about tilly that i need people to know
has flashed the paparazzi 
100% has done both the wap dance and the 34+35 one on tiktok r u kidding me
social media queen she said “u can make me official accounts but im not privating my personal ones.”
bisexual doesn’t label it though, she just does not discriminate off who she wants to sleep with. 
excellent cookie making skills
surprised by how much she feels things
love language is touch. 
influencer type but thinks la is for trashy people. 
u have to have permission to call her matilda if its not the first time addressing her. 
only family can call her maude
i know there’s more i just can’t think of it anyway here are some connection ideas: 
she’s very social but she is also and AWFUL friend. would sleep w/ ur boyfriend bc she barely recognizes love but does understand jealousy. 
this 1 is obvious
she’s not one to make enemies on purpose but she does on accident ie...shes an awful friend
someone who is the line w/o a hook
listen i have always thought it would be funny for someone to be totally in love w/ tilly but shes not there w/ them has only ever slept w/ them and is like....why are u staring at me like that
more i’m sure of it but like many things just have to be sorted out because of everyone’s backgrounds and connections to her sisters etc.
....i think i’m done now like this or dm me and we will plot ok?
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ninafms · 4 years
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            *  𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐰  ,  𝐢'𝐦  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲  𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  around  to  posting  nina’s  introduction  ,  but  my  theme  made  me  upset  so  this  will  be  viewed  on  dashboard  only  for  now  !  my  name’s  𝐛𝐚𝐲  ,  i  prefer  either  she / her  or  they / them  pronouns  ,  and  i  reside  in  the  est  timezone  .  i’m  in  my  final  year  of  college  so  sometimes  i  won’t  be  around  all  day  ,  but  since  i  only  work  two  days  and  all  of  my  classes  are  online  ,  chances  are  i’m  around  !  i’m  starting  this  little  introduction  at  exactly  2:30am  ,  so  chances  are  this  will  be  posted  at  like  ...  4am  (  lol  )  ,  but  i’m  super  excited  to  write  her  out  as  this  will  be  my  first  group  in  about  a  month  or  so  !  i’m  comfortable  with  messaging  through  the  im’s  if  that’s  better  for  you  ,  but  we  could  also  plot  on  discord  if  you’d  like  !  also  ,  don’t  forget  to  stream  blackpink’s  new  single  ‘  ice  cream  ’  with  selena  gomez  !
💀  *  [  jennie  kim  +  cis  female  +  she / her  ]  ——  have  you  met  na-young  “nina”  min  ?  they  are  a  twenty - three  year  old  senior  currently  studying  business  economics  with  a  political  science  minor  .  they  live  on  farrow  house  ,  and  word  around  campus  is  that  this  gemini  is  spellbinding  +  perspicacious  ,  as  well  as  combative  +  malevolent  .  i  wonder  if  they’ll  make  it  out  alive  .  biting  the  corner  of  her  thumbnail  when  focusing  ,  never  being  ashamed  of  back - to - back  walks  of  shame  ,  the  infectious  sound  of  her  laughter  traveling  the  hall  .
NAME  :  na-young  ‘  nina  ’  min  .
NICKNAME(S)  :  nini  ,  neens  ,  and  nana  (  by  her  parents  )  .
AGE  +  DATE  OF  BIRTH  :  23  +  june  2nd  ,  1997  .
ZODIAC  :  gemini  sun  ,  taurus  moon  ,  gemini  ascendant  .
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  neutral  evil  .
ENNEAGRAM  TYPE  :  the  achiever  .
GENDER  +  PRONOUNS  :  cis  female  +  she  /  her  /  hers  .
PLACE  OF  BIRTH  :  gangnam  ,  seoul  ,  south  korea  .
PLACE  OF  RESIDENCE  :  ivory  falls  ,  maine  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .
OCCUPATION  :  senior  at  holloway  university  .
NATIONALITY  :  korean - american  .
ETHNICITY  :  korean  .
LANGUAGES  SPOKEN  :  english  ,  korean  ,  and  japanese  .
i  .  prosopography  .
nina’s  story  begins  during  the  chance  meeting  of  her  parents  ,  ara  kim  and  hyun-woo  min  ,  when  they  were  in  their  early  twenties  .  most  would  assume  that  they  weren’t  compatible  for  one  another  as  ara  was  the  spoiled  child  of  the  kim  family  ,  who  were  known  around  south  korea  for  owning  various  luxury  buildings  and  apartment  complexes  in  the  gangnam  area  .  hyun-woo  on  the  other  hand  was  your  regular  college  student  who  worked  a  job  he  hated  to  pay  his  tuition  ,  but  he  had  big  dreams  as  he  wanted  to  someday  own  his  own  architecture  firm  .  when  the  mindless  ara  wrecked  her  fancy  car  into  hyun-woo’s  beat  up  toyota  ,  it  was  love  at  first  sight  .
it  was  a  whirlwind  relationship  as  the  couple  was  engaged  within  six  months  of  their  meeting  ,  and  married  within  eight  .  with  their  access  to  unlimited  funds  ,  the  couple  had  a  lavish  wedding  ,  and  hyun-woo  no  longer  had  to  worry  about  his  tuition  payments  .  now  focused  on  his  degree  without  having  to  worry  about  money  ,  he  found  himself  on  the  development  team  at  his  new  family’s  company  shortly  thereafter  his  graduation  .
with  hyun-woo  having  his  dream  job  and  ara  having  her  dream  husband  ,  the  couple  was  thriving  .  they  lived  in  a  beautiful  apartment  that  overlooked  gangnam  ,  and  they  had  gone  on  vacation  to  bali  when  ara  revealed  that  she  was  pregnant  .  the  couple  was  overjoyed  to  be  welcoming  their  baby  into  the  world  ,  and  to  say  that  they  were  obsessed  with  her  from  the  moment  they  saw  her  in  the  first  ultrasound  and  she  was  the  size  of  a  lime  .  the  couple  welcomed  their  little  baby  nine  months  later  ,  and  they  loved  every  inch  of  her  the  moment  she  was  placed  on  ara’s  chest  .
growing  up  ,  nina  enjoyed  the  spoils  that  her  family  provided  for  her  .  she  went  on  amazing  trips  ,  wore  the  best  clothes  ,  and  even  got  pushed  around  in  a  six  hundred  dollar  stroller  .  despite  that  ,  though  ,  nina  was  a  very  precocious  child  ,  picking  up  on  her   developments  quickly  .  as  she  grew  older  ,  nina’s  parents  saw  that  their  daughter  was  interested  in  a  variety  of  things  ,  so  when  she  was  five  ,  she  began  taking  piano  lessons  ,  and  it  was  evident  that  she  had  a  natural  gift  .
as  the  years  passed  ,  nina  continuously  excelled  in  her  academics  and  the  extracurriculars  that  she  tried  out  for  .  as  she  attended  the  best  schools  in  seoul  ,  nina  was  the  one  who  answered  questions  first  ,  she  was  the  first  to  sign  up  ,  and  the  first  to  complete  tests  .  nina  was  the  one  who  constantly  won  awards  from  her  school  ,  and  she  was  definitely  the  one  who  never  allowed  for  someone  else  to  take  her  place  .  
it  was  something  of  a  shock  to  her  parents  that  she  wanted  to  attend  college  in  the  states  ,  but  her  parents  were  not  the  ones  to  tell  her  no  .  so  ,  nina  went  on  to  be  accepted  into  holloway  ,  and  she  majors  in  business  economics  with  a  political  science  minor  !  i’d  say  that  she’s  involved  in  a  lot  of  student  organizations  like  student  government  ,  and  she’s  a  member  of  the  tennis  team  !  as  nuts  as  it  sounds  ,  she’s  on  the  tennis  team  for  the  cute  outfits  ,  but  she  loves  the  sport  as  well  . 
ii  .  temperament  .
alexa  ,  play  ‘  i  don’t  care  ’  by  ariana  grande  !  she  doesn’t  care  about  what  other  people  have  to  say  or  how  people  feel  about  her  ,  especially  considering  how  shameless  she  can  be  in  most  of  her  actions  .  she’s  ridiculously  blunt  ,  but  really  hates  when  people  are  bitchy  for  no  reason  ?  i  don’t  know  ,  a  paradox  considering  that  she  can  be  bitchy  for  no  reason  too  FKNDSFUDS  .  responds  heavily  to  the  energy  that  she’s  given  .  fully  believes  that  the  sun  and  moon  determines  her  mood  for  the  day  .
sUpErIoRiTy CoMpLeX  ?  gOd  CoMpLeX  ?  sounds  about  right  .  she  doesn’t  outright  brag  about  herself  all  the  time  ,  but  she’s  definitely  the  type  to  bring  it  up  when  it  applies  to  the  conversation  .  nina  is  the  mean  friend  that  everyone  needs  ,  and  has  a  weird  dislike  for  people  who  are  too  nice  .  
nina  isn’t  a  stone  cold  bitch  ,  though  .  she  likes  having  fun  ,  she  likes  to  laugh  ,  and  she  especially  likes  to  spend  time  with  her  friends  .  she’s  capable  of  empathy  and  compassion  ,  yes  .  will  she  show  that  all  the  time  ?  of  course  not  !  considering  that  she’s  an  only  child  ,  nina  is  used  to  having  all  eyes  on  her  ,  so  she  has  no  shame  in  her  fame  when  she  comes  back  to  farrow  house  wearing  last  night’s  dress  and  carrying  her  heels  .
iii  .  headcanons  .
she  already  knows  that  graduate  school  is  in  her  future  ,  but  she  hasn’t  decided  on  where  she  wants  to  go  yet  .
nina  resides  in  farrow  house  ,  and  she’s  probably  the  worst  kind  of  roommate  there  is  considering  how  type  a  she  can  be  at  times  .  her  room  (  or  side  of  the  room  i’m  not  sure  of  the  setup  )  is  relatively  organized  at  all  times  .  she’s  a  lover  of  white  ,  but  white  with  color  ,  so  she  keeps  the  tones  light  with  soft  shades  of  pink  scattered  throughout  !  she  likes  a  gold  accent  ,  and  everything  has  its  own  place  .
doesn’t  like  to  leave  her  bedroom  without  making  her  bed  or  picking  things  up  .  at  night  she  may  just  slip  out  of  her  clothes  and  go  to  bed  ,  but  she’s  definitely  going  to  pick  it  up  that  next  morning  ,  even  her  walk  of  shame  clothes  KNJFDISF  .  
despite  her  behavior  at  times  ,  nina  is  someone  who  studies  hard  because  she  doesn’t  like  anything  less  than  an  A  .  although  i  will  say  that  she  obsesses  over  her  grades  ,  but  she  knows  that  if  she  slacks  then  she’ll  get  slacker  grades  .
this  is  pointless  KFNDJSF  but  i  draw  a  lot  of  her  style  inspo  from  itsyuyan  on  instagram  ,  but  she  also  loves  to  dress  in  a  quality  th*t  dress  when  she  had  the  chance  to  NFJDBSFDS  .  i  love  jennie’s  long  hair  ,  so  nina’s  own  is  canon  to  that  ,  and  she  definitely  had  the  iconic  e-girl  streaks  .  
iv  .  wanted  connections  .
i  would  love  to  have  literally  anything  that  ya’ll  throw  at  me  !  some  basics  that  i’d  like  to  write  out  are  best  friends  ,  academic  rivals  ,  friends  with  benefits  ,  confidant(s)  ,  frenemies  ,  good  /  bad  influence  ,  one  night  stand(s)  ,  flirtationship  ,  enemies  with  benefits  ,  and  a  current  or  ex  fling  !
i  love  a  good  women  loving  women  scenario  ,  so  i’d  like  to  have  an  ex  girlfriend  for  her  !  i  see  them  as  being  on  good  terms  and  they  simply  drifted  apart  ,  but  they’re  really  close  !  sometimes  they  can  get  a  little  touchy  feely  with  one  another  so  hello  👀  .
i  would  die  for  literally  any  form  of  angst  that  you  could  possibly  think  of  ? angsty  friends  ,  angsty  exes  ,  angsty  anything  .  i  love  to  put  myself  through  misery  so  honestly  …  bury  me  six  feet  under  and  i  will  literally  thank  you  .
all  aboard  the  heartbreak  train  ! this  ties  back  into  my  love  for  angst  ,  but  some  form  of  an  ex  or  maybe  even  someone  who  she  go  close  to  but  it  didn’t  really  work  out  ?  
maybe  even  a  will  they  won’t  they ? but  essentially  ,  clearly  these  two  have  feelings  but  for  some  reason  things  didn’t  work  out  for  them  and  now  they’re  probably  in  a  limbo  or  trying  to  determine  where  they’re  headed  but  they  absolutely  refuse  to  talk  about  it ! all  of  their  friends  notice  but  they  blow  them  off  and  ok  let  me  relax  and  actually  allow  us  to  plot  ,  but  just  some  potential  ideas  !
i  will  have  a  desired  relations  tag  that  i’ll  be  updating  as  frequently  as  i  can  ,  but  if  none  of  these  work  for  you  or  if  you  have  something  you  see  araminta  filling  ,  then  please  let  me  know  ! we  can  totally  brainstorm  or  if  you  want  ,  then  we  can  work  on  chemistry !
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drangues · 3 years
Here’s! To! Hoping! I mean, I don’t think there’s been anything super bad yet! But I’ve also only taken three or four doses (and I now realized I missed my most recent one but I’ve already eaten and I’m supposed to take it before I eat FUCK-), so I guess? I’ll wait? And see??? Also I didn’t sleep at ALL last night, I am. So tired. I go to work at five in the morning. Please help. But anyways I hope your test goes well!!! I’m rooting for you, buddy!!! (Nyanon, 1/5)
Anyways YEAH they really are, they hate it and it’s hilarious. To be honest, it’s even reflected in their abilities? Uncontainable chaos versus total control, you know? It’s what makes their frenemy relationship so interesting, I think. And listen Akutagawa and Atsushi fight on occasion (re: a lot, they’re vitriolic best buds at some point and I will take that to my grave), but one thing they have in common is Not being able to handle their crush Loving Them and then Proving It. (Nyanon, 2/5)
Like, Akutagawa flops out on Atsushi’s bed screaming into a pillow and Atsushi’s just like “bet you’re regretting teasing me” (watch Chuuya and Dazai pull the exact same thing on the other side of their location). And as sad as it is,, Atsushi has probably not experienced a Number of the things he’s deserved to experience? Being hugged, being given forehead kisses by a parental figure, being able to make a pillow fort, being held when he has a nightmare... (Nyanon, 3/5)
Poor guy needs many, many hugs. (Also its Fukuzawa, what do you expect. Watch Dazai spray himself with catnip cologne or something to see if it has the same effect.) But yeah, that’s! Kinda what I was thinking! I just can’t see him liking the,, Super violent ones after his childhood, you know? Ones where he gets to stroll around in piece and follow a nice story and build himself a sort of home feels like something he’d enjoy more. Also do you think he’d like otome games??? (Nyanon, 4/5)
I feel like he’d either love them, hate them, or find them hilarious. Anyways, onto another Scenario Concept: In honor of my own awful sleep deprivation, I keep thinking about Atsushi not being able to sleep for some reason? Not even nightmares, it’s just One Of Those Nights. I feel like he’d be very spacey and clingy and infinitely to fall asleep in his work the next day. (Nyanon, 5/5)
REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR MEEDSSSSSS WRITE IT DOWN- oh wait then youll forget you Wrote it down dammit. do you have anyone to remind you?? GSHJDKS also! right now as im typing this, im answering right after i came home from my math test. it went,,,Somewhere. i Answered like, all questions except three and i hope my teacher will be seduced by my beautiful doodle of a cat on the test paper and give me an E. 
i also think it’s what makes their frenemy interesting!! how they just totally work well together despite their,,,Emotions?? towards each other. dazai and chuuya are my ultimate brotp because i kinda project my brotp with my best friend on them- im all cheery and say “HI BRO <333″ and my best friend irl just goes “fuck you” but they love me. i know they do. theyve Slipped Up a few times and show it in different ways layered between insults and roasts
in the hmc universe akutagawa and atsushi Definitely have a some banter here and there since theyre not on opposites ends anymore- they would banter about atsushi’s clean freakness, about akutagawa not taking enough care of himself and excusing it as “ill die soon anyways” in which now bOTH atsushi and chuuya gets mad at, their banter could also be something very pointless as “why is the potions name named yellow stone when it is pURPLE” “it’s just how it Is atsushi” “but it doesnt make any sense, name it something better” “I cant just rename stuff!” “yES YOU CAN-” “N O-”
but ofc akutagawa still cares, and atsushi still cares, especially with how he often helps atsushi up the stairs or looks at him worriedly when his back hurts from rising up the chair. atsushi cares by making sure he takes his medicine and is warm and bundled up and it’s just Sweet
also about atsushi it’s so sad he deserves the world eVERYONE DOES SMH and dazai spraying himself with catnip cologne i- GAKAHGEHEJKSDS
i was gonna suggest otome games!! but then i thought he would just like try them out of curiosity and then feel silly for even playing them so he just leaves it as that. atsushi being clingy and tired after a night of not being able to sleep?? i love it. i bet he would work so hard and then just fall asleep and kunikida might be strict but he definitely lets atsushi have his well deserved nap cus he doesnt make a habit of it unlike a certain someone
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unforgivable SV sins
(not an exhaustive list) (includes s6 spoilers)
-I feel like im not equipped to list every sin the writers committed against jared but there are Many (and please feel free to reblog with examples if you are so inclined)
-the STARK difference between Dinesh and gilfoyle’s friendship at the end of s4 (they were really vibing!! Gilfoyle was actually being hospitable towards Dinesh!! they were getting celebratory churros together and abandoning richard together!!!!) and the beginning of s5. I think the writers decided their best frenemies dynamic had run out of material which is ofc bullshit because it has infinite potential
-Gilfoyle’s degradation of personality/lack of development- they made him too untouchable to be relatable and too mean to be sympathetic. Plus the only real thing we know about him is that hes a satanist and its just kinda lazy that they tell us at every opportunity that he is one (goat plush AND baphomet plush on his desk, inverted cross tattoo AND baphomet tattoo!! give him another trait or interest besides being racist please!!!)
-setups with no payoffs: they introduce Jeff as a mole, then show that the guys know there is a mole but they dont know who it is, setting up a plotline that could have lasted the entire rest of the season, but instead the next episode they explain how jared and gilf found the mole offscreen in the most boring way possible (Jeff is STALLION coder. how could he be dumb enough to use his PP email to talk to Gavin? Jeff use ANY OTHER ACCOUNT its not hard.... also encrypting all your emails takes more effort than just using a different account to send normal emails)
(-plus the entire “jeff has to spend time with Dinesh as punishment” thing- not only is Dinesh someone jeff should enjoy spending time with bc jeff is at least the same level of dork as Dinesh, but dinesh’s personality seriously deteriorated in season 5 from someone who was a little awkward but would still be nice to hang out with, to a guy who tries way too hard to be cool and has absolutely no self awareness. Plus the jokes surrounding this whole arc just seemed “big bang theory” level lazy to me- Dinesh wants to go to battlebots with jeff and thats the entire joke, etc)
-and ofc the setup with no payoff that was “gwart dumped jared, how will jared get back in with PP?? - oh we’re not going to show or tell you he’s just back in the next ep like he was never gone”
-I dont think any human being would act the way Dinesh does in the episode where Danny tells him his code had less errors than gilfoyle’s. And honestly when you rewatch season one it’s like Dinesh is a completely different guy, they completely flanderized him but its not really flanderization because they kinda added in the characteristic “unjustly inflated ego” in like season 4?? 
-they took the concept of an engineer who builds a robot and falls in love with her and just.... didnt do anything to make it interesting or different from the current well of narratives surrounding that topic. Honestly making one change to the episode would vastly improve it- if they’d cast someone who looked more like the Blood Boy to play the engineer, and given him a charming and charismatic personality, it would have been way more interesting. First of all you would have never seen it coming, whereas I saw the reveal coming a mile away because it was so obvious, but it would also actually say something about a guy who has absolutely no problem forming bonds with human beings who CHOOSES to interact on an intimate level with a robot instead of putting that energy into relationships with other humans.
-I’m willing to suspend disbelief wrt plotholes when the episode was actually funny or had some overarching theme that was satisfying, etc. But Russfest had two plotholes (how exactly did entering Yaonet through the backdoor result in kicking laurie’s devices off Pied Piper networks? if this made sense they did not explain it well enough - and the whole thing with the lights turning off suddenly but then magically turning back on when Russ “voice command”ed them to) and its the friggin penultimate episode, it’s supposed to make sense and be funny and be narratively satisfying and although it did have some good moments (gwart betraying laurie and richard stomping on his laptop) those plotholes are just not excusable 
-this is more the HBO marketing teams fault but I’m really mad that they put Dinesh saying “you turned down a billion dollars” in the promo material. not only did it completely ruin the suspense of whether richard was going to agree to maximo’s offer, but it also ruined the reveal that he wasn’t offering a few million but a billion dollars. maybe its just my fault for watching promos?
-speaking of maximo the fact that he was a big focus of the beginning of the season and then he just kinda dropped off the face of the earth. I’m sorry but when season 2 sets up the standard that “plotlines that get introduced in the first episode of the series will remain intact and be resolved in a climactic manner in the final ep of the season” I’m disappointed when plotlines just kinda fizzle out after two episodes. especially in a SEVEN EPISODE SEASON
-just generally not enough boyfamily bonding/interpersonal bonding in general. Its very unrealistic that they never so much as MENTIONED any of the guys birthdays or the bashes jared would obviously throw for them. its also very unrealistic that........ Dinesh and jared werent friends and its absolutely a sin that Dinesh picked on jared so much :c
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ofniko · 5 years
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✧ · ˚ . troye sivan? nah, that’s just nicolas “niko” palmer. you know, they’re the twenty-one year-old youtuber-turned-musician from petaluma, california… still doesn’t ring a bell ? come on, dude ! they’re all over ME.MIAMI’S homepage. it’s impossible for them to stay off of it because of the fact that they’re super mercurial & immature. they’re not all bad though, ‘cause they can be ambitious & warm-hearted too ! you can totally tell they’re a gemini… it’s almost scary. look, if you want to remember them, just think of a shiny pink vinyl skirt with pristine nails to match, designer shopping bags weighing down twiggy arms, and margaritas with extra sugar around the rim, and you’ll be golden. ( flexible pronouns, genderfluid. )
hello friends ! im!! so excited to be back 😭but for those of u i don’t know i’m lainie, she/her, cst, and i talk about stephen king too much :/ below u can find a very lazy intro with some summarized points and stuff (if you knew niko before there’s some changes to his bg, most notably his parents not being wildly wealthy), also bc it’d midterm szn i’m dealing w that this week/part of next week lmao but ill be around ! and i’ll def be here for plotting n stuff tonight so come smash a heart and ill slide up in ur dms or come hmu here or on discord (starslut#0877) whichever works best for you MWAH
niko was born and raised in petaluma, california. his dad was a wannabe entrepreneur whose tendency was to put all his time and investment money into projects that never worked or came to fruition before moving onto the next one, while his mom lazily strove to be an actress (like her sister, winona ryder) but never had the ambition or frankly talent to actually make anything happen. money from niko’s paternal grandparents as well as whatever his dad did manage to make with investments kept them afloat. they were by no means wealthy, but his parents liked to live as if they were. that meant a lot of fake china, fake brand clothing, fake diamonds, and otherwise cheap ostentation
they also didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to him. they were wrapped up in their own fantasy lives and overall, niko got a minimal amount of affection and attention from his parents who were much more impressed with their ability to find fake diamonds that looked real than their child
niko was not totally immune to the effects that kind of upbringing had on him (although it always struck him as a little weird), but the thing that saved him from becoming like his parents was his connection to his aunt, winona, and her family. as a kid niko only saw them at family events (mostly because his mom was always so bitter about her sister’s success that she hated seeing them) but as he began reaching adolescence he started making a habit of secretly going to visit a lot without his parents’ knowledge
he felt more comfortable there, more accepted (especially with his confusion surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation), and most of all, his cousin logan was his favorite person in the whole world and he looked up to her like a big sister
it was when he first started high school, around age 14, that niko finally ran away from home and showed up at the palmers’ house with a suitcase and asked to be adopted. and he was! winona took him into her home, made the adoption legal, and niko even changed his last name to reflect his new, real family
niko was so much happier in this new environment where he wasn’t brushed off as part of the furniture that he really started to flourish around then. he started experimenting with his femininity and non-gender-conforming dress styles, allowed himself room to figure out his sexuality, and even came to terms with his genderfluidity with a lot of love and support from logan and the fam
he also started his youtube channel around junior year in high school! it was mostly fashion and makeup stuff and it steadily gained a following until he had a good enough platform (and with huge help from the connections he had through winona) to jump into music, which had always been something he loved and wanted to do eventually
he released an ep the summer after he graduated high school (which was received pretty well) and finally a debut album with a major label a little more than a year later when he was twenty. the debut album was what threw niko into the real spotlight--it was all over the radio and eventually went platinum, solidifying his presence as a modern pop star with a devoted fan base
gregarious and extraverted sometimes to a fault, niko can easily get on the nerves of people who don’t have the energy to keep up. he’s like a child who never quite grew out of adolescence, and with that boundless energy also comes a selfishness he’s usually unaware of. it can be very difficult for niko to be conscious of the way his actions affect other people and ends up hurting those close to him that way
in that same vein, when he does realize what he’s done, he’s more often than not consumed with guilt over it and will go to great lengths to try and resolve the issue
not that he always does a good job
he sleeps around a lot mostly because he enjoys it, but partly because he doesn’t know how to have a relationship. the lingering adolescence makes it so he doesn’t have the necessary awareness of another person’s needs to be in a stable relationship and he manages to a large degree to convince himself he doesn’t care and prefers being single anyway
besides music, fashion is his favorite thing in the world and though he doesn’t wear a lot of makeup on the daily, he definitely dabbles and has a lot of fun experimenting
catch him exploring the city and taking pictures, partying, clubbing, brunching, and shopping on the regs and if he’s in a Mood, you can usually tell bc he goes on shopping binges and fusses to an extreme degree over his appearance
also he volleys back and forth between dyeing his hair platinum blond and then going back to his natural brown
connection ideas
gal and gay pals :’) for fashion and shopping and instagram photoshoots
also a best friend ride or die pleaSE and thank u
i need enemies and angst and drama so give me everyone who hates niko/thinks he’s a fake bitch/can’t stand him/his music
high school connections are cute so maybe someone he didn’t get along w back then and does now/vice versa where they were rly close and something turned them against each other and now it’s world war 3 (assuming they grew up in cali!)
COLLABS ??!!!!!!! on music ofc but also possibly youtubers etc he worked with back when he was mainly on there before he released his album
umm!!!! someone who like they DONT get along usually and everyone knows they’re weird frenemies but they VIBE SO HARD when theyre drunk and partying
an ex or two who probably lasted maybe like 3-4 months and it didn’t work out either bc they cheated on niko (would love this angst) OR bc niko was too flaky for them and they couldn’t handle the way niko doesn’t rly understand intimacy and broke it off OR!!! they got really clingy and niko broke it off himself
those were probably referenced on his album and also i’d love to plot specific things that inspired some of his songs
someone who can challenge!! that!! and it’s freaking niko out bc he’s starting to catch Feels but doesn’t know what to do w it/doesn’t know if they feel the same way
PR stuff please thanks!!!!!
maybe like gyeurhus someone he’s a big fan of but they have no idea who he is
vice versa where they’re a huge fan of niko and he’s completely unaware of them
someone who produces his music P L E A S E bc i see niko writing the lyrics but someone else actually doing the sound production and helping with the music writing process etc
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leedluna · 5 years
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hello, hello !! some of you may know me already but if not, hi ! my name is mel, 19, she/they. i play so!ar’s resident gremlins luna and sunhee. i don’t have any pages up bc i’m garbage but you can find some connection ideas at the bottom if you want ‘em. legend says if you press the heart i will tumble into your ims for plotting and friendship. note: discord ( korinna #0085 ) is the best way to keep in contact with me but i’ll see y’all in ims too if that’s ur jam <3
˗ˏˋ  ( kim jisoo. twenty four. cisfem. she/her. ) lee luna is a 95 liner + has been at so!ar entertainment for ten years. they have been a soloist since november, 2011. they are known by their fans to be ambitious, warm + diligent but they can also be arrogant, over critical + detached. i hope that they can make it in this industry. 
tw for brief mentions of suicide attempts ( at the bottom, it’s marked. )
luna is the only child of a former anchorwomen ( jaein moon ) and idol-turned-music producer ( lee hyunwoo ). needless to say, she was the apple of their eye ! their cinnamon apple ! thei-- i’ll stop. 
when luna was nine months old the three became regular cast members of a family variety show ( think ‘superman returns’ ) and the public loved them. just, completely adored their dynamic and most importantly --- luna. 
the family ( and again, most importantly -- luna ) began getting commercial offers left and right. and then, when luna was five, she’d got offered her first movie role. her parents, not looking to pressure their daughter into anything, asked her if she wanted to do it and she said yes ! after all, what child doesn’t want to play pretend ?
she became the child actress, almost every movie or drama she was in won awards, she occasionally sung osts, and homegirl was just living the life tbh
then she kind of just, fell off the face of the earth ?? no one really knew what happened as there was no official announcements or anything, until someone photographed her entering solar’s building with her dad ( who, fun fact, is a producer at solar :D ) and rumors began to fly. like, is she going to act again? is she going to debut in a group? ( spoiler: the answer is neither. )
she did meet with the company with the intentions of joining as an actress, however her father and the ceo talked her into becoming a vocal trainee. not looking to disappoint her dad, she took the offer
she trained approximately for one year and eleven months. hardly ready, but the company -- with a little push from her father -- decided to just, sorta... throw her to the wolves lmao
her debut was fairly successful, with people checking the song out purely due to recognizing her name but she wasn’t really established as an artist in the public’s eye until her third year + first ep, across the lunaverse. the title track reached #3 on the charts !
things were going great, until she went on a hiatus that lasted two years - there was never a clarification for why but luna has hinted it was due to poor mental health. when she came back with her 2nd ep in 2016, she kinda ??? acted like the hiatus never happened and she’s since been #onthegrind 
 tidbits that didn’t fit into the above ramblings:
personality wise she’s kind of????? a mess
tries her best but she’s just...really pompous, which is honestly the after effect of being in the spotlight since birth basically
acts like a bad bitch but if you say something mean chances are she’ll sob in the bathroom. treat with care
the company banned her from vlive because she tends to talk without thinking and that gets her into A Lot of shit lmao
has that stopped her tho? no
“my company says i’m not suppose to do these but what are they gonna do? fire me? bet.”
basically the embodiment of this
highkey jealous of people in groups ( which is 100% my fault i’M SORRY LUNA ) but also ? enjoys the solo life because it means she gets more control
speaking of control - she writes all of her music !! as if right now she hasn’t written for any groups or other soloists but she’d like to
festival queen !! she’s aLWAYS performing at events
real tea (also tw for: suicide attempt mention ): the reason she went onto a hiatus after her first ep was basically because she kind of just...fell apart in a moment of weakness. despite how she acts, luna has a poor mentality and she was hit with this epiphany that she’s never done anything for herself Ever and she’s basically been controlled since birth so she kinda spiraled and tried to kill herself. her manager ( or someone else?? this could be a connection??) found her, so!ar found out, and sent her to a mental health facility 
hasn’t really been the same since she came back but she tries
some connection ideas for luna !
friends !!!!!! in this house we stan platonic relationships and listen,,,,luna needs friends because homegirl rly just be out here wildin
speaking of, a good influence !! like i said luna is a mess and needs to be reeled in sometimes. pls help her.
on the flip side i’d also like a bad influence connection!! with luna being the bad influence or someone else being it for luna
frenemies, enemies, rivals, etc !!!! luna’s pretty salty about everything and everyone and i imagine there’s a few people that don’t Vibe with that. also she’s just annoying so. lots of material to work with here
a partner she broke up with in 2013 just before her breakdown?? like maybe they were dating or just liked each other and then one day luna was like “sIKE !!!!!!!! see ya!!!” and things are still awkward between them
young idols / trainees that she’s taken under her wing and sort of “adopted”.......let luna baby someone...
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panickedvulture · 5 years
Found this in my drafts, so I’m posting it with no shame to give this blog some life while I’m busy trying to deal with post-endgame feels in the mcu sector of tumblr:
So I had a dream last night that made me realize I spend too much time on this site because it included some of my mutuals and people I enjoy like @theuriearchives ,@yagirlcammmm ,@i-think-im-ready-to-go ,@canyousevmyheavydirtysoul ,@dunjosephurieimagines , and @andbeingblueisbetter to name a few.
I have very vivid dreams and since I write all of them down I figured why not write it here where everyone can see it.
The genre for this dream: a mystery.
The setting: A beautiful cabin (apparently mine) plucked straight out of a “Visiting your SO’s family for the holidays” or a “fake-dating for a visit to your frenemy’s family” AU, my personal favorite. And there was a snowstorm going on outside.
I should also mention everybody had their own appearance. Usually I attach someone’s name with the face in their profile pic, meaning about everybody in this I previously imagined as Brendon Urie at different angles and in different lighting. But thanks to my brain randomly generating faces for everybody, I will be greatly confused in the case that I ever learn what you actually look like.
So, the topic at hand is, as it always is, Brendon Urie. Everybody’s cuddled up on the couch and on the floor in their pajamas drinking hot chocolate, eating dessert, and writing/giving ideas. In the background AFYCSO plays on an old record player, the fire is flickering beautifully alongside some black and white videos of old Panic! performances playing on one of those old big-backed TVs with lines across the screen – at this moment I feel like I am once again a preschooler laying on my stomach and watching movies in a pile of other preschoolers at my old after-school program but I digress–
Then somebody has the audacity to break into my house.
Me being the host of this gathering, I feel obligated to check on the noise. It doesn’t help that literally everyone stops what they’re doing to push me in the direction of the mysterious noise before going back to talking about the size of Brendon Urie’s dick (a conversation brought up by i-think-im-ready-to-go, just thought I should mention that).
So I get up, the second my back is turned nobody cares and I go into the bathroom only to find it flooded because this intruder flushed literally everything it could down the toilet.
To name a few things, it flushed:
1) The monstrous dildo linked on a post by beautiful-tragic-fallout (i don’t mean to call anybody out but its been on my dash with every damn refresh for the past week), who i-think-im-ready-to-go and theuriearchives make a point to explain is out of the house buying us more chocolate-covered strawberries.
2) Every single piece of Pretty. Odd. memorabilia I can imagine because someone just has it out for that album.
3) For those of you who have seen Monsters Inc, the toys Boo flushed down the toilet in that one scene.
4) An entire manuscript that my mind recognizes as smut written by @xxip-smut
5) And pink, fucking, crocs
So I walk back into the living room and round everybody up, declaring we’re on a manhunt for whoever the fuck had the audacity to break into my house, and with that we separate into groups. Accompanying me is Cam who wields a flamethrower while wearing pastel yellow pajamas with baby elephants printed on them.
Eventually after getting tired of Cam pointing the flamethrower at my head even when in ‘resting position’ and scaring the shit out of me, we go into the basement only to find everybody else chose to search the basement and the rest of you have been arguing about who actually gets to search the basement.
Long story short, the basement doesn’t get searched.
Instead to deal with the tension, dunjosephurieimagines suggests we all go back to talking about Brendon’s dick. So we go back to talking about Brendon’s dick.
We sit on the floor in a circle in this basement not realizing its dark and creepy as hell, and if you’ve seen That 70s Show the ‘camera’ moves around in this circle to focus on the face of whoever’s talking. The conversation adds up to smut, theuriearchives pulls out a blunt and i-think-im-ready-to-go pulls out a gun, we start playing russian roulette. Out of guilt for not writing a request sent to me months ago because I suck, I give andbeingblueisbetter a free shot at me. Being a saint they don’t take the opportunity yet.
So anyway, being high and creative a thought comes to us all at once. This thought…where the fuck is @loverontheleft ?
Now we’re all mad and sad and scared and alone because where, the fuck, is cece? Everybody starts asking everybody if they’ve seen her, we conclude the answer is no and we all start freaking out.
Then we realize canyousevmyheavydirtysoul (codename: Sev) is being really quiet.
We all turn and just stare like “So um….whats up?”
Flash-forward, this is all of us trying to figure out cece’s identity, sev is just sitting on the floor smiling and reacting to everything we say with reaction gifs they pull up on their phone, meanwhile we’re all screaming running around, we’ve made a literal office out of this basement and we have glasses and slip-on ties on top of our pajamas.
Then there’s a noise upstairs because we forgot there was someone who broke into my house.
Y’all turn on me and push me up the stairs to my death, I realize this is the cabin that appears in the bodyguard series at one point (wonderfully written by canyousevmyheavydirtysoul, binge it), and in front of me is the super fancy dining room table. There’s mail on it, some envelopes, and I’m like uh no and turn around to come back downstairs.
But you’re all at the bottom of the stairs staring at me and threatening me with your knives and Cam’s flamethrower – where you got the knives I don’t know. I hesitate in turning around for a second so andbeingblueisbetter shoots me.
But I’m like, you know, walk it off. So I do and I go to the table. I’m terrified, break out into a nervous sweat, but it’s fine.
I go and open the folder.
And O - fucking - kay
If you haven’t read the bodyguard series or ready to leap I’m not gonna detail any spoilers, just the main plot given right away, and even if you have it probably won’t help this make any more sense. Here….is the story:
Our beloved Cece started off as a teacher, right? But not just any teacher, Ms. fucking Milton, who started a relationship with the music teacher of her high school, Mr. Urie, who in this case is in fact Brendon Urie of our universe and lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. But the deal with him is that he got tired of the fame and through extensive work he managed to get rid of all the files that legally point to him as being Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco. And for the first few years of his teaching, all the kids knew he was Brendon Urie I mean come on, but eventually the whole school and town settle on the idea that this is just one of those situations where twins are separated at birth and coincidentally given the same exact name. So boom, they do what they do – but newsflash, Cece is Y/n from the Bodyguard series and knowing Mr. Urie’s relationship with Ms. Milton, S.H.I.E.L.D pulls a Hydra Bucky Barnes situation in order to train Brendon into the best damn bodyguard the world could imagine because Cece is a valuable asset that needs the absolute best protection. Canyousevmyheavydirtysoul was like a journalist or something for S.H.I.E.L.D and witnessed all of this go down, knows every little thing about these two. So they get trained, they get close, drama happens, then they’re all put under-cover. Brendon goes back to being Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco, Sev and Cece are assigned to live their current lives and specifically assigned to write their stories for this Tumblr community to get everybody off their trails.
And then I look up. And there’s cece and I think…
“She is about to fucking, kill me.”
I try to throw the folders at her but for some reason I can’t throw anything in my dreams, so I get frustrated that my arm just won’t work, Cece in the meanwhile uses this time to approach me. My mind can’t even generate her an appearance and I think that she’s wearing a disguise because she’s like a spy or something that did after all break into my house to clog my toilet with dildos.
We maintain eye contact for what my dream-self recalls as a long time. I feel this energy in my soul I have never felt before and it is not fun, I don’t like it.
She takes the folder from me and gives me a red one.
And with her eyes piercing my soul, I get this feeling that literally has my skin vibrating even after I wake up, and I hear this voice that’s like “I know you know. And I’m watching you.”
So I woke up in a cold sweat obviously and tried to suppress this whole thing but it kinda lingered in the back of my mind all day. Then the weird tiny details came back to haunt me when I saw the elephants at the zoo. 
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koolkvat-blog · 5 years
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       hello  loves  ,   what’s  up  !   i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  &  to  finally  play  my  precious girl  ,   jade aka kool kat   .   i’m  LOLA  ,   use  she / her prounouns  ,   i am NINETEEN  ,   &   i  am  currently  in  the  gmt + 1 timezone  which  means  yes  ,  my  ass should’ve  been  awake  for  intro  posting  but  i  don’t  know  what  time  management  is  and  ended  up  swamped  w/  work  ,  so  !   everything   you  need  to  know  about  about  miss  kat  is  under  the  cut  ,   &  i’m  rlly  thrilled  to  be  apart  of  such  a  wonderful  rp  with  such  gorgeous  muses  .  corniness over  ––   if  you’re  looking  to  plot  sumn  out  ,   just  hit  that   ♥︎    &   i’ll  make  my  way  on  over  to  ur  dms  ,  or  feel  free  to  add  me  up   on  discord  which  i’ll  give  in im’s  if  anybody’s  interested  !   ♡♡♡         tw  :   family issues  ,  body image issues  &  drug mention  ( not  explicit ) . 
001 . SYNOPSIS  . FULL     NAME  .      jade        kikuchi . NICKNAMES  .      kool kat    . AGE  .      twenty - one . DATE     OF     BIRTH  .      twenty  -  seventh     of     september   ,     1993      /     libra . PLACE     OF     BIRTH  .      harajuku ,   tokyo ,     japan .         GENDER  .       cisgender     female . SEXUALITY  .     (  closeted  )  pansexual  . NATIONALITY  .      japanese  ,  now  american  too  after  successfully  gaining  citizenship  . ETHNICITY  .      asian  . OCCUPATION  .       fashion designer at katz designz      ,     former  fashion  design  and  journalist  student  back  in  her  original  timeline  . PLAYLIST  .      here  !  (  +  )     charismatic , enthusiastic , warm , energetic , adventurous , compassionate , animated . (  -  )     deceptive ,  independent ,  emotional , territorial , ambitious , impulsive , temperamental , insecure , sarcastic .  
002 . AESTHETIC  .      wheatgrass  smoothies , 90′s  anime  with  subtitles  , chanel  no. 5, speeding  on  a  desert  road  with  the  windows  down ,  painting  your  toenails  on  the  dashboard ,  neon  prints ,  cat  lazing  on  a  balcony  in  the  sun , black  lace ,  japanese  horror  films  ,  sour  cocktails  with  sugar  around  the  rim , half - smoked  cigarettes ,  stacks  of  fashion  magazines , long  hair  hastily  dyed  different  colours in  a  motel  bathroom ,  thrift  stores   .
tl;dr : a flighty, inattentive adventurer: a follower of whims; personable and sociable but lacks the skills to maintain relationships because she’s entirely (and perhaps too) career focused, checks her horoscope daily and entirely relies on the stars when concerning relationships, epitome of a britney spears / gwen stefani stan back in the 2000′s, still owns a (bedazzled) flip phone, collector of vintage fashion (chanel, elle, juicy couture etc.) a subscriber to the Leonardo Da Vinci sleeping method; catch her at 2 am making soufflés or buying plane tickets to shiwei so she can really experience the culture: will tell you she loves you ten minutes after first introduction because she’s high: kind of unintentionally insensitive to those she doesn’t know and closed off but in like a cool, lovable way. 
•    heads up im running on like 5 hrs sleep so sry when this inevitably derails ! ok sweet let’s get into this . 
•    so as aforementioned this is jade kukichi, aka, kool kat. she was dubbed that by her friends due to her unique fashion style and sense of dress, and it’s stuck. lbr nobody other than her friends can use that term so if you do, she’s just going to stare at u for a quick sec before saying ‘it’s jade’. 
•    born in harajuku, tokyo to a cardiothoracic surgeon of a father and a politician of a mother, jade grew up traveling the world and becoming flighty af, never thinking she was going to make long - term friends and kinda being okay with that. 
•    her family has never stayed in one place for very long, though her aging parents eventually settled into a permanent residence in the us around the time she turned sixteen, not soon enough for jade to break the habit of wandering, but thankfully quick enough for her to meet the bratz girls who were just as adventurous and fun - loving as she. she's spent much of her teen life jumping from place to place wherever her interests are that moment, collecting people along the way, but to find friends was the only thing she was missing. jade has a brilliant mind, but she lacks patience and follow through. she needs guidance or she'll jump from idea to idea, job to job, whim to whim.
•    ngl, jade pretty much hated her home life. her parents were an overbearing presence in her life, her mother wanting jade to be a proper lady who also went into a profession like theirs (entirely serious and stifling when it came to creativity, doctor, politician, lawyer etc.) while jade herself wanted to check out the latest trends and go to the mall w her friends – so she turned all of her focus and energy into getting good grades in everything she wanted to do in the hopes that she could be the most successful fashion designer, then leaving town forever. 
•    like she spent 7 yrs in high school graduating w honours but she barely knew what was happening in 9/10 of her classes and sometimes she just slept through classes and then wing her exams which she miraculously did well at. it was just not a good idea to send jade to a public school at 11 after being in boarding school for the rest of her life and then never really enforce any rules :~\ she has trouble with that kind of thing.. as in making logical choices instead of saying "YEAH lets go watch american psycho and smoke weed!" skipping chemistry to do just that 
•    she loves fun and values doing what makes her happy over most things. it's hard to pin her down and she spends most of her life chasing after ideas that don't really follow any sort of conscious order, bc she’s really got that ‘i’ve got dreams and i’m gonna do everything in my power to achieve them’ personality. 
•    according to bratz canon she’s worked as literally everything ? she’s one of those insufferable people who r just. good everything ig and that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth. jade’s been a photographer, a song - writer and bass player in a rock band (shout out to bratz rock angelz the best movie w the best soundtrack ever), a student studying fashion design, a fashion columnist, a quickly fired nanny, and many other things in between. 
•    so when she appears in toonsville she’s kind of out of it that she’s not doing something w her skills and sets up her own business which she loves ? being her own boss suits her fine (for now) because she’s got a Real Job and she's actually trying rly hard so she can fulfill her dreams !! like suck it mom nd dad haha !!!
•    jade has a lot of weird feelings TM about her body and her looks and struggles a lot with her self confidence :~( she had a shit time at school with boys saying she was too thin and she compensated by acting like she didn't like anyone at all for a while and now she thinks she isn't good enough for anyone when rly she is a cinnamon bun too good for this world too pure 
•    best friend ever she is so good at being a friend if u text her at 3am to go out or cry on her shoulder shes ready to go at 3:15 even if she was sleeping w lots of snacks and treats and love!!! she is sooo extroverted around those she’s comfortable w, she gains so much energy from being around people and she loves being nice and being around ppl she likes 
•    she becomes the mom of groups pretty easily (hence why she’s the leader of the bratz) bc she bottles up most of her own problems to help ppl with theirs!! which is toxic yea but she puts people first always so !! plz help her poor repressed soul!! rip kool kat.. 
•    still super into the stuff of her time so like.. she loves the x files and bad reality tv shows (i want to be a hilton) and reads gossip magazines on the reg because she enjoys that stuff! also very into girl groups.. ginger spice / posh spice is an eternal mood.  
•    anyway yes sweet adult-child of 21 (she is in denial about that tho like she doesn't want to be childish) who is v nice v kind v loyal v baked a lot of time, v passionate v silly. idk what i'm doin hope u like it < 3
friends / best friends / ride or dies . jade genuinely loves people, loves talking to strangers and getting into intense conversations with people she’s only just met, learning other people’s way of life and bettering herself for getting. she is, however, incredibly blunt and has never once minced words to keep from hurting someone’s feelings or to ease them into a situation. she’d much rather have a one-time conversation with a stranger than make long lasting relationships. she has three very close friends –  to the point of co - dependence –  and honestly, she’d rather spend all of her time doing things she loves such as her hobbies, sticking her nose into the latest vogue, or searching for cute collars and treats for her cat mica w them instead of making new friends. she's also FUN and she'd be happy to go on crazy road trips or buy out a movie theater for a day or anything that she thinks will her buds happy. she's traveled all over, so she’s v well read and cultured. she loves people but she hates complication and won't deal with any sort of emotional labor. she wants to live in the moment and expects everyone in her life to do so as well. just be chill, y'all. 
frenemies / enemies /  rivals  . please be her enemy, she needs people to antagonize shdhshd. she grew up pretty much affluent so she’s pretty spoiled even if she doesn’t want to admit it, and that rebellious side of her hasn’t died down yet. despite the fact that she is wealthy and in good community standing, she has a hard time letting go of childish grudges. in general she’s got a lot of suppressed feelings and ready to fight everyone who hurts her friends – like an irritated cat – so, honestly, come at her ? she is sometimes a little fickle and flighty and a unintentionally stuck up when it comes to art / fashion and she has definitely said the wrong thing at the wrong time and pissed the wrong people off, she can’t stand anyone underestimating her or thinking she’s dumb bc she’s interested in fashion. like gtfo !
ex’s , fwb’s , possible love interests .  jade is fairly fluid romantically and is the type of person who hates labels but also just wants to be cherished and called cute pet names lowkey. she loves a lot and gives a lot to her relationships, but typically doesn't want to commit to anything important. she’s gone from one disastrous relationship to another, ending up with a boyfriend who constantly ridiculed her image that was essentially the catalyst for her cutting off romantic ties, quite a recent wound before she found herself on the island actually. worst thing is tht she’s convinced herself that she’s been the problem in these relationships –  that she turns good people bad or that she is too much for people to deal with, she’s not sure what the issue is and she doesn’t really want to know. so…. fuck everything amirite ? anyway, she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no (wo)man. 
etc . pls give me people jade can give a makeover to, people she shares an apartment w on the island, people who think fashion is girly and vapid.. creatives who love what she’s doing, anything tbh << 3
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andy-clutterbuck · 6 years
1)Would you mind to write your top 10 Rick's relationships🤗Non-romantic I'd like to know.My own top: ❤️Rick|Carl.Actually they're beyond that top, beyond that show.This is my favorite thing about TWD and one of my all time ever. 1.Rick|kids(Carl, Judy).Just dad Rick is so precious.Kids suite him. 2.Rick|Shane.Maybe the most interesting dynamic on TWD.Complex, raw, honest human relationship.Their bond and frenemy are on another level.And Jon/Andy are precious and have so powerful chemistry.
2)3.Rick|Hershel.The bond they shared was so special, I think, for Rick is one of the biggest losses.He always could show him the way. Their dynamic was so father-son. 4.Rick|Carol. What a beautiful friendship, the definition of respect, loyalty, trust. Their last scene was so damn powerful. 5.Rick|Morgan. They are so unique and so damn underrated. Their connection is so deep and strong and strange in a way, but I think they understand each other better than anyone else on some unspoken level.
3)6.Rick|Daryl.This top couldn’t be without them. I mean they’re brothers, the support and devotion in this is unbelievable.Regardless. 7.Rick|Glenn.The start of a beautiful friendship that starts everything.Their big bro/little bro dynamic was wonderful, funny, heartwarming. “Dumbass” forever. 8.Rick|Maggie. Maybe the most underappreciated.They’ve been through so much together: she was there when Lori died, he was there when Glenn. They’ve known, relied, believed in each other since forever.
4)9.Rick|Negan. Yes, I know;) But they have the greatest enemy dynamic. And I found their interactions very exiting. I love how Negan respects Rick and finds him as very special dude (he actually is). 10.Rick|Gabriel/Aaron. I mean both started on the wrong foot with Rick, but now they’re one of the few people who Rick trusts. Strong development. Honorable mentions: Rick x Tyreese, Rick x Dale, Rick x Beth (omg that cheek kiss), Rick x Andrea.
Aww sure, this is cool. I’m not sure if I can get to 10 or if I’ll be satisfied with the way they’re ranked but I’ll list all the ones I’ve taken note of over the years.
1.) Rick & Carl: I don’t feel like writing a novel but I don’t think I have to. To me no bond was engrained deeper into the story and it getting the shaft in the later seasons will remain one the biggest injustices. No bond was ever more important to me.
2.) Rick & Judith: I almost put this lower just because she’s a baby/toddler so for 99% of the time she was just there but I don’t care Rick as a father was always the most important thing to me. As much as my interest started to die in that later seasons that moment in 7x04 when he talks about Judy will always remain important to me because it beautifully solidified the person is Rick and what I had always believed.
3.) Rick & Shane: Iconic. You can’t have Rick’s journey and evolution with this relationship as it was. It’s so powerful and sad. I think of moments that have never lost any of their impact for me and Rick and Shane in the field is very much at the top of the list, it gets me every time and Andy and Jon were just too damn good together.
4.) Rick & Hershel: This is another one that I think benefits from the actors, Andy and Scott were just natural together and it make Rick and Hershel’s relationship flow so easily. You could tell how much they cared for and respected one another and it was so lovely for Rick to have someone older/wiser to look to when he needed it; Hershel was such a guide.
5.) Rick & Daryl: I think how their relationship evolved will always be of note and I do think it progressed pretty organically through the early seasons. When people are such close friends they consider each other siblings you’re going to be honest with one another, you’re going to fight, it might get ugly but you’re still going to have their back. It’s like “I can insult my brother but if you do we’re gonna fight” and that’s there with them.
6.) Rick & Glenn: THIS IS SO UNDERRATED IM GONNA GET MAD. He got Rick out of the tank, man, and there just wasn’t enough of them together and it’s such a sad missed opportunity.
7.) Rick & Maggie: This is another one that I don’t think got the material it deserved. They had such an interesting rapport and it really bums me out that right now is where the show is going to leave them. Plus Rick being “Team Dad” to her in the RV in 6x16 and her saying she believed in him is one of the softest moments ever.
8.) Rick & Carol: Now these two have sooooo much history and I lived through some ugly ass times in the fandom when it comes to their relationship so maybe that’s why I haven’t listed it til now lol. But they’ve gone through so much and I did enjoy the moments they had together this season. I’m glad you mentioned their last scene in 9x04 because I have no idea what it was but it struck me so fiercely, the emotion was just surging quietly below the surface and I don’t know it just really really got me and I wasn’t expecting it too, I think Andy and Melissa are just really great at saying things without having to say anything at all.
9.) Rick & Morgan: Unfortunately I may have ranked this higher if it got the attention it deserved when Morgan finally came back in S6 but to me it absolutely didn’t. The Pilot and Clear are two of my favorite episodes and Andy and Lennie are amazing together. Their relationship is very unique and it almost seemed like it was going to get the attention it deserved and then they shipped Morgan over to FTWD :| And I may forever be a bit bitter about it all.
10.) Rick & Gabe: The growth here is awesome. You look at S5 and early S6 and Rick was 5000% done with this dude and then Rick’s trusting him with Judith, joking with him, truly considering him a friend. Again it’s not one that got a lot of attention but I do think it’s quite special.
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ofmarceline-blog · 6 years
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here   comes   st   etienne’s   resident   ENGLISH   LITERATURE   major,   𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓮-𝓱𝓾𝔁𝓵𝓮𝔂   !   the   TWENTY   ONE   year   old   CIS   FEMALE   looks   just   like   MADISON   BEER,   and   the   JUNIOR   is   known   to   be   WHIMSICAL   &   PERSPICACIOUS   despite   also   being   DISCONTENTED   &   PLIANT.   you   can   find   them   in   VILLA#004,   or   hanging   out   with   other   THEATRE   &   TRACK/FIELD   members.   just   watch   out   for   them,   rumour   has   it   that   daisey   knew   something   about   them   you   wouldn’t   believe…
hey  guys  !  i'm  so  excited  to  rp  with  u  all  !  this  is  my  new  muse  marceline,  aka  MARCIE,  who  is  just  as  extra  as  her  name  suggests.  she’s  heavily  inspired  by  RACHEL  GREEN,  TINKERBELL,  BIANCA  STRATFORD,  CASSIE  AINSWORTH,  &  THAT  ONE  MEME  OF  BARBIE'S  FRIEND  WHO  LIVES  4  THE  DRAMA.  she  was  '  best  friends  '  with  daisey  (  aka  one  of  her  minions  )  !  to  sum  her  up  she's  smart  yet  dumb..  ur  girl  is  at  the  top  of  her  classes  but  she  has  NO  common  sense  &  is  very  easily  manipulated  if  she  cares  enough  about  your  opinion  of  her.  she  kinda  lives  in  her  own  lil  dream  world  &  will  probably  never  snap  out  of  it  ...  super  competitive  &  has  to  be  THE  BEST  ...  more  below  the  cut  !  pls  like  this  if  u  wanna  plot  so  i  can  crawl  into  ur  ims  or  feel  free  to  hmu  !  (▰˘◡˘▰)
born an only child, there should have been a LOT of opportunity for a young marceline to be spoiled & pampered - however, that wasn’t the case
her father was busy working away for months at a time, so her childhood relationship with him existed mostly of rushed phone calls and weekends she wished would never end
for her mother, marceline was more of a prop than a daughter; someone to dress up cutely & show off the her friends over lunch. other than that, her mother had very little to do with her & most of her time was spent with a nanny.
with the lack of parental guidance, marceline grew to be .. kinda troubled. she CRAVED attention & so would get herself involved in all kinds of trouble at school & with her peers
once things REALLY started to get out of control, she was packaged off to boarding school which kinda straightened her out a LITTLE 
she really concentrated on her studies and discovered how much she actually enjoyed learning ??? we love a secret nerd 
* perfectly   manicured   nails.   a   soft   but   warm   giggle.   a   fresh   face   in   morning   classes.   notebooks   clutched   close   to   the   chest   containing   impeccably   neat   notes   highlighted   in   strokes   of   purple.   the   flutter   of   lashes   to   get   what   you   want.   the   feeling   of   being   constantly   overlooked   &   underestimated.   mordant  comments  under  the  breath.  an   antique   gold   chain   necklace   dusting   collarbones   that   is   worn   almost   religiously.   not   saying   what   you   REALLY   think.   a   smile   that   doesn’t   quite   reach   the   eyes   at   the   sound   of   others’   successes.   guilt   no   longer   shadowing   bad   decisions   &   actions.   being   constricted   &   consumed   by   envy.
she really does scream TINKERBELL - she can be pretty tempestuous but has this sort of .. dainty fairy-like quality to her
she’s super competitive & always wants to be the best at EVERYTHING 
she’s a total perfectionist too; everything always has to be immaculate; her notes, her room, her appearance 
she’s a party girl & loves nothing more than getting dressed up & drinking her body weight in alcohol
she does modelling in her spare time, it sprouted from her childhood beauty pageant days - modelling was a career option for her but she decided to pursue an education instead 
she adores reading & when she’s NOT out partying or shopping, she can be found with her nose buried in a book
close friends
jogging buddy
childhood friends
good/bad influence
study buddies
family friends
opposites attract
somebody she picks on a lil maybe ? 
someone she picks on because she lowkey has a cruSH on them
familial e.g. cousins
past fling 
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