#im sorry for being such a shit rp partner
drifloonz · 1 month
steven/mocha is canon
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#wispy talks#im going off my deep end mode . i no longer care about peoples perception of me outside of not being a jackass to ideas i dont like#bc no matter how low i get im not. like. uber popular. but most of this fandom is minors. i do not want to sway easily swayable opinions#for like. nonserious shit if its not a problem. this is unrelated tho basically dont be a jackass 2 ppl Anywyas#context: my oc#context: rp partner and i rp it.. yay#fuck EVERY OTHER STEVEN SHIP XCEPT THIS ONE !!!! ( /j )#this isnt no Fandom ship that erases their personality and characterization for unseasoned yaoi this is REAL SHIT!1!!!!!!!!!#that isnt a callout to anything particular other than fandom culture in general#You dont know how many thoughts i have youd never survive a day in the asylum they raised me in. Why the fuck did i quote that.#the 'asylum they raised me in' was miiverse and 3ds youtube.#so i dont know what that adds to anything#if any of my ex friends turned back into current friends see this i am so fucking sorry my hyperfixation shame runs deep#but its my hyperfixation now. I have become more autistic. Welcome back CHEATER. ive reclaimed him essentially. mine now.#dont let me type online within 20 mins of waking up#anyways (goes insane#mocha makes him breakfast in bed and mails him little letters by togekiss and visits when hes not busy at work... and steven just opens up.#bit by bit by bit... and he misses mocha so deaaarly. he misses her. he misses his beautiful doeboyfriend. and his scent.#and his good as fuck pancakes and the way he worries about stevens mental health and if hes taking care of himself. etc etc...#hes scary and intimidating. but not to mocha . not anymore...
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pumpkinstabs-moving · 2 years
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Communication in the RPC is so fickle. Hypocrites everywhere tbh and it's a shame that you were one of them. When you suddenly removed me from all contact, discord and Tumblr without a word despite being real friendly a few days prior, I have to admit I was surprised and a little taken aback by it. Not a single word, no conversation, no nothing about what could have caused it or why but I can take a gaze. I'm pretty sure I did 0 of the things you mentioned that would warrant a soft or hard block in your rules list but oh well. I'm not one who can say for sure because you didn't say a thing. Maybe it's better that way. While you're not obligated to tell me everything, it definitely sent a message to me. All your talk about communication and working things out and checking in of something really bothered you lol and how you're an adult on these matters. I know how you treated a friend of mine, I know how you did this to another mutuals too despite her being very clear about what was going on in her life on dash. While I'm all for unfollowing if you feel like things aren't working because of lacking engagement, comfort and so on-- you were a hypocrite. You ask for communication and offer none yourself, this told me all I need to know about you and that most of your talk about communication was pretty much bullshit. Unfortunate, I was fond of you as a friend despite how spotty and slow I've been through the years. If you expected me to come to you via Tumblr IMs and ask you why you did any of that? You immediately messed that right up by unadding me without a single word. Like I said, it told me everything I need to know. It's a surefire way to make sure I never reach out to you again and if that was your intent, good work. If not, that's in you. Only you can fix it now so I'll level this in your play field-- you come to me if you want change, I want chase you in part to respect your clear intent, but also because you're the one who walked off. You can walk back on your own. I'm not interested in power plays, and that sort of thing always struck me that way. Maybe I feel that way because of terrible past experiences with deranged mutuals who would pull that stunt and it developed into a toxic harassment shit storm aimed at me. I believe you're at least better than that, but who knows for sure. What I can't stand is someone who, rp partner or friend, talks so much about communication and wanting to make sure things work or that we part on an okay note, only to be an outright hypocrite about it and ghost without a word. After nearly two years of associating with you in the RPC, I now know that you were kind of two faced on this, and that your own rules don't really apply to you despite what you said. You make sure they're applied to everyone else, and act like you have to play no part in crossing this two-way street. If I hurt you or pissed you off; certainly can't help you now. If you wanted something that I lacked the ability to provide for some time because I've been struggling to be around, do anything on this cesssite where I too have been let down and burnt out-- I'm sorry at least on that. make of that what you will, you've already made your choice.
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meatriarch · 3 months
overview cont. i guess lmao. no one asked but its been something in the back of my mind for a while now & i got an anon tonight telling me i come off intimidating and i feel the need to just. make note of some things so that hopefully if anyone feels a certain way with how i run this blog then like. know and understand both my side as well as that my dms / disc is open for anyone to pop into -- just obv depends on the headspace at the time.
i know this is long & am sorry if it doesnt make sense but. just setting it gently out there.
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but, again, my disc ( same as my url ) is open for any mutual. its open to shoot the shit. open for plotting. open for memes. what have you. i may not always get to every message. i may not be in the headspace for certain things or certain energies. but its open for anyone as long as we are mutuals & if handles are different between here & disc then i just get a heads-up abt who you are so i know lmao
likewise, i am fairly fucking slow writing-wise and alot of that is because of offsite issues chipping into me but also because most, if not all, of the things i DO have in the inbox or drafts are from my affiliates at this time ( tho i do have some more from the archive i need to move over from a couple people ). alot of my spoons and drive to write and post is because of the dynamics and plotting built between our muses. im not a blog centered on plotting but, it does help to have a better idea on how to navigate between muses c: esp for those technically outside of my kiddos' texas canon obviously. that being said, anyone is welcome to like any inbox calls i put out there. and my inbox is always open and accepting, even if i havent reblogged prompts in a while -- i have my tag linked on my pinned and its available always & for whomever. it just comes with the understanding that i may take a while to respond to them & they may not get as expansive as some of my posts can get with my affiliates; which again, is just simply from how much we've been building together that helps with that!
on that note. my connections with my texas pals are very dear to me. both ic & ooc. as i noted in my overview post, i talk about the dynamics we've built openly and freely here because theyre so integral to my portrayals. they & their kiddos have my entire heart and i unapologetically love having fun with them and going on tangents with them and bouncing thoughts off of each others posts on the dash.
my experiences in other corners of tumby rp have not been particularly kind. and its been a long time since ive felt comfortable especially ooc with writing partners. and i understand if i may come across closed off or intimidating or unapproachable. i understand if i also come across partial to them / play favorites because frankly... i am. i do. thats because they've built bonds not just between characters but also with me. ill be very transparent and say that i am very particular in who i get close with and that translates into here too. but thats also just something that easily can also happen with literally anyone. again i do understand if i come across closed off in any sense but genuinely? im not scary and i have options open for continuing to grow more connections with people c: theyre open always. what im not going to do, however, purely out of personal experience is chase after interactions. the last fandoms i wrote in i did so and it wore me down into my last hiatus. i will show equal enthusiasm to whats given. but i wont fish for it, either. its just not my cup of tea.
i like to think im fairly patient and understanding in a lot, probably moreso than i should in some cases -- sincerely though if theres issues know that im fine with it being brought up. but im also not going to be welcoming nor tolerate my boundaries being disregarded or disrespected, im already dealing with that with an offsite friend. not dealing with it here. i do not like feeling so uncomfortable existing on my own blog or in my own disc. and i get that already with my personal disc & this offsite friend in particular. im not dealing with it here too.
which on that note, i also wont be receptive with issues regarding what i post, what i talk about, who i write with, who i choose as affiliates or mains or w/e. my blog & my dash are my safe & comfort zones and these muses often help me alot with navigating when my headspace is at a fucked up level. if any of that is a concern yes youre welcome to come to me and talk it over but end of the day? my comfort & mental state is a priority to me. if thats ever an issue i truly would just recommend you do what you feel is best for you. everyone existing on this hell-plane are entitled on curating their space in whatever manner they see fit.
again. i promise im not scary. im not an ass. but i do curate my space to be in my best interest and at my age & experience across the 10+ yrs ive been rping on and off here, ive seen alot, heard alot, experienced alot. i do apologize however if i do come across unapproachable or intimidating. i do apologize if i seem closed off to only a select few. i dont mind if you follow / we're mutuals solely just to keep up with what i write! thats completely okay too and i thank those who are <3 but if i seem unapproachable i literally just gently gesture again to my disc or prompts tag etc! i welcome any to get to know myself or my muses. regardless of how much time has passed since following one another. just again, comes with the understanding that my social battery & headspace often does work against me. and thats not personal against anyone, ever.
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cannibalvillains · 21 days
About shipping my muses, n stuff.
Gonna keep this a a constant WIP, as I figure stuff out. But I decided this could be fun to make for mutuals who maybe wanna ship. Give yall an angle.
Generally ship tropes I like; Arranged Marriage, Toxic, Hate-fucking, queerplatonic stuff, partners in love and crime aka "murder boyfriends", whatever the Addams Family had going, tragedy
(.... Sorry im not awfully good with pure fluff, just don't do it for me. Also; pointing to my no smut rp rule)
Brief details on each respective muse are under the cut!
Dabi (demiromanic bi)
Tbh if my Dabi actually has feelings for sb id say its time to run. He is obsessive as hell and he can't do relationships normally. He has straight up stalked several other muses by this point. It was for different reasons but affection is definitely one of them. Also expect it to be undoubtly toxic. He can genuinely love but also it's god awful. He's honestly most easy to deal with on a "we only fuck and nothing else" type basis.
Ships i like for him; Shigaraki, Twice, Hawks (only toxic hatefucking), ...
Overhaul (aroace, repulsed type aka "dont fucking touch me")
Right out the gate: don't expect normal relationship dynamics with him. Just don't. Fact aside that he generally just sucks with people, Im serious when I say he's aroace. He will never fall in love with another character and he will happily die a virgin because that stuff just makes him beyond uncomfortable. That said, I wrote him in tight knit relationships before and they have been some of my fav in recent past. Either way it's a slowburn.
Ships I like for him; Kurono, Nagant, ...
Spinner (bi-curious)
Tbh this man is open to be shipped with almost anyone. I haven't really done stuff with him yet, and he is also very open. Doesn't think about this stuff right now but he would try his best if put in the situation.
Ships I like for him; ???
Enji (disaster bi, in denial abt liking men)
Taking current canon into consideration; Enji is old, tired and doesn't seem himself as "attractive" anymore. His marriage was more duty than love and these days he is most in of all concerned with fixing things with his kids. Trying to ship him at that age would take a lot of convincing. Trying to get him to cheat on his wife like 10 to 20 years prior is an option but can only end terribly. (please I absolutely wanna do that!!) Anything before his marriage would be battling his drive to become the number one hero. (also fun)
Ships I like for him; All Might ( yes its terrible ), Rei ( yes its complicated ), ...
Twice (gay, hopeless)
He's a mess. You may think this means he best works with other people who are well put together, but I (terrible person) like to see spiral, together with other messes. Enjoy.
Ships I like for him; Dabi, anyone LOV tbh (also just purely platonic stuff; we love to see it), ...
Bakugou (bi)
Main criteria for people Bakugou likes; they stand up to him and give him challenges. Just straight up best compatible with muses who are either an asshole equal to himself, or just say "No, stop being a dick. I won't take your shit." If your muse just follows along with whatever he does he will not give them the time of day. He won't care.
Ships I like for him; Occhako, Monoma, Fujimi, ...
Sukuna (aro, an egnima)
I dunno yet what gets him... but you gotta be strong else he will just crush you and be bored. Probably best to get his interest through powerful Jujutsu/fighting skills though, obviously.
Ships I like for him; Gojo, Uraume, Toji, ...
Definitely struggles to relate to people with his whole "its lonely being the strongest" business. Definitely not easy to connect to and will not be honest about his feelings. But BOY does he seek connection! Pathetic little man!
Ships I like for him; Geto(duh, tho tbh also love it as just best friends), Sukuna, Nanami, ...
Yuji (???)
I dunno yet, somebody give him Jennifer Lawrence! Or his former classmate, that seemed cute. Either way he is a sunshine boy who probably clicks easily with people but later in the story of jjk it may be difficult to get close, the trauma of losing people and all that....
Ships I like for him; ???
Maki (???)
I dunno yet either, give her Jennifer Lawrence as well! Ok no, forreal though. I think she needs someone who can help her relax and not be so stuck on her goals all the time (tho do support her goals... and shittalk the Zen'in clan together...!!)
Ships I like for her; ???
Kenjaku (EVIL)
Would probably fuck anyone. I dunno if you should get near them though. There is like.... ALL THE RED FLAGS. Doesn't care much for the people they start relationships with. To them it's just all a game.
Ships I like for them; Yuji's dad, Gojo (while disgused as Geto, def in a toxic af way), ...
Law (gay af)
Honestly, this guy has a terrible taste in men and he knows it. He also hates it. He wants to have a good relationship but he got a tendency to get into the ones he regrets, and doesn't regret, but so damn regrets. I think there is a lot of fun kinda drama to be had here.
Ships I like for him; Kidd, Bepo, Zoro, Robin ( yes i said hes gay... they just match ), ...
Doffy (bi and awful)
On the outside Doffy is sweet, charming and flirty, makes all the compliments and expresses his care for his person of interest. He is also manipulative, possessive and most of all cares for himself.... YOU SHOULD RUN.
Ships I like for him; ...
Zagetsu (nope)
Eh. I just have him to be a creature tbh. If you wanna ship with him genuinely, CONVINCE ME.
Ships I like for him; NAH
Reiner (bi)
Considering this man is a huge mess with terrible mental health who deluded himself into erasing his own memories for a while, definitely not the most healthy pick. Also there is the literal timer on his lifespan. Very fun. Such a lovely guy though. He tries his hardest. It often isn't enough.
Ships I like for him; Berthold, Christa, Eren, Pieck
Zoë (pan)
Definitely a genuinely fun pick, very cheery person who tries to be honest with relationships. Though ultimately they are most of all focused on work and will 100% go on tangents about titans.
Ships I like for them; Erwin and Levi?, ....
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ticklyteddybear · 5 months
Rant post, kinda a call out but I'm not naming the people rn.
Tw:cursing, grooming/s/a, use of slurs, s/h, suicide attempt mention, alcohol mention
Okay, I'm just gonna start off with the fact that this person's partner, after most of the stuff kinda went down,told me they would relapse s/h cause of me. Relapsing is obviously terrible, and s/h is as well, but the fact their tactic to guilt trip me or somehow get me to stay or feel bad was telling me they would relapse is insane. There's also the fact they (no longer talking about their partner) called people slurs in a derogatory way, saying they wanted to be someone's 13th reason, admitted to wanting to tell someone to kill himself.
There's also the fact they guilt tripped me into staying in contact with their partner after their partners friend told someone to kill himself, and said a whole bunch of other vile shit but I'm not gonna go into extreme detail since it's very triggering. But then when i mentioned not being comfortable around them (thinking they said that) they guilt tripped me and told me I'd make them spiral. Then they have the fucking audacity to say I never communicated with them even though each time I fucking did I was guilt tripped or manipulated.
I would also love to point out the fact they put triggered in quotes each time they talked about how I said I was triggered by stuff they said/did. I was!! They told someone to off themself, called people slurs, pressured me into rps I didn't want to do, usually Nsfw, said some of the most vile things I've heard. I was triggered and I was unable to communicate because well, each time I did they guilt tripped me!!!
And then there's the time they asked me if the way I attempted suicide worked with no warning on vc with other people on
And then there's the fact they have made many, many sexual comments about me, which given our age gap, is pretty weird, they're a senior, im a freshman (in high school)
They also invalidated me any time I mentioned I was triggered by s/a, and even once said "You're a guy, you wouldn't understand" when talking about being groomed and s/a, while doing both of those to me
Talking to me about fetishes and kinks and pressuring me to answer if I had any
Many times they had texted me they were gonna kill themself , if I didn't answer immediately they'd say I hated them, constantly vented about triggering stuff without warning or permission
They would constantly make me feel bad for being teased or tickled, always talked about how jealous they were of me for being teased and complaining about how they never got attention but then talk about how much they were teased by multiple different people and if I said I couldn't hear that since I wasn't feeling good cause I had a bad lee mood they would say "well weren't you teased by *name*" and if I said yeah but mentioned it was months ago they'd get upset with me
They also guilted me for having sensitive ears and getting overwhelmed easily and not knowing them squealing loudly was a stim, I had my headphones on full volume and it hurt so I asked them to stop, then for ten minutes they guilted me and said "sorry for having a stim" I didnt know!!
They also hid behind their autism but then got mad when someone said they had autism and said "that's not an excuse" or say "I don't do that" but then they do the same thing?? I have autism and bpd, I don't use autism to hide being a shitty person. Everyone's autism is different as well!!
They also said they agreed with harassing Nsfw accounts (who don't harrass sfw accounts and mind their business) and when I felt iffy about that they got mad.
They also dragged me into so much drama, made me send people some of the most vile things ever and made me relapse drinking and s/h then when I said I needed some space from everyone and put up a Dni they said I put it up cause of them!! I mean they were part of the reason, but not the main reason. I was drunk, my arms hurt and I was having a mental breakdown, and then someone called me a bad friend for it. (though I don't hold it against them, they didn't know everything)
Then they outed me as trans to people and told me the transphobic shit they said, always said "I don't really like men, except Bear, but he's trans" and told me I shouldn't get top surgery.
They also claimed I lied to some people about the situation. I showed proof of everything. And again, can't stress this enough, I did communicate many times, but each time I was guilt tripped and invalidated.
That's all, I'm not gonna say who these people are for now.
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womansound · 1 year
₊˚ʚ  ᗢ₊˚✧  ゚.    𝐠𝐞𝐭  𝐭𝐨  𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐦𝐮𝐧    !
*  name  :  fifi  !!!!! *  pronouns  :  they/she *  preference  of  communication  :  discord  !  because  tumblr  ims  are  so  yucky  2  me.  im  sorry  cat  RBGKJRHGRJ *  most  active  muse  :  how  do  i  know  this  .  LKJAAHAJS  um  i  want  to  sayyyyy  like  paris  maybe  ?  i  have  a  million  muses  so  i  can’t  be  sure.  they’re  all  actively  running  around  my  head  and  giving  me  a  migraine  if  that’s  what  u  mean! *  experience  /  how  many  years  :  answering  this  question  honestly  seems  so  self-incriminating  so  i  just  want  to  say  i’ve  been  around  a  WHILE  and  a  LOT  ..  frequent  hiatuses  n  aliases  n  whatnot  ..  ohhh  it’s  been  a  minute *  best  experience  :  oh  my  god  so  many  honestly  !!  i  really  really  enjoyed  one  of  the  first  closed  campus  rps  i  did  ..  another  one  i  enjoyed  was  an  entertainment  company  one  hehe  u  know  who  u  are  ..  but  i  have  to  say  i’m  really  enjoying  the  plots  n  things  i  have  around  now  !!  because  i  just  love  the  people  i’m  writing  with  and  am  not  taking  myself  too  seriously  because  it’s  tungle  dot  com  babies  who  gives  a  fuck! *  rp  pet  peeves  :  people  with  the  font  size  8  who  live  to  make  my  legally  blind  ass  suffer  .  also  purple  prosers  ..  put  down  the  thesaurus  baby  it’s  not  that  deep  ..  also  it’s  just  me  being  picky  but  i’m  not  a  big  fan  of  people  who  have  too  many  rules  ??  again  it’s  tumblr  dot  com  nobody  will  ever  care  about  this  outside  of  this  small  corner  of  the  internet  maybe  we  can  relax  ?? *  fluff,  angst,  or  smut  :  yes  JKALAHJHWVJKWVBWV *  plots  or  memes  :  if  you’re  talking  first  interactions  i  definitely  love  plotting  first  and  pre-establishing  relationships  !  i  have  a  hard  time  going  off  of  memes  alone  so  i  like  to  talk  with  other  people  first  and  establish  what’s  going  on  before  i  go  and  assume  something.  but  once  we’ve  plotted  things  out  please  !  send  !!  me  !!  all  the  memes  !!!  even  if  it  takes  me  a  minute  to  do  ‘em  i  just  love  them  sooooo  bad  !!! * long  or  short  replies  :  i  say  short  but  then  i  go  on  and  tack  a  million  words  to  my  partners’  replies,  always  ?  KJDRBJRGNR  so  let’s  say  i  like  ..  starting  off  short  ..  n  we  see  where  go  from  there  and  hopefully  it’s  nowhere  insanely  long  &lt;33 *  time  to  write  :  literally  whenever  !  i  run  my  blog  on  bursts  of  energy  and  i’m  fortunate  enough  that  that’s  become  more  common  as  of  late.  hopefully  i  haven’t  jinxed  it  by  saying  this 🤞 *  are  you  like  your  muses  :  yeah  i  too  am  a  little  shit  collectively
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝  𝐛𝐲  : @vvfied mwa ! 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠  : everyone !
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jestamuses · 1 year
Basic Rps Rules
I do no follow first! Sorry! I will like your promo but there will be no reblogging your promo unless your mutuals or friends with me.
1. Yes this a blog for rping but I won’t be affiliating with the rpc for many reason as it is not good for my mental health. Most of the time it for follower numbers, middle school drama, ghosting or to get something out of others. I’m sorry but I’m tried of it. 😬
2. I do have an about of my characters list but you’re going to have to ask for the link in my box ask. 9/10 people don’t read my characters list I worked hard on. Sorry but I’m tired of putting the work in and not getting feed back.
3. No I’ll not be using icons for my rps anymore. It distracts me from focusing on writing replies. And yes you can use icons with yours. I only ask you not to force me to use icons. 👍
5. My reply length is about 1 to 4 paragraphs. The only requirement I ask you is to give me about a paragraph for me to work with.
6. If I don't follow you back, it means you didn't ask for my characters list in the inbox. Mostly likely I'm going to soft or hard block you. It really depends.
7. I will say this I’m mostly on discord, playing video games, listening to music or doodling. Maybe other life stuffs. So it may take me awhile to see the reply, im or ask. If you have my discord, you are free to tell me you have replied.
8. If I find out you are straight up stealing any refs design that I pay for or was a gift by a friend, I will block you. Especially my Jevil ( hellborn design too ) and Junkil. Being inspired by their design is fine. But straight up stealing it; big nope.
9. I will not tolerate slander, name-dropping , or picking sides over a friendship-falling / ex-partner. As for picking sides, I will tell you to knock it off in dms, and continuing will get you block. I’m not dealing with this. This will cause me to grieve if we’re close, and likely will not add you back into my life depending on how badly you treated me.
10. My muses are not lust on first shipping ( cannons ship or fan ship, it doesn’t matter). Most muses will do it for their partner when they have a strong romantic relationship ( most of them are Greysexual or demi-sexual). Also, I, the mun, must trust you or sense you give good vibes. Smut rps will not be on this blog, as there is a side blog for it (I will give you the link for it, or we can move it to Discord.). Do not pressure me to provide the link to you. I will link it when I’m ready. You will risk getting blocked.
11. No double/Same character jealousy or sharing the same ship jealousy. There will be 3 three warnings, and then I will block you on the fourth. It isn’t the first time I dealt with this shit. It is common sense. And if there is any jealousy in a Discord server or dm, it will still count on this blog. Even if we’re close friends/ best friends, you don’t get a free pass.
-First warning: I will blacklist you on my dash and refuses to talk/write you until I feel safe and hopefully understand to knock it off. Time may vary on how much you push the damn button.
-Second warning: I will remove or mute you on Discord and, again, will blacklist you on the dashboard and refuse to talk/write with you until I’m ready. I will add you back on Discord.
- Third warning: I will fully warn you in dms on Discord and remove/block you. Your blog will be blacklist again and may get a soft block. I will follow you back when I’m ready.
- Fourth warning: Blocked on Tumblr and Discord. No more giving chances.
( Btw if your friends/ mutuals send hateful anon/ ask because I blocked you, they will get entirely blocked, too. )
Respect my boundaries and be an adult.
Here is the link to my muses. I'm too tired. Credit
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janeromeroshow · 1 year
get to know the author
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name : rev
pronouns :  they/he/she
preference of communication : discord!!! tumblr ims r the worst i'm sorry
most active muse : jane by far but i also have a LOT of muse for vanny/vanessa on my fnaf multi ( @rcluctantfollowcr, which only has one other muse besides them. and it's toy bonnie. )
experience / how many years : fully depends on what you count as experience! my first brush with roleplaying was on an old warrior cats forum when i was around 8-10, and i remember doing silly little roleplays with my friends on our messaging apps (like kik... so sorry to anyone else on there). but in terms of more serious roleplay and tumblr specific, i made my first account (which is still active if not on hiatus!) late last year :)
best experience : getting to write with the absolute platonic loml and my best friend in the whole world, flowers @mortisvitae (+ other accounts). not that they're the ONLY person i write with or that my friends i've made in the rpc matter less but i really got into this because of them and they mean the world to me <3
rp pet peeves : people who shit on younger/less "skilled" writers / blogs that don't use a shit ton of fancy fonts and images, people who harass others for responses (either ic or ooc), people who make drama out of what's supposed to be a fun hobby, and my most famous pet peeve of all: people who contribute (even unintentionally) to the insane amount of misogyny in the rpc by nitpicking, harassing or outright ignoring female muses and muns. same goes with any marginalized identity, i just think the misogyny is often ignored or brushed over which makes me want to be even louder about it.
fluff, angst, or smut : i have been known to dabble in all three <3
plots or memes : i generally tend to start things with memes due to my ridiculously annoying bouts of anxiety, but i love plotting, even if it doesn't end up being a thread :).
long or short replies : i tend to match or go over my partners' reply lengths - not out of expectation that they do the same, but i don't like leaving people with super-short responses if they've written a novel and sometimes the inspiration hits.
time to write : whenever the adhd goes "it's time to write right now or you'll suffer a cartoonish demise".
are you like your muses : yes and no - for jane, i definitely see a lot of myself in her (and project even more ONTO her), but i do enjoy writing characters who are completely different - i think you can see a bit of yourself in everyone, however small.
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tagged by : nobody i stole this >:3 tagging : @mortisvitae @thesheepcote @thehxrlequin / @entitemalefique @mxlevolence
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jettblanche · 2 years
Welcome to Phantasma Park
This is a nsfw RP blog run by @rottenmarquee . Minors/ageless bios pls dni
🎠 A mysterious amusement park appears seemingly out of thin air. No one ever saw any construction take place, and the location of the park is oddly remote. However, the ticket prices are fairly cheap and everyone leaves with a smile on their face. Maybe it's worth a try... 🎠
This is an RP blog with two characters, Blanche (he/they) the evil magician and Jett (he/they/it) his partner (in business) Dont be afraid to send asks or rp requests ! 😊
(these two characters are "played" by me and a headmate)
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Dms are open, but please be respectful.
Dni/boundaries/body terms/titles under cut
Reposting bcs yall cant click a link
- minors
- ageless (no age listed in bio)
- terf/transmed/exclus/anti kink
- incest, pedophillea, stuff like tht
- bambi, neuroplex, or nimja blogs/supporters. While i wont blame you for being a victim, i dont want that spread on my posts
- pro involuntary committeement (trauma related. Sorry. I still have panic attacks about it. Actually said trauma is where these kinks came from lol.)
- im good with dms or anything. U can be as nsfw as you want but pls no nudes without asking. I dont want to see that, i promise
- scat, piss, vore, cgl, diapers, sissy, race, pregnancy, detranitioning kink, vanilla. Nothing unsanitary. Nothing discriminatory either
- findom or anything that controls life 24/7 like tht. Id be more comfortable with tht as a sub (not findom stuff tho) but not unless i super trust that person.
- breeding ok, pregnancy not. Tokophobia.
- very open as a sub, very scared as a dom. You can do the most fucked up shit to me (within reason ofc) but i will not do it to you. Ill still do plenty as a dom, just not sure im comfortable with cnc or anything like tht as a dom, at least not unless things have been discussed
- i am okay with titles but i prefer not to be called them unless we actually like (in dms, not in post replies) Talked. Like we don't have to be besties yet but like at least say hello and introduce yourself first. When in doubt, ask. Im pretty chill abt it tbh, i just dont like ppl coming in my dms calling me sir when i havent spoken to them. U can call me tht on replies to posts tho !
- although not entirely opposed, jsut to make things simple, avoid feminine titles. Especially mistress. Also dont call me a femdom or anything.
- exclusivity. Im poly and have very bad experiences around it. You can say "you're mine" as long as it isnt followed by "and no one else's". Possessiveness is hot to me as long as you share me
- I dont do feminization, findom, or femdom (im a guy) so please stop asking
Body terms im ok with:
Tits, boytits, pussy, boypussy, boycunt, hole, boyhole, [generally, boy___ is safe], throbbing member /j
Titles im ok with:
Master (preferred), sir, anything masc rlly except i dont care for "Daddy" (i am not exactly bothered by it, it just doesnt do it for me bcs i am too used to hearing it in a funny context so its permanently a silly word for me)
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shenzuns · 2 years
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name.  kiwi  !
pronouns.  they  /  them  (  +  she  /  he  )
preference  of  communication.  uhhh probably... IMs or discord  ???  i give out my discord as much as i can, but i’m very bad at talking to people BHDFDJF
name  of  muse.  shen qingqiu, or shen yuan depending on who you get acquainted with...  first  ?  it’s very verse dependent, if you meet him when he’s transmigrated then it’s shen qingqiu bc by that point he’s given up his old identity as  “  shen yuan  “
rp  experience  /  how  long.  good god i’ve probably been here since i was like... 13? so...  8 years disgostang
best  experience.  shitposting  !  that’s literally all i do on a daily basis anyways, but my best rp experiences were when the community would kind of get together and do silly shit on the dash. i don’t see much of that anymore at all now lol, unfortunate  !  oh, and, in character games were THE shit like...  i still try to get those going when i can bc there’s nothing more fun than muses meeting each other for the first time to yell at each other about being the imposter or something.  also, when you kind of have a group of people who are in a specific verse, and matching urls, and just idk very community based things were always my type of beat  !
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.  i...  don’t really have many actually  ?  it’s quite litchrally the basic principal that people have been touting for years, read rules  (  please god, i know he acts like a straight guy but my man is gay as all hell Do Not approach him romantically if ur muse is fem aligned  ), don’t try to play god without My permission, don’t forceship unless i say it’s cool cus i love forceshipping with my breasties, don’t... tell me what my muse is... or how he could be  /  act like... man.  uhhh, probably also like, feeling as though i have to diminish how powerful or mean a muse is otherwise me and someone’s mun will get off on the wrong foot like...  i’m sorry i don’t control my muse’s power level it’s on UR muse to not instigate a fight if u Know my muse is strong man.  uhhh...  when people complain about posting too much ooc like ok just say u don’t want to have fun or get to know the ppl behind the screen.  also, it kind of squicks me when ppl are like ‘oh ur character isn’t super canon’ like i already have phobias, don’t add to that man  ---  also canon divergencies exist.  and then other stuff is just stupid shit like, if we’re shipping and there’s no reciprocating amount of effort put in it just tanks me, and like.  fighting over ships too lawl like, i get if toxic ships aren’t ppls cups of tea but that doesn’t mean u have to kill someone over it  (  this does NOT include actually problematic ships, yall are adult enough to get what i mean here  )
fluff,  angst,  or  smut.  all i guess  ???  my fatal flaw is liking angst and smut but being too much of a baby to write it out and  /  or talk about it.  like, i’m very bad at writing angst but it’s all i give my muses so I Want To Learn.  and, re: smut i’m... weirdly shy  ?  which is funny bc it’s horny thoughts 24/7 here but i just get anxious and lock up even though i want to write smut. it’s fucked up and evil and i’m the bearer of the curse SFNFKMSF
plots  or  memes.  boooth...  i say tentatively, LIKE i’m kind of bad at plotting is the thing.  i prefer discussing character dynamics and then discussing how things can go from that.  also, s.qq is kind of difficult to plot with i’ve come to slowly realize  ???  but i also Have to plot with him to get anywhere, so u see it’s a pain.  BUT I LOVE MEMES i thrive on memes, it’s the best way i interact  !  i do try my best to send in stuff and i adore getting things in return  (  i’m just slow as fuck but i always smile when i get asks  )
long  or  short  replies.  UHHHH...  it really depends but i’ll be real, i talk too fucking much when i write SHDSFMKFDKM a bitch doesn’t know how to shut up and s.qq is an overthinker so he’s very introspective  (  TOO introspective u might say  ), so while i love the idea of short replies...  it never really works out that way for me </3
best  time  to  write.  man.  who even knows w/ me at this point LMAOO probably night though that’s when everything’s quiet for me and i can vibe, or like.  the early hours of daybreak.  but idk when my motivation, creativity and social battery are up there is usually when i start writing again
are  you  like  your  muse.  KIIIND OF  ???  my friend’s and i like to joke around that i’m kind of a shen yuan at times, i actually really latched onto his character BECAUSE of his neurosis but.  i dunno, i’m not as logic driven as he is, nor am i as stilted emotionally  /  with my affections.  so, yes and no  !  he can be difficult to write sometimes because of how different he is from me, i think.  i’ve never written a muse like him before, so it’s definitely a challenge, but a fun one  !  i also think it’s pretty natural to take on muses similar to you or put parts of yourself in a muse, bc how else are you supposed to understand them on a deeper level yk  ?  it helps with getting into a muses mental imo.
tagged.  @oftwilight​  thank u sybil, ily  !  <3
tagging.  @junshang​,  @feiyuie​,  @mellodiies​,  @kuurtaa​,  @chiheru​,  @hymnblood​,  @fuxian​,  @suender​  &  if ur reading this that’s it. ur tagged, @ me i want to see  !
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planetary · 1 year
being an omegle rper back in the day was the scariest shit ever. like u find a rly great partner and have an awesome plot going and then one of u experiences connection issues and ur separated forever. sometimes u could be like “hey im having a lot of fun do you wanna exchange emails in case of disconnect?” and hope they were also having fun and wanted to exchange emails. but it would be rly scary bc there was a chance it was too soon and they’d be like no sorry and disconnect. nowadays theres discord servers and tumblr blogs.. even skype groups.. but i must always remember my rp origins. omegle and chatzy and facebook and instagram
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kismesisheadcanons · 2 years
Nepeta and Tavros
so i did a little reasearch for this one, because at first i had deemed it NOT plausible. HOWEVER, sometimes i change my mind as im writing or seeing things, so we'll give it a shot and see how it goes. be warned, this one gets a little passive aggressive, not at you, but at andrew shitty. so, this time we're gonna do things a little differently (and to celebrate my first off-anon ask, im gonna include some screenies!)
first, lets establish a few changes to the timeline.
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based on this specific block of text. I can get a lot out of this. "if you didnt listen before, something bad might have happened to you" let us imagine, for some reason she did not listen and ended up on team one of the teams, i imagine being introduced to such by terezi. the insertion of nepeta into their FLARP sessions, PERHAPS, would have created a wildly different outcome to the cliff incident. i could go on and on about this scenario and it's nuance, but you're here to read about possible pitch chemistry, not me ranting about timelines and shit. so, with that being said:
tavros would find nepeta's skills on the roleplay scene to be pretty fun. and i say this because:
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she IS better company, better in every way. he would have FUN with her! they perhaps wouldnt be the most.. how do you say.. typical kismesisitiude (i can see a red-black vacillation) and her catlike mannerisms/love for animal nature(possibly?) could PERHAPS be the driving force for these pitch feelings. the "respect" part of it, i mean. as for the annoyance.... it could perhaps come from tavros's allergy? (not a good enough reason.) or perhaps after getting to know eachother they find things to hate. (ie, imagine tavros's interactions with john when fighting for the ring, except. with nepeta. and make it in character for her.) maybe later into their session is when these pitch feelings would happen. likely after tavros' death?
i think she WOULD have sufficent reason to find tavros to be a worthy pitch partner if he was just WRITTEN better. his fiduspawn skills, his zookinetics/zoolingualism(whatever the FUCK thats called), the fact that he can be. kind of obnoxious and a little (insert however you would label the fucking FIASCO with jades grandpa). honestly the bread and butter of a pitch relationship between these two would really have to rely on perhaps a specific incident or misunderstanding that leads to a bit of resentment that over time turns into something else. there would of course have to be SOMETHING endearing of course, (fact pulled from, say, mindfangs games with her pitch partners or galehk and tagora from the friendsim games) and this could possibly come from the fact he's not a fucking MANIAC when it comes to rp. nepeta doesnt like to rp with vriska because shes so fucked up with it, and tavros is a pretty decent source of some good old rp fun that doesnt involve (cough cough terezi cough) a fake infant big-cat getting fake dropped from the claws of a partially-fake dragon.
i CAN see some funny shenanagins of her pushing his shit off a table and whatever, but if we're bein honest i think mr Tavros "sick fires" nitram would be the more antagonistic party!
overall i think it would work more in the red or pink. but, with sufficient fuel or more backstory to lay out some antagonistic events, or misunderstandings, then some proper kindling hostilities could be there. its got the juice for the positive aspects of a kismesisitude but... i dont think either of them could really push the other to the point they get mad. in a scenario where they could, and things ended up different, i can see it happening MAYBE, but overall, even though this has the tendency to be a really fun ship, as it is in canon it just wouldnt hold.
cute though! and it made me think pretty hard.
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electrivolt · 1 year
name: fae. just fae yeah
pronouns: while i don’t particularly get upset w any pronouns being used they/them are very much preferred
preference of communication: discord is the best one imo but i’m very selective w who i give my discord to so tumblr ims first. baby steps. 
name of muse(s): volkner on here, grusha on another blog. i do have allister as a sideblog, though he’s basically on request by now. (we don’t talk about kazuha).
other muse(s): grusha @/brumahielo, allister @/shadcwtag (sideblog to this blog) and kazuha @/fuubutsushi
experience/how long (months/years?): honestly i’d almost rather not answer this one because i really don’t believe that experience matters at all (at least not as much as how you work with your muse/develop it and your writing skills) but if anyone wants to know i’ve been seriously rping since 2017 on tumblr
platforms you’ve used: basically only tumblr, used to be on some smaller forum a loooong while ago and then there’s discrod.
best experience: talking exclusively about this blog it’s the gay shit with roark specifically and how this mf got volk to develop in ways i didn’t fucking expect! character development in gay flavor baybeeee. also the found family in general it’s good fucking food! (come here aster)
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: blogs who have no rules pages and no name/age. i honestly don’t care how comfortable you may be with anyone regardless of their age of who they are or how you may not need any rules, i need to see these things to know who i’m talking to and especially whether or not i’m gonna be risking stepping on any boundary that i don’t know exists without rules. 
another big one is people that don’t know how to control their own muses- what i mean by this is both people that will have their muses do some absolutely wild thing that makes you deeply uncomfortable and then go ‘teehee sorry i don’t control them’ as a justification AND people that make their muse all powerful and basically immortal and untouchable. not that this can’t be done or pulled off, but there is both a time and a place (and this is not a poke.mon setting unless it’s a legendary or so lbr) and you have to justify it in any way beyond ‘i wanted to’. there is ways to balance this and still make rp both fun and fair for everyone, but when i have to basically avoid doing anything beyond what will upset the other muse just so mine will stay alive i’d really just rather do nothing at that point and dip out. there’s a reason i trust VERY few people with this
fluff, angst or smut: hi i thrive on angst :) but no really it just depends on the setting and the muses. both fluff and angst are good options and can work very well with just about any muse, but i also very much enjoy more casual slice of life/domestic things and battle oriented things. and then there’s the trauma
plots or memes: both? both. memes are really cool and a good way to break the ice, especially with me and my muses, but i’ll always welcome plotting. overall i like memes as a whole but i do tend to lean to plots when things start to get more serious with muses. i will never say no to some good memes though
long or short replies: if it fits i sit
best time to write: whenever the braincell strikes and i manage to get things out, it’s either a single reply taking me all day or 5-6 in a row in a couple of hours with days of radio silence in between
are you like your muse(s): well. well the depression and the adhd are there
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I can't fail to notice that all appearances of the island trolls on your blog are extremely offensive. You make it seem like any people living on islands are stupid and obsessed with sex.
(Look, this will be the last time I state this, and after that... any more comments about this will be deleted and you will be IP blocked from my blogs. Cause Im tired of the hate, Im tired of stress, and Im tired of being pushed away from the Community that I love.)
Jamari and the others are heavily based on classic Cavemen, like prehistoric times, like Primal (Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal), Pickle (Baki), The Amazonians (Futurama), and others. THAT IS IT! If you know a Caveman in 2024...then I am sorry. But, wait...there are no cavemen. And the reason they on the Island is because where else would they be? A whole different planet? Then how Jamari would have met the rest of the gang? Also, each island has its own theme! Jamari's is gemstones, Snow Beam is Snow, and Petal Drop is Flowers and Mythical Arial creatures. As for the updated refs of Gabada and the others it was ripped from the DnD Figure Maker hero Forge, the Orc's head shape if I remember right. And they are not obsessed with sex, in fact, if you DID read, you know Jamari's folk are strong believers in unity and loyalty to their partners!! Cheating is forbidden and punishable by DEATH! Jamari is smart, he just dont know certain Alternia customs and has a hard time understanding. He is like a sponge at times. He is a great combat fighter, caring, and very sweet. You would know that if you scared Hate Anons take the time and TALK TO ME, instead of bottling up all this animosity towards me and spreading negativity. It's because of you guys that when I make refs or new fantrolls I make moodboards of their inspiration so you guys know what's up!! EXAMPLES!!:
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Jamari's Updated Ref Moodboard^
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Now, to my followers, I understand....if you are offended...I get that. That is fine. You have the right to your feelings. I get offended too sometimes... But I assure you, they are NOT based on anyone's culture, ethnicity, race, or tribe...AT ALL! I dont do that shit. I promise you. But if you are still irked...then okay. Block me, your mental health comes first. But dont be like others that try to spread fuck shit and rumors, pit friends against friends, and try to make people who are just out here having fun leave a community. Cause that makes you a whole bitch and I like good bitches...not trashy ones. Now I said what I said. If you dont like me, fine, im used to the hate. But dont you drag my homies into this nonsense. Now, leave me be! Let me RP. Cause at the end of the day....THEY ARE FUCKING ALIENS HUMANOID BUGS!!!
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snnydcysarch · 5 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag nine others that you would like to get to know a little bit better.
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--- MUSE NAME ;; sonny munroe
--- PREFERRED COMMUNICATIONS / discord or tumblr messages for out of character chat? ;; discord for mutuals just cause i never get my tumblr ims
--- EXPERIENCE / how long you’ve roleplayed ;; ah shit... i want to say since like.... 2012??? i was a baby and should have not been here kjbrgskjgbrekg
--- PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE / fluff, smut, or angst? ;; yes
plagiarism. whether it be a character or a plot idea, don't steal from anybody. people work hard on their characters and plots. i understand not many plots can be considered original, but everyone comes up with their own twists. stop stealing.
white washing. as a poc person, i have dealt with a lot of racism both irl and on tumblr. it was to a point i took two years off of this hellsite. so do not change a poc character into a white one. we've been erased as it is. and if you struggle trying to match a character to its race, do not feel afraid to ask someone for help on it. there are also websites that show you an fc's ethnicity as well.
not knowing where the line is between mun and muse. they are two completely different things.
god modding. for the love of all that is chuck, do not control what anyone else's character does!! we all control our own characters and that's how it should be. this also means doing something crazy that someone else may not approve of so if you want to do something, ask first.
force ship, simple as that
anon hate. seriously, that kind of negativity should never be welcomed nor encouraged. we all come here to escape as it is so just let everyone have fun writing.
people acting better than others. i'm sorry but no one is superior over anyone else.
lack of communication. we're all grown adults here. if there's a problem, just communicate.
trash talking someone's portrayal. realistically, we all interpret canon characters differently than others and that is okay. no one's version is right or wrong. no one is the "chanel/walmart" version.
shit stirrers. people don't get along sometimes, it happens. but don't be someone who fuels the fire between two people when all they wanted was to clear the air and talk.
rushing people to reply and shaming them when they don't reply fast enough. everyone has real lives and can't always get to it. now a simple nudge to let someone know they replied maybe weeks later just in case they missed it is fine. but if you're going to put pressure on people? stop.
using mental health as an excuse to be a shitty person. many people here suffer with different kinds of disorders and that is no one's fault. but that does not mean it's a pass to be a horrible person. you choose how to treat people around you. you choose whether or not to be a good person.
i can go on and on, but we don't have time for that so here is the rest of the list on the top of my head: self victimizing, ignoring triggers, trying to control your rp partners, bullying, not understanding that rping is a hobby and not a jobby, lack of respect for female characters both canon and oc, ect.
--- PLOTS OR MEMES? ;; yes
--- LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES? ;; it actually depends on my mood and on the thread. i love long replies cause there's more to work with. but short replies are fun for crack energy.
--- BEST TIME TO WRITE? ;; when my muse is strong kjhbsrekjgbkb
--- ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? ;; i would say a little bit! just like sonny, i do everything i can to make people happy, even if it means wearing myself out. i also find myself being treated poorly by people i am close with irl just like sonny and her castmates. clumsy? oh absolutely. but also like sonny, i'm not afraid to stand up for myself and my friends. sonny is a lot friendlier than me tho krebgksrjebg
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STOLEN FROM : @vitaegratis
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