#im tired im bored and im wearing a Christmas hat
Don’t mind me, just thinking about making out with my tc in the hallways of my school after hours when all the lights are dimmed and we can only hear the sounds of each other breathing while we’re leaning against a wall with the warmth of our bodies reverberating against one another
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simonsrosebud · 2 years
Kevin and Dalton discussing whether pie or cake is better and if they agree maybe discussing what kind they think is the best??
so uh... im quite late on this. you know, life and all
“you like pie better because it gives off the illusion of being healthier.”
they’ve been having the same debate for weeks. years, technically.
it comes around every winter around the holidays when the only things people seem to be ingesting are sweets of different kinds.
kevin refuses to admit that cake is better than pie, and dalton is convinced that he’s right and that kevin is just making his argument to make an argument.
plus, dalton doesn’t know how to make pie, but he sure as hell can buy icing and follow a box mix recipe for a cake that he knows will get eaten every year.
dalton is by no means a baker or a cook, but he made a little cake the first year he spent christmas eve with the foxes, and he’s been doing it ever since andrew said “you could do better” with a more "bored out of his mind" look than dalton could imagine on a person.
so, he tried harder next year. he almost forgot about making anything in general until a few days before he and kevin were supposed to gather at his father’s house.
he added a layer and got better icing. made sure the cake wasn’t as dry as the year before.
andrew didn’t say anything that year, but dalton decided to do it every year anyway. he still didn’t get much out of andrew.
this year is a little hard.
first, he’s got morgan trying to help even though he doesn’t want the almost two year old anywhere near the oven or the food, and she keeps trying to stick her fingers in his bowls from where she sits at the table.
and second, he and kevin are hosting christmas eve for the first time. dalton’s parents and sisters are in town, but they only have one extra bedroom for his parents to stay in so bella’s staying with carmen and her husband in a hotel a few minutes away. normally, they’d offer to sleep on air mattresses, but considering carmen is very pregnant it isn't the best idea.
plus, she wants to be able to get away from festivities when she gets tired.
on top of the cooking, he has to keep morgan occupied and out of the way while his mother helps clean the whole house and kevin finishes wrapping the last of their daughter’s presents from santa up in the spare bedroom.
dalton doesn’t know where his dad is, but he’s assuming doing something with his two sisters.
he wipes his forehead with the back of his wrist. “hey, kev, can you come grab her!” he calls.
he waits for a response and almost calls again when kevin swoops in behind him with a hand grazing his hip.
he swipes a bit of frosting onto his finger and licks it off. he hums. “you know what would be better?” he asks.
“not apple pie.”
“yes apple pie.” he leans down and picks morgan up from her chair. he holds her up and gives her a little shake. when she smiles and laughs he says in french, “say ‘daddy’s right’.”
dalton kicks his foot back and nudges kevin’s shin. “don’t lie to her.”
his french isn’t as good as kevin or neil’s, but he’s been working on it ever since they got married. you’d think four years would be enough time. neil says his accent needs improving and that he apparently still sounds like he’s learning french in high school. but at least he knows how to speak it, now. kevin doesn't complain.
“all those years taking spanish in school and you barely learned a thing.” his mom says when she enters the kitchen.
he grunts. “yeah, cause i hated it. i have a reason to learn french.”
“is she picking it up at all?”
dalton makes a face. “yeah, not as fast as english, but that’s normal. she’s doing pretty good for her age.”
kevin runs upstairs with her and dresses morgan in the outfit that nicky dropped off the other day. he was just so excited, kevin thinks there’s a possibility of him crying if she doesn’t wear it.
it’s a little elf pajama outfit, obviously. with a little hat that has big pointy ears on the sides. and little tiny bells on the top of the socks.
she looks ridiculous.
andrew, her godfather, brings her a few presents that no one was expecting. kevin’s guess is that he realized, after seeing morgan’s godmother get her gifts last year, that it’s an acceptable thing for him to do the same.
that still doesn’t mean anyone expects it.
of course it’s all things that he knows kevin will hate, like a soft soccer ball and a tiny baby jersey from the professional exy team in new york instead of the one kevin has been on for the past seven years.
there’s also random things like a blanket that just says “fuck” all over it which he knows kevin wants to put through a shredder, and black leather baby combat boots that match his own.
the blanket is soft and small enough for morgan to carry around all night.
the boots are so cute that dalton steals morgan away for a moment later and changes her into an identical outfit to andrew. black little leggings, the combat boots, and a little black hoodie.
neil very clearly loves it. morgan tends to stick by andrew’s side whenever she can anyways, so for her to be almost a mini-me of him is comical.
after dinner, andrew sits in the corner of the couch in silence amongst the others with a piece of cake in his hands. morgan gets a boost up from her grandfather wymack, but crawls over his lap to get to andrew.
she watches him with the biggest eyes but doesn’t say a word. after a few minutes, andrew wordlessly swipes some icing onto his finger, holds it out for her to suck off, and wipes his finger on her sleeve after.
“what are you feeding her?”
kevin saw it at the last second.
“shut up.”
dalton is grateful for the house to start clearing out around eleven. morgan has been in bed for two hours and dan and matt collect their kids from where they’ve fallen asleep on the couches. andrew and neil have been gone since nine- abby, wymack, carmen and her husband left not long after. allison, nicky and erik are the last stragglers, but once they’re gone bella is the last one left. dalton’s pretty sure she’s going to end up on the couch.
she helps clean up while their parents get ready for bed. kevin starts bringing morgan’s gifts down from their hiding spot to place underneath the tree.
dalton stands at the kitchen counter putting food in tupperware. bella stands across from him and gathers dirty dishes. “so, i think ben is gonna propose soon.”
dalton looks up at her. “how do you know?” they've been dating for four years, now. he was the only one of his sister's boyfriends that he liked right away. he had to warm up to carmen's husband.
she shrugs. “i have a feeling.” he smiles and shakes his head. “he better, too. i’m fucking twenty-eight. i wanna be married by thirty. and i want babies by thirty-two.”
“lets hope for the ring, first.”
she laughs. after a while she sits in one of the high top stools and leans on her elbows. “what about you guys?”
what about us? dalton raises his eyebrows. “well, i’ve got the ring and the baby, so i’m a bit ahead of you.” he mumbles and turns to stack containers into the fridge.
“yeah but do you think you’ll have any more?”
dalton shrugs.
but he also smiles just a little.
bella catches it because she’s smart enough to. “are you?”
“i-i don’t know!” he wipes down the counter. “when we first discussed kids kevin said he only wanted one, but we had a talk recently and decided we do probably want another, we just don’t know when.”
bella drags her hands down her face. “please have one sooner rather than later.”
“there will be no having.”
“literally shut the fuck up you know what i mean.” she pushes away from the counter. “wake me up in the morning for presents.”
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zayashmaya · 5 years
coconut cake, cinnamon rolls, yule log and toffee pudding for the Husbands and Mc? :O
coconut cake: have you ever been on vacation with your f/o? where did you go?
- ok mc somehow gets marvus to go to sweden with her, even though he HATES the cold. he’s bitching and whining the whole way there until he learns to exploit his wife for warmth with cuddles by a fireplace. he ends up really enjoying skiing (it’s no surprise that he’s a bit of an adrenaline junky) although the ski lifts are something he had to get used to. but his favorite memory from this trip was when he saw the northern lights for the first time. marvus just silently watched this miracle unfold while mc happily clung to his arm and he got pretty emotional about the whole experience. he told her how much he loved her for being in his life and giving him the opportunity to see something like this, and to be free to do so. 
- mc and lanque have gone to the bahamas! and he really enjoyed it, despite him usually being more partial to places like morocco or spain. the first few days were spent lounging around at the beach taking selfies until they both got really bored (and lanque was hella tired of people constantly hitting on him). so they set off to explore caves and water holes, which made him slightly nostalgic. snorkeling was a weird experience for him, he never imagined that he could see what lies in an ocean without getting culled. needless to say, he thinks the bahamas are absolutely beautiful, and he develops a weird love for eating conchs (mc hates how they taste). 
- mc wanted to push tagora’s boundaries by suggesting they stay at one of those water bungalows in the maldives, where the cabins are on the water and you can just swim from your living room. but tagora was NOT having it, he is not fond of water, especially with how the salty breeze makes his hair smell. so they compromised by going to santorini. he finds the architecture really unique and endearing, and the view is to die for. they stay in a rented home that has a classic blue dome and overlooks the ocean, and the outside is surrounded by vibrant flowers. tagora really likes how reclusive it feels, where he can unwind and relax with mc and no one will bother them. they start to feel particularly bougie when they go to wine tastings at vineyards. lanque really wants to do this with them next time, he’s all about this life. 
cinnamon rolls: who has the bigger sweet tooth?
- out of all of them, probably mc and lanque! marvus is partial to sugary drinks but his ultimate love is spicy food, and tagora likes salty and umami. lanque is a sucker for an old-fashioned bakery shop where he can get fresh pastries. mc is a garbage can who chugs mountain dew and reese’s until she realizes her diet is way too awful to sustain. 
yule log: favourite holiday? is yours different from your f/o’s?
(im vibrating with excitement i love gushing about holidays)
- they all unanimously don’t buy into the quadrant appreciation day stuff, because every day is valentine’s day for them. marvus in particular loves to don the tinfoil hat and talk about how it’s a fake holiday created by companies to sell overpriced holiday crap. still doesn’t stop all three of the hubbies from pampering mc asjfhajl
- tagora goes apeshit for christmas, and lanque really loves this holiday too. they dont care about the religious aspect at all, they just love the cozycore vibe and spending time with family and eating dinner and opening presents (tagora’s love language is gifts and money). marvus is there for the eggnog and smooching under a mistletoe. mc makes them all wear tacky christmas sweaters and she dons an elf hat for the rest of the evening. and who am i kidding lanque also takes so much advantage of that mistletoe.
- marvus looooooves halloween, and it’s mc’s favorite holiday as well. they go HARD with decorating their home and outclassing every house within a 1000 mile radius, and they throw the best parties ever. mc eats all the candy of course. tagora and lanque aren’t THAT possessed by the holiday spirit but they definitely spend a long ass time preparing their costumes because they are drama queens like that. 
- mother’s day and father’s day makes the husbands a bit depressed because it reminds them of their lusi and they miss them :c tagora has the hardest time being apart from his lusus so mc gets him a ferret that he names abacus (lil abby!!!!) and this becomes the most spoiled ferret in all of existence. 
toffee pudding: how does your f/o feel about formalwear/black tie events?
- tagora gets anxious. he’s pretty good at socializing when he’s in the moment, but he spends a lot of time beforehand working himself up into a tizzy and busying himself with picking out just the right attire to impress the crowd. needless to say, he needs his emotional support alien with him at all times in case something goes wrong. mc is a master of rectifying awkward situations. sometimes he’ll bring galekh or lanque with him. 
- lanque thrives at these events and he looks ungodly attractive while doing so. he’s far more subtle in how he manipulates a crowd - it starts with winning over an attendee who just happens to have a lot of connections at the party, and before he knows it he’s being introduced to many people who fall under his spell. he doesn’t always bring mc along, mostly because she distracts him and sometimes he genuinely needs to do networking and less leering at his date. but mc will be damned if she doesn’t get a good look at lanque in a suit before he leaves. 
- marvus lives and breathes these type of events. his taste in fashion will depend on what sort of crowd will be there; he can tone it down a notch with a tasteful suit and a pop of color for his shirt, or he can be so camp that your eyes will bleed. he charms the whole crowd in attendance the minute he walks through the doors. he is loud and proud and in charge and everyone fawns over him. even when he’s relaxing somewhere, people will gravitate towards him. like lanque, he doesn’t pressure mc to come with him, but when she’s there, his attention is fixed on her. she’s at his side constantly or sitting in his lap, he’s not picky, just as long as she’s around. he loves getting ready for the event with her and asking for her input on what to wear and vice versa. they always coordinate their outfits. mc gets a little overwhelmed by the events that he attends (these aren’t small-time gatherings or corporate networking events, they are probably galas for rich people). marvus knows this, so he always makes sure not to leave her unattended for too long. they totally smash in a bathroom or something classless like that. if not there then definitely in the limo on the way back home adjfhaj
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tumblunni · 5 years
Hhhh bunni legs pain accomplishment day
Tfw u only get paid 4 days before christmas and have to rush everything aaaa
It was bad enough today so i'm so glad i got it done before it got even more busy!
Misc boring essentials i bought for myself: new phone charger cos broken, new trousers cos i spilt hair bleach on my only two pairs, new shoes cos my left shoe literally snapped in half down the middle like wtf even happened there, cheap pink hair dye from a discount store cos i wanna try different colours but in a thrifty way
First off SO MANY pc and xbox 360 games from Every Charity Shop In Cardiff, St Mellons, Rumney and Llanrumney. My sis has been trying to find some games to play but was like 'dont worry about it i can just wait til the charity shop gets something good'. So i thought i'd get some stocking stuffers via all the charity shops on my side of town. By our powers combined we will blitz the entire vale of glamorgan's discount gaming scene!!! I found SO MANY good stuff for £1/£2/£3 like holy shit i love when charity shops dont know the proper price for shit XD
speaking of which i also found a WEBCAM for £2! If its that cheap it probanly isnt great but itd still be fun to play around with! :D and the same store also had an old vintage G1 My Little Pony coffee mug in excellent condition. Oh god the nostalgia! My support worker gave me a lift to llanrumney so i had to awkwardly explain why i had an armful of weird 80s mugs and big teary eyes!
Speaking of vintage, i found this new vintage toys and games shop in cardiff called Galactic Attic! The name hooked me in and then they actually DID have pokemon inside! As well as all sorts of stuff ranging from 40s to 90s, wow! There was even a lil pile of old 90s gaming magazines in the corner, covered up by a bunch of boxes. I'm glad i noticed them! I got the announcemt issues for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum in a weird old pokemon fan magazine that i loved as a kid. Im kinda sad that nowadays we just have one official magazine fpr each console and not the wild madness of amateaur journalists failing horribly to get news from japan. Shame they didnt have Beckett Pokemon cos that one was infamous fot drawing its own terrible interpretations of pokemon sprites to avoid copyright. And speaking of terrible, they even had bootleg pokemon!! I talked to the cashier and he was like "you know those are fake right" and i was like "yeah its so nostalgic thats why i want em" and he was like "lol yeah they actually sell pretty well so i'm not mad my supplier ripped me off". It was a pretty good and awesomely terrible fake at the same time? There was this exact replica of some japanese display stand for the product and then the actual pokeball toys looked perfect BUT the mini pokemon inside were.. Really not. I am so damn happy with the surprise inside my one, surprise inside has never been more accurate! I can't take a picture now cos my phone is charging but REGICHEETO. Just..just imagine that, and whatever you're imagining it is probably worse. I love it so fuckin much. Also less hilariously there were some bootleg mini pika plushies with actually (as far as i can tell) their own unique design? They have cute lil winter scarves and an art style that reminds me of the Magical Pokemon Adventure manga. A really cute and good bootleg that i would have loved to see as a real product! The only way you can even tell its a bootleg is because there's no marking on the tail. I dunno, maybe if i still have some brown fabric in the cupboard i could fix it? Or maybe its unique tail makes it even more special! I mean there's Cosplay Pikachu with its double tail marking so maybe this is her cousin Accessory Pikachu with no markings? He just likes wearing scarfs and hats and stuff. OMG HE'S THE POKEMON GO EVENT PIKACHU!!!!!!
Along the miscness of finding a few things for myself, i also found: cute lil pokemon pencilcase, kingdom hearts blind bag, cheap copy of Fruits Basket volume 1 cos the new remake is coming out soon and i wanna Get Hype! The KH blind bag was really weird cos i didnt know they now have an entirely different set as well as the keychains i bought before. Its kind of a shame the art style doesnt match cos vexen is only in the keychains, alas! But i do really love these ones! Theyre apparantly made by funko pop but dont have the art style AT ALL, they just look like really accurate versions of the characters in mini form. Its kinda like the 'distance animation' style in steven universe? (Incidentally they also do SU ones but they missed the opportunitu to actually use the distance style, lol) I got a Sora in his kh2 outfit and i'm decently happy with that, its not one i really wanted but its not a bad one either. But i think now i've tried the fun of surprise once i'll just buy the actual ones i want off ebay later. They have roxas in his organization outfit! With a happy smile!!!
Oh oh and then EVEN MORE XBOX GAMES OF THE WILD THRIFT STORE VOID! i managed to find the whole fable series, two assassins creeds, saints row, gta, some misc shooter games and racers that she wanted but i dont know much about, mass effect 2 and ff13. I think maybe one or two others cos i cant fully remember right now. Theyre all in separate bags strewn across the room and my shoulders feel like death so i'll sort through them later.
Aaaand i wrote up like 14 paragraphs more but tumblr didnt save my draft fpr some fuckin reason and now im way too tired to do it again
Briefer summary:
* had a huge horrible panic attack getting stuck in a skyscraper shopping centre clothes place full of screaming and every perfume smell and WHY DO I HAVE TO NAVIGATE THIS HELL MAZE TO FIND THE ESCALATOR and seriously i was my most primal animalistic self and i went full fight or flight on this bitch
* had a lovely time visiting Cool Shop Grandma and rambled the story of how i met her and how we became friends but hhh too tired to rewrite. But anyway today i gave her a christmas pikachu plush as thanks for everything and cos her shop is moving on to its next location soon. She got really teary and gave me a big hug! She's gonna be at a comic con in march so i hope i'm able to go to that and see her again.
* went on a wild goose chase looking for harry potter merchandise and eventually found a gold plated replica of the movie prop version of the time turner and HELL YES my sis will love it!
* rambled about several market stalls that were cool but i can make a separate post about that in the morning when i find their contact details to advertise them
* got a plushie delibird and decided to take selfies with it everywhere to try and fight my social anxiety somehow. We went to a neat lil restaurant and had cheesy fries and a coke float!
* asked for a refund on an item for the first time ever and im proud of myself
* went off on a mystery bus trip to buy a preowned 3ds and pokemon games from a lady in an online preowned stuff facebook group and it didnt go horribly and i am glad! She was really nice and i witnessed A Good And Smart Parenting Moment and man it healed my heart and i wish i'd been raised that way. Again i'll probably ramble about the details later when im less tired, it really touched my heart seriously! And now i have MANY GIFTS FOR SIS!
* in total i was out present shopping from 9am to 8pm and i clicked my shoulder out of its socket for a split second from.all the heavy bags. Now im in a lot of aches and i need a sleeps
The End
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