conduitandconjurer · 7 months
"Was that lightning?! That was definitely lightning, right?"
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"I dunnooooo.....are you scared, lamb?"
Klaus's intermittent periods of "I grew up with six siblings, and I can be a real dick when I Activate That Mode" is in vivid evidence as he turns facetiously widened eyes on his son.
His beloved son.
But come on. It's funny.
"Wanna hold hannnnds?"
Cue a triple-dimpled, vulpine grin.
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detectiveconnor · 6 months
Being an Android, Connor did not in fact keep sandwich ingredients ready for the making, in his kitchen. The space had been made use of between Connor's pinboard, for cases (currently clear; he had not brought that work home with him this week, yet), and art supplies tucked away in the cupboards which themselves were filled with Connor's stickynotes he'd left around for his boyfriend, small notes Markus had decided needed to be kept because, he said, he "thought they were sweet."
So they, as a couple, did not have sandwich ingredients and they, as a couple, did not tend to tell people where they lived in general, and they - as a couple who lived in a fourth-floor apartment - were not aptly placed for foot-traffic criminals.
Nathan Young was (he noted, with a properly annoyed flash of his LED, vibrant yellow), wearing shoes in their apartment. Shoes which had just been through the gardens earlier today.
"Nathan," the first name, was what he settled on, once his keys were down and his own shoes were off, "this isn't somewhere you can be." This space was, flatly, out of bounds for him. "You should leave."
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sclfmastery · 5 months
🫂 "Bring it in, man. Briiing it in."
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Send 🫂 to hug my muse (accepting!)
The Master inspects the boy's outstretched hand. His nose curls and two pinkie fingers disdainfully elevate. He tsks.
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misteradrianmonk · 6 months
"Oh, no-- don't--" oh, no. No, "Natalie, he's-- he's licking his fingers," no. God, no. Monk waved a hand for a wipe, though what he was hoping to wipe away was maybe the... the... oh, the feeling. Ugh. The feeling of this guy, he gave Monk the creeps. Seriously. He didn't think Stottlemeyer actually wanted him interviewing this man, he didn't -- no. No.
"That's OK, Adrian. You're OK," Natalie promised.
Adrian did not feel OK. "I'm meant to interview him, Natalie. I'm - I'm meant to - shake his hand," a grand gesture in Nathan's direction like he was flatly out of earshot, "This is - I know what this is. Captain Stottlemeyer's trying to get under my skin. I told him he missed a spot while he was flossing this morning, he's- he's joshing me, he's pulling my leg, Natalie, we gotta turn this down." Seriously. You can't play into this sort of thing. He told her, "It's a power move."
"Adrian. This man witnessed the murder."
Yes. Yes, that. That was true. He, um. He turned back to Mr Young, who -- "Oh, God," he turned away like it might not be happening if he was not witnessing it. Nathan had just put his hand, the one whose fingers he'd just licked, back into the cookie tray just - just willy nilly. Like a madman. He probably even committed the murder, that kind of person, they didn't have a care in the world, cold-blooded killers, they don't - they don't care about the sharing the cookies (not that he would have taken any), this man. Adrian had solved it. No need for investigating. Put him behind bars. Right?
Natalie continued to watch him, like she expected him to introduce himself.
"Natalie," he said, betrayed and hurt.
"Mr Young?" Natalie turned away from him (Monk used the back of his hand, held flat, to shield his eyes from making contact Nathan Young, "My name is Natalie Teeger, and this is Adrian Monk. He's the man who police wanted you to speak to today. It's really good of you to wait for us."
He hated this job. He wanted to quit and move to Hawaii. It didn't matter about the sand. He'd take a vacuum. They'd be thrilled, he'd be welcomed as a cleanliness... rescuer, he could do Hawaii.
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parameddic · 4 months
Not quite the meme but — Nathan accidentally shooting TK? (Thought a real one wasn't loaded? Knew it was loaded but touched it anyway bc he has no impulse control? Mixed up his water pistol with a not-water pistol? Up to you!)
Holy --
the gun went off with a bang that drew every eye in the room, including TK's, and for a very long moment which was in fact only a second or two long, TK's eyes found the weapon in this kid's hand and he thought, no way. There was no burning, there was no choking - he remembered it hurting a lot worse last time - and then Nathan was staring at the weapon as well and saying words that all blurred acutely into background noise. Someone touched TK's shoulders, caught him ("TK," Nancy was saying), and Judd was yelling. At the kid. Yelling at the kid (DROP IT).
"Cap?" he wanted --
"We got you, TK." She was right there. She and Nancy and the rest of them, they were right there.
There it was. The pain, the burning, the way this sudden heat spread all through his shoulder and then all through his body and his breaths suddenly got hard to draw, lungs fighting to expand. "Cap, I can't-"
"Nancy," Cap spoke over the top of him, "grab the bag from the truck, I'm gonna need better access."
(TK did not stop her or try to argue, not even a little, but for what it was worth he had some knee-jerk, no, don't -- she can't leave, in him, and he swallowed loosely over it, 'cause Cap was right. Bullet wound to the chest, they'd need better gear than what they had with them.)
"TK," Captain Vega turned back to him now, "Speak to me, how are you doing?"
Strained: "Doing great, Cap."
"Hey! HEY! GET ON THE GROUND!" (yelling, yelling.)
"You breathing okay?"
"Feels like a collaps..." ow ow ow ow, no, he was not breathing okay, and he was out of air.
"You would know the feeling," it was more fond than it sounded and TK felt it all the way through with the normal warm glow and it made him close his eyes, tight, head rocking back, trying to open an airway that wasn't obstructed: he just couldn't breathe. "We got you, honey, Nancy's almost back. You'll be OK."
"Cap..." not even voiced, barely more than the shape of the consonants.
"TK!" someone was yelling. Dad? "TK! Son!"
Sensation of wheels over concrete, rickety bed. Moving.
Someone was holding his hand. (Mum?)
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mostincrediblechange · 6 months
"Dad, look what I found!" Nathan bounds across the alien field of grass—white, pure snow white and glittery in the twin suns—and holds out his cupped hands. What he uncovers between them is a equally alien amphibian, like something caught horribly between a toad, a duck, and a particularly bright purple aubergine. It's ugly. Nathan is delighted.
"Can we keep 'im?" he asks. "What is he? Look at that one big eye! Think he can see anything with that thing?"
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The Doctor looks down at the weird little creature in Nathan's hands.
"Actually, kiddo, I think you might want to put that down before it gets a mind to eat you for lunch," he chuckles, only a bit nervous.
Almost as if on cue, the creature opens its wide mouth and out flies an orange tongue fifty times the length of its body. It shoots straight up in the air and snags a four-winged bird creature flying over head. With one wet gulp, the bird disappears down the amphibian's gullet.
"Guess it's not hungry anymore."
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kingofthewebxxx · 9 months
"What do I want? Uhh, do you have a fiver on you? I'm skint and starving."
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“Why are you telling me this? I don’t give away anything for free you know, oh I know! Since a tiny little spider told me you cannot die why don’t we work with that? I need you to do a few jobs for me, nothing that should kill you in theory so there is no need to worry your head about it! Plus it would be funny to see my clients' reactions when they find out how it was done, if I chose to tell them it is, probably not, might tell them a superhuman ninja did it. You don’t mind being called that do you? Superhuman ninja. I already think I’m giving you too much credit for something that you seem to waste so cheaply. Let’s see though, I’m sending you three locations, they have some rather boring looking statues in them, smash them up for me would you, would be such a shame if you were left as nothing but a test subject now wouldn’t it? I suggest you take my offer” he said with a cold grin, that was the thing with immortals, he could do the same thing over and over again until he got bored.
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n0tdavid · 10 months
Smash or Pass (you know I gotta)
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"If I met you in a club and we knew nothing about one another... smash," Bowie said under his breath as he crossed his arms. "But as it stands, I'd have to pass because due to the misfortune of knowing you- plus, you're dating my best friend and I wouldn't do that to her."
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itsybitsyparker · 1 year
@immortalled said: Nathan reaches for Peter's hand and gives it a little squeeze while they walk.
"It's not gay if we're wearin' gloves!"
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Peter slips his hand out of Nathan's for a moment and strips off his gloves. He grabs Nathan's hand again, and kisses him on the cheek; quick so Nate can't dodge it.
"There, now it's gay."
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macveigh · 1 year
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@immortalled​ asked: "Good girl." [ Send me "Good boy/girl" for my muse's reaction to your muse saying that to them! ]
“Excuse me?” her movements froze and she looked up at Nathan with a perplexed, wide-eyed expression. The sentiment paired with his unique accent caused her to blush, it blossomed across her pale cheeks and nose and spread down as far as to her neck. “That’s not...that’s not why I’m trying to help you undress,” Morgan insisted, shaking her head, “We need to loose the orange jumpsuits and find some other clothes unless you want us to get caught.”
She finished unbuttoning the rest of the notches on Nathan’s COMMUNITY PAY(BLOW)BACK jumpsuit and hastily began to pull it down his scrawny shoulders. 
“Please tell me you’re wearing pants underneath this...” 
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scribedhorror · 1 year
👌👌👌👌 (no homo tho)
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@immortalled || meme send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine
"Well that's a shame because I'm all for the homo."
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"What if there's, like, a little homo?"
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conduitandconjurer · 10 months
"Muuuummmm, would you love me if I was a repeat felon?"
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Klaus double-takes at his son, eyebrows incredulously furled.
"IF you were....?"
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'Yes, my darlin' dipshit."
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detectiveconnor · 3 months
Nathan was in the vehicle.
Connor looked at him the rearview mirror, and to his credit he did say, "Get out of the car," but the fact he said it had little bearing on his next actions: he did not wait for Nathan Young to move, nor did he wait long enough for it to be clear that Nathan was not intending to.
Connor got out of the car, opened Nathan's door and pulled him out by the scruff of his shirt like one might extract a wet kitten from a sewer, matter-of-fact and with no room for argument: he did not injure him in the process but it would not have been a shock, nor a regret, if Nathan ended up with bruises or scrapes from the way Connor discarded him on the pavement, several steps away from the car. Nathan was not an appropriate guest to a pursuit, and he was not invited.
Connor left.
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idcnticxl · 1 year
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@immortalled​ said:                          “You're a genuinely...  Okay? Person.”
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The air was heavy with a stunned silence as Jenna took a second to take in the compliment from Nathan. “Thanks...” She said hesitatingly. Letting out a short sigh she opened her mouth again. “You’re not always the worst either.” 
If he was willing to meet halfway... she was too.
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theseancekid · 1 year
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@immortalled​ sent: “…I don’t like peanut butter.”
     “Oh, uhhhhh, yeah, no, that’s fine! that’s...” He finds himself nodding until he’s dizzy, eyes darting back and forth between Nathan and the offending peanut butter sandwich as he tried to pinpoint that look on his face. 
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     Poor kid looks like he’s gonna pass the fuck out and it’s driving him crazy because he knows he’s seen that before— well, not so much seen it as felt it. It’s...it reminds him of that time Mom offered him a pudding cup and it made him want to throw up because all he could think about was linoleum flooring and florescent lights and the sickening smell of hospital disinfectant and— right, okay, yeah, that’s not great. 
     “No more peanut butter.” To prove his point, he shoves the entire sandwich into his mouth, chews and chews (and chews, and chews, and CHEWS) like a fat chipmunk until he can push the next words out around the stickiness. “What are your opinions on grilled cheese?”
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sclfmastery · 2 years
"Hey, you're supposed to be smart— If prunes are dried plums, where does prune juice come from?"
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"....🍡  🎀  𝒮𝓊𝓅𝓅♡❀🌺😍𝓈𝑒𝒹  🎀  🍡
                                 to be....?"
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