moxfirefly · 1 year
Oohh Bestie you've done it this time!!!
Girl you already know... our trash gremlin man of metal ⚙️ *daddy* ⚙️
"You know I'm your right? I only have eyes for you."
"I choose you, and I need you to trust that my decision is final. Trust me."
[Stake] and [Remind]
Girl. Do your magic!!
Friend you’ve got it 🫡
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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The tavern was a staple of the village. On most nights it would usually be crammed to the brim with the drunken laughter of the locals. On specific nights it was borderline empty due to it only being inhabited by one of the lords.
On this specific night you had sat down with every intention of enjoying just that.
Much to the dismay of a stubborn and foolish man.
Perhaps he’d forgotten his place? Perhaps the calm sounds of cups and bottles from the barkeep had lulled him into the tavern.
Either way, his most fatal mistake was to take the seat opposite you in a weak attempt to strike up a conversation.
“Quite nice when this place isn’t filled with the village drunk, eh?” He thought he was being coy, his smile flashing stained teeth and not so innocent intentions. “I wish it be like this more often than not. What’s such a pretty lady like you doing out this late?” His hand slid across the table, to which you smoothly retreated by placing yours in your lap.
“I believe it’s best for you to leave, sir” Your tone wasn’t malicious but you sure knew this man had about two minutes to live if he didn’t haul ass outta here.
“Leave? Well only if you leave with me, how bout it?” His grin spread across his cheeks.
You heard a door open not too far off behind you. The man turned, lifting two fingers in motion for the barkeep to pour two more drinks.
The second you felt hands on your shoulder and that cigar scent that naturally accompanied who’d just walked in, it took all your resolve not to stifle a laugh.
“Make that three, Elijah” Heisenberg’s voice was liquid smooth, a tone you’d come to enjoy greatly in your time spent with him.
The man before you quickly turned and his gaze was worth more money than you could ever fathom.
Heisenberg’s hands massaged your shoulders, the tingling they provided instantly made you shiver. The man before was caught between wanting to stand up and run or to keep perfectly still.
“My lord-“ He stammered out.
Heisenberg busied himself briefly by cupping your chin, he moved your head to look up. You were met with a handsome face, and a wolffish grin. Naturally he leaned down and whispered something to you that only made your smile spread and your cheeks tint pink.
The barkeep approached and settled the ordered drinks on the table. The man before you didn’t dare lift to grab his own and something about the way his face broke out in a sweat only served to make your grin more noticeable. Behind you Heisenberg had now began to play with your hair, he hummed before lifting a brow. “It’s rude to not drink when a lord has so humbly offered” His status had always meant jack shit to Karl but it never got old watching the villagers cower when he put his position above them. With shaky hands the man scooted close to lift the drink but the sudden notion that perhaps his drink could’ve been tampered with had him now all the more worried.
He stumbled and quickly bowed his head in shame. “My lord please if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I was not aware that she-“ The sharp end of blade hovered in front of him. The shiny tip just close enough to have him cross eyed. All it would take would be a flick of his hand, jut out his chin, a bored movement and it would be the end for him. He held his breath, a whimper dying in the back of his throat. “Listen let me stop you there pal, as much as fucking with your peace of mind has entertained the two of us I can tell you that fucking her is a thousand times more entertaining” You felt leather finger tips on your scalp, a slightly more possessive hold. “I think he has learned his lesson Karl, as well as soiled himself” Your words fell from your lips like a honey, leaning back into his determined hold, you smiled up at him. “Take me home” And with that and a gentle shove of his hand the knife fell on the table.
As you gathered your things and Karl helped into your coat, you didn’t spare the man another glance. His tearful expression wasn’t enough to make him realize just how lucky he had gotten. While he wouldn’t admit it, you knew whatever your said would go with Karl. A simple request as being taken home would not be fought nor questioned.
The walk back had been surprisingly quiet, the cool air perhaps could’ve been reason enough. The icy winds had picked up now as night fell and much to your surprise Karl hadn’t continued his banter.
Something was very much working in his brain, and those pesky thoughts he tended to seal off would now have to be painstakingly cut open if you were you find out what exactly was running amok in his head.
At the factory, as you hung up your coat and scarf you took the second to reach for this own coat before he could. Delicate fingers brushing across the lapels of worn fabric as you slipped it off his shoulders. “You know I’m yours right? I only have eyes for you.” It was honest, scattered across the hairs on the nape of his neck. Whispered so delicately it made his skin breakout and something metallic clang against its surface. Those eyes of his sought you out, cold and calculating and too beautiful for his own good. “Is that so?” His voice felt just a tad soft, questioning the authenticity of your confession. Your lips found a scar on his throat as you moved around to stand before him, your lips tickled by the scruff of his beard as your lips found his ear. “I choose you, and I need you to trust that my decision is final…” You pressed a tender kiss to the lobe, before catching his gaze in an intimate stare. “Trust me.” Was all you needed to write the final period of your confession. There was something tortured that briefly flashed in his features, a haunting ghost that always lingered whenever the eyes of the villagers weren’t on him. You often caught it, felt that ghostly presence in the early morning hours when he would fuse his body to yours and feed the famished parts of his soul that had been neglected for so long.
Your hands cupped his face, thumbs caressing the scar on his lip as you stood on the tips of your toes to kiss him with a tenderness that broke him all over again like the first time it happened.
Naturally this led him to press you against the desk in the garage, and sit you there as he deepened the kiss and felt any ounce of doubt melt away with something so simple as your urgent words for more. Karl felt everything humanly possible surge though him as he hiked up your dress and undignified whatever garment in his way. He wanted your warmth on this cold winters evening. He craved nothing more than to swallow you whole and selfishly keep you like the diamonds found in the mines.
It was so achingly simple to slip inside of you, to feel that warmth engulf him and destroy him all at once. To say love was the word wasn’t enough, he needed something much stronger, more defined and new than love to describe how you set his soul ablaze. It was somewhere between the way your small hands untucked his shirt to feel at the scarred flesh of his back that he wanted to tell you he would keep you here forever. Because how could something so beautiful as you, equally ache and fight for him?
Your hand found his throat as he gently rocked against you, stretching you so deliciously it could make your head loll in dizzying pleasure. You gripped his throat, made his eyes open and land on your own.
‘I’m yours’ you mouthed at him, lips parted as a moan escaped you. You watched what those words did to him, made him sink deeper and harder into your heat and fuck you so slow and yet with so much meaning. His forehead pressed against your own, a groan so broken and needy exiting him.
His hands tighten around your thighs, as he watches obsessively with how you lose yourself around his cock. It guts him, it makes the slow rocking against you all the more meaningful as he watches your hands find his pecs and dig into the flesh as the first wave of release consumes you. He fucking loves how your eyes can’t stay open enough with how atrociously satisfying this is to you, because it’s in the way your thighs shake and cramp and your mouth hangs open in deliverance. Karl has to watch it even as the vice grip around his cock makes him light headed from the way it yanks his release as well. Make him push his sweaty forehead against your own and rub like a starved animal for affection.
He can’t keep his eyes open when he says it, runs the words against your lips like a ghostly lover would.
“I’m yours too…”
And when your hands find his chest and dig into the skin of his pecs, eyes unable to remain open because he’s making you cum so hard its earth shattering to witness it. Karl feels the vice like grip yank his own release out of him, makes him feel hazy and so atrociously satisfied.
“I’m going to stop you right there pal, mostly because at this rate fucking with your peace of mind doesn’t hold a candle to fucking this delightful
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
Who would you be in a horror movie?
Create your own look here
Find out who you are in a horror movie here
Tagged by @patchworkgargoyle​, thank you!!
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Oh boy lmfao. Sorry, y’all. This is what ten years in corporate America will do to you, I guess. No pressure tagging: @petitgriffon​ @imthegreenfairy88​ @mourningstarmace​ and @vodkafolie​
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leosgirl82 · 1 year
Raphael's turn for a Baystyle sketch ❤️
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What could possibly motivate me to pick up the mechanical pencil again? To celebrate one of my most favorite people ever!! Happy birthday @turtle-babe83! 🥳🎉 This is as close as I can get to giving you BayRaph for the day 😂
Art by me! Please do not steal but by all means reblog! You can find my other drawings here !
@thelaundrybitch @nittleboo @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmnt-tychou @androidships007 @fluffytriceratops @angelicdavinci @sivy-chan-blog @aurora-the-kunoichi @raisin-shell @fyreball66 @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @ravn-87 @raphslovemuffin80 @waterstar2016 @red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @scholastic-dragon @sharpwindow @tinkabelle19 @zowise2912 @dilucsflame33 @eveandtheturtles @mysticboombox @turtlesmakemehappy @sewerninno @drowninghell @my-own-au-my-way @luna-neko-hamato @s-s-ironnie @sketch-and-write-lover
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
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@raphissexy : Could you do head canon tmnt for all the boys where they have a friend who is just very touchy so like random hugs or like once they get used to each other it’s like little wrestling fights or like laying on top of them during a movie night
Platonic touchy-feely? Absolutely! I’m like this with my friends. 🥰 Here we go!
This turtle is a bit cautious going into any friendship outside of his family. A handshake, maybe a pat on the shoulder, but that’s all you’re going to get at first.
You, on the other hand, can’t help yourself. You always go in for the hug, invade his personal space, and generally have to touch him all the time.
At first, he finds this unsettling. He’s not used to casual human touch.
But gradually, he gets used to it and starts to anticipate it.
The first time he initiates a hug, you can barely contain your elation!
Gradually, he gets more and more comfortable with you and he doesn’t even flinch when you crawl into his lap during meditation.
He finds that he concentrates better with your scent in his nostrils.
You find him be a comfortable reading spot.
Touch-starved. He is absolutely touch-starved, but refuses to make any first moves.
He stares at you incredulously when you wrap your arms around his bicep during conversations.
He can hardly believe that you actually want to touch him at all.
In time, he begins to smile when you grab his hand.
One night, while you two are watching an action movie with his brothers, you launch yourself at him.
Cue MMA, the lair’s living room just became a cage fight complete with cheering fans (Mikey believes in you!).
Always super careful not to hurt you, he loves it when you want to wrestle and grapple with him.
It makes him feel somewhat normal for a change, aside from being a giant turtle.
Donnie is used to touch among his brothers. Training and fighting together, and of course, patching them up as the resident medic.
What little human contact he can boast came from April and Casey. Vern, he avoids 😂
Fist bumps and high fives with the guys, shoulder pats and hugs from April. But anything more is foreign to him.
It starts when you perch on the arm of the recliner during movie night, leaning on him slightly. He stiffens, but doesn’t say a word.
As you continue to increase your touches to him, he finds that he likes the attention and the feel of your soft human skin.
Finally, you start spending those movie nights sitting in the recliner with him, feeding him from the bowl of popcorn you both share.
Mikey is touchy-feely with you right from the start.
He likes to hug, and cuddle, and hold hands.
Movie nights will be spent wrapped up in a blanket together, doesn’t matter if you’re dating or just besties.
He loves it when you seek physical contact with him. 
His favorite, however, is your infamous tickle fights!
It’s almost like a game of tag as you chase each other all over the lair.
His most ticklish spots are under his arms and on his waist close to where it meets his shell in the back.
Look out though, he’s relentless when it’s his turn!
Overall, seeing you be so comfortable with physical contact with their younger brother, makes the other brothers feel more comfortable with physical contact themselves.
@exovapor @tmntspidergirl @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @brightlotusmoon @chicchanmooshy @fyreball66 @thelostandforgottenangel @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @0x0spunky-monkey0x0 @7mika8 @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @cottoncandybeans @avvaazz @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @creepylittlemarvelgirl @raphslovemuffin80 @raphsgrl @drowninghell @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14 @waterstar2016 @infuriatedleprechaun @bibiz82
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raisin-shell · 2 years
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@exovapor @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @selfless1978 @tkappi @moonlightflower21 @leosgirl82
And all my other Leonardo lovers out there!
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gurlbesimpin · 11 months
I did it!
Heisenberg in a Rammstein shirt. Yippee.
Ain't good at art really, but I tried🤷
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vivern-of-nosgoth · 1 year
Favorite song chain
Directions: Pick 5 of your favorite songs and tag 3 people!
tagged by @vodkafolie :З
George Michael - Careless Whisper Type O Negative - Love You to Death Muse - Hysteria Massive Ego - Drag Me In, Drag Me Under Army Of Lovers - Crucified
Join if you wanna :)
@imthegreenfairy88 , @missrandomdreamer , @kittypup12
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me, to my mutuals and tumblr besties: oh you gorgeous thing you, you angelic delight, you RAVISHING creature -
my mutuals and tumblr besties:
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@nastygirlsareangels @kronos-the-timelord @imthegreenfairy88 @dracini-rambles @hellshire-harlot @pearlsxandxpeonies @thelittlest-lynx @femslut-hypno-boy @karlskitten @cnc-pet @vodkafolie
p.s. don't look behind you
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captain-kinda-trash · 2 years
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[ @turtle-babe83​ @thelaundrybitch​ @raphsgrl​ @leosgirl82​ @ladyofparchments​ @aurora-the-kunoichi​ @southernblossoms​ @imthegreenfairy88​ @angelicdavinci​ @angelcatlowyn​ @hagelpaimon​ @nittleboo​ @well-its-not-human-anymore​ @raphaelsrightarm​ ]
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moxfirefly · 2 years
Oohhh bestie you asked for it!!
Please and thank you 🤗
Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
The “oh” moment, you know what I’m talking about. That “oh” can be all fluttery or devastatingly and it’s hard to resist one or the other. Never fails to hit me in the guts.
Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I can’t really say. I can abandone it and come back to it. I got something I started like five years ago and recently gave it a small update. Nothing is ever fully scrapped with me.
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags
Tagged by @patchworkgargoyle, who delights in giving me little tasks to complete. (jk ily)
Y'all know who it is. King Blorbo. Karl Heisenberg, Resident Evil Village. <3 My beloved, my favorite cranky old man, the garbage gremlin soulmate.
Isabela, Dragon Age (literally we are the same person. I like big boats, I cannot lie.)
Jack Rackham, Black Sails (I will never stop using the phrase I once saw to describe him: the limpest wrists in the Caribbean. The 'a story is true a story is untrue' speech from the show's end has haunted me ever since first viewing.)
Hector Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean (OG senior citizen, respect your elders!!!)
Yennefer of Vengerberg, The Witcher (primarily I enjoy the games - she and I are similar in v painful ways and she makes me feel a lot of things.)
Non-obligatory tag list: @vodkafolie @imthegreenfairy88 @mishwanders @shions-new-blog-of-stuff and @mourningstarmace ! And anyone else who would like to show off their funky lil fellas.
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leosgirl82 · 1 year
Who needs some more Bayverse Mikey?! ✋️🧡
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This is another birthday drawing, this time in honor of the amazingly talented @nittleboo ! 🥳🎉 wanted to give you some eye candy, and a rare image of Mikey being serious!
Art by me! Please do not steal, but by all means, reblog! You can find my other drawings here!
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmnt-tychou @androidships007 @fluffytriceratops @angelicdavinci @sivy-chan-blog @aurora-the-kunoichi @raisin-shell @fyreball66 @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream-15 @ravn-87 @raphslovemuffin80 @waterstar2016 @red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @scholastic-dragon @sharpwindow @tinkabelle19 @zowise2912 @dilucsflame33 @eveandtheturtles @mysticlibraryhushbats @turtlesmakemehappy @sewersidal @drowning-painfully @my-own-au-my-way @s-s-ironnie @sketch-and-write-lover @angelcatlowyn
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
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{GN!Reader, on the Nice List}
Just imagine…….
Mikey begs you to help him make Christmas cookies from scratch. He has all the ingredients for sugar cookies and you bring the cookie icing in festive colors. There’s an array of sprinkles and candies.
Turning on the Christmas tunes, he grabs you and spins you around. After several minutes of riotous dancing, he decides it’s time to bake. He mixes the dough and then rolls it out. When he asks you to grab the cookie cutters, you freeze and stare.
“Mikey, just where did you get these things?” you ask slowly.
“Babe, you won’t believe it! They were in a bag in the dumpster behind that sex store on the corner,” he answers cheerfully. “Must have been a mistake delivering baking stuff to that kind of store. No wonder they tossed’em. Don’t worry, I cleaned them real good.”
Your jaw has dropped and you are trying not to laugh at your boyfriend’s naïveté. You can’t wait to see the looks on his brothers’ faces when you serve them cock cookies of various shapes and sizes. 🧡
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@exovapor @dilucsflame33 @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @brightlotusmoon @ashleighclark98 @fyreball66 @tmntspidergirl @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @lunar-corgimon @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @sharpwindow @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @creepylittlemarvelgirl @raphslovemuffin80 @sketch-and-write-lover @drowninghell @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14 @waterstar2016 @infuriatedleprechaun @bibiz82 @angelicdavinci @memes-in-a-half-shell @fictionalmenmistress
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raisin-shell · 2 years
This is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favourite followers and mutuals <3
Oh my gosh a hug?! For me?!? And holy cow if I could I’d tag my entire followers list!! I love you all so very much but let me see if I can do some tagging.
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@tmntspidergirl @exovapor @nittleboo @turtle-babe83 @selfless1978 @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @thelaundrybitch @waterstar2016 @imthegreenfairy88 @aurora-the-kunoichi @angelicdavinci @tkappi @leosgirl82 @fyreball66 @memes-in-a-half-shell @baraturts @dragonslover1 @dai-su-kiss @e-a-s-y-g-l-i-d-e-r @fabuloustrash05 @hummerhouse @hagelpaimon @isitdonproof @janna-the-breaker @kawaiibunga @southernblossoms @levana-art @mean-green-imagines @nexuschampion @nunchucks-and-an-attitude @queendice98 @sassatello @shellsweet @tmntxreader-fics @verothexeno
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bi-polar-bara · 1 year
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thepatronsaintoffilth · 11 months
tagged by @thelittlest-lynx 😘
here's 5 songs I listen to! decided to focus on the ones on my rock playlist specifically
can't do a music list without at least one mashup and I'm OBSESSED with this one, kiss's "I was made for loving you" VS earth wind and fire's "boogie wonderland"
I tag:
@nastygirlsareangels @kronos-the-timelord @demoncvnt @prettyboybloodyteeth @imthegreenfairy88 @hellshire-harlot @sketchingchick @karlskitten @pearlsxandxpeonies @vodkafolie
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