#in my ideal canon they are married and have her (the dragon) as a pet
nyupuun · 9 months
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shooting star dragon t.g. ex is a beautiful name for a cat
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Agnes Cecilia Malinda
Birthday: January 25th, 18xx (Aquarius)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: English
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► magical info;
Wand: Willow, 11 inches, dragon heartstring
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Patronus: Ginger Cat
A ginger cat is actually a tabby with a different fur pattern and coloring, but these cats are so personable they deserve their own description. Ginger tabbies vary in personality but are known to love lazing in the sun and roaming around their territory. They can be quite the big softie, seeking petting and affection from their owners.
Patronus Memory: Casting her first spell at Hogwarts successfully as the first of her class.
Boggart: Losing.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): lavender, freshly baked goods, her apple orchard
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Protective magic, she prefers defense over offense
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Muggle Studies: E
► background;
Place of Birth: The Malinda Manor, English countryside
Home: The Malinda Manor, English countryside
Agnes was born to the Malinda family and welcomed with open arms, as her parents assumed they would have many more children, boys too, to inherit the estate. However, Agnes ended up being their only child and when her mother died before she started Hogwarts, she suddenly had all the pressures of being the heir thrust upon her.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Ruby Barker
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5′7 (170cm)
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: n/a
► relatives;
Father: Albert Malinda
The patriarch of the Malinda family who wished for a son to continue his legacy. He wasn’t happy with a daughter but tried to love Agnes the best he could. Albert dies when Agnes is 16, leaving her to handle both school, and the relatives trying to steal her fortune.
Mother: Eleanor Malinda (née Rowle)
A pureblood witch with great expectations for her daughter. She passed away when Agnes was only 11, leaving her husband heartbroken. Agnes was not close to her mother, since Eleanor found her to be too wild. She always tried to instruct her to be a proper lady, which Agnes despised as a child.
Husband: Jacob Owen Malinda, né Macmillan
Agnes and Jacob met at Hogwarts. Jacob was two years ahead of her so the two weren’t close. They knew of each other but barely spoke. After Agnes graduated, she met Jacob again through his work as a ministry official. He assisted her in the legal issues of her inheritance and the two grew to be friendly.
Agnes finds out during their courtship that Jacob is half-blood, his mother being a muggle. It was hidden from the public to save face, as the Macmillans are a respectable pure-blood family. This doesn’t deter her though, and she marries him anyway.
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Children: Ethel Malinda, Everett Malinda, Eloise Malinda
Descendants: Verna and Jacob Malinda
► relationships;
Allegiances: Gryffindor house, The Malinda family
Canon friends: tba
MC Friends: (hmu if you want your MCs to be friends with Agnes)
Dorm mates: (1/5)
Georgie Parsons by @unfortunate-arrow​
Rivals: tba
Enemies: tba
► personality;
Agnes is outspoken and determined. She loves to work with her hands, and spends a lot of time tending to the garden at the Malinda manor. She was raised to be a proper lady and she can certainly act as one if she chooses but more often than not you might find her hands buried in the dirt weeding plants, or cooking in the kitchens. She wants to keep her inheritance and her father’s legacy and will fight tooth and nail for what she believes in. She’s academically talented and wants to do well in school, and she’s a terrible loser, preferring to win everything from games to arguments.
► misc;
Hobbies: Cooking, cross-stitching, gardening
Extracurriculars: n/a
Quidditch: n/a
Favourite Subject: herbology, potions
Favourite professor: tba
Least favourite professor: tba
Professions: Head of the Malinda family
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lost-combustion · 4 years
can be used for rp   &   non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen   !
1. FIRST NAME:           Stephanie, but call me Bishy <3
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:            If you were to walk into my apartment, you’d find medieval weaponry hanging up on the walls all over the place. I also was always compared to Iron Man, only because my entire left arm is almost all metal.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:             Their eyes are the first thing I look at. When I saw my wife first, I looked at her eyes and just. Yes. The next observation I really look at is the smile. Each smile holds part of their personality. Then I tend to notice their height. Luckily for me, my wifey is taller than me. <3 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:               Ooooof. If I had to choose just ONE dish, I would have to choose Lemon Pepper fish. While I love sushi, and Alfredo, the lemon pepper fish is absolutely amazing and I finally learned how to make it myself. So I won’t starve if my wife leaves for a night or two. xD
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:               Spinach. Just. Yuck.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:              Okay so I have a few guilty pleasures. First and foremost is making characters with character creators in games. I just love making them. I also have a huge guilty pleasure for shipping. I’m actually going to copy a statement that someone else made because they describe it incredibly well. 
I love healthy ships and unhealthy ships (but like, don’t glorify them. Recognize they are unhealthy and should not be idealized for RL) I just love love, and I love the butterflies and coyness and excited uncertain that leads up to the very first time a ship admits their feelings most of all.
             But yeah. More guilty pleasures. I also love editing screenshots of characters. I love playing around with the colors and shadows. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:           Pajama pants. It’s rare for me to sleep with a top on, only because my wife is a massive heater and I’ll overheat if I wear too much.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:              Hah, well I’m married soooo. In October it’ll be 2 years, but we’ve been together for almost 5 years. Longest relationship I’ve ever had! <3 We have our difficulties, yes, but we work through it and keep on trucking.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:               If I could go back, I’d tell my boss to fuck off and stay in Texas with my dad for an additional 3 weeks. That was really the last time I got to spend time with my dad, seeing as the next time I saw him, he passed away. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:             I didn’t grow up around affection. So it took a long time for me to open up and actually showcase affection to people willingly. I’m finally getting better at it though! I want to say yes, I am an affectionate person, but I still struggle at times on whether it’s appropriate or not.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:             This will forever be “Sweeney Todd”. I absolutely adore that movie. Or any of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” just because of the aesthetic.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:            Oh gosh. This is extremely hard to choose, only because I love reading. Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones; anything from Stephen King; I read anything and everything, so choosing one as a favorite is nearly impossible.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:            Ooooof. I have too many to share. So like, it’s a very toxic ship, but Tsumi ( @tivtastic) and Syat’a are a huge toxic ship that I cannot wait to dive into. Another good ship that I’m kinda adoring is the friendship between Shoto ( @chooseyourmuse) with Astrid. Their closeness just brings me massive feels, and I adore them. Okay, so that’s only two. Let me think. I also am really interested to see the development between Denki ( @persona-de-interes) with Astrid.
           Oh! Another super big ship of mine is Caspian with Roselyn ( @sky-gryphon) on discord. Their raw connection just. Mmph. I love it. I also am really in love with the connection between Colette and Zegnes ( @sky-gryphon) on discord as well. While she’s this big bad predator, he’s so soft towards her and I just. He makes her feel things, which results in me feeling wonderful things for them. Now another- OH MY GOSH HOW COULD I FORGET.  
           How could I ever forget Arron ( @-tiviani-)??? He with ANYONE of my kids. FUCKING ANYONE. Give me that GORY SHIP. So fricken toxic, but YESSSS. 
             EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET THIS ADORABLE SHIP. OMG SOMEONE HIT ME FOR FORGETTING. Jupiter with Niel ( @softvorenoms). LEGIT GUYS. This ship is SO SUPER ADORABLE. Every time I think of canon relationships for Jupy, I immediately think of Niel. When I finally sit down to write the actual books for Jupiter and her siblings, Niel will either show up in it somewhere or be mentioned. Because these two. <3 <3 <3
15. PIE OR CAKE:           Pie! <3
16. FAVORITE SCENT:                I’m more towards vanilla, but I also am really liking cinnamon (even if I can’t say the damn word)
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:              Ooooof! Hmm. Okay, so I don’t really keep tabs on celebrity life, so give me a moment to really think. The actress that plays as Scarlet Witch. Yep, she’s real pretty. I also really adore Felicia Day. She’s just perfection. Then there’s Tom Hiddleston. He’s gorgeous. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:          Mm... Probably Italy ( seeing as I’m Italian and have yet to see where my family came from ) or Scotland ( because who doesn’t love their accent?? )
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:              Technically, I’m classified as an “Extroverted Introvert”, but I just like to call myself an Introvert and leave it at that.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:             Hah! I don’t think I scare easily, but I jump super easily.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:               Android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:               ...Do I play video games?? OOOOOF. Yes, lmao! I bounce between PS4 and PC. From Mortal Kombat, Dragon Age series, FFXIV, and soooo many others; I play pretty much anything. 
23. DREAM JOB:                 I’m actually doing my dream job! I work at a museum; I’m a tour guide. I adore learning new things, and retelling history to others. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:               I would first and foremost pay off any dept that my wife has. Then I’d put half of my cash to the side for saving. The rest would be put into paying off my wife’s vehicle (since mine is already paid off) and helping us settle down in an actual house somewhere we want to live for good. Currently we’re living in an apartment, and it’s comfortable yes, but it’s not forever. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:            A fictional character I hate? Hmm. Oh, oh! I know so many others really adore this character and find him “oh so attractive”, but I cannot stand Zenos yae Galvus from ffxiv. Just no. I can’t. At all.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:                I used to be big into Inuyasha. In fact, that was the first fandom I actually got into! But I’m not into it any more, only because finding tons of people that still want to write that fandom is almost impossible. Shout out to @nioiidamaa for pulling me back into the fandom because they write AMAZING.
STOLEN FROM:  @bagwormmulti TAGGING:  everyone that I already tagged in earlier, soooo @chooseyourmuse, @persona-de-interes, @sky-gryphon, @tivtastic, @nioiidamaa, @softvorenoms. I also welcome anyone else! If you do it and you weren’t tagged, you’re tagged now!! :D
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xanthicantag · 5 years
omg do all the dnd asks im so curious !!!
Long boi this one is
1. A favorite character you have played.
This is a hard one, I was a real big fan of my storm barbarian Tiffany, or Unfaceable the ranger I played awhile ago.  They were more or less the same character
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
Oh absolutely Ragnarok the Winged One, he was my friend Juan’s first character I think (if not first one of the first).  He was a white dragon born sorcerer, who didn’t actually have wings for 96% of the campaign.  He also hated capitalists so goals really. 
3. Your favorite side quest.
One time I tried to set up a One night ultimate werewolf side quest, and it kinda worked, it’s just we stopped playing for like 2 months and they didn’t finish it.
4. Your current campaign.
I’m currently in Dungeon of the Mad Mage as an Aasimar Warlock!
5. Favorite NPC. 
Pit Man.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
So, technically they didn’t die, but one my players character went into the Negative Plane to marry a nightwalker who was going to be the final boss, but I felt really bad for all of them after making them do a like 4 stage thing.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Rivals!!!!!  They are the coolest thing.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
The Strahd fight when I ran CoS last year was p cool, they all died but it was really not close (They got him to like 15 hp but there’s still tons of bullshit to do after that) or the final fight I did as Unfaceable, we fought a beholder and I was paralyzed for like 6 rounds.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
Honestly, I enjoy seeing people get excited about playing the game.  Like when Juan (Tbh he’s just my all time favorite player sorry everyone else) got a crit while we were playing in the cafeteria and just fucking yelled about it.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
OH fccuk this is a hard choice.  I really think Nightwalkers are like the coolest right now since I love Negative plane shit.  I think dragons are kinda overrated as enemies tho, i don’t hate them really tho since dragons are dope as fuck.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
I Dm about twice a week and play once a week, Ideally I’d play or dm every day and have no other obligations but life is simply unfair
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
13. Introduce your current party.
We’ve got Krosnis, my Celestial Warlock, Temaridy, a Tiefling Fiend Warlock, Sigil, a Warforged Eldritch Knight, Ketla, a uh, the elvish giants, FIRBOLG, Moon Druid, and shit fuck uh, the Abjuration Wizard, who’s name is, uhh, Enzio?  Idk his name but the player canonically decided he looks like Fenris so that’s all that matters.  
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Hmmm this is a tough choice there’s tons of them....  I’ll do the first party I solo DM-ed for I guess since they were p cool:  Hellspawn, a Tiefling Monk with the homebrew way of the 8 gates of hell subclass (He was so goddamn edgy, and played by @t-rexquefuturus even tho he doesn’t really use tumblr), Thargus Irvin, a Totem Barbarian (Played by @themonotonyofdays fun fact i guess?), Borges, an Alchemist who was just trying his best, Mikono, who was also trying his best but was much sadder about it (Played by @tsurikun so double fun fact in one post actually boom), uhhhhhh, Delgor?  Delgar?  Del-something, a Battlemaster Warlock multiclass, i’m not sure what delgar was triyng to do (other the complain about hellspawn yeah i went there they don’t have a tumblr so none of you better snitch on me i stg) and last (literally he joined in towards the end of the campaign) Magnus, a uh, Mystic, he was there
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Yeah usually, me like snackys
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I do both!  I prefer in person since it’s harder for people to talk online since it all gets muddled
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Er, on the sly anything goes tbh if it seems cool enough
18. Does your party keep any pets?
In the current one we have so many familiars it’s crazy.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Amy (The one who loves pit man) rolls all her dice at the start and takes the one that did the best
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
In highschool i played 2 times for like, 10 hours each time?  that was so fucking long holy shit, and the freshman year of college i started co-dming a group and then it took off from there
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Tbh, not really?  Like, 80% of them are dumb as fuck so jot that down, but I don’t usually do stuff in game that I regret, except that one time i died but it was to be a hero so worth it
22. What color was your first dragon?
I think it was a baby black dragon?
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
I use both depending on how busy I am
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Depends?  I usually do a lot of long term planning early on and then not too much per session
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
The one group got really attached to some meaty boiz, and then the one player killed all of them and like most of the party, great way to end the campaign
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
Oooo, hmmmmmmmmm, I really had a good plan for the end to this arc (the one with the nightwalker) but it kinda didn’t really happen how i planned which was a bit of a bummer, but it worked out in sort of a better way
27. Do you allow homebrew content? Yeah as long as it doesn’t seem like super busted
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?  I usually give npcs if they need like a healer or something, like Kargol
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
I don’t really have a preference for either?  My groups get a lil bloodthirsty if they go too long with a fight usually (Except you @themoragontrail just pacifist running a whole session and a half)
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
Oh definitely murder hobos
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Oh this is hard, I’m a big fan of Warlock customization and flexibility, I don’t really have favorite race (It’s tieflings I read homestuck feel free to at me)
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
I’m usually a tank/front line, It’s where I like to be, does it always end well?  Not even close, does my warlock have more hp than our fighter?  Hell fucking yes
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
So, it depends?  I usually do it last once I’ve made the rest of the character and use it as a reason why their the way they are now.  And I give like 65% of them heterochromia cause i thinks it’s sick as fuck
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
as someone who loves lances, need i say more?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
It depends on what game i’m in, i usually don’t do too much rping in combat heavy stuff, but i like to, and also i love rping sub 8 int, or 14>= int but that’s just me irl and let me tell you, I’m a dumbass who will eat the exploding rock
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emmybluefire · 6 years
Relationships: Emmy
Name: Emmy Bluefire/Sorvegosa
Nickname: She doesn’t have many, though some just call her Em. Her consort calls her “River Lilly”
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Preferred Pet Names: She doesn’t have a favorite per’say. More just some she doesn’t like, and other’s she’s okay with. On that short list is “Hun”, “Luv” and “Sweetie” 
Relationship Status: Married? Is that what you would call dragon consorts? (For now at least)
Favorite Canon Ship: Emmy x Dante/Sorvegosa x Danthir most definitely. :P
Favorite Non-Canon Ship: Emmy x Caelin mainly because their polar opposites, would never happen, yet hilarious to think about. XD
Opinion on True Love: “True love is merely a concept. A plot devise used in fairy tales to give an ultimate all-concurring force of good. At least in the sense you’re referring too. Truly, love is not always happy. Love is not always fun, and it’s definitely not anything mystical or magical. I would know, I’m a Blue Dragon. No... but if you care enough about a person to work with them. To be their loyal partner that’ll last well into the future. That’ll stick with them through both the good, and the bad... then in essence; that’s what I’d call true love. Then again... I’m a hopeless romantic. So take that as you will.”
Opinion on Love at First Sight: “Tsk. No such thing. Love is something that evolves over time. What you feel when you first gaze upon someone is passion. Is infatuation. And that is not always a good thing.”
How ‘Romantic’ are they?: “Were you not listening before? I’m a hopeless romantic, so Very.”
Ideal Physical Traits: “Sadly love can not spawn without infatuation. Without physical attraction. That is something I’ve come to learn over time. Just know that no matter how attractive you are, your personality is what’ll make or break the deal. But I’m avoiding the question. What honestly catches my eye is health and energy. If you are my age, in good health, and can match my enthusiasm; then you’re on my list of potential partners.”
Ideal Personality Traits:  “Intelligence, motivation, strength of mind, confidence, kindness, and respect. Sharing my interests helps too.”
Unattractive Physical Traits: “No matter how I’d answer this It will sound shallow. And though I may not be attracted to certain things, just know that it does not overshadow my empathy and respect for others.”
Ideal Date: “Tranquility, a walk through the woods at night, while blue lady beams high at it’s zenith and fullness. Intellectual banter and interesting discussions of... well, whatever while we lie in the grass. Food too... food is AMAZING!”
Do they have a type?: “I like those who are willing to listen. And I like those who are encouraging, honest, and respectful. If they care about me, and are willing to calmly speak with me when the going gets rough then I’d say I have a keeper. Also... I like it when they tower over me... jus- it makes me feel safe and secure. Titans know I need it in this world we live...”
Average Relationship Length: “I’d rather not calculate out the average lengths of all my relationships on a scale. They’ve all been drastically different with their length.”
Preferred Non-Sexual Intimacy: “Hugs, cuddles, butterfly kisses, and cradling. Jus- straight up. I love feeling my partner’s warmth. I love breathing in their scent... creepy as it sounds--I just realized. Heh. Moreso in passing AS they hug or cuddle me. To elaborate.”
Commitment Level: “I want someone who’s loyal. Someone who I don’t feel like I’m competing for. And... if I’m to be honest... I’d love to have you for life if possible... That’s just how I am and how I commit.”
Opinion of Public Affection: "Usually when I see that among others I’m just like: “Okay, you two have fun.” and leave it at that. I don’t mind it... as long as it isn’t excessive. Like, give me a chance to breath would you?”
Past Relationships?: "Several. Though, I avoid talking about them in detail.”
Tagged by: Nobody. I did this off my own accord because I enjoy these things XD I did get it from @percy-von-gacy though.
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all the mass effect asks under the cut because i have nothing better to do with my life
Mass Effect asks
Ask me or reblog so your followers can ask you! Happy N7 day!!
1. What’s the first name of your main Shepard?
Revan because I’m KOTOR trash and KOTOR is the main reason I started playing ME
2. Share a screenshot of your main Shepard.
I play on PS3 so it would just be a bad phone screenshot, but just imagine a really pale femshep with a brunette bun and impossibly sharp cheekbones
3. Favourite class to play?
Either vanguard or engineer. My canon Shepard (Revan) is vanguard and my alternate Shepard (Arya) is engineer.
4. Colonist, Earthborn or Spacer?
Revan: earthborn. Arya: colonist.
5. Paragon, Renegade or neutral?
Revan: paragon (paragade in ME2). Arya: renegade
6. Your favourite Paragon interrupt?
It’s been a while since I’ve played but probably hugging someone?
7. Your favourite Renegade interrupt?
Pushing the guy out the window in Thane’s recruitment mission in ME2
8. Share a headcanon about your main Shepard.
She was sexually abused as a teenager by her foster father but didn’t realize it. Her foster mother didn’t react well to the situation and it led to her running away from home and joining a street gang for 18 years until Anderson personally recruited her.
9. Share a headcanon about your Shepard and their LI.
She fits in really well with Kaidan’s extended family, and after the war she spends a lot of time with them and finally feels like she has a real family (aside from the Normandy of course)
10. Who is your Shepard’s best friend and why?
Kaidan, in addition to being her one true love. They just get along really well, it’s easy for them to talk to each other, they both understand the isolation that comes with being a Biotic, they make each other laugh, etc.
11. Your favourite romance?
Kaidan, as said before. It’s just a really sweet, realistic romance that spans all 3 games, and he’s the kind of person I’d want to marry in real life. I also really like Thane’s romance, although it’s less than ideal.
12. What kind of pet would Shepard probably buy? (Besides fish and         hamsters^^)
Definitely a cat, maybe a dog too.
13. Who would be in your perfect squad? (List up to 8 characters)
Kaidan, Ashley, Tali, Garrus, Jack, Kasumi, Grunt, Legion
14. Is there a squad member you disliked in the beginning, but started to appreciate later? If yes, who and why?
The only squad members I’ve really “disliked” are Liara and Jacob and I still don’t like them :/
15. Who should’ve been a romance option?
Han’Gerrel Ashley, Miranda and Jack for femshep, James for both, an option to keep Jacob until the end, basically more romances for femshep
16. Your favourite mission in ME/ME2/ME3?
The suicide mission, Overlord, Ilos, The Citadel (me1)
17. Your favourite character overall?
Kaidan. On top of loving his voice, he’s a really sweet, chill guy and he’s my Shepard’s rock. I hate when everyone calls him boring just because he’s a human and you only hear his backstory by talking to him regularly.
18. Character you really dislike?
Liara. I think she’s one of the blandest companions in all of BioWare history, and she’s constantly forced down our throats, especially in ME3. The game constantly acts like she and Shepard are BFFs even though I never interact with her, and I even get a romantic end scene with her EVEN IF I NEVER FLIRTED WITH HER!
19. Favourite planet?
I think Virmire. It’s just so pretty. (and one of the most memorable missions takes place here)
20. Favourite weapon?
Biotic charge, assault rifles and punching
21. Do you like to use Biotics?
22. Citadel, Illium or Omega?
Citadel, although Omega has that Aesthetic
23. Mako or Hammerhead?
24. Enemy you really hate?
Kai Leng just for being really out of place in the story
25. Creepiest enemy?
26. Favourite moment in the games?
I probably can’t pick just one, but some that stand out are the suicide mission, Shepard and Kaidan’s final romance scenes in both ME1 and ME3, and the Citadel party
27. Worst moment in the games?
The long stretch after Rannoch in ME3 where the game suddenly turns into Liara’s Feelings: The Game and doesn’t ever get better
28. Favourite quote from the game?
Geographic conditions indicate an aesthetically pleasing view nearby. Organic lifeforms may wish to take note
29. List three things you really liked about ME/ME2/ME3.
ME1: just the overall aesthetic that made it feel like an 80s sci-fi movie ME2: the entire plot, just the creepiness of the Collectors and earning the trust of a bunch of random aliens and making them their family ME3: the combat and the few closure things they did correctly (making up with Kaidan/Ashley, Rannoch, the Genophage)
30. Something you disliked about ME/ME2/ME3?
ME1: the super clunky combat ME2: most of your ME1 squad being gone, Jacob Taylor ME3: most of your ME2 squad being gone, having to play multiplayer to get the best ending, the last 3rd of the game not living up to the standards of the rest of the series
31. Overall, which one is your favourite game of the ME series?
ME2 which is really funny since I initially didn’t like it for being too different from ME1
32. Is there a choice/action you regret doing in the games?
Making Miranda a leader in the suicide mission after losing her loyalty because she was being mean to Jack, therefore always losing whoever was in the vents
33. What’s your favourite alien race and why?
Quarians probably. They have a unique culture that isn’t explored enough in the games, and there are a lot of cool minor Quarian characters that I wish had more spotlight (and I love Tali of course). But don’t get me started on how I hate that they were suddenly painted as the bad guys in 3.
34. Favourite non-Shepard OTP?
Tali x Han’Gerrel. I’m literally the only person in the galaxy that ships them. I don’t care.
35. Do you create fanart/fanfics/gifs/other cool stuff?
Yeah but not nearly enough, I’m too occupied by other fandoms.
36. Share your favourite screenshot(s).
Like I said before, PS3.
37. What do you wish for in ME: Andromeda?
An interesting, engaging storyline, complex companions, an extensive character creator, lots of new aliens, non-repetitive gameplay, a game that isn’t released as an obvious beta with only a few patches being released before they give up on it entirely and only focus on multiplayer :^)
38. What are you worried about in ME: Andromeda?
That Dragon Age 4 will get the exact same treatment
39. What will be the name of your Ryder?
Jolyne. I also tried to do another playthrough with another Ryder I called Etro but I couldn’t get past the prologue before I realized I had absolutely no passion for this trainwreck
40. Do you already know how your Ryder will look like? Describe them or share fanart.
Jolyne has a generic ugly face that I couldn’t change nearly enough, pastel purple hair and red eyes. Etro looks like Foo Fighters from JoJo.
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lobselvith8 · 3 years
Dragon Age Questions
Based on the post by @raesand.
01) Favorite game of the series?
Dragon Age: Origins. I had a lot of issues with Dragon Age II and especially Inquisition.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I heard you had player choice in Origins so I thought it would be entertaining. I honestly didn't know too much about it and I was pleasantly entertained.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I have played Origins the most. Before the recton, the Magi Boon made me pretty happy as it was the option my Surana Warden had chosen to emancipate his people from servitude to the Chantry of Andraste and the Order of Templars. The Magi Boon recton and the rather questionable creative choices for the elves subsequently soured the game for me.
Runner up would be Dragon Age II, although that's because I did a canon run; I wasn't too pleased with how the game was incomplete and how passive Hawke was throughout the narrative, such as doing nothing about Meredith's dictatorship for three years. Hawke being religiously Andrastian no matter what (Gaider forgot that he included an option for the player to be an atheist in the Human Noble Origin in Origins, and similar options were available for the elven protagonist and the Warden-Commander in the Awakening expansion) and the poor paraphrasing with the dialogue options also made me feel disconnected from the character.
The Last Court was pretty fun. The Elegant Abbess brought Carver to my Marquis of Serault. The Cult of Masked Andraste reminds me of the mythos of Silent Hill. The Horned Knight was very interesting (the presence of the dryads and fauns present at the Heartwood Feast was a neat addition to the lore). The Dashing Outlaw was fun (she gets a full pardon).
I pretty much gave up on Inquisition after an initial run; I tried doing a canon run but the anti-Dalish sentiment I kept running into made the game extremely unpleasant to play through as an elven protagonist. Generally, I was extremely unhappy with the railroading (like being forced to side with the Chantry, despite Gaider and Laidlaw claiming before release that this wouldn't be the case) and the poor treatment of the Dalish elves.
04) Favorite race to play as?
05) Favorite class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
In Origins I entertained different choices with Zathrian's clan and the choices in Orzammar before coming to a canon decision.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
I prefer mixing it up.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
My Surana Warden. Unlike some fans I do not imagine him wearing the Grey Warden armor introduced in Dragon Age II - he wears the Reaper's Vestments. "Reaper was an apostate mage who evaded the templars for many years before being captured. Part villain, part folk hero, it is said he led a charmed life avoiding dangers that would have killed lesser men."
His mother was one of the Night Elves during the civil war against Orlais. He was born in the Denerim Alienage, was forcibly taken from his mother by the templars at a young age, grew up to resent the Chantry controlled Circles (he was ideologically a Libertarian as he wanted the Circles of Magi to be autonomous), and he was a brilliant student of Irving's.
During the Fifth Blight, he was pragmatic, choosing to help Branka (since the Anvil historically provided a century of stability against the darkspawn), supported Taoran Hawkwind, aided the Antivan Crows, recruited Loghain to bring an end to the civil war and fold the tale of the Hero of River Dane into the story of Grey Wardens (to counter the anti-Warden sentiment that was established because of the tyrant Arland Theirin), killed the Messenger and opposed the Architect (there was a rather lengthy discussion at the now defunct BSN forums that brought up the prospect of sapient darkspawn wanting women to turn into Broodmothers in order to create new darkspawn that greatly shaped my decision).
His mother escaped captivity from the Tevinter slavers who had enslaved the Denerim elves during the Fifth Blight. Her freedom was due to the intervention of the Dalish in the Free Marches, including Clan Lavellan, attacking and killing the slavers, as the clans liberated many elves from the human slavers. His mother ended up joining Lanaya's clan when she discovered one of the pregnant elves was carrying her granddaughter.
My Surana Warden leaves the Warens to spend his remaining days with Morrigan and Keiran (who has black hair like both of his parents and looks Latino Antivan with an olive skin tone). Presumably his knowledge of blood magic should stave off the Calling if he was not able to find a way to rid his body of the taint (I lean towards the idea that he found a way).
09) Favorite romance?
DAO: My Surana Warden with Morrigan.
DA2: Merrill. Even if she was too good for Hawke.
The Last Court: The Elegant Abbess. My Marquis of Serault also discovered her role with the Cult of Masked Andraste.
DAI: No one. Although I like to imagine Revas meets Merrill post-game (I like to think Varric gifted my protagonist with the Hawke estate as part of the Comte boon).
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
11) If you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) Favorite DLCs?
Awakening. Although my Surana Warden leaving with Morrigan in Witch Hunt makes it a close second for that alone.
13) Things that annoy you.
Inquisition's tendency to refuse to allow the player to have positive Dalish content without some anti-Dalish dialogue coming at your protagonist from advisers, companions, and even minor characters. It was getting incredibly annoying to deal with the incessant anti-elven rhetoric in a game that never held the Chantry of Andraste to account for the monstrous actions it committed for centuries, like criminalizing the elven faith or purging those of other faiths, or even being able to criticize Andrastians like Celene, who committed literal genocide in Halamshiral.
Also, why is the gameplay content in the occupied nation of the Dales, a predominantly elven region, focused on humans? And what is with the weird habit of the developers making characters of color into white characters?
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Never Orlais, although I'd prefer the autonomous Dales freed from the Orlesian occupation.
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I don't have multiple characters in Dragon Age. Each game has a respective protagonist since certain choices have no appeal to me (like supporting the templars or tradition in Orzammar).
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.)
DAO: Dumat. My Surana Warden had a sense of humor.
DA2: Andoral. It had to do with the Archdemon who was slain during the Fourth Blight and the Hawke family connection to the Free Marches where the Archdemon was slain.
DAI: Sadly, there was no mabari. Maybe Andoral had puppies who stayed with Merrill.
18) Have you installed any mods?
I am on console, so unfortunately no.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
My Warden wanted freedom from the Chantry at any cost.
20) Hawke’s personality?
That was determined mostly by Bioware, like being religiously Andrastian. Leaned mostly diplomatic after Act I.
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
I'm sure Revas would stop Solas much sooner if that was an option.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
The 'three mage' recton has no place in my canon. While Inquisition prohibits the elven protagonist from doing anything to substantially help their people (which bothers me given the nature of the Inquisition), I prefer to imagine that Revas used the considerable fortune of the Inquisition to purchase land in the Free Marches for the clans of the Dalish to reside, and that the clans who worked with Revas would settle near Kirkwall. Revas uses the knowledge of the Well that he possesses to assist the Elvhen.
Revas would establish contact with the dwarves through the thaig in Sundermount for the lyrium trade, using the Nexus Golem there to incentivize them.
The Bone Pit (there are no monsters there anymore), which now belongs to Revas (along with the extensive Hawke estate), would be used to employ the Kirkwall Alienage elves. The Estate is where the plans against Solas take place.
Merrill and Revas get together (I imagine they met before during a previous Arlathvhen that took place). They get married. They have children. Revas does not have to sacrifice his beliefs or his culture for an Andrastian significant other.
The prospect of Merrill using her Eluvian knowledge to gain access to some of the Eluvian network, and establish a sanctuary for the Dalish away from the harmful Andrastian Chantry in Thedas, is also a very appealing one. So much about how this franchise presses the reset button on any elven progress annoys the hell out of me so keeping the Dalish on a continent full of bigots and genocidal leaders isn't really my ideal option.
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Hawke. Given his role in setting Corypheus free it was fitting that he gave his life to stop Nightmare.
Warden Loghain should have stayed to lead the Orlesian Wardens (which he would have hated) during this crisis with the Rift; it was a missed opportunity (then again, so many decisions in that game baffle me - like reducing a continental war to a small regional conflict and having the Wardens led around by the nose by a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain).
26) Favorite mount?
I wanted Revas to have a halla mount.
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