#in this house jiung mothers everyone
incorrect-p1h · 9 months
Theo: Nag, nag, nag. What are you, my mom?
Jiung: Yes. And what a joy it is.
Theo: Sorry, mom, I shouldn’t take my anger out on you. That’s what Keeho is for. Keeho!
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Nine)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, mostly angst BUT there’s some fluff especially toward the end (it’s still kinda angsty fluff but like it’s still fluff ok i promise)
Word count: 3,385
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english and things in italics are a dream
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
Nobody was surprised when you left after lunch. You didn’t even look at Hansol when you thanked everyone for lunch before quickly leaving the house to go wherever it was you went during the day. So Hansol waited for you outside. He laid back and watched the clouds as they slowly rolled through the sky. When the sun started to set, he went inside to get a sweater because Soomin was giving him a hard time about it. He also unpacked everything he’d grabbed from your old pack’s house, placing clothes on top of the dresser, making sure they were neatly folded, and putting pictures in various parts of the room so you could look at them. And then he put the blanket on the end of the bed, deciding you could choose what you did with it.
Before he left the room, he grabbed you a new sweater to wear. Then he found himself back outside again, waiting. 
And that’s how you found him. It was only a couple hours until midnight when you returned to the house. Hansol was sitting on the lawn in the same place you’d found him the night before, except you could smell your brother’s scent mixed with his. You didn’t know why or what he’d done, but you were ready to start asking why he smelled so much like Jiung. However, when you finally stood about two feet away, just staring down at him, all you did was stare. You, for some reason, didn’t get angry.
Hansol looked up at you before handing you the grey sweater. You stared at it for a beat of silence before you slowly reached out to touch it. It was soft and still smelled exactly like Jiung, unlike the sweater currently adorning your body. The scent on your current one was starting to fade.
You took off your sweater, your t-shirt riding up, but Hansol wasn’t staring. Then you tossed yours in Hansol’s lap before taking the new one and tugging it on over your head. The sleeves were too long as you expected, but you preferred it like that. 
“Where’d you get this?” you finally asked, your voice quiet.
Hansol seemed surprised you spoke to him, but his voice didn’t waver, “I went to give the ring to the pack today. I brought some stuff from there for you and left it in your room.”
That caught you off guard, “…For me?”
“Yeah,” he nodded with a soft smile. He pushed himself to stand up. “Do you want to go see?”
You let him lead you into the house and up the stairs. The entire place was silent, which was surprising to you since there were so many werewolves. Then again, they all seemed to have their own rooms, which meant not many people to talk to at night before bed, so they had no reason to be noisy – unless other things were happening, but you’d rather not hear that.
Hansol opened the bedroom door and allowed you in first. Immediately, your nose was attacked with familiar smells from your old pack, and from Jiung. Your eyes landed on multiple pictures – both in and out of frames – sweaters, and the familiar blanket that your mother had made for Jiung. 
The first thing you did was look at the pictures. Some were yours, but some were Jiung’s. There were a few of you and your family, including one you hadn’t seen in years, but it was Jiung’s favorite: you and him at age six, standing up against a wall at your parents’ house as one of your older siblings measured your heights. You and him were the same height back then. After that, you both got hit with growth spurts, but he shot up faster and higher than you. He was the tallest in the house, and you were pretty sure he was even taller than Mingyu.
There was another picture you looked at that you had only seen as a child. You didn’t know that Jiung even still had it, but here it was: the picture of your birth parents. You knew it was left with you when you were abandoned, but you didn’t know if your adoptive parents had thrown it out or left it behind or if it simply got lost at some point between all the family trips.
“You know,” Hansol spoke up. You turned around, expecting him to be right behind you, but he was still standing between the room and the hallway, “I don’t know if you resent your birth parents, but you look a lot like them.”
You carefully set the picture back down where you got it, keeping your eyes on Hansol, “What if I do resent them?”
He just shrugged, “I’d still tell you the truth.”
You had to admit, you respected his answer. At least you knew he wouldn’t say something he didn’t mean just to please you.
You turned your entire body to face him, letting out a deep sigh, “I’m…gonna shower.”
“Okay,” he nodded, stepping away from the doorway. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything. Goodnight, _____.”
He turned and left, not expecting you to say anything in reply.
You went down the hall and found the bathroom was mostly the same as well. There were new toiletries and a few new towels, but you knew at least the shower worked all the same.
After scrubbing yourself clean of way too many days worth of dirt and grime, you got out of the shower, quickly dried off, and threw your underwear and sweater back on. You carried the rest of your clothes back to your room with you before tossing them in a hamper placed in the corner of the room.
Right before you got into bed, your eyes caught the blanket on the end of the bed. While part of you wanted to cuddle with it for the night, another part of you knew that touching it would erase more of the scent. So you took the blanket and placed it over the back of the chair before going to get into bed. You leaned over to shut off the lamp, closed your eyes, and waited for sleep to take you.
You hoped for another dreamless sleep, praying the nightmares were over. But of course, with your shitty luck, you found yourself back at the burned rubble where Eunjin had found you. Only this dream felt different; it felt…real. But you knew you weren’t awake because rain was pelting your skin, and you always felt uncomfortable in the rain. Rain made it difficult for you to use your power, so you tried to avoid it as much as possible. Except this time, the rain felt…nice.
Like most of your dreams lately, you felt like you were being watched. You never knew who or what it was that kept its eyes on you, but it didn’t feel like it was anything menacing. You usually elected to ignore it anyway.
Your head whipped around to see Jia, the blind mate. However, she was walking on her own, and her eyes stared directly at you instead of through you. You’d heard about her through Danbi and Mingyu, but you never thought she’d find herself in your dream. Was she the one watching you? Was she the reason this dream felt so real this time?
“Jia?” you took a cautious step toward her. “What’s happening?”
Jia just shook her head, “I’m not doing anything, _____. This is your dream.”
“Have you been in my other ones?” you asked.
She nodded, seeming unapologetic about it, “Yes, I have. I have to say, _____, I’m really worried about you.”
“There’s nothing to be worried about,” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I may have freaked out once, but it was one time, and now I’m fine.”
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but I think your containing a lot of your emotions. You could have a meltdown again, and–”
“I’m handling my emotions just fine, okay? Besides, Hansol–”
“I’m not talking about Hansol,” Jia interrupted, her voice a little more harsh now, “I’m talking about your brother.”
You grimaced, a low growl coming from your chest, “I don’t have any emotions toward my brother. He’s gone; he’s dead. There’s no point in having emotions toward him.”
While Jia did step away from you, her eyes wide and apologetic, you stalked toward her anyway as anger bubbled inside you, “Don’t talk about him, don’t say his name, don’t–”
This time, when your name was said, it was from a different voice. A voice that sounded way too familiar, but also way too real for you to have made it up. It was that stern ‘alpha’ voice that always got you to listen to him. But despite the tone, it tugged at your heartstrings.
You turned around, seeing Jiung standing only a few yards away with a frown on his face. He didn’t look happy to see you – he never did in your dreams – but he looked rather disappointed more than anything else. You’d seen him look angry or disgusted with you, but never disappointed.
Suddenly, you snapped back to your senses. This was a dream, and since you weren’t creating this image of Jiung, Jia was. You turned to her, snarling as your eyes started to spot red, “Stop doing that.”
Jia held up her hands in surrender, “I swear, I’m not doing that! This is your dream, I don’t have control over it.”
“_____!” Jiung’s voice was rougher now, and you felt a hand on your wrist, tugging you away from the smaller girl. He turned you to face him, is usually golden eyes now turned red. “Stop lashing out.”
“Stop!” you demanded, yanking away from his grasp. “You’re not real! Stop doing this!”
Jiung’s face softened, resting both of his hands on his shoulders, “Yes I am, _____. Don’t you remember those stories mom and dad told us? About the spirit dreams?”
“That was just some old wives’ tale or whatever,” you insisted, averting your eyes.
“So were werewolves,” he chuckled. “Does that mean you’re fake?”
You frowned, shoving your brother away from you, “You can’t even prove you’re real because you’re probably just a figment of my imagination – I already know everything the real Jiung would.”
“I know what happened to your doll when we were seven,” he replied with a mischievous grin.
Slowly, your gaze shifted to look at him, mumbling, “Mom gave it to charity, she told me so.”
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’, “Sabira stole it and ended up getting in a tug-of-war match with the neighbor’s dog. Ask mom, she’ll tell you because she tried to stitch it back together before she had to toss it.
“I also know you never knew Saebyeol’s birth name was Sabira because she only used her birth name when dad would take her to visit India once a year,” he continued, his smile still bright and toothy, just how you remembered when he just knew he was right.
You didn’t know what kind of expression you wore, but you couldn’t stop staring at your brother. How did he know things even you didn’t know? Unless he was making it up somehow? Maybe you were making things up in your head that he could tell you in an attempt to convince you he was real. If so, this figment you or Jia had created was a fantastic liar. But it just seemed too…real.
Either way, you couldn’t stop yourself from tossing yourself in your brothers arms, hugging him as tight as you possibly could as his warm, familiar laugh filled your ears and made your heart swell.
You suddenly pulled away from him, holding him at arms length, “Are you dumb, or what?”
“Huh?” he chuckled.
“Ordering Hanbin to take Hansol instead of you! Are you stupid?!”
Jiung shook his head, “_____, you need Hansol, not me.”
“I don’t need him!” you burst, pushing your brother away from you. “I need you! I hate Hansol for getting you killed. I don’t want to even be in this stupid pack!”
“_____,” Jiung sighed, “I know that’s not how you really feel.”
Jia also knew it wasn’t how you really felt. She’d seen your dreams – your dreams where it was all made up – and you’d get angry and scream and call Jiung dumb for leaving you. You’d never say anything nasty about Hansol in your dreams. Never; not once. In fact, when he showed up was when you’d calm down.
It wasn’t Hansol you were angry with, it was your brother. You’d just buried that fact and hid it with your anger that you’d projected onto Hansol. She wasn’t even sure if you knew that, though.
“You don’t know how I feel!” you frowned, stomping your foot like a child.
“_____,” Jia’s voice was soft as she slowly came up behind you, unsure of how you’d react. She placed a delicate hand on your shoulder, and it felt a lot colder than your skin – you were burning up, in fact, “it’s okay to be mad at Jiung…”
“I’m not mad at Jiung, I’m–!” you cut yourself off, feeling every kind of negative emotion suddenly hit you in a massive wave. Anger, sadness, confusion, fear – you felt it all, and it made you want to be sick or burst out crying or both.
“It’s okay,” Jia nodded, “you have to let it out. Tell him how you feel.”
Your hands balled into fists at your side, your nails digging into your skin. You felt a dull pain because of it, which was weird because you’d never felt any physical pain in your dreams. Your jaw clenched and your eyes slightly stung from tears pricking at them, wanting to just come out.
“It’s okay, _____. He went back for Hansol and told him to go instead. You feel like he left you, and you’re mad. It’s okay to be mad, just let it out.”
Staring at what may or may not have been the spirit of your brother in front of you, the wave of emotion finally broke down every wall you’d built up.
“How could you leave me?!” you demanded. You felt like you wanted your body to just burst into flames to throw right at Jiung’s stupid, dead face. You knew your skin was sparking at least, from the way Jia gasped and jumped back. “How could you just let yourself die like that, huh?! You were supposed to stay with me and protect me, and you just fucking let yourself die, and for what? For me to imprint? For me to be happy?”
You punctuated each sentence with a shove to your brother, your hands pushing against his chest and shoulders. He just let you do it, taking each shove as he stared at you, his expression unreadable. It only made you more angry.
“Well I’m not happy! I’m angry! I’m– I’m hurt and I’m scared, and I hate you! I hate you because I don’t even know if you’re real, and I hate you because you won’t even show one goddamn emotion right now!”
Jiung shook his head, his expression almost cocky, “That’s not why you hate me, _____. You and I both know it”
You let out a scream that didn’t even sound like yourself. You were sobbing and hitting him wherever your fists landed. You were hitting him with all the strength you could muster, but you knew that the flames from your fists wouldn’t do anything to him. He was dead, anyway.
“I hate you for leaving me!” you cried. “You left me, and you didn’t even stop to think about how I’d feel when you made the decision to let yourself get killed! You left me, and you don’t even care! You left me, Jiung! You fucking left me!”
Jiung smiled softly, his eyes shining, “There it is.”
“I hate you!” you told him again, shoving him so hard he actually hit the ground. Even he looked surprised. “Why did you leave me? Why, why, why, why?!”
You fell to your knees, sobs shaking your body, but it was also from anger toward Jiung.
“I hate you. I hate you. I– I–”
Your eyes flew open, and you felt weight pressing down on your arms, but you weren’t laying down. You were sitting up in bed, your back against the headboard as tears streamed down your face. Hansol was on the side of the bed, one foot still on the floor with a knee on the mattress as he held your hands in his. There was bits of frost covering your blanket and the backs of Hansol’s hands, and your fists and wrists felt wet like someone had shoved your hands in water.
Hansol’s eyes were full of concern as he looked at you. He’d heard you screaming and crying, and it woke him up from downstairs. By the time he’d raced up the stairs, almost the entire pack had opened their doors, looking down the hall at your door in concern. Hansol just ignored them, throwing open the door and closing it behind him as he took in the scene before him: your blanket covered in tiny spots of flame, and your fists already completely on fire. He managed to put out the bedding before his hands wrapped around yours, making the flames go out with a sizzle.
Your muscles relaxed slowly as you realized you were awake, and Jiung – if it even was him – was gone. But then the massive throbbing in your head registered, and you broke down crying all over again.
“He left me!” you sobbed, your head hanging as Hansol kept a hold on your wrists. “I hate him!”
Hansol let go of your wrists when he realized you weren’t going to fight him, crawling beside you to wrap his arms around you. You clung to him like your life depended on it, sobbing into his bare chest. He shushed you and rubbed your back, unsure of what exactly happened, but he knew it had to do with Jiung. He was just a bit surprised you were aiming your anger toward your brother and not him.
“Shh, shh, shh, it’s okay,” he cooed softly, pulling you into his lap when he felt your arms wrap around him. “It’s alright, I’ve got you.”
“I hate him,” you kept repeating into Hansol’s neck.
“I know, you’re allowed to be angry at him,” he told you, dipping his head down to try to get you to look at him. “But getting all of this out now will help you to not hate him later.”
You lifted your head slightly to look at Hansol. You heard the soft whine he let out when he saw your face red and covered with tears. He brushed some of the moisture away with his thumb, his face looking genuinely hurt seeing you upset. It made you want to cry all over again. You’d pushed all your anger onto Hansol when you were really just mad at Jiung. And you knew you didn’t really have a reason to be mad at Hansol, you just wanted to give yourself one because you couldn’t be mad at your brother who had died.
You felt awful.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffled, trying not to start crying even harder, but looking at how Hansol looked like a kicked puppy just because you were sad made you feel like an ass – and you were one. “I-I don’t hate you.”
Hansol nodded, brushing hair from your face, “I know, _____; it’s okay.”
He pulled you to his chest once again, letting you get all your tears out. Even when he heard Eunjin screaming, he continued to hold you like nothing was happening. Once you’d finally calmed down and had no more tears left, he slid down into bed, laying you down to sleep.
As you felt him pulling the blankets over you, you mumbled sleepily, “If you leave, I won’t blame you.”
While Hansol wasn’t sure if you just meant for tonight or in general, his answer was still the same.
“I’m not going to leave, I promise.”
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Eight)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst but it’s actually not too angsty, i wouldn’t really call any of this fluff necessarily but it’s definitely not super angsty, mentions of not eating bc depression, mentions of death and suicide
Word count: 2,701
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english. also since people have been asking, at the bottom of the tftp info list, there’s a list for jiung’s pack. i didn’t think remembering their names and such were really important for the story but people wanted to know who they were and requested i add it anyway. if there’s any other info you’d like me to add, please let me know!!
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
As expected, you were gone when Hansol woke up on the couch. He checked his room and saw a note on the nightstand, along with Chanseong’s ring. The necklace, however, wasn’t there.
Please give this to the pack. They deserve something of theirs as much as I do.
Hansol put the ring in his pocket before grabbing a jacket and some shoes to go out for the day. He figured he could make it to their house and be back in time for lunch, so he started off as soon as he was ready to go.
As he got to the door, Soonyoung stopped him, “Suvi and I went and spoke to that doctor the other day -- the one Hanbin’s pack mentioned to us. She said she can take a look at you…if you want.”
Hansol nodded, “I’m still thinking about it.”
“When will you decide?” Soonyoung sighed. “We all know it’s hurting you.”
Hansol couldn’t deny that even having on a very thin t-shirt still irritated the silver in him, but he wasn’t going to fix it until he was sure there was a good reason to.
“I’ll decide when _____ decides,” he stated before leaving the house and going toward Hanbin’s.
As expected, it only took a few hours in his human form. The ring was safely in his pocket, and he checked every so often to make sure it was still there. He didn’t want to touch it too much but he wanted to make sure it wasn’t suddenly lost or something.
Besides giving the pack the ring, he wanted to get a few things for you. Maybe some of your clothes or belongings you didn’t take, probably a few more shirts of Jiung’s just so you’d have other things that smelled like him. Maybe he’d even get one of his blankets or something just so it wouldn’t lose his scent as quickly. He just wanted things that would make you feel more at home with his pack, even if you only decided to stay with them for a short amount of time.
The fact that you were pushing him away hurt, but what hurt more was that you were unhappy. Hansol didn’t blame you, not at all. He knew you were pushing people away to cope, and people coped it different ways. Like you, some people preferred being alone rather than surrounded by others. Your brother had died, then his mate confessed to only you that he was going to kill himself, you were expected to step up and be an alpha, and everyone had been yelling at you to make decisions since the moment you woke up. He didn’t blame you for acting the way you did, even if you were pushing him away, too. He wanted to give you space to heal, hoping you’d come to him when you were ready.
But even if he wasn’t really the one who killed your brother, he understood your anger and frustration. From what your old pack had told him, you were known for bottling up your emotions until they burst, and you acted without thinking of consequences. You didn’t know how to make sense of what you felt, and you needed something or someone to blame and take your anger out on. Everyone who came near seemed to be a target, but he at least understood why you felt so angry. As long as he understood you, he didn’t think anyone else needed to.
He strolled up to the deck and knocked on the door. He smiled politely down at the mate who answered. He vaguely recalled her name was Seongmi.
“Oh, you’re from that other pack,” the girl smiled politely when she recognized him. “How can we help you?”
“Actually, I have something for your pack,” he began, as Hanbin and Jaesang made their way over. “And…I was wondering if maybe there was anything I could bring back for _____?”
“_____ ran away to your pack?” Hanbin asked, a relieved smile on his face.
Despite what Hanbin probably assumed, Hansol’s expression dropped, shaking his head, “No, not directly. She… One of our mates – the banshee – found her trying to do harm to herself. We got lucky.”
“_____…” Jaesang sighed, shaking his head as he ran his hands over his face.
Hanbin waved the younger wolf inside, “Please come in, Hansol.”
So he followed the two wolves into the living room. Most of the mates didn’t seem to be home, save for Rika who was sewing up Hyojun’s shirt that was completely torn down the back. The wolf just looked up at you and grinned while Rika kept her eyes on the needle between her delicate fingers.
The rest of the pack was inside and seemed to just be resting, mostly. Baekhan was lounging on the couch with a mug in his hands, and Jinyoung was sipping from a bottle of whiskey as he spoke about something else entirely to the two wolves in the room. The only one who seemed to be missing was Rin.
“Hey, Hansol!” Jinyoung nodded as he lifted his bottle to the young wolf. “What brings you back here? Wait, _____ didn’t–”
“_____ is safe,” Hanbin stated.
Jinyoung nodded again, trying to settle his heart that had picked up as he took another sip of whiskey, “Good, good. So then why’d you decide to stop by?”
“I went back to the house the other night,” he began as he fished around in his pocket. “I was hoping to find…well, anything related to Jiung or Chanseong, and I found Jiung’s necklace and gave it to _____. But she left and note and said you guys might want this.”
He opened his palm to show the ring. Hanbin took it, a smile growing on his face as he realized what it was. Even Rika had stopped what she was doing to see what it was.
“Is that…?” her question trailed off, her voice soft.
“It’s the ring,” Hanbin chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ll be damned. We figured there wasn’t going to be anything left.”
“That’s probably not made out of any normal gold,” Hyojun nodded. “Actually...what temperature does gold melt at?”
Hanbin looked up from the ring, his golden eyes sparkling, “Thank you, seriously. Bringing this back means the world to us.”
Hansol nodded in reply.
“You wanted some of the kid’s stuff, right?” Jaesang asked as Hanbin handed the ring off to Rika for her to look at.
Rika rolled her eyes before examining the ring, “She’s still older than you, Jae.”
“And maybe some of Jiung’s, if that’s okay. I noticed she likes to wear his things, and I figured the sweater she’s been wearing is losing his scent. Maybe there’s something that’ll keep the scent for longer that’s less prone to getting dirty,” Hansol chuckled, carding a hand through his hair.
“Of course,” Hanbin nodded. “Follow me.”
The alpha led him upstairs, going to your room first. Hansol quickly went through and grabbed anything he thought you might need, stuffing it into a backpack that was hung on the back of your door. He made sure to grab the picture of you, Jiung, and what he assumed was the rest of your family, off of your nightstand as well, and one of you and a very large group of people – he assumed was the pack before so many died – before he left the room.
Down the hall, Hanbin stopped and opened a door. As soon as it was opened, Hansol knew it was Jiung’s because it still smelled strongly of the late alpha. He looked around a bit, noticing the place was less minimalistic than yours. It had a lot more pictures on desks and dressers, and even hanging on the walls. Clearly, family and pack were something Jiung treasured dearly. There were pictures of other people around Jiung’s age, as well as pictures of people who seemed to be from other countries just like the one he’d grabbed from your room. With Hanbin’s help, Hansol was able to pack pictures that seemed most important, such as ones with your family and old pack members you were close with.
The second thing he did was go through Jiung’s clothes, grabbing as many sweaters as he could since you seemed to like warm things – he assumed it was because of your firebending power – but also a few t-shirts. Hanbin also took the knitted throw blanket from Jiung’s bed and handed it over to the younger wolf.
“His mother knitted this for him and sent it with him as a birthday gift one year,” the alpha explained. “I think _____ will like this, and she’ll probably keep it someplace where it won’t lose the scent. But if she ever misses him and needs something else to feel close to him, you know where to find us.”
Hansol gave the older wolf a grateful smile, “Thank you, Hanbin.”
“You take good care of _____, okay?” Hanbin told him, clapping a hand on Hansol’s shoulder. “If you can do anything about it, don’t let her leave you. I know she’s not really mad at you, but she’s too overwhelmed to face her real emotions. Just…help her though them if you can.”
“I’ll try,” Hansol nodded with a sure look, “I promise.”
As he expected, Hansol made it back just in time for lunch. He went and brought everything upstairs, planning to unpack it all afterwards. You weren’t up there, so he assumed you weren’t home – at least he hoped that you weren’t home yet but you would be. So he left the backpack on the bed and went downstairs to wash up for lunch.
As he bounded down the steps, he could hear the pack talking with each other. They seemed to be adjusting nicely to the new house which made everybody happy. Suvi was so far unrecognizable – then again, word about her might not have traveled this far yet – Eunjin hadn’t been screaming as often – though she did one night but she said it was because she couldn’t “hear them” and nobody was going to ask what that meant – and even the wolves seemed to enjoy the larger space. The only person having a more difficult time was Jia just because she was still trying to memorize the layout.
“Hansol!” Yeji grinned as she walked over to him. Dirt was covering every part of her skin that was exposed, and her tail was swishing lazily behind her with some patches of fur matted down. “Do you know if _____ is coming?”
He just shrugged, trying not to let his face turn into a frown, “I’m not sure, to be honest.”
Yeji just scrunched up her nose, one of her ears twitching slightly, “Oh… Uh, well, try not to get too upset over it, y’know? She’s still…recovering.”
“Im Yeji!” Jihoon barked, frowning at the state his mate was in. “Go clean up, you’re not eating like that!”
“Relax,” she scoffed, turning to face her mate, “I’ve eaten off the forest floor before.”
“No,” he stated, grabbing her  hand and bringing her to the bathroom. “You’re not eating while you’re covered in dirt. That’s disgusting.”
Hansol just chuckled at the couple and made his way to the kitchen where most of the pack was, and where the great smell of food was coming from. He hoped that maybe someday you and him could be like Yeji and Jihoon. He thought they were cute.
The pack started taking seats as they waited for food to be done. They typically took food from the stove and then went to wherever to eat it, but they only sat at the table to wait for it to be done. And sure enough, at noon, Soomin, Jun, and Mingyu stepped away from the stove to let the mates get their food.
And only a few seconds later did Hansol’s heartbeat pick up, and then a moment after that, the front door opened. The werewolves heard it as well, but the entire pack didn’t look until the door closed.
You appeared in the doorway, seeing lots of eyes on you which made your cheeks heat up involuntarily.
“…Hi,” was all you could think to say.
“Hi, _____!” Danbi chirped, and you thanked whatever higher being that she was there to make things less weird. “Glad to have you for lunch!”
“Yeah, come sit,” Mingyu smiled, waving you in.
As you entered the kitchen, you locked eyes with Hansol for a brief moment. He was looking at you almost in awe, like God had appeared right in front of him for afternoon tea, and you felt your face heating up even more. You cast your gaze downward as you went to take the seat between Mingyu and Eunjin.
“_____, you’re welcome to get food with the girls,” Soomin told you.
You just shook your head, replying instinctively, “Mates eat first.”
That was always the rule with your previous pack: mates, then both male and female wolves. You may not have eaten as much as a male wolf could, but you definitely ate more than any human.
So after all the mates got their food, Mingyu gestured for you to help yourself. However, you didn’t want to eat. You still had that pit in your stomach that just made you want to gag at the mere idea of food. You really just wanted to go crawl back into bed and hide, but you couldn’t do that here -- you did go back to Baekhyun just to let him know you were still alive because he panicked a lot when he woke up to you missing, and you considered just staying there again. There were too many people here to hide, and you were sure to get annoyed by the noise.
“I’m not hungry,” you mumbled, waving their concerned looks away with your hand.
“_____, you should really eat something,” Soonyoung spoke up. “When was the last time you ate?”
“When I was out,” you lied. All you actually did when you were out was hide to escape the noise and people to be alone. “I’m fine, seriously.”
So the males got up to get their food, taking basically whatever was left. You listened to the pack chat with each other while you silently watched them eat. Hansol sat on the opposite side of the table between Seokmin and Joshua, and you could feel his eyes on you the entire time. However, he didn’t try making conversation with you at all.
“So, _____,” Joshua began, speaking in English as he gathered food with his utensils, “mind if I ask what you’ve been up to lately?”
You just shrugged, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen the town. I went to visit some old friends, went to see what’s changed, stuff like that.”
“And how are you…feeling today?” he asked, his tone suddenly more serious as he was referring to what happened the night before.
You just shook your head and didn’t say anything. He got the hint, though. You didn’t want to talk about it, and that was a feeling he understood. Although, you still couldn’t help but wonder how Eunjin got to you when she did. Did Jiung really manage to lead her there before anything happened? Was she sure it was him?
“Does Eunjin know who she’s speaking to?” you asked Josh, looking down at your plate. You would’ve asked her yourself, but you didn’t want to let the rest of the pack in on your conversation topic. “Like, is she aware of who they were before?”
“I think so, yeah,” Josh nodded. “Why, are you thinking about last night?”
Slowly, you nodded, looking up to meet Joshua’s curious golden eyes, “My parents believed in spirits and stuff. They also said that if you woke up from a dream with a headache, that a spirit was getting inside your head to talk to you.”
The older wolf just shrugged, “I dunno, _____. At this point, I kind of just believe any of that could be possible. I guess it’s up to you to decide if you believe, though.”
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Chan: Homewrecker (Part Seven)
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Characters: Chan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, a little fluff at the end????
Word count: 2,568
Summary: Chan caught your attention as soon as your eyes met across the market. Something about him drew you to him, and you knew you were meant to be. However, you were already taken and arranged to be married on your next birthday, so you could never be together.
Previous | Next | Homewrecker Masterlist
The two packs sat in the living room, waiting for the time to move. The plan was that most of the wolves were to stay at the house to protect the mates, while Chan, Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Minghao were going into town to get you. Jiung’s pack would be waiting on the edge of town in case the wolves needed an easier escape. Everyone was relatively silent except the four alphas that were murmuring to each other. Jia was clinging to Minghao tightly, the two whispering to each other in Mandarin.
Chan’s heart was beating so quickly, he thought it would break his ribs. He was both excited and nervous – excited to finally have you all to himself and have you free of that awful man, but nervous because he didn’t know if anything would happen to you or the pack. His eyes never left the clock, waiting for it to be fifteen minutes until midnight.
Back at Jiung’s, Rin, Kyung, and the mates were on standby just in case the pack had to relocate quickly. A handful of Seungcheol’s knew where Jiung’s house was located, so they’d be able to direct the rest of the pack there. Jiung’s place had plenty of extra clothes, supplies, and the like just in case. They were prepared for almost anything.
Finally, Soonyoung stood, “It’s time to go.”
Chan shot up, all ready to leave. Jihoon sighed, shoving himself to stand, while Minghao took his time, saying his goodbyes to his mate. Nobody had ever seen Jia cry since being split from Minghao, but tears filled her pale blue eyes as she looked in the direction of Minghao, cupping his cheeks while she sobbed quietly in her native tongue. Jun stood behind her, placing a hand on her back.
“Junhui will take care of you until I come back,” Minghao told her, putting his hands over hers. His heartbreak was written all over his face, “and I promise that I will come back to you, my Jia.”
The two said the same thing to each other in Mandarin, which the pack could assume was some form of “I love you”, Minghao pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead before going to join the rest of the werewolves at the door. As he walked past Seungcheol, his fingertips brushed against the back of the alpha’s hand before he left.
“Try to be safe,” Seungcheol requested, holding onto Jooyeon’s hand. “I want you all to come back, okay? That’s an order.”
“Technically, you don’t control us,” Soonyoung pointed out with a lopsided smile, trying to lighten the mood.
“We’ll come back,” Jihoon assured before shoving the few of his group out of the door.
Jiung let the rest of the wolves from his pack leave before he glanced at Seungcheol, a warm smile on his face, “I’ll bring them all back, Seungcheol. I’ll do whatever it takes, I promise.”
Seungcheol nodded, “Thank you, Jiung. Really.”
And with that, the group was gone.
You had no way to tell them, no way to let anybody know what was coming. You paced your room until your mother called for you to go to sleep already, and then you just sat on the edge of your bed, staring at your window. You knew what was waiting for the wolves when they got here, but you couldn’t do anything to let them know. All you could do was wait for them to get here and for all hell to break loose. There was nothing you could do.
The minutes ticked by slowly, and you didn’t sleep at all. You couldn’t bring yourself to relax no matter how hard you tried. Your thoughts continued to go back to Chan and his pack that just wanted to help. They were just trying to do good, and you were going to get them all in trouble – probably killed.
If you didn’t decide to drop in at Donghae’s to give him a basket of baked goods like your parents requested, you wouldn’t have known his plan. The basket was supposed to be a congratulations on the marriage, thought you didn’t see any reason to celebrate. However, when you were led into Donghae’s office to wait for him, you saw the blueprints for the plan, as if he knew the wolves were going to try to save you. But there was no way he could have a solid idea, but you knew Donghae was no idiot, and he clearly saw just how much you meant to the werewolf pup. This was just precautionary, but his assumptions were correct.
Finally, you saw Chan through your window, tugging the glass open and crawling in silently. Behind him came three other wolves, only one that you recognized. The other two looked around the room warily, unsure of who could be lurking around.
Soonyoung, however, gave you a bright smile as he adjusted his shirt, “Hello again, _____.”
“_____,” Chan breathed, pulling you to his chest.
However, you immediately pushed him away, panic in your eyes, “Chan, we have to leave now; they’re coming.”
The shortest wolf stepped toward you, his golden eyes hard, “Who’s coming?”
You were babbling the explanation, your fear causing all of your words to rush together and come out at once, “Donghae and his men; they assumed you were coming. He has men watching my house, they’re going to be here any minute to–”
“Shh,” the one with black hair held a finger up to signal you to be quiet, his eyes slowly looking around like he was straining to hear something. “…I hear something.”
The rest of the wolves stopped to listen too before you heard your front door creak open.
Chan’s head darted to look at the other three wolves, “We need to get her out of here. Now.”
“There’s definitely men already surrounding the house by now,” the black-haired wolf stated.
“What about the tracker?” the shortest of the group quizzed, gesturing to your arm.
“It’ll have to wait. Chan, how well do you know the layout of _____’s house?” Soonyoung wondered.
“Very,” Chan nodded.
You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs…
“We’ll distract them,” Soonyoung began shoving you and Chan to stand by the door so it would block you from view when it swung open, “and you take _____ on your back and run back to the pack, got it?”
They stomped down the hallway…
“But Soonyoung–”
“Our priority is to get her out alive, Chan,” he stated, his serious tone and look something completely opposite of how you remembered the playful wolf. “You’re the fastest, and you can get her out of here without anybody catching you. Minghao has Seungcheol’s strength, so the three of us will be fine. Just trust me.”
They were right outside the door…
“Jump,” Chan whispered.
You hopped onto his back, holding on as tightly as you could.
The three werewolves tensed, eyes shifting to a glowing silver you’d never seen before. You gasped out loud right before the door was flung open, almost whacking Chan in the face.
“Where’s the girl?” a gruff voice demanded.
You could just barely see around the corner of the door, but from what you saw, the shortest wolf lifted his hand, his palm out toward the door. Then he swiped his hand away toward the wall before you heard a loud thump.
“Chan, go now!” Jihoon ordered.
The wolves barely saw the blur of Chan take off with you on his back, leaving through the open doorway. The three knew there was a good chance they fucked themselves over, but the life of an innocent human who got dragged into their problems was their number one priority.
“Signal Jiung,” Jihoon said flatly.
Soonyoung let out a loud howl that could be heard throughout the town. Everybody probably knew werewolves were in the town now, but what did it matter anymore? If they got caught, the townsfolk would know about it tomorrow when their heads were placed on stakes anyway.
Jiung definitely heard the howl, and signaled for his pack to go. Since his entire pack was made up of special wolves, he knew it shouldn’t be too difficult to overpower some guards, even if there were a large quantity of them surrounding the house.
“Don’t kill if you don’t have to,” Jiung barked as they approached the house, “but do whatever it takes to get their pack out.”
Chan stopped in the middle of the forest when he knew he was far enough from town. He set you down on your feet before turning to look at you, holding your face in his hands. He was breathing heavily, but not like he had been running as fast and as long as he was.
“Are you okay?” he asked. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you shook your head, but you weren’t who you were worrying about. “But your pack. What will happen to them?”
“They can take care of themselves,” he promised, though he looked like he was also trying to convince himself of that. “They have extra help, and they have powers, too. They’ll be okay.”
Chan took a few steps back, letting his hands drop from your face, “I’m going to shift to speak to my pack and see what’s going on at home. I want you to get on, and hang on to me as tightly as you can, okay?”
“What if everything’s bad at home?” you wondered, unsure if Donghae would’ve known where the pack lived.
“Then we’ll go somewhere else that I know of,” he promised, “someplace safe. I promise to take care of you, _____, no matter what.”
In a swift movement, Chan was right in front of you again, cupping your cheeks, and his mouth pressed firmly but sweetly on yours. Your heart fluttered as you melted into the kiss, leaning into his warm body. You didn’t even realize how long you’ve wanted him to kiss you until that moment.
He pulled away too soon for your liking, his cheeks flushed a soft pink. You didn’t have time to admire how adorable he looked, though, because he was shifting into a wolf before your very eyes. His clothes tore off the bigger he grew, and various shades of brown fur covered his body.
As soon as he was in his wolf form, Chan could hear the thoughts of Jeonghan.
‘Chan! Oh, thank god!’ his brother seemed relieved to hear from him, but it wasn’t the kind of relief Chan thought it was, ‘Do not come here, Chan. Take _____ to Jiung’s.’
Chan hadn’t even noticed you climbing onto his back, too focused on his thoughts, ‘Why? Jeonghan, what’s wrong?’
‘They’re here,’ he said, ‘The guards and the hunters…they’re here. They found us.’
Chan let out a soft whine, which worried you, but he raced off into the forest anyway. You didn’t know it, though, but he was going in the opposite direction of his home. He couldn’t help his family, he had to keep you safe. But his heart ached thinking that something could happen, and it might be his fault for not being there.
There was a girl waiting on the porch of a large farmhouse, holding clothes in her hands. Chan lowered himself to the ground so you could get off before he walked up to the girl. You noticed she had eyes like Chan’s.
“Hi,” she smiled, “my name’s Kyung. Can you tell me who you two are? I’m not familiar with your pack’s wolf forms.”
You looked to Chan, unsure if this was somebody you could trust. He just nodded once slowly, so you faced the foreign-looking girl, “I-I’m _____, and this is Chan.”
“Ah, you’re the girl they’ve all been worried about,” she nodded with a soft laugh, setting the clothes on the railing of the porch. “Well, I’m glad you’ve made it here safely. While Chan changes, I’ll bring you inside and warm you up a bit. The night’s pretty cold.”
Your hand went to Chan’s fur, holding onto him. You weren’t about to trust a stranger after what just happened. You wanted to stay with Chan because at least he was familiar and somebody you knew you could trust. But he nudged your back with his nose, urging you to follow Kyung.
She offered you her hand, so you cautiously took it since Chan seemed to trust this girl. She led you inside, leaving Chan to shift and dress himself outside. She sat you down on a couch in a nice living room, and another girl walked in and handed you a large mug of hot tea. You gave them thankful smiles before taking a sip.
“Do you happen to know anything about the others?” the second girl asked.
Kyung frowned, “Jimin, she just got here.”
The other girl, Jimin, nodded, “Right, sorry.”
Jimin went back into the kitchen while Kyung knelt down in front of you, “Are you or Chan hurt?”
“No, but–”
Chan walked into the room, his face full of concern, “She’s being tracked.”
Kyung whipped her head around, “Who is?”
“_____. We were supposed to remove it before we left her room but we didn’t have the time. They’re tracking her right now.”
You didn’t see the way Kyung’s eyes widened, but you saw the fear in them when she turned back around and called out for somebody named Rika, and somebody else name Chanseong. A short girl and a taller boy entered the room together from the kitchen.
“She has a tracker in her,” Kyung told them. “We need to get it out.”
“No, we can’t do it without Joshua!” Chan spoke up, afraid of them causing you a lot of pain. At least with Joshua, he could get rid of the pain quickly. He practically threw himself on the couch beside you, wrapping his arms around you. “He’s a healer; if we just wait for–”
“Do we have the time to wait?” Kyung asked, looking up at the two who came from the kitchen. “What if more people come here?”
“It’ll take them hours to get here, especially in the dark,” Chanseong assured her. “We should wait for their healer.”
“We need all the medicines for any wounded, anyway,” Rika nodded. “We’ll be okay, Kyung.”
“Rin’s been rubbing off on you,” Chanseong chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Rika and Chanseong retreated back into the kitchen, and Kyung just sighed as she stood up again. She tousled her dark curls before turning around to go down another hallway.
“I’ll go wait for others,” she said before leaving.
That just left you and Chan. You couldn’t stop worrying about your tracker now, though there was nothing you could do about it until the healer showed up. So you just laid your head on Chan’s shoulder and observed the quiet room.
Chan sat beside you, keeping his arms around you, even when Jimin returned with a cup of tea for him which she just set on the coffee table. He couldn’t stop thinking about how he had to now tell you that you were his mate. He already got you to a safe place – well, you would be totally safe once the tracker was out of you – so now he had to confess. But considering everything that had happened, he decided that was a conversation for later, at least.
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