#inola reeves
seaslugsims · 14 days
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Inola circa 2001, aged 17
using my fave’s, @veone's minicell poses :)
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seaslugsims · 2 years
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old preg pics of Inola
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seaslugsims · 1 year
12, 21, and 25!
12: Who says "party rockers" and who says "party rock is"?
(i didn't even know this was a debate LOL)
Arya is team 'party rockers', I think Bobbie unknowingly alternates
21: Who drives and who's the passenger princess?
Arya is a passenger princess to Bobbie. Inola and Oscar are kinda equal in driving, but if they drive together Oscar's usually the one driving.
25: Who said I love you first? How did it go?
Bobbie said it first, relevant story post here. Of course it went well. <3
For Inola and Oscar, I actually think Oscar said it first. He kinda always knew he had feelings for her. She kinda had to figure it out but she knew she felt the same when he said it more forwardly.
thank you for the ask!!!
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seaslugsims · 2 years
15 for Dorothy, 16 for Bobbie, 32 and 34 for Inola, 38 for Oscar, and 50 for as many OCs as you feel like answering for!
thank you so much morri!! <3
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
Dorothy: She does, she isn't known for her jokes though. I think a lot of her jokes are more just observation things, that maybe other people don't notice. she's more often accidentally funny.
16. Do they have or want kids?
Bobbie: yes, she does. not too quickly though, they're not her main life goal.
32. If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
Inola: She struggles with letting herself have good things, partly because she didn’t have too many things growing up. So, she accidentally withholds things from herself or won’t use nice things. Probably subconsciously because she thinks she’ll never get them again?
34. How well do they deal with grief?
Inola: Fairly well. It depends though. She is a fairly emotionally strong person, and is better at feeling her emotions as well as having them.
38. What are their dreams like? Do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
Oscar: He does have dreams, and light nightmares? Generally they’re about his family. He often forgets them when he’s awake.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
all my sims are beautiful, of course in my opinion. gonna do inside and outside. this is probably not 100% my favorite, that would take me a while to nail down. but here are some things i love.
Internally- they are genuinely very kind, even when they’re a little closed off.
Externally- I love their nose and little details like their acne and little gold jewelry he wears, which he was gifted by his mom.
Internally- her strong moral convictions, and her caring nature.
Externally- I love her nose and dark features, paired with her lighter and warm colored wardrobe.
Internally- she loves a lot. a lot of hobbies, things, and people. 
Externally- her style, especially now. very her :)
Internally- under the current coldness/closed off, she does love people a lot.
Externally- her current style with the short hair is very fairy, i feel like it fits her best.
The twins together since they have the same face.
Their faces are soft and the freckles compliment that.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
for the oc ask game: 8 and 28 for bobbie, dee, oscar and inola
8. What is their favorite piece of clothing they own?
Bobbie & Dee: answered here
Oscar: he will literally throw on anything but he does like his button ups and polos. (dad-core)
Inola: her sundresses
28. If they had to make a powerpoint on something random, what would it be?
Oscar: how garbage the infrastructure of North American cities are.
Inola: house centipedes and spiders are cool as fuck as long as you don’t have too many of them inside your house.
Dee: Daria Morgendorffer is autistic
Bobbie: Which Monster High characters are queer
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seaslugsims · 2 years
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poorly edited character meme
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seaslugsims · 3 years
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Inola Reeves
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seaslugsims · 2 years
for the oc ask ~ 9 for anyone you like <3
i love this question! thank you <3
9: Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Inola: yes, especially living non-sentient things. it's important to her to keep the environment in mind. as far as non-living inanimate things, she tries to take good care of all of her possessions so they can have their longest 'life.'
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seaslugsims · 2 years
5, 7, 8, 18, 31 for the story ask game!!!! (Sorry I didn’t send these sooner! I’m out of town!) <3
<3 you do not have to apologize!
5. how do you choose your characters’ names?
I mainly focus on origin of the name (making sure it fits their ethnicity/nationality), the meaning of the name, their parents or my idea of their parents and i try to make sure it's not a super common name. I like their names to stand out a little, and mean something about them or their family.
7. whats the biggest risk you’ve taken with your story? did it pay off?
shoot, the romantic relationship arcs of Dee. And, how both of them ended. Amari's felt incomplete and not very well executed (especially because i like her a lot) but I could not see at the time, Amari even thinking she could go anywhere with Dee. With Finn, it was chaotic and fast. Which reflects real life? So, I think I did pretty good with them. Teenage relationships tend to be like that, especially with all of the issues that Dee struggles with. And, with Finn's total character.
(also, fuck me anything school related... some of its cringy. i've blacked out all of middle and high school in my brain)
8. what about your story are you proud of?
I've improved with the visuals and writing with time. And, I feel like I have a bit of a grasp on all of their characters even if I don't fully know all of them yet.
18. choose a song that reminds you of your story
shoot i got a whole playlist
31. drop some random trivia about your story
Inola is 7 years younger than Ama. She's 39, and Ama's 46.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
okay, time to bombard you with asks, bc you reblogged the ask game!!! 6. and 14. for Oscar, 19. for Inola, 10. for Dorothy and Bobbie, 8. and 9. for Arya. That's a lot, I'm sorry!!! But I love hearing about ppl's characters. <3
:D thank you so much!!! no need to apologize.
6. What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?
Oscar: He would likely say the way he treated/neglected the twins over the years. it wasn't a constant but, it happened often enough.
14. What past act are they most ashamed of?
Oscar: See previous...
19. Have they ever had their heart broken?
Inola: Yes. Since she always try to see the best in people, she was often taken advantage of when she gave so many chances to people.
10. What was their childhood ambition?
Bobbie: She wanted to be a Rockstar or something like that in music. She can play the bare minimum acoustic guitar though and hasn't practiced singing or writing much.
Dorothy: Art and writing. Not a very easy career/job to get into though.
8. What advice would they give their younger self?
Arya: Don't be afraid to speak more?
9. What smells/sounds remind them of their childhood?
Arya: Arya's mom loves to cook. Sheela always made sure her kids were well fed. Mostly dishes from Desi culture but also some American food and fusion dishes. Garam masala, chili, turmeric, cumin, ginger, all the spices. They also always used Nivea shea lotion, ever since they were little. That'll probably always be a constant.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
hi! for the ask game pls: 32 for Inola & Oscar, 3 for Bobbie, 1 for Arya & Dee :-)
:] thank you for your ask
32. What were they like in high school?
Inola: She got good grades. She was well liked with most of her peers but, kept a close circle. Mostly of people who she knew for her whole childhood and grew up near her. She was focused mostly on her community and family.
Oscar: He was mediocre in his classes. Mostly making Bs and Cs. He had a couple friends but most people didn't care for him much. Some kids caused him trouble which lead to fights but, he eventually gave up on trying that. He didn't care much for extracurriculars either, just surviving.
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Bobbie would admit, she probably wouldn't fare too well. She likes the outdoors and all but, she's not an experienced camper or survivalist at all. She's never been hunting or really used any weapons either.
1. What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
Arya: Of material things, his laptop. If his siblings weren't safe, he'd definitely go for them first.
Dee: Probably a couple of her stuffed animals.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
wait, I meant 17, not sixteen. But still!! I love hearing about ppls characters. :)
hey! ill answer that one too lolol <3 thank you :)
17. What kind of kid were they? Troublemaker? Goody two shoes? Hyper? Something else?
As a younger kid, she was very pliable? like a lot of kids I suppose. She did what she was told to do. She's always cared about her family even when things got tough and always worked hard for them to a point where it almost burnt her out as a teenager.
As a young kid, he sensed that he didn't really fit anywhere. Which any kids reacts poorly to. He was a fairly turbulent teenager, especially with his father and kids at school. When he realized there was no winning, he just tried to lay low.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
for the ask game: 12 for Inola, 5 for Oscar, and 16 for both!! <3
12. What’s a childhood memory they have?
Inola loved going for hikes with Ama and their late Uncle Atohi. She could spend hours out there, regardless of the weather.
16. Fight or flight?
A gentle fighter, for sure. She's a very resilient and caring woman, if she can fight it, she will.
5. Do they have any siblings? What are their parents like?
Oscar's an only child. His parents have been absent in his life since he was 17, and his father passed when the twins were very young. Which is why the twins don't really have any grandparents or aunts/uncles. Even any of them by blood (maternally and paternally) don't want to be in their lives. His dad was a rather authoritarian parent and his mom mostly stayed in the background. Both of them sort of rushed into being parents and only realized after that they didn't want to be.
16. Fight or flight?
A mix of both. He's getting better at it. He'll verbally fight or push through anything he has to but, sometimes when things are too much for him to handle he'll go for flight.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
20 for Dorothy, Bobbie, and Arya!! Also 13 for Inola!
20. If they had a million simoleons, what would they spend it on?
Dorothy: Probably a cottage in the woods and paying off any medical debt.
Bobbie: A better car maybe even a retrofitted van. She'd spend some of it on her family and put some of it into savings.
Arya: Arya wants to go to university, so probably pay that off in full. If there was money leftover (in the sims universe i guess there would be), it'd probably go to a living space like an apartment and savings.
13. What’s their favorite hobby?
Inola enjoys sewing and gardening a lot.
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seaslugsims · 3 years
2 for Bobbie, 11 for Dee, and 14, 6, and 4 for Inola. <3
thank you for your ask :D
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
She worries she doesn't do enough or won't do enough in her life. When she doesn't meet her own expectations it cuts deep. She can hide it well though.
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
She's a fairly meek person, when something bothers her she'll just keep it to herself, maybe just make aggressive comments in response.. When faced with confrontation she just shuts people out and tries to end the conversation (as shown in the past) So, 'fly into a rage' isn't really the right descriptor.
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
Her favorite physical trait of Oscar's is his hands. She also loves how passionate he is about the things he cares about, even if he doesn't show it. He's hardworking and cares about his responsibilities.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Not really unusual, odd or annoying really but, she's taken it upon herself to actually decorate the house as money allows. Before it was really a blank slate other than the girls rooms. Oscar got rid of most of the decorations Laura had up before she passed. Oscar finds it more endearing and humorous than anything.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
Now, she lives with Oscar and the girls. She really loves Oscar and is excited to live with him and one day get married if the relationship goes that way. She doesn't know the girls as well as she knows Oscar but, she really gets along with Bobbie. Dorothy is fairly distant at the moment and Inola is trying not to step over any boundaries.
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seaslugsims · 2 years
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Ama Reeves
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